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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013


    The Leprechaun is an Irish fairy. He looks like a small, old man (about 2 feet tall), often dressed like a shoemaker, with a cocked hat and a leather apron. According to legend, leprechauns are aloof and unfriendly, live alone, and pass the time making shoes. They also possess a hidden pot of gold.  Treasure hunters can often track down a leprechaun by the sound of his shoemaker's hammer. If caught, he can be forced (with the threat of bodily violence) to reveal the whereabouts of his treasure, but the captor must keep their eyes on him every second. If the captor's eyes leave the leprechaun (and he often tricks them into looking away), he vanishes and all hopes of finding the treasure are lost.

    Near a misty stream in Ireland in the hollow of a tree
    Live mystical, magical leprechauns
    who are clever as can be 
    With their pointed ears, and turned up toes and little coats of green
    The leprechauns busily make their shoes and try hard not to be seen. 
    Only those who really believe have seen these little elves 
    And if we are all believers
    We can surely see for ourselves.
    (Irish Blessing)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    AWWWWW Bernie.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  TGIF!!!

    Goldie--all of 18 degrees here this ayem.  Chilly.  Brrrrr.    Ooh, like the hump day guy!

    Cammy--Yup, I do have a lot to cook, had to hit the Dollar Tree for some baskets to use to organize it all!  What problems I have! Wow, an athiest and an Catholic, you must have heard some really interesting dinnertime conversations!  What has your doc got you on for pain now?  Just curious. . .

    Mema--the sun did come out for a while yesterday, finally!  Then it clouded up and started snowing again as I was driving home.  Back in a cold spell for a week or so according to the weather guessers.  He's actually talking about wind chill factors this ayem!  Yeesh! 

    BBBBernie--Wow, that is great stuff about the Shamrock!  I love learning about the history of things like this.  Thanks for sharing!


    Juliet--Oh, yes, Sadie is much more cuddly when she's wet and muddy!  Isn't every pet that way? 

    Wahine--That's quite a trip you've got planned!  Hope you have a blast and all goes without any hitches!

    DorKable--I'll be praying that your Dad gets a place soonliest, and that the house in SC sells quickly.  And you can have tea here in the Lounge, just call it a cuppa hot Long Island Iced Tea! 

    Becs--playing ketchup here is a hard job.  Usually we just jump in where things are and move on. 

    Not-Me--we are ALWAYS open to new Loungettes!  Pull up a bar stool--watch out for the Loungettes lounging on the padded floor--and tell the Tenders what you want to drink! 

    Wahine--the local bakeries made a big deal about Pi day, and seem to have made quite a profit on it, too!  It's actually kind of fun!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Ides of March

    1 orange

    1 1/2 cups orange juice

    1/3 cup milk

    1/2 tsp. vanilla

    1/3 cup vodka or whiskey

    To hollow out an orange cup off the top 1/4. Use either a paring knife or spoon to hollow.

    Fill blender halfway with crushed ice. Add ingredients. Blend until smooth.

    Pour into hollowed out oranges to serve. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Hi Lovelies

    Im home so happy! great trip..........

    In May have my implants yeaaaaaa

    undie is 2 weeks before me

    goldie I have pics from my I phone u know I do not know how to post them but ill send them over to u

    goldie is glitter princess

    cammie comedian

    bernie biker chic chick

    wahine the traveler

    NM super nurse

    dork fart o Lateran

    Juliet uk hottie

    mema Vegas chick

    cyn beer chick

    idk being silly today must b the vodka

    love u all

    cammie this mty routine always check this first

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    funny pictures  watch the pic spooky

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    This is tan mom I find her disturbing

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    got my corn beef and cabbage yesterday yummmmmmmmmm

    Im not irish but like it

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013




    st patricks day photo: St Patricks Day guinness2.jpg
    St Patricks Day


    St Patricks Day



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    guiness bombs car bombs Irish bombs

    guiness with a shot of baileys droped in drink fast all of it

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Chocolate covered strawberry shots. Vanilla vodka, Godiva liquor, and some chocolate syrup for a delicious shot in an edible glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    That's siple to figure out^^^^^^^ choc. vodka and choc. syrup. What a wonderful I dea for a brunch--yes cus i have so many of them-

  • Jlynn0807
    Jlynn0807 Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2013

    Oh wow.

    Tan mom?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Cami, I love what you yam! And as for my weather, it may be nice today,  but next week could bring a foot of snow, you just never know what it’s going to be this time of year. The only thing guaranteed is the WIND. OMG, you have the best stories. Catholic school, atheist dad, and how dare you wear ballerina’s to school???

    Ha ha, hello Sugar Razor-Thong (ouch).

    Kathy, I always have to chuckle at that store called Pubix!

    Uh oh, Cami’s D is contagious, now Dorty has it. I hope your tummy is better today. Sawry your daddy feels bad that your mom does not know him. I hope she has days that she does and praying he can get into that home. I'm still looking for you own personal dude, but in the mean time, here are a few for the other gals!

    LMAO, Sue looks like you HAVE my zoom net, not that you NEED it! You see goils, my DH says a lot of things “go over my head”, so I use to say dat I needed a ZOOM NET to catch doze tings. Well, we decided dat my ZOOM NET habbed a hole in it. And for the record, he also calls me scarecrow!

    Becks, whenever someone says how tired they are, I always think thyroid and vitamin levels, as that was a problem I was having. You can always get those things easily checked out with some simple blood work, unless you detest needles like our sweet NM.

    Cami, you don’t sound crabby at all love, but have every reason possible to be crabby iffin you want.

    Not-Me……………..been on BCO since 2005 and you haven’t been to The HTL? Why come on in, pull up a stool, grab a drink and a Tender if you like. Welcome!

    Oh I hope our warm spell makes it’s way up to you NM.

    Lara, you can be as silly as you want, and yes, send over the pictures.

    Allergies really kicking in, besides all the sneezing, meese ize and noze iz so itchy!

    Happy Day Ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies--it's Fried-day and the vacuum is going.I was awake most of the nite and heard someone running to my room and there's Joey--bad dream so we cuddled and i fell asleep around 4:30AYEm--warching FRIENDS on TV.

    NM I like the DOTDsounds yummy and who doesn't like choc. on anyone.

    Orange that first picture was not 1/2 as scary as the 2nd one--oops is that someone we know. But the "tan" is a little much.

    Oh NM I can only take Fentynol or Tylenol 3--the other ones give me bad heart palpatations. So I took the Tylenol 4 this time--30% more codeinne??? I hope it helps, The patch is just awful to me, I dont like it.--I still had some D this morning so took more meds for that. I know I still have more tests to go

    It's glumpy out today no sun--Oh i know it's there just not seeing it.

    I was going to go out to lunch with Adey yesterday and had to cancel, today with 2 of my gf's from HS and had to cancel. GRRRRR again.

    Dork i wish I had a magic wand to take all u'r worries away......

    Kat do u have u'r own plane?--i bet with all the flying u do u could invest in one--I never knew anyone who travels like u do--That is so wonderful for u and u'r DH.

    Lori--are u still going to look for help? I hope so--u sounded so happy about it too.

    My Katie-Kat is kneading on my back right no--never did that til lately--I almost trust her cat scan mor than the Drs. she's goin crazy right now eeck--I really feel something else is going on in my back somewhere--u know how u get feelings out things and I think it's in hiding and I'm not an alarmest at all--so i better get to a back Dr. soon and see what he says. I'll bring my cat for a consultation.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Goldie i bumped right into u---but i stopped for a while to pick up a tendah--I got 2 for now--i seem to wear tem out so easily  the hot mama that i yam.

    Again BTW did we see Kat's eyes before she goes trolloping around the world--Lori if she send them to u u have to show us--wif her permission of course-Bwhahahahaha. And Lori u'r weather is crazier than Chicago's is. How coud that possibly be. Wait til we compare summer. Well i tink I'll have some strawberries with my tendah--one at a time u know.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Traditional Boiled Bacon Dinner.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Bacon and Cabbage.

    Shouldn’t that be Corned Beef and Cabbage?

    Well, no, it shouldn’t. Bacon and cabbage is a commonly eaten dish in Ireland and while corned beef is eaten with cabbage it is a (relatively) recent arrival from, wait for it, America! How can this be?

    To find out, we need to look for a moment into the history of food in Ireland.

    In the past beef was a food eaten only by the wealthy. The ordinary Irish people, when they had access to meat at all, would have eaten pork. Because there was no way of storing fresh meat, they made the pork into bacon. This was done at  home by simply brining it, or preserving it with salt.

    When the era of mass emigration arrived, during and after the famine in the 19th century, Irish emigrants to America found that beef was quite affordable.  Still, they treated it in just as they had always treated the meat – pork – they were familiar with at home.

    Thus brined beef or corned beef  became popular, even traditional, among Irish American families.

    Until about the middle of the 20th century, people living in Ireland would never have eaten or been able to obtain corned beef. But returning emigrants and greater ease of trans-Atlantic travel meant that the dish found its way to Ireland.

    Nowadays corned beef is widely available in Ireland, but bacon and cabbage is still far more popular. It is a regular meal in Irish homes and often seen on menus, especially at lunchtime in pubs. Many restaurants and pubs serve corned beef also – but mostly those which expect to see a good number of American tourists, since it is a dish visitors expect to find.

    From the point of view of this recipe it really doesn’t matter whether you use corned beef or bacon – one is an Irish American dish, the other an Irish one, but in either case there will be plenty of tradition on the plate!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013


    • 900 – 1350g collar of bacon
    • 1 medium-sized cabbage


    1. Soak the bacon overnight in cold water.
    2. Remove and place in a pot, cover with fresh water and bring to the boil.
    3. Remove the scum, cover and simmer for 1hour 30minutes (or 30minutes per 450g/1lb).
    4. Cut cabbage into quarters and add to the pot.
    5. Cook slowly for about 20 minutes so that it's tender but still retains a slight bite.
  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    St Patricks Day Special No.3 – Traditional Irish Bacon & Cabbage with Mash & Parsley Sauce

    Paul O'Byrne   /  March 13, 2012


    Who doesn’t love Bacon and Cabbage! Its as Irish as they come. Their has been many different variations of this recipe, and I have eaten it in many different restaurants. But at Bachelor, we agree that this is one of our favourites. So, with great pleasure, I give you yet another family recipe, handed down through generations. Enjoy !

    Difficulty : Easy

    Serves :  4

    Prep Time : 20 mins

    Cooking Time : 120 mins

    Ingredients :

    • 2kg of Back Bacon
    • Head of Cabbage
    • 12 Potatoes Peeled
    • 2 oz Butter
    • Salt & Pepper
    • 1/2 Pint of Milk
    • Parsley
    • Tablespoon of Butter
    • Tablespoon of Flour

    Method : 

    Bacon  :

    Soak overnight in cold water. Put Bacon into a pot of fresh water. Make sure there is enough water to cover. Bring to the boil, and then throw off the salted water. Fill up the pot with cold water again, and bring to to the boil once again. Once Boiling temperature has been achieved, immediately reduce heat and simmer for 90 mins or whatever it needs to be cooked. When the bacon is done, don’t empty the water just yet, we are going to use some of this this to boil the cabbage.  

    Bacon can be served cold the next day with:

    Cabbage :

    Wash and cut the cabbage. Using some of the water the bacon was cooked in, throw the cabbage in, and add more water . Bring to the boil, and then simmer for 10-15 mins. 

    Mashed Potatoes : 

     Take your potatoes, and cube them. Fill a pot of salted water about half way up and bring the water to the boil. Reduce the heat ever so slightly, and boil for roughly 20mins.  Add 1/4 a pint of milk, 2 oz’s of butter.  Mash them up. .

    Finely Chop some spring onions and add mix them in with the mash. 

    Turnip & Carrots :

    Cook until soft. Mash together.

    Parsley Sauce : 

    Anyone can go out and buy a packet of parsley sauce.  And that is exactly what I do.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Black pudding (a sausage made from blood, meat, fat, oatmeal, and bread or potato fillers), white pudding (the same as black pudding minus the blood), and Irish bacon (taken from the back of the pig instead of the belly) are a must at any Irish breakfast.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie Interesting about the corned beef--I always thought it started in Ireland.

    I love bacon so making it anyway sounds good ro me and with mashed potatoed yummy. Thanks Bernie.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Have a great day Kids!  ~(gail)~

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hiya chickadees,

    Great reading as always, thank you BBB for de info on St Patricks Dey. I have learned so much from you. I hope you are feeling better and that the pain of losing your dear friend is softening some. Hugs to you!

    Welcome NOT ME. What's yer pleasure, de boys will serve you up. I gonna pe at de pool, oops not pee but be hehe. Join me on de hammocks. And I culd use a belly and back rub too. Pants, dahling? Oh tank you.

    Camille, you have mese spitting mese drink out again. And omg, de vacuum again? You has some crazy people dere. Glad you were able to soothe your widdle Joey when he was sceared. He sweetiest boy of de lounge he is. Give him a hug from mese. and tanks for your kind words. Today is a better dey. mese gonna go and see mese mom. Jest wont kiss her jest in case. and will keep mese paws clean too. I will only say dat mese D is gitting better, wont elaborate so as not to skeer de new goils away!

    Lara, OMG, de NJ Suntan Mom, ick ick ick. You have to google some of her interviews with the press. She sez people are jailous of her cuz she bootiful. OK lady if ye say so. ick ick ick, make me feel like vomiting dat one, eeeeech! don't make me see her again otay? and congrats on yer exchange date. We will all be dere. Same goes for Unde Cove' goil.

    Lori, tanks for de boy you sent me, wese bin humping de hump all merning. but time to get showered, will say no more Embarassed.

    oooooh, I see another loungette popped in, hailo jlynn, like yer name. reminds me of mese faborite goils name, meses DD. welcome. grab a bar stool and make yerself comfie. dey boys will take good care of ya, jest ask.

    So wahine gitting ready for yet anudder trip. mese gonna try to slip into her custom painted suit case. But mese will has to git teeny tiny first. I coming to see ya Bernie, mese coming with Kat, wooo hoooo!! hey, a goil can dream, right?

    well dat all for now. I has to git mobing cuz mese gotta lots of dwinking to do. wont be long island hot tea for mese dis night, yo yo you gentleman jack, bese at mese service please!

    I love all of you, sawrie for not talking to all todey, just got too much to do. been sitting in my chit for a few deys. hehe.  CheeRs and titties up if ya got em!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    ps.... when I first logged on to bco on dis friedey, it somehow came up in a foreign langwich. and mese not takling beanglish or dwunkspeeck,yikes. mese was askeered. but I went out and back in and waaaalaaa, English, tank GOD!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    wear ebberybuddy? mese here dwinking with my honey. and mese other honey singing to mese. I tail ya about him but you not believe mese. him name bon jobi, mese in lub with him and he sings me sweetliest songs. who needs anybuddy den, so dere. hehe. I am listening to his music cuz mese saw him on de katie show. no like that show cuz mese dont like her but mese a bon jobi fan. and mese his other wife. he lubs me nearly as much as Jock and Pants does. so dere. I dwink with de three of dem, who needs yese Tongue Out

  • Not-Me
    Not-Me Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2013

    Actually been on these boards since 2004 but mostly off in the past 7 years or so.  I can not beleive I missed this ladies rock!  I will have (am having) a red wine tonight please.  Happy Friday. 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Not-Me  Welcome to da HTL!!  I hab already 2 brandy/coffee.  But jes popping in to say HELLO EVERYONE!!  DH needs da feed bag...will try to get back later!

    Dorfy - soooo good to see you...hope u still up and about later.  Does this mean u feeling a bit better?  I hope so.

    Da rest of mese goils....later taters!!

    Lubs ya!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone! Gonna sneak into de casino wid mese dwinks and pway de slots....oohhhhhh gotta hit dat freeeee ATM on de way in, yessireeee bobarella. Still packing.....I don't know why I always put it off, but dats whut I do. Getting will be an awesome trip. Esp getting to see Bernie again, and this time seeing her cottage and all de animals! I read de posts, jest not habs much time ta post lately. IN CASE we have wifi in our room I may get to post more (when DH naps) I will try to check in wid youse goils when I can.

    Who wants ta join me in a nightcap? Come into de guys are putting on a show on de stage...dey is getting purty wild....hard to concentrate on de sluts....I mean de slots!

