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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Haven't had time yet to read all the posts from today, but hope to soon!Had a nice lobster dinnah tonight....yummmmm! Anyway, wanted to share this....

    Fill 'er up!  $3 Capt Morgan you call it's all day. Funtime Karaoke starting at 730p. See ya there, landlubbers!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Oh no Juliet. Sorry you had positive TB. What kind of NSG do you do? That's is the scary reality of working in healthcare I guess huh? I'm due for TB next month. What antibiotic do you have to go on?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    i work on a pcu,    i will b taking inh,  good luck with your test,hope its negative. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    The one in the middle is my DD and the bride to be.  The second pic is her is action!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    WOW Chrissy, your DD is very impressive!!! And she's so pretty too. I don't envy you with all the wedding details! WHen my DD's got married, we made some of the gowns (but DD2 had her wedding dress made, even though she now makes them for others!), made the tablecloths, favors, and lots of the food. DD2's cake was very expensive as she wanted it to be like a tall castle. One thing that helped when DD1 got married, was hiring a wedding coordinator who also attended our church and so she coordinated both the wedding and reception. THat takes a load off of the mother of the bride. When DD2 got married (first), we did so much ourselves, that I couldn't enjoy the reception as I had to run around making sure everything was right (and it was outside, and hot!). SO, if you can get someone to hire, or even a friend that can oversee everything during the wedding and reception, it will be much easier on you! My crowning moment was walking each of them down the aisle. Since their daddy had died, I was honored, but sad, to have that priviledge. I know your DD's wedding will be absolutely amazing! Can't wait to hear more details.

    I have to apologize as I still haven't had time to read any posts. But wanted to tell you that we might actually try that Guinness/Irish Whiskey/Chocolate Ice cream shake when we are out tomorrow. Hope it actually is good, though!



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2013

    JULIET-Sorry about the TB and REALLY sorry bout the drinking. Be happy to help you with dat. BTW I'll borrow that bag and any others you have!  CHRISSY-Looks like your DD could bench press the groom,good to have the upper hand!  NM-When my friend who took care of me post-bmx was leaving my house she tried to take her pots/pans with her. Well Rumour must have thought she was stealing our stuff because he ran after her trying to bite her out the door. Guess we'll never have to worry about a thief breaking in,lol.  That marshmallow drink looks so good,now I have to make that and the cheesecake!  MEMA-DH did lose a bit. Usually he loses his a**,this time only a cheek.  Hope you get better soon,you don't want to be sick on your trip. Nothing worse than that.  DORK-Check out the suites at the Stratosphere,good deals on those thru summer.  In the 80-90's here all week which means I get to work on my jewelry/windchimes in my workshop-which is usually freezing. Hope to have some items finished and ready for catalogs by the end of the month. Will post pics of the finished products. Off to get some work done tonight,cheers all. 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    Undie, she is a PT and very dedicated to her craft........yes you are right, she can just about bench press the future

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Got a freezer full of piggy meat that I picked up last night.  Friends of mine were growing pigs for meat, piggies who got out of the pen one too many times in the middle of the night, so the last time that happened they collected them into a truck took them to the butcher.  Now I've got 150# of butchered, vacuum packed piggy meat in my freezer.  Well, one package of canadian bacon is on the counter thawing.  There's maple sausage and garlic sausage in there some where, too!  I haven't opened the packages, just put them in the in the freezer when I got home last night so nothing would thaw, need to open and organize some evening or  this weekend.  Bonus was I got a moose meat stir fry dinner, too! 

    Adey--is it lent already?  I think it is!  Wow, time is flying this year!

    Mema--Ouch!  f'n idiot PS indeed!   Are you thinking of the What's Your Hooker name thingy?  It's been posted here in the lounge a coulpla times, I'll try to find it and post it again, it is kinda fun.

    Wahine--Irish beer shakes?  Sounds revolting, but is probably great!  You'll have to try one out and write a report for us.

    Chrissy--Of course you adore her, she's beautiful!

    Cammy--1/2 Irish, 1/ Italian, what a combo!  Bet they have beautiful babies!

    ORLA--Not only dark but rainy.  So not fair!

    DorKable--I will be glad to see some daylight at the end of the day.  But the clouds and rain will have to go away before that happens!  But spring is definitely coming, Sadie came in all covered in mud last night!  Mud Season has arrived, spring can't be too far behind!  Call the pain clinic and ask if you can be put on the cancellation list.  Then call every day to check for cancellations. I'm pretty sure they'll get you in quicker if you squeak just a little bit!

    Juliet--good point about the dodge immune system.  9 months of antibiotics sounds like a long time but I know the tb germ is a tough little bugger that can wall itself off from the rest of the body and it takes a lot to get at it. 

    Undy--Sounds like Rumour is a good wartchdog and protector!  Imagine him thinking your friend was stealing stuff!  Animal's are soo funny sometimes.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Kiss Me I'm Irish

    1 oz gin

    1 tsp green crème de menthe

    2 dashes bitters

    Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes.

    Shake well.

    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Cami, that is great news about your back, and no additional RB. You and your sister, I swear. I can see and hear you both with your bickering. CheerZ ma dear.

    Tanks for checking on the Lemoncello, I thought I had seen it at my brothers and that it was vodka, oh well. I did have some wodka wif sweet n sour, lemon juice and my cran/raspberry juice, pretty yummy. My doctor did not call me with the news, he had me come in, none the less, still dreadful.

    Shannon, glad you got a little va-cay in there, did your hubby go with? I see that is a positive on DH. Thanks for trying to brings us goils the nekkid boys, was sweet of you to try. Do you know when your surgery is, and have you made a decision? Funny about your fur babies. Would love to see pictures of your work, especially the wind chimes. What kind of catalog do you put them in?

    LOL Kathy, asking why Shannon din’t get a bigger bag for doze boyz! Good one! Also like the half full glass and where in de hail is da rest of my dwink! Oh, and do get that drink and let us know. We don’t have those restaurants here, hail we don’ t really have any PERIOD!

    Haha Beckers, do you want a nick name? I think I still have the paper that says how to get yours. They are our Stripper Names!!!!

    Chrissy, glad to know that Lemoncello is so ono! And the cheesecake sounds awesome too. Oh wow, you must be sooooo proud of your DD. Well of course you are. Look at that bod and the beauty!

    Julie, does that actually mean you have TB? I didn’t think people really got that anymore. And I know nothing about it. And no drinking, YIKES! I kind of figured that was the case with Mother’s Day, but funny it’s the same for Father’s Day. Ok, I see you are just “exposed” to the TB. But dang, 9 months of anti b’s. Das a LONG time, but we want you well.

    Funny that Sadie thought she was hiding by jumping on the bed. Hoping you get an early spring. Suppose to hit the 70’s here today and close to 80 by Friday! Ohhhhh, look at that drink! Puppy Kisses. Sure looks rich and yummy………….and NO CALORIES what so ever! LOL at growing piggies, but some more YUM! Oh that moose too. Did you have to pay for the meat, or was it a gift?

    ProudMary, can’t wait to wrap my arms around ya girl! And mine were 5K, but worth every penny!!! Ireland sounds great, I hope you do it! I’m sure Bernie do too! But I would have to pass, but tanks. Your mom’s Beefeater story is too coot. I hope you are on the mend now.

    Oh I have to go look at Chrissy’s pictures. I have seen pics of her before, and knew she was a beauty!

    Hello Lara in NY. How long are you there for? Do you get a lot of retail therapy in while you are there?

    Dofy, was the question for NM about a way to clean you mommy’s fingers? I wuz looking for you, and I ended up in a corner too, wif a bottle of wodka. Praying that the pain management works for you. Girl you are one tough cookie, dat a fack jack.

    Bernie, for real, right? Do you have a bathroom?

    Ok, I gots to run, starting to get busy and I got a day behind here………….YIKES, it’s hard to catch up!

    Toodles Noodles and lots of hugs too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Here ya go Beckers, and anyone else that doesn't have their Stripper Name

    1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name: a = Chesty, b = Fantasia, c = Starr, d = Diamond, e = Montana, f =Angel, g = Sugar, h = Mimi, i = Lola, j = Kitty, k = Roxie, l = Dallas,
    m = Princess, n = Heidi, o = Bambi, p = Bunny, q = Brandy, r = Sugar, s= Candy, t = Raquelle, u = Sapphire, v = Cinnamon, w = Blaze, x =Trixie, y = Isis, z = Jade

    2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
    a = Leather, b = Dream, c = Sunny, d = Deep,e = Heaven, f = Tight, g =Shimmer, h = Velvet, i = Lusty, j = Harley,k = Passion, l = Dazzle, m =Dixon, n = Spank, o = Glitter, p = Razor,q = Meadow, r = Glitz, s = Sparkle, t = Sweet, u = Silver, v = Tickle,w = Cherry, x = Hard, y =Night, z = Amber

    3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
    a = hooter, b = horn, c = tower, d = fire, e = thighs, f = hips, g = side,h = jugs, i = shock, j = cocker, k = brook, l = tush, m = sizzle, n= ridge, o = kiss, p = bomb, q = cream, r = thong, s = heat, t = whip, u = cheeks, v = rock, w = hiney, x = button, y = lick, z = juice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning all-

    Chrissy u'r dgtr is mot only beautiful, she has incredible dedication and looks like she' in great shape- How wonderful

    And Kat u and Chrissy are so talented in creating and making things or occasions and following thru. And Kat u travel so much--more amazing people.

    Julie everyone seems to be more upset with u not drinking  LOL but u know we're not--but 9 months--that's really long. And then u als have chosen paths in life to help so many others in sad circumstances. I know we have a lot of fun here (I do) but u all are extremely giving and intelligent women who truly think of others and deeply care and give to u'r loved ones.

    And Dork u'r another one tht cares so deeply that it hurts u.

    What I'm trying to say is everyone one of u have an aura about u that glows of goodness and peace and creativity and u are all pure of thought. U'r an amazing group of women. Yea I know I'm being mushy but sometimes I am and I have to tell u how I really feel.

    On a liter note any milkshake with likker sounds fabulous to me even a smothie is great. Think about it put u'r creative juices together and it's like the nectar of yummyish.--So I'm all for it.

    Today is Wednesday right?  Joey is still home, but he did get me coffee this morning and last nite we cuddles loads, He was how and my hands were like ice so I rubbed his back and he felt better. Oh he's so proud he was picked with a handful of students all ages for some advanced reading and vocabulary thing at school--well we're proud too so he's getting ready for that. He is now reading the Bible?? Then he comes to me to talk about it thinking he knows and I always know the story bso he thinks I'm brilliant. HAHAHAHA I still have him fooled.

    D again this morning, so I'm downing my meds to stop it. we'll see.

    It's sunny here today for the first time in a long time but chillyish. I'm not going anywhere so it's fine. So I'm here and i hopeu all have a wonderful day. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013 my stripper name is Fantasia Leather Rock! Ha! Glad that last word wasn't the next word over...Hiney

    Still workin on reading and my coffee...BBL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    LOL, thats funny, Julie!

    Bernie, is that one of your babies?? Hope so, so I can see it fo real. Can't believe we have upper 60's temps here and your highs are in the 40's...brrrrrrr.  BUT Madeira is upper 60's and 70 right now, so will warm up there, first! I got some free cheese at Earth Fare today, the health food store, it is 7 oz of IRISH cheese....seems like everywhere is decorated for St. Patrick's day, in the U.S.!

    Oh Shannon, sure do hope you share pics of your jewelry and windchimes, would love to see them! A dear friend of mine who lives near DC makes jewelry and right now she is making all the jewelry for her future daughter-in-laws (& sons)wedding....the bride, attendants, and mom of bride, as well as herself. We'll be going up to VA for that, so it will be neat to see it in person.

    HEY....who has our humpdey guy todey?? LORI...did ya keep him for yerself dis time? I missed seeing him. Happy HumpDey for all! We didn't get out for that drink yet, maybe tamarra....

    Raquelle Leather Rock

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Ha bernie I posted that same pic

    I just went to a famous sports bar here it looks like a gas station but its a sports bar with harleys hanging up it was on the food channel

    The door knobs are gasoline holders

    so cool had so much fun

    I was also born here so I went by my home where I was a baby

    very good trip

    Dork I am sorry u r depressed

    love u cammie sweet words

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Hi whomever is reading. 

    LOL Julie And dogs do that too and every one blames me, I don't even care anymore, besides I'm not sure either.

    Bernie can u believe u'r getting companhy all the way in Ireland--OMG thst's a world away--leave it to Kat.

    Hump day is very quiet I noticed today--the sun is still out everyone. So it's humpin in the daylight.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi goils, time ta do the humty dance!

    LOL at the dog pic Juliet!!! My Mom does dat to me when wese out shopping. She walks away and purty soon I'm standin there in it. Oops. If you eber meet Mom, just smile and shake her hand and don tell her I toed you. Watch out is she casually walks away.

    I'm just takin a break from housework. Still tired as crap!

    Wahine....we got the same last name. Leather Rock.

    Ok...ok....back to my chores.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Hi DahhhllinKs!

    Feel like I have had a setback with this stinkin cold. But DH went to pharmacy today and got what they recommended. We shall see. I need a good nite sleep without the f’n coughing keeping me and dh awake all night….ugh.

    ChrissyB - ooolala….I mean…Gorgeous!!! What does the groom do? Does he work out jes to keep up with her?? LOL!

    Unde - tooo funny about your Rumour biting after your friend. Mine wud lick their faces off and then help them out the door with whatever they wanted…sigh! WOW….hope that weather holds thru next week when I’m in Cali…can’t wait….jes hope this f’n crap is gone by then. I am REALLY interested in seeing some of your work…speshally da wind chimes…will be waitin on da pics fo sho!

    Bernie - LOL….and who is dat cootiepatootie? Is dat what is called a ‘black sheep’?

    NM - WOW…dat is a load of pork! Was gonna say sumpin else..but prolly git in trouble. But really…that is a lot of meat. I’d have to throw a party jes to go thru it all over the next year. So…I’d prolly accept an invite if u’re leaning dat way…heehee!

    Lori - Can’t wait tooo….woohoo 13 days!! Thanks for posting the Stripper Name formula for Beckers. I swore I printed it but could not find it for chit. Now gonna try n copy paste to my documents.

    Cami - WooHoo for Joey and his reading/vocab skills…I envy your closeness and cuddles…but am happy too. YOU are an amazing woman too!! Mese tanks u fer da sweet woids!! LOVE the ‘birds’ in the clouds pic too!!

    Hey Fantasia Leather Rock - when you gonna put dat in ur sig line huh? LMAO at the Julie fart dog…I did da very same thing to my DD in a ‘party store’ we were shopping for stuff for my DS 40th bday. I did da ‘ol SBD and walked away. She was sooo mad and it was really really hard for me to keep a straight face….LOL.

    Wawa - U so smart….I shudda checked da weather b4 I went to NJ and den KY…was not prepared at all. Was fine in NJ til last day, but froze me tits off in KY. I will be smarted next time.

    HumpDay....Hope all is well wif n e 1 I missed...lubs u all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Just poopin and poppin in to say nite--I hope, I'm so tired and I know I'll wake up at 2 or 3--hate that--Joey wnted me to tell him a story tonite so I layed down with hime and told him about how I had to share a room and bed when I was little with my sister and we used to beat each other up every nite, cuz we always fought. I really get into nite stories for sleeping well.

    Wait -Kat how are u'r eyes????? I didn't see them yet... Did u show them n I missed them?? I'm waiting hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Lub u all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Good one Julie---LOL 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh I forgot the bachelor finished (who gives a chit) but I did want to say he's a born again virgin--which I didn't know and I'm not sure exactly what that could possibly be except the last girl he had must have been a nitemare and if I were her I wouldn't admit it but that how he is selling himself.

    And It's 3/15/13 (in a little bit) so it's the Happy Ides of March day---so drinking all day is totally acceptable even at work--then comes St. Patricks day--totally acceptable to drink again, then comes St. Joseph's day u can drink but u'll have better luck selling u'r house.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    I hate being on a plane and sitting behind someone who does silent farts for the entire trip! Especially on the transatlantic flights, and it has happened several times to us! I mean, chit, where do they think the smell goes??? OK, some fart chit....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Kat---funny stuff.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013