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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Kat oh yes, this was such an important thing to learn. Well here I am--at 3 in ayem--woke up at 3--Joey's fault we've bee back and forth in beds since midnite. and my Katie Kat following me the whole time trying to get comfortable.  So I have to go back to sleep and Good Morning       all who are getting up now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely sunny Saturday and I've got to head in to work to ketchup on the stuff I got behind on this week.  NOT FAIR!  But, the new nurse is starting next week, YEAH, so help is coming! 

    Jail?  Someone's in jail?  What did I miss???????

    Cammy--It's not so difficult when you can make a difference for a family, and I get to do a lot of that. 


    Mema--I actually don't mind shoveling snow too much, as long as it isn't really heavy snow.  Black fly season, on the other hand, I can do without intirely!

    Becs--visiting him once in a while is the best thing you can do for him.  People in his position often feel invisible or lonely or left out.  Popping your head in the door and saying "hi" will make his day. 

    Cammy--I'm with you, if it can't go up the vacuum, what good is the vacuum?  That's why I just got a shop vac.  No more dinkly little house vacuums, got one with some suck to it! 

    Wahine--BOLO = be on the look out for. 

    Well, If I get my but moving I can get my stuff done and then get home and enjoy part of the day.  Latah, Lougettes! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the $hitty Saturday Work Day Drink

    30% cinnamon schnapps

    70% vodka

    Mix in a shot glass the 3:7 ratio of the 2 ingredients. 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    OOO mese back still screaming at me and I have sooo much to do!

    Cami - u crack me up.  I can find lots to do too but leave most of it.  Funny bout all ur vacuums....LOL.  Your sister felt priviledged...chit...mine wudnt lift a finger.  I keep my kitchen and bathrooms in order, but the rest of the house be-damned.  Especially the floors and dusting.  I put dat chit off til I jes can't stand it.  My Baxter doesn't shed, but cuz I keep my Bella's hair longer...she does.  Not a lot, but enuf to show in some areas...ugh.  But HEY...sooo glad uz smelling better...but be careful with carressing uself...wink wink!

    NM - your post yest I think, you were telling me about you 'struggling to get thru a visit in the big house'.  That is where 'jail' came from.   Is a black fly like a 'horse' fly.  They are 'big' and bite...and hurt like hell?  We have those around here....especially at Lake Mead.  Hey....gr8 that you will be getting help starting next week but sorry you have to go in today for a bit.  Love dat DOTD!!!

    Kathy - I still have soooo much more to lose.  Pretty quick here, gonna b tooo hot to walk.  We'll switch to work outs in the pool.  Have a few water thingy's to add resistance...jes hope I can see results like I do with my walking.

    OK...gotta get moobing...latah ladies!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good morning gals--Yes the vacuum is on right now--WTF

    NM glad help is coming in for u, u need to have help and I thought those flies were those little things that gather around---Either way it's all dusgusting. I like the drin of the day       sounds yummy.

    Mema I've totally missed something (it's so easy for me) what is exactly wrong with u''r back why all the pain--I have to know u know I'm like that/

    EEE YOOOO I can;t stand this tired feeling, I know I'm always complaining about something.I'll stop for now--let me know Sue. But last night was musical bed nite without the music, even my furbaby was all confused GRRRRR


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2013

    NM..thanks for the SatTurdey work day drink but think it may still be frowned
    upon tho to partake in drinking it. I think people got funcussed when Beckers said
    she was having a congigal (sp) visit with her hubby and thought that she was refering
    to someone in jail .

    Sir Poops wears me out...NM he has grown a pair..thats another issue. 
    Need to nip that...haha...pun totally intended. 

    Beckers..fires are scary..I hope you continue to be safe and your parrot allows
    you to rescue him. 

    Great news Julie!! I hope you enjoyed your wine.  Its funny about the Effexor
    Im wondering why my pcp wouldnt consider perscribing it to me..I guess I
    should be glad because it doesnt sound very pleasant and the last thing I need
    is to be on a med that scares people...I've allready got the Ambien for that.

    haha....good one Adey..Are you and Cami able to get together? 

    Scary  movies today Cami??

    Super Sexy Blonde Lara!!  Hope you get your pep back for the weekend. 
    You too Cami.

    Yes, Wahine..your right my bisit with BBBBernie is going to be shorter than
    I had initially hoped but we have a plan and I am so looking forward to meeting
    and getting my personal Killkenny tour. 

    Back to work for this girl...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Cyn I always forget u'r a weed-end worker--but I hope u have stopped OT. As soon as I get organized for the morning all scary mives tody,

    OK I give up--Becks it's not jain, or is jail? Everone seems to know but acouple of us. S splain' dammit. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, again, Loungettes!  Got  my visits done and data collected, now to tackle the hours and hours of computer and paperwork.  Gonna do it here at home alternating with  some housework. 

    Mema--A black fly bites and hurts like the dickens but is very small and comes in swarms.  They can even get through most screens.  Annoying little devils. 

    Cammy--black flies are disgusting, especially when you start breathing them in b/c they're so thick. . .

    CynCyn--Yeah, that drink might just be one better taken AFTER work. 

    Conjugal visits and visits to the big house.  No wonder we are all confused!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Cyn thanks

    NM black flies eeck

    Had my step brothers soon to b wife my sister in law to b wedding shower

    We played great games one u picked a person at the table and dress them with toilet paper for a wedding dress

    The other one you had a story and u had to listen like every other word is right or left so we held on to a present which I won a candle by passing it by the story


    I'm more chipper today but tired

    Beckers I'm confused

    Wahine bet on the derby soon we will know

    Cammy how's the D

    Pop in later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    LM those are the flies I meant --those little suckers that fly in crowds--Well those and the mosquitos don't bit me anymore--well we'll see this summer but they come near  me annd fly away. Hmmm u wonder what our blood is like.

    Orla I'm glad u had a good time. I haven't been to a shower in forever. Oh I remember the TP dress. kind of cute.

    NM u'r workig alot this week, on Saturday means alot to me.Except I thought it was Sunday and thought that's really alot.

    I'l be back

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Jest a quick pop-in to say hi to ebberyone. So.... "HI".....! Oh and Lara I remember that too with the tp dress.....we did that at my DD1's wedding shower about 13 yrs ago and we did it all on my MOM, so she would have been 79+....I need to find those pictures! She was always such a good sport and went along with everything.

    Hope everyone is having a good SatTURDey night!! Just finished Pau Hana, now to git some woik done....



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2013

    Happy saturdey night goils! I heard a rumor that there might be a lampshade partay tonight? hmmmm. Yep, I see Cammie and she has a lampshade on her head, she looks great. and she smells oh so purdy! I jest caught up reading and had so much to say but cant remember cuz mese dwunk....again! Ken you ever believe it? hehe!

    I was cracking up over the jail ting Becks. De goils here are soooo funny.

    Well I's been busy preparing Stella for a trip out west. Yep, she leaving tomorrow for Sue's place and she is so fercited. If anyone sees de moler focker in de lounge, please tail him dat Stella going to Europe with Julie. Cuz she is soooo over dat boy and neber eber wanna see him again. Ya see, mese gonna call de police and tail dem to find de John Boy ugly mo fo mole faced jerk trying to stalk mese Stella and have him put away for eber and eber. And out of de country to boot! wooo hoooooooo!

    I love you goils and have missed you so much. I jest too addicted to playing dis game with Stella and have not been a good goil at posting here. But I tink about all of you and pray for you all daily cuz mese jest lubs lubs lubs all mese bwesties! Please lift yer glass with me and say............

    "who farted" !!! lol, jk, CheeRs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Who farted--Cheers--that's an easy peezy quesrion around here Dorky. I so glad u popped in and told us bout Stella--we were wondering OK she's goin to Europe--lucky Stella and she such a brat too. I'm glad to see u Dorky and dats alrite if u aDICKted to somefun stuff. It bese OK as long as use feel gooood and u takin care of u'r Mommy. We love u all de time--dat's what lubs is all de rime/

    BTW why does eberone always say well I gots work to do--eberyone works so hard here all de time. Of courae I don't feel guilty at all but just thinkin--I neber say dat. I say gottsta take a nap now or watch scary mobies. I guess I'm not a good roll model for doin' tings, I good for relacksing and spelling. Wen I was a little 1 the nuns used to say eberone has supting special to gib in life so I piced first my nose den mese spelling.

    Soooo u r all i mes fart allde time xxxoooxxx

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    You goils crack me up. I told my hubby today you think he's in jail!! In the Oklahoma big house! No...he's not in jail. We have been apart since Oct. I actually live in Oklahoma and he went home. Ha! So I'm going to visit him for his birthday May 17th.

    NM, again you are me hero...I am bowing down to you. I went to go see my hospice patient and tell him I'm not mad that he went on hospice. He broke down crying and I was crying and omg, WTH, and wtf...I could not be professional. I must be projecting stuff from going thru hospice with my Dad, treating this wonderful human being of a patient since I returned from my own dance with the RB. Or...maybe we just struck up a beautiful friendship. 82 year old black man and 47 year old big boned white woman. Who'd ever think we'd find such common ground. Another brewski over here!!! I'm getting sappy.

    So were thinking hmmmm at the thought of going to jail for a conjugal bisit huh? You be watching too many crime shows. What? You DICKted??? I had a patient tell me he went to Dr. Dick for his prostate check. I think he was serious too.

    Oh so funny...went to casino ... The one that takes me monies... And the overhead page said, " Paging Marijuana Weiner" and then you could tell the guy realized someone had played a joke on him.

    I want a vitamin V. With my beer. I hate beer. I am drinking one tho. No Annie so I can mix pills and likker. Woohoo!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2013

    Beckers, omg lmao at Dr. Dick, de doctor of dicks. Dat is they funniest ting, mese spit out mese jack n it came through mese nose too. And the practical joke, omg you are jest too much. That is one funny page! Happy that you are enjoying some pills n likker, me too.

    Cam, you a funny one too. I jest sit here and crack up at you. I love your childhood school stories. I bet you were all of the nuns worst nightmare. tell me more tell me more.

    Whose partaying? It is midnight here at de lounge for mese. Come one come out, it is saturdey night, de best night of de week to det gwunk! Mese bin dwinking since about 4:47aye em yesturdey. now dat is a partay!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Woah Dorky dat is a par tay for sure. The beer is yucky so I tinks I have some sparkelee wine in da fridge. Imma go get it. Youwz has to find mese a lampshade cuz I can't copy paste on here. Mese pooter is old as dirt. It don work on iPad. Yup dr. Dick! I don't know if he was joking and I pretty sure I heard him right. Alrigghtys right right! Hic!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Ahem--I'm clearing my throat cuz this is the first time I'm talking this morning...

    Good Morning Ladies... I hope weather is good in u'r neck (no not u'r physical neck) 0f the woods. It's an expression. I'm chilly right now.

    Becs it's been along time since u've seen u DH--doesn't it bother u--Wow it's almost like u'r alone. U must really be anxious to go to him. or Something. Oh it's to early for me to think in a straight line_-_-_--_---__. see what I mean.

    No rain today--ooo that just means the lawnmower will be on that's all to me. Todays is Sun--Fun Day and hope everyone one has one.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Got my "paper work" caught up from last week, got a plan to keep on track this coming week, not that it will last past Monday, but at least it's a plan.  Glad to be feeling better, too, that will help!  Growth spurts at work are good for job security, but it does make things hard sometimes.  Ok, enough whinging, can't be wasting time on that. 

    ORLA--black flies are eeck.  Very eeck.  They do have some strange games for bridal and baby showers, but toilet paper wedding dress?  Oh my!

    Cammy--I wish my blood would repel the bugs.  I seem to attract them!  Yeah, working a lot to keep up until staffing catches up with workload.  Such is the life of a working gal!

    Wahine--can't wait to see those pics!

    DorKable--I'm getting worried about you and your dwinking.  You've been showing up at the HTL too often too sober.  You must really think about your dwinking habits!  Ooh, Stella is going to Europe, hooray for her!

    Cammy--don't think of yourself as a poor role model, I depend on you to get my sleep and rest for me!  AS long as you are getting naps and  watching scary movies I know there is energy out there for me to tap into!  Keep up the good work!

    Becs--You are probably not projecting stuff from your Dad, at least not as much as you might think you are.  You are a professional that cares for people, which means you must care about them, at least a little bit.  All of us who provide care get especially connected with some of our patients, and it does not make us less professional.  You connected with this man.  You care about his progress and well being.  You cared enough to go and tell him that he was still important to you.  Of course he reacted.  Of course you reacted.  You have given that man something that no one else can, the gift of being a real person to someone.  That is a priceless gift.  Here's another brewski for a special PT! 

    Cammy--looks like I may have to join the lawn mower brigade soon.  The grass is greening, there are places that are starting to look shaggy.  YEAH Spring!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Sunny Sunday

    1 oz Lovoka,

     .5 oz Triple Sec,

    1 oz Cranberry Juice,

     1 oz Lemonade.

    Shake and strain into a sugar-rimmed martini glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry and a lemon zest spiral.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    NM I'm glad u'r all caught up and tell us how long u'r plan lasts. Now relax toay u earned it. So do nothing but what u want to do.

    And Lovodka??? whatever it is this one sounds good to me. Can u substitute vodka cuz we have that in the house.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Hoi everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    oh get it now becks jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my hubby and I split seperate for over 2 years now im here still out with the jury on that any who

    I hate my hair now to blonde idk

    ill fix it

    I bought some shoes no clothes until boobs in and weight gonzeo

    last summer I was in rough shape bmx imm recon so I did nada nothing

    I need to whoop it up this year

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Happy Cinco de Mayo--I forgot---driks all around

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG I forot to tell u---Joey broke his ankle and he's on crutches. When he sprains a finger all hell breaks loose, He brakes an ankle and he's acting fine. He's so strange. He doesn't want to miss school, he wants the GIRLS to notice. he lubs de goils. But he knows he can't kiss any cuz they can sue his parents. Blah 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Iz berry quiet in here for a Cinco de Mayo par Tay. Just sayin...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    I been spendin' time with little Tim (joey) hoppin on one leg--Now the real drama starts--he's in more pain than anyone has ever been in their whole life--I pray this will be the worst pain he'll ever have but for now he could be in a movie about pain and how not to handle it. OOOHHH he's so funny, I can't laugh tho--he'd be all upset. LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Poor Joey aka lil Timmy. When my son broke his leg it was agony. Oh my. Long night for you. Hang in there.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I had a lovely sleep, if I ignore the 1:30 ayem coughing fit.  Woke up before the alarm went off, that's always a good thing!  Today is long meeting Monday at work, sigh.  At least we'll get fed lunch today, that's a plus! 

    Cammy--It looks like Lovodka is a brand of vodka.  All the drink recipes I found on that page used Lovodka.  I bet you can use whatever vodka you have, let me know how it turns out! 

    ORLA--Whatcha planning to do to whoop it up this summer?  Can I play too? 

    Cammy--Cinco de Mayo, I forgot all about it!  Maybe if I take down thje 2012 calendar (it's showing October) I'll be more up to date?  Poor Joey!  How did he break his ankle?  Hope he gets lots of girly attention, but not enough to get into trouble!

    Mornin', Becs! Not much of a Cinco de Mayo party, huh? 

    Sounds like little Timmy/Joey is learning to be a real man--complete with total drama about pain!  OK, maybe that was a little unfair, he probably never has experienced anything like this, and I, too, pray he never learns that there is worse pain out there. . .

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Monday Morning Meeting drink

    1 1/2 oz whiskey

    1/2 oz brandy

    1/2 oz blueberry brandy

    1/2 oz lemon juice

    1 tsp sugar

    Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange slice if desired.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all---all my sweet ladies.

    NM the DOTD sounds good today. I remember when I was young like 13, 14 the lady next door made her own blackberry brandy and whenever I got cramps my mom would let me have some--I think my parents would have been thrown in jail if it were nowadays.we all drank lots of likker for medicial purposes. LOL But NM I'm glad u are at least getting a good lunch out of this. I always admire u so---all of u who take care of others u are all so special in u'r hea.

    Well goofy Joey and his mom  (she's letting   him go to school) and he just wants attention, but he doesn't do crutches to well yet and the Dr. did say keep his foot up for a while--I figure he'll go today and end up staying home tomorrow---I really don't get involved in their lives but Joey I tend to yap yap about--so let hime go and he'll learn. I know I'm overprotecting when it comes to him. So I should back down. Chit who's going to wait on me now--that xomes into this whole picture too,

    Oh OH Orange watch the movie Transit--not scary but very exciting with Jim Caviezal and last nite I watched Savages with all kinds of stars--very exciting but bloody. I'm running out of scary movies. I think they are both on Max???

    Well today is seis de Mayo--mean anything to anyone?  Just wondering.

    Well lets' drink (a morning one) to haveing a good day day to ll of us--no pain, and happyness. WTF am I talking about--I feel like chit.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    hahahahahaha The school sent Joey home--too soon  Grandma knows best.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2013

    You so smart!  Crutches?  What happened?  My Cinco de Mayo/ 51st bday prezzie was picking up my dd who is now home from Africa.  I am in heaven.  Hugs to Joey.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Grandma does know best Cami! Does Joey believe you now? Did the pain get to him? Happy monkey day y'all!! BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG I missed all day---I've been alot with Joey today--he's sad and he cried cuz he said we're all so nice to him and he appreciates it so much. I told him he always takes care of us, especially me so if I can do anything for him I would--he just wants us to be aroud--he's kind of wimpy he never broke anything before. He makes me laugh.

    Adey u'r DD is home from AFRICA--OMG how long? or is it for good? Oh u have to miss her--I couldn't tand it. Enjoy triple the amount.

    WTF is everybody--it's like an empty spooky house here. Well the tendahs are here again they just wait for us like good boys do. U trained them well. Yes very well/