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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning---

    BBBernie Oh such a nice tome--wonderful pictures of the 3 of u and the furbabies too. How fabulous--U are so nice to everyone and Cyn has haf such a wonderful time. Bless u Bernie--one in a million--u get more visitors in Ireland than we get in the states. LOL

    It's Fried day today for all u worker bees, it's feels good. I'm still tired --this is my first wake up Ihave at least go. I know I'm lazy. And I have to finish my bedroom cleaning--I feel like a chid sometimes (don't I wish) I actually reported to my DD what I did yesterday she started LOLing , I guess the way I said it. Oh well I'm left alone for the most part--which I like.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Ohhhhhhh I love all those pictures!! Feels like I am right there again, with you. And all the furbabies on the couch....they are so cute. Really beautiful pictures of ALL of you, too....awesome!

    Becks, We have 2 large magnolia trees in our backyard, and they are blooming heavily right now. Can just walk by and smell the fragrance, however if we bring one into the house it can be overwhelming. Glad you have that scent to use, it smells so good. Also, my large gardenia (5') is covered with blooms too, and I LOVE that smell, cuz it reminds me of home. Oh, I didn't raise my girls totally on my own, just for a couple of years when they were a baby and toddler, then again after their daddy died when they were 14 and 17 till they left home (he adopted them when we married while they were still young and was the BEST father and husband ever). I walked both of them down the aisle, which moved my heart, but also saddened me a lot since their daddy was not there. My DH now (for 15+yrs) loves to travel, so even though I had been out of the country before, I had never traveled as extensively as I have since we met. For the first few yrs we were gone more than we were  home. Would have 2-3 trips out of the country a month, plus domestic trips. Even a wk or two after a trip we would have to look at the calendar to remember where we had been! lol.

    Cami you are so funnnneeeeee.....reporting to your DD....~LOL~

    Thanks for all the prayers everyone. I am saying prayers for all of you, too. My DD sees another onco dr today, but just to see what he says...more tests Monday. Haven't gotten biopsy results from my DH's procedure this week, yet. So much happening......



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Kat u'r playing the waiting game--I neer minded for myself but hated it all for my DD;s--it's much worse (IMHO) Naturally prayers for all dealable things--I'm so sorry u've going thru this.

    I'm so hsppy u have had 2 wonderful men in u'r life, some of us haven't had 1---(me, for 1) but my choices so I'm to blame.

    I hope u'r days bring good news and good thoughts.

    Lara nothing looks great yet, but I haven't looked competely for our scary movies---I hope u feel better today.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    all on fearnet

    I love the pics bernie and no cyn u look not 7 months preggos

    damn your foobs are big sorry thats my new thing I look at boobs

    bernie it seems so lovely there and u r so pretty

    Yes I drank today I feel pain sio im not moving today

    good to get outtttttttttttttttttt

    flowers I love we have a magnolia tree I love it

    cant remember the posts ill look back


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    LOL on your comment on Cyn's boobs, Lara....and hers are NATURAL! Did you notice Bernie's DH in the window reflection as he took the picture? He is SO nice, too. And shoot, everyone looks so slim in those pics...I am jealous! Nah, not really, but I need to lose a few or 50....

    Cami, my late DH was my real soulmate....only had 12 yrs with him, but they were wonderful. We all (me and my DD's) miss him everyday. But YES, I do feel lucky, esp to have had my soulmate, not everyone gets that..went thru some bad ones though, before him!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    lovely photos bernie,you all look great,  love your boots jodi.. good morning all. long day in work today .12-730pm. so need to get ready

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Cyn, what great pics! You and Jodi look like you belong in Ireland! :-) is Jodi the OT?

    Gotta run. Always running late cause I can't resist the iPad in ayem.

    BBL for some fried day dwinkin!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Yes I saw him he was drinking a beer I think!

    I need a good 50 to

    That is amazing wahine you found your soulmate and its so amazing how u speak of him

    No fear er cammie they r all speaking in Chinese

    Hm ok ill b back

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG I just realized what BBL meant, I thought it stood for bubble and thought I don't understand. I HAVE to find the Wizard for a brain.

    Kat I'm sorry u had such a short time with u'r soulmate, never found mine and know I won't now, but I know too u are happy now so u have been blessed and u deserve to be--u have a good heart.

    Julie I don't know howu do it---that's a long crummy hours of work. I'm not trying to make u feel bad but u and NM hve a gift of a selfless soul, I guess that's how. The first 4 mos. of chemo I worked a 12 hr day  and the next day 8 hrs and so on when I could.I was over 60 then and I didn't do it for any other reason except money, but even for money I couldn't do it now. LOL

    All of u are very special people and it's wonderful to be part of our getting to be sober Lounge--so I suggest everyone start drinking again. Then perfection.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Is that Stella in pics with Bernie?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs I didn't see stella, but she's a quickliest sort and moves like the wind--so maybe u did, but I didn't see it.

    Good Morning all--Getting up this early is not my thing, I feel like going right back to sleep __I have things to do before the BD party today---now I'm like I can't wait for it to be over--I'm awful I just want the percafountain and I'll be better, of course then I'm tired. so no one is up so I might as wel go back to sleep for a while--but it's light out. Like that has stopped me before.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    You are very observant Becks....I didn't notice her at first, but YUPPERS there she is in Bernie's hand, in the pic of Bernie, Cyndie, and Jodie (With Bernie's DH's reflection in window while he was taking the pic). You can't see her well, but Cyn put Ken's clothes on her Stella! So cute.

    We are not facing good news at all here. Really appreciate any prayers for my daughter. This last dr was all "doom and gloom", saying she will need rads, feeding tube, chemo, etc. Needless to say, with her panic attacks this is hard to fathom. I am not up to partying right now, but do look forward to a couple of drinks at night..."my time to zone out". Thanks for all your support. Am hoping we cal get through this and she will be ok, then I can be back here as my old self.



    P.S. to Cami.....when there is an acroynm I don't know, I "google" it...helps a lot, as I am not so savvy with all the lingo either!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat many prayers going to u'r family and especially u'r DD--this has to be tough onu and for her. and lots of  HUGS to and yeah don;t party but u need to have a drink at the end of the day and keep us informed all about her too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely sunny Saturday ayem, got plant to put in the garden, mowing to do, gonna spend a lot of time outside today.  Was on call Thursday night, got a call at 3:30 ayem, didn't have to go out but I didn't really sleep good either. Made up for it last night, though!  May have to go out and get some likker, though, by evening.  I'm thinking something fruity on the deck this evening as I rest from my yard labors. 

    Cammy--I have tried those drinks you freeze in the packet, some are good, some are not so good.  I really like the frozen sangria one.  They are plenty strong enough for me, but probably not as strong a many would like.  Hmm, I've never tried Mike's, I may have to try that this evening. 

    ORLA--I am so glad the girls are beginning to look better!  I am so hoping you'll be happy with them in time. 

    Cammy--getting crabby is a sign of recovery, you know! 

    Wahine--Yup, I got to the nursery, got tomatos, peppers, basil, greek oregano, and there was a BOGO table, so I got a bunch of lupine to transplant on the hill beside my yard.  I'm trying     to  get it naturalized with stuff so I don't have to mow it.  It's rather steep and makes me nervous to mow with riding mower, worse with a push mower.  Gonna get out the seeds I ordered and play in the dirt today.  I can't eat hot stuff like pepperoni and jalapeno, so I would never drink that DOTD, but I know others like that kind of stuff.  Your DD has every right to be depressed, this is such a hard phase in this journey.

    ORLA--YES!  Join us in the wine tasting room ASAP! 

    Wahine--from my point of view doing what you needed to do to raise your two on your own is a major life accomplishment all by itself!  And I bet that you don't define yourself by your work, and don't get in a funk when things get crazy at work like I tend to. And BTW, I learned a lot from the LPNs I have and still work with.  As far as I am concerned LPNs are full nurses. 

    Cammy--sounds like Joey knows just exactly what you are!  

    Now I KNOW I don't want to eat at Taco Bell!

    CynCyn--So good to hear you had a grand time with Bernie!  Can't wait for you to get home and post the pics.  But enjoy the rest of your trip first!

    Becs--You sound like someone who has trouble balancing personal and work life, like me.  Make sure you have something separate from work that is important to you, too, in case work gets totally tanked!

    BBBBernie--Oh, my, such fun!!!!!!!!!  Poor tired puppies!

    Wahine--praying for the second opinion and your DD.  OK, how can any Onc give any realistic advice when the path reports aren't in yet?  Something doesn't seem right, here. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Garden Party

    1 fl. oz. (2 Tbs.) fresh lime juice

    1 fl. oz. (2 Tbs.) agave syrup

    4 sprigs fresh cilantro; more for garnish

    3 1/4-inch-thick slices English cucumber

    1 1/4-inch-thick slice jalapeño

    2 fl. oz. (1/4 cup) 100% agave blanco (silver) tequila, preferably Lunazul

    Combine the lime juice, agave syrup, cilantro sprigs, 2 of the cucumber slices, and the jalapeño in a chilled cocktail shaker. Muddle well. Add the tequila and fill the shaker with ice. Put the lid on the shaker and make sure you have a tight seal. Shake as hard as you can for 30 seconds and then strain into a highball glass filled with fresh ice. Rub the remaining cucumber slice around the rim of the glass to season it; then use it to garnish the drink, along with a sprig of cilantro.

    To make agave syrup

    Combine equal parts light agave nectar and hot water and stir to dissolve. Let cool completely before using. Store in the refrigerator between uses for up to 1 month.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    BBL be back later

    kat prayers

    NM your script is to enjoy life today

    Cammie whos party?chiller all day

    hm mm no beers for me had major pain from the night I did have some

    so ill stay good until tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    dont want complications

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    for sadie, see you later , working today,       (((((((((kat)))))))))

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    image alt="" />

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls, I wanted to update you all and also comment on eberyting going on here. but i has to get my ewwa in de shower and leave for a viewing and funeral for my sisters MIL. If I have time, I will come back after mese shower.

    Kat, sending mucho prayers up for your DD. I am so sorry that the onc doc gave you this news. but she will get through it, so many of you have gotten through it and look at you all now.

    My mom is doing better, she had a second surgery this week to cut out the infected heel bone. she has been eating great which was a big scare for us. We are not ready to let her go. My dad is over there now and has to be home in a half hour to leave for the funeral and viewing. den wese all gonna have lunch ate a fancy schmancy place. I hope dere are dwinks. 

    I been reading here but not saying much. Tank you all who have missed me, dat what make me come and make a quick post Hope to come back later my loves. in de meantime, know I love you all so berry muchliest! you goils wok, you goils woll!!

    cheers and prayers for peace in all ye farts! barMEN!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Kat, my heart goes out to you. Sending prayers your way. I can't even imagine. Us moms would take a bullet for them so it is hard when it's out of our control.

    Dork, so happy your Mom is on the mend. Hang in there!!!

    NM, yes I do need to broaden my horizons for sure. I think a quarterly cruise would be fabulous!

    Hugs to everyone. Me n Annie on our way to airport to pick up her daddy! BBL XYZ LMNOP ha Cams on the acronyms...Bubbles!!! Muah!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good evening, Loungette!  I am one very tired, very dirty, and very happy Loungette.  It's taken me all day, but I have mowed the font yard and the dog yard, put  tomatos, basil, cucumber, lettuce and greek oregano in the garden and put in foxglove along part of Sadie's fencing and planted morning glory seeds behind them, hoping they will climb the chain link.  I've got some lupine to plant tomorrow.  Looking forward to a hot shower and a cold drink!

    DorKable--Your Mom eating great is a WONDERFUL sign!  So sad you have to go to a funeral, I hope the fancy lunch after helps clear the sorrows away. 

    Becs--before I became poor I used to go on cruises for vacations.  It was great!  Maybe someday I can afford to do that again.  In the meantime, I'm looking into some bus trips to the thee-at-tor in New York for some diversion.  Have fun at the airport!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    dorty so glad your mom is eating, that is fantastic news,  nm glad you had a relaxing day,becks- are you enjoying your annie weekend?  lara and cammi, i'm guessing there's good movies on today!      (((kat and family))))) ps nm please send me your plumbers nameLaughing

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, LOUNGETTES! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Ladies---yes I want the plumbers name too. LOL

    Dork and Kat u were special in my prayers last nite-just a little extra and Dork I'm glad u'r mom is eating that IS a good sign. Kat please keep us informed on everything for u'r DD.

    Lara still pain??? I'm glad u'r seeing the Dr. soon

    Becs I always like when u have Annie--it makes for a better time.

    We had a great BD party for Joey--everything went well--it didn't rain---my sister and cousins and a bunch of others --good food, drinks, and laughs--we all had a great time --my 2 DDs made some of the food and my SIL made the rest-So I missed my movies, but put them on DVR so today I'm resting --pain found me yesterday and back with a vengence today. So I'll take what I need and relax. and watch my movies. I was up first and made coffee for my SIL-LOL

    Hi Julie are u working today--I hope not. and

    NM will u slow down u'r making me tired.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Knock knock, may I come in?

    OMG, well I am sneaking in after being gone just one day shy of 2 months. But let me tell you, not a day has gone by that I did not think of you girls. I hope everyone is well, obviously I can't read everything that I have missed. I am going to try to be here every morning.

    NM, be careful with those Morning Glory's, although VERY pretty, they drop their seeds and come up EVERYWHERE, and they will literally choke other things out, as they wrap around it. Did you see my garden pictures?

    Well, where are the Tenders...............I need me a stiff one. A drink girls, a drink!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for all the prayers, still needed very much, so please keep them coming.

    Cami, I hate it when you are in such pain. Glad the party was worth it though....sounded like a great time. BUT now, I hope the pain meds will help and you can just chill out today. Let the Tenders spoil you!

    Funny muddy dog cartoon, Julie!

    NM, Wow, you really went on a planting frenzy. HOPE you aren't paying for it today with soreness all over! I could google it, but don't know what "lupine" is...think I have heard of it before, but right now am clueless. Thanks for your PM's, they really mean a lot, and give us more info on questions to ask. I hope she makes it through the procedure tomorrow without freaking out (panic)...not sure I could do that either. But I'll be taking the kids to swim team class, and an art class at Michaels.

    Very glad that your mom is eating better, Dotty! AND that your dad seems to be happy living with you, and complimenting you too. It is so great you were able to find a place for him in your home, and welcomed him there. My parents took us out to eat last night, and my mom seemed more out-of-it. I don't think she has taken her pills all week (or longer, since we got home), and I have been so busy with what my DD is going through, that I haven't been reminding her. They will leave this Wed for 3 wks in Hawaii, and I sure hope she takes her pills there! It does scare me what this trip might do to her memory (long trip, plus being away so long from the home she loves here). My dad who was also always so sharp is slipping, too. (not physically, but in memory and comprehension).

    Lara, hope your pain went away! And continued good healing for you. Glad they are looking bettah!

    Becs, Enjoy your time with Annie!

    Cyn, Now I forget when you are coming home, but glad your DD will join you in FL for awhile....awesome! Plus your other will be so busy, but HAPPILY busy! Can't wait to hear more about your trip.

    Missing Lori, Allison, Sue, JeanBean, Unde, and others. Hope you are all doing well.

    Gonna dig into this amazing Father's Day Buffet the Wenches made for us! Plus all the fountains are going...percotini fountain, mimosa fountain, margarita fountain....and amazing drinks lined up on the bar. Taking my plate and HUGE dwink to a nice lounge chair by the pool.....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    OOOOOHHHHHHHHH I just saw Lori sneak in.....COME ON IN GIRLFRIEND.....I even noticed some Duck Farts on the bar....soooooo good to see ya! Grab a plate and drink and join me right here... *pulling lounge chair next to mine*....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Nm sounds like u got a lot done

    Cammie sorry your in pain hate that moviessssssss

    yes feeling better I was driving yesterday


    Lori omgggggggggggggggggg

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013