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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited May 26

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I had a bit of a strange day yesterday. Didn't get much sleep Friday night because there was some kind of critter in the front yard that Colt was noisily making sure didn't get into the dog yard. He barked to go out every few minutes most of the night, and then barked continuously while he was out. I kept bringing him back in so he wouldn't keep the neighborhood awake, but it was almost 4 ayem before he settled down. I got up a few hours later, fed the puppers, then decided to sit down in the recliner and close my eyes for a couple minutes before fixing breakfast, next thing I knew it was almost 2 peeyem! I still felt tired, and stumbled around getting something to eat and working on getting hydrated. I had taken Mom to put flowers on graves Friday, and she doesn't like to stop for drinks and I forgot to take something for me to drink, so no fluids from 9 ayem to 6 peeyem for me, in a hot car most of the time with the AC set much warmer than I like so Mom doesn't get cold. I think I still need to ketchup some on the fluids today. I've got to check the weather, my new kayak was delivered last week and I want to take it out but need some time without wind gust and thunderstorm watches/warnings.

    Carole--so glad to hear you have arrived safely at the summer place! Hope you had a nice happy hour with the friends.

    Morning, Minus!

    Carole/Sunshine/Misty--ok, I thought it was just my computer that was acting wonky when I got on BCO recently. I'm also seeing random blank posts. All this started after I had trouble getting signed in a few days ago. Must be a bug in the system.

    Karen--Hooray for the end of the school year being in sight! I've got a couple of teacher friends who are retiring at the end of this school year that are both counting down days! I hope you have a great time hiking this weekend.

    Teka--I've been thinking the same thing! Praying for Goldie, too.

    Morning, Wren!

    Reader--ooh, Raspberry Moscato spritz sounds wonderful!

    Reader--thanks for reporting the issue.

    Chi--what you described sounds like what I experienced the other day. After clearing the browser cache I could get onto the threads, but started with older posts and lots of empty posts.

    Carole--Farmer's Market season is just getting started here, so far mostly seedlings and plants, a very few veggies, but lots of things at the bakery stall. Things will pick up for us over the next few weeks.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Kim - I also just got a message from her daugher, Jennifer. I'm so sad to hear that the end is near for Lori that is my sadness for my loss. I'm glad that she won't be suffering anymore. And glad that she is surrounded by her family.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713

    I hate the bad news but appreciate the update. Not sure what my next drink will be but it’ll be for Goldie.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,174

    All the best to Goldie for a peaceful and easy passing. She will be missed as strongly as she was loved.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 27

    So sad that Lori's journey is nearly at an end—may she have a comfortable and peaceful trip en route to her rendezvous with Darrell.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Goldie, surrounded by family, glad your move allowed this to happen as it did. Gut punch for the rest of us, who will miss your sunny personality, that was a shining beacon on this thread. sob 😪

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 589

    Goldie - you are a star. So glad you have your family around you. I will think of you when I look at our wonderful wide skies at night.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944

    I'm better for having known Lori on this thread. Sad for us and her family. 😘🙏😓

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day and a prayer and a thank you to all the armed forces who sacrificed their lives for America and the principles we value.

    I'm thinking of Goldie/Lori and her family, and don't have much of anything else to say this ayem.



    For red layer

    25ml grenadine

    25ml vodka

    1 handful cocktail ice

    For white layer

    40ml pina colada mix

    handful cocktail ice

    For blue mix

    pre-made blue berry squash

    handful of cocktail ice


    For each colour blend each colour until a slushy consistency

    Layer immediately as you blend or blend each layer in larger batches and store in the freezer

    Server in large glasses with a cherry on top


    From <

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,136

    Tears in my eyes as I write, thinking of Goldie. We will miss her and her sunny personality. So glad she managed the move to MI to be surrounded by family.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    So sad to hear about her. May her journey be filled with love and peace.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Thinking of Goldie tonight as I get caught up here on some updates. Praying for an easy transition for her during this time.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925

    Sad news. I hope her passing is pain free and peaceful. I know we will all miss her

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    Let’s party! I’m at the halfway point of my last term! My big paper is finished, just got to do a minor tweak on it and it’s ready to get turned in!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day. It was rainy, windy, and chilly here. I spent the ayem with Mom who called because she was scared she was having a stroke because the place where she hit her head on a cabinet door last week was still sore and felt funny. She's on a blood thinner so it takes quite a bit longer for her to reabsorb bruises like that, and that was what she was feeling. We had a talk about how it takes longer to get over things like that the more advanced the stage of youth a person is in. Driving to her place I had visions of spending the day in the ER waiting for her to get her head scanned. I was quite happy that wasn't needed.

    Hugs to Carole, Mommy, Jazzy, Wren

    Mommy--HOORAY for the last paper being finished and almost ready to turn in!

    Bourbon Peach Iced Tea



    • 1 1/2 lb. fresh peaches (about 3), peeled, sliced
    • 2 c. (400 g.) granulated sugar


    • 6 black tea bags 
    • 1/2 c. (or more) bourbon
    • Ice
    • 1 fresh peach, sliced 


      1. Step 1In a medium pot over medium heat, bring peaches, sugar, and 2 cups water to a boil. Cook, stirring occasionally, until peaches have completely softened, 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool.
      2. Step 2Strain syrup through a fine-mesh sieve, pressing on peaches with a spoon to release more juice. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate until ready to use.
      3. Step 3Make Ahead: Syrup can be made 1 month ahead. Keep refrigerated.
    • TEA
      1. Step 1In a medium pot or kettle, bring 4 cups water to a boil. Remove from heat and add tea bags. Let steep 5 to 8 minutes. Discard tea bags.
      2. Step 2Pour tea into a heatproof pitcher. Add 1 cup peach simple syrup and 4 cups water and stir to combine. Let cool.
      3. Step 3When ready to serve, add bourbon. Taste and add more bourbon or simple syrup, if needed.
      4. Step 4Serve over ice with peach slices.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,136

    Good morning. The sun is shining. It's breezy and is supposed to be in the 50's and 60's today. Our Memorial Day was dreary with overcast skies and occasional light rain. We ventured to Walmart and to a liquor store. At home in Louisiana every supermarket has a liquor department but here in MN you can buy wine and liquor only in liquor stores.

    Today I plan to take a walk for exercise. Maybe do some laundry, using the washer and dryer in the little laundry room.

    I still need to go to the Anytime Fitness gym in town and pay for a 3 month membership offered to summer people at a higher price than the regular membership. I wish there was a YMCA but no such luck. I also need to buy flowers for the deck but the urge hasn't struck yet.

    NM, glad you didn't have to spend Memorial Day at the ER and glad your mom didn't need to go for emergency care.

    Happy Tuesday to all.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    I'm drinking a Grenache and thinking of Goldie. She has been on my mind (and in my soul) since the post.

    I've got my onco appointment on Thursday and having icky feelings about going/stress/panic, blah, blah…I miss my retired onco. I emailed her and she wished me luck with my appointment. Not sure why doctor appointments freak me out. I'm usually a veg, deer in headlights, till after my appointment. I've gotten all my labs, so nothing they can't tell me that I don't already know…still….

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 29

    Chilly here by the lake with scattered showers. Had a "shave" biopsy of a tiny (3mm) growth on my L upper arm, which the derm thinks is likely squamous cell carcinoma (heeere we go again). If it is (or she didn't get clean margins) I have to go back for a punch excision and perhaps Mohs. Then topical chemo. Outside chance it's just an actinic keratosis ("cutaneous horn"), but it went from a mini-pimple to "3-D" in just 2 months, so best to catch it early. Can't shower till tomorrow afternoon, and have to use a special abx ointment because the last skin biopsy I had in 2016 (benign) led to a cutaneous MRSA infection. With my MGUS I'm mildly immunocompromised, so infections of all kinds need to be headed off at the pass.

    Going out to a BYOB restaurant for steak tonight, so Bob will pick out a red to bring. Whatever it is, will raise a glass to Lori.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here today. I may take the kayak out today if it isn't going to be too breezy.

    Carole--Maine used to be like that--only sold alcohol is Agency Liquor Stores, what we used to call Package stores or Packies. Now just about every store has a liquor license and sells everything. It's sad the way places take advantage of seasonal visitors.

    Wally--I'm actually surprised more of us don't react to appointments the same way you do. I think we all harbor a fear of being surprised with some new information we don't want to hear, even if we already know the labs/scans are good. The Grenache sounds tasty!

    Chi--praying for clear margins and benign diagnosis on the biopsy. I hope the steak dinner was great!

    Grenache Rosé Paloma

    The Grenache Rosé Paloma is a refreshing and citrusy cocktail that combines the crispness of Grenache Rosé with the tangy flavors of grapefruit and lime. It is a perfect drink for summer gatherings and outdoor parties. To make a Grenache Rosé Paloma, simply mix Grenache Rosé, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and a splash of soda water. Serve it over ice and garnish with a slice of grapefruit. This cocktail is a delightful twist on the classic Paloma, showcasing the versatility of Grenache Rosé in cocktails.

    From <>

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    Make mine a seltzer water with citrus fruit in it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    With the steak dinner, 2019 Jean Louis Grande Reserve Côtes du Rhone.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    NM - looking forward to a kayak report. Wally - hope all goes well tomorrow.

    In Texas, alcohol is regulated by county. From one time State Owner liquor stores, it's progressed to wine & beer in the grocery stores - at least in most big cities. But not until noon on Sundays. For anything else, we now have "real" liquor stores, which are closed on Sundays. Most annoying if you plan to make margaritas for Father's Day and forget to buy the tequila.

    Sending thoughts Goldie's way and holding her close to my heart.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    WI had booze anywhere they could sell it…liquor stores, grocery stores, gas stations and happily sold it any time of day or night, up till 2am, I think. Washington state was a state owned liquor with govt stores. Costco decided to buck the system and started campaigns for privatization. It passed, along with the 20% liquor tax PLUS a liter tax, which averages about 30% on spirits. I hate it. I'm spoiled with WI practice. Add to it that the initial price of booze is almost always double before taxes. UGH. Glad I love wine.

    Minus, thank you. It is the dread of going that gets me…SO wish I could get over doc-xiety.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,732

    Connecticut sells beer in grocery stores but not on a Sunday and during the week I think you can buy it up to 7 or 8 p.m. Otherwise if you want wine or hard liquor you have to go to the liquor store or package store or “packy” as they say out here.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! It was too breezy and just a tad too cool to take the kayak out yesterday, but there is a string of good weather days coming up that I plan to take advantage of. Today is getting the Jeep looked at, PT, and grocery shopping. Made my favorite spring meal yesterday, lamb and fiddlehead stew, in the slow cooker. I've got a few fiddleheads left over to saute to go with dinner tonight. And a shipment of rose wines came in yesterday, so I’ll get to try one of those, too.

    Mommy--seltzer with citrus is good, too!

    Chi--sounds yummy!

    Minus--hope to have a kayak report this weekend! Here in Maine alcohol cannot be sold between 1 ayem and 6 ayem, except for Sundays--no sale between 1 ayem and 9 am. New Year's Day is an exception, alcohol may be sold until 2 ayem that day. I can remember when alcohol couldn't be sold on Sundays at all, in fact, very few stores could be open on Sundays once upon a time. The Blue Laws have changed over time. Legal drinking age was 18 until I was 18 and a half, then it went up to 21, so I had to wait again.

    Wally--wow, that is a lot of tax on spirits in particular!

    Hugs and prayers for Goldie.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972

    Good morning friends:

    Been awhile since I have had a chance to post, but having a staycation this week and finally getting a moment to check in here with everyone. I have been reading on the thread periodically and following along on everyone's updates, and of course, following on the changes with Goldie. I am glad she got moved back to the midwest to be with her family and hope she is getting good care and some pain relief during this time of transition. She has fought a good fight for a very long time. Cancer sucks.

    Life continues to keep me busy and still chugging away at the job. Still targeting to be done with this FT stint by end of 2025, but am checking in on my milestones as we go along here. I do plan to work part-time, maybe at the current place but a different role, which would allow me to keep some benefits and higher income until I get to full social security in a few more years. Or I may just get to my medicare and cut this loose (the better idea) and go back to some PT consulting. I am reaching Medicare soon (turn 65 next spring) and full vesting at the job (next fall) which I am tracking for my final milestones. The project I am working on is a year late and likely to go even later, but not focused on that for my decisions.

    I took this week off to have a staycation of sorts, but with a little trip for a yoga retreat up north that begins tomorrow. With the three day weekend last weekend and another one planned for this weekend, I decided to take the full week off and also get caught up on some things at home. Been doing a lot of work to clean out closets, the garage, etc. and take loads of things to the dump, consignment, donations, and more. Plus some time to enjoy some social outings and self care (I had a lovely facial at my local spa yesterday). I am heading to do some more drop offs today, will finish some work in the gardens I am doing, then get my final packing done and will be on the road tomorrow morning bright and early to head up north and spend some time at my fav hot springs for a soak before we check in tomorrow afternoon to begin our yoga time. My next break will be in early July when I have a four day weekend around July 4th and will be chipping away a bit more on my to do list I won't get through this week. Weekends are focused on recovering from one week and getting ready for the next plus some additional exercise in.

    No other big travel plans this year, I did more last year with trips with some accrued needs post pandemic, but this year, not been inspired to go anywhere (plus plane travel continues to feel harder in time nevermind travel is expensive). I will take another full week off this fall and am thinking of doing a road trip somewhere around the southwest. I am planning to do a bigger trip next fall to Iceland and Ireland before I step out of the FT workforce, and saving up for that.

    NM- sounds like you are enjoying retirement so far. I think I saw you were getting out in the kayak now with the summer getting started in Maine. I know the puppers must be glad to have you around as well as your mom who sounds like she needs some extra help these days.

    Chi- I hope your biopsy comes out okay. I have a spot on my nose I think needs checking out and going to make an apt with the derm center today. Sounds like you have some new additions to the family (aka cats!)

    MinusTwo- I hope you are doing okay, been hearing about a lot of intense weather in Houston this spring. The weather all over the country is severe this spring. Clovis/Portales to the SE of here got some baseball sized hail last night and a funnel that dropped but didn't stay on the ground for long. Meanwhile, it's heading up into the 90s here now and the wildfires have started up again this spring. Sigh…..

    Mommy- nice to see you hear and remember you from some other threads I used to be on. Are you finishing up a class, semester, or degree?

    Illimae- how is life in West Texas? What's being served at the bar these days?

    Teka- hello to you up in north country and hope you are enjoying late spring your way.

    I was chuckling reading about the stories of access to alchohol. I grew up on the east coast with the "packies" and then moved to the DFW area for grad school where I lived in a "dry county" but could drive down the road a mile over the line to the city of Fort Worth and buy alchohol (back in my party days, lol). Here in New Mexico, alchohol is very accessible (and also a big problem with creating a lot of DWIs) and you can buy everything in the grocery stores 24 by 7. I don't drink that much these days, but still love my summer vodka and tonics (found a bottle of Absolut lime vodka on sale at the store yesterday) and also still enjoy my wine. I am going to be up near a fabulous wine shop this weekend and plan to hit that on the way back to pick up some rose for summer time and a party I am planning for later this summer with some in my yoga community.

    Time to get going to the dump (lol, don't be jealous) and wishing everyone a good weekend and summer coming up for those here in the northern hemisphere. Be back again when I can!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, all. I'm just popping in to say hello.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Lori (Goldie). I hope they can get her pain under control and that she is comfortable.

    Love to all,


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited May 31

    5/29/24 From Jennifer Montgomery, Lori Kiser’s daughter posted on FB
    My mom is now forever cancer free. 😢 😭 she was such a fighter. She fought until the very very last minute. I don't know how to exist in this world without her. But I know she raised me as strong woman. And for her I will remain as strong as I can
    Love you mom

    May Lori's memory be for a blessing. She will be missed. I first met Lori in 2007 and quickly became friends. Her loss leaves a hole in my heart

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476

    Hello ladies. It's been a very long time since I've posted here. My name is Donna and I was "Casinogirl" when I was on here many years so. I am friends with Lori (Goldie) and am so sorry to hear this news. I knew she had just moved to Michigan and was not doing so great but did not know this latest news. I sent her a message a couple of days ago but didn't receive a response and now I know why. I am not in contact with her daughter but appreciate any updates shared here. I've had the pleasure of meeting her in person several times and she is one of a kind. My heart is broken.