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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Froggy ayem today, supposed to get some rain, which is a good thing 'cause the fire danger is HIGH, HIGH, HIGH! 

    Cammy--Fortunately the meeting AFTER the meeting didn't last long, and not only did we get lunch we got chocolate cake after!  Likkers like brandy have been the vehicle for herbal remedies for ages.  Up until rather recently even children's over the counter medications, especially cold medicines, used alcohol as a base!  It's a great carrier of other chemicals, and in such small amounts is usually harmless.   I'm sure Joey will figure out soon enough that following medical advise is helpful.  But, at his age, attention at school is terribly tempting, I'm sure. 

    HaHa!  The school stepped up, good for them!

    Adey--welcome home to your DD!

    Becs--I'll bet Joey knows now that Gramma knows best!

    Isn't it fun to have the Tenders line up for perusal and choosing???????

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Foggy Day Drink

    1 1/2 oz. Gin

    1 oz. Pernod

    1 slice Lemon

    Shake everything with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a lemon slice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning NM===CHOCOLATE CAKE  well then it's all worth it. LOL

    What is Pernod---do u have different likkers in Main or something---watch everyone will know what it is, but me, Too manhy likkers not enough time to drink them all.

    I hope u' r day is good NM and more chocolate anything.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Hi cammie poor Joey

    Adey great news

    Nm chocolate cake sounds good

    Hi juliet,mema dorkkkkkkkkk

    whats new

    I have overdid it with exercise cant move

    today rest

    very hot here

    see my PS Thursday to talk about implant etc could get one more fill idk we will c

    might get the 20s with the natrual drooped

    or the round 45s

    either way ill b happy

    Im eating a ton of protein

    Had a loyt of likker last night

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    oh yes NM I am going to every thing I could not last summer after that horris bmx then recom then TES out Im readyyyyyyyyyyy come play

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    horrid ha meant to say

    mmm stella came to me in a dream she was with the bride of chucky

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Orange u confuse me so--I thought u were done. do u want to be bigger or rounder it that it--u can choose a shape too. My chest actually hurts when I talk to u gals about this--well I could be having a heart attack, but it stil hurts when u all talk about this. Dork has and is still going on , u've been doing this forever too / Let me ask u--Is a flap the skin that is pulled under u'r arms if u want to use that of some kind of foobs." Just curious.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OK I am taking over a new job-oh oh I taking over the money for the household--we never have enought I know that but new rules-I'm making them. So I have to try to pull a ducks neck hard enough to make a swan--that's how difficult this  is--I said let me do it and man did they hand it over, now I have to prove I can do it better (no arguing) they're happy.WTF have I gotten myself into. I'm cutting cable down and no phone on cable just our cell phones--I always had all the movie channels we don't need them, no one needs to take a shower every single day every other day is fine. Well maybe my SIL cuz he works. Marty does super on groceries so I'm not going to interfere with that.We never eat out so can't stop that. I'm going to order Joey to stop growing this year cuz he's very tall and it's rediculous for his clothes. The vacuum takes alot of electricity 2x a week is more than enough and 1x for lawn mower  So tht's how it's starting now I hve alot going on in my mind cuz I don't know how I'm going to do this but somehow I have to show improvement. Oh and Les needs all of her meds, but I don't--i;ll just get the important ones. 15 types of meds a day is rediculous for anyone so I'll cut down to 10.Of course pain and xanax are on the top of my list then B/P so I'll take the important ones.Marty needs a ton of gas for work--which I blame the government for that one.

    So how does that sound? Any ideas are welcomed and I'm not quiting smoking. Even my Dr. said Oh don't bother so they could quit but then they'd complain about the smell of smoke and I'm not living like that. But they can split a pack. LOL So my mind is buzzing now and I'll need a nap soon.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    good afternoon all from sunny orlando, (((((joey))))))),  has les signed up for any of the drug company programmes ,they can help with some of the costs of the high priced ones, the doctors office should have details, also do thy have any sample packs for her?. back in work thursday,so will have a look too, cammi,i like your priority's  but worry about you getting sick, will you discuss it with your doc on what you can stop without too much problem,pretty pleaseLaughing.when will the" big "day be lara? nm any meeting with chocolate cake is a good one, i tend to avoid our staff meeting as the director basically just tells us what we are doing wrong in her eyes, we never get the good news.  if a pt has complimented you  you get a meal ticket passed to you and thats it.anyway need to go and pack as going home tonight

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Hi Julie u busy bee you. The weather has been gret here today that's why it's so quiet in here. Everybody's enjoying the weather. Don't worry Julie I know what pills I can do without. Pills I know about. LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Hi der!

    Is Stella Goldie?? You sure she's not lost in the desert somewhere? Hope she's not with the bride of chucky.

    Juliet, what do you mean "going home..." just caught my eye being I am living away from home. Bummer you only get crappy news at staff meeting. Not very motivating.

    NM, my little friend was no longer responding. He sure must have worked hard. I didn't know he was so close to dying. I just went in and sat by his bedside read the scriptures he had circled in his Bible. I must say, one-sided conversations are tough! I didn't work today. I wonder if he's gone yet. His feet were getting cold. Heavy sigh. His wife wasn't going to come see him today. Strange how people cope. I would want every last second

    with them. Sad to see him all alone.

    Orange, you excited? A month away. Will you get time off?

    Cami. I gave up finance a long time ago. Not very good multitasker. Can you get Netflix so you can still watch scary movies? You smoke? On June 10th I will have 1 year smoke free. I take it cutting that costs is non negotiable?? I probably wouldn't have either!

    I am still on my protein diet. Tired of meat! But... Lost like 5 lbs in less than week. I am sooo craving a homemade chocolate chip cookie though!!!!!

    Tata for now!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2013

    Cammi, make sure nothing is left on standby - phone chargers etc - that all uses up the electric.  I never vacuum, I sweep.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited May 2013

    After a tiring day, a commuter settled down in her seat and closed her eyes. As the train rolled out of the station, the guy sitting next to her pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud voice:
    "Hi sweetheart, its Eric. I am on the train."
    "Yes, I know it's the six thirty and not the four thirty, but I had a long meeting".
    "No, honey, not with that blonde from the accounts office. It was with the boss".
    "No sweetheart, you're the only one in my life".
    "Yes, I'm sure, cross my heart".
    Fifteen minutes later, he was still talking loudly. When the young woman sitting next to him had enough, she leaned over and said into the phone, "Eric, hang up the phone and come back to bed."
    Eric doesn't use his cell phone in public any longer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all ===Bernie I love it.

    Everyone is coming and going can't keep track.

    Becks Stella is one of Dorks little fairies that show up anywhere anytime and she's a little bit of what all of us want to be. LOL And yes I do smoke--I hate to say it sounds like I should be caring a gun too. Lst time my Onc. said do u still smoke and I said yes--she said Oj don't worry about it. So that either means I'm screwed or I'm screwed so I continue. U lost 5 lbs in one week -Oh I'm glad for u I can't lose--lately I've been so hungry all the time--I'm thi3nking did I go on a new med> I ws doing fine for months and ow it's turned around. I'm getting aggrevated I can do my upper body LE excercises, but no lower body my back goes in to super pain mode. My goofy brother told me don't get a back Dr. Til he talks to cheif of staff at the hosp. (their friends) I of course said OK---That was 6 weeks ago, I know he forgot, he does this all the time. I love hime so but he's a feeb when it comes to not writing down things. I went from moderate back crap to severein 3 months that's to fast foe me, but I can't even excercise to walk FURB--all of this started with cancer and nothing is ending--I thought I'd feel better as time gpes by so drinking is my new thing.

    Seriously don't worry about my meds I'm good at meds the only thing I pretty much know I did study that for a while so I know what really needs and what I can stop without complivations.I'm going to stop the 2 most expensive ones and one I can buy OTC much cheaper.

    OK I have to recall the TV thing I want to tape on 1 TV--mine since I watch it the most--but I got it down more than 100.00 those bastards. It's still 115.00 to just watch reg TV.double bastards I sound miserable today don't I? --I'm not really with u just airing my life as it is now. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Another froggy ayem, rain predicted for the rest of the week and into the weekend.  Well, we do need it desperately! 

    Cammy--Yup, chocolate cake does make up for a lot! Don't know what Penod is, gonna have to research it and get back to you. 

    ORLA--decisions, decision, I'm sure you'll be happy with whatever you decide on! Get some rest and stop aching!  Hooray for being able to DO  things again!  Stella as Bride of Chucky, hmmm?  You have a warped mind! 

    Cammy--Congrats to taking over a new job!  Have you sat down and made a out a budget for the household?  That's the key for me, anyway.  There are a bunch of online sites that have budgeting outlines and info that are free and helpful.  I also noticed quite a difference in my electric bill when I put the TV, computer, satellite TV box,  and gadget chargers on power strips and turn them off at night and during the day when I'm not home.  And before you cut out any of your meds check and see if the manufacturer has an assistance program.  Lots of people can get meds free or significantly reduced through those programs. 

     Juliet--I've worked in places with meetings like that. I'd avoid those meetings, too, if that's how you're treated. 

    Becs--Oh, my, how sad about your friend.  I truly believe that people know when someone is with them and hear what is being said even when they can't respond any more.  Yes, those one sided conversations are hard, but so important to both of you.  It is  sad to see someone all alone like that.  And every does cope differently.  ((((Becs)))). 

    BBBBernie--great minds think alike!    And Eric really got his, didn't he????

    Cammy--another thing to look at is the Wal-Mart $4/$10 prescription program.  I get a couple of my meds from them and pay cash, it's cheaper than the copay for my prescription plan, and I can refill them earlier.  The Wal-Mart website will link you to a list of the $4/$10 meds so you can look up the medication and the dosage and see if it's covered.  You can even  get the meds delivered to the house. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Penny Pincher

    2 oz. Vodka (Stan likes to substitute Tequila)

    1 oz. Fresh Lime Juice

    Shake and strain into tall glass (or copper mug)

    Top with Ginger Beer

    Add Candied Ginger 

     (Stan is the guy whose website I got this recipe from)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Nm Yes I am wrapped

    cammie taking charge

    becks yes ill have time off especially work wants me traveling this summer ill take a month off why not ! Im eating all protein to want a pizza bad

    reading the Amanda Knox book the one got convicted in Italy and is home really good book

    Ive been shopping a lot did not might anything last summer do to BMX

    Does any one have the slope shaped breast they are like tear drop just curiours

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OMG Orange u decide the shape too. Are u happy with this shape or still wrapped and can't see it.--Do lots of shopping and with V necks this summer.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Happy thirst day! Where's err buddy Cami? I'm tired. You cwack me up with your either I'm screwed or I'm screwed. Haha.

    Effexor update...I am going to wean off Effexor and switch to Elavil. Wish me luck. Also getting back on Tami (yuck) and may have to go on injections again for the MS. Not happy 'bout that. Love my new neurologist tho so that's good.

    Whachu drink in Cami?

    What's everyone doing for mudder's day? Any plans? We are doing pool party. Ummm....Yay? Not my idea for sure.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Beckers sounds like fun --poo party, of course I would put a suit on but wear some thing comfortable. My oldest DD is going to her MIL's cuz it's her BD too and I guess we'll just stay around here. I never reay cared once my mom left me so it's fine.

    So u think u'll drop u'r tamox, but u need meds for u'r MS --Oh geeze I'm so sorry for all u go thru.

    I'm thinking about dropping my Aromasin it's done a number on my bones , the damage is rhere but maybe it won't get worse. May after awhile I'll go on another but for now I've had it.

    Boy this pace is quiet--oh they'll be back they're either up to no good, traveling, orworking and tired. so we'll be here. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Goods morning, Loungettes!  The trees are really getting green around here now, it is so pretty to see.  I love spring! 

    ORLA---How can you live without Pizza once in a while?  Isn't Pizza a major food group all by itself?  Or maybe that kind of thinking is why I'm struggling to lose weight?   ;)

    Cammy--good advice for ORLA! 

    Becs--I'm sure you'll do fine with the effexor/elavil switchover.  Hope it works well for you.  Going back on Tammy, huh?  What a roller coaster ride this treatment $hit is.  And the MS bit is just NOT FAIR.  Glad you like the neurologist, though!  Mudder's day plans for me depend on what Mom has planned.  Hmm, gotta call and find out.  I usually take her out to dinner. 

    Cammy--how long have you been on the Aromasin?  It's almost frightening how many women don't last the whole 5 years on that stuff.  I think it's still around a third of women starting it that don't finish because of side effects.  All that money going into research and this is the best we get????

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Pizza Drink

    1.5 oz. Jim Beam Black Label infused with Italian sausage

    .5 oz. Tres Generaciones Reposado tequila

    2. oz. tomato juice

    2 oz. sundried tomatoes in oil

    2 barspoons Nora’s Cuisine’s pizza sauce

    2 fresh basil leaves

    Leaves from 2 fresh oregano sprigs

    1 clove fresh garlic


    1 green bell pepper, hollowed


    1 thin breadstick

    1 fresh buffalo mozzarella “balloon” filled with hickory wood smoke and basil-infused oil

    1 fresh basil leaf

    Red pepper flakes

    To make the Italian Sausage-infused Jim Beam Black Label:

    Cook the Italian sausage in a non-reactive pan until well done. Pour entire contents of pan into a deep bowl. Cover completely with Jim Beam Black Label (about 2 pounds per liter) and let sit covered overnight in the refrigerator. Next day, fine-strain out the sausage, and pour the infusion through cheesecloth into a re-labeled bottle or container.

    To make the cocktail:

    In a mixing glass, drop in chopped garlic clove and muddle to extract juices. Add oregano and basil leaves with the sundried tomatoes then muddle again. Add tequila, bourbon and tomato juice. Fill with ice and stir thoroughly. Strain into the bell pepper Garnish with the mozzarella balloon tied to the breadstick. Serve with a cocktail pick

    To enjoy:

    Using the provided cocktail pick, poke the balloon so that it bursts open, releasing the wood smoke and the infused oil into the cocktail. This will fill the area with the aromas of a wood fire pizza oven. Use the breadstick as a stirrer. Enjoy the cocktail. And when you’ve finished you can ask for another or just eat your cocktail glass!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Ok im going to b smooth silicone 20s I did get another fill because she said I will loose the perky a bit like the TES give oh and high profile

    June 5th yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa excited I look a bit big now im tall and have an athletic build so its fine

    hopefully there r scary movies on today

    I am a bit sore from fill

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Orange those fils sound like it very sore to get, is it because u'r skin is stretching, rhat's why this takes so ong.?

    NM U made rhat drink up , didn't  u cuz I was laughing all rhe time I was readinf it--it sounds disgusting even to an Italian. LOL I'e ennon Aromasin for 0er 2 yrs. And why I decided was just 3 months agoe I had moderste back deteriation (discs ad vertabrae) OKnow it's severe in 3 months every bone in my body hurts all the time and I thought enough is enough--this is more pain than I have ever had thruout all this chit. I don't have bone mets, my sster does and she (thank God) has hardy any pain--I know my back won't heal but how much worse can it be and I'd rather not have it worse I walk like I;m 100, I can't say 90 cu I know 90 yr old that realy walk great. LOL And too the % of what I'm doing isn't alot so I thought to give my body a rest that's all.

    Oh don't ask me anything I go on and on. hahahaha

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    NM pizza drink lol

    Camomile yes I stretch that's why and the nerve endings go crazy

    No scary movies wtf

    I just hope I like how the implants look once in hard to picture

    I hope I'm not to big

    What's everyone drinking

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2013

    Beer (unusual for me)!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013
    Funny Somewhat Topical Ecard: I wish there was a morning-after pill for when I drunkenly post something on Facebook.
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2013







    WELL, SHlT!!!"
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  TGIF!

    ORLA--Wow, sounds like implant choices are complicated!  Sounds like you found your perfect fit, hooray!

    Cammy--No, I didn't make up that drink, really!  "Pizza in a glass! The Weekly’s pizza cocktail contest"

    Quality of life is important, and I don't judge anyone who make a choice based on that.  What good does it do for us to live to be 100 if we can't do what we enjoy? 

    Adey--How drunk WAS "DEAR MADAM"?????

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Fire Extinguisher

    1/2 oz. Irish Cream

    1/2 oz. Fireball Whiskey

    Tasting Notes: Like a honey glazed fireball.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning---2 hrs. yes 2 hrs. it took me to get this damn moving--my little arrow was stuck, I couldn't choose anything so I finlly got it shut down to reboot it, I'm so upset Effin tech things.

    OK now NM that drink sounds good--oh that other one sounded just awful.

    Adey I like that--too funny.

    Orange I'm finding some realy good mysteries that are taking a little bit off the pressure of no good scary movies. Transit with Jim Caveziel was very good. on Max and Chernoble I have to watch thise I don't like drama.romancey things or comedy much it's to hard to keep me thinking t's funny for 2 hrs.LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    oH i saw the diary that was good

    How is everyone today

    Im feeling good no pain from fill yesterday

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Orange no pain, that's unusual, but I know it usually does----but glad it doesn't hurt.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    just watched safe haven so good crying my eyes out

    yes I think its because I have had no fill for awhile

    yesterday stung like hell

    love u all