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how about drinking?



  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006

    Hey!!! No one around tonight? Too tired from shopping or what??? :-/

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Twas the weekend before Christmas and all through the house. Not a dog, cat, or husband were awake. Not even a mouse.

    So today is a great day. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. Gonna decorate the Christmas tree, make cookies and fudge - and of course watch football. Then the light bulb lit up!!! I have Baileys. So I just lit a fire and Im enjoying my coffee with some Baileys!

    Janis: Last night while you were awake - I was snoring away.

    Have a great day everyone

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    So I just lit a fire and Im enjoying my coffee with some Baileys!

    So now Nicki's back on the couch snoring again. So much for the decorating and baking, huh?? Enjoy!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh...who wants to come help me bake...I'll supply the drinks!!! I always make a terrible mess!'ll need your toe socks LOL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    Oh Janis...check out the link I sent you!!! If you like them I'll print and send them to you and do more if you want.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006

    Oh...who wants to come help me bake...I'll supply the drinks!!! I always make a terrible mess! LOL

    Um, Vickie, you're supposed to wait until your'e done baking before you start drinking - that's why you always make a mess!!!

    About the pics - were they artsy-fartsy? 'Cause that's what I picked up on. And it was just the one pic, right? I guess I'm a little confused as to what you did. (and I'm not drunk OR hung-over)

    Nicki, are you snoozing through Da Bears game today? I bought some Vanilla Royale which is similar to Bailey's but with cognac and vanilla - yum!

    Okay, time to watch more football! Happy Sunday! (can you tell that I'm not working today???)

    Janis L
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Janis...yeah...did do just one pic. Cropped it and added special effects, sepia tone, watercolor and soft touch and maybe a black and white...can't remember. Just thought they were so pretty and I'd play a bit...guess they are a bit too "artsy fartsy".
    Back to cookies
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006

    They were cool, I just prefered the other pic of me & Avery better! Well, Da Bears won and it was a heart stopper but they managed to pull it out in the end. I'm definitely having some wine tonight as 1) I'm off tomorrow, 2) I have to work the next 6 days is a row, and 3) the Survivor finale is on tonight so cheers everyone!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Don't think I didn't like the picture of you and Avery better!!! I thought they were simply beautiful and am so very happy for you. I was an art major (now a bookkeeper...go figure)and used to paint portraits, draw, do sculpter and stained glass...thanks to neuropathy that won't seem to go away all I'm capable of is graphic art and photography. You should see my handwriting...I really have to struggle just to write legibly. Glad your bears won.
    Cheer and hugs all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    So I didnt pass out. Made a bunch of cookies and fudge. Now I remember why I dont bake cookies every year. Its cause I EAT them faster than I can bake them.

    I did have a great day. Although I must admit, the Bears game was so anxiety ridden, I had to have a glass of wine to calm down.

    Janis: Big article in the Daily Herald about adopting children from Guatamala. Hope you had a chance to read it. I thought of you right away.

    Anyways, gotta go. No Baileys this morning. Time to shower and get ready for work. Anticipating this is gonna be one heck of a week out there.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006
    Hi Nicki,

    So glad you surviveed yesterday - I was worried about you! And what day did that article run? I'm sure it was something about The Hague being ratified as that's been the Big News about Guatemala lately. Thanks for thinking of me!

    Janis L
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good Afternoon drinking girls,

    Had a great weekend with plenty of drinking. I'm mostly a beer drinker and football and beer seems to go together. I did get into the spiced run yesterday though and it was good. Its amazing how quick that bottle can go from full to empty. Oh well, looks like another stop at the package store.

    Whos drinking tonight?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Amy: Ahahaha so much fun to find you here. By the way: Distored Humor got an early Christmas present. A pair of gloves he from Mazer the Tazer.

    Vicki: You made so many cookies. OMG! I would gain 20 pounds.

    Janis: The article was actually really good. It wasnt negative at all. Showed pictures of another woman like you, holding the child she will so to be adopting. It talked more about the agony of waiting and how long it could be. You have to somehow get a copy of the Daily Herald. I swear I was gonna find a picture of you there too.

    Just finished the last trimming of my Christmas tree. Have a nice glass of wine. Husband is battling me for computer time. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Go Bears!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh I have cookies EVERYWHERE!!! We had a cookie exchange at work so I had to bake cookies for that...had to bake cookies for our housekeeping/maintance staff for all they have done for me this past year...for our aides who have done so much and for two of my neighbors and my sister. Haven't delivered all of them yet and they are looking pretty good right now...think I'll stick with wine tonight though...maybe I'll get some sleep.
    Welcome Amy...pull up a stool and have a drink.
    Ok...gotta cook dinner for little guy...he thinks he may starve to death at any minute...I swear he has a wooden leg.
  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2006
    Hey Buds~

    Got moved in and my GREAT friends from Missouri came while I was on vaca and unpacked boxes and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Now those are some good friends! Ex left the place a total pig sty.

    Had a great time with my sisters in Montego Bay! Didn't know I could consume so much rum...(okay, maybe I DID know...)

    Anywho - Internet is on the fritz and I spent THREE hours today with the support person and still no internet, so am sending a quick note from BF's PC to say hi.

    Janis - the pic of you and Avery is gorgeous! I am so happy for you!
    Gotta run sistas, talk later.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Looks like no one is drinking tonight.
    Off to bed with me...I'll probably have nightmares about friggin cookies!
    My house is a mess...I swear I have gremlins that come out at night and during the day when I'm at work and make messes everywhere! I need a maid for Christmas (preferably a male...what would you call that?).
    Night all
    Sweet dreams
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    OH got that right...just what I want under my Christmas tree!!! Maybe if I put a tree in the bedroom Santa will actually come through...pppfffttt.
    I always said I wanted a big house with a basement full of men that I could take out to use for whatever I needed and put back when I was done...all of them to take care of to cook, one to clean, one to drive me wherever I wanted, one to landscape and do the lawn, one to wash the car, one to do laundry...hmmm...just imagine LOL!
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006
    Or, Boy Toy!!!

    I was off today so I shopped. Figured I'd better work on the baby registry (and Avery loves her big nipple on her bottle but here in the Sates they're almost impossible to find) and I also tried to do some x-mas shopping but came home with nothing but a few groceries for the week! I can shop tomorrow before work and that will be that! I refuse to go to any mall this weekend. I get enough craziness at work with all the people and there's no way I'll knowingly put myself in the middle of frenzied x-mas shoppers! So my plan is to stay home and drink! Tonight I broke into the Vanille Royale and it's yummy, kind of like melty alcoholic ice cream.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    vickie..........can you overnight express me some of your cookies??????

    i can't bake (hate to bake actually) and after over a year of being away from my job, i'm going to a staff christmas lunch when i get done with the radiologist..........yikes.......i'm very nervous.........send me some cookies ok?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    awww Shel...If I can find a way to quickly get you some cookies I will...shipping to Canada is a pain but where there is a will there is a way. Wishing you all the very best'll be in my thoughts ALL day and you will be fine.
    Hmmm...boy toy...yup.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    There just isnt enough time anymore. So many people here I want to talk to and not enough time to do it all. It must be the Holidays.

    Im enjoying a nice glass of "good" Pinot Grigio - why? Because I like it. And second why? Cause I had a busy day and got into a little bit of friction with the person I share my office with. Anyways, to make along story short, she actually had the nerve to say to me "Are you taking medication? If not, you should be." Oh my Italian temper. I almost so lost it.

    So now Im home and the wine has certainly taken away that tight feeling I had all day. Ya know, when your jaw feels tight? I knew I loved my wine. Who needs xanax lol.

    As far as cookie making goes. Well I was so proud of myself cause I made one batch of chocolate chip cookies. And they are already gone lol. Im making fudge tomorrow - hope I dont eat that before Christmas.

    Janis, Lini, Shel, Vickie, Donna - we are so close yet so far away. When you all are up and talkin, Im sound asleep snoring.

    Amy - looking for you and Mazer the Tazer. Distorted Humor just licked my last glass of wine. Thats why my hsuband is getting me another glass. So he is passed out. Hee hee hee - Distorted humor, not my husband.

    Shel: I look forward to when you go back to work - that is totally selfish. Cause you and I will be up at the same times. Rug Burn on your face - ouchy. Somehow, falling asleep in front of the fire place sounds peaceful!! Except in this house. Have tile floor in front of our fire place. I would want a nice warm rug and cozy robe. With of course, a glass of Pinot Grigio.

    Stay well everyone. Talk to ya all later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hey Nicki...I'm still up and I surely would have swatted your co-worker...what a rude insensitive lousy thing to say.
    eeeerrrrrr....things like that make me soooo angry.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Hey Vickie: Still on the computer. Husband is now singing his entire act to me lol.

    But this time, I really am gonna sign off lol.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    You guys are "early to bed, early to rise" I guess cause, I work mostly evening hours, well twice a week, til midnight or later, but it is ahrd for me to go to sleep on the other nights, before 11 or 12.
    Always one of the last here, just like Nicki is always one of the first in the Circle. Tonight, I am tired, one glass of wine and off to bed.
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006

    Im enjoying a nice glass of "good" Pinot Grigio - why? Because I like it. And second why? Cause I had a busy day and got into a little bit of friction with the person I share my office with. Anyways, to make along story short, she actually had the nerve to say to me "Are you taking medication? If not, you should be." Oh my Italian temper. I almost so lost it.


    I'm here!!!

    Nicki, ya want me to open a can of woop-ass??? I might be small but do know how to kick some serious butt!

    And Christine - what up??? I'm here! Am I the only one up tonight??? Oh well, I'll figure out something to do.....
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    i'm wide awake too...........but the clock on has me all messed up!

    i haven't slept in what seems like a year!

    janis?........when are you getting that beautiful baby?
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006
    My-Shel!! Where have you been??? I'm still mad at you for dissin' me in my own home-town but I suppose I could forgive you.....

    Still waiting on my baby Avery.....

    As for sleeping, my 'remedy' (dare I post this?) is Vicodin with some form of alcohol. Possibly toxic to the liver but if you eat and drink healthy before and after how bad could it be???

    Seriously, get some Ambien CR. The 'regular' Ambien works for shit but the 'CR' much is better. You'll just be a little groggy in the a.m. Nothing some strong coffee can't fix!

    I'm here, always around. I'm sorry for all your 'stuff' but do know that you always have a friend in me!!!

    Janis L
  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2006

    Oh, and yes the 'clock' here is messed up! I noticed that the other night. It's 12:50 here in Chi-town but the clock will register 2 hours later (I think?).

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Afternoon drinking buddies,

    10 minutes till 5 and cant wait to head out of here and have a nice cold guinness on tap. mmmmmmmm,,I can taste it already.

    Nicki, glad distorted humor liked the gloves. Mazer said she sure as he!! didnt need them in Alabama this year. She started getting her winter coat but mid way has decided she doesnt need it. Grrrrr,,I hate this weather. I dont think I am supposed to live in Alabama.

    Speaking of pets and alcohol,,I set my eggnog and rum down the other day and my tiny 2.5 pound rat terrier that climbs like a cat made her way over to it and by the time I found it she had several good licks down. Hmm,,hope she slept well. Crazy dog. All of my dogs like beer though, but then again, they are my dogs.

    jaybird that vanilla stuff sounds pretty dang good. Might have to try that. I drank alot of that vanilla smirnof when it came out as I was tailgating a Tennessee Titan/Pittsburg Steelers game. Wow! I think it was the 3rd quarter before I realized I was watching the game.

    Christine, I used to be a night person and could easily get back to that but I work in the mornings so I find myself up till 11:30 or so then stuggling to pull my A$$ out of bed.

    ok,,time to get out the door and get that nice cold mug,,,pitcher of guinness! Bread in a bottle.
