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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Lori....I moved my folks to Denver on April 12th.....3 weeks later Dad went into the hospital....was in the hospital 9 days and we moved him to Hospice and he passed away on May 16th.  Its been a very hard 2 months....yesterday was tough!!!  I was soo happy to have my parents around the corner from me.....Things just did not work out how I thought they would....but I am greatful that Mom is close by....The apt is less than a mile from my house...I can see the apt building from my back takes me 7 to 9 minutes to walk....I walk there unless I am taking Mom somewhere.....Mom doesn't drive anymore, so I do my best to take her where she needs to go.....I go to doctor appts with her (not only for transportation, but to hear what doctor is saying).....I've been with my Mom (and Dad when he was living) every day but 1 since they moved here.  Loosing Dad has been one of the hardest things that I've ever had to deal with.....and that includes BC!!!!  There is so much more that I can write but I won't bore everyone with it.

    DD #2 got her learners permit last, I took her to this large, large church parking lot to drive for the first time....boy had I forgotten what its like!!!  The last time I did this was 12 years ago.....I'll try to take her one more time before she leaves on Thursday....she is going to big sister's in Toronto then to camp and then to see a friend....she will be gone till the end of July.  The past 2 years when she went to camp, I went to Israel, but this year its not  meant to be...I'm sad to not be going, but my heart just isn't in it....

    I'm taking Mom to Toronto to see my DD#1 and SIL and to Montreal to see my uncle (her brother) and a cousin (on Dad's side of the family) next month. 

    Tomorrow, Mom and I are going the meet with an attorney regarding Dad's will and a few other things....I hope it won't be too hard....

    Kathy....I"m behind on what is going on with your daughter and your folks so I'll have to catch up....

    Thats about all for now...will try to do a better job on reading posts....but might have to skip the drunkEnglish!!!!  too hard for me to figure out......

    Sleep tight...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi boils! I say goils, autocorrect says boils... WTF? Yessum, par Tay toooomrroooh!!! I wiz born on mese Moms birfday and we wiz going to keep with tradition and spend day together, then my type A bro copped a tude, so fine, stay close to home, blah de blah de blah, so mese mom scheduled a doctor appt to look at her damn toe nail, so I say imma sleep in....let bro take her, she copes tude....I call to say alright alright I will take you, and she implies err buddy has tude and Iz like WTF??? I swear I hates being so close! Ugh. So imma jacking da UFO for big par Tay....any takers? Hic

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKERS--The day is here--and now for u'r Mom too. Now Lara is getting her stiches out today and I'm happy cuz I think they hurt the skin in pulling--I don't know but I hope it helps her. So Tomorrpe nite Partay for u'r Birthday and Dorks a Jim--u mean a hunk named Jim not something u can manuever u'r body in different positions and sweat and pant I'm feelin' good--oh u did mean a hunk OK

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen I'm so sorry about u'r Dad and it.s just to new to think beyond that now and u'r mom must be all shaken up, and now u have to do the legal stuff which is a whole new reminder. But I'm glad u'r mom is already close to you or it might even be harder--I know what it's like living close (I was upstairs) but losing a parent changes so much of the dynamic of everybody's life and I'm truly sorry u have to have this happen. We all grieve differently except for the sadness in our hearts--it's there it softens of course because u realize it's the cycle of life but u always remember what great people u'r parents where and how much u love them always and now u'r mom and you can lean on each other--It's difficult.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

     happy birthday becks

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    ((((((((karen and family)))))))),(((((((((kat and family))))))).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie U can really put together a cake. Wow

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    here's your birthday gift becks

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK I saw him first--beside Julie he's mine--u all have to wait.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK took my shower--smell so womderful, straigtend my room, made my grocery list out, fed my furbaby, washed a load of clothes--and guess what--I'm done. Now I need to take my pain meds--this time I thought I'd do everything first--I don't know why-just cuz--but the same result hahaha--I guess I don't vary routine much. So when I do I have to tell u.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    Mornin' DorKable!

    Wahine--someone posted that on FB, I just had to copy it here, it just fit's so well!  There was a big to-to a few years back when Maine 5th and 6th graders all started getting their own laptops at school, now it's expanded and being switched to tablets.  I wish I could afford a tablet!  Although digital textbooks are a lot cheaper than print books and easier to keep up to date. . . Waiting for DDs PET scan results with prayers and supplications.

    Goldie--have a good day at work! 

    Cammy--I took my meds,  yesterday and this ayem, thanks for the reminder!  Don't blame you for soaking in the Joey time, and I love hearing about it! 

    Becs--Good morning and Happy Birthday!

    ORLA--Hooray for stiches out!  Maybe after that they'll really drop and fluff? 

    Becs--check out the programs on your iPad, I bet there's something there that will do that kind of thing.  Or check the iPad Help function. 

    DorKable--YEAH!  Dorkable's Mom is getting discharged!  Silly Sadie wouldn't shake mud all over me???? You do NOT know Silly Sadie!  She gets muddy or wet, then comes and finds me and lines herself up just right so I get COVERED when she shakes off!  You should have seen the dried mud I had to get off her before bedtime last nite.  Hmm, she'll probably get just as muddy today, I'll have to try to get a pic.  So glad your Mom is doing better, it's amazing what stopping an infection or controlling pain will do for a person. 

    Juliet--Too True! 

    Cammy--your mind is crazy interesting and unique! 

    Juliet--Good for you on the treadmill!  I keep saying I wish I would get home early enough in the evening to start walking again.  Maybe I should come home, take Sadie for a walk and THEN finish the computer stuff for work?  Hmm I wonder if the world would come to a crashing halt if I did that. . ..

    DorKable--add a Jim to the Lounge?  Hmmm, will have to think about that.  Will there be Yoga? 

    Karen--Losing your Dad is a very hard thing.  I lost mine to stomach cancer in 1998.  I still miss him terribly.  Your Mom probably needs you close by this summer, Israel will be there next summer and you will feel more like yourself and be able to enjoy the trip.  Sounds like you are still getting to travel around a bit taking your Mom to visit family!

    Becs--sometimes autocorrect is a hoot, sometimes it's a pain in the anatomy!  I'm looking for the UFO! 

    Nice CAKE!!!

    I like the truck's accessory!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Truck Driver

    750 ml Everclear® alcohol

    32 oz Gatorade® energy drink

    2 cans Red Bull® energy drink

    Pour all ingredients into a jug, and serve into highball glasses.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    good morning NM the DOTD what are we looking for acting like the coyote and that we'll be the beeb beep bird--wow energy--I'm not crazy about energy. Have a good day and I'm glad u took u'r meds.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Happy Birthday Becks!!! (Hauoli La Hanau)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Yes, NM, thanks for all your thoughts today....I want to find out her petscan results, but am very worried about it too. Nice strong DOTD....I really can use that too. Had to get up eurly to take my  mom to her hair appt...just a hairstyle, not a cut....but she definately felt she needed to get it done before their trip tomorrow ayem. Me? I would rather sleep, plus I am feeling like I am getting sick now. Then all afternoon at my DD's with the g'kids. Poor Maddy slipped on the front porch (concrete) when we got back to her house yesterday and fell flat on her back, hard. It was raining and storming and I cautioned them about the slippery sidewalk, but I guess she forgot as she got up on the porch and it was wet too. Her mom was still radioactive so couldn't even hug her. YES, send us a muddy Sadie pic when you can. I feel like she is "our" furbaby, as a few of us were here with you when you lost your furbaby, then the time it took for you and Sadie to find each other. Purrrrrfect fit!

    Becks, So sorry everyone seems to have a 'tude right now, esp for your birthday....hope they are happier today, for you. Really hoping you have a super nice day, but am also glad the weekend seemed like your birthday party too. Heck, my DH always says to milk it as long as you can!!! SO you can celebrate all week too.....even after the BIG DAY today! My dad had a 'tude on Fathers Day right after we arrived....and my DH and I were trying to fix their a/c problems. Finally my Dh got both central units going again, but my Dad didn't even know he did anything. BUT it was his 'tude to me that really  got me down. And he knew we brought dinner and presents! I think he is realizing he is "slipping" memory-wise, so now wants to take even more things out on us. Although I will miss them (especially my MOM), it is good they will be gone for 3 wks, because my focus needs to be on my DD right now. I doubt he appreciated my DH taking him to the dr yesterday either. Not that we need "thanks", but just would like him to be NICE to us and not trying to put us down all the time. OOPS....didn't mean to rant on your is YOUR I will stop now, ...will put the soapbox away!!!!

    Julie, Neat cake, and even neater "gift" to Becks!!!

    Cami, Your Joey is so awesome! I am so glad he is so sweet, loving, and good to you. I hate it when you are in so much pain though, as you rarely let us know about are so funny and have such neat posts! I always want to comment on something you have written, then I forget by the time I am writing.

    Thanks for the continued prayers, this is extremely hard and very scary. I appreciate all of you.....



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    STILL WISHING BECKS A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! (Had to yell it!!!)....have a good one, Beckers!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Cami, I don’t think Joey will ever leave  your side, no matter how old he is. But I must say, he would have to stop crawling in bed with you!!! Loved your explanation of Dort’s “Jim”.

    Lara, did you have trouble with your surgery and have to have a revision?

    Beckers, you can try Windows Movie Maker. I have used it before, but then they changed it and I didn’t like it. But that is the only one I know of.

    Glad your mom is going home Dorothy, how is she feeling? I hope they can get that MRSA under control.

    Julie, I think you are having trouble with a shoulder or something, and they have you working in the gift shop? I have missed so much from being gone for so long!

    Again, sorry for your loss Karen. Glad to hear your mom is not driving anymore, I remember your stories. And if your heart isn’t in to going to Israel, perhaps next year.

    NM, I’ll bet Sadie would love to go out for a walk and I bet work will still be there when you get back! That DOTD should perk everyone up, wowsa! If not, then I suggest the gift that Julie posted for Becks!

    OMG Katrinka, doze boyz and dat cake!!!!! Looks like one for each of us. I hope your g’daughter did not hurt herself, and your DD had the PET yesterday? I hope you’s don’t have to wait too long. I still just can’t believe this, continued prayers for all of you.  Maybe a blessing in disguise that your folks will be away for awhile, wishing them a safe trip and travels with NO incedences.

    Becks, hope you can have fun filled day with NO TUDES and NO TURDS! Are you telling how old you are? And is your name Rebecca, is that where Beckers comes from?

    We can't have too many cakes, can we?

    My tomato plants are going CRAZY!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    WOW your garden looks great, Lori!!! Thanks for all the prayers, we should know something this afternoon. Think I will have a piece of the cake YOU brought....that is, if Becks wants to share...looks yummy and decadent! We have lots of fresh strawberries and peaches from local orchards, so my DH made a big fruit salad, and he always adds Cointreau, so that adds to the taste, and the alkamahol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Goldie it was so nice to see u'r name when I went on my favs. I ;ove having u back where u belong.

    OKAll Of u doing pictures, u know when I do I screw it up so no pics from me (maybe) we'll see I might be tempted with one I like.

    Kat I wish u'r parents a great and safe trip and I will say a prayer for them. And Kristen has my prayers everyday and please let us know. And u'r GD? fell on cement yet ooo that hurts see how she feels today, that's a hard fall. Oh Kat to many worries and I wish u didn't have any.

    I really pray for all of u I feel like they can be used or used later.I believe they are held onto til u need them--U'd never know I went to Catholic school, I know.

    Becks u'r day better be good today, all these men and cakes, I like the one cake especially, I think u know which one, yes the strawberry one.

    Dork I'm glad u'r mom is out and u'r Dad is settling in--it's so difficul forparents when they don''t have contro the way they did-I feel bad for them.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    We have another birfday to sailabrate, our dear sweet Junie. So grab a Miller Lite, hold it up high and toast to our beloved friend, who we miss so much and will never forget!

    Cheers Junie!

    Praying for good news Kathy! I know it's not likely, but I'm still praying for it. We need a miracle here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Cheers Junie=I'm reaching high.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    happy birthday junie, i know your family are sad they can't celebrate with you today,but hoping the fond memories of you help

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    Happy Birthday Beckers....r u 47 today?  I wasn't gonna tail the rest of da goils unless I had it right.  I mean...u cud be 27, or holding at 39...sumpin like dat?!?!!  No matter...JES HAB A GOOT ONE!! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013


    Happy Birthday Junie!! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    Happy Birthday Beckers....r u 47 today?  I wasn't gonna tail the rest of da goils unless I had it right.  I mean...u cud be 27, or holding at 39...sumpin like dat?!?!!  No matter...JES HAB A GOOT ONE!! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    Lowee - ur 'maters look fabulous...I am berry jealous.  So good to see you more and more in da HTL...MUAH!!

    Kat - still praying for good news from PET for Kristen.  Hope gd didn't hurt herself with the fall.  It's sad mommy cudn't hug her...I kno I was cautioned not to hug kids or elderly....arms length from adults.  Terrible!  Your parents leave today?  I agree with good they will b gone a few weeks...I still say u superwoman for the many directions you are pulled in everyday. 

    (((Karen & Family)))

    NM - purdy flowers!!!  And I LOL...wif mental pic of Sadie sharing her mud n wet on u!

    Cami - yeah...don't stop on the joey stories.  I wud b doing same thing...milking it for all it's worth.

    Got my toes/nails/lashes today...then packing.  Will get my new washing machine delivered tom morning...will do a load or two...then off to LV.  My plane for Reno leaves 6am on Thurs.  WooHOOO!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Oh my, I didn't remember it was Junie's birthday too. Thanks so much for remembering, Lori! I still miss her every day (as so many of us do),and wish I had an ML to toast her with. I did get a beer yest when I took the gkids out to lunch and would have chosen ML had I remembered her bday was today. Thats a purrfect bday cake for Junie, Julie! And remember we have the ML corner in the HTL with the table and chairs and ML decor.

    For Junie.....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    lori your garden looks amazing, nm,yes a pic of friendly muddy sadie, good morning cammi,hope its a pain free one, kat-hope gd is ok today and along with everyone else praying for really good news today

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    stitches r out

    not sure about revision yet

    but she said it looks good one is smaller

    I can drive now

    still take it easy

    Lori nice gardenhappy b day becks love ya girl

    love ya all

    still not in the clear u never know with implants

    im just blah today

    too much stuff

    having wine hough im traumatized do not like people touching me anymore

    i almost fainted with the stitches its anxiety

    i do not want people doctors touching my foobs

    ok love ya all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    There are more pictures of my garden on Facebook, for those of you that are my friend, which I think is pretty much everyone! I guess they didn't show when I put them up, as no one has commented Frown. I guess you will have to go to my page to see them.

    Kathy, I don't know what made me think of Junie today, maybe it was just because it was Becker's birthday, so I went looking for when Junie's birthday was and sure enough, it is today! Otherwise I would not remember.

    We also have a very dear friend and former loungette that is having surgery on her spine today, so if you all could say a prayer for Dee.

    Sue, whatcha doin in Reno? I thought you were going to CA?

    Cami, it's good to be back, I just hate that I missed so much of what is going on.