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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Funny Cry for Help Ecard: If the new DUI law kicks in, I'll have to take a taxi home from work every day.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    Happy Father's Day! LOL....I raised my two alone so I used 'suggest' they gib me a Fathers Day too...since I acted both parts...heehee. I kno there are other out there that also lived both here's to you all me Dears!!

    Dorfy - mese sad about your sis's mil...hope you got thru da funeral OK. Good news about your mom too...praying that continues for long long longer time. :-).

    NM - WOW sounds like you were a bizy bizy lady. Got a Star Nursery here in lil 'ol Mesquite...dh and I went on Weds...bought a few lattice fences and some cat's claw to climb it. Also bought 1 staked Karst Bouganvillea. Supposed to do well in this heat. I have it on patio (partial shade) and hope it entwines on my patio support. If it does, will def get more next year. DH also got 'hearts n flowers' ground cover. We will b up early tomorrow to get these into ground b4 it gets tooo hot. No work for him today tho, it's his day!

    Cami - sounds like fun fun at Joey's bday party. I can relate to the pain too. Seems it is getting worse for me too. So I sent off my 'request for application' to NV State for a medical marijuana card. We will see how fast they are at responding and then how fast to approve. I am now working out in the pool, so mayb that will bring some relief.

    Also got new scrip for pain...lortab...we shall see!

    OHHH and thank you again NM for the Epocrates info. I keyed in my lortab...sed sumpin bout diminishing effects of my since I take the latter in the a.m., will not take the lortabs until much later in the day.

    LOOOOWWWWEEEEE!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! Welcome HOME Girlfriend!!! LOL....I was gonna comment on ur needing a stiff one...but u quantified OK...u no fun...j/k!! Hope to see you everyday...muah muah muah!!

    Kathy - still praying for better prognosis, tx plan with the 2nd opinion. (((Kat)))

    Sad to hear about the memory issues with your mom, and your dad. Very scary the two of them taking a trip too? Will keep them in my prayers too that no issues in HI. I missing the buffet....elbow poke...I'm taking cuts in line....LOL!!

    Lara - sooo glad you are feeling better too...thanks for the LOL's too.

    Beckers - hope you have a nice weekend with Annie and her daddy. Can I join you on your cruises?? pwease pwease pwease....heehee!

    Julie - 'ello der!!

    OK...hope I didn't forget anyone...I kno I did but please forgive...anyway DH is up, got his 1st FD call from his son...hope my kids don't forget to call him.

    Anyway...eberone hab a gr8 day...I'll be back!! LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ALL YA'LL!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning again, Loungettes! 

    Cammy--Happy birthday to Joey, glad the partay was fun and went well!  I will definitely slow down today, I am aching all over from yesterday. I am so woefully out of shape.  Gonna veg today, maybe plant the lupines, there's only 5 of them. . . .  Nothing like that first cup of coffee in the ayem, is there? 

    Goldie--Good morning!  Where you been??????I'll be careful with the morning glory, but the climbing up the fence is what I want them to do.  The seed packet is old and they may not even germinate.  Also, I am mowing on both sides of the fence, so that should keep them under a reasonable amount of control.  If not, well, you told me so!

    Wahine--Still praying for you, your DD and family.  Lupine is a plant that I think is native to Maine, it is very, very common along the sides of the roads and in fields.  Has lots of colors, and is very hardy once established.  Lets see if I can find some pics. . .  And I am sore all over today, my back is absolutely screaming at me.  I've even resorted to taking a couple of tylenol.  But it's worth it! 

    Orla--Glad you're feeling better!  At least you can get out get food and rent movies!

    Mema--look at you, checking out your meds all by yourself!  Aren't you getting smart!  Hope the lortab works well for you. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Dad's Day Drink

    1. Add all ingredients to a mixing glass.
    2. Add ice.
    3. Stir until chilled.
    4. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    5. Express lemon twist over the surface of the cocktail.
    6. Serve
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

     a good reason to watch rugby!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    I miss everyone so much....the past two month have been so is one month since my father passed away and the first Father's Day without him....I miss him so much....was in tears this morning see all the Father's day posts on fb......Mom is coming over for dinner....we are going grill steaks and Italian sausage (kosher) son is is DD#2 so its the whole family who lives in Denver....all 4 of us plus mom!!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day......

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    (((((karen and family)))))))   good afternoon all, as you can see my housework is going well!          lori glad to see you and yes have several stiff ones.   kat and dorty you are in my prayers

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    So sorry Karen, I hope you will find some comfort in the wonderful memories you have of your dad.....more hugs for you ((((Karen, Karen's family))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen it's hard all the time, but special days are worse, I'm so sorry.

    OK I can't remember who said it but my 2DD--pie that she loves is strawberry rhubarb pie. Whic u don't hear about often anymore.

    Kat u've got so much going on--I hope u'r folks take whatever pills they need to take--especially since they are going on a trip. But everyone is glad u'r home for u'r DD. Bless her heart.

    And Dork praying for u'r mom too, u know that.

    Julie do u keep these men chained in the basement for us to enjoy-hahaha I thought so--u have that special way about u.

    Lara Sacry movies today, but I can't keep my eyes open LOL

    Oh and please don't concern u'rselves about my pain, I'm fine with it--really.

    But NM I knew u did to much yesterday so u'r better relax today.

    Memasue I know raising kids without their father--yep we're dads too.

    Everyone around here is drsggin today--except Joey--he's al ready worried about getting the TY cards--I told him there's plenty of time all week. I don't know who taught him this crap--not me obviously.

    I will bbl when I'm more awake---which is always at night--Damn--so maybe I'll meet someone in de lounge--usually Becs and I hook up. with the tendahs

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good Evening, Loungettes!

    Juiet--I  may have to start watching rugby! 

    {{{{{Karen}}}}}  Today must be so hard for you. 

    Cammy--strawberry-rhubarb pie is pretty common around here!  I really haven't done much of anything today, back hurts too much! 

    I forgot pics of lupine earlier:

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Those are BEAUTIFUL, NM! Thanks!

    When I was verrrrrry verrrrrrry young (19), my husband and I had a small farm in stall, small barn, pasture, garden, woods, and streams on 2 sides of pasture, on a hill. Well there was a rhubarb patch and of course, being from HI, I had NO IDEA what to do with it. The neighbor was so happy because we let them pick it all. Wish I had known that it is supposed to be something yummy, as I never did try anything made with it.

    Cami, that is AWESOME that Joey is concerned about TY cards. My g'kids NEVER thank us unless we are present at the emails, no FB posts, no snail mail, no phone calls. I wish they were trained as Joey was (and as I trained MY kids to do). I mean, when you spend money on a check, gift card, or present that they have asked for, that takes time. It would be so easy for them just to say Thank You. OK, my rant is over!!!!

    Big Hugs....ohhhhhh looks like the Tenders started a rugby game......ummmmmmmmmmmmmm......

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi there, it is 1 ayem and mess sneaks in for some nite cap!! I have had such a great time this weekend. Both of my sons, my niece who lived with me for 5 years, Annie my younger sons GF Hannah. I am a happy mama. Kids gave me iPod and loaded music on it and hubby sent flowers as tues is my birthday.

    Thinking of all of you and hoping you had a nice fathers day in whatever capacity you are celebrating. For those who's dads are in heaven, I feel you. I still can't fricken believe he is gone and it's been over a year. :-/

    So tired. Just wanted to say I hope you are feeling better Cami, Lara I watched a scary movie, "Mama" last night!! Hi Jules! Welcome home Goldie, prayers for DD Wahine, dory hope you enjoyed your dad, hugs Bernie, we are goin cruising Mema! And ebberyone eyowse...lub lub!! Xoxoxox zzzzzzz! (already snoring)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this MonkeyDay ayem?

    Wahine--Your neighbors back in NC must have thought you and your hubby were very generous! I've thought about starting a rhubarb patch, love the stuff!  I'm not sure kids are taught about TY cards anymore.  Which is too bad, a touch of civility goes a long, long way in this day and age. 

    Becs--Whatcha have for a nite cap?  I ay have to get the stuff for one for tonite!  Happy Birthday, a day early! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Monkey Coffee

    1 oz Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate Vodka

    1 oz banana liqueur

    Dash Van Gogh Espresso Vodka

    Dash coffee liqueur

    1 oz cream

    Pour ingredients into cocktail shaker and add crushed ice.

    Let stand for five seconds.

    Shake vigorously for five seconds.

    Strain into martini glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    good morning goils!

    welcome back Lori, yipeeeeee!! I will dwink to dat! have a good day goils, love you!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Oh, I love that NM!! So funny....something us older people might things are soooooo advanced! Our city is so hi tech that a few yrs ago they had to put the area code in EVERY number we dial...even across the street, cuz of all the numbers they needed for all the phones etc I guess. And then with the school system going digital last yr and even giving K and 1st graders a tablet (all the others got their own computer). Our airport has the highest airfares in the country, I think cuz so many bizzness travelers here, with the army defense, contractors, large hi tech companies. AND yet so many people we meet while traveling think ALL of Alabama must be backwards...LOL. Love your DOTD yummmmmm.....all good chit in it!!!

    Yes, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Becs, a day early. Sounds like your weekend was one big birthday party!! I am so glad! I saw that "mama" movie on the plane, then that was when that kid in the airport bathroom stall sounded JUST LIKE the noises the youngest one would make in that movie. Scary! One time I watched that movie about when the snakes came out in the plane....above their heads, on th floor etc...did you ever see that one? The scary thing was we were either ON the plane when I saw it or I saw it the day before a flight (can't remember) made it so much scarier while on the plane! I do NOT like snakes!!!

    Hope you all have a good Monkey Dey.....I will be going to my DD's shortly to take the kids to all their activities while she has the pet scan. Praying for good results, we may know more tomorrow. Thanks again for continued prayers. Dotty I still pray for your mom and dad every day, too.

    Cyn, are you home now? Want to hear more about your trip!

    Big Hugssssssssssssssss,


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    I will gladly sit next to you Kat and tank a ewe for de duck farts. Praying for your DD, I still can’t believe it. What procedure is she having today, I thought she was going to see a chemo doctor that you had gone to? Also praying for your folks and that they have a safe trip. We never get a thank you when we send our g’kids stuff either. Pisses me off. They could at the very least call, and say thank you, or an email, something to at least acknowledge that they got it.

    My sweet lil doyty butt, I hate that you are in so much pain too. I can’t even imagine having to smoke some Willie for pain, but hey, if it helps, who cares.

    NM, I love Lupines and tried to grow them here twice, no go L. Love the etch-a-sketch/iPad!

    Hi Karen, so sorry to hear about your dad (((((Karen))))). Glad you have your family with you, is your mom living with you now? As I thought her and your dad lived in FL.

    Cami, I am happy to be back, thanks. You funny about Julie keeping doze boyz in de basement!

    Tomorrow is your birthday Becks? We’ll have to have a par-tay!

    Yes Dorfy, I back. Have a great day at woyk on dis Monkey Dey.

    Speaking of woyk, I best get moving!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM I love the etch-a-sketch so very true and the DOTD sounds yummy==Take u'r meds.

    Oh it's so nice to see Lori and Dork on in the morning--it's like soothing to me.

    Kat I know I'm a OITA but just keep us knowing everything about Kristen.

    Becs u'd day souded wonderful and I'm glad

    Joey came in my bed during the nite and I had been throwing up and D and pain in my side was really uncomfortable and I couldn't cuddle or share my blanket I was feezing so I tod him to go back to bed and he said he's better stay in case I needed him--Yea and he fell right back to sleep-Now this morning he told me he was cold last night--I know I talk about him alot and I apologize but he's just so good to me and I think a couple yrs and he'll forget my name cuz he'll (like all kids) grow up--so I'm soaking this in.

    My TV inclides some scary movies today LARA I hope u feel better so u can do something else.

    Why is everyone in so much discomfort or pain --I don't understand wht's going on> But then again my whole understanding of life is still a mystery.

    Lub u gals and sending Prayers

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Good morning,

    Wish I didn't stay up so late! I will BBL using my new pooter so I can toggle back n forth as I read whachu been up to dis ayem. I'm lucky I drink coffee and have lots to read cause you all been up for awhile. Cheers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Tomm I get stitches out yessss

    Goldie is back

    Cammie mine to

    It's very hot here today

    We love Joey stories cammy

    Happy b day beckssss

    Drinks on me goils

    Dork hope u r feeling ok love etch a sketch

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange YYAAAYY stitches out---maybe it won't feel so tight then???? U have to tell us what the Doc says about how they will look--I just want u to be happy with them--u've gone thru so much. Dork too. It amazes me how much patience u gals have.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Do any of you know how I can make a slide show with pics, parts of videos (shot with iPad) and add music???

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    hiya girls!

    monkeydey is behind me, time to dwink. And guess what? Mese gonna sailabrate that mese momma is being discharged from de hospital tonight, I will dwink to that, hell yeah!

    Beckers, maybe Lori (Goldie) can help you with your slide show, she made that wonderful video of the HTL, she is uber talented in that area. I hope you are feeling better. Are you off the effexir yet?

    Kat, I am praying so hard for you and for your daughter. Please give her a hug from me.

    Lara, congrats on gitting your stiches out tomorree, yippeee! I hope you are loving your foobies.

    Cammie, that widdle Joey is such a sweet little man. Give him a happy birthday hug from me, k? I hope you are feeling better, you poor dear.

    Hello NM, how's things? GLad you got your veggie garden done. Loved the pic of the doggy shaking mud all over, might that be something that your silly sadie does? no, never would she do such a ting hehehe!

    Hello Cyndie, hope your trip is good, when do you come home? ANd thanks for sharing the pics. You, your dd and Bernie all look phanphuckingphenominal.

    Bernie, I love your hair blond, you rock the look.

    Hello to de rest of you. I gots to cook din din for mese daddy then go and see my mommy. She will be in her own room since she now has MRCA, that was the cause of the infection in her foot. I would neber know she had surgery last week, she looks great.

    I love you and miss you. and I am happy to dwink for any of you goils!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie hahahahaha I like that one.

    Dork u'r mom as MRSA--that's an INFECTION is right. Oh u'r poor Mom, but if they let her leave the hospital that's good.

    Becs I certainly can't help u I can't even get a picture on here, unless it's from FB then I ruin the whole page. But I do hope u'r feeling better.

    Joey started Bible study tonite??? No one suggested it but we talk about the Bible alot except I ten to get it confused sometimes with Greek mythology so I hope he doesn't mention Where's Zeus? And my favorite Pagasus I ten to intertwine him with the Apostles--no disrepect intended it's just how I think sometimes. Oh well

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good evening cammi, and don't you stop telling joey stories or else!     good news on your mum being discharged dorty,  lara,what time you getting your stiches out ? do we need the ufo ?  coz neeed to go party at becks,   happy birthday for tomorrow.  " worked "  from 12-6pm today doing the same the next 2 days, but on the plus  side after pt i went and worked out and got on the treadmill for the first time in 2 if only i could stay awake past 9pm i'll be good

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie treadmi--wonderful--I'm waiting to see what I should now, so I'll do nothing until they tell me LOL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

     Hey Julia, do you tink we should put a Jim in the HTL so wese ken exzersize when wese dwink?? nah, nebber mind. But GOOD for you!

    Beckerzzzzzzzzz, Happy birthday goil, tomorree ya sed? wese gonna has a big arse parTay to sailabrate YOU. yIPPEE cay ayyyye b c! and e f and gee wizz too. let's partay, whats yer plezsore?

    Cammister, so sweet that Joey is going to bible study, love that widdle sweeetness heart of his. Ya dwinking?

    mese gottza to and watch de Phillies game on de telefishion with mese dad but i bese sneaking de jd in a sippy cuppyand he tink it milk! woo hooo for milk-alikes with alkamahol, .

    cheErs and uh ??? sneakers, yep dat it! get it on goils, letz git dis parTAY STARTED!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    hiya goils, where eberybuddy? shucks, mese hears to partay!

    orLa, mese come tomorree for a partay in de ufo since en we need to make sure de doctor not hurt ya when de suitchars come out, k? I see ya than goilfwendy!

    oh hi Karen, foygot to say so sorry you had to deal with fathers dey without yer dad, ((karen)))

    kk,, gonna hit de sack jack. hehe, well i dwink jack and smack de sack, not hit er! ~burp oOOpsies .. nighty night goils.