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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Awww Cyn, I’m so sorry that you might not get to see your g’daughter, you know you have rights. That is really sad that she sent a Xmas gift back.

    LMAO @ Phil. Good one Dork.

    Lara, I’m with Cammi…….drugs drugs drugs. Glad you at least had some good food. How come your dad didn’t come with you this time, and who pays for his travels?

    NM, not sure what it is that we are always working our EWWA’s off, but mine doesn’t seem to go anywhwere!

    Likker and drugs Becks, likker and drugs. Sawry you are not feeling well and hope it is short lived. 5 am is about my normal time for getting up. If a name funcuses you, just ask girl. Glad you will be able to be with your DH for 2 months during the summer, but then you will be missing Annie L.

    Oh wow, 120 flakes Cami? Can’t make much of a snowman with that. Glad you asked for your report, now you can call and ask for the US one too. What test is the doc wanting to do now? OMG that is just too precious that Joey picks out your jewelry. Ohhhhh give him a hug from me.

    Now that’s a sweater B! Maybe Kathy can borrow it when she gets there.

    Oh no Julie, your poor niece. Damn girl, you just keep getting beaten up at work. If there is something wrong, the BETTER NOT say it’s due to the RB. Please let us know the results. I think we need to have Dork’s peeps on stand by.

    Well, Ms Suzy won’t be here until sometime this evening. Her plane lands in Phx around 1, then get a rental and 4 hour drive to meese house. I told her I would have sketti waiting with mese homemade sauce.

    Bernie and Kathy……………Hugs to the both of you. Enjoy your time. I know Sue and I will!!!!

    Happy 2’s day

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Im Funcassed!!  Lowwie!!  Who's birthday is it?  I have Katwinka down for 9/13.  Luceeee you got some essssplanin to doooo!

    Have Mucho fun with Mema the next couple of days..I look forward to seeing pics from that.  Shoah hope tis warmer in AZ than it will be im Kilkenny...burrr....Loved the sweater pic Bernie..trying to figure it out...did she take a very large sweater and  put it on sideways..head / feet thru the sleeves? What will the weather be like in June?

    Beckers you had asked why I have to dwink virtual...I dont..I just happend to be working that evening and it was too early...TRUST ME I do my share of the real drinking I prolly do your share and Cami's Share, Adeys share and definately Julie's share I dont think I do Stella's share cause dat be toooo much!!  Speaking of Stella da bella da ball...where has she been???  Bizzy studying mixology??? 


    Dats all folks(insert looney toon music)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    I love, love, love that u gals will be sharing u'r time together and that sweater is somethig i should have and like it too.

    Lori aren't u furcited I'd be fliipin out--well not literally, but boy I'd be furcited like crazy.

    Lori my S hs a collection ver neatly of gems and stones and he has ane eye thingy--he has a beautful karat firestone opal and he loves all the jewrly show we watch and he loves the emerald--he's got good taste. He's strange in so many ways believe me. He walked in the living room and Les and Marty were watching a movie and instead od saying (like a normal person) what kind of movie is this, he said what genre is this. No one uses that word.Here anyway.-

    Anyway i had another bladder test and she called this morning and of course I have an infection and she's sending it out for a culture since I have them every month with no sex.I have no regular symptoms just more pain in another area sothat's what yesterday was all about.

    That's why I can't imagine lara traveling with so much pain, I can hadly walk anymore. I feel so bad for u Lara.

    It's dingy out here today so no sun jst dar clouds. meanng nothing.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    ((((((((((cammi)))))))))),hope you got lots of good drugs and plenty of fluids, can i blame my memory on age,frb andlack of licker  for the very early birthday wishes katrinkaSurprised,           planning on going home to uk in sept/oct,shall i take stella if she passes her course, also thinking about a cruise around the med or canary islands while thereLaughing. well got up to message on my machine from eployee health, please call us, you can imagine my thought after having that mri yesterday but they saw me today and got the report , no evidence of frb   yeah! possible minor partial tear or tendinopathy of the supraspinatus tendon.    so have to see an ortho doc,   becks do you know what kind of treatment you get for this? cardio i know,ortho not much, any advice from anybody would be great. nm hope you had a better start to the day.ladies who are meeting up ,party hard. cyn will pray for your gd and that you get to see her soon 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Julie love the truck-----

    Now all I understood is no FRB so that's good, I didn't understand anything else, well maybe like tendinitus but I'm not sure-which I do know that that doesn't heal right. Or maybe it could be fixed I really don't have a clue--I just want u to be all right but at least there's good news there. Julie why don't I know u'r from England, I thought I noticed an accent but I wasn't sure. Well now u have to fool around with this thing going on, it's painful isn't it.? Oh I'm sorry.

    Well my new antibiotic will have me peeing brown--I haven't seen yellow in a while--so no drinking for me--but not like Julie for nine months--that's time to grow a baby for goodness sakes.

    It's still glumpy out today no sun for us.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Oh Cammie I love u thank u

    well get this I get back to this crummy loud hotel and I take a shower I ahd a very frustrating day.

    I am in this crummy bed doing work on my laptop and I hear beep beep constant it was the fire

    I had to call the front desk whats that beeping

    they go fire someone pulled drill false alarm but you have to go outside

    im like wtf so im in bitch mode standing outside with wet hair

    my incesions are red from lifting and moving

    the wine didnt work last night still didnt sleep

    I can not wait to go home ugggg

    Good read Juliet

    aand cammie there are no scary movies on these channels

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Happy twosdey my dwunk friends,

    Did I see a Dwink of de Day (DOTD)? Do no bremember, has to go back and check.Ok, mese back and still do not see one. I guess our daily dwink makers bese biddy. I let Lara name de dotd x  cuz I tink we all need to dwink with her!

    Lara, geeze, it is too cold to be outside with wet hair, damn whomever pulled the fire alarm. I am sorry you are going through so much pain and discomfort, you know I can relate, I am right there with you in having multiple surgeries and still not done. And it sux seeing other goils that get all dere recon done in six months. I am nearly three years out and still feeling de pain and do not even have a pair of foobs to show for it.  ((((ORANGE/ORLA/LARA)))

    Becks, sorry you not feeling well, hope todey is better for ya. Sorry you has to git up so early, I am wtih you on not liking to git up in de am. Dat changed significantly since my DX, used to wake up ebery day by 5:45 and have time to watch news, dwink coffee and get to work early. Post RB anudder story. Glad you git to see your DH for two months, that is wild. You berry patient. Mese sister's DH is in Zurich for tree months and she going nuts missing him.

    I warn ye goils now, dis gonna be a long one. get yer pillows ready in case ye start yawning and drifting off. Or dwinking and falling down hehe!

    Cam, you crack me de hail up goil!! 120 snow flakes, you got ripped off but I tink it is more like you can't count past 120 cuz ye dwunk hehehe!! Ya know mese kidding ya! Congrats on no FRB, dat calls for a partay in yer honour!  Come one come six, it a partay. And guess who bartending tonight?? Yep, it bese Stella, de Stella de bella of de Ball bese a guest bar tender. She still studying mixology or as she calls it bixing up poyfect dwinks with double dee alcomahal! woop, I telled ya it gonna be a partay!

    Bernie, de hostest with de mostest, please keep mese Katwinka dinka de Dwinka warm and in dwinks. I heard you had yer DH build her a fire and invited some tenders over to hailp keep ye both warm! Yippee for you and Kat. I lift my JD and coke to both of you and say CHEERS! I know you and Kat and company still dwinking and I bet ye goils bese up thue de early hours of de aye em! cheers!

    And Mema Sue on her way to de Shady lady to see Lowwwrie, de innocent one yipppeeeee! What a great day, four loungettes meeting up AND Camille with NFRB news, wese gotsta partay BIG dis night to sailabrate soooo much!! I tink I will resume de partay when I git to Momma's Place dis night. Mese been procrastinating on dat front todey, not a good day for Momma :-( But tank God for de Winebulance that Julia sent, tanka yew Julia, you de best.

    Speaking of ye Julia, I tail ya, yer patients whipping on you and you habbing to go trhough many tests and scans and in widdle machineys with yer whole body, dorK not happy. She say dat BS. I so sorry for you and you can't even dwink, awwww (((JULIE))), I hope some DorkY hugs help ya feel better dear fwend.

    Another reason it a spayshall partay day is that Adey stopped by, yippee!! Welcome back Adey,, please please please come more often. Wese wanna git to know you more. I say we all like you cuz mese de HTL self-denignated spokesgoil, yay for mese and mese big head todey!

    SUz, hope ye having a pleasant and easy dwive to Lauweeeeeee's Shady Lady and hope it not too cold to partay inside de lady, oops dat sound weird. Mese means dat you goils ken partay whevebber de hail you want and I jest knows it gonna be de bestest meet up yet tween ye goils. I lift mese glass to yese, I know it will be happening in about six hours from when I finish dis here post.

    Lawie, was great to see you in de lounge last night, I wish I had been partaying for de spayshall occasion but making up for it todey, dis spayshall dey you bin waiting for. I know about dem spayshall deys, notting nothing nada like dose deys eh?

    Cyn, mese loves to see yer pretty face in de lounge, been awhile since we partayed togetthere. I know when you working de OT you has to partay voyshirley which not as fun. But better dan nothing. i hope you enjoying some nice Spring weather cuz it cold here too. Dis sposed to bese Spring ya know and it cold. Hate it, bwing on de summer weather baby! nope, not talking to JohnBoy, de mole faced nerd! tehehe. oh, he jailous of de Stella cuz she bese hanging out with handsome and younger men whilst practicipating her mixology skills! Maybe Slella can stop in de loung, now dat would be aweomse.

    Oh, Julie, she tailed me she go with you away anytime cuz you let her dwink all she wants. Not sure if she will like it since you not dwinking but I like it better cuz I know you will be more aware and she less likely to run away with that moler focker ugly pocket-protector wearning nerd JB!

    NM, mese might to funcused, I now tinking it was YOU who was in de lounge last night and not Lori? Or was it both of you? I missed yer post dis morning, hope you did not obersleep, hate hate hate dat!

    I know mese missing sumone berry important but can't remember. Sorta like when Cam foygot to ask for her medical report. It was important so much dat wese jest forget. So forgive me mighty important loungette dat mese foygot. I blame de rat basturd! He get blames for manny tings by mese cuze he deserve to take de punishment.

    My people are on stand by, jest sayin!!

    Have a great night my goils and mese so happy happy happy for those of you that are having face-time togedder dis day/ dis night. I lifted mese glass to toast mese computer but ooops, should not do dat. So I toast mese forehead, CHheeRs!  ~~ouch~! dat hurt.... uhhhh. I shoulda had a V8. tehehehe! peace and love to all~~

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi there. Happy twos day! I came home early. Feeling so crappy!

    Bernie, that sweater pic is so funny! Cami, it looks like you put head and legs in the arms and hold your drink through neck hole. Keep you cozy in IL!

    Orange, how sweet that your dad travels with you to help! You are so lucky!! I miss my Dad. Explain what you were saying about getting so hot due to node removal.

    Goldie, I am definitely torn for sure. Annie and I have been having sleepovers since she was new. Her parents were out to lunch for a time so me n her other grandma took care of her for about a year...She comes every other weekend now.

    Juliet, usually with tendons, gotta get inflammation down. Probably depends on if it's torn though. Usually try to preserve range of motion within pain tolerance so you don't freeze up. May use modalities like ultrasound. Eventually restrengthening. Could be a long haul. :-(

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    I missed you Dork. I think we wuz typing at same time. Good to see you join da par Tay. How's Momma? Any improvement? UTI cleared up?? Why the surgery in Nov now. Are you goin to do DIEP still? I am full of soo many questions two nite. Sorry if too much. Jus been meanin to ask.

    So tired but mese boyfriend is on TV tonight. Das right my boyfriend Adam Levine is a judge on that singing show....the Voice and this is the first show and I have to stay awake.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hey Beckers, Mom still has the UTI, just came back positive todey. She has been so berry anxious, I had to go and sit with her already dis week and have to do it again tonight. No problem with the questions, I don't mind at all. I am not sure what to do about the surgery but MUST cancel this week as I have a preop scheduled on Monday for the original surgery date of 4/17. I have decided to post pone that at my doctors advise, he wants to allow more healing time. As for when I do it, it is complicated and I am unsure. November would be the best best as I have exhausted my FMLA time which means that my employer can lawfully fire me now, I only get 12 weeks per rolling calendar year, can request 24 weeks is a VP approves it. I have to muster up de courage to message one of my VP's and ask. Either way, I will be out over 90 days with my current absense so it looks like I will be screwed unless I get a VP to approve more time. I had disabilities last May and October too so those will "roll" off in November on de anniversary of my return to work date. Hey, did not realize you had medical knowledge too but chit, good to know! We have now three medical porfesshionals in de lounge, wooo hoooooo! Sorry you still feeling chitty, please take care of yeself, k? Hugs to ya! back to mommy now, she is not giving me the chance to write a book again but I have somehow managed a mini-series hehe. Cheers ghouls!

    Hey, we can invite your Adam L to be a tender, jest has to make sure he hung first bahahahahaha!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    may i have yer attension:

    Adam Levine will be auditioning for de position of sex slave, err I mean tender for de HTL. Please give yer concents yay or nay.

    I say yay. Cuz mese did a search of him and he likes to be naked. Yippee, love hot n naked tenders, better dan hot and zesty wings, oh sooo much better!!!!

    please cast ye ballots on or before de end of de dey tomorree wherever u live, k? K, tank ye!

    I SAY YAY! and I tink we git a YAY from Beckers, yippee. 2 YAY zero zilch nada NAY! woop wooop!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    OMG wet hair, outside WTF--u better not get sick u've got enough problems Orange. How often can that possibly happen and it happens when u'r there.

    Dorky I see u are talking alot today--good keep on drinkin' but don't let u'r mommy see dat. And Stella it's good she's learnin' sometin, se should, cus he can o anyplace and work and u know she picks up in a minute and just goes anywhere she wants. I wish she could go and take care of Julie another painful ting goin on. And how do u and Orange do this with dese fills or whatever dwy are and why is it so painful--I still don't unnerstan--after all dis time. U'r guys are having more pain than u ever had with all the pre stuff before. This is 72 times worse than all the other stuff. I'm so sorry.

    Cyn I've been thinkin bout u cuz I see mese gradson everyday and just feelin' bad for u. It doesn't sound fair to me at all, bt I uess alot of tings are not fair. I'm sorry really

    Becks u'r not feeling good---pain, crappy or both--I'm sorry take all drugs that u can. I've turned into a pusher now, never was--always natural stuff ha not anymore.

    Mese memory is very bad dese last couple of day (well worse dan usual) mese GF called to tell me she'll pick me up at 1:15 I know she likes to be early, but I said we're meeting at 3PM so her memrey ain't so good either--so it'll be around 2:30--I hope, hope, hope I'll be able to go, I can never count on doing anything blast it hahaha--we're just going to a regular old hangout for us and that's fine--we really don't care where we go as long as it's quiet for talking. Boy are we old--but they all drink so as long as there is likker too everyone is happy.

    OK I'll stop for now so I'll catchup latah--Lub to all

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Yay, YAY YAY!!! he does likes ta be necked. Tried to talk to him bout that but me likes him dat way and since I married I will share him with you all's!

    Oh Dork, it is wild how we have to juggle fmla's and disabilities n chit. I think I have a tummy bulge that I hope is not hernia but I would not be able to get disability for who knows how long. I moved away so they probably calculate 50 bucks a week now!! Best to heal more. That is your puka? Did a flap fail? Oh!!! Here's a chocolate martini! Sounds like a pain in the arse. Oh big hug. Good to wait for the right time for sure. Does your mama have a stubborn UTI? Is she on catheter? Heavy sigh. My brother is my Moms primary caretaker and he always sends me texts about how he sees her going downhill and how he doesn't think she will be here a year from now. It makes me crazy. I hate watching our parents in these years. Oh...hang in's a martini for your odder hand. We drink martinis in the stop smoking thread. (I'm bad influence maybe)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Cami, have fun goin out with friends! Wear your new sweater dress! Ha!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    thanks beck, i love the words medical management,   dorty,is your mum drinking enough? she could be even more restless because of pain and bladder spasms,  could they prescribe her an antispasmotic,hope she feels better soon.  lara outside in this weather with wet hair,hope your night has improved.  cammi-mutlicoloured pee, you are so talented,   keep on taking the drugs.       re your report- 3 times i've been to employee health and still forgot to get a copy of my liver lab,i did remember my mri report though.  the fmla laws/disability really don't cover those with ongoing  health problem  well,at my work the fmla is calender year, so if you got fmla paperwork in nov, you have to get fresh paperwork done for jan 1st and you know the docs love filling out that paperworkCry haven't used my disabilty insurance-YET.   waiting for workers comp to arrnage the ortho consult, they tend to specilise in this area so hoping for arm/shoulder one!, girl i worked with got referred to hip/knee for her shoulder WTF. migth have to use the frb card if don;t like the doc.   cammi have a wonderful time tomorrow ,lori,sue,bernie,kat, hope your having lots of fun

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Ssssssssssssssshhh. Kathy still asleep.

    It's snowing and freezing here.

    Kathy is now.......................

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    good morning bernie and kathy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Oh, great, it's snowing again. 

    Becs--yes, 5 ayem is EVIL!  So is 5:30 ayem.  Even though I didn't get out of bed until 6 ayem.  6 ayem is only semi-evil.  I know dream analysis is a really subjective thing, but it is kinda fun to try to figger out where a particular dream comes from. I've drempt about oversleeping (there it is a word, 2 of us have used it).  And being naked.  And searching for things. 

    Cammy--information overload.  We all are on information overload.  That's why we don't remember chit.  What test is your doc gonna do now?????Z

    BBBBernie--Now that's one way to stay warm!  But my toes would be icicles. 

    Juliet--I knew wrestling with naked guys wasn't as much fun as everyone says it is! I wonder why the MRI takes so long.  May have to look into that at some point, just out of curiosity. 

    ORLA--where are you getting the hives?  The lobstah avocado burger sounds good!

    Cammy--if you read back far enough you will see all of us have been through the moody and complaining thing at one time or another.  It’s just your turn right now. 

    Adey--cold in Ireland with Bernie IS better than warm any where else!

    Goldie--good point!  With all the work I'm doing right now my EWWA should be gone as well as the tummy and thighs and expanded waist line. . .

    Juliet--HOORAY for no sign of the rb!  Who'd ever though we'd be in a position where an orthopedic problem is considered a GOOD thing.  I don't know much about ortho, but my Mom had tendonitis in her shoulder for years, was told to keep moving it so it didn't freeze up, take tylenol or ibuprofen, I think she did some icing or some heat.  But that was decades ago, I'm sure they have more specific advice nowadays. 

    Winebulance, YEAH!!!!

    ORLA--must have been a horrible day if wine didn't help you sleep!  And a fire alarm on top of everything???  You need to get your company to put you up in better hotels!

    DorKable--sorry for missing the DOTD, I've been really tired and sleeping in and sometimes not getting on the boards in the ayem.  I'll try to do better!  Now that the sun is starting to come up closer to when I have to get up it will be easier.  I really hate getting up in the dark.  Even Sadie doesn't like to get up in the dark!

    I vote YAY!  Who is Adam Levine?  Looking him up.  Ooh, him is handsome! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Disability Fixer

    4 oz lemonade

    1 oz red stag

    1 oz absolute citron

    1/2 oz simple syrup

    Mix and drink! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Becks and NM ok since my masectomy and lymph node removal if I am doing something like for example trying on clothes I will get really red on my chest and face bright red.

    This has never happened

    Then in exterme heat I get hives all over my arms my chest turns red.This has never happened in my  life.

    The rdness happens  more often IDk

    well I get to come home today later yesssssssssssssss

    Yes Becks my dad is retired and travels with me he gets worried but he could not make it this week my step mom had surgery on her foot.

    Dork im with u girl friend  u have it worse then me but it will come..I thought you were going to get the surgery soon

    Thanks for the hugs

    Hugs to everyone

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    lara, i never had an allergy until last year when i became allergic to hospital cleaner, are you  getting allergic to what ever they wash new clothers with, ps you don't look old enough but could it be the dreaded perimenopause?  dorty this will be the surgery that gives you the boobs you want.not happy you have to wait so long because of work,your people should be working on this.  nm,snowYell my sister said it was snowing again in her area in the uk, and i don't blame sadie, it was 42f here this morning,  and i had to drag my self out of bed but has i'm off today, might just crawl back in!   yeah what a twisted world we have when we have  a medical condition unrelated to frb and we are happy about it, tallking with becks the treatment is still the same for tendon problems, but because hurt at work ,get a referral to ortho,hope i can go back to the gym soon,miss it almost as much as i miss my lickker

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Bahahaha Cyn, you wuz a funny bunny yesterday morning. I do not believe that it is any bodies birfday, sumbuddy jes playin. And you need to share some of dose dwinks, quit hoggin.

    Dayem Cami, not fair to get those infections w/o having some boom chicky, maybe you need to get you some???? (jes kiddin, of course)

    Julie, so essited that you get to bisit your home town this fall and go on a cruise, I’m sure Stella would LOVE to go. As for your MRI, good ting for no RB, but I have no clue as to what that tendon is. We need to sign you up for some defense classes, so you can defend yourself against these wild nekkid men! LOL @ Cami with multi colored pee. My My, the things us drunks talk about!

    Cami, you are just to f’ing funny, 9 months enough to grow a baby…..LOL. And you are always so concerned about everyone else’s pain, and you are prolly in the mostest! You are a doll. OMG, now you are not only a druggie, but a pusher too? Oh I hope you got to get out wif you friend, sis and cuz.

    Lara, you poor thing. Sounds like NOTHING was going your way, and no scary movies to boot. I hope you aren’t doing any damage to yourself with all that lifting, please be careful girl. And what happened to the pictures you were gonna send me?

    Oh Dorfy, I don’t tink enny buddy been through as much as you have girl. 3 years and still not done, dat jes ain’t right (((((DORK))))). How come it was a bad day for your mom? Jes one of doze days I hope, and not enny ting new going on.

    Whoa, dat Stella shore mixes up a strong one! Thanks girl.

    Dort, you so right. Nothing like these days when you can meet up wif a breastie, but eben more spayshull to have a bisit in ye own home. We did so much kissing, and hugging, and fartin and drinking, and more huggin and kissin and fartin, more drinking………well, you catch my drift? Jes don’t stand up wind of it………..or is dat down wind?

    Adey, it is nice to see you pop in, but you a berry quiet dwunk. I also hope dat you and Cami goyle get to meet up soonliest. How far apart are you two?

    And now we have Beckers on hand to help us goilies out wif pwoblems, yippee. Mese tink you will have to stash Annie in youse suitcase when you leave to bisit you hubby. The Voice, I like that show and have to remember to DVR it.

    Dorothy, you are such a good employee, your company would be foolish to let you go!

    NM, I didn’t have time to look for a DOTD yesterday either, but I don’t think anyone went without.

    Ms PwoudMary still sweeping, we stayed up til after 11 mese tink. I jes din’t wanna go to bed. Kathy/Bernie, I hope you two are having as much fun as Sue and I. I do have to work today, but I can do it in the house, and she can get caught up with the things she needs to. I so so happy to have her here, and she looks FABULOUS, let me tail you.

    Ok, time to get in de shower. Happy Happy HUMPY Day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    NM MORE SNOW---how close are u to the North Pole for goodness sakes. I know u'r used to it but really enough is enough.

    Orange and Dork I'm sorry but in my thoughts u 2 are suffering far to much, I want to wave a wand and stop all this nonsense and I know when it's not furb and It's a relief, I still blame it for all the crap that's happening. I hold a grudge.

    Julie u'r another oe that has all kinds of things going on. isn't it exhausting to you? Again happy about the answers but it's still no fun and again I blame the dreaded disease. Like u (I think) said before this I had no allergoes or sinus problems, and nothing wrong with my back, now it all happens and now energy level is low.

    Lori or NM???? I'm getting just a culture for my pee--whatever tht is, I never had that before and of course I have another infection--I don't actually think it leaves after meds.

    Becks I think I might wear pretend boobs today, I hardly ever do, but it might even out my fat belly better and maybe I'll stand up straighter or at least give the illusion of that--we'll see. No matter how I look they all say I look beautiful, they are a bunch of liars I know, but they mean well. And we've been toget since we were 10 so it doesn't bother me. Becks u don't feel well eighter, I hope u'r better.

    And our travelors have met their destinations right? How incredible to be able to go all over and meet everyone. I just really can't travel--remember over a year ago I was supposed to go on TV in the south somewhere and my GF flew here to make sure I had the wheel chair and everything and nope I didn't go. She never complained few back here with al kinds of presents from the TV show and stayed a couple of days. She's the one that lives in CA and still send Joey and me stuff so she has patience ad is so good. --I'm so lucky to be with u guys too But that's why I feel so bad and worry about what's oing on cuz I really LUB u.:).

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Oh...I get it FRB is da effin' rat bastard?? Haha. Oh shoot...posta be getting ready for work. I don feels good and wish I could go back to bed. Had to DVR mese boyfriend Adam L. Will watch 2nite cause I have tomorrow off. Woohoo!! Ok, ok, I get ready!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning my lovely ladies of da lounge,

    Cami I want to start by congradulating you on the no rb comeout of your tests!!
    Thats the greatest news girl friend ((( Cami ))).  Have fun with your friend . 
    I hope she shows up when you are expecting her.  I know what you mean about
    finding a quiet place for talking..doesnt make us old just means that we
    care enough to listen and share. Cant do dat with loud music and disco atmosphere,
    but likker is essential of course.  You have me cracking up that you were never a
    pusher ..all natural you is..but not any

    Beckers, hope you are feeling better today.  Now, I thought the Voice started
    Monkeydey night??  I dont watch it...I have too many other things taping and its
    hard to find the time to watch them all and I only need one singinig show going
    on at one time so American Idol wins.  Used to watch dancing with the stars too but
    no so much into that.  The best part of that show was discussing how bad or good
    one or antoher couple was with someone and I dont have someone to watch it with so
    there ya go...thats my story and Im sticking to it!

    DorKie..I's so sowwy for youse mama.  What do they do for a UTI?? anti B's? 
    I will put in my Yay for Adam Levine..K...just because I want my fellow loungettes
    be happy and I know what makes dem happy and its nekkid boyz soiving dwinks.  I
    gets so funkcassed about FMLA and Disability leave and all that.  I know I had FMLA.
    They called me the other day to advise me that it was ending in April and they were
    closing the claim..but I dont know what it did for me.  I really didnt take much time
    except the month and a half for my hyst and at that time it was Std and no...not
    sexually transmited diseases...but Short Term disability...I think..idk..too funckassed.
    Good luck getting your VP to agree on more have been thru so much I cant
    imagine him/her saying no to you.  I will pray that this is the case.  There is a reason
    your Dr doesnt want you to have the soigery till then and dats dat.
    No woid from Katwinka and BBBBernie or Goldieloo and SuZQ...dey must be having
    da bestest time...cant wait to see some pics and hear stowies on the bisits from
    both parties....that made me think...830ayem for G and S and prolly halfway thru
    the day for BB and K.....interesting thought.

    Lara, wtf is with the fire alarm and your hair?  Was your hotel in Brockton?  Are you
    finally home?  ((( Lara ))) hate to see youse so in pain and habing to do all this travel
    and lifting...what do you lift ..Im nosey.  Its great that your dad can go with you.
    Its not always safe for women traveling alone. I hope your job puts you up in hotels
    with interior hallways only. 

    Julie...ouchh..that sounds very painful.  Are you going to be going to PT , OT or do
    you not know yet?  I betcha Stella will be up to going to the UK with you in the fall.
    She should be an esspert Mixologist by dat time and she can keep you happy in extra
    potent dwinks.

    NM..glad you got your caffein fix....I should practice what Im preaching..I had NO
    coffee yesterday ayemm...I had to dwink Tea...I like tea but I need my Java man.

    Going to lunch with a friend todey, we used to work together wayy back in 2000, for
    a travel company that did after hours/emergency travel for various travel agencies,
    essentially helping their corporate clients with their travel needs when their normal
    daytime agencies were closed...My office was in Omaha NE but I worked virtual
    like I do now but on occasion had to go to OMA for training..and other things and
    my friend was an agent in the office there. She moved to Venice, FL about 10
    years ago and we do lunch and shopping every couple of months or so.  Her name is
    Cindy .  Her oldest daughter passed from FRB many years ago..she would be my age.
    I think thats why she enjoyes my company so much.  We have gotten quite close and
    have a ball when we are toghter..she gave me a bottle of brandy just after Christmas
    ..she must love me.

    K....latah goils...gotta hit da showahs


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Happy Humpdey goils! Makes me first ting of Lori cuz she has de best pics of humping hotties!

    Was glad to read that SuzieQT and our Wahiney made it to their destinations. And who was it dat said a dey with Bernie is better dan a dey without sunshine or sumting like dat? Right on loungette, right on. Hehe, dat reminds me of sumting I would have said in de 70's hehe.

    So far we got five yays and no nays for Adam as a tender, woop wooop! Yay. Tank ye Cyn for your vote, you so kind considering you don't eben like naked men. And neither does Juliet cuz de beat on her, grrrrrrr! Hate that mese goils going through pain and such.

    Cam, Lori is right that you are always de one feeling so bad for all of us when we all tink you have it worse than we do. It is a matter of perspective ya see. Cuz when meze going through my chit, it is jest me but when i hear about others, it hurts more. And I tink that is because we are powerless to make tings rightly. I too wish I had de magic wand that I could jest swing and make all goils all better! You enjoy your time with yer friends. And believe them when they say you are beautiful because you ARE! I remember when you could not take that trip with your gf from Cali I tink it was? That was sad but a true friend would understand. You are a true asset to the lounge, we all adore you and your great sense of humor. nebber ebber lose that sista, ya hear me?

    Beckers, to answer your question, I did not have a failed flap. Or did I? I had a lat flat on mese left side (shittytitty side). I guess we could say that failed as it dropped into mese armpit and was surgically lifted twice. After de last lift in October, had a spot that did not heal too well. But it seems to have finally healed when I came down with a cellulitis infection. That is when the foob opened in the trouble spot and became contaminated and removed early December. De puka is still there but getting smaller slowly, oh so slowly. I am sorry that you have a bulge, I have read about them and am sorry this is happening to you. Crud, I hope your job will give you more than 5.00 a day or 50.00 a day for being out. FURB means ef u rat bastard, FRM meaning f'ing RB and of course RB means cancer, oops said de word, not allowed. I need a spanking, ADAM, come and spank me. And come nakid pleeeeze, ohhhhhhh boy, oh mese oh mise, Gotta go for a bit, will be back after mese spanking!

    Ok den, where was I??? ahhh, dat was a spanking baby, oh hell yeah!

    Cyn, the FMLA runs concurrent with the STD. I think it is standard to have 12 weeks per year. I had thought that they were rolling weeks but I tink it was Juliet who said her company uses a calendar year vs rolling year. Either way, I am screwed. I will be out 12 weeks this time alone. I am rethinking asking for extra time now since they might not even notice that it is exhausted. My disability goil said that to me and assured me that if I am valuable, they will keep me. And business is booming so I feel confident enough. I sorry you have no one to watch American Idol with, if you remind me, I can watch. Problem there is that Steve hates that and will not watch with me. I suck at DVR'ing, after all dese years can't figure out de remote tingy. I am retarded in that way hehe.  Give Rees a kiss from Aunty Dork, right on top of his cute lil head beside his ears. Make dat two, one for each ear!

    NM, no worries on de DOTD, as you know, we find plenty of alcamahol around here! Your dreams are funny, being naked, yikes! Maybe that is fear or de OR where you has to be naked? I hate tinking that they will be looking at mese naked body whilst in surgery. Dey prolly saying dis goil should lay off de Bon bon's cuz mese got lottsa tummy fat. My most recurring dream is about moving, 2nd about traveling and packing. I never have things in order in real life and it goes into my dreams. My last two moves were a nightmare, the last one I had walking pneumonia so mese coworkers came over and helped me pack my basement which was quite overwhelming. I was glad to be doing away with having one cuz there was just too much chit down there. You are berry patient in waiting for Spring, me NOT so much.

    Lori, was great to see you post and know that Suz made it in. I know you two will have a blast especially when yer work is done for de day. if you goils want to call me, dat is fine but need permission for facetime on de phone cuz mese not be seen looking ugliest!

    Bernie, tanks for keeping our Kathy warm and toasty and also letting her sleep in. I know she was sooo tired after all dat traveling, de poor goil lol! If only I could be tired from traveling, I'd be happy as a kid in a likker store hehe!

    Lara, you poor girl, hope you figure out what is causing the hives and redness too. Have you told your PS about the redness? That does not sound good, praying that it is not an issue. So glad your Dad goes along with you, that is just the sweetest thing! It does not matter how old we are, nothing like a mommy or a daddy to make things better! I still often say "I want my Mommy" when things are rough, usually someting I say while at work. And I tell her that whether or not she understands. Being with her is so special. people say she does not know me but I insist that she is comforted by my presence. When is your exchange date? I know you said but mese pea brain which is ssaturated in likker can't bremember!

    As for me Mom, she having a berry hard time. When I went in last night, she was in a fetal position and just tossing and turning. They just retested her urine and she does have or still has the UTI. They are waiting for a culture to come back to see what antibiotic to use (jest like our Cammie). i wish they could use a catheder as she has been battling this since she got to her new place which was on 1/29. She seems better but the thing has never gone away, so frustrating and sad seeing her so unsettled. If my nurse friends have any ideas of things to mention to her doctor to get her better, please let me know. it sucks for her. She does take a lot of water from each of us when we visit, that is one of the things that calm her. I was feeding her yogurt with cranberry juice too, we are all beside ourselves that she is suffering.

    I love you girls and so blessed to have each of you in my life. Peace be with all of you wonderful ladies and your families too!  HUGS!  and.........


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies!

    Enjoying a Bulmer's Cider at the hotel in Dublin, and waiting for our dinner. BUT OMG is Bernie the hostess with the mostest!!! Dorkie, I think the BBBBernie should now stand for Bernie's Bed & Breakfast!

    I will not say too much or Bernie will be bombarded by visitors every week! Really, it was so amazing seeing her and her DH again....soooooo nice....hated to say goodbye....gotta come back again soon or get Bernie to come to the US! Bernie made us a BIG traditional Irish Dinner and then a BIG Irish breakfast...and Calva is such a sweetie, and SO big....and the other 2 furbabies are sweeties too! Have to get to bed early as we have to leave the hotel by 5am to catch our flights home. Wonderful country, wonderful friends, just awesome!

    I am about 10 pgs behind so hope everyone is doing well! LOVED being here! And Madeira was awesome too...and warm! Its cold and has been a bit snowy here!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    dorty,give your mother a hug and kiss from me, there are  bladder antispasmotics on the market, may her docs can give her one, if she's having accidents ,her skin could be sore from the burning, we use either a zinc cream or bagbalm its seems to be soothing to them, glad to hear she's drinking, that will help,the more she drinks the more dilute her pee will be, also have they ever done somthing called a post void residual?  its checks whether the bladder is being emptied  when someone pees,if they are not emptying theor bladder,thay can be more prone to infections because theres is always a pool of urine in the bldder plus increases discomfort, , its an ultrasound, we keep a machine on our floor, takes only a minute to do, not sure if nh have them.        lovely to hear from you kathy but we want pics!          got my appointment for monday with ortho,looked him up online does specialise in shoulders, so will keep appointment. i vote for adam, wouldn't mind wrestling naked with himTongue Out   well live  next to dunk city for those following march madness, my colleagues/friends are so happy how the eagles are doing and what has been so nice, is obviously these young men have been all over the news here  and they all come across as real nice young men.  have a good evening eveybody, don't forget to drink for me

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Okey dokey Julie, this ones for you! *HIC* Not sure if I can ketchup on the 10 pgs or so of posts since I left, but will TRY when I get home. So sad saying goodbye to Bernie! Yeah, we will prolly post a pic, but gotta get home first! Speaking of first, at least our long flts tomorrow will be first class.....yay!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Im home yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    yes dork it is nice I love my dad so much and I listen to u all with aging parents I cant imagine Do not even want to think about it

    Cyn omg my university is in Omaha NE was there a couple times. I work from my house and manage the partnerships in the northeast and yes..., I was in Brockton. I stay in very nice places Hilton,Marriott I was at residence inn there.But you do have to be very careful

    Juliet I am not even 4o so no pre men a pause al ha lol but mom did get it very early

    which reminds me I hate to say but I know u all understand I have ignored my other doctors because I have been in pain or recovering or going into a surgery or traveling

    I am going to see my oncologist \gyno I need to figure out my egg situation if I have any fertilized I want them on ice. I am not getting a hysterectomy he will do the smaller procudere I am going to wait because I really do want one child. IDK its in gods hands.

    To much to think of but I need to get planning I have a small window there

    enough with depressing things

    Cyn I lug my suitcases, My stuff for schools ... The doors in Hotels are heavy as hell to open to. Things you do not think about. I am so tired I get my fill tommmmmm

    ck in later

    Love ya all

    OHHHHHH Cammie you were going to b on TV what show?