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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Spanish singer Julio Iglesias was on television with British TV host Anne Diamond when he used the word 'manyana'. Diamond asked him to explain what it meant.

    He said that the term means "maybe the job will be done tomorrow, maybe the next day, maybe the day after that. Perhaps next week, next month, or next year. Who cares?"

    The host turned to Irishman Shay Brennan who was also on the show and asked him if there was an equivalent term in Irish.

    "No. In Ireland we don't have a word to describe that degree of urgency." replied Brennan.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    good morning bernieLaughing

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Temps down to the 20's, yuck.  I want SPRING!!!!!

    Goldie--I bought the piggy meat and my friend gave me a very nice deal on it. She was explaining how expensive it's gotten to raise pigs lately, and they just wanted to recoup some of their loss.  So I got a great deal  and got to help them out, a real win-win! 

    Oh, goodie, you found the Stripper Name thing!  I was going to go back and look for it! 

    Cammy--Congrats to Joey, and good for you for knowing your Bible stories!  Whodathunk that all that time in Sunday school would pay off someday? 

    Becs--Fantasia Leather Rock--how cool is that name?  Good point about the Hiney though!

    BBBBernie--awwww, cute lamikins!  My friend (the one who used to have a bunch of piggies) has 7 lambs and they are so cute!  Hers are all white.  The little black one is adorable!

    Wahine--IRISH cheese?  Does it taste different from american or Swiss cheese?   Giggle, giggle

    ORLA--that sports bar sounds like a lot of fun! 

    Cammy--daylight humping, YEAH!

    Becs--hope you get over being tired soon! 

    Mema--I am thinking about a cook out as soon as it's warm enough.  I've got this nice lot of thick pork chops to share. . . .


    Cammy--Great ideas about drinking! I'm gonna take those to work and see how far they fly!

    BBBBernie--LOVE that Problem Solving Chart!  And the Try Saying list is great too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thirstday Thirst Quencher

    4 oz Southern Comfort

    4 oz Vodka

    10 oz Orange Juice

    Mix Southern Comfort, vodka and orange juice with crushed ice in a tall glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Cami, the very sweet things that you say about everyone else, applies to you too. I hope that damned D is gone today. Are you rescheduled for up the arse and down the throat. Joey is so fortunate to have you! LMAO that you sometimes don’t know if it was you or the dog pooting!

    Ok Becks, now you have to put that in your signature so we can see it and won’t forget. LOL at the hiney!

    Awwww, is that your cute lil goat Bernie? And that dog with the hat, well he looks very familiar!

    Haha Kathy, that is Cami’s Hump Boy, mese no hab him.

    I knew that dog looked familiar Lara! WHAT? No pictures of that bar?

    Sue, I have the stripper names saved, so no worries. Shore wish you would get better girl.

    Lots of funnies, especially on de farts. Love the “whispering in my panties”. I had my DD say she “fluffed” when she was little, instead of fart.

    BBBBBBBBB, it would be hard for me to stick with “try saying”, I have such a potty mouth.

    Oh YAY, a cookout at NM’s. How fun will that be? We actually hit 80 here yesterday, and in the 20’s this ayem!

    Well, the young couple is not going to move in with us. He got a job offer from an uncle in ND, so babies for me Cry

    Oh look who I found Wawa… want him? He says he’s ThIRSTY and NM’s drink looks really nice and he knows you like some wisque! And Cami can keep her Hard Mike hump guy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie I love the no swearing list--I'm guilty of everyone and proud of it. Like I said it took me many years to hone the person I am today, fowlmouthed, bitchy and know-it-all--the swearing was the easiest part along with the lazyness--I yam what I yam.

    NM u make me laugh everyday, wishing for spring and now cookouts, well u do have alot to cook--so get things ready it will be upon u soon (I hope)

    Lori I'm sorry about the family not moving in--u seemed so furcited about it too and looking forward to babies. That's sucky for u and u DH for the extra help too. Don't tell NM about ow warm it is there she's all ready for that kind of weather since a month ago. (and Lori u'r to to kind to me)

    I love to see fun stuff in the morning--I always come here first before I check anything--creature of habit, I guess. Oh and it wasn't Sunday school it was every single day of my young life--CATHOLIC SCHOOL--it was cheap then so we all went and that meant going to Mass every single morning and they must have had a height requirment for nuns, no one was over 5'2" but still scary, got kicked out of mass one time cuz I had a scarf on with ballerinas---wow the filth that went thru their minds ran rampid. That's why I know my stories and to top it off my Dad was an Atheist--many discussions in our household--my mom was Catholic.

    I still have my D not as awful as it was but it still hanging on--Oh My Dr. ordered my new pain pills so the pharmacy called me and said they have to order them, not many requests fpor that particular med.. Oh OH I didn't like that, but again something new to try.

    Bernie I'm sure I have asked u this before but---how do u celebrate St. Patricks day there. It has to be a big one right? It's huge here.

    Well I hope everyone has a great Turd-day--I know I am, just not so great.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    LOL - u goils jes toooo funny! LMAO with all da ‘fart’ posts!!

    Cami - I’m cwackin up over ur description of bachelor. I don’t watch it but I totally get your drift. I had to share a room w/my sis too…until I got married and moved out. She was a lazy one. So on cleaning day…I split the room…that way my mom wud kno she was a slob. Me mom believed everything that came outta her mouth…sad really. OMG about da St’s and Ides and den u throw Joseph in the mix. Me ma tail me to bury statue in my front yard…I did…and the house sold…LOL!

    Bernie - GR8 ones!!! And woohoo….Katwinka will b there Monday right? Will you still b calibrating St Pat’s Day?

    NM - Wish the weather wud cooperate and gib u some sunshine. I really wud love to visit Maine again…I jes dunno when…heavy sigh!

    Gotta go goils…Lubs you all!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Hi all, believe it or not St Pats here is no where near as big as it is over there or in some parts of England.  Each city has a parade (it's a national holiday) on the day then we go drinking. So hangovers at work the next day.

    Some parades are good but nothing like the New York one.  

    All our major politicians leave the country and celebrate elsewhere.  The biggest is when they go to the White House with a bowl of Shamrock.

    The shamrock and Saint Patrick.

    Although the shamrock is closely associated with Saint Patrick, it is more likely that the shamrock was worn it as a symbol of the cross - the old Tua Cross, presumably and not the modern one - rather than of the Trinity. Shamrock itself is simply immature trefoil, or young clover, and the name is an anglicisation of seamair óg or "young clover". The myths themselves, though, are much more interesting. The shamrock, it is said, symbolises the Trinity, that is, the Christian idea that there is one God but three Persons in the one God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Before the Christian era it was a sacred plant of the druids of Ireland because it's leaves formed a triad. Famous stories tell of how St. Patrick used the shamrock in his teachings. Preaching in the open air about God and the Trinity, he illustrated the meaning of the Three in One by plucking a shamrock from the grass growing at his feet and showing it to his congregation. Just as the shamrock is one leaf with three parts, so God is one entity with three Persons. The legend of the shamrock is also associated with the banishment of the serpents from Ireland by a tradition that snakes are never seen on shamrock and that it is a remedy against the bites of snakes and scorpions. Because the shamrock was a sacred plant to the druids, and three was a mythical number in Drudic religious practice, Patrick was probably well aware of the significance of the shamrock as a teaching tool.

    On the subject of green plants, it should be said that the colour of St. Patrick was not actually green, but blue. In the 19th century, however, green came to be used as a symbol of Ireland. Thanks to plentiful rain and mists, the "Emerald Isle" is indeed green all the year 'round, which is probably the inspiration for the national colour. Although many people would presume that the shamrock is also the national emblem of Ireland, this is not so. The national symbol of Ireland is the harp.

    Three is Ireland's magic number. Numbers played an important part in Celtic symbolism Three was the most sacred and magical number. It multiplies to nine, which is sacred to St. Brigid. Three may have signified totality: past, present and future, sky, earth and underground. Everything good in Ireland comes in threes - the rhythm of Irish storytelling is based on three-fold repetition. This achieves both intensification and exaggeration. " Three accomplishments well regarded in Ireland - a clever verse, music on the harp, the art of shaving faces."

    On St. Patrick's day, a member of the British Royal Family presents Shamrock to the Irish Guards regiment of the British Army, so integral is the shamrock in the history of the Irish people.

    The shamrock is a fragile little plant, and doesn't keep long out of its habitat. A fresh sprig in the morning will have dried and withered by noon, and can look a bit limp. Recently a few bright sparks have invented a little lapel sachet in which the shamrock is both grown and worn, and will bloom until the last of Patrick's pot is drunk. 


    In written English, the first reference to the shamrock dates from 1571, and in written Irish as seamrog, from 1707. As a badge to be worn on the label on the Saint's feastday, it is referred to for the first time as late as 1681, The shamrock was used as an emblem by the Irish volunteers in the era of Grattan's parliament in the 1770's before 98 and The Act of Union. So rebellious did the wearing of the shamrock eventually appear, that in Queen Victoria's time Irish regiments were forbidden to display it. At that time it became the custom for civilians to wear a little paper cross coloured red and green.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2013

    Sugar Razor-thong

    Soon Cammi!

    ChrissyB-  Wow, what a strong beautiful girl.

    Hi all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Adey it will be soon.

    Bernie u r so interesting. I knew some of the stories but not all of that It just always amazed me how one little green thing could have so much history and now I find out there's more--Thank you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    ***** Like, Tag, Share @[510359309002441:274:MeFunnySideUp] our baby page *****

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    cammi,hope the d, has stopped,hope you have more snuggle time with joey tonight,love your bedtime stories.    lori- no babiesCry,better have a drink.   nm it was a little cold here today ,and will be in the 40's tonight!  is sadie even more friendly when she covered in mud? kat, iknow your cou ting down the days till your trip.    becks my stripper name sounds like a guyFrown, cyn,love the tattoo.  back in work tonightCry

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013


    FOR BERNIE.   I hope this works Undecided

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Well chit....dat last post makes no sense.  IT IS A VIDEO, double click on it.  It came with a title "watch your surroundings while on your bike".  I wanna kno why the chick on the bike stands up for a sec, then sits back down?

    Cami - u gonna share dat killa or whaaaat??

    Adey - ur name sounds like it could be dangerous...heehee!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Hi girlz! Enjoying all the posts, and hoping everyone is doing great!

    Cami, darn that D....wish it would just go away and not come back. Don't worry too much about the med not being popular, as a lot of times they either don't have what we need, or have it in diff strengths, so have to order it. Pubix gets it the next day, usually. Hope yours comes in soon AND that it works!!!!

    Mema...I want what you are dwinking! Remember, you are seeing Lori and I am seeing Bernie on the SAME day, silly! We actually land in Ireland Monday morn, but are just in the airport...for about FIVE hours though! But have to go thru customs, and claim our luggage, then check in with another airlines for the next 3 legs (Frankfurt, Lisbon, then Madeia). ANd about a 3-4 hr stop in Frankfurt. But won't get to Madeira's airport till about midnight Monday night. So in Madeira for a wk, then get to see Bernie on the 26th!!! I sure hope you get to sleep without coughing tonight. You gotta get well before YOUR trip! DO you leave on Tues?

    WooHoo Lori got me my OWN humpboy!!!! Man, does he have moves!

    Julie, have you started on that med yet? Ya know, if ya twist mese arm, mese will dwink for ya, anytime! Just let me know.

    Did anyone remember today is PI day?? (3.14)

    Dorkie, are you okay? How is mom doing??? IS your dad still there? I forgot when he was flying back, and he might already be back in FL. Hope they are both doing ok.

    Beansie, still praying for your bro....and am so glad you are there to help them!

    Alli, where art thou? Miss you here in the lounge. HOpe you are well now, too.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    hi Goils, indeed great reading. loved reading BBB's history of St Patty's dey. I tink it should be a holiday here. den a holidey for de next day. Cuz here, we are ALL Irish on dat dey.

    Love you goils porn names, Cammi, beckers and Addey, funny stuff. I have mine in my signature, sugar dazzle thighs or glitter thights sumeting like dat. mese too dwunk to bremember.

    Lori, I want a hump dey boy for meseself some day pleeeeeze? Tank you. I look forward to him.

    Cam, your stories crack me de hail up. Keep em coming.You always good for a smile :-) Dat why wese lubs you so much.

    Sue, feel better. Still praying for our Beanie baby and hoping all is going as planned or better with her dear bro's treatment.  FURB FURB FURB!! Speaking of, I heard true de vino vine dat somebody got a cool FURB tat todey, hmmmmm, don't make me tail, let de perp tail hehehe!

    Love you goils. Gonna get back on mese sofa, mese belly is not feeling to good. Seems I got a case of de dreaded D. Makes me feel eben sorryer if dat possible, for our Camille. I pray dat shit stops leaking, I know I will get better soonliest.

    Dad flew back home on Sundey. He is discouraged that Mom does not know him, well duh. We tried to explain that it not the point of a visit. He is now looking foward to selling their place in SC and moving here. He is on a waiting list at a home in my home town. I mighten have to go and have sex iwith one of de geizzers and gib him a fart attack so dere is room for my daddy. I think my sisters will join me too, all in luv for our daddy whom we lub berry berry muchliest of all de dads in de world. And he needs us, his family has spend a lot of time with him while he is here and he enjoys seeing his own sweet sisters.

    Dat de news from Mo'town NJ! Cheers now goils, drink up. I having tea, dont tail de mods, Cammi, dey trow me outta de lounge!!!

    Luv ye goils!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Kat - chit...chit...chit.....I am worried bout mese...mebe better go check in wif Dorfy mommy.  I wrote pooches bath on wrong day, wrote wrong time today for my pamper day, was 15 mins late, can't keep your info straight...can't keep my OWN info straight...will u remind me to go catch my plane for CA PWEEZE!!  What is PI?  Where is Lori's zoom net?  OO mese oh myse!!  I leave for LV on Tues....but my flt to CA is Weds.  I better recheck dat...heehee.

    Dorfy - goot to sees u in da lounge.  I thot da 'hump' man was purdy fab too.  Who gotz a new tat??  U betta spill da beans..heehee..not our beansie...jes give me da info K?  Did I already ask you if anyone, family, in SC wif your dad while he git da hse ready for sale?  I worry bout him.  He will b so much betta when he come live in NJ.  I will say extra prayers dat a spot comes open in dat home in NJ so you and your sisters don't hab to 'ho uselves..K?  Mese will pray too dat you big D stop and is jes a widdle bug on sumpin u ate.  U didn't see it cuz it so widdle...but now it in u guts and makin u nutz.  heehee  (((Dorfy)))

    JeanBean---still many speshall prayers going out to you and Michael and all da family...(((Jean)))

    Am gonna take some drugs and try to sleep tonite.  Lubs lubs lubs lubs lubs to all my lubly ladies....MUAH!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Ello all!

    Ok so I'm trying to read and catch up. I saw Orange tell Cami, " the sweet words..." or something like that. So, I go looking to see what the sweet words were. I think I went past them but I so tired I had to renumber what Iz was looking for. What I came up with was lol because Cami said "recockulous" a few pages back. Ha haha! I can't focus maybe Iz too dwunk but sometimes I secretly think maybe I has RB somewhere cause I so stinking Tired and having hard time juggling life and work part time only. Oh shoot. Heavy sigh. It's hard. It was hot here too 96 !!! Need anurhtherb dwink! Hic.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Ello Beck....mese hab enuf to dwink...hichichichic...coughcoughcough.  Waayyy past me bedtime.  Jes gotta say...ur energy will improve...mine has...but lots to do with 'giving up' the part-time work...cuz I cud, and my walking.  But I kno lots of my breasties can't gib up da woik...dis makes me sad Frown.  So I gib lots n lots of dwinks...mostly killa and wodka and brandy...den I gib lots of WEBK's...and lots of HUGZ...and of course...always...lots n lots of prayers!!!

    G'nite my lublies!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    I hops you r wite Memasue. Hope you feels better. Get sleep!!! Gnite. Lebe me your dwinks. I keep dem safe!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Beck, dis is what Cami say on March 13...I tink dat da date...but here it is...IT IS worth repeating!!

    What I'm trying to say is everyone one of u have an aura about u that glows of goodness and peace and creativity and u are all pure of thought. U'r an amazing group of women. Yea I know I'm being mushy but sometimes I am and I have to tell u how I really feel. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Ooooh das good! Gives me chills! Thanks!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh I came in to say nite nite--I've had my D for a couple of hrs now--I think after all my meds it stopping for now-Damn never made it to the bathroom either--double damn--I do know tht's TMI but what the hell--between the D pills and pain pills I'm fried--Oh and tomorry is Fried Day and taday was The Ides of March day and I'm the onky one that membered and what is PI day--I know what I want to say but betr not. Now I'm hungry drat as I pull on my facial mustache that I can't find my removal thingy. What a world this is my hair is thinning on top and facial hair is growing and the joke is ther isn't one---it's a travesty of--this was not well planned. Oh well I guess I sounds a lot crabby--I think I am right now hahaha

    Sue u'd better get rid of that cold--I forgot did u see the Dr. about it? If not see one rightb away--u have to travel and it' s not good with any type of cold.

  • Not-Me
    Not-Me Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2013

    I completely want to join this group...are you open to new members?  Smile

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    DUH, YES "Not-Me"......we have lots of room for more loungettes here in the Hot Tatties Lounge! Pull up a barstool, have the Tattie Tenders make you your fav dwink, and tell us about yourself! Welcome!

    OK.... I hear about this every girls liked to celebrate Pi day, and today my DD1 took her son out for Pizza "Pie", with other 'geocatchers' (we are in a very hi tech town full of good nerds) is what Pi Day is...

    March 14 (3/14) is Pi Day, a celebration of the ratio of a circle’s
    circumference to its diameter — one of the most beautiful and confounding
    numbers in mathematics. It’s technically written as 3.14159, or 3.14 for short,
    but Pi is an “irrational and transcendental number” whose decimals “continue
    infinitely without repetition or pattern,” according to, the holiday’s official website. But
    just like the hordes of young people who
    flocked to get married on 12/12/12
    , we can’t resist the opportunity to

    celebrate a fortuitous coincidence on our calendars.

    Read more:

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Not-Me!!! Hot Tatties lounge is the best place. There's a Percotini fountain!!! You might like being you just had surgery. You can lay in the hammocks and the tenders will take good care. Enjoy!!!!!

    I'm goin ta bed. See you again soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Kat that PI day--how could we forget.--It is celebrated universally every year. and altho there are no parades or days given off of school or work--it is certainly recognozed as one of the top 1,000,000 holidays ever.

    ooo Not me---u just got operated on, u must still be hurting---order any drink u want as often as u want and it's free to. LOL AND it will mix with all meds--that's the best part.

    Well I just woke up to go to the bsthroom again. GRRRR and since I am now in the "maids" quarters on the other side I feel more pressure. LOL--but I don't do any maid stuff as we all know--but the washer and dryer are right outside my door--and Joey suggest another small dresser thin and tall in one corner--He's right. Oh and now my TV is as loud as I want during the night cuz no one can hear it. BTW I did eat 6 marshmellow eggs after my fiasco now I feel sick. my fault.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Welcome not-me.  Hum, - new name for this Babe. Mimi.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    For Mimi.

    A city slicker moves to the country and decides he's going to take up farming.
    He heads to the local livestock supplier and tells the man, "Give me 100 baby chickens."
    The supplier complies.
    A week later the man returns and says, "Give me 200 baby chickens."
    The man at the supplier complies. Again, a week later the man returns.
    This time he says, "Give me 500 baby chickens."
    "Wow!" the supplier replies. "You must really be doing well!"
    "Naw," said the man with a sigh. "I'm either planting them too deep or too far apart!"