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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Dorfy u cwack mese up.  I feel so spashall dat u talk to mese twice.  Now, see...I thot effexor was something 'specific' to stop hot flashes...guess it's a like wellbutrin, right NM?  So mayb that why she said NO.  Already on the xanax and the wellbutrin....and my flashes are or seem to b further and further apart.  Like every 2 hrs instead of every f'n hour!!  Our weather is HOT!  Glad to hear it is supposed to cool down.  It's been 100 here last few days.  And here I am about the 'heat stroke out' yest at 2pm in the desert shooting my guns.  Had to finally get in the car and turn on a/c...and I drank big bottle water then big bottle gatorade...whew.  But...I hit my target...bodymass area...90% of the time...I'm purdy good for not having practiced in many years.

    Beckers - I think you can take the cramp meds in the daytime.  I think it's mostly quinine(sp).  LMAO about da split in yer pants n wearing same color underwear.  If dat happened to me...I'd b in trouble cuz I don't wear I'd be bare-assed.  Don't think dat wud go over well eh?

    NM - Thanks for the info...may have to talk to her about wellbutrin vs gabapentin!

    Bernie - Retail therapy....gonna do some of that myself later today.  I only go 1 store...basically cuz dats all we have here.  I truly HATE any kind of shopping...only go when I absolute have to.  Enjoy with Sinead!  O and thanks for your 2cents on the effexor.  Think I'll pass on it.

    Lara - too funny...dress made from divorce it!

    Cami - LOL...have you tried earplugs? 

    Cyndielou - enjoy ur company...but will say it again K...don't over do...heehee!!

    Hi Adey!!

    OK....time for my walk...latah ladies!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good morning all----

    Adey I have D today--let's try for Wed. this week--is that all right with u? I want to meet u so badly so I know my D will be over with.

    Bernie what a question??? My one dgtr could hit every store or she can stay in one for hours--we never go shoping together she goes into shopping mode and I hate it-My other DD is like me over the internet we hate stores. Resperidol (sp) wow that's a tough drug--My dgt was on it for a while, it didn't help her much I'm glad it's helping u tho Bernie-that's a tough disease.

    Cyn u have company Yea no more OT for a while enjoy every day of it.

    Sue OMG 100 way to hot for me--I hate heat, I'd rather have cold.

    NM u are funny--- but the DOTD I don't think so-hahaha.

    Becks hysterical wearing same color panties--Oh come on and u'r going to vacuum where did u get that energy? hahha They are making different colors of Depends now so I have to think about this. Good going. Like u'r way of thinking.

    My SIL is at work so it's quiet here for now and Joey felt better so he's at school, he hates to miss school-OK he doesn't take after me that way.

    Orange I don't know how u travel so much, that's alot of work.

    Everyone have a good day and I'll check in later

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    List of Effexor side effects. Effexor - generic name venlafaxine - is an SNRI antidepressant sometimes prescribed for use in the treatment of bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. People taking Effexor should be aware of the potential side effects of this drug.

    Common Effexor Side Effects:

    Abnormal dreams; anxiety or nervousness; chills; constipation; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; dryness of mouth; heartburn; increased sweating; loss of appetite; nausea; stuffy or runny nose; stomach pain or gas; tingling, burning, or prickly sensations; trembling or shaking; trouble in sleeping; unusual tiredness or weakness; vomiting; weight loss

    More Common: Changes in vision, such as blurred vision; decrease in sexual desire or ability; headache

    with excitement and activity you cannot control; trouble in breathing

    Effexor may also cause the following side effect that your doctor will watch for:

    More Common: High blood pressure

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    good afternoon Loungettes! Happy twosdey, I will have two of those dotd's! tank ye NM.

    NM, you said de DOTD was the happy monday or sumting. the M word is berry bad. I send Jock to you to admin yer spanking.

    Beckers, aww, I will make it up to you by gibing you four hugs todey - ((BECKERS)) ((REBECCA))) ((BECCA))). Does anyone call you Becca? I had considered dat name for my DD, Rebecca and calling her Becca. You cracked me de hail up too with your split pants story. And goil, I feel for you - I have also been having issues with the darn cramping. It used to only be in de middle of de night but now, chit even my toes get cramps/charlie horses if I jest stretch them de wrong way. I have never had dem in mese back, that must be DE worst! And hot flashes are terrible for me too. I jest realized dat I am now 2.5 years into mese tammy terrappe. I started on 10/1/10 so I am 30 deys past de hump of de 5 yr therapy. But I tink mese onc gonna stiwch me soon to de arimidex since i am also not yet considered post menstral aldough it has been over two years without de monthly evil tingy.

    Orange, I know whatcha mean about de TE's. Dey sure look purdy but dey are rock hard and painful and most uncomfortable. I never have to deal with dem again. woo hoo. Sorry you has to travel to Boston again, you poor goil.

    Cyn, enjoy your company from vacationland. I tink dat Maine is called de Vacation state or someting?

    Bernie, that is some list of SE's for the effexir. I guess I am lucky that it works well for me. Earlier dis year, I ran out and did not think it would matter if I missed taking it for a week when my RX got lost in de mail and OMG, I was a true maniac. I was flipping out at work and flipping out at any one that looked at me. I thoguht it was only hailping de hot flashes but omg, I realized that it was actually working as an anti depressant. I am glad that you got some retail therapy in and hope that it helped Sinead feel better too. Have I given you a hug lately? Well here is one jest for you and it is Dorky's biggest (((((((BERNIE)))).

    Camille, sorry you had the dog gone D, I feel so bad for you luv. You deserve to be able to live without being close to a toilet every minute of de dey. And I want for you and Adey to git together and dwink soonliest so tail that D to hit de road. I must have missed your rants about de lawn mower, you so funny when you go on a rant. I jest lub you so much goil. ((((CAM)))

    Hello Adey, nice to see you here.

    Kat, how is your parents? And your DH, I hope he is feeling better todey too. you are a great daughter and a great wife, I give you kudos for all you do for dose you love.

    Suz, no wonder you hot flashing with weather so hot. Damn, I go into a sweat when it is in de 30's and I am outside. It sucks doesn't it?? And how is your DD? Mese been praying for her too.

    Jeanie Beanie not reported in awhile, would love to see her face pop into de lounge. I am always praying for her brother. I miss my Beanie baby here, is it wrong to pray that she shows up at de lounge to dwink with mese? She used to always hailp me back de UFO with likker for trips and stuff. Oh how I miss dat.

    Ok, so who'd mese miss? To anyboddy mese missed, I git you a set of dwinks, cheers!

    I am happy to report dat mese cold symptons gitting much better, did not take any sudafed todey and I am breathing well. woo hooo. I went over to see mese mommy last night after two days of staying away - i jest miss her so much when I do not see her eberyday. She was doing real good, she has been spending alot of time in her bed which is great since she was stuck in that blasted wheel chair night and day for almost three months. She is finally settled down. She is getting over yet another UTI - we can always tell when she has one as she is very restless. Oh, I gave her a banana but before I did, I used it to entertain her room mate. She is a greek woman whose english is berry difficult to understand. She really looks after my mom though and reports that she has eaten and when she is changed etc. Well i took de banana and held it against mese pelvis and tailed her that I have a big one. Well she laughed so hard. So after I had fed mom half of the banana, I did it again but tailed her it ain't so big now and she laughed again. It makes me feel good to entertain de troops over there. Her room mate had once told me that she did not want to live anymore, so sad. It is good for mese fart to make de troops smile Cool. And I am always so grateful for the life I have as I walk out of there everytime. Life is good, who wants to dwink to dat??

    I am still missing Lori. I want you all to call her name and see if she is reading. i am fart broken when I do not see her post. Please pray for her too as I know she can't be happy to not post here. Breaks mese fart big time!

    Well I have got to go and git back to organizing mese clothes. I bought four under de bed storage tingys and two tings that I can pack mese winter clothes in and compress dem. I have way too many clothes and have them in about six sizes. it is time to put de little clothes away. I really should donate dem cuz murphy's law sez if I git rid of dem, I will need dem. I have a hard time letting go of anyting that I really like but can't wear til I lose weight and also git mese tummy tuck! oh, jest realized, mese surgery is four months from todey, yippee skippeee!

    Wishing you all peace, health and lots of love n likker!

    Cheers from dis alcamaholic!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Dorky I lub, lub lub when u make people laugh der---dey need dat so much. I know how diffeecult this isfor u. When my dad was in a home, I ashamed to say this but there were times I couldn't go at all cuz I couldn't stand all of this stuff. I'd only go with my sister and that's all. and when my parents were in a hospital I could again only go with my sister cuz I'd get an axiety attack whenever I'd walk into a hospital for anyone or anything so I had to always be with someone it would help. I would never visit anyone else in the hospital but my parents so none would ever expect a visit from me---I was such a wimp about it and my parents understood it. Now I go by myself and think of them that they'd be proud of me for not being afraid of everything so much---that why I give u so much credit--all of u who watch over u'r parents it's heartbreaking and difficult--I think.

    Forgive me for going on (see I didn't say the s word) I got around that. Some days I'm bery smart.

    Lara I've been watching movies from thriller and suspense and wow there are some pretty good creepy movies there so keep u'r eyes open.

    It's warm out today---but I don't get many hot flashes anymore but I do get chills that's better when it's warmer so I hope this keeps up. LOL

    Catch u all latah gatahs

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Hi goils! This Effexor talk makes me wanna get de hail off it. Ima gonna twy. Bernie, why don't I ever get the loss of apetite/weight SE??!!! I heard in an udder post to open capsul and take out 5 beads every 4-5 days decrease dose each time. My ears are ringing too. I wonder if thats from it? Oh lawd Dorky, if I missed a whole week I'd be a stumbling drunkard. Is dat when you got esploding cake on all your coworkers?? Hahaha. Dat was funny. I am feeling dizzy just cause it's getting near bedtime when I take it and I sweat like da piggy anyhow so why take da evil drugs?? Jus mese logic for today. You are such a good DD to your mama Dorky. I wanna try to be a better DD.

    Cami, we can rock colored depends!! I feel what yer sayin for sure. Every time I wash mese scrubs I lay that pair aside to sew but I really don't feel like it. :-/ you can wear your colored pretends to lunch with Adey if you have the D show up.

    Okay, Im feeling like some popcorn for dinner.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2013

    Kiss cant stay....just saying hello dahlinks

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited May 2013

    Hi girls!

    I just dropped into the lounge to announce that today is my 3 year cancerversary - for my 2nd diagnosis.  I am having sangrias!  Anyone need one?

    :) Heather

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2013

    Heather!! Woop woop, Happy Three Year Cancersersary. Thanks for stopping in to share de most wonderful news. You were really whipped by de rat basturd but look at you now, partay goil. You look fanfuckintastic and jest as beautiful as ever. I wish you manny manny more! I will have 3 Sangrias in yer honor! Let's all sailabrate our sweet Kitty's spayshall dey!

    CheeRs n as Kathy would say BIG EARS! hehe....Let de parTay begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FOR KITTY KAT!!!!!!!!

    Congrats my sista SURVIVOR!

    CheerS! And manny more RAT BASTARD FREE YEARS!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2013

    Hi Beckers, I think the only safe way off Effexor is with your Dr.  You can get help with the withdrawal.  If I miss just one day i get the brain zaps and nightmares.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    ORLA--a wedding dress made of divorce papers?  OK, that's unique!  I'm not sure what it says about the Bride's expectations for her own marriage, but hey, it' unique!

    Mema--Sounds like you're a decent shot, good for you!  I'm very happy with the 60's and 70's we're getting around hear, thank you! 

    Cammy--I was wondering about that drink myself, but I couldn't resist posting it anyway!  Glad Joey is feeling better. 

    BBBBernie--great summary of Effexor!

    DorKable--oh, dear, I did goof and say the "M" word, I iz very, very ashamed!  I will have to have Jock be very thorough in his spanking so I remember in the future!  So good you are feeling better and had a good visit with your Mom and her roommate.  Laughter is great for everyone!  Hmm, underbed storage for off season clothes, that's a good idea!  I may have to invest in a couple of those thingys. 

    Cammy--I have a hard time walking into a hospital, too, so I know what you mean.  If it's for work (dropping off a blood sample for instance) I bribe myself with a Starbuck's coffee afterward.  If it's to visit someone, I depend on my secret friend Xanax.  It is hard to see your parents declining. 

    Becs--effexor can have some serious side effects, but most people don't get them and it can be a very, very effective drug.  Like all drugs, it's a crap shoot if it will help more or hurt more. 

    Mornin' CynCyn!

    Kittycat!!!!  CONGRATS ON THE SECOND 3 YEAR CANCERVERSARY!!!!!!  I love Sangria! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Congrats to Kittycat!

    8 oz tequila

    12 oz margarita mix

    2 oz Rose's® lime juice

    3 oz triple sec

    3 - 5 oz sangria

    Pour the tequila, margarita mix, lime juice and triple sec into an average sized blender filled with crushed ice, and blend well. Dip rim of a 16-oz. margarita glass in the blender to wet, and apply salt if desired. Pour the blender mixture into the glass until 2/3 full, add the sangria, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    CONGRATULATIONS HEATHER--that;s absolutely wonderful--it's early now but I'll drink to that.

    OK now I can't get off the bold print.  I've got to stick to what I know.

    NM this drink sounds better, much better. Thanks.

    And hold on--u would get nerveous in s hospital, wow. Well with all this chit I did get over it but that's a hell of a way to have to get over it. But U??? I always felt crazy feeling like that cuz no one else did. Mt 2DD (the first time) was in the hospitsl almost 6 months--her floor didn't bother me the physco (sp) ward but going from the door to the elevator thru me for a loop once I got to her floor I was OK--that must say something about me and her Dr. started me on xanax that was 1988 for her. Her nitemare with mine lasted for yrs. never thought she'd be stable but she is Thank God now- We had our bumps along the way.

    I've been on Paxil and about 1 month ago I ran ut and figured I'd wai a little bit cuz I had a few others to fill--won't do that again--after the 3rd day I thought I was loosing my mind (more than usual) xanax helped just a little then it dawned I me and got the pills and felt better the next day. So I think along with SE's some of these pills we take can't miss a day, u have to be weined off like we're taking real drugs girls. Oh my.

    Well another warm day, then it will cool off with rain a bit.

    I hope eberyone is feeling good today.

    Talk to u latah lubs, lubs, lubs u all

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Happy Lei Day! May 1st is Lei Day in Hawaii, and so we always wore a lei to school. Most of us had plumeria trees in our yards that we would make our own lei (lei is plural too) from. We ALL had those really long lei needles at home (10-12" long?). Anyway, the King Kamehameha statue downtown will be covered with LONG lei, that will go to the ground, from around his neck. Lots of celebrations there today.

    AND OMG Happy Cancerversary Heather!!! Congrats!!! So nice to see you in the lounge again!

    Will have to read all the posts later, as I am taking my mom to her dr appt today, then errands. Just a checkup, unless my dad is still sick and needs to take her appt instead. Was just going to do a quick post, but saw Kittycat's post and had to say CONGRATS!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Kat what a beautiful Holiday made with moe beauty with so many flowers. Of course most of us here would take lei day with a different meaning, we'd have different things on our minds, with flowers long gone. Sorry my mind skatters as u know.

    Well this is Law day too, which no one celebrates cuz no one wants to admit they are lawyers or family members of them. I't the old joke---I met a lawyer the good news is that I spent 1/2 with him and he gave me some free advice, the bad news is I spent 1/2 hr. with him. My brother who has benn an attorny for 50 yrs telss the best jokes so we all take it as fun. Oh I'm being silly--I had to take my pain meds so I'll be out soon, right now I'm at the silly stage. I actually like this time hahaha pretty soon I don't

    Kat tell us if u'r dad went or can't u tell this Dr. about what happened with u'r Dad??? Or maybe he doesn't want u to. Check that out with u'r Mom and see. Oh I don't mean to sell u what to do, u already know--just concerned it hasn't made sense to me except depression came to mind.

    It's just that I care about u gals so much I think about things after too and I know I can't help help but just think about it and pray for all the troubles any of u have. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2013

    Cami-  I, of course, have a doc appt today!  How about tomorrow?  I'll call you in the am to see if you are up for it.  Enjoy the awesome weather!  Cheers all!  My baby comes home from Africa Sunday on my 51st bday, woot.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Adey I just wrote u--OK call me around 10 am I usually know by then--I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Nice eye Candy Julie

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning!!

    Dorfy - you cwack mese up.   But so pwoud of you for entertaining the 'troops' as you call them.  I have a pic of you, don't I, you in da grocery store wif a cucumber....LMAO!!  Glad you cold is much gone and I too miss Lowee very muchly.  I pray for her every day.  My Jengirl is doing much better...thank your sweet fart for asking...MUAH!

    Kittycat - WOOOHOOO!! You have been thru sooo much and now 3 years out...YOU ROCK!!!  Love the posts DorK put up for your sailabration!!

    Bernie - Thank you for the lowdown on the Effexor.  Think I'll stick to my xanax and wellbutrin.  I was taking the later 2x day, but last 2 mos only once a day, in the morning.  My xanax if my 'nite-nite' drug with my aromisin, coq10, melatonin, and warfarin. 

    Cami - I'm with you...prefer online shopping too.  But I did manage to find a few tops yesterday.  In and out in an hour.  I've been there 4-5 x's since they opened.  The size I buy is pretty right on so now I don't try anything on in store...wait til I get home.  Haven't had to return anything so far.  woohoo.  Hope your D stops so you can meet up with Adey soon (((Cami)))

    Morning NM - I too can't imagine you having a hard time in hosp...but I'm thinkin it's jes when u are visiting someone close to you?  Hey, I'd b happy with 80's year round...but that ain't gonna happen.  Thank goodness this kinda heat is only 3-4 mos outta 12, and the rest are sooo bootiful!  Now that DOTD I can get next to!!

    WaWa - haven't called u that in a long time eh....Happy Lei Day to you too...purdy posts.  I'd like to say I'll get lei'd today...but ...uh...nope...don't think that's doable...LOL! Hope Doc appt with ur mom goes OK today!

    Cyn - Cheers Dear...having a goot time??

    Beckers - popcorn for dinner?  Like your advice to Cami to wear the colored depends to lunch...LOL.  And REALLY?? the effexor makes u sweat like a piggy after u take it...yeah...then why take it??  But like Bernie says...b careful weening yourself off it, mayb talk to doc about sumpin milder to help the withdrawls?

    Hi Adey, Hi Lara, Shannon how are you feeling??  Hope I didn't miss anyone else!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs ya'll...n have a GR8 LEI-DEY!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Good morning goils. I should be getting ready for work right now. Need more coffee in me first.

    Thanks for all the discussion on Effexor. I'm on Tami break because we thought It was exacerbating the MS. How bout if I call it the MSRB? Anyhow, now I'm wondering if Effexor could be responsible for some of it. I will call my doc for appt to discuss weaning down. Scary stuff. And to think some people chop up, snort, keester prescription drugs without even knowing what they are or do. Don't keester your pills Cami...ha!

    Memasue don't split your pants. On a Mon morning once I had a patient tell me about a therapist with a split crotch and no undies that led their exercise group over the weekend. He was sitting on rolly stool and was moving legs out to side. We had lots of laughs over that one!

    Dorky, I was wondering what happened to dat cucumber! Hide your bananas goils we have a male impersonator on da loose. Cracked me up how you entertain the roommate! I better not try that at work tho.

    Alright, alright...I will get ready now. Happy humping today!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Annudder quick pop-in....was wondering if anyone has seen STELLA??? Shall I put out an APB for our Stella? I was wondering if she just got too busy spray tanning, or dwinking wodka, or dwinking duckfarts, killa, or Gentleman Jack?? Or Brandy and coffee?? OR is she chasing rainbows, or did she run off with molerfockerboy to Hawaii????   STELLA!!! Where you be, Stella?????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hawaii, I bet dat's it Stella is celebrating her own lei day the way she wants to and we all know how good she is with dat.Specially today--she's been practicing for a while too. Dat sounds like STella.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2013

    Lei Day.......nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    LOL, yuppers dat must be where StellaDeBellaDeBall is toodey....getting laid on de beach....OOPS I mean getting a lei on the beach....whew!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Reading through I forget half of it half way through

    I'm back exhausted off the road for two weeks or so

    Getting my hair done tomm everything after surgery u heal then I never want to c any one now I'm ready feeling energized but still get damn tired

    Camomile ill b watching the scary

    NM the banana omg

    Cyn glad your taking time off

    Beckers lmao why we never get the weight loss part do true

    Xanax I lost weight with

    I have severe anxiety so I'm on the benzo group but if I don't have them I go nuts!

    I would get dialbiltating anxiety and horrid panic attacks

    I'm so mellow I wonder sometimes about my pulse lol

    Hi mema

    Jar where u off to now

    It's 79 and hot yuck

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Sorry my I phone is auto correcting hate this damn phone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Orange I didn't know u had bad anxiety--that's awful--to me that's a disease unto itself. My theory.

    Well another quiet night round here WTF --Gottsta get drinkin here---de lounge is hot--I mean weder wise--please put on the a/c -----oh dat's beter now I can enjoy my newliest dink--Dr. Pepper and beer--always gotta have a Dr. around me---and a tendah--wich I had and have  Woop-Woop

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    You woop wooping it up in here Cams?? Hump day with all the tenders to yourself. I hads to go rescue mese brudder who got flat tire. We'z on fire out here. The helicopters fly in to fill up water to put out da fire on the golf course at my Mom's den they fly over her house. I'z in da back yard goin "hey, Mr. Helicopter man!" maybe we needs one of those at the HTL?? It's kinda exciting. Big brothers going out of town. Woohoo! He's type A berry stressful indibidul and Mom needs a break I tinks. He made me dwink so much likker last week cause I was so mad at him!! not supposed to be dis way. Chit! Or WTF as you say Cams. So...whachu gots to say tonight??

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Cami, *wink,wink* remember this is "lei day" and.....well.....we all dwank so muchliest, that we each grabbed a tender and are getting lei' I think so many of the loungettes are berry berry bizzy nowadays....maybe soonliest wese kin all partay de night away agin!!!

    Lara, Glad you are back at home!!

    Still wondering what Stella is up to........

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Oh Beckers, I forgot to ask you about that fire! When I saw on the National News that they were evacuating houses in BANNING, I worried, and contacted my friend that does the karaoke. She said the helicopters are filling up with water at the end of her street! But that the wind was blowing the fire in the other direction. SCARY!!! Hope you, your family, and your friends are not affected by it. Stay safe!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2013

    LOL is another funny story.  You talk about those paperkinda scrubs...well...1 time (in band camp) no...but in the chemo pod.  I was jes fat, dumb, and happy...playing my 'words w/friends'...coughed and SHIT MESELF.  OMG...ya kno u can't jes git up and run...u is plugged in 'dammit', so u hafta raise ur hand like in kindergarten...actually I was WAVING both my hands in the air.  My nurse soooo me to da bathroom...n about STINK!  Anyway...she brought me a pair of dem kinda paper but not scrub pants.  God Bless her...cuz I swear...even tho I cleaned meself and mese pants up...we talking...wet wet wet pants...n like I sed...I don't wear the idea of driving 90 mins back to Mesq in wet pants....I'd b red raw!  That nurse is named Connie...we still laugh about it to this day.  LOL!

    O Tay Den Camille   let's get a DRUNK on!!!  Mese tinks I'm ahead of u...nannynannynanneeee!!

    Lara - sorry to hear about ur anxiety...but if it helps....I been on xanax 2 weight loss for mese everwideningwhiteass either!!

    Time to bix anudder dwink...den mayb take mese dwunk ewwa (everwideningwhiteass) to bed....or...maybe not!!

    Love u goils...MUAH MUAH MUAH!!