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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    YAY...good that you do not have cancer in your spine, Cami!!!! Gotta celebwate dat news! But omg having 2 deteriorating discs, ouch. I am only in a small part of the pain you have, but omg it does get awful sometimes...and when it spasms or cramps up and you can't move, I hate that!

    OOPS Lori, sawwy (didn't say it the real spelling way!) but I jest had to google it, cuz I wasn't sure exactaracery whut it wuz, but knew it warn't wodka. So I found out that limoncello is an Italian citrus-based lemon liqueur. Now we learned anudder ting we kin foiget, jest like Cami sez! LOL. I can never forget the evening I got the call....April 2, but my DH keeps thinking it was April 1....and that would NOT have been a funny APril Fools Joke, no sirreeeeee bobarella.

    Cyn, you've been awfully quiet here....but I hear its noisy at home... Embarassed I know you are having a good time! Hope the weather is nice for the beach, too.

    Big Hugs to ALL....I need to find Pants so he kin gibs me a spankin since mese habn't been in de lounge so much lateliest....*OH Pants, you come so quickly!* ...oh and Jock, puleez gibs our Dorkie a spanking too cuz she habn't bin around as muchliest either! And HUnk, you get to spank Alli......


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2013

    GOLDIE-I was in Vegas taking a much needed vacation. I try to make it there at least once a yr. Love that Irish yoga pic.  KAT-I was going to bring back gifts for all of you but the Chippendales wouldn't fit in my bag. CAMI-Congrats on your tests,now you have to celebrate with likker and Sephora. Thanks for getting me hooked on that btw. Like I don't spend enough money as it is,lol. JULIET-Love Garfield,the only comic I still read today. NM-Sadie sounds as dangerous as my dogs. If I'm not tripping and falling over them I'm usually falling trying to AVOID tripping over them. My Rumour sets little traps,like sitting next to peoples feet so his tail is close to their shoes. Then they back up and step on it and he gets to bite them. Last year he let my sister in our house only to wait until she was backed into a corner literally and proceeded to bite at her feet. She had to fend him off with a broom,lol.  DORK-How's your mom doing?  MEMA-You feeling better today?  CYN-What are you up to?  CHRISSY-Where have you been???  BECKS-How do you do it? I'm ready for a break after an hr with my 6yr old nephew. He's such a great kid but I can't imagine having one of my own. That is one full time job that I coudn't handle.  Well I'm off to do my spring cleaning/organizing a bit early. In the 80's all week here,loving it! 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2013

    You girls have to try this version,it's the best one as it's smoother.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Shannon, do you drink that straight, or in a special drink? OH, and......HELLO.....why didn't you just get a BIGGER BAG?????? Then you could have brought a Chippendale back for each of us!!! LOL...glad you got to go to Vegas, and nice to see you back in the HTL too!

    Night night Girls! Night night Moon, NIght night MolerFocker Boy, NIght night liz da Ho, NIght night EBBERYBUDDY!!!

    Katwinka winka dinka

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi goils! Did you all give err body those nick names in your bio?

    Cami, so glad you don't have spine mets and are rockin the meds. No, no, never want to rush to spine surgery, especially lower back.

    Welcome back undies. Hope LV was good to you. My boys are grown. Annie is grand daughter. Beauty is, you give them back and get to rest. I am exhausted though! Whew! I think my right boob lift fell down when she climbed on it and nothing like a little one pouncing you awake when you are sore from surgery!

    NM, lol about your recliner accident! Hope you can laugh now anyhow! Being I'm big boned, Annie would have to weigh a lot more to tip my recliner I'm afraid. Ha!

    Good night and best wishes to those I missed. Hitting the hay!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    Hi ya Undie!!!  I've been busy trying to get my DD2 into gear and get her wedding till now I think Ive been fighting a loosing battle.  Her official Engagement Party was last Sunday so I guess now that is done, wedding plans can get the priority.

    Ooo I just looooove Lemoncello!!  Our local Italian Restaurant brings it out at the end of a meal and serves everyone a shot.  They keep it in the freezer so it is very cold and oh so delicious!!  Last time we were there, the chef had created a Lemoncello Cheese about wanting more of that stuff! was amazing!......could easily have ties one on with

    Cami so glad to hear that your pain is not caused by more mets........a bad back is bad enough but easier to put up with knowing that there are mets.

    I hear you girls with your fur babies setting you up for a twenty year old cat is a good one at that as she insists on getting under my feet when it is tea time.......only problem is, I'm not as steady on my feet as I once was...........there have been many near misses on that front.

    Dinner time here so best go and feed DH.  Have a good day all!

    love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    good morning all ,glad to hear no spinal frb cammi but wish your disks were in better shape. maybe we could get a  double wheelchair for you and your sister! top speed 50 mph with extra big baskets for retail therapy.  limoncello creme sounds good will have to get some soon, had some really bad news yesterday, my annual tb skin test went positive this year so have to go on antibiotics for 9 months and the horrifying part  NO DRINKING  WHILE TAKING THIS PILL.WTFCry.   chrissy good luck with the wedding plans,a bottle a day should get you through itLaughing    lori ,its funny what day sticks in your mind,mine is that first mammo where i got the its not unusual to be called back for more picture speech!  my sister and aunt were both diagnosed this time of year to  and i'm not on drugs ,probably should be thoughSurprised it was mothers day in the uk, so my mother gets to celebrate uk mothers day with my sisters and then the us mothers day with me, but fathers dat is the same day so dad only gets one celebration and doesn't he let us know!. nm its going to be cold again here low 50's!     kathy safe travels and have fun with bernie, remember its always 500pm somewhere

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2013

    Lol Kat,since DH was carrying all the bags I think the boys would have been too much for him. Next time it's big luggage with wheels! Lemoncello I drink by itself as this version is creamy and like a dessert. It def doesn't need anything added to it. Good to be back,I missed you girls.  BECKS-Vegas was great,I could live there. DH didn't lose his shirt so it went pretty well. In the old days he used to lose his and mine!  CHRISSY-When is her wedding? I looked up the cheesecake and found recipes for it. Now I have to try making one. I'm going to be dreaming about it all night! CHEERS ALL!  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    i want that cheesecake NOW! my niece brought a bag big enough for her to get in when she came to orlando,maybe you can borrow it next time you go to vegas

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    Undie the wedding is set for September 28th this year!......yeah I  hear you on the 'she better get a wriggle on' been trying to tell her that for months!

    Oh yeah, that lemoncello cheese cake sure is something else!......the best of both worlds I say, you know, boose and desert all rolled into one!....hahahaha!

    Juliet strange you should say a bottle a day.........only thing is, you didnt say how big the bottle was supposed to be so I chose this one!

    Big enough to get me through?  Maybe!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    maybe you might need two chrissy! plus that cheesecake and chocolate, your covered

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Warm this ayem, supposed to rain.  Gonna clear out most of the snow that left.  There may be hope for spring yet!

    Juliet--luv the panic attack cure!

    Cammy--throwing spaghetti against a wall, is that like nailing jello to a wall?

    BBBBernie--Wine is good Any Time!

    Mema--How frustrating to get attacked at night!  So not fair! Silly Bella, hope she learns her lesson!

    Cammy--good pills are one of life's good things!

    Goldie--it is hard to watch someone we care about suffer through anything, isn't it?  The hug is greatly appreciated.  A friend of mine has a dog that can sense when she is about to have a seizure,  and she's a cutie, to  boot!  Dogs are just wonderful critters!


    Wahine--odd what dates get burned into our memories and what dates just kinda slide by, isn't it?

    Undie--oh, my, your Rumour sounds like a handful!  At least your sister wouldn't get away with stealing anything.  Sadie would let anyone in who petted her, tickle her tummy and she'll help you carry the goods out! 

    Becs--it was funny at the time, too!  Well, once I figured out my head wasn't bleeding a lot and it wouldn't show.  Poor Sadie was so confused about what happened, she couldn't figure out how to react.  She finally woofed once and ran to the bedroom and jumped up on the bed.  I think she was hiding!

    Chrissy--I'm sure everything will come together for the wedding, just wish your DD was on the same page, schedule-wise, as you!

    Juliet--Maxine really sums up my relationship with coffee!   How many years have you been getting the TB test?  There is some research indicating that repeated testing eventually creates a false positive reaction.  Or have you actually been exposed? 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Puppy Kisses

    3/4 oz Kahula

        3/4 oz Ameretto

        3/4 oz Bailey's

        1-1/4 oz Toasted Marshmallow Syrup

        2 oz Ice Cream


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2013

    9 months!  And I thought giving up booze for Lent was a long time.  (c:

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    For Cami!!   WOOHOOO to no spine mets and good/better drugs!!  No fills Cami...I had implants done back in 1978.  Being 5'10, big boned, and flat chested was not for I bought me some boobs (foobs).  Can you believe back then it was only $800...$400 ea!  Now....5k if your lucky.  Anyway, that's off the subject.  The foobs or implant wud sometimes encapsulate, harden a little around the chest wall.  My implants are under the muscle, so having a 'hard' area between my breast tissue and my breast skin...could not be encapsulation...and redness/swelling/heat...f'n idiot PS!!!  Enuf of dat. 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Well shit....the pic didn't post...oh well!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Feel much better today as far as throat and ears…now coughing my lungs up. But that is a good thing…musinex working, cept the coughin kept me awake all night. But I can nap a widdle bit later today.

    Cami - yeah…my baby Bella…she likes to chew, but she only 15 mos old and we kno she chews so it’s up to us to make sure things are up and out of the way. Dh shudda learned by now. Yest DH left paperwork for his soc sec on coffee table…I had to move it as she has gotten mags, papers, books. Rocking pills…I want some! LOL about gs tailing on his mommy having her lady days…LOL!

    Lori and Kat…congrats to 5 years too!! I’ll toast wif ya when I git there. And woohoo…u bet I’ll take advantage of baby kisses if they are there when I am! Yes…I am thinking seriously about Ireland. Donna, gf in LV, wants to go too. We will see…wanna go too?

    Unde - glad you had a goot time in Vegas and dat DH didn’t lose his (and your) shirts. Am now glad we didn’t make firm plans for meet…I knew I was overdoing it with the SIL march 1 party, then home for day ½, then back to lv for 2 days…then BAM…sick. Worse cold I have had in years n years. But I’m on the mend. That lemoncello drink and cheese cake….oooo lala!!

    Beckers - I tried to find the cheat sheet on how to figure out your nickname. I think Goldie sent it to me once. Was it you Lori? Mayb Wawa…I dunno, but think someone will pop up with it again for ya.

    ChrissyB - glad the engagement party over and she can git ‘real’ with the actual wedding plans. Am sure it will be beautiful!!

    Julie - nice pics and I’m with u on the penitentiary without my sho!! Thanks for the splanation on da moms day. Learn sumpin new all the time…but like cami say…lots a times the new stuff don’t stick. LOL Heavy sigh about the TB test…mayb NM o to sumpin..mayb retest. Don’t think I or anyone around me wud survive if I cudn’t drink for 9 months…that’s crazy!!

    NM - Bella is learning…jes slowly…she is jes a pup…so the DOTD is perfeck!! And sounds yum yummy too.

    Adey - funny story about Lent. When mom was living with us…she’d give something up every Lent. One time it was gambling, one time beer, and the last time was her Beefeaters. She loved her gin. I said what will you drink when we take you out…she said…’oh, a shot of tequilla and a beer’. I laughed, sed how is that a sacrifice? She sed, ‘u don’t kno how much I love my beefeaters’. LOL

    xcuse me if I missed anyone...jes kno I lubslubslubslubs all ya'll...MUAH!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    OMG, that dwink looks sooooooo yummy scrumptious, NM!! Yummmmm......good dessert dwink foah shuah. Speaking of dwinks, could not believe what Red Robin sent me in my email...didn't even know they had Guinness draft, but the MILKSHAKE????? lol....

    Drink Me, I'm Irish! $3.50 Jameson® Irish Whiskey        Shots, on the rocks, or with your favorite mixer
    Enjoy St. Patty's Day specials all weekend long, March 15-17.       Red Robin® Guinness® Draught       The old Irish standby $4.00 Irish Beer Shakes       Guinness® Draught, Jameson® Irish Whiskey and chocolate ice cream.

    Julie, How scary testing postive,......and NO likker??? WTH??? Surely you should get workmen's comp for having to do without likker!

    This is weird, I posted this image, now all my writing has to be in this box! And the pic is all scrambled...well didn't mean for it to show up like that!

    Dang, that cheesecake looks awesome, Shannon!

    Chrissy, is that your DD on your FB page pic? She is gawgeous!!!! Takes after you, of course!

    Hoping Sue and Alli are better today!

    Love and Hugs to lots to do, but thinking of you ALL....


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    Kat, yes Mareike is on  my FB page..........those pics were the latest ones she had done for her website and I couldn't help but share them.........she is a beautiful woman both inside and out.  Can't tell I adore her can you?!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Chit no likker for 9 months, that's recockulous--I never heard of such a thing. I know it wouldn't both me personally, but when I'm told I can't have it for 10 days I want it.

    Sue I like the lent story--that is so funny. But I'm glad u'r better, don't sleep laying down--sleep in a recliner mostly sittin up. U can do it a couple of nites--Just try it.
    Kat I swear u'r like a commercial pilot the way u travel. U log in more hours than they do.

    Oh next week is Sr. Parick's day and I always have a drink with my SIL--he's 1/2 Irish n 1/2 Italian--what a combo he used to really drink then they have a baby and he pretty much stopped   Geeze that never stopped me those days.

    Nap time again----I know to many naps--not nuff sleep at nite.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Hi Goils

    just checking im I am in syracuse NY this week

    Just got done working uggg tired

    Cammie yea just a bad back and more pills sounds great

    Mema r u ok? I missed something heres a hug for u

    Nm hate getting up in the morning and its dark thats why I work outta my house no thank uuuuuuuuuuu

    But u r so good at what u do

    Juliet ill drink for u babe no worries

    ha bernie the biker babe for sureeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Wahine u there yet ?


    huh no answer

    Hi ya cyn

    who else IDK oh goldie becjers

    cheesecake yummy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny pictures
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hi goils,

    Sorry I been MIA, I have been here but lurking in de corner with my big ass bottle of gentleman jack.

    Addy, you give up likker for lent?? OMG, He better give you lots and lots of blessings, I could nebber ebber give up de likker. Kudos to you.

    Cam, yippee on NED woo hooo! I tail ya, I was confident but still concerned. You made my day when I saw your message that there is no RB in yer back. Here, i gotcha a big case of HARD mikes and some wodka to wash it down. oops, de hard mike wash de wodka, hicccup oops, mese dwunk. Goil you crack me up. I am with you that we need a new word for pain. Cuz I hate hate hate that word and it seems to be a common element here in de lounge. So goils, get yer tinking caps on...oh and stage V, you are soooo funny which is why I love you. well not really, i love you for de beautiful poyson that you are.

    Sue, so glad you are finally feeling better. Mese wuz worried for you. I jest need you to feel good so you can partay hearty and farty without coughing.

    Unde, nice to see ya! I hope that you won big bucks in vegas. I am planning a trip dere myself but it is top secret.

    NM, I know that it is an adjustment in de aye em for the time change but look at de BRIGHT SIDE, it gets dark later and you can play with your Sillie Sadie in de day light at de end of yer work day. We had that same huge rain system, it rained cats, dogs and even elephants here. Pink elephants hehe!  I had a question for ye but now forgetting. If de goil who suggested I ask NM a question bremembers, tail me or just ask for me. My mind has become mud from not using it.

    BEANIUS, Bean bean bean, de inventor of de beanglish langwhich, it was sooooo nice to see you in de lounge. I was so happy and surprised dat mese passed out. hehe. did you see me on de floor? I am praying so hard for you and your family and hoping that your dear bro's treatment goes easy as can be. I am so glad that he has you to tail him that it WILL be ok once he gits through it. He will need to lean on you so please stay strong and brave and keep him laughing. I wish he could come here for some dwinks and laughs but his RB ain't in de breastests. I bet ya that we could find a good site for support for him. Dork says that eberybudy suffering thorugh de RB needs a dqinking thread no matter if dey dwink of not. ANNYway, foygive mese rant. I am so happy you be back posting.

    Funny dat Lori tinking that Julie was dwunk in saying sundey fundey wuz mothers dey. hehe. She need to get a calendar like I have that shows these tings. Mese calender says "Mothering Day". ya see, I has all de holidays so mese has another reason to has spayshall parties.

    Juliet, so sorry that the RB is being blamed for your pain issue. Dese people who make de decisions have obviously not had breast cancer and it infuriates me that they are telling you that the new pain is from de old RB. YOU know your body unlike any of does assholes, yep I said de word cuz mese is angry for you. Maybe next time, you will not be so kind in not pressing charges and perhaps a law suit against yer employer. ugh, I hate tinking about dat. You all know I got my records and was tinking about sueing both the dead dr that did my lat flap and the dr that put in de implants and bixed em twice when dey flopped. I tink had dey not flopped in de first place, i would not have a phuckin puka (God and goils, foygive mese langwich). Sore subject. I decided NOT to sue. I have a dear friend who had a friend suing a dr for malpracitce and de poor goil lost. And I tink I WOULD BE DE ONE to be put on trial. Ain't no buddy got time for dat!! hehehe.

    To all that I did not mention, please know I love each of you for what you bring to de lounge. And that includes you Beckers, you is our newest loungette and I just really enjoy each of your posts. And I has love in mese fart for each of you ONEderFULL goils.

    So goils, I took a highATEis from BCO and have been trying hard to write but jest feeling a bit in de dumps. Not sure why cept having UMS which is ugly mood syndrome. I am jest so fed up with de puka ting and seeing others that have gone from BMX to pretty new foobs is sooo disgouraging. But I know I will git there. De puka does not hurt, it is de area around it that has been cut ober and over and obber and oVAR and howebber you spell it, cut cut cut cut. i tired of it. So I jest sleep. I am seeing a pain management doctor but mese appt not til de end of de month, they all booked up. oops, sawry Cam, I sed de word.

    Wishing you all peace, love and longevity!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Dork I'm sorry u feel so down in de dumps---and dt puka of u'rs always bothered me--but it will be taken care of I'm sure. I wish we could make u happy, but all we can do is be here for u.

    OK here's something silly--I keep trying make-up for under my eyes, they are so dark--being Italian and tired and sik with not enough sleep--I've tried everything--EVERYTHING. Well I just got my newest thin--Benefit just started a new fake-up for de eyes so I's gonna try it--if it works it will be a miracle--it's a double duty thing for wrinkles and dark cirles-- but I will prove that this does not work like everyone says--I should be the lab rat uz if it works on me it really works--I've tried the bullet proof stuff dor my eyes and a bullet would look better. so Now we'll see. I jusr got it in the mail today--I have some money left on a gift card for HSN so I used it on this. I will report my progress to u or my failure --no doubt my failure. But I keep on trying.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    cammi is this the before pic!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    cammi is this the before pic!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    cammi,you always make me smile with your storiesLaughing  dorty,luv you.   will have to celebrate st patricks early and often,     we have to have the tb skin test every year and its definitely positive,it just means i was expsoed to tb but that i don't have tb, but the canned speech is  the rare person can harbour a stray tb bacteria and may go onto develop tb,  as i already have a dodgy immune sustem but having had radiation too, decided to take the antibiotics.  there's a lot of international travelers in this area plus with the farmlands around here,theres a big migrent worker population to and the uk has a high immigrent population where i work ,so possibilty of future exposure is high. just want to start the antibiotics,hope i tolerate them and be finished by christmas.  for all those that offered to my drinking for me,thank you,    beanie-your family is in my prayers,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    I always forget Julie u are exposed to so many people and germy things all the time--U really should have the antibiotic--I didn't know TB was coming around again---where have I been? Oh I know in my 10X12 room mostly--I'm better off I think.

    Well I have D again it started a few hrs. ago--I didn't have it to much lately--it fooled me again--so it left me alone long enough to find out I had other problems, no doubt saying hahaha, I'll be back and sure enough it's here. So I will go back and forth to the bathroom for now then rest--maybe I'll be back later-I know I'll mix vodka with Kaopectate--that stops D right? I get confused  i take meds for it. Oh and a little juice.

    Sounds good to me.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    sorry that the dread D has come back Cammi.

    Jules, I am glad you are taking the anti b's to protect yourself. My father's dad died of TB in his 40's. I did n ot know that it is around either but suspect it is since we all still get the TB tests. I want you around for a long long time cuz mese lubs ye and like dwinking both wifh and FOR you.

    Cheers my loves. I tink I am gonna hit de hammock early tonight, exhaused from doing nada.

    Sweet dreams goils. hope to come in again tomorree. PEACE OUT and sleep well!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Cami - u are jes too darned funny wif da dark circles...pweeze let us kno how it 'doesn't' woik...heehee.  But I hope it does for you.  Damn D...I have it often...tooo often too...but if I still 'sittin' by mid-day...swig of liq immodium does it for me.  Mese tummy doesn't absorb some things in pill why da liquid forms work better...wish it wud work for you too.  I will prop mese pillows and try dat tonite.  I can't do recliner as I am a side sleeper.  I tried many times...jes don't work for propping pillows closest I will get to 'not laying flat'.  Tanks u for da tip.  Mese lubs u!1

    Julie - I volunteer to drink for you too...only I iz sad you have to be on dem pills til xmas...wud totally bum me out ((Julie)).

    ChrissyB - I don't do FB...but u is most gorgeous inside n I wud spect your DD to be also.  And I can jes 'feel' how much you adore her...and u a most spashall bootiful person too n mese lubs u too!!

    Lara - been down wif bad cold...but getting better.  Tank u berry muchly for da hug...muah!! 

    Dorfy - BIG HUGZ for you too...hope u feels bettah in da morning.  Mese no like you to b in da dumps...but I do kno how it is.  Jes so u kno....I fart, p, n da other p when I git into one of mese coughing ain't pretty.  But this too shall pass.  Sweet dreams me luvily!!!

    WaWa - Love all da green....can't wait for Sundey.  But dat guiness drink doesn't sound so good.  Til tamary dahhlink!!

    LOVE, HUGZ, and WEBK's to all ya'll!!