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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Hmmmm....I bet a LOT of you had hot flashes last night, right??? Thats cuz you were either no-shows or too late, in getting to the HTL PARTAY!!! (Remember I wrote that the last one will have hot flashes?). J/K...I was too pooped to pop, so turned in early (hit the bed!).

    Good advice from Becks to Julie! BTW Julie, my DH has tachycardia sooooo often, at least 2xweek, but prolly more. I am going to start writing down how often it happens. BUT he won't let me take him to the ER.....he will lie down and sometimes sleep till it goes away. What SHOULD he do? What is the "normal course of treatment" you mentioned? (edit: I just printed out 11 pgs from the MayoClinic site....lots of info!). He FINALLY sees his heart dr next month....its been either a few mo or a yr since he saw him, so I am HOPING to write things down so he might actually mention things to him this time. Hope you're feeling better!

    Whew...that was good you made that gate, Becks! We have to run to catch flights so often, and I am the fastest so no matter how tired I am, I am the one that has to run to the gate and let them know the others are coming. Those are the times I insist my parents accept the wheelchairs that are waiting for them. If they aren't tired, or we have lots of time, then they prefer to walk.

    Lara, AMAZING that you went that far....yay!!! I still am "looking" at the treadmill...think I can use it now as my tendonitis in my foot (along the outside) seems much better. Once I start on it, then I enjoy it every day or so...its getting back on the FIRST time that is hard for me. AND I have the tv mounted on the wall in front of it, plus upstairs windows to look out (oh yeah, thats another story what we had to do so 2 strong guys we hired could get it upstairs!) its enjoyable, but getting started is the hard part. Ok, ok....since you insist (lol)....we not only had to take half of the treadmill apart, BUT had to take off the door AND doorjamb to the upstairs room we wanted it in. Seems they put smaller doorways to the bedrooms....go figure!

    Glad your DD did just fine getting into Canada, Karen. I bet they are having a GREAT TIME!!! I am so glad my DD's are so close too, as the sister I have (although I hate to admit I have one) was horrid to me since I was closeness there at all. In fact, they haven't even told me if my parents got to HI ok or not.....and they got there on Thurs. No word, but I am not surprised. I just hope they are helping them even half as much as we do.

    SunDey FunDey Don'tGottaRunDey!!!! Cheers! The Wenches (and OMG they are sooooo happy you are back here Cyn!) put on a wunnerful buffet for us today and the Tenders have all the lounge chairs set up by the pool, so many bootiful dwinks made on the bar, and have the fountains going...percotini fountain, mimosa fountain, chocolate fountain, etc.....      WooHoo....ENJOY!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Oh what is that wonderful fragrance??? Hey, its CAMI!!!! Yuppers you are right, you smell wunnerful! Now come on and enjoy this amazing buffet (the food, Cami, the food, NOT the Tenders!!!!!)....j/k. Good Morning!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wahine LOl of course the food first then the tendahs, but they'll love my fragrance today. I don't understand at all what u'r husband has so I'll watch for Julies answer explaining it.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Oh, its a rapid heartbeat, Cami. He gets that a lot, and one time when we went to the ER about it, they were very concerned, as it can be very serious, plus it wears out your heart if it beats too fast for a long time. I tried to use the medical term....sawrrrrrrrrrry!!!!   OMG those tendahs are following you around like you are the Pied Piper....guess we ALL need to!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Raining a bit here, supposed to get some thunderstorms today, kinda looking for ward to that, actually.  Yesterday was a total loss as far as getting anything done.  After I got off the computer I sat down to finish a third cup of coffee and woke up at 2 pm.  Got a bite to eat and then the next thing I knew it was 4 PM!  I knew I was tired, but I didn't realize I was THAT tired!  Got to make sure to keep moving and get some stuff done today, though. 

    Wahine--never mind the boy toy on the floor, how do you keep your floor so clean???????  It's a good thing your DD's doc is presenting her case again, people have had time to do some research and talk to other docs since the last time and there may be more info available this time.  Also there is the PET scan results to add to the picture.  More info always makes for better decisions.  I know it's overwhelming, but if the cancer is that rare, than a 3rd and 4th opinion may be in order.  I got 4 consults when I was researching reconstruction and insurance paid for all of them.  And that was for something "normal" in the cancer care world.  Hope the funeral wasn't too hard for you, I'm sure it was hard for your DH. And you are so right about keeping moving, something I have to keep in mind for myself, too! 

    Cammy--Must be kinda fun to have your docs under your control, for however briefly!  All those fights, though, would make me nervous.  Or maybe I'd get used to it, who knows?  Took my meds yesterday, going to get up and get my second cup of coffee and take my pills for today. . . OK< I am now pilled up for the day, and got coffee #2 going in.  Probably should make a list of things that need to get done today.  Poor Katie-Kat, doesn't like storms, Huh?  Sadie isn't crazy about them but is ok as long as no one around her gets excited.  She does stay pretty close to me until the thunder stops, though.  And you aren't a baby, pain is a signal that something is wrong, it's protective.  We need to pay attention to pain, and move slowly and gently when feeling pain. 

    Goldie--Actually, they use recumbent bikes in COPD rehab programs.  The COPD is a factor that needs to be taken into account, but people with even severe COPD CAN exercise, they just have to be guided to go very slowly and very gradually, taking little baby steps and working up to regular baby steps.  A home Physical Therapist I used to work with starts people out with standing up every time a commercial comes on the TV.  Just standing up and then sitting down again.  After a couple of weeks of this he has them stand up and stay standing until the commercials are done.  Next is standing up and taking 5 steps, then 10, then walking in place until the commercial is done.  He's been remarkably successful getting people with severe COPD moving some. 

    OK, Cammy, I'm going to get dressed and take Sadie out for little walk, rain or no rain.  Planning to go a quarter mile round trip, if I can.  This trip will be about seeing just how far I can go before the back pain stops me.  I probably should get an appointment with the chiropractor, too, this has been going on for a couple of weeks now.  I'ts better, but still bothersome, so time to do something more about it.  He'll probably tell me I need to walk more.  Duh, I already know that, I want a magic pill or something! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Rainy Sunday

    1 Part DeKuyper® Blue Curacao

    1 1/2 Parts Pinnacle® Vodka

    2 Parts Pineapple Juice

    1 Part Sour Mix

    Build over ice, stir gently & serve.

    Garnish with a pineapple wedge

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Kat, that's not like AF-oh something whe  the heart goes off track and beats irrregular right? Well get hime taken care of that sounds awful to me to have. And always praying for u'r DD, always.

    NM good drink and w both drink coffee, I've been slowin' down a little but I too can drink coffee and sleep??? BTW I'm glad u did nothing, u deserve to relax, u are to to active sometimes mentally and physically. And Sadie wants more of u.

    Well we'll see what Julie has in store for us today, I bet she runs a house for these guys.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Cammy, Sadie did get a lot of me yesterday, we slept together in the recliner most of the day!  I can drink coffee and then go to bed most of the time.  There is a point beyond which I have to stop drinking coffee or I will get the jitters and not be able to sleep, but that's lots and lots of coffee.  I hardly ever get to that point.  And I think I needed the emotional recovery time yesterday, since life looks a lot better today than it did last week.  I want to visit Juliet's House of Men! 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Didn't get out of bed till after 7 this morning.....and have been on the computer since....its now after 8, so need to think about getting moving....and I LOVE my shower first thing in the morning, no matter what I'm doing...even if its a  hot walk!! speaking of hot,  I need to get going for my morning walk before it gets too hot out.  The only exercise I enjoy is walking.....anything else, like going to the gym stresses me out...I clock watch....we don't have any exercise equipment at home....thougt of a treadmill, but dont think I would use it enough...when the weather is bad in the winter, I go walk in the mall......

    I have so many things that I need to get done, but I"m so good at procrastination....the most important is taking the on-line "classes" that I need for my national certification that expires at the end of the month...guess I best start today.....also need to tidy up my desk in the kitchen and my "office' in the spare bedroom...lots of papers that are important are just sitting...need to find a good place to put them....

    Cami, Kathy, NM, Dork, Beckers....have a great Sunday!!!  bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    he's just finished building the smoothie bar at the htl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good afternoon all,just dragged myself out of bed, took a lortab at 6am, thanks for the advice becks. definitely resting all day,    kat,great idea with the diary keeping track of what he'sdoing /eating /drinking when he has these bouts plus any symtoms,   does he check his bp when these happen? also his is appointment at the begining or end of the month, if at the end would track for a few days then call the office and let them know see if they want  to see him, earlier, because when the heart beats fast wether its irregular or regular ,the heart chambers do not empty completely, so can cause chest pain,shortness of breath,sweating,low bp which can lead to dizzyness,loss of consciouness,falling plus can damage the kidneys if the bp drops too low too often. we go by their symtoms,just going to the bathroom  can double some peoples heart rates!  but depends on their symtoms ,and how fast they return to their normal heart rate how we treat, there is a condition called sick sinus syndrome,where the heart s pacemaker goes to slow and too fast without rhyme or reason, they usaully get a pacemaker and meds .  because of dh history would be on the cautious side, especially if his bp is low when he has these attacks, would he call his cardiologist if he's having symtoms, i know he resists going to the er. MEN!                                                                                                                                                 cammi you do smell lovely .nm here's to lazy sundays and sadie days,    karen,hpe you enjoyed your walk,glad your daughter is enjoying time with her sister. growing up,fought like cats and dogs with my sisters but now we are close. dorty hope you have dropped your kids off at the pool by now.              thanks for saying i run a house of menLaughing.   when i didn't like to drive becaaus eof my shoulder ,i walked around near where i lived ,so told my mother i was streetwalking!   she was not amused.       alright ladies enjoy the rest of the day. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    OH MY never has mud and a wheelbarrow had so many *wink,wink* possibilities!!!!   Thanks for the info, Julie, I will try to pass some of it on and see if he actually listens!!!! But no, haven't thought of taking his b/p and we do have a cuff (used to have 2 auto ones, but, well.....MEN tend to lose things)!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Just lost my whole post

    Kat like the tread mill story

    Got my eyebrows and pedi cute yesterday


    is hair

    When u get your strength back from surgery I love getting everything done u feel like a person again

    Hi cammie watching movies yes

    Had to take a pain pill yesterday though

    Last one ps better give me more and I need muscle relaxers

    I'm rehabbing my body again

    Dork so good to see u post

    U will get the foobs soon

    Mine r in but might need revision who knows

    Juliet hot men

    Biz natch? Becks u crack me up you rest u need it

    Hi Karen

    Who am I missing

    Hi Bernie hope u feel better or u r

    Pop in later

    Cammie chdten of the corn is coming on

    Me and u with d art movies lol

    Love it

    Hugs all

    Nmhiii that's to eay to wake up

    K going to take a pain pill went tithe gym again today

    Gotta get this weight off

    Love u all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange please don't overdo--u can't go to gym and take pain pis(pills) u'r just masking what u might be hurting---(Did I sound professional, Juli, NM?) Well that's how I look t it. And I just got done watching Last Resort--and Yes I'm waiting to watch

    children of the Corn now--hahaha I did some exercises but not like the other day--I've slowed down already I don't want my herniz to hurt like it did. LOL

    Julie u had an endless supply, do they stay in u'r basement and come out for fun? And they listen to u too. Hmmm nice arrangement.

    Kat Julie has it all figured out for u, now u get u'r DH to oblige????

    I thought today was Monday? I had calls to make and app'ts and started to do stuff and realized Sunday. One of hese days z'm going to know all the days of the week. I know there's 7--I just have to get them in order.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    lara listen to cammi,.  and yes cammi your very professional, i know things can get heated at gov offices but fighting!  you know when they ask if you feel safe at home on admit paperwork they need to add do you feel safe in workSurprised  kat i'm with you on the exercise and now i'm working right next to the gym but still have trouble getting my fat butt in there, still hotflashing , poor dorty on effexor and still getting them thats not fair. lori, if your mum can  or will join a better breathers or huffers and puffers group they encourage exercise, would her md prescibe pt or exercise program for her, mam got a stairlift this year because she was leaving going to the bathroom till the last minute and then trying to rush upstairs so worried about her falling we got her that. she's using a walker around the house and a wheelchair for outside now,  when she was going to the copd rehab program she was doing well and only had 1 chest infection that winterplus her endurance did get better, she went from 3 minutes on a treadmill to 15

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Yes u r all right indie just yelled at me

    Oh and my mom got back from Italy and she got me a huge Prada bag I love it

    She left the day of surgery so she said this is for missing u I love it

    K ill b back

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Errybuddy crunk? I am home. Nope did not swim...just took subway for everybody as peace offering for thinking such ugly thoughts last night! Ha! They don't need to know. Be our secret!

    Wow, Jules, if nobody minds I would like that one in da mud hole. His Oscar Meyer looks big at rest. Ooops! Too graphic? I meant to say I'm glad you are getting some rest!!! :-)

    Cami, wow!!!! You do sound like a medical professional! I'm impressed. Go ahead and give free medical advice and Jules/NM can correct as needed. Dr. Cami! Do you want Cami Sue, MD or Cami Sue, PhD on your biznatch cards?

    Orange, you walk, run, and go to gym? Omg! I am still jealussssssss! I wish I wanted to do that too. I don't. I just don't and I don't know why. I wish I can get weight loss for a SE. Something!!

    I did get some blueberries. They are rather tasty. I need some antioxidants.

    Cami, did you make some cop porn for children of the corn? Say dat three times fast.

    Wahine, I hope DH's heart is okay. Good info Jules. I want to print it. My Mom has "spells" but they say not from heart. I dunno if I believe them. A lot of what she said sounds familiar. Moms docs act puzzled. Not sure bout them docs.....

    Ok. Time for a piece a chicken. Probably BBL. Luv luv.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    I took Mom to Walmart to get a shelf thingy that goes over the toilet for her teeny tiny bathroom in the apt.....I got it all together to only find out that it won't fit because of her towel rack....Mom was disappointed as she doesn't have much room on the sink to put things...the bathroom is soooooo much smaller than her place in Florida....need to get creative to see what we can do to make something.....

    It was gorgeous out earlier this afternoon and I asked mom if she wanted to go to the pool....I know she is getting old cuz she said, NO, cuz I'm dressed and its too much work to change clothes.....its been thundering and raining in places...I sure wish we would get a real nice steady rain...we so need it with all the wild fires....By Thursday its supposed to be 99 and maybe top 100 by Saturday  :(

    Feeling anxious and I don't know why, so I'm enjoying a glass or two of cabernet before sure does the job!!!!

    ITs just DH and me for dinner...DS is working....going to grill a couple of spicy Italian sausages (kosher) and make some sweet potato fries and cut up veggies......BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange PRADA--coolCool

    Becs I would prefer DDS, Md and DO--that should cover everything.

    Karen can u put the shelve in another wall, any other wall? Does u'r Mom have a cabinet sink or a freesink. It's hard to compact things

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013


    Take down towel rack and use over door hook for towel. Sounds like shelves will serve her more than towel rack. My 1 1/2 cents.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs good thinking----see u think better drunk.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Cami and Beckers....agree, but I couldn't get the towel rack off...and what I assembled was actually pretty cheap!!!  Mom loves over the door hooks anyways....her bathroom is as small as they come....small sink/vanity, toilet and cutout/walkj-in bath tub....there is no way this bathroom could be smaller...i'll figure something out....besides the maintenance guy really doesn't like these shelves in case the residents grab hold of it and it falls on them.....I'm thinking a wall unit with a shelf or two and towel rack would be better...

    Great dinner....sweet corn on the cob and Italian saugage and wine...and more wine and gummy bears!!!! soon I'll feel no pain....hope to get another walk in with DH tonight....its still thundering, but no rain :(  and I'm sooooo hot....think the hot flashes are back...can't figure out why as my estrogen levels are pretty much non-existent and have been that way for several years!!!  DH asked me if it would ever go away!!!  poor guy is so deprived if  you know what I mean!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Cam. Outsmarted the tamoxifen on that one!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs as long as we keep the fountain going and the likker going---and the tendahs we're fine.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good evening ,wish i had gone to karens for dinner.  prada,very nice orange.    cammi sue,dds,phd,md,sounds good

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange I'm watching the ruins, I saw it before but I forgot it for the most part. Spooky.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Any one drinking with me?  redy to polish off a bottle of cabernet!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Karen, I'm going back to bed--had to pee--now I hope I go back to sleep,

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning all, see you later, off to the fat lady and "work " today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Never did get any thunderstorms yesterday, didn't even rain until evening, Supposed to get some today, and most of the week.  We'll see. 

    Karen--Walking is the best exercise, so I've heard!  I hear you about procrastination, too.  I have a big problem with that. 

    Juliet--ooh la la, I need a smoothie!  

    Wahine--hmm, are you thinking mud wrestling? 

    ORLA--it's the pits when the post gremlin gets you! 

    You sound like a pro indeed, Cammy!  And getting all the days of the week in order is over rated.  Spend your energy on something else, something fun!

    Becs--antioxidants are good, it's strawberry season here, blueberries will come later. 

    Karen--a glass of wine before dinner cures lots of things, doesn't it?  Does your Mom's bathroom have grab bars installed?  If the maintenance guy worries about people pulling on the shelves it might be a good idea to have grab bars installed, as well as a couple of shelves for her things.  

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Monday Eye Opener

    1 1/2 oz light rum

    1/2 oz triple sec

    2 tsp Pernod® licorice liqueur

    1 tsp white creme de cacao

    1 egg yolk

    1 tsp superfine sugar

    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a sour glass.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    becks I drink my fruits and vegetables

    you need a blender and go to vita pack website

    put that blueberries water and mix

    you truley feel amazing I feel it helps with my healing

    bannana mix peanut buteer so good

    kale spinich water and mix

    I saw that one cammie its scary im watching some now

    I woke up in extereme pain need to slow it down

    so staying in today its going to b 90 and humid today I can not breath in this weather need to see regular doc I need my inhaler

    ill pop in later

    karen mmm that wine sounds amazing