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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Juliet fun flordia

    yummy drinks undie

    Hi cyn hope your check is big

    Hi beckers yea mine will be JUne 5

    Kat good thing dad is ok scary but lol then u did happy hour

    It sgoing to b 70 today wowzer

    I used to rollerblade I lost them

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    • EmailShare
    •  15EmailShare

    Undie the looks now

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    oops u got all the pics

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Funny pics, Lara! OMG I could so dig in to that cake...looks yummy to me! On that "big bones" fat pic, one of the best T-shirts I ever saw was on a guy (tiny bit overweight, but near normal wt), and it said "Recovering Anorexic". I would love to wear that, then people would think its good that I weigh too

    OK, what happened to my dad mom could not wake him up....absolutely no he just said he was tired and went to bed, BEFORE dinner which he never does. So of course we went right over and also couldn't wake him until I shook him really hard and YELLED to him. Then got just a grimace and he was gone again. So all of us kept trying every few minutes. THinking we needed to call 911 in case his body was shutting down or something. Very scared and worried, and of course my mom didn't know what to do. Thank God she always calls us. I tell her over and over though, to call 911 if something serious, or if she tries to call us and can't reach us and is worried about something, to call 911. Anyway, my DH was very concerned too as he kept telling my dad the ballgame was on tv, and got no response, and my dad LOVES to watch ballgames. Finally my DH went in again, and again said the game was on and dinner was ready, and my dad responded without opening his eyes, but said "You already told me that". So we knew he would be ok. Plus when I finally got him to talk, even though he was still trying to stay sleep, he admitted he was very upset about something, but didn't want to talk about it. I told him I loved him, and he said "I know that". SO then we figured he would be ok. I think he was upset about my mom as she prolly got them lost driving to Costco that day. BUT she doesn't remember if he was upset with her or not. ANYWAY, when I kept calling the next day, my mom admittted he was still "not normal", then he responded to my email, by saying he "has outlived his usefulness", etc. So I was glad I went at happy hour and could get him in a better mood. I know they could pass suddenly, anytime, cuz of their ages, but it still was so very scary, and I realized we are not ready for it, and are not prepared for it.

    OK, novel writing is over. But so many of you asked, so I felt I had to 'splain. NM, you always find yummy dwinks! ALSO today is a big Sunday Funday Brunch Dey at the HTL, so the mimosa fountains are full, so is the percotini fountain for whoever needs/wants it, and so much yummy food. OH LOOK Cami, Pants even made up your new fav drink with the DrPepper and Beer....



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Happy SunDeyFunDey DahhhlllinKs!!

    Been away toooo long I bad!  Jes gonna jump in here tho. 

    Shannon - woohoo....I had you on my calendar on you did have my prayers.  Am soooo thrilled the goils are looking good...can't wait to see da pics.

    Lara - June 5 for yours huh?  I will be in Texas but will surely keep you in my prayers too.

    Kathy - So glad your dad is feeling better.  What a f'n scare!!  and I will send up some prayers for dh's horrible...breaks my fart....and ditto to FURB!!

    Not going to try and address everyone, cept to say I have missed you all.  My c'versary came and went jes like I wanted it to.  I had my adorable gd Madison with me last weekend.  4 wonderful days/nights.  She just turned 4 and is smart as a whip and tells me, 'Mema, I cant sleep very good cuz u snore so much'...bout fell outta da bed.  But isss twue...I kno.

    Anyway....My PET results....NED!!  WooHoo!!!  MUGA, not so good, down by 12% but still just above 50% so sticking with the herceptin.  Will have another MUGA end of May...if not improved, will prolly have to stop herceptin...scares da chit outta me...but need my heart right...LOL.  But by the time next Muga, I will have been on herceptin a full 2 years, so I am lucky.  I kno so many who have not been able to tolerate it at all.  So I AM BLESSED!!

    Well...again....I miss you all...and pwomise not to stay away soo long...MUAH MUAH MUAH!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Hi Girls!

    Cant imagine trying to do a cartwheel Beckers..I would break my ass! There is free yoga on the beach every morning and every evening just down the road but havent gone in a long time.  NM good for you for going.  I did find that after a few times I started to limber up.

    Beckers my DD graduates from hs this June and we are traveling to Europe after graduation for a couple weeks and will be able to visit with Bernie while we travel thru Ireland. 

    I am also convinced that the hot flashes will eventually kill me.  NM what is this med you speak of for hot flashes??  My pcp said there wasnt a thing I could take other than clonodine for them that wouldnt mess with the Tammy....I tried the clonodine and my blood pressure went wacko so then she said there was nothing she could give I asked for the sleep aid so at least I could try and sleep thru them. 

    FURB!!!  Kathy...I hate to hear of your bil and I sure hope your dad is ok ..what a scare for you.  I dont think anyone can actually be thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Julie..have fun at sure do go to a lot of their events.  Are the tickets more expensive? 

    Cammie...I'll have to give that Dr Pepper and Beer a try..I have some Dr Pepper left over from D's last visit..I bought the wrong stuff and I dont drink it usually bcause I think it tasts like Chit but I would be willing to try it with beer..what is the ratio's?

    SuZQ....YEAH for NED!!!!

    Lara..I sure hope this check is a biggie.....My D brought to my attention that I have worked every day this a lot of days in a row. 

    Speaking of ..better get back to the grind..latah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good afternoon ladies--oy evertime I use that word.

    Kat I'm so glad u'r dad s better but not being able to wake him, did he take something maybe to just knock him out cuz he's sad and figured he can sleep for a while without thinking about what's making him sad. It seems more puzzling to us as they get older but there is sadness to us too.

    Well, well, well Sue I said everything is not right when we all don't check in and I'm glad u did. But being with Madison is worth it all. And glad tests are going OK. U big snorer u hahahahaha they tell it like it is.

    Orange I;ove the pic. that first one hysterical and the last one I could dive into like a pool.

    NM u sound like a kid ur'self how wonderful to have that feeling--U will have a good day. Oh the DOTD sounds complicated never heard of so many likkers , but I bet it's good.

    I still feel Blah and can't motivate myself at all---but I can do whatever I want so it's all good.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    NM - I meant to comment on the Yoga....omg....and the girls too.  I have a mental picture too...I went to one classes with my dd last year...did the same thing...cramp cramp cramp...instructor was all over me with the, how did u say it, oh yea, 'forgiving limbs' positiions.  I went out and bought a beginner yoga dvd...have yet to use it.  So I have to say....YOU ROCK!!  Hope you have a fan-tab-u-lus time today!!

    Cami - I can't say that word on this thread...u kno, the apology word.  But I am!   And so agree...'from the mouth of babes'.  So many funny stories...such a hoot.  I bet NM having some laughs right now!   And of course you and Joey...ur stories always make me laugh...sometimes get teary-eyed too tho.

    Back latah ladies!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    I will take a big piece of that cake! Looks so good I salivated just looking at the pic. I also have all the ingredients for your cocktail Cami but it sounds kinda knarly.

    Don't ask me how I got to watching Teen Mom on MTV. I am wanting to slap the caca out of one of these goils!!! Lazy Sunday.

    Wahine, I feel for you. It is hard and no matter how old they get I don't think we will be prepared for losing them. Losing my Dad turned our lives upside-down. I'm glad he is okay. I feel so sad that he doesn't feel useful. I don't ever want to get old.

    Memasue, I am not the only leg cramper! Oh and Cyn too. WTH? Hey Cyn, is Gabapentin not good to take with Tamoxifen either? Did you say that? I take only 300 mg at night. I also take Effexor but it is crazy if I forget to take it. I get really dizzy. I wish the flashes would just friggen stop. Tired of being a sweaty mess. Maybe being "big boned" is not helping (as I wipe my face after eating that cheeseburger). Makes me laugh at remembering the pic above from Orange about "bones don't jiggle" ha!

    I may research a nap now. Drink up!!! Ttyl

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good evening, Loungettes!  Silly Sadie is sacked out in her crate.  I'm trying to come up with a good excuse for going to bed at 7:30.  I is bushed!  We went through a half gallon of soap bubbles, pulled weeds and made mud in the garden, played fetch and ran races with Sadie, did yoga and exercise class and ballet.  And ate lunch, in there, somewhere.  Oh, yeah, I brought some laundry in before we got the soap bubbles out, towels and the like.  So I have a nice collection of clean kitchen towels in the towel drawer.  They're all folded in many different ways and piled up in many piles and patterns, but they're clean!  Did I mention that I'm tired out????????

    Juliet--yup, we did the yoga thing.  It's not fair how flexible  5 and 6 year olds are! 

    ORLA--It was 72 on my deck this afternoon.  I had to dig out sunscreen for us! 

    Wahine--Oh, yeah, I'll split that cake with you!  Wow, what a time with your Dad!  Be sure to tell his doc about it, he could have been having a mini stroke, but it sounds like he was just miffed and mentally checked out for while.  Scary, though! 

    Mema--NED!!!!   Happy Dancing!!!!!!!   Happy Dancing!!!!!!!!

    CynCyn--I used gabapentin (Brand name = Neurontin).  It's an anti-seizure drug that is also cleared for use for nerve pain.  It will do 2 things, calm down the hot flashes and help you sleep.  Or at least it did for me.  The trick is to find the right dose.  I was lucky, 300 mg in the morning to take the edge off the hot flashes during the day, then 600 mg so I could sleep at night without having them wake me up.  Some people need a lot more than that, up to 1500 mg.  When it's time to come off gabapentin you have to wean off gradually.  I stopped taking the morning pill, then 2 weeks later cut down to 1 pill at bed time and then 2 weeks later stopped all together.  Other people do it more slowly.  Like everything else it doesn't work for everybody, but it doesn't interfere with tammy and works for a lot of women, even without bc!

    Cammy--I did have a wonderful day.  I love having the girls, need to do it more often. 

    Mema--please get the yoga dvd out, it really is something everybody can do.  I think it's probably easier with a DVD than an instructor and other people, it's human nature to compare and compete, and with yoga you don't have to do that.  And I laughed and hollered so much that my throat is sore! 

    Becs--research a nap?  I need to do some of that research, too!  Yes, gabapentin can be taken with Tammy.  It's the prozac class of antidepressants that shouldn't be taken with Tammy. 

    YAWN.  Going to bed now. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Dorkie reporting in for doody. oops, foygot already had dwinking dooty since 4aye em saturdeys so mese much jest say I read where mese left off and my fart is habing manny emotions. Kat, I am speechless. Cept to tail ye I love you and you are so generous and strong for your parents which make dem happier people. Dese mese parents to in a way....

    Unde' awesome to see you and ye funny with the best pic of likker ebber....I found mese JD in KNOW time at all. Tank ye tank ye. Enjoy those beautiful foobs, you desoyve dem.

    Cyn, glad sirpoopsy doing better at pooping. hehe, de poop natzi you weally is! love you.

    Yes, miss Lori incredibly muchliest of all. mese so sad. so mese done talking fer now, hapologies for not talking to all but had twoooo much alkamahol in two deys mese dwinks a weak worth of likker.

    NM, sleep well.

    Love you all. As dat dude used to sing.... "I LOVE YOU MORE DAN MESE CAN SAY ... oh oh oh ohh, I love yese more dan mese can say. Oh, his name Leah Sayer or Lee or Leo or sumting like dat. and bdw, dere are boys named Leo and Lynn too. So funny teheheheh. ok, sweet dweams to all mese lubs. And prayers for all to be healthy, happy and has peeeeece in ye farts, ALWAYS.

    ch ch ch chia...........


    (bet ye taught messe would say ch ch chia pet tehehe! I taken dat wind up boy to bed, ta ta. And Titty's up if ya got em!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning eberyone. Up a little early but that's OK I cn sleep when I want anyway. Iy's 50 now and going to be 70 today NO RAIN, The badmintin set is up, well I can always watch u know and the grass was mowed yesterday, now it's vacuum and lauwn mower time BOTH.

    I'm glad u stopped by Dork we worry about u too.ith all that's going on. Take care of u'rself too.

    NM u were really busy yesterday--U sound like u didn't sow down at all--Y must be exhausted 7PM-Geeze-But u had a great time so it's a good tired, the kind we're supposed to have-I'm glad u'r day was so great.

    I hope everyone wakes up with good weather and good spirits, any kind u prefer.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Sadie and I are both moving a bit slowly and stiffly this ayem, can't imagine why?  Had so much fun yesterday. 

    DorKable--Sounds like you're doing a good job with dwinking doody! 

    Cammy--45 here, but going to hit 70 again today!  Yeah!  Have to do some more stretching before I get dressed, but otherwise feeling good! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Monday Morning

    1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice

    1/4 oz. agave nectar

    1/4 oz. ginger syrup

    1 tsp. puréed canned chipotle in adobe

    1/2 lime, quartered lengthwise

    2 oz. mezcal or white tequila

    1 strip red bell pepper, for garnish

    1 small piece beef jerky, for garnish

    1. In a cocktail shaker, combine lemon juice, agave nectar, ginger syrup, chipotle purée, and lime wedges. Using a muddler or a wooden spoon, muddle ingredients.

    2. Add 1 cup cubed ice and pour in mezcal; stir. Transfer mixture to a cocktail glass and garnish with bell pepper and beef jerky.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    NM I have no idea what 1/2 that stuff is again--I do know what a muddler is cuz I saw it on a crime show to put pills in a drink--that's about it. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013


    , Sunday



    funny pictures

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Morning ladies!   Time short for me slept tooo long.  gotta be out the door in 20 mins for my walk. 

    NM - Can a tp gal like me take that gabawhatever, I'm on aromisin, wellbutrin, xanax.  Mayb if I give wellbutrin up?  You sounds like I do after a few days with my gd.  Makes me smile to kno you had such a gr8 time with the lil ones.  I keep saying I'm going to get the dvd out...heavy sigh...maybe soon cuz I think stretching would make mese ol bones/muscles feel better.  your dotd...uhhh...don't think so...I'll jes have the mezcal....LOL!

    Cami - gr8 weather here...tooo f'n hot already.  was 100 yest...gonna b same today, right now bout 75...ugh.

    Beckers - I asked my onco about the efexor...she said NO.  The legcramp pills from wallgreens (can't member name) do help when mine are really bad. 

    Dorfy - MUAH MUAH MUAH.....I miss Lowee too. 

    OK, now on to next page!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Ok den....alll good!

    Good morning Orla!

    Shannon - hope you are feeling less pain today and that the girls are looking better and better.

    OK....gotta run...jes walk!

    Lubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    NM sounds exhausting but fun...Im glad you had a fun time with the girls .  Did you really go to bed at 7:30? Thanks for the info on the meds for hot pcp just seemed lost on what to do for me but it sounds pretty simple...they have actually gotten quite a bit better so I may not mess with it now. 

    Been sitting here over 2 hours w/o typing in work. 

    Will ketchup later

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Dorky here reporting fer dwinking dooty again. hehe.

    NM, you in de dog house, you said dat werd and I gonna have a tender spank you. Do you have a preference? Uh, can you change that DOTD to The Happy MonKeyDey dwink? for me, pleeeeze? Oh nebber mind, I ain't hating on mondays dese days....matter of fact I gloat at picturing mese coworkers stressing over de end of de month. I know that ain't Christian behaviour to wish dem stress and I really do not wish dat. Jest so glad to be away from dat. chit, I always turn things into about mese, sawry, I do that often. I need a spanking. Back to you, I am glad that you got to hang with the little girls. Children as such a breath of fresh air.

    Cyn, I hope your work day is eazy peazy. Are you doing OT tonight? I can dwink for you if needed. I don't like your PCP too much, he does not seem to know the answers for you. I would suggest that if you do not really love him, try to find one that has more knowledge of breast cancer. I am glad that the hot flashes do not bother you too much. Mine are out of control I hate em. I forget, do you take tammy or something of the like? I am tinking no because dey took your goily parts. Hey, give that widdle Rees a kiss from mese and tail him to be a good puppy. He is jest toooo cute!

    Shannon (unde' cove'), I really miss you when you do not post especially after seeing your recent posts! I am praying for you to feel better quickliest and no more bleeding, ok? Didn't you also bleed after getting the TE's or am I tinking about someone else? Was it Lara?

    Lara, are you traveling this week? I feel so bad for you to be traveling. Glad that the hotel gave you your money back. I can't believe that the hotel peeps could not do anyting to stop those people from smoking de willie and gitting the smell into your room. Ask Willie Nelson himself, he will tail you that it IS illegal. Then again he might be too high to know that. I bet he won't travel over de border again with de willie hehe! When is your exchange date again? It is coming up soon, right?

    Camille, how are you feeling today dollface? And when do you git results from your scans last week? I praying for all good news. Is it cleaning day there? Is de vacuum running yet? haha, sawrie to bring it up but you always crack me up when you write about that. I jest love you. You are de funniest goil in de lounge dese days. I wish I could give you a big dorky hug in real life but for now, dis de best I ken do (((((CAMILLE))))).

    Sue, I been checking on your weather too and can tail you that it will cool down into the 80's next week. I berry intererested and intrigued by yer weather there in vegas baby! and funny ting, you said your onc will not let you have effexir? Dat skeers mese cuz I take it. It is prescibed by my PCP but was oncologist approved. Did he tail you why you can't have it? He also lets me take a soy suppliment. Hmm, does he jest not like me?

    Kathy, what a scare you had with your Dad. OMG, I would have had a fart attack. I am praying that he feels better both physically and emotionally. How sad that he thinks he has outlived his usefullness. Try to feed his ego as much as you can. I do that with my Dad and he sucks it up. It is sad watching our parents age but gads, your parents have both lived a berry full life and each day is a blessing for them at their ages. I am glad that you brought them back to Bama to be near you. And I know that they appreciate ebberyting you do. It is jest hard for men to express graditude. I have a hug for you (((((KATHY)))))). You are a great daughter and a great mother and grandmother too. You are jest an awesome human.

    Suz, nice to see you reporting. I know I already talked to you but dere aint no rules saying I can't speak to you twice. I been missing your posts. Even when I was not posting, I was reading. And God I miss our Lori so much. I hate hate hate that she has no time to post and I worry about her too. If she reading, have to say that I lubs her berry berry much and have a hug for her too. (((LORI)))). What de hail, I has a hug for all of you.    ((((( GWOUP HUG))))) cuz I know that NM and Shannon could use some too. And Cyn and Lara and hail, all of us. I hugged our dear Shannon quite gently cuz mese dont wanna hurt her new foobs. A big congrats again to Shannon and her foobies, i will dwink to dat.....I lift my glass and say....

    CheeRs, big eaRs and NO TEARS.

    PS gonna put out an APB for our Innocent One, Mizz Lori. Mese missing her mostliest Frown

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Retail therapy with Sinead today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh good day Bernie and u'll have a great day.

    But Dork it's not just the vacuum anymore, like I said the lawnmower too and my window faces this huge back yard--Oh mese head, it is rattled enough.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Hii bernie, mema yeeea your back

    Just got back from retail therapy to with my step mom. My step brother is getting married June 1 so I needed clothes for the bridal shower this weekend. Im so fat its un real. well im trying to get it down every day all I can do so im pissy because im so over weight but gotta go sat it is

    Doooooooorkkkkk yes mine is the 5th of June and it was undie who bleeds not me

    I feel like mine are just going to be two big circles IDK I talk to PS about that the 9th of May imm 660 ccs I do not feel big need bigger I think but I saw undies boobage and they do look different from the TES IDK ugg pull my hair

    ya know I hate trying on clothes when fat but I was getting really hot feww

    Glad to see people coming back missed everyone\

    cyn sounds like u will have a nice paycheck

    June 16th was my BMX

    Cammmie watching emily rose exorcism scary

    Im on the road 2 more weeeks ugggggggggggggggggg

    I hate men

    Love blueberries

    Hate being fat

    Love u all

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Hahaha orange! I hate being big boned.

    Cami, vacuum day for me too. I just don't want to. My chore is doing floors. I haven't done them in two weeks so I must.

    Dork, ok fine no hug for me. I too am on Effexor. Dis chit makes me dizzy tho I think. I hear it is tough to get off of to but I'm considering it and upping the Gabapentin, but that makes me tired.

    NM does the 300 mg of Gabapentin you take in ayem make you tired?? Or...would I get used to it after awhile?? Or, better yet, do these hot flashes ever stop? I'm on Tami break but still flashin (I have no girly parts tho).

    Retail therapy is good for the soul Bernie. How is Sinead?

    Memasue, leg cramp pills? Can you take in daytime too? My muscles have been cramping in the daytime too. Hard when I'm trying to look professional doing therapy with a patient and I'm sweating bullets and then I jump cause I get a Charlie horse in my

    back!! :-/ that plus being bigger boned since RB...split my scrub pants one day getting in the car. Too lazy to sew them so I make sure my undies are same color. Ha. They aren't split all the way up the back or anything. Not that bad off....yet.

    Ok. Ima go vacuum I guess.

    Ta ta

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Lara..youse funny!!

    Heya bese youse??? No OT for mese...not for a while anyways...I have a visitor from Vacationland (Maine) visiting for a week. 

     Big Dorkie Kisses for the poopster 

    Gottsda run like da wind..goils..back manana

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited April 2013

    Prom last night.  Pretty girls and boyz.  Hey Cami......... this week?

    Chaeers and hugs all.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Effexor is evil. I am on it for my bi-polar (ten years now) along with risperdal so they will never take me off it.  The longer you are on it the harder it is stop or even just to reduce the dose.  The long term side effects are horrendous so please ask your DR to review.

    On a lighter note - how many shops can one girl (Sinead) go to in one day?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Longettes! 

    Cammy--I don't know what most of that stuff is, either, but it sound interesting!  Amazing what we can learn from crime shows, isn't it?

    ORLA--Is that dress made of newspaper????????  What happens if your date steps on the train?????

    Mema--I took gabapentin with prozac for 5 years.  No problems.  No big interactions between wellbutrin and gabapentin.  Xanax and gabapentin makes the xanax work better.  You shouldn't have to give up the wellbutrin.  Why did your MO say no to effexor?  It's not much different from wellbutrin. 

    CynCyn--was lots of fun, and yes, exhausting.  And I went to bed at about 8 pm and watched a couple episodes of Dresden Files on my Kindle Fire, so went to sleep about 9:30.  That sounds a bit better than going to bed at 7:30!

    DorKable--oh, oh, what did I say????  Why is Pants saying he's gonna spank me??  Hee Hee, can't wait!   And yeah, kids are great, aren't they? 

    BBBBernie--Retail therapy, Yeah! 

    ORLA-- I hear you about weight.  I'm counting calories and STILL gaining weight!  Emily Rose is a scary movie indeed! 

    Becs--When I first started taking the gabapentin it made me tired.  After a while, about a month I think, I didn't notice that with the morning dose.  The 600mg I took at bedtime I can't say either way, 'cause I was having so much trouble sleeping that I almost always took something else anyway--melatonin, skullcap tincture, valarian tincture, xanax, benadryl, whatever I could get my hands on.  Of course, I am a big coffee drinker and take my ayem pills with coffee, that may have had something to do with things.  And yes, the hot flashes DO stop when you get done with the tammy or arimidex or whatever.  I've been off since October, still have the odd hot flash, but then I'm not officially post menopausal.  And once a week or so I can deal with. 

    CynCyn--enjoy your company!

    BBBBernie--How many shops can one girl go to in one day?  That depends on the density of shops within the area that can be covered by the form of locomotion being used, modified by the time of arrival at the shopping area and the posted hours of the shops.  In other words, as many as she can get to in the time she has!  Have fun! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Jump Starter

    2 oz Mountain Dew® citrus soda

    2 oz Fanta® orange soda

    2 oz Sprite® soda

    1/2 oz lemon juice

    2 oz Everclear

    Add all ingredients to a coffee mug and stir for about 5 or so seconds. Serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Hi NM yes that is a paper wedding dress made up of a womens divorce papers lmao

    I take lexapro and other sorts

    NO Effixor I tryed it and my body said no u do not need this did feel dizzy

    I go to bed around 8 sometimes 7 30 IDk on know im weird well I also take muscle relaxers and anxiety meds I get tired plus IM just feeling like normal again then boom another surgery

    I take the muscle relaxer sbecause MY TES do not like exercise they get hard and painful

    Off to Massasschutes today so over travel need a break

    chat ya all later