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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    My mind is mush nowadays....I'm at home right now inbetween helping parents and helping DD....I'll be leaving again soon. Lori, my FB friends posts rarely get to my FB page, as I was getting tooooooo much, esp with playing the game, that I had to limit them. Please let me know when you have new pics up, and when I get a chance today, I will look at your garden there!

    ALSO, thank GOD that Lori's brain in functioning better than mine....I have a sticky note HERE right at my computer about Dee's surgery today...but I didn't even see it. YES, prayers going out to our dear friend Dee....wishing and praying for a VERY successful surgery. Scary to operate on the spine, and pray that her recovery will be good. Thanks Lori, for all your remembrances today!!! Hugs atcha!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Good morning!!! I slept til 10 ayem!!! Thank you for the birthday wishes. hecks ya Wahine...birfday month! Woohoo!! Love love my undersea and penis cakes!! Ha! Cami took a shower so she can steal my man so give her da penis off the cake ;-). Distract her so I can run away with the cowboy! Lol... love you guys!

    Wahine, I don't mind that you ranted at all! That's how we empathize. It will be a good break for you when they are on vaca. I've noticed some older folks with dementia diseases will get cranky as a cover up when they are operating in the here and now but they are calmer if I keep them talking about the past. So interesting. But... I don't think you need this right now with helping your DD. You may have to set some boundaries, which is what I've done (and also what consequently makes me the black sheep.) :-/ ((big hugs.)) Wish we could be right there with you as you go through this. AND we'd be happy to give you moral support when traveling too. Ha!

    Can you all believe they are digging a hole looking for Jimmy Hoffa? An 85 yr old mobster gave them a tip. Ugh! They buried him alive he said. Nice of him to give it up before he goes to the grave. Jimmy Hoffa, UFOs, Lockness Monster, Big Foot.... Some of our generation's mysteries. Cross this off my list for Q&A session with da big guy some day. Ha!

    Dorty, so happy yo mama is out of hospital. Yay! Hope she is feeling better. Hope you had nice Fathers day with your Dad.

    Karen, so sorry for the loss of your father. It is very difficult to get your head around the fact that they are gone. For me it has been. ((hug))

    Jules, thank you so much for cowboy. I have him in secret place so he's all mine for par Tay tonight!!! Yeehaw!

    NM, my son tells me the Kindle fire is the next best thing to iPad. I think we should add iPads at the bar in HTL for everyone!

    Cami, you are cwacking me da hail up about adding Zues and Pegasus to Bible stories!! Annie had the stick for her music triangle in her hand and she put the bible opened up on coffee table and she says Aberacadabra! My son was like, "Great, she's casting spells with the Bible."

    Oh, my son actually met baby mama's (his wife actually) 44 year old BF who knocked her up. I'm so proud of him. He took him aside when we dropped Annie off and baby mama was like, "Oh help me Lord Jesus." ha! He just told him no hard feelings at this point and thank you for taking care of his daughter.

    Oh no... Yosemite is on fire.

    Ok, ok. Iz better get my face on. Going over to Moms when she's back from toenail appt.

    BBL to par Tay!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Mema, yes today is da big 4-7. You hab goot memory!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs big 4-7--OMG u are a baby--u'r all babies.  And Becs magic with the Bible I love it. hahaha

    Lara when the nurse looked at u'r foobs did she say they were uneven" or did u? WTF the just have to fluuf up a bit, don't they? And Dork u still have one right--I do understand and get it why u gals want foobs really cuz of u'r age, but I've never had one pain with my unfoob top so I don't know that pain, I'm sorry u all go thru this--I guess I always thought it was much easier. My Dr. made it sound so easy--He said it would be done in one operation he's take out my boobs and the PS would come in and replace with fat from my tummy and that's it. but it was a long operation so I said no.that's the only time my Dr. listened to me. He thought my theories were way out there and now I see some have been recognized--haha my Degree from The univercity of Readers' Digest (large Print) wasn't so off. That's where I told him I went.

    Prays are still coming u'r way gals always.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    THANKS for the many prayers...still not out of the woods by a long shot, BUT cancer is NOT throughout her body....dr today says we still need to get 2nd opinion in Nashville...says this is not a normal cancer for someone so young, and doesn't think anything has been done right yet. So still a long haul, and scary, but am glad we are dealing with one area and not everywhere.

    Hope your birthday has been good, Becs! Yosemite is on fire? I have not seen the news in ages....will have to try to ketchup.

    Love your degree from the UofRD, are such a hoot! And NO, not everyone is young.....I am right up there wid ya!

    Hope your mom is still doing well, Dorkie!

    Ok, its 8pm time to think about what to have for dinner....been a long day and haven't been home that long....


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2013

    Hi Everyone....I just got home yesterday and spent the whole time cleaning for my g/f's arrival which was today...I swear I havent had a second to breathe but I  sure have had time for a few beers...asside from the few ..well, more than a few I had at BBBernies I havent had a beer in a couple of weeks....Just wine..which is easier to carry on the move....I had the most wonderful time at Bernies....Jodi and I Just loved being at her home and meeting her DH and beautiful neice Sineade....Loved the animals and just cant wait to visit again.   I'll be posting pics soon.  Will still be busy busy for the next few weeks tho..but I'll try and stop in here and there.

    Miss you all like crazy and a big fat HUG for Bernie!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Cyn welome home and now getting ready for more exciting times. That OT was worth every minute now. U sound so happy. Good

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat I'll pray so hard that Kristen get all the right treatment and Thank God it's not thru her body. Tht's all I can do for for u. i'm sorry.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    I have to tell you about a letter I received from a friend today.....its an apology, yet it bothers me.....maybe cuz its the way it starts out.....first off, this is a friend of only a few years, but someone my DH and I have embraced and included in holiday and family meals with an open door.  She came to my father's funeral, but I haven't heard from her since then....she didn't make a shiva call, nor sent a card or anything....I know she feels bad, but none the less I'm very hurt.  If you indulge me, I'll quote part of her letter.....the letter is dated the 17th a month after the funeral...Dear Karen, I don't know where to begin......I know you are grieving your father's seemed understandable awkward when not quite knowing what, if anything to say- I started to approach you and you put up your hand to let me know not to do so.....I wante to support you and it is my feeling that I did not know how.  I didn't do a very good job of figuring it out.  I regret not making a shiva call.....I though about it but thought maybe it wasn't what you wanted or needed me to do.  I kept my distance but now I realize that I have kept my distance for much, much too long........ I dn't mean to make excuses for my behavior....  Then she goes on to extol my virtues and ends with....when the time is right for you, please let me know that we might get coffe or bite to eat and to reconnect.  Love.

    To be honest, I don't know how to respond.  I have mentioned to my DD and my DH several times about being hurt that "S" didn't make a shiva call or even send a condolence card.  And I commented wondering what I did to upset her that she hasn't been in touch.  But then again, I've been dealing with so much since my parents moved her, that I don't have time for people that take so much energy.  Not even an email or she had dropped off the face of the earth.   There is so much I want to say, but not sure how to, or even if I should.  "S" is a I guess I expect more from her....that she should understand how hard it is.   BUT what really gets me is the comment that I waved my hand away to not come over to me at the funeral!!!!  To be honest, I remember seeing her in the distance but that is all.  I only remember talking to one person at the funeral and that is a close friend/neighbor who is a "big sister"/"mother figure"....a couple friends came up to me, but I really didn't talk to anyone....for goodness sake, it was my father's funeral.  There was the service and the eulogies, then the burial.  After the burial when we were walking between all the guests I didn't even look up.  I was trying to take care of me and Mom.    Bth my DD and DH said she is sincere in her apology, and wants to be friends....yes, I know that, but I am hurt and want to tell her that, but don't know how without making it worse....and right now, I don't need woman drama.....I have other very dear girlfriends, who know how to be there just be being there.....either sending me a note asking how I'm doing or just saying thinking of you....she didn't do any of this.   Okay...I've gone on long enough....thanks for listening.......Time to pour another glass of wine as I've done enough "whining".

    DD leaves in 2 to visit her big sister, then camp, then back to see big sister and a friend again in Toronto.  She'll be gone till the end of July.  Other than taking Mom to Toronto and Montreal to see y DD and SIL and to see her brother and work on Dad's estate in Montreal, I'm here for the summer.  It will be weird after being gone for 4 and 5 weeks the past two summers.  I need to take a couple onl-line classes that are work related....just need to remember to sign up and do them before the end of the month.  I need them for my national certification which gets me extra money at work and without them my certification expires.

    DD is trying to plan a  visit his mother this summer....and its his 40th high school reunion....he's been going back and forth deciding if he should go to the reunion when he's at his mother's.  On the one hand he says, I haven't seen these people in 40 years, why bother now!!! on the other hand he says, well maybe!!!  My 40th is next year and I already know I'm not going.  My 20th was sooooo boring, why waste the time!!!!

    Kathy....where are your parents off to?   and I'm guessing from reading other posts, that your DD has been diagnoses with BC????  my heart goes out to you... are your parents doing?  

    I need to start catching up......thanks for inulging me with letting me go on and on above.....Karen

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Good EURLY morning, girlz!

    Up very early so we can pick my parents up by 6 ayem....HOPING to sleep a bit when we get home! yeah, right!

    Karen, I read what your friend wrote to you, and since you want our opinions, I will give my 8 cents worth (2 cents and huge tax). What I learned when my late DH passed away at 41, was that a lot of people just don't know WHAT to say or do. I think we all witnessed that first hand with our bc, also. What she perceived as you putting up your hand to tell her not to approach you, could have been may have just moved your hand in reaction to what someone was saying, etc., not meaning anything by it. In my opinion, she has made a big effort in writing to you, and seems to want to get back together. I think you should respond and meet at a place and time of your choosing, and then question her about what she wrote (your hand telling her not to approach you), about your hurt that she did not send a card or reach out to you earlier, etc. If you get all your feelings out in the open too, and give her a chance to respond to what is bothering you, then you can choose after that whether or not the friendship is worth keeping. If you do not get your feelings out to her, I think it may bother you for a long time. ALSO, you asked about my DD, she has a rare form of tongue cancer, which has a high mortality rate and high recurrence rate, and is hard to treat, plus the SE's can last forever, so even the drs are stumped. I really appreciate your prayers, any that you have time for.  Oh, and my parents are going to HI for 3 wks, in their condo. They have not been back for almost a year, and my dad is excited,but my mom would rather stay here. Not sure if the "ex-sis" will be of enough help to them, even though she lives on the same floor, 1 unit away.

    SO glad you got home safely Cyn, and I know you are so happily busy with everyone there with you right now, but WHEN you have a chance, would love to hear more about your trip!

    Want to send HumpDey Hugs to all, thank you for being there with all your support......


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem? 

    Energy is a good thing, Cammy!  I've never tried Red Bull, I'm more a latte or espresso gal myself.  Like my caffeine! 

    Wahine--Poor Maddy!  {{{{{{Maddy}}}}}}}  Here's a extra hug to help make up for not being able to get a Mommy hug.  The weather dried out a bit, so Sadie hasn't been muddy, but I'm sure it will rain soon and I'll get a muddy Sadie pic to post.  I am so glad she picked me to be her human! I can imagine how upsetting all the  'tude stuff is, and don't blame you for having a rant.  No one likes to be taken for granted.  Still praying for your DD. 


    Goldie--I got home at a reasonable hour yesterday, went to take Sadie for a walk and realized that her leash is in my car.  Which is in the shop.  Still.  Sigh.  The world conspires against me. 

    Nice maters, there!

    Cammy--I know the pics tend to run big when you post but that is OK!  I'll put up with a screwy page or three to see the great pics! 

    Happy Birthday, Juine!

    Mema--New washing machine, nice!  Enjoy your trip!

    Juliet--I will get a pic of muddy Sadie soon, I promise!

    ORLA--Hooray for stitches out!  Don't blame you for not wanting to be touched after all you've been through.  Definitely need to relax with some wine after your day. 

    Saying prayers for Dee. 

    Becs--I do like my Kindle Fire.  Next best thing to an iPad, huh? I like the idea of iPads for everyone!  If every school kid can get a tablet why can't we all get iPads?  Sounds like your son handled the baby  mamma's BF situation with grace and poise.  Good for him. 

    Wahine--Hooray for no other cancer results for DD!  That's a good step forward, so is the second opinion. 

    CynCyn--Can't wait to see the pics!  Make sure to stop in for a drink to go from time to time!

    Karen--Oh, my what a tangle!  The letter sounds sincere to me, I think "S" does want to reconnect with you. I think Wahine is right about not letting this drag on and drag you down.    Make sure you leave yourself notes about the education stuff, gotta keep that certification!

    Well, time for this gal to get ready for work.  Have a great day, all!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Happy Hump Day

    2 oz. Bacardi Torched Cherry Rum

    1 oz. Cream

    3 oz. Coke


    Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Shake twice and pour into a highball glass filled with ice.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Wahine u r in my prayers I think about you every day and the situation I prey for DD

    Becks did you get drunk on your b day jump around singing twirling on top of the bar lol

    Cammie I'm sure it will poof out I really can not withstand another surgery I've had to many

    Karen I agree with wahine! God it's your fathers funeral to b honest she seems selfish. Thinking u moved your hand a certain way who cares and it was not about her!

    NM I did have wine omggggg I threw up I have not drank wine in a while I think it's anxiety which ya all know I have


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Becks, hope you had a wonderful birthday and fun with dat dere cowbow! How nice what your son did, you should be proud!

    Oh Cami, you are just too funny “The univercity of Readers' Digest (large Print)”. And I'm with NM, post your pictures, so what if it messes up the page.

    Kathy, that IS good news, but is that all they know for now? Have to wait for second opinion? Did your folks make it to Hawaii ok? Oops, guess not since they are still here. Safe travels for them today, and if you can’t catch a nap later (which I know that won’t happen), maybe you can sleep in tomorrow. I think about you practically all day long, just can’t get you and Kristen off my mind……continued prayers. When does she go to Nashville? OMG, I just hate this and waiting.

    Good to see you Cyn and so glad you all had such a good time, and now you have D there and her DD, and you have your DD, you all will have such a good time.

    Karen, I don’t really have any advice to give about your friend and I hope you both are able to work it out, if that is what you want. Honesty is the best policy. It sounds like there was just a misunderstanding of the hand thing. Funny how sometimes just a small thing can create such a problem. Great advice from Kathy, and I agree with her.

    NM, I think those “energy” drinks are just a bunch of caffeine, but they are not good for you anyways. Oh darn, with Sadie’s leash being in the car. Well, you tried! Hopefully you get your car back soon and can take her out. Yes, my maters are huge. Darn mice have got almost all of my bean plants.

    Lara, did you just have your exchange surgery? Since I was gone for so long, I don’t know what you had done, as I thought you had the exchange prior to my absence, or maybe I’m confusing yours with Unde’s? Sorry the wine made you sick.

    Dee’s surgery went well, according to her DD.

    Need me some “Happy Humping” he he! Hope ye all have a great day.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Yup had exchane june 5 .................................... Goldie

    undie had heres before me

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good morning Ladies--I' movin' aroubd late this morning. But I slept good --YaY It's hard for me to think now---

    Kat my thoughts have been so with u'r and about u' DD, my prayers too.

    Goldie I'm still so excited seeing u'r name give me a chance to settle down with this--missed u so much.

    Karen my advice is so like Kat's but just because someone is a Physciatrist (sp) doesn't mean they can handle their own feelings and she just might have been to scared of everything u've been thru. And u know in u;r heart if her friendship is worth it to talk nd continue on with it.--Sometimes people just screw up and the longer u wait the harder it is. So give it some thought and continue with whatever u want.

    NM U better have taken u'r meds I wasn't up early enough to check on u.

    Lara I hope u'r more comfortable today now that the stitches are out.

    Becs are u hanging over I hope he's a good one. U had enough to pick one thanks to Julie--who keeps us well supplied.

    Dork I hope u'r parents are doing OK now and u feel a sigh of some relief.

    Lara scary movie day for me --again--I'm running out.

    GOLDIE----I just like saying u;r name.

    OK for now I'll BBL and check in I hope this is  a good day for all with good news.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Thanks everyone for your advice...And Orange, my thoughts were the exact same as your..thanks...its not about her!!!!!   I plan to respond....but I think I need to do it in writing before we get together as it could be another week or 2 (or more) till the schedules jive.  Its just I feel very hurt and betrayed......and to have to wonder why a friend has been there for you and you thought is what did I do to upset her!!!!!! And to be honest, what I was thinking, was that I didn't gush enough over her dogs accomplishments!!!!  Long story but her dog is like her child!!!  I never dreamed that I insulted her at the funeral (for goodness sake, it was my father's funeral)!!!  I'm nercvous about meeting before I can express myself......I don't want to be set up......I know the apology is sincere, but I need to tell her that I am deeply hurt and why and to comment on the "hand" thing.....I don't remember much from the funeral...I wish I could have taped what my brother and my DH much is a blur.....I had notes that I used so I can go back and see what I said.

    Kathy......I am sooo sorry to hear about your DD....I was just reading something in the latest AARP magazine about a doctor and a patient with tongue cancer....I had never really heard about it.   I do hope the doctors will get a treatment plan in place that will be the best for her.  Hope all goes well for your folks in definitely need some time for you....worry about to generations is exhausting..... are almost 2 week post are you doing?   I don't particularly like my implants, but short of deconstructing, they will have to do....naked......look like the top of a small hamburger clothes, not so bad, but I'm not symmetrical....don't think most people will ever notice, but I do and so does DH when I point it out to him.....but it is what it is....They are soooooo way better than the expanders...

    Someone mentioned a Kindle Fire.....I got one last year (or was it the year before)....I think its great....I can get on the internet with wifi and read books....I haven't really downloaded any apps......BUT I don't really use it except for travel....I should probably use it it can go periods of time without moving off the counter!!!

    Beckers...I agree with you...who thats not nice cuz his family needs to know the truth, but does it have to be headline news!!! wait till they find something!!!

    Regarding Fb.....I think I've tried to "friend" a few of the gals here, but haven't heard back or been "approved".....I have pretty tight security on mine, so if you want to friend me, let me know here and we can figure it out.....Lori and Wahine what are your fb names?

    Belated b'day greetings......

    Well, I"ve been here way too out of the shower and sitting here in my robe with my hair every which way....and its 8:40 and I haven't even had my walk or done my "light' therapy that I'm supposed to do 20 min every morning (and night, which I don't always do)...will tell you all about it some other  try to make my hair look decent and get busy.....taking MOm to Silver Sneakers and DD to the gym so could walk while waiting for them.     HUGs to all.....and thank you again for being here and for allowing me to take up so much time with my issue!!!! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning karen, isn't that what friends are forLaughing,  i agree with kathy ,most people don't know what to say  to people who are suffering ,the note does sound like she wants to keep the door open, and i think you writing a letter about your hurt to her would clear things up, the hand gesture is probably a big understanding. i think we all have times when what we said and did are just a blur to us,and i think your dad's funeral would be high on that list.  and on  a different note,nm and karen how do you like the kindle fire?     i upgraded to a slightly smarter phone its still off most of the time because the keyboard and screen are too small for these chuncky fingers and thinking a the fire might be a better option for intenet on the go.   kat ,i also read the aarp story, it does give the stats ,which tou referenced, it was by the nbc md i'm blanking on her name, the story did end on a positive note, this lady had surgery then a reoccurance but the ending she was now married and had 3 children post treatment.lara,dee and cammi hope your all pain free today.  becks loved the annie storyLaughing off to the gym cafe today

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Karen ugg I know someone who is like that with your dog! Anyway u did nothing wrong its her

    Juliet u r doing great at the gym

    Cammie fear net all day


    Yes I love my foobs

    Hated those expanders

    Still healing ill get back in the flow soon

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange YAY u love u'r foobs now--I'm so glad.

    Kren whatever u decide to do write, talk--wait a bit --it's perfectly OK--u'r the one whol felt hurt and u want to feel open whe u decide to talk to her. Beside u'r "hand" thing at u'r Dad's funeral how could u remember or u might have been talking usung u'r hand at that time so that she has misinterpreted. Just go with u'r instincts--they're usually right.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good evening all, glad you like your new foobs lara,hope everybody has had a decent day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Hi julie--it's quiet here but that's OK I've got everyone to meself and enjoying all of them and lots of likker and been at the fountain a couple of times. So I'm good.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    glad your making good use of the fountainLaughing,

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi goils!

    Casino sucked again, but had fun! I think I'm officially done sailabrating birthday week. Now tomorrow is my bro's turn. I have been making his video on Windows Movie Maker Goldie. It's actually easier now that I've attempted it a few times. I wuz cussin like a sailor last night though. I've had to get the pics n videos over there from iPad and flickr which was, in and of itself, a butt rash!

    Orange, how's boobies with stitches out? I hear ya on not wanting them touched. took me a year to do a self exam. Now I feel odd chit and I'm like, oh Hell no....I got rid of them for a reason and I think I will probably miss if something is in there cause I keep putting touching my boobies off. Very emotionally detached.

    Jules, how's the gift shop? Do u ever miss patients?

    Dorkeroni, wus gud??

    Mema, where u at? I'm relying on my memory skills right now and I can't rememeber whachu up to...

    Cami, u ridin cowboy??

    NM, you have kindle? I kinda want to get Annie one. But 3 years old? She's been doing iPad since 18 mos. Ha!

    Wahine, I feel for you so much. Hang in there. Will keep praying.

    Karen, your friend made it about her at a time like this? Your father passed for goodness sake. I'm afraid Tamoxifen would make me say bad things to her. Maybe you should just tell her it's not a good time for you right now and you will be in touch.

    All right. Back at getting up at 5:45 job. Better get ready for bed.

    Lub lub!!!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone....well I penned a thoughtful letter to my "friend"....and I guess she just doesn't get it, cuz she brought up the "hand" thingy again!!!!  if anyone wants, I can email you my response and then her response to me, but I don't want to take up the space here.  After her response to me, I even more annoyed!!!!  maybe its writing that just doesn't convey it well, but I am so done for now!!! She really is making it about her!!!  I'm so over it!!!!  She is very close with good friends of ours and if I see her there, fine, but I can't deal with high maintanence people right now......I'd love for someone to read both letters.....maybe I'm over reacting, but I don't think so....I've let my 15 year old read it all...she says that gf wants to be friends....and she is right, but I just can't deal with this drama.  She commented about a misunderstanding between us...No its her who is misunderstanding.....Cali and are right, she is making it about her and I guess that is ticking me off!!!  I have other gf who have been here for me....just an email mail or card or fb post to say HI and how are you doing.....this gal is a would think that she would get that when people are going through tough times or grieveing, they need people to reach out and say I care!!!!

    DD leaves for her big sister's tomorrow evening and then to camp.  I will miss her.  Usually we go to big sister together...she goes to camp and  go to Israel...well not this year.  my only travel is to see DD#1.  I tell you, I've really been hopefully I can get a handle on things.  Trying to get Mom situated and in some sort of routine.....drove her to silver sneakers today and she really liked the class.  She really needs to find things to do besides where she lives...she is one of the younger residents...many are in the late 80's and early 90's.

    I've enjoyed a coulple glasses of red wine and now the bottle is I open a new bottle and have another glass or 2!!! or say enough for the night!!!! 

    The forest fires here in CO are aweful....the one from last week near CO Springs claimed 2 lives and over 500 homes....there are new fires burning now....its so scarey......

    Kathy.....did your parents get off okay? are your folks?    Lori...what is the weather like by you?  I'm missing many but please forgive me....still trying to get caught up......Luv ya....Kare

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    Good morning my darling Babes.  Yet again, I am so behind with everyone.  My brain seems fried again, apparently I am (again) becoming immune to my bipolar meds.  So back to experimenting.

    So sorry for the traumas going on with some of you.  You are all still in my heart and prayers.

    I will try to keep up.

    Thinking of you all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  The world continues to conspire against me.  My care is ready to pick up, finally, and when I get there I don't have any checks and the debit card won't go through for the full amount (weekly limits, yuck).  Fortunately, they open at 7 ayem, I've got a new set of checks and I get my baby back in an hour!!!!! 

    ORLA--yeah, anxiety and wine aren't always the best of buddies.  I hear you about not wanting any more surgery, too. 

    Goldie--I think the energy drinks are mostly caffeine, too, and I prefer my caffeine in Latte form.  Those energy drinks can't be good for anyone, but I thought it was in interesting drink recipe.  And I get the car back in 45 minutes now! 

    Cammy--taking my meds right now! 

    Karen--My father's funeral is a blur, too, so I know what you mean. I'm not even sure who was there, except for the man who gave Mom a flag 'cause Dad was a vet.  If you need to write to your friend before meeting with her, by all means do so. 

    Juliet--I love my Kindle Fire. Books, audiobooks, games, movies, TV shows, a bunch of aps, it's great.  Maybe I don't need an iPad after all! 

    Becs--Casinos are a fun way to spend money, aren't they? 

    Karen--good for you for writing your friend.  And it's ok to let it go at this point.  Like you say, no time for high maintenance people in your life right now!

    BBBBernie--Glad to see you drop in, and good luck with the pills.  Can be a pain adjusting meds. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the It's All About Me

    1/2 oz. Curacao, blue

    1/2 oz. Gin

    1/2 oz. Rum, white

    1/2 oz. Tequila, white

    1/2 oz. Triple Sec

    1/2 oz. Vodka

    Fill with 7-up

    1 oz. Sour Mix

    Shake all ingredients except 7-up in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a hurricane glass filled with crushed ice. Fill with 7-up.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Becks, glad you were able to make use of Window Movie Maker, are you gonna share the video when it’s done?

    Karen, do you have a mutual friend that is friends with “S”? If so, perhaps you could discuss the letters with that person. Weather is just hot, mid to high 90’s. We also have some fires, but none too close to me.

    Oh Bernie, that’s terrible that you have “experiment” with bi polar meds. I do hope you get it figured out. And I think we all have fried brains!

    Cami must be worn out, having had all of the tenders to herself and hanging out at the fountain!

    Oh shoot NM, hoping your day goes smoothly after you finally get your car back. We have had a few DOTD’s with the energy drinks in them, no big deal here at The HTL. I have tried them, don’t really care for the taste. Also have had them in a drink, some kind of a bomb. And we all need some “it’s all about me”.

    Lara, are you totin around the Pratt brothers?

    Kathy, hope you can check in soon with us.

    Dork, you beg me to come back and now you are gone. Git yer butt back in  here.

    Sue, hope you are enjoying. You are away, but I am not sure where.

    Need to go out and check my traps, I have one bean plant left. Well, at least as of last night, then get my EWWA in the shower. Everyone have a great day!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Girls!

    Today, God gave me one of the happiest days of my life....38 yrs ago, my Kristen was born. SO today is her b'day, and I know I already prolly mentioned that my other DD and 2 g'kids are driving here toda (10-12 hrs)....will get here at dinner time then have to leave EURLY in the ayem to get home before an event at church tomorrow night. She does so much volunteer work too, so she has to be back. I am SO glad Kristen (I should just call her DD1 though, as I try not to mention their names on a public forum) does not have dr appts today, and maybe we can mostly try to enjoy her birthday tonight. THANK you for your continued prayers, she has a long road ahead of her (for some reason, I have never liked the word "journey" to describe cancer....not a journey I would choose, anyway!). Hoping she will see more drs, as it sounds like some more serious surgery, before even starting rads.

    Bernie, I hope you can get some meds that will DD goes through that too, but with her panic attacks, just so hard to find a med that works, without bad SE's. Plus, then it can stop working. Aaarrrgggghhhhh.......BIG HUGS to you ma dear. (((((Bernie)))))

    Lori, it is so WUNNERFUL that you are posting here again....yippppie yi yo ki yay!!!! And your garden is gawgeous!!!!!!

    Karen, good idea that Becks had about telling her that now is just not a good time for you. And leave it at that. Some "friends" are just not worth keeping.

    NM, Did you see that special on ABC last night about car repair ripoffs? It was good....undercover show or something. If you missed it, maybe you can see it online? Quite an eyeopener. We had the truck in the shoppe yesterday too...just $500 though, so not too bad. It is a 1990 that I bought after my late DH died....and it runs soooo good and looks good too, really. We always have people wanting to buy it....but since DH took it over, he doesn't take care of it and it could use some TLC and a new paint job on the hood. When I did custom decorating, and my other car would be in the shop, I would show up at people's homes in my big truck. If the husband would be there, they would always comment on how the decorator had a neat truck!! LOL. They thought it was funny, but always admired it too. Shoot, I had to have so many fabric books, samples, etc with me, it filled up station wagon, or the truck!  Glad you get your car back today....always a good feeling!!!! Hope you recovered from all that yard/garden work you did. Did you get the Lupines planted? I still need to plant more hosta but it is in the 90's nowadays, so quite hot. Haha, love your DOTD!!!!

    Good for you making those videos, Becks! I used to do that years ago, then would just go into CVS and put my SD card into their machine and it would do the videos for me. BUT you have more control doing it yourself, and more options. I bet your bro will love it!!!!

    Julie, any good hunk pics for the day? Just like the DOTD, maybe we need a HOTD (hunk of the day)?????

    Dorkie, Hope your parents are still doing well! SO glad your dad has settled in to your house, and is making the best of things!

    Hugs to ALL,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    For my daughter today.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GOLDIE--still YAY--1 bean plant left--well don't count on tht. All these fires and yet we have alot of rain too. I guess u don't get the rain. And I am tired from the Lounge all the positions, I haven't been in in years Wow.

    Becs u another one with fires all over the place WTF I guess it's this time of year--so everyone stay safe.

    NM OK U got u'r car and took u'r meds I didn;t get up early enough to remind u, but u did it on u'r own.-U take care all of these people and u take care of u'rself last--u too Julie--u nurses.

    Karen if u wrote and things did not work out, I think u do what comfortable for u--if it's going to bother u then u need to resolve it one way or another if (and to me it sounds like it bothers u) but if u can get past this just go on--like I said just cuz she 's a physc. doesn't mean she has the best responses in her own life--like (I forgot) who said it, but if u need a go-between use that, but if u'r not up for it then put it aside and take care of u'r life and mom.

    Bernie write whenever u can --we understand--My DD has been on Depakote for a long time and so far OK but took so many yrs to get to the right on, plus others she's on too but that's the main one.

    Lara I hope u'r feeling better today--I'm going to watch my scary movies, but I will have to be interruppted to go to PT--so it sucks--I hate all techs and Drs. now hahaha--I used to be so nice. Now I'm a bitch.

    Kat u know prayers are being sent.--Keep us posted please.

    Dork take care of u Mom and Dad, I know u do--this is difficult--but we're here too.