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Savi radiation treatment



  • Irishgirl711
    Irishgirl711 Member Posts: 88
    edited October 2019


    It takes awhile. You had a foreign object in your body for several days. I remember that I was sore and swollen for a few weeks. The wound will heal in its own time. I remember that my doctor told me to use neosporin on it and it seemed to help with the healing. You may also need some ibuprofen or other nsaid for the pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor.

    The good thing is that it is over. Time to celebrate that and be kind to yourself.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited October 2019

    mistymn, I had some redness over the cavity but it went away in a couple of weeks. I don't remember itching but had quite a bit of a tingling/vibrating feeling. My wound took a few weeks to totally heal over but I was told it needed to heal from the inside out and not to worry about the hole actually closing--just as long as you don't get an infection. I think I used to put a gauze pad in my bra for a couple of weeks until it was healing. I had a separate seroma in the incision from the sentinel node biopsy and I remember pain and swelling from that but not generally from the radiation or device itself. It will be a delicate area for some time and you'll probably also have some tingling and occasional sharp pains off and on for some months. That's all normal nerve ending reaction as it heals. I remember that it seemed like week-to-week progress instead of thinking I should notice a huge improvement daily, but kept remembering that if I had gone the traditional 6-7 weeks of rads, I would still be going for treatment and thought the SAVI 5 day protocol was a good choice for me. Perhaps hindsight makes it look a little easier than going through the day-to-day healing process. I'm almost 5 years out from the radiation and memory may make it seem that way!!

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    I had my Savi inserted this morning via surgery. I’m feeling pretty good.... just a little pressure. I can’t wait for the next week plus to fly by.

  • mallokg
    mallokg Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019

    grayskies - I’m 1/2 way through treatment and am looking forward to taking a shower in a few days! So far it has been very easy

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    mallokg, welcome to this thread. I'm glad your experience is going well. Yes, that first shower once the device is removed is such a pleasure!!!

    Grayskies, I'm glad you have made it through insertion. The week will fly by as you have to go to the twice-a-days! I'm guessing you begin treatment Monday and go through Friday of next week following the trial run later this week? Just be sure to ask the treatment team how to change the dressing over the weekend and get a phone number to call if you have specific questions before the rads begin.

    Mistymn, how's healing going?

    Love to hear updates from you all. All the best. Ceanna

  • Mistymn
    Mistymn Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2019

    My healing is going fine. The SAVI hole is completely closed now after only a little over a week. My surgeon today says everything looks good. I have an appointment with a medical oncologist next week so I'll see how that goes. As for the other comment you made about dressings over the weekend ceanna, I had my SAVI in over a weekend and the radiologist and his nurses told me NOT to change them at all on my own and they didn't need to be changed over the weekend.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    Thanks for the update Mistymn. Glad you are healing quickly. Sounds like they have changed the protocol since I had my treatment almost 5 years ago--thanks for adding that more recent recommendation. All the best for your MO app't.

  • Mistymn
    Mistymn Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2019

    Another question and request for advice for those who are already past this experience. Two weeks after my SAVI radiation treatment the lumpectomy scar on my breast is turning a bright red and purple. My surgeon didn't seem concerned and just told me to put lotion on it but has anyone used the silicone gel sheets for scars? If not what did you use if anything to help the healing of the lumpectomy scar? My lymph node scar looks wonderful. It is completely scabbed over and looks like a little scratch.

  • mallokg
    mallokg Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019

    I’d be interested in what works for you Mistymn. I just had my Savi removed, about an hour ago and am so glad to be able to move freely again! The pain was not horrible, I did take two Tylenol and 1/4 of a Tramadol before going in to get it removed - I’m sure that helped! Onward to better days

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    Mistymn, my guess would be the redness is just the healing. I had slight redness over the lumpectomy area from the radiation for a couple of weeks, but it healed nicely. The internal radiation does burn like external radiation, but the skin redness from internal is much less than from external, traditional radiation burns. I know my device scar healed much slower than the lumpectomy surgery wound. I still have slight scars for both areas, but my worst looking scar is from my SNB scar because I had developed a seroma which led to swelling for months. Perhaps you could be allergic to whatever lotion you're using. I used Mederma scar gel (you can't use on an open wound) briefly, but found my skin didn't like it!! I did not use silicone sheets.

    mallokg, have you had the device removed today? Enjoy that shower!!

    grayskies. How's it going?

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    Thanks for asking!

    I'm dealing with the first few days of no showering and getting used to this device sticking out of me. I don't feel it often, but sometimes it hurts.I can feel the device under the skin when pressed, and that hurts to do so. So.... I don't do that often. lol

    Radiation starts at 8am on Monday. I'm just hoping the week flies by.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    grayskies, all the best as you begin rads this coming week. I'm sure the week will go fast. I know I felt that way having to be there for two daily treatments made time go fast! No showering is a bummer, but perhaps you've read through this thread for some of the things others have done to get their hair washed and body showered. Yes, don't press on the area!! LOL!! Please keep us updated. Looking forward to Friday!!

  • mallokg
    mallokg Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019

    grayskies, I had a moment of panic last week when I felt my breast and it was hard - It took me a moment to realize that it was the Savi. LOL My week flew by - be good to yourself, REST.

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    My device is hurting me today. I can’t wait for this to be over. At least I’m done with home bandage changes, since the weekend is about over. And I had an aunt help me wash my hair in the sink last night, which felt heavenly. When my hair is clean, my whole body feels clean. Lol

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    I want this thing out of me now. I’m not handling it well today.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    grayskies, sorry you're having pain today, but glad you were able to wash your hair. It's amazing how the small comfort things make us feel better. It is emotional to know something is in your body, and to do bandage changes yourself, and to know you will be starting rads this week, but in five days it will be out. Hang in there and be good to yourself this week. It is do-able!! All the best for a good, fast week!

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    I’m 40% done with radiation. The treatment is easy peasy. The hard part is killing time between treatment sessions.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    grayskies, glad it is going well for you! Yes, the hours between are hard if you're not that close to home. I read, walked, made puzzles, and talked with others--all to past the extra hours. It's still not as much time as when others have traditional radiation for weeks. Hope the remaining days go quickly!! Meanwhile, dream about that first shower!!!

  • mallokg
    mallokg Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019

    Greyskies - you are almost done! Soon the Savi will be out and you will be feeling much better! I hope that the rest of your treatment goes well!

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    this blasted thing will be out in less than 4 hours!

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    One more treatment to go. It’s gone by quickly, yet it seems like this thing has been in me forever. I am so excited to sleep on my left side tonight. Thanks for all the encouragement, y’all.

  • grayskies
    grayskies Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2019

    I’m done. It’s out.

    I got strangely emotional as I left. I am crying i the car.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2019

    grayskies, so glad to hear you're done. Having a foreign object in your body is hard and having it removed is emotional. Enjoy the cry of relief and that first shower when you're allowed. Hope you sleep well.

  • Jcann212
    Jcann212 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2020

    I had the Savi brachy inserted this morning and have a question. Can I use ice pack to help with the pain? Tomorrow is mapping day and then I start radiation on Monday.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,106
    edited April 2020

    Hi Jcann and welcome to,

    We're sorry you're having pain -- we're sure someone will be by shortly to weigh in on this.

    In the meantime, we're so glad you decided to join and post -- you're sure to find our Community an incredible source of information, advice, and support -- we're all here for you as you navigate treatment!

    --The Mods

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited April 2020

    Jcann, sorry I don't know. I don't remember using ice or what the current practice is. I hope you found relief from the pain, but ask tomorrow when you go for mapping. The team I had was very helpful for all those questions. Those nerve endings can get a little agitated! Also make sure you ask how to care for your wound over the weekend--I'm guessing your rads will occur next week and you'll have it out next Friday? All the best for reduction in pain and a gentle week as you receive treatment. If you have any other questions, please ask here and I'll try to get back to you in a more timely manner!! All the best, Ceanna

  • Jcann212
    Jcann212 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2020

    Thank you for your reply and kind words. I will ask many questions today I’m sure. I’m so happy to have found this board! Stay healthy everyone.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited April 2020

    Jcann, hope your appointment goes well today and you have a good weekend before treatment. Please ask any questions you have and we will try to get back to you in a timely manner. Stay safe as you seek treatment during this difficult time.

  • Jcann212
    Jcann212 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2020

    Everything went well for my first treatment. 9 to go. I got this!

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited April 2020

    Jcann, glad things are going well with treatments and you are free of pain. I hope your weekend went well on your own. Just nine more treatments and you'll be free from the device!! You'll be able to enjoy that first shower soon!! All the best. Ceanna