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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Funny Seasonal Ecard: Good thing caffeine mixes with booze. Otherwise, nothing would get done around here.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Funny Weekend Ecard: Thanks for complimenting the tan I achieved by passing out hungover on a towel.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange like those LOL------

    Now maybe u did to much ya think??? Too fast??? Please slow down.

    NM did u take u'r meds??? I've started late this morning.

    Julie take care at work.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Morning Ladiezzzz!

    Good DOTD the name of it! Yes, MUD Wrestling....of course!!! lol

    Lara, That is SO good you eat (dwink) healthy stuff....way to go, and yes, should help greatly with your healing! I like to do smoothies with just frozen blueberries, sugarfree & fatfree vanilla yogurt, some milk and some ice.....yummmmmmm! Used to do them every day, but haven't now for a long time. Love the funnies!

    We have nice fresh local strawberries and local peaches right now.....sooooo ono!

    Cami, Hope you feel bettah this ayem....don't want you in ANY pain, ya hear me?

    Stress can be funny....different for everyone. When I am grieving I can't eat at ALL...will end up skinny. BUT when there is so much stress and worry, then I eat too much. Lately I have been eating, and eating, not even hungry.....just want to eat. HATE that! I just worry so much about my DD....hope to hear something positive on Thursday.

    Bernie, I miss reading your posts and your funneeees. How are you? Any word on what can be done for the glaucoma? Hope Sinead is feeling well and doesn't have any problems.

    Hope everyone will have a good MonKeyDey....Hugs to ALL.....(I don't mention everyone, but read everything, and think of everyone!)


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Because its monkey dey....this is what I will look like if I don't watch out....(and I am always bare-footed, so this works).....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Kat===Have to wait til Thursday---I don't know what to say except I always pray for u'r DD- and dear (((HUGS))) for u-This is a remarkable group of women who truly care about one another and right now u'r dgtr is a priority now--we all know this.We all want a good resolve to this, of course we want it NOW, but we know it takes patience, I think it's easier having patience for ourselves than for our children--whatever age---and grandchildren. U r very loved by all and u should be---so sending ll the good stuff to u and u'r family. (Chit u know I'm not good with words)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Lara--I'm watching Pumkinhead--Blood fued---movies on all day today and it's cloudy and rainy and Monday--Take u pain pills u'r not ready to run 1,000 miles yet just walk what ever u do.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Oh Dorothy, that is scary about the object falling on your sisters car, so glad no one was hurt! I hope the new AC helps you  with the sweats, I’m off of mine in October! And you know mese had to gib you crap bout not being here. Enjoy your dad and mom too.

    Ha ha, glug glug glug, two men in a rug! I tink dats 1 man and 1 Kat in dat dere rug.

    Cami, you are so right about all the Dork has had to endure. She has had to deal with more than anyone should. Hmmmmmmm, farting = drink. Did you get your egg salad made? You smell lovely and yes, you sound professional! And you are too good with words, your words to Kathy were very heart felt.

    Becks, rants are aloud, so rant anytime. I hope if you went swimming, you were able to enjoy it at least a tiny bit. Dang, you only 12? Oops, I see now, no swimming.  Instead, ugly thoughts and Oscar Meyer wieners.

    Lara, I think all of us have yelled at you, girl. Slow down and let yourself heal, the gym is not going anywhere. Nice gift from your mom.

    Oh Julie, how could DorK NOT like dat boy toy, and he fixing her sumting to eat, yummmmm! My garden is growing crazy and yes still trapping, but not the way you are thinking! So sorry about your shoulder, how did you hurt it? And I know just how you would answer the question “do you feel  safe at work?” Mom has had PT prescribed, but quit. Most of the time she was in bed when they came by, and it was too much work, she didn’t like it. Oh, she is incontinent too, wears a diaper or nothing when she is in her bedroom, and uses a bucket. Often gets UTI’s as she only gets a bath 1 or 2 times a week. Kudos for your mom tho.

    Karen, good for you and your brother  for starting to build a relationship. Hope the wine helped your headache!

    Kathy, I would be so nervous if I had to run to catch a flight, so afraid I might miss it. Sure hope your DH can get his heart under control, and glad that you found so much information, and I’m sure Julie will be able to offer up some suggestions………jes love our nurses. Praying for good news on Thursday, it just seems like so long to wait.

    NM, not getting anything done is A-OK. You relaxed instead and it was much needed. Too funny about wondering how Kathy keeps the floor so clean! Thank you so much for the exercise suggestions for my mom, but believe me, she WILL NOT do them. The COPD is severe, she still smokes, diabetic, on O2 and C-PAP at night, or I should say when she is sleeping, which is I think about 75% of the day/night.

    We had a super time out riding with our friends yesterday. It was perfect weather, got an early start (7:30 am) and rode until about 2, at that time their Polaris decided to die, thank goodness our little quad was able to tow them back to their house. Well, grabbing me some Monday Morning Eye Opener and a Smoothie maker!!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Good Monday morning.....not sure what is on the agenda this morning....need to talk to mom but that won't be till after breakfast which will be at least 10am.   So first, its time for a shower so I can smell purty too, then walk and maybe get serious and start the online class I keep talking about!!!!

    Got rained on last night walking....was kind of fun....last rain we'll see for over a week...its heating up all week to 99 on Thursday and triple digits by the week-end :(

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013 ebberybuddy dwunk ALWEADY??? Sure is quiet in here....could hear an ice cube drop....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    lost 1/2lb per fat lady, gift shop was fun,manager asked when i saw the doc ,said nextmonday, she said we could use you , so got to call her when i find out wether i actually have to start working for a living againCry.  but pt concerned still having pain, thinks it might be chronic but rom and stength good.   so wait and see, lori,i hurt my shoulder again from lifting someone, i think im bothered because 6 weeks out from the last injury, no pain and full movement.          hows every else's monkey day, tjink i will have a glass of wine tonight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Goldie was here YYYAAAYYY--I'd better stop this yelling everytime u post Goldie.

    Everyone one sounds OK today--I'm watching my scary movies--it stopped raining for now anyway.

    Julie yes drink a glass or 2,3 of wine--why not.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Kathy....nothing to drink today....yet!!!!  Too early here.  Only 2 bottles of wine about a glass in the open bottle....thankfully, I ordered more wine yesterday....I order my wine online...great prices and I can order a mixed of this, 2 of that and so no shipping charges.....

    Puttered in the house today.....tidyied two closest and played on teh about avoiding taking my online class.

    Talked to mom twice today, but haven't been over today....if I don't go over, it will only be the 2nd time since they moved here....Tomorrow we need to get some forms notarized so I will pick mom up after lunch.  I feel weird not going over to the apt...might have to stop by atfter dinner....and need to have her for dinner again.

    Speaking of dinner....asked both DS and DH what they wanted and both responded, don't I told DH lazagna and he said no....well guess what!!!  I have lazagna in the freezer that was cooked for us when we were sitting shiva and I'm taking it out of the freezer....well I guess I better do that soon or it will never cook!!!  I also have a great bread in the freezer...hopefully enough salad fixins in the frig.....DS works tomorrow, so I'll make tofu.....DH and I love it, but not son.....

    DH has a friend coming over tonight so if we walk it will have to be early...or I'll be walking by myself...think the guys are going to watch war movies, drink...or sit out on the deck and drink and smoke cigars!!!!

    Going to get dinner out of the freezer.....bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen that sounds like a great dinner to me. And I didn't know there was an actualy time to start drinking--wow I've lived a crazy life then. LOL

    What a goofy storm we just got thru. My Katie-Kat is still in hiding but it's mostly over--the dog doesn't do much different, he just stays with the family. She's my radar not the dog. He's loyal.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Cami....if I drink before 4 or so then it gives me a big headache....has always been that way, even in my 20's!!!!

    Thought I heard thunder but its DH's TV cranked up with it hooked up to the stereo...he has a friend over watching movies...this friend is a great guy....and the past two times he's come over, he hasn't eaten, so we've fed him leftovers!!! Its so funny cuz he loves it.  The guy is single, so I think home cooked meals on a work day is a treat!!!!

    Walked with DH afte we ate, so didn't get to Mom' seems weird to me to not go, but I think in some ways its good...but I don't want to slack in seeing mom....but I did talk to her twice.

    DD#1 told me "good for you", when I told her sister that I cleaned the bathroom closet and the hall closet (this closed is like a couple shelves in the hall wall with a door....its really cool.......I  have so many "gifts" that friends have given me still in the bag in the closet...mostly, they are "smelly" stuff....lotions that are scented and I don't do smells well!!!! I guess one day, I should regift them!!!! It also has the kids games like Monopoly, Lift and others, plus old VCR tapes of the big kids and an assortment of other things.     Then DD#2 tells me she always liked that closet.  DD#2 is 27 and hasn't really lived her in 9 years since she went to college except for two summers and she's been married for going on 4 years...  I still need to do the pantries....thinks are ready to fall over!!!!   And lastly go through the pictures and art work from my folks....stuff that didn't fit in their new apt....There are 3 boxes in the DD#1's old have a little time, but DD and SIL will be here in September so need it down by then!!!!

    The HTL is quiet...where is everyone?  Hope everyone is doing good.....Want another glass of wine, but our friend told me how many calories are in a glass of wine.....only told me this cuz we were talking about beer and he said wine has more calories than beer!!!!  So will wait a while till I'm not full and then decide if I want another glass!!!!  just may need to walk more each day!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Whutsssssup???? It's Monday. Wheeze all hungud ober? I'm a wino tonight. I feel anxiety. Was making hotel reservations for my trip to Podunk in a few weeks. Was calling on job prospects out there and I think I have PtSD or sump thin. Heavy sigh. Miss hubby but stressed. I don't understand me sometimes. More wine please!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Thank goodness for a/c  in the bedroom, at least I could sleep well.  Still no thunderstorms locally, although some people got hit by lightning recently.  I like watching thunderstorms, where are they all? 

    ORLA--Take it easy in this weather and get your inhalers!  Doe they report air quality during the weather reports where you are?  They do here, and the air quality hasn't been all that good here recently.  Too much humidity for me, too.

    Good point about caffeine and booze!

    Cammy--yup, took my meds yesterday and this ayem, too.  Gotta refill the pill box now. 

    Wahine--that reminds me, I've got to pick up some strawberries, the stands are out and stocked now.  Stress eating is a hard thing to cope with, isn't it?  Praying for you and your DD.

    Goldie--I imagine you worry a lot about your mom, with all that going on she doesn't sound healthy at all. 

    Karen--Did you get online at all yesterday?  Hurry up, girl, the month is running out!

    Juliet--YIKES, hope the pain isn't going to be a chronic problem, that's not good!

    Karen--you've been busy!  Keep it up!

    Mornin' Becs!  I was feeling anxious yesterday pm, too, not sure why.  Considered taking half a xanax when I got home but ate cereal instead.  Must have worked, I slept pretty well! 

    Woops, running late, gotta run!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Cute Kat, so quiet you can hear an ice cube drop. And looks like there are lots of them on the floor, as it is still pretty quiet.

    Cami, I’m glad that you are excited to see me.

    Drink the wine and don’t worry about the calories Karen, they don’t seem to be bothering you.

    Beckers, what is PISD?

    Julie, I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. Seems like you have been hurt quite a bit this last year at work! (((((Julie))))) I hope it will heal, so you can get out of the gift shop and back to your patients.

    NM no, my mom is NOT healthy. I’m actually surprised she is still here. She was in the hospital about 3 years ago, congestive heart failure, and I didn’t think she would see the next Xmas. But she keeps plugging along, and I am grateful for that.

    Well now those darn critters are taking my green maters right off the plant. I found 2 of them half eaten, about the size of tennis balls. It is SO HARD to grow stuff out here!

    Blue Martini

    1/2 oz vodka

    dash of blue curacao

    2 oz lemonade

    glass of ice

    Stir ingredients with ice in mixing cup, strain into chilled martini glass, garnish with lemon

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Oh my, my, my now we have a BETTER name for TwosDey...I like that...Tasty Tuesdays...and what a hunka hunka burning love you found for us, Lori! What type critters do you have that eat all your veggies? I think you mentioned mice earlier, and I forget what else. Have you thought of setting up a VERY LOW wattage wire around it? I had to install one for my dogs at my last house as I had rock walls with pillars at the back, and cedar pickets above the walls, between the pillars, but it was only 4' high or so. Nice to look at but my dogs could get out easily. I got a low voltage one at the farm supply place, and it was ez peasy to set up (it did impress my vet though when I told him I did I had a large yard, so it was a LOT of wire to put on the fence. I think electricity scares him). They make those little ceramic (might be plastic now) handles, so you can undo the area you get into the garden when you enter it, and you won't get zapped.

    I LOVE that dwink Loweeeeee....sounds similar to the Lemon Drop, but when my DH tried to make it the other night it wasn't as good as it was in Vegas and Tunica. This one is simpler, so might try it! OR...go back to VEgas or Depends on how my DD does, though, totally. (edit: Wait a durn minute....just noticed the pwetty dwink only has ONE HALF OZ of likker!!! Whats up wid dat? Mebbe wese needz ta make it a double and in a bigger glass!!!! LOL).

    So, which podunk are you going to, Becs? Hate that you are so stressed...hope you were able to have some vino to help with that!

    Julie, I think you are getting spoiled (and deservedly so!) working in that gift shop! What a nice change, huh.

    NM, oh yeah, the strawberries are soooooo ono. Hope you get out to get some! I did some transplanting yest, was supposed to rain and storm but only got a few drops. SO now to water them a lot as its been in the 90's lately. Hope your garden is doing well!

    Well mese dears, time to git a woiking....toooo muchliest to git dun on Tasty Tuesday (and NOT the fun stuff like Lori has in the picture!)....just a lotta chit stuff. Hmmm....I hear some *kachinks* and lottsa coins falling....mese tinks Dorkiepoo is in de casino habbing fun. Gonna join her, but have to hit the free ATM foist....I hear those machines calling.....

    Happy Tasty Tuesday and TITS up!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Something to remember for those times that we run into things....I mean, being the drunks that we are, it is bound to happen, right?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat I love the T--also Gravity just grabs on to me---now that all describes me. Yea Kat I notice that drink 1/2 little pinch of vodka--I think we are trying to be reformed. or whatever the word id.

    Goldie u can't do this to us --the more likker the gravity really doesn't hurt so much. Oh u'r poor Mom. I remember when my mom went to her Dr. she was bout--late 70's and she had loads of spider veins and she want some taken out--well she had to have some tests done and the dr. told her no about the veins cuz she had congestive heart failure--My mom got up and said I'm leaving now--I came to have my veins done and u give me this?? Forget it all. and walked out--I told my mom u can't just walk out and she said I just did. We never talked about it again.???? BTW she died like 10 years later and not from her heart. But u guys know my mom and dad both were as goofy as can be. There I go jammerring again--it's the pain meds.LOL

    The lounge has been quiet lately, we'd better get some new stuff, I don't know what cuz we do have everything there and I like the hunk up there too--another one to add. Well someone was here, it's a mess--Prolly Dork--she sneaks in late sometimes.

    My Katie-Kat is in hiding it's storming here--we were possed to go to my DD#1 for swimming but we're not going. We plan on going Sat. it's my cousins BD so he'll be there and Joey and I can spend the nite, he usually does too. so I should be busy this week-end I hope the weather is good.

    OK I'll BBL--I just want u all to know u r all in my prayers always.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning all, just about to shower and go to work, see you later

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Nice walk this morning, but its getting my walks...listen to my ipod (Sir Paul, Carole King, James Taylor are my favs) and enjoy the fresh night I try to walk with DH.....

    No veggie garden this year or flower garden in the back yard....the dogs think its their place to sit and dig!!!  lets see what happens when we get it landscaped and put a "fountain" (not the right word but can't think of the correct one) in.....a friend is doing the work for us...hopefully it will come out nice and make the yard look prettier....with all he draught in Denver, our yard doesn't look as good as it used to....heck what yard, its all rock and mulch....what I mean to say are the shrubbery and flowers and thats cuz no flowers....I have some petunias in the front and I think the bunnies (we have loads of bunnies in the hood) like eating them.....thinking about putting a small veggie garden below my living room window as grass isn't growing there anymore....just maybe 2' by 4"....enough to plant some tomatoes and a couple other things, bu not enough to be too much work....but if I do that, I need to make sure I don't run it over with my car......hey it too late to do it this year!!!!

    Thats all for now......bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Has anyone ever planted those tomatoes that grow upside down? They seem so practical and hanging them alot of the critters can't get to them--Well they make them look easy to --I think it's tomatoes and u can plant them anytime. Maybe it's not tomatoes but something is grown upside down and I think it's tomatoes, but it could be something else--then I don't know a thing about it, if it's not tomatoes.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    upside down tomatoes...

    someone send me a pain pill

    my PS will not give me norco thats what I had

    shes an idiot

    I have tramadol I hate it

    Norco works

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I'm so sorry Orange that's not much of a pain med when u'r really in pain. (I don't think) I've heard Norco works pretty well, but why don't they give u what works--I hate that, especially when we know what works for our own bodies. I don't take anything that very strong but it works for me, cuz I don't like the heavier stuff all I take is Tylenol 4--it's better than 3 so I'm fine with it. My goofy story is that my reg Dr. didn't know they made 4 til I told her.  U'r in pain a long time, I hope u'r resting tho.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    1 class down and only 3 more to go.....this first class was only 1.25 hours....I still have at least 9 more hours to go....if I'm good, I can get them all done this week!!!!

    Orange...I can't take any of the narcotics...they make me sick to my stomach and bind me up that I end up looking preggo!!!  I probably still have a drawer full from 5 years ago....My last two wrist surgeries, I told the anesthesiologist and surgeon not to give me anything stronger than ibuprofen post surgery and they both looked at me like I was nuts!!!!    Now, I'm been known to take 12 ibuprofen in one day!!!  I take 4 at a time....and take 4 everyday when I get up to help manage my sinuses....the other day I had massive headache and the 2nd set of 4 didn't do anything, so I think I eventually took 4 more at night.....but I do wait 4 hours between doses..... Me aside...I hope you get some relief

    I've heard of the upside down tomatoes, but don't know anything about them.....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    I see yes that happened to me 9 months I looked like

    I take a probiotic now it works

    cammie its just because I over did

    I still cant lay on my side 3 weeks Wednesday

    It so hot here

    I booked a cottage on the water going with my best friend

    I was done and out last summer then her mom died

    so we r bringing lots of booze funnn

    July 17-22

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    ((((Lara)))) Wish you could get some GOOD pain relief! That cottage sounds like "just what the dr ordered" though...hope you're all healed by then!

    Cami, We HAD those upside-down growing things. My DH tried one and loved it, so he bought about 6....then realized they were a PIA, plus they were so heavy when filled with dirt, so you had to have something really sturdy to hold them. Anyway, long story long (lol)....I was glad to be able to throw them away this year!!!! Just my 10 cents worth....

    *kachink*...I KNOW its HappyHour somewhere!!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  I actually got off work a bit early today, came home and took Sadie for a swim, new we're back home listening to the thunder rumble in the distance.  Ah the simple pleasures of summer!

    Goldie--what kind of critters are eating your garden??  So glad you've still got your Mom, and I hope you have her a good time more.  Oh, great drink, can I have a pitcher???

    Wahine--I put up a low voltage wire for one of my dogs many years ago.  It ran off a battery. The dog learned to listen for the battery clicks, and only climbed the fence when the battery was off or dead.   He was too smart for me!  My garden is doing well, the foxglove are blooming, the basil is thriving, the tomatoes are looking good and the cucumbers have perked up.  The Greek oregano is still looking puny, not sure how that will turn out this year.

    Great T!

    Cammy--Go ahead and  jammer, I love reading your stories! 

    Juliet--good morning to you, too, hope you had a good day!

    Karen--Walks are good.  I may still get out for a walk if the storm blows over, but with severe thunderstorm warnings up I'll probably stay in, try again tomorry! 

    Cammy--you can grow lots of veggies upside down.  Tomatoes are common.  I've seen cucumbers done that way, the bush variety, and strawberries and peppers.  Anything that doesn't grow under the dirt can probably be grown upside down! 

    ORLA--have you tried taking tramadol with tylenol or aleve or ibuprofen?  I wish I had some pain pills to send you. . .

    Karen--Hooray for one class down!  Progress!

    ORLA--that trip to the cottage sounds like just what the doctor ordered!