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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    I too saw the Banning fires on da praying you are not affected.  But ya kno..I can sooo relate to dwinkin too much n blaming a sibling...OOOO....I cud tail u stories...but not tonite.  Really tho...praying you and Kat's friend fare well with all dat fire!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    WTF FIRES---OMG I didn't hear about dat--if I don't hear gun or knife I don't watch or bomb--I'm twisted. Becks is it close to u? hab anoder drink now--r u safe....Dey startin early arent' they--Oh eeze every area has nature and fir or something to worry about. ick

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2013

    I hope everyone is safe from fires...that is tornadoes and hurricanes and earthquakes.  Damn if there is any place in this world that is exempt from any of those things..oh and mud slides..and any other natural disaster...tsunami's ....never mind...there is no such place....

    Thinking of all you girls friend who is here from ME is keeping me busy..went to all of our "reality" shows and ordered out for dinner...Rees has been a ROYAL pain in the ass but is now calm...may be a clue for me to go to sleep...Let him loose on the beach yesterday...he did really really well.   He was very submissive to the other dogs and got molested by a cute little Westie....several times....that got annoying....

    Bed time for mese....night goils.!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Cyn I'm glad u'r having such a good time--u really deserve to and hahaha Rees. Get a good nights rest /

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    We are okay. My sister and I live across the freeway from the fire. It is supposed to be windy tonight and it should keep it over on that side. If it shifted and jumped the frwy we would be in trouble. My sister has a parrot and big rod iron cage. We were just saying we'd be pushin Walter down da road in his big ol' cage cause he will bite us if we had to try to get him out fast. News is saying they are getting a handle on the fire.

    Sue!!! Lmbo at your poopy pants. Omg. Did you split your paper pants getting in the car. I would bust out of paper ones.

    Alrighty girls, better get ready for bed. Gnite!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2013

    Last comment on Effexor - I take my meds in the morning so they do not interfere with my drinking in the evening.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hi Bernie I just read u'r post, and thought of Sinead, I hope she's doing well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Geeze isn't anyone up yet, well I'll sleep all day I know cuz I've been up all night partaying as usual. I can't stop. Oh and I ran out of xanax which goes well with drinking. LOL It's gonna rain today and got cooler and tomorrow cooler than today with rain. I already hate the heat.chit so wimpy. my coumasequan (sp) hurts today--IDK why it haasn't been used for a very long time, well except with the tendahs--Oh that reminds me we had great chicken tenders last night for dinner. Can u tell I'm glumpy this morning---well ll of u have a wonderful day and when I wake up I'll check in. BTW how long will Lori be gone? I miss her so.

    Lubs everyone of u guys---hugs all around.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    good morning all from rainy florida, well my liver labs   are back and are all  normal ,so a bottle of wine chilling in fridge.   i was told that because of the tamoxifen, effexor  was the only med i could take for hot flashs or mental health but a couple of friends took it, one only took it for a couple of days because he slept literally  for 24hrs a day, and the other says if she is late taking it ,she knows it .   so i've been very wary of taking it but when i was on the prednisone i was considering it.    how is sinead? bernie ,did you enjoy your retail therapy?  hoping to do some over the next few days at disney, cyn, i bought an annuel pass when the girls were here  so going up for the garden festival.       becks hope the fire is out  if not stay safe, also take a bow for pt's everywhere, thanks to them, ortho says range of motion back to normal, and doesn't think any permanent damage ,  and i made it through april without a trip to erLaughing,   kathy how's your dad?   . 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    Morning DahhhlinKs!

    Beck - glad you are safe so far.  LMBO at the mental pic and you n sis rolling Walter's cage down the road...LOL.  Will keep praying tho that they get it under control and it doesn't jump the freeway.  I was evac'd 2x in MT during bad bad fires of 2000.  It was NOT fun!  And no...LOL...I did not split the paperpants...Connie got me a BIG pair...LOL.

    Julie - WOOHOOO on the liver clear.  I will toast with you for dat! 

    Bernie - no more from me either on that 'E' stuff.  How did it go w/Sinead?  She still in my prayers too!

    I miss Lori too!!!

    Cami - LMAO....u go from ur vajayjay to drink tenders to chicken tenders....u cwack me up!

    Cyn - sounds like lots n lots of fun.  Glad Sirpoosalot was a good boy on the beach...but WTF...u don't want a widdle Westie for a doggiedauginlaw???

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

     i think i found my nieces wedding invite!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Juiliet love that post scary moviessssssss

    Its so hot it goes from snow to hot WTf

    Fires where?

    Got my hair done look sok

    im a blah today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Juie now that's a proper invitation.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Hola Chicas! Happy turd day. Right? Errybuddy goes to bed early these days? Cept Cami who pulled an all nighter.

    Orange, you got your hair done? What is "sok" ? Fires in California. Fire season isn't til Septemberish and we are lighting up all over the place already.

    Yay on the clear liver Julie! What made it elevate? Nothing to do with TB or does it. I have a fat liver to go with my big bones, elev enzyme (one of them) and I still drink at times. Maybe I should stop that and just cyber drink??

    Bernie, thank you for sharing Effexor knowledge. I don't trust this drug. Maybe I should go on AI so I can take one of the other antidepressants. Like one that actually makes you skinny. I just know someday I will get that SE!! I'm always gaining the weight.

    Speaking of weight...big brudder talked me into doing a protein diet. Hey...all the bacon you want! I need to drop some lbs before my conjugal bisit on da 16th. (What kinda weird ass marriage have I got goin on?) still have moments of WTF! ( Been a year since this RB drama and Dad dying that turned life on it's head.) thanks for letting me rant.

    Ta ta for thee moment...hic!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    NM, you are hospice nurse. I have had this patient who is 82 and has terminal cancer. I am rehab and always trying to motivate and be positive and all. He really was so motivated and got a lot stronger. He is so wise and we had some good talks and laughs this past couple months. I forgot he was terminal I guess. Then he got c-diff. This morning he told me he was done trying and he went on hospice today. Do you think I gave him false hopes? How should I be with the terminally Ill? I feel so bad. I really bonded with him. I don't know if I could do your job. How do you stay professional? Heavy sigh.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2013

    Sinead doing well, just had the all clear from the DR

    DH home today.  Better do some house work

    Stupid computer won't let me copy url from pics to download.

    Still hate the guinea fowl.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    good morning bernie,good news on sinead,  (((((becks))))))))), my liver didn;t like the antibiotic they put me on for my positive ppd test.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Been fighting a summer cold all week, it's finally getting better, amen! Now if only I wasn't so tired.   Oh, well, this will pass. 

    Cammy--Me nervous in a hospital?  YOU BET!  Downright terrified.  Believe you me, you are not the only one who struggles to get through a visit in the big house.  And it's actually better to gradually come off most drugs.  We really don't know everything that they do to us over the long haul. 

    Wahine--I remember seeing plumeria trees when I was in Hawaii, they are beautiful and smell so lovely!  Have fun running errands, etc!

    Adey--hooray for your baby coming home!

    Mema--Nope, I have the heebie jeebies whenever I set foot in a hospital.  And I do like the idea of seasons.  The same weather all the time would be boring!

    Becs--coffee and the HTL, that's the way I start every morning! 

    ORLA--nothing wrong with being mellow!  Banzo's a good friends of mine, too. 

    Becs--family can make one crazy!  Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.  Stay safe from the fires!

    CynCyn--if there was a place free from all natural disasters there would be so many people living there that there would be man-made disasters all the time!  No safe place in the world any more.  Poor Meese getting molested on the beach,  he needs to grow a couple!

    BBBBernie--YOU know how to manage your meds and your life well! 

    Juliet--YEAH!!!!!!!  Happy Dance for Juliet's liver!!!!!!!

    Becs--You did NOT give your patient false hope.  That you forgot he had a terminal condition is WONDERFUL!  He had time with you that was totally normal and I bet even he could 'forget' for a little.   You did him a world of good by maintaining and even improving his quality of life.  Don't forget that there are details that you are not privy to that impact a person's choice of treatment options.  If it's possible I would suggest you keep in touch with him, send a card once in a while or something like that so he knows you don't judge him for his choice.  That's what bothers a lot of people at the end of life.  As to how to be with someone who is terminally ill, be yourself, follow their lead.  Staying professional is hard, especially when you connect with a patient and family.    {{{{{{{{{{Becs}}}}}}}}}}

    BBBBernie--So  gald Sinead has gotten the physical OK!  Praying the emotional follows closely. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Disaster

    0.5 oz amaretto

    Orange juice

    0.5 oz rum

    0.5 oz Southern Comfort

    0.5 oz vodka

    Pour likkers over crushed ice in a rocks glass, fill with OJ and stir. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013


    Who's in jail?

    Got my hair And eyebrows done I'm super blonde for summer

    Scared for the implants people have issues

    Infection rejection idk pop in later today's a lazy day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    I'm with Orange Becks who is in jail?  (((HUGS))) to u for all u do.

    Good Morning all.

    NM u have a most difficult career and we all know it--u'r an amazing woman.

    I miss Lori--enough is enough--did she leave us. Let's pu a Bola out for her. Long enough now

    Well waking up to my D--but I have been eating so it's my fault too. and I took a pain med already so I need to take a shower --why or why is it such a job for me anymore, I used to take them everyday with no thought of it.

    Julie Yay about u'r liver, but didn't u really have a taste for liver, 0nions and bacon with so much talk of it. It did me anyway.

    I slept last nite, Islept after 24 hrs of not sleeping, of course I'm still tired and after my shower it's scary movie time. U thought I'd say excercise ha nope. OK some days I'm up for some, but not today. So I'll check back later and see who's in de Lounge--it's been to quiet lately

    Hi Kat u OK--How is Undie? ---DORK --It's just so frustrating about parents getting older and Kat u too. I feel bad. for anyone going thru all of this- (((HUGS))) all around..

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2013

    A medical school professor was giving a lecture on
    "Involuntary Muscular Contractions" to his first year
    medical students. Realizing that this was not the most
    riveting subject, the Professor decided to lighten the
    mood slightly.

    He pointed to a pretty young woman in the front row
    and said, "Do you know what your asshole is doing
    while you're having an orgasm?"

    She replied,

    "Golfing with his buddies."

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    Julie - Love that invite...LOL!

    Lara - Glad u like your hair...hope u climbed outta da blahs!

    Beck - I did the protein only diet some years ago....lost 20lbs in about 4mos. Jes like my breads and pastas too much now. Plus I was 15 yrs younger back then and had more muscle mass so metabolism was running good. Not now tho. Have managed to lose about 10 pounds in last 6 mos or so...with walking and 1200 cals a day, and almost no carbs. The drinking is what keeps me from losing more...don't think I'm anywhere close to giving up my likker either. And yeah...WTF with conjugal bisits? But you can ALWAYS rant to us...K?!?! (((Beck))) for that patient...I don't kno how NM does it either.

    NM - great advice for Beck! I can jes feel how big your heart is when you talk about your pts. Have to agree with the 4 seasons...but I'm def not a fan of lots of snow. Cold I can handle...but shoveling snow...NOT! Have to LOL at some of the goils thinking your reference to the 'big house' is jail...LOL!

    Bernie - good news for Sinead...woohoo. But boo to housework!

    Morning Cam - u cwack me up bout liver n onions. ICK ICK ICK! Glad you got some sleep last night. Me too...but still tired. Thinking bout going back to bed see if I can get a nap. I try to nap often, but rarely fall asleep. Can't get my mind to shut down in the daytime...even when I dont have much on my to-do list...o mese! stuff to do....hope to get back a little later...have a gr8 Fried-Dey everyone!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    Adey - LMAO...good one!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Morning girls! Haha I just call a visit with my hubby a conjugal visit. He is back at our Oklahoma house. I am in Calif helping Mom, working, and loving my GD.

    Thank you NM. I was quite distraught yesterday. He is staying at the facility I work at. I will visit with him still. He's an awesome man. I've been treating him since I went back to work. Heavy sigh. Thanks all for the hugs.

    Time to get my buttocks to work. Luv luv.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Like dat joke Adey--good thinkin' LOL

    OK my shower is done--I smell so delisous and just I can appreciate it, lter so will Joey--he notices--I had summer stuff on, now I have my winter stuff on-WTF is going on?

    OK the vacuum is going now OHHH and the lawnmower would be too if it wasn't raining--he did it 2x this week--First OK, 2nd not necessary, but it did get the focus off the vacuum a little--Now we're back at the vacuum  U know my mon used to buy me a vacuum at least 2 a yr.--I'd use a sweeper and break all my vacuums and she'd buy me the good ones at the time. My mom would tell me u have to pick up certain things on the floor by yourself cuz it'll "hurt" the vacuum--well my reasoning was then why vacuum--I guess that's why I was aways breaking them--then I actually bought a Dyson--and before I got BC I broke it--Dyson didn't believe me then I got sick and could care less, it was still usable and my kids used it for metil it really fell apart, back to sweepers- I couldn't use a big one anymore anyway, but I think of my mom as she patiently kept buying me vacuums and she never allowed me to vacuum her home--it was my sister who could-Like that broke my heart, my dumb sister she felt privileged, Ha I got to dust.

    Oh I smell so good I want to caress myself wow.

    Sue why are we tired after we sleep? Well I know u do much more that I do, but still it just looks like I'm the laziest person ever.But I do take care of my furbaby and my grandson especially when he's gets scared at night, I go sleep with him til he fals asleep and he cuddles with me and always tells me how much he loves me before he falls asleep. I'm grooming him to make a good husband, but of course she won't be good enough for him. LOL

    OK I'm going to do something while I have a little energy??? I can find alot, but I'll do little.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    LOL thats what I thought you meant, Becs. But it was fun reading how many of the loungettes thought someone is in Jail. Hope its a GOOD *wink,wink* visit for ya! Good advice from NM, to just be yourself, and keep in contact with him. VERY hard dealing with terminal patients, but if you can handle it, it will be so nice for him to have you visit him.

    Cami, did you mean put out an APB for Lori,or  a Bola (don't know what that means!)??? Some of us have heard from her, and she is ok, been very busy with her business, etc. I am confident she will be back in the lounge when she can. But by all means, send some good prayers her way!

    Adey, OMG that was hilarious!

    Good for you losing that weight, Sue, and esp since you walk so much. I have been sitting on my EWWA tooooo muchliest, and dats gotta change. Ain't nobody got time foah dat!!!

    AlliOoopsie, How ya doing girl? Glad Aubrey is doing better, but we miss you in de lounge too!!!

    Julie, So you can dwink again??? HOPE SO. That was good news you got!!! Yippeeeeee.....

    Bernie, If the picture is on the internet (not just in your files or your camera), then you can just copy and paste it here, usually. You can make a photobucket acct and make it private for only you, but if you put some pictures there you should be able to copy and paste them here. When I google an image, they won't always show up here, but usually they do. Give Sinead a big hug from me, ok??? I was so glad I got to meet her! OH and you will see CyndieLouWho soon....that will be awesome! I think her tour just gives her a short time in Kilkenny though, like my first one did.

    Big Hugs to you all!!!! And dwink up, it is FRIED DEY, so time to get fried!!! WhooooooHooooooooo....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Ok Kat I watch to many crime shows--BOLA -is be on the Look-out--they never say APB anymore so I got used to that, oops I'm to mental.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    LOL, thanks Cami, now I am smarter, cuz I didn't know dat!!! (thought it was a faux pas and I was trying to kid ya!). Amazing what we can learn from a dwinking thread!!