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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    cammie scary movies for me to

    I walked and ran 4 miles today

    I was so proud of myself Im getting back out there

    It was so great to b outside all day

    I go on this path where there is water so pretty I zone out to my thoughts

    walking yes walk everyone

    becks whats your drink today

    hi juliet some hot pics

    Nm take your meds

    wahine prayers

    Karen sounds wonderful Im sure the cooking will be delicious

    I did just take a pain pill damn PS is cautious about those

    kk pop in later

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi there!!! Home early. Woohoo. I feel a nap in da hammock comin on.

    Lara, I think the....oh Hecks....gotta scroll up n see what it is....Oh!!! The June Bug sounds like a good drink. You walk/ran 4 miles? I'm so jealous. I walk a lot at work. Dunno what it translates in miles. All I know is I got off at gate 40 something in Denver and heard last call to board my next flight at gate 15 and I couldn't get my fat butt to run!!! I about killed over in that people mover thingy walking so fast and then it dumps you off the end and you are like running on your toes all top heavy! Still cannot believe I made that damn connection. So...I'm jealous. Glad you are feeling pretty good now.

    Wahine, corn pop sounds yummy!! Will go good with our dirty movies!!

    Cami, you got a pretty boy this ayem. So proud of you doin your exercises.

    Jules, lmbo on the strawberry syrup dog!!! I'm soooo glad I'm not alone.

    Goldie, good call on not letting your Mom get scooter. Gotta keep moving and every little bit is exercise.

    NM, I do the same on weekends waking up early and feeling more refreshed vs. Weekdays when I have to work. I wish I had tomorrow off. I agreed to work but asked for later start so I can get a few more Z's.

    So...onc says come back in 6 months unless I have pain for more than 2 weeks. Now, what does this encompass...head to toes?? I have a swelling on side of foot with pain for over one week. Would something like that count? I would tend to ignore and deal with it but just wonder how you all approach this idea.

    Okay, imma look into that nap. BBL.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs I thik I would at least call the Dr. and tell them???

    Wow Lara lots of energy today--good for u--I did my excercises earlier and I hurt, but I've been doing these for a long time and I still hurt. LOL I slept some already chit I hate to take a nap but it's done.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie u can't stop u'rself can u? hehehe Lub it.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Got my hair cut this afternoon...told the gal 1 1/2 inches, but I think she took more off...but I like the way it looks and its cooler...never have bad hair days anymore....just days I don't like how it looks!!!

    DD#2 was telling what the guy at customs old was she, what was she doing and did her parents know she was in Toronto then told her she was very confident!!!!  This is her first trip by herself to her sister in Toronto, but she just went to Israel with school last month and had to go through customs...she wanted to tell the guy that compared to Israel customs this was a piece of cake!!!  but fotunately she knows better.  DD#1 gets rid of little sister and a week later she gets her mom and grandma....then two weeks later she gets little sister back.  I love that my girls are now friends....two years ago when they were together they went from being big sister/2nd mom to sister friends.  I remember when DD#1 got married almost 4 years ago....DD#2 was 11 and she bawled at the can hear her on the video crying....the only one crying!!!!  I was always told how special sister relationships are and now I get to see it for myself with my girls....and they are 12 years apart.

    Wishing everyone a great week-end.  Candle lighting is in about an hour....need to jump in the shower and get the haircut hair off me.....

    Be back tomorrow night.....and I'll toast everyone with a glass (or 2 or 3) of nice dry red or merlot!!  Hugs...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen u'r girls really get around---none of us even have passports LOL. And I know what u mean about short hair I've never had my hair this short well when I was a kid and some days it falls good and other days my cowlick returns,I forgot over the years I had one cuz my hair was longer AND thicker--and there it is--ick.

    Boy Party is going strong tonite I don't think I can take it much longer I must rest hahaha--I hope everyone has a good nite and early morning.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this Saturday ayem?  I had a lovely sleep in, except for having some very weird dreams.  Having trouble remembering them now, of course, but I do remember searching  for something.  The unconscious mind is a very odd thing, isn't it? 

    Cammy--Ok, we've got our starting points--50 steps for you and 1/4 mile for me.  First goal, each of us walks that far at least twice this coming week, OK? 

    Goldie--Good for you for pushing your Mom.  I've seen lots of people whose health has gone down hill steadily after getting one of those scooters.  People can get around more, but lose muscle tone and endurance, start gaining weight, often fall.  They really should show people with hip fractures on those commercials, IMHO.  Remind your Mom that every bit of walking is maintaining her muscle tone and bone strength, keeping her balance good, and helping keep her at a healthy weight.  People who get scooters often do not cut way back on their food intake to compensate for the loss activity and gain weight. 

    Cammy--I watched Mama last night, very neat movie!  Made me jump a couple of times, that's for sure.  Very creepy. 

    Karen--Hooray for DD getting to Toronto safely and for your DDs being together for a visit! 

    Juliet--thanks for the popcorn!  I love buttery popcorn. And how true about the parking!

    Wahine--Glad DD had a nice B-day celebration! 

    ORLA--4 miles?  Good for you!  A pretty path is a great thing.  And I did take my meds! 

    Becs--Congrats for making the connection!  Good job!  Wonder what it is that makes getting up without an alarm clock going off so nice.  I got the pain for more than 2 weeks advice, too.  It was actually kind of helpful.  When I got an ache or pain and immediately worried about mets, I would mark it on a calendar.  Most "normal" aches and pains go away within 2 weeks.   Most of the ones I marked I couldn't even remember what it was at the 2 week mark.  Pain from mets doesn't go away.  So, yeah, it refers to head to toe pain.  If you tend to ignore and deal you are probably already ok. Me, I would panic at every pain for a the first few years.  It's not so bad now, thank goodness. 

    Cammy--Now THAT is anger management!

    Juliet--now I need to start a fire!

    Karen--Hope you have a happy Sabbath! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Lazy Saturday

    1 oz dark rum

    1 oz light rum

    1/2 oz cherry brandy

    4 oz pineapple juice

    Pour the dark rum, light rum, cherry brandy and pineapple juice into a highball glass almost filled with crushed ice. Stir well. Garnish with a maraschino cherry and a pineapple slice, and serve.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Ok, the secret is OUT...I now know that Julie has a hidden camera in my house. I mean, how else would she get that pic of the "boy-toy" lying on my floor? Geez, I better find those hidden cameras and get them covered up! (The cameras covered up, not the guys!). LOL. You sure can find the sexy guy pics, Jules!!!

    Good challenge NM....I need to get walking more too. Didn't do the treadmill cuz of my tendonitis on the side of my foot, becuz b4 I got the dx I thought it might have been fractured....and thought I made it worse from all the walking in SinCity and in Prague. So I have no excuses now. My DD's rads onc is going to present her case AGAIN in front of the board...2nd time....apparently it is a very unusual case, so that scares her even more. I am glad they are trying their best to figure out what needs to be done. I am still trying to convince her to go to B'ham for 2nd opinion at the dr my dr recommended. Not sure she will agree to that, she is so overwhelmed right now. I like that LAZY SATURDAY dwink, btw. SOunds like sumtin weally, weally good.

    Have to go to the funeral today, and DH is a pallbearer. I know it will be so sad, but am glad he lived to a good age....I didn't realize how much older than my DH, he was....but he was 85. It just hard to go to a funeral, period.

    Luv the "anger management" pic, Cami! And yes, puleez take up NM's challenge!!!! Walking even a little, and adding to that, is so good.

    Lori, When we took my dad to the dr (same dr that had tongue cancer), he is an orthopedic(sp?) surgeon, he works on bones and joints. ANYWAY my dad was just having trouble getting up after sitting down. SO he told him to get a recumbent bike....remember now, he is 96. SO he has been getting on that bike and it really helped him a lot, its much easier for him to get up now. Those are the stationary bikes that you sit on, much lower than regular bike, and less stressful on your joints. Would your mom ever try that, do you think? If your bro can get her into a sporting goods store to try one out, she can see if its do-able for her. I am also glad you discouraged her from getting a scooter!!! I have a friend that is my age that lives in NH, and she took care of her mom for years before her mom passed. SO they sat and watched tv hours on end. NOW she can't walk except for a few steps and can't stand up for more than a minute. It breaks my heart. She has gained a lot of weight too, but even when her DD was in the hospital after a horrid accident, and in serious condition (you all were praying for her too), she couldn't even go to the hospital to see her. Just so sad and I think more and more people will get in that condition because we sit so much more, with computers, and DVR's. I know I do!

    OK, nuff chatting. I need to get going. Hmmmmm......lotsa nice dwinks on de bar.....maybe just a wee taste....yummmmm.....OK, how bout a pitcher of em????  ***hic***



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Ladies and as soon as Julie gets up someone else is getting up--Good pic. Julie--It's funny there are so many georgeous guys out there and I worked at the DMV in 20 yrs I saw 2, yes 2 that we saw every year cuz they owned trucks and they were like models and everyone wanted to do their paperwork they came in the 2nd week of June--u know how many 1,000.'s of people I saw over 20 yrs. and 2 yes 2 were really worth ooking at. LoL I remember when a BIG BOSS was there and took his DR. out of line cuz as he announced he was his Dr. well there was a fist fight and people strted screaming and beating up on everyone and of course we had to call the police--and me my mouth told the big boss he was stupid, they don't care who anyone is they in line like everyone else once they get in the line. We had more fights in that place we got used to them I was funny to take care of my Drs, when they came in for something cuz I was in control and I'd tell them that. hahaha

    OK NM it's a relaxing day but as long as u remembered u'r meds that fine--have to keep on u for a while.

    It;s storming here right now my atie-Kt is hiding so we'll se how long this will last.

    Now Becs has to work today but later so I hope she gets some good rest.

    So, Ill'come by later and check on everybody. Today is no pain day. Yea right I was double up ll night--I started a couple of different excercises and I forgot to tell her I had a hernia wow did I remember after I did more than usual--so I'll just walk unti I talk to her, See what a baby I am.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Oh Cami, how I have missed your humor! Too funny about your face still in the make up case.  Funny that you remembered the week those two hotties came in, and fights at the DMV? Shoot, saw your comment on “no pain day” and thought it really was one…..darn. Sorry bout da hernia acting up, you are another one, don’t over do it.

    Karen, glad your DD made it safe. I hope they have a great time together. Glad that they have such a special relationship, that is what I always tell my nieces, that sisterly love is special. I only have brothers.

    Lara, good for getting back out with the walking and running. Just don’t over do.

    Becks, where are you, that you had a lay over in Denver? I am always so scared at the end of those moving walk ways, that I am gonna fall arse over elbows! LOL, it’s Cop Porn, not corn pop! Oh, it sounds like you were on your way home from somewhere, since you are working today. Were you visiting your DH?

    Nice morning wake up Julie, that made my eyes POP!

    Love your challenge for Cami, NM.  As for my mom, she is NOT healthy. Like I said, she has a walker, she is very unsteady on her feet, she can’t even bathe herself. She walks with her elbows on the handles because of the COPD, and she is very heavy already and hardly any muscle anywhere! And besides, the house is too small for a scooter. 3 bedroom and maybe a 1000 sq. ft. So the walls would be all torn up! Thanks for the Lazy Saturday, now if I could only have a real one, as in being lazy all day. But I would go nuts, I need to be doing something.

    Ahhhhh, hiding a hottie eh Kat? Yep, secrets out now, and I know who will be snatching him up.  Living to  85 is living a pretty good life. Again my condolences. Thanks for suggestions for my mom, but because of the COPD she wouldn’t be able to do the bike. You should see her just from going from her bedroom to the kitchen 20’, you’d think she was going to keel over right there, she can’t breathe.

    6 am, I need to get my butt outside before it gets too hot, DH has already been out there for an hour and a half, he is such a hard worker! Happy Turd Day goilies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Pour yourself a drink in a brand new set of glasses!  Click the link to save 38% on a set of Classic Limoncino Cordial shot glasses. Get a whole set for only $13.03!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Chit I screwed up the screen===MODS HELP AGAIN

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    OK, gotta pour myself a dwink? OR does it still work if I git de Tenders to pour mese dwink? Gotta like Liz's words of wisdom! Yeah, I wuz like Lori...first reading you had no pain....but then reading you had double pain....NOT FAIR!!!!! Funny about your job, but had to be scary with all the fights! I know you found humor though, as you are so good at finding humor when there isn't are a hoot! No worries if de screen messed up, still keep posting tha pics and funnies....we can cope wid a messed up window foah shuah!!! Hugs! (p.s., new page, so even less worries!)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I'm glad the page flipped over--I don't kbiw what I do wrong, cuz sometimes it doesn't happen. Oh well u gals don't get upset with me ---thanks for that. LOL'Kat prayers stlli going u'r way.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    cammie good post love that

    Yes I am feeling it today but did it again

    so Im whacky needed a pain pill

    I really need to b careful it hasnt even been 3 weeks

    Becks lmao that thing at the airport scares me it like pushes u at the end

    oh and I hate cardio I swear to myself or the tread mill that I hate it

    omg I was typing and saw a bug kk Im back

    hell I dont remember what I was going say

    be back later

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Hi goils!

    It was SO nice reading through the last few pages and seeing so many of mese goils in de lounge, sorta like old times.  I have been busy with work, caring for mese Daddy and bisiting mese Mommy. Things are going well. We are having a family meeting on wed to talk about Mom and her future care. I am skeered of what I might hear. My oldest sister and mese Dad took off this aye em to SC, Dad foygt his birth certificate and title to his car. I got a text from mese sister saying they were held up two hours. Some object either fell or was tossed from an over pass and hit my sisters car and broke her sun roof. They got back on the road then it started to rain so off the road again. Sis had an old plastic table cloth in her trunk, she somehow used it inside the car to keep the rain from coming through her sun roof. I am so sad that this happened but so grateful that they were not injured and did not lose control of the car. And I hope to God that a person did not throw something down for entertainment.

    Bernie, always nice to see you here. And I can relate to going through so much with meds, I have been on ebery anti depressant ever made. Mese faborite was prozac but had to give it up as it counters the effect of Tammy.

    NM, glad you got your car back, we take our rides for granted don't we.

    Karen, you cracked mese up saying you lost sanity then clarified you won't say it was only a minute. Glad your DD got through security alright. She is brave for shoah!

    Orla, happy that you love your new foobs, yippee for you! I will get there eventually. It has only been three years so far and counting.

    Lori, sorry I did not report in like I should have. I have much less time to be online in the evening. Plus I like to keep my Dad compan.y. We have been watching  a lot of Phillies baseball, Dad is a big fan. Your pics of the garden were bootonimous as can be! One of these days, I will grow veggies.

    Beckers,I take 300 ml of Effexir, it seems to work for me although it does not help with the hot flashes. They are jest beyond wicked. I hope you are able to get through your tammy treatment without too much trouble. I have jest 2.5 years to go but suspect my onc will be changing up my meds. He talked about it but have to wait until I am two years post menstrual. I do love not having my period any more, that is a positive in all this. Feel better, mese love. And sorry about your patient but your story cracked me de hail up.

    Kat, you widdle ho you, hogging all those tender. Yep, both you and Cam should save a few for the rest of us. Seems each time Juliet posts one, you goils grab den and take dere virGINity. hehe! I am praying so hard for your DD. I hope she hd a great birthday. Tell her Happy belated from mese, k?

    Camille, you do crack me up, love your work stories. I have missed yu along with de rest of the goils so much. and I also cracked up when you said your make up did not make it on ye face!!

    Julie, were do you find those hot hot boys? Can you send me one for my own damn self? I hope you are feeling better and able to get back to nursing soonliest, well if you want to go back that is! I tinked of you when I visited the hospital gift shop. and i can very much relate to the hot flashes behaving for a day or two then having 25 in a day. My night sweats are wicked too. I have central air and today we are exchaning a 4k BTU AC unit for a 10k unit in my bedroom. I am hoping to wake up to a dry bed for a change. I sweat so terribly at night that my bed and pillow are just soaked and stanky too. 

    Well I hope I did not miss enny buddy but if I did, I will be ye slave for a day, k? I have missed you all terribly and again, so happy that the thread is coming alive. and for de record, mese dwunk after two stiff ones. now to find two stiff boys, Julie, I am countining on ya!

    CheerS my loves!!!! now let's parTAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    LOL DorkiePoo...YUPPERS it is Pau Hana time....Suck 'Em Up....Down de Hatch....well you all know de drill. Time to get wasted, instead of wasting time.....glug, glug, glug 2 men in a rug.....(well until Cami or I grab dem and pull dem out for ourOWNselves).....Love your post Dork....hope the meeting for your mom ends up being a positive one. YEE GADS that was scary for your sis and your pa....I mean they could have gotten badly hurt. Too bad for her car though, esp with the rain. I agree.....hope it was just random accident and NOT someone throwing something over the bridge. Yes, my DD had a nice birthday...we all got a bit teared up when she made her wish and blew out the candles. I think we all were thinking and hoping there will be many more birthdays.

    The funeral was done very well today....someone spoke about the funny things he had done over the years, and how he got his nickname, etc. My DH had to hold back tears, as this was his good friend for over 40 yrs, and he was a pallbearer too, so we had to go to the cemetary also.....I swear we drove a million gazillion miles in the country to get to the cemetary....beautful and forestlike, but we must have been just a mile from the TN line. I hope his widow does well, she is a very sweet lady.

    OK now....who is dwinkin wid mese and Dorkaroni? Ya mean wese gits dese Tenders all to ourselfish selves??? NOT! C'mon gals, last one here will have never-ending hot git here quicklike....

    Cheers ma Dears,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    DORK  it's so good to see u and now Lori, I feel like I'm home again. I'm glad u'r with u'r dad and u'r mom is doing OK. But u'r sisters care OMG it could have been so horrible what a goofy thing to happen, I can't imagine someone did it on purpose---well u never know but that is so dangerous--she had good control over her car-Thank God.

    Oh and u and u'r foob--u should write a book about u'r exciled foob. U just keep on lossing them--very careless Dork-1,2 foobs maybe but all of them no, no one would believe it--u poor thing--This call for another drink, oops I just farted--this calls for another drink.

    Orange how are u doing with u'r walking and running.?

    NM I walked a bit today I have to work up for more--but I am waiting to talk to the PT for all the excercises--I got so scared last nite cuz of my stupid hernia and doubled up most of the nite--I told u along time ago what a baby I am sotil I talk to her I'm just walking that's all and I'm stickin' to my story. I probably said all this before but don't remember a thing. Really.

    Oh every time the kids go to the store I tell them to buy lots of eggs, cuz i always have a taste ofr egg salad and I want to make it---I have hard boiked more eggs than can be counted, but I never get to the egg salad part??? no reason so tomorrow they'll go and I'm going to try this again I boild perfect eggs, peel nicely everything and I have chopper if I want to use it so maybe this time I'll make it. Yes I'll make it after all.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Good sat turd day!

    The Denver people mover story happened when I returned from last visit. Remember the conjugal visit with my jailbird hubby? Ha! Anyhoo, the plane out of OKC took off late due to the tornaders and the lady at the gate said, "you should have plenty of time to connect in Denver." ya right! 'bout friggen killed over! I don't know if I was just too tired or what but could not make myself run so people mover was next best. Ha! What an adventure. I think it pays to spend a bit more money vs. 2 connections and midnight final arrival.

    Done with work. Tomorrow is day off and I want to gel but my fam pressuring me to go swim. I really don't want to and hate to have to explain for the 50th bazillionth dang time that I have MS and with that comes chronic fatigue and I need to refrickencouperate!!!!! Ugh!!! Why should I have to explain this every dang time???!!!! Need drink fast hunky tenders!!!!!!!!! Do I sound like too much of a biznatch?

    Cop porn sounds good Goldie. I thinks I'm going to make some.

    Careful Lara not to hurt girls bounce when you run?

    Wahine, funerals are never pleasant. They are so sad. Wish we could reinvent traditional funerals to be happier. Did that make sense?

    Corky, chit autocorrect always jacks ur name up. You still here to par Tay? How was meeting about your Mom? I don't know how your fam is but I have 2 siblings and it's stressful. My type A bro is convinced again my Mom is not gonna last much longer. Had to hear dat crap today again. My sis knows nothing about medical conditions and even tho I work in the field I'm only 12 years old still. Man I hope to retain some dignity when I get older. Even broken down, I'm still me. Your mom is still her and I wish you all the best as you go forward with all of this because it is SO TOUGH! Hugs and raspberries on your cheek! Flubslubbbaberrrrbthpbt!!!!

    Okay gonna make my pocket porn or whateber da hail it is. Sorry for da rant.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    this one is all for you dorty and he's making you something to eat.prayers and wishes for safe travels for your sister and your dad.   good luck with the meeting on wed,  its slightly easier when you know what the person wants  as their journey nears an end.   we discussed it with my parents and nan over a sunday dinner with lots of wine years agoLaughing with my family's sense  of humour somebody listening in would have thought we were mad!.  cammi- don't like it when you hurt-so here's some fresh made cop porn for you.       becks have you noticed tha the shorter the connection time the further the gates are apart and the slower the tsa lines,  i have run ( ok as i was 260lb at the time a steady trot would be more accurate)  in my socks as didn't even have time to put my shoes on ,just to make a connection.     lara hows the movies today?  good for you on the run,    kat,not telling you where the cameras are but nsa pays extra for the footage!Surprised i'm glad the widow got hear the stories of her husband ,its nice to know other think fondly of them.     lori,how does your garden grow ,been trapping today?                  becks your professional advice is appreciated, its been 6 weeks since i hurt my shoulder again, this week when i sleep for more than 3 hrs at a time ,when i wake up, my shoulder is stiff , the stiffness goes away with the pt exercises, this is new this week. pain is still there and tuesday was as bad as since i hurt it, is this within normal?  i second your feeling been treated like a child, my nieces partners mum is in hospital with a rapid heart rate, i'm explaining what the normal course of treatment is and my dad is going if they are short of beds they will discharge her, and i'm saying no they won't ,her heart rate as to be under control and he's saying they don't care about that!  dad i'm a cardiac nurseYell  cammi,great idea, the tale of the lost boob and foob,    .

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Kat and Beckeroonie, mese still partaying with ye goils ~hiccup~. Oh, foygot to say dat I laffed hard at Cammie when she sed dat dis call for unudder dwink oops I farted dis calls for anudder dwink LMFAO heheheehebahhahahah!!

    Tank you goils for such nice and loving terds, mese means words. but speaking of turds, mese bin constcapated for de last week. So mese was in de bathroom on de foyst floor of work, went dere to chit since I has issues with chitting in public, went to de HR bathroom where potention higherees come to bisit and has a place to piss n chit. but anywayS, I went into de stall eber so cautsiosly cuz der wuz anudder goil in anodder stall. Well mese tried and twied to push out a turd or six (aka drop de 6 kids off at de pool) and den messe jest farted. but den at DE SAME time, de other goil, prolly from HR farted too!! and neither of us had de joy of hearing a ker plunk sound. damn, went all de way out of mese way to de bathroom to jest fart. Reminds me of an old poem dat mese dad teached me : Here I sit so broken hearted, paid a dime and only farted". 

    Kat, please tail your DH dis version of de joke or de old version "went to chit and only farted" cuz mese want him to have a laugh. Cuz mese sad about de loss of his BFF and i not talking about de big phat phuck I used to work with bff, mese talking about losing his dear friend. mese fart broeken for him.

    Becks, you and me gonna hug face de tenders to ourselves tonight. Kat sed she worn de hail out sexsually cuz she bin at it for deys and hours and weeks and monfthes.

    So silly Corky here obber and out (on de floor xuz mese dwank a widdle teeny tiny bit too muchliest dis night. Signed CorkYdorKe whom luvs ye goils, rounds for all, join and dwink to dwunklienst. andhow, CHeeRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lets keep de parTay going!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Omg corky I am lmao at the farts in the HR bafroom! Oh das some funny pun intended. Like when I took Annie in stall with me at airport and she announced to da world that.... "you have a big booty!!!"

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Ooooo jus noticed the tender up there making salad....thinks he's bout to put his cucumber in der!!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    What if it's a carrot??? Ewe!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Cami...DD#1 lives in Toronto so we need passports just to go visit her....

    Lori....I don't have a sister either...that is why I love seeing my girls together...I just have a brother who is 19 months older than me...we haven't been close for years and years due to his wife....don't need to go into details...since Dad got sick and passed away we have been in communication more than we have in 25 years!!! scarey about your DS and dad in the car....thankfully neither one was hurt...  your bathroom story is tooooo funny!!!

    i have a massive headache....and have taken way too much ibuprofen....hoping a glass of wine or two will help cuz the ibuprofen hasn't helped Dad's funeral was grave side....many are like that here in our synagogue community....if a funeral is really large, it wll be in teh synagogue, then the cemetary but most people don't go to the cemetary then.....And you are so right, it doesn't matter how old someone is, funerals are hard.......Wish I could give you a hug

    Beckers....just seeing your Denver story...the other day, when I went to the gate with DD, it was the farthest gate...took me over 20 minutes  to get to the parking lot!!!!

    Missing a few gals but its not intentional....going to go pour another glass of wine.....night....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Jules, forgot to respond....sounds like you may be inflamed again. We tell patients if they are sore for a bit after exercise, that's normal but if aching that night or next day, etc they probably overdid it. Are you using weights with exercise? Possibly too much? Maybe slept wrong on it for too long? Make sure you tell PT (which I'm sure you will.) I get a clicking feeling in my shoulder when moving in certain directions and still cannot go overhead with any resistance many years after injury. I would ice and rest it until you see or talk to PT or MD again.

    Gnite all!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Ladies--I hope u are all getting some well deserved extra rest this morning. I took my shower already and smell so so wonderful--it's all around me like a mist of fragrance and it's me. I slept pretty good last nite, my hernia quieted down but I stopped some excercises haha I'm such a blob of OMG I've hurt myself. Now next I will make coffee, my DD slept over by Marty's cousins house cus all the girls went out so she'sll be out of it today and he's well rested. hahaha--I hope everyone wakes up smelling as good as I do. U will start u'r day in a good place. I think my meds are talking.