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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM I'm glad u got off early for some Sadie time.It's good for you.

    And Orange like Kat says it's what the Dr. ordered, oh I bet u can't wait to get away.

    OK Karen u'r on u;r way 1 down. U can do it this week.

    And see I thought that was tomatoes I saw upside down, but they make them look so easy, peasy--Oh well another idea shot to hell.

    I think I have ro take a nap probably, but I do have scary movies on. Of course. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Now goils, don’t git yer panties all bunched up, we can hab de Tenders multiply dat dere dwink timeses 20. Iss cuz iss a Martini, dey don’t hab a lot in dem to begin wif. So quit yer kumplanin and jes dwink, me is, an doins sum Tuesday Tastin!

    Oh Kat, I think twying to keep a mouse out wud be jes ‘bout impossible. We do have one of those fences around our newliest warehouse, jes to keep out de cowz. I foyget who axed about which kinda critters mese habs, but mese habs meeses, rats, chickmunks and squoils. Not so much of de ladder 2, but mese did “trap” a chickmunk today. Sorry lil feller.

    Oh Cami, when Katrinka posted dat t-shirt you were de foyst one I tawt of. And yes de gwound mucho softer if we hab more likker! Those upside down mater planters are called Topsy Turvey’s, we used to sell them for $20 ea. when they first came out, now you can get like 2 for $10. I din’t know they made a Tylenol 4 either, wus in dat one????

    Ya Karen, a little late to start a garden….BUT, you might have some success with some variety of a cherry tomato, but I would find the biggest plant you can! It’s hot there, so too soon to start some cold weather crops, but you could try that later. 2x4 not much to work with. Ha ha, I first read your post about your class as “1 glass down, 3 to go” thinking you were into the wine!

    Well crap shoot Lara, did you ask idiot doctore WHY she won’t give them to you, and tell WHY you want them! Is there another doc you can call for them? Vaycay in a cottage on the water with a GF, sounds wonderful, don’t foyget to take some pics to share.

    NM, mese hopes I have my mom a lot longer too, but I know her time is coming, and she is only 74. Her pulminologist told her when she was in the hospital that if she quit smoking she may have 5 years, if she didn’t, 3. I know they are not God, and can’t predict when one goes, but she does everything wrong she possibly could! So glad you got to take Sadie swimming, did you go too? I think I answered up above about mese cwitters.

    Cami’s sweeping, I mean sleeping. Be careful not to trip over her. Hey, lets make her up!!!!!!! Who’s in?

    See all of you wunnerful ladies in de morning, I gots to go set traps!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi goils. Gimme two....whatever u got....tenders, vitamin V, blue martinis. Gosh I wish this place were real!!!! Goldie....I said maybe I have PTSD but PISD sounds reasonable as well.

    What's up? Y'all still here? Gotta practice saying y'all. WAhine, I leave Cali 8/3 for Oklahoma to spend two months with my hubby. Last night I was making hotel reservations, etc and I started feeling anxiety. Moving there was real hard on me and it's been beyond ridiculous ever since in our lives so I'm wondering if I'm having anxiety. Chit! also, med changes may have something to do with it. Dunno, but 'bout to get my vino on again.

    NM, my favorite part of Oklahoma is the thunderstorms. That part I do look forward to for sure. I'm really bad because I love the tornados too. Is that awful? I feel guilty because they are so destructive. I shoulda been a meatyurologist....missed my calling. You take your dog swimming? Where? Is Maine wonderful?

    Cami, how are you? How's Joey? I haven't had Annie in awhile. Her mama da ho is being a biznatch. Kinda dread next time I see her. I'm actually thinking of renting an iPad while I'm gone so I can leave mine with Annie. A 3 year old! Ha! I will miss her when I'm bone for two months.

    Okay, confession...I consulted Dr Google last night about why they don't consider us cured. Sucks. Need whine!!!! Bottoms up. I will BBL.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Bone?? Ha meant "when I'm gone"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs u can share wy we no curd of dis damdiseeese. I don't no how u do eberting w=cuz u alone so muchly, but I'm hapy u'll bewit u'r DH soonliest. And we cdon't care Y he's in jail u go girl. But u will miss Annie, I know.

    Goldie tanks for tinkin of meese bout de t-chit --it is like me tho. I know i hab esplained my fallin' that the floor just comes up to me so it's about de same.

    I know I already told u about joey bseing assepted to the gifted chilrens program PACE ??? I don know if he's gifted , I jus tink he's funny. Oh well

    And dees storms ---oop (burp) are horibal here--I a;ways loved de rain but not like dis.oops I did it again my mouf blew a fart  I love all dese drinks Yummy a good one today.

    LUBS LUBS HUGS HUGS --oops my ass just burped. (hic) 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Corky dere in de lounge. dis stalla heres. and guess what? she queers. yep, she came out dis night. corky dwunk so must go. super kewelness dat ye all whiting heres.but mese uh i meeans sheze too dwunk to comprendo hens. ahhh choooo, burp szuuze em moi. uh, sumbuddy pull fese minger, gotta fart.

    dwunken here heres and cheers to all ye goils. and uh, stalla nothappy with corKy, cuz she i mean mese gonna back to referendum reform place. and not cuz mese gay, cuz mese bad bad bad. I need pankings tenders. and wunks. ok, oh mese pulled  mese own dern figure on mese hand. ahhhh, dat wuz a good fart, take de pain of life al way. up up and away, cheers goils! stealla and dorkathy luvs ye all. cept you know who heheheheehe.  i pass out now.


    steLLa from vegas now

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    DD#2 gets a charted bus to camp tonight at midnight....DD#1 is taking her to the bus...A  mom in Toronto arranges the chartered bus, so it makes it easy for DD#2 to go visit her sister before camp.  Camp starts tomorrow.....Just talked with DD#2 and said I'll miss you and she goes, don't you miss me know!!!  Gotta love that kid!!!   She'll call me on visiting day which is July 7th....while talking to her, I realized that I'll be with DD#1 and SIL on visiting day.  I gave her a calling card so she can use it to call Canada as on the cell phone its really pricey!!!   The past two years I was in Israel on visiting day!!   The kids who don't have family come on visiting day go to the Walmart in Monticello (Catskills)...DD loves her a Walmart giftcard to use....She busy lots of snack foods!!!  I have a flat rate box already packed with treats to send to her at camp....and thats along with the food she took in her carryone and would think that camp doesn't feed them!!!

    My poor DH had an awful day!!!  He dropped his cell phone and it quit is his lifeline with work...he had to get permission to go to the ATT store to get a new phone (usually the company sends a phone when they have problems or need a new phone)...he spent 1/2 day trying to get it resolved.....He has a 7 am flight tomorrow morning, so he needed to get the phone resolved today....he's going to SLC for the day!!!  Its amazing how reliant we are on technology and when its not working we are stuck!!!!  For me, I still prefer paper and pencil calendar!!! but all my phone numbers are in my phone.....maybe I should put them in a paper directory!!!

    Well...I didn't start on the next class tonight...will have to work in the morning.....after lunch tomorrow, i think I want to go to the pool....O gp to the one at the rec has limited hours and of course its often filled with camp kids, but the price is right!!!

    Enjoying popcorn and my first glass of red wine....Lori...don't think I'll get to four!!! (ha, ha) but I'll definitely have a 2nd!!!

    Sweet dreams.....Hugs

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    Paddy goes to confessions, "Bless me father, I had sex with Fanny Green every wk for last month!". Priest gives him 5 Hail Marys for penance. Murphy goes in next, "Bless me father, I had sex with Fanny Green twice a wk for the past month!". He gets 10 Hail Marys! Priest enquires who this woman is and is told she is new in town. Next morn at mass a beautiful woman sashays up the aisle wearing a green mini skirt and matching green shiny shoes! She sits in the front seat, her long slender legs slightly apart - Sharon Stone style! The priest and altar boy cannot take their eyes off her! The priest composes himself and whispers to the altar boy "Is that Fanny Green?" "No!", he says "I think its just the reflection off her shoes!".

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    Calva watching TV

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning bernieLaughinglove the photos

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Bernie as usual enjoy the joke and and pics, glad to see u posting. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Sadie and I finally got to watch a good thunderstorm last evening.  It was pretty fun to watch, too, lots of lightening.  Sadie hung pretty close to me until it blew over, though. 

    Goldie--oh, yes, I went swimming, too!  Can’t not go swim with Sadie, she like company.  And I love swimming.  And it felt soooooooo good after being hot and sweaty all day.  You'd think nursing homes would be a comfortable temp, and they are--for the residents!  As it should be.  But it makes for awfully warm working conditions for the rest of us.  Please tell my your Mom takes her oxygen off when she smokes?  I've seen too many people with flash burns on their faces from smoking with oxygen on.  I hope your Mom has good time with you for as long as she is with you. 

    Becs--The thought of tornados terrifies me, way too unpredictable.  Now a good blizzard I can take and enjoy!  And yup, my local taxes go in part to a town landing on the local pond, so I make a point of going there as often as I can during the summer.  It's a tiny little place, but nice, has a picnic table and port-a-potty, some parking, and a boat ramp for launching boats.  It's usually pretty quiet there, too.  Renting an iPad might be a good idea if you don’t think the biznatch won't monopolize it.  She sounds like such a pain to deal with.  And yes, it sucks that we are never considered cured.  I'll join you in some whine!

    Cammy--Congrats on Joey getting into the gifted program!  He is funny, but he also sounds very smart! 

    DorKable--Good morning, DorKable and Stella!  Sounds like you both been in the Lounge for a bit!  Hope you slept well!

    Karen--isn't it amazing how much an active kid can eat in a day?  Sounds like DD#2 is in for a great time.  It's probably a good idea to keep a paper list of phone numbers, just in case.  I remember reading somewhere that when cell phone service is out lots of people show signs of withdrawal, everyone has become addicted to them!  Enjoy the pool, and get back to work on your classes! 

    BBBBernie--LOL!!!  And the fur babies look so comfy!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Hump Day Martini

    2 oz orange vodka

    2 oz tequila

    2 oz orange juice

    Orange slices for garnish

    *Feel free to add more orange juice, to taste, if you prefer.


    Pour all ingredients over chopped or crushed ice, into a cocktail shaker. Let stand for 1 minute and then shake vigorously for 5 – 10 seconds. Strain and pour into chilled martini glasses and garnish with orange slices

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Hey Becks, I had to go back and look at your post. My eyes are so bad, that lower case “t” looked like an I to me, had to put the laptop right in my face to see it! So sawry you will be missing Annie for 2 months, but happy that you get to see your DH. And I’m with NM, that biznatch will monopolize your iPad and not let Annie play with it. And why is she upset with you? Good Lord woman, you LIKE tornados?

    Cami, you so so dwunkliest you mouf farting and you arse burping….hehe! So proud of Joey, if you told us that, I don’t remember or it was during mine absence. I hope you were able to clean up ok after we made you up during your nap, and that the shaving cream came out of your hair ok.

    And Corky and Stella too!

    Yes Karen, our technology is amazing. My numbers are all in my phone too.

    Bernie, just love how all of your fur babies gather up on the sofa, and Calva looks so involved with whatever he was watching.

    NM, I think mom only wears the o2 when she is sleeping, which is like 75% of a day, or if the breathing gets exceptionally bad or if her o2 level gets real low. I believe it has dropped into the high 70’s. Glad you got to go swimming with Sadie, the place sounds just perfect and quaint.  Pictures next time please.

    More martinis………….oh yeah!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    WOW Lori....Hump-a-Hunk day is what I think of when I see the hunk you posted.....purrrrrrfect!!!

    Well of course your Joey would be in a gifted class!!! Prolly will end up at the top of that class, too. Both of my DD's were in the gifted classes too, and in lower elementary I had to take them to another school for those classes, half a day, so it was a PIA for me, but great for them. In middle school they got to go on neat trips and did cool stuff. BUT mainly it kept them from getting bored from regular classes. Then my youngest skipped 8th gr and went to a Math and Science school that was a 6-7 hr drive from us, when she was 15. Oh yeah, they boarded like they were in college, and it was brand new, so they had waaaaay too much freedom. Good thing I didn't know half of it till many years later (well I prolly only knew a tenth of it, and now *maybe* know half of But by then we had moved to the country and the school was not challenging at all, so I was glad she had that opportunity.

    I wish we didn't have snakes in our lake, NM....I am soooooo envious of you getting to swim with Sadie! We can't even let our dogs swim because of the snakes. And I always worry about tipping over in the kayak!!!! Good exercise for you, and such fun! Your garden sounds so good. Our tomatoes are doing well, but DH put the basil and green onions under the fig tree since we were gone a lot, and so they aren't doing well, too shady I guess.

    OH NM you know how to make a martooni!!! Lots of likker, oh yeah....

    Hope everyone will have a good day humping....oops, I mean a good hump dey! EmbarassedCoolInnocent



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Woke up at 5 when DH was leaving.....instead of getting up, I went back to sleep and was more tired...didn't get up till 6:45 and fo course came right to the computer.....Now an hour has passed....guessing I should get shower, walk and do another class.....want to go to the pool this a few  laps (few is the operative word)....ate too much junk last night and feeling it this morning!!!

    Don't what anyone things of Paula Deen, but just watched her interview with Matt Lauer on Today Show.....was not impressed....lots of crocidile tears!!!  Poor thing might not make as many millons this year!!!!  I think she is full of herself and to be honest, tired of all the hooplah...enough already!!!  There are more important things to worry about....

    YUP....NED is the best we can do.....but if we can be NED for years and years and years, I guess that is good enough for me.... As long as NED is my best friend, things are good....I've never consulted Dr. Google on this topic....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    WTF I'm typin away and it's gone>>>

    NM do u swim in a pond with Sadie-haven't done that in years=wherever u swim it's so relaxing to do that and I like the DOTD sounds yummy.

    Goldie I like Hunk day over hump day but I guess they can go together.Hmmm yea. U mom is reslly nit very old Goldie she's going thru a lot. Ohhhh

    I know I keep up with crazy things but I stil have no idea what Paula /dean did or said. So no opinion here.LOL

    And Ned Good word, remission too, it's really like ned just saying it different--that's what I choose to think.-so that's what it means. from now on.

    I hope u have a good day--it's storming (not nicey) here so this whould be an interesting day again. I've never minded blizzards at all just mean u might get stuck in but no high winds and all the lightening and other crap. So give me a blizzard any time.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Cami, Paula Dean is accused (and she admitted it) to saying the "N" word. What I gathered from the news report I saw was that she is being treated much more harshly than Mel Gibson, and others who have made big faux pas. She apologized, and did seem sincere from my viewpoint, so I chose to believe her. I think she has a big heart, but maybe I have not seen all sides of her?

    Well shoot I got my hair color yest, but STILL have not done off I go to the land of color....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  I get the luxury of a lunch break without needed to scramble to get computer work done! 

    Goldie--I never thought about taking pics of the town landing, I'll do that next time I'm there.  Yesterday I didn't even take the phone with me, so couldn't have anyway.  But I usually do take the phone in case of emergency.  Glad your Mom doesn't wear the oxygen while she is smoking, that can get pretty messy pretty quickly! 

    Wahine--Basil likes lots and lots and lots of sun and hot weather, probably isn't happy under the fig tree at all!  I'm glas your kids had those opportunities.  Bright kids do get so bored in schools that seem to be geared toward the lower end of the spectrum, which is too bad for the brighter kids.  And it probably is good that you didn't/don't know all that went on at the boarding school! 

    OK, gotta post this so I can go to the next page.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Karen--sounds like you're having trouble getting started this ayem!  I have that problem lots of ayems.  Even "just a few" laps is better than no laps!  Every little bit counts when it comes to moving more.  Who is Paula Deen? Is she a singer or actress? 

    Cammy--that post gremlin really likes to pick on you!  Hunk Day.  Hump Day.  Hmm.  I think I like Hunk Day.  Or maybe Hump the Hunk Day?  Swiming with Sadie is fun, and a little exciting at times.  I was just happily floating in the water and I hear  SPLASH and the next thing I know Sadie is trying to herd me toward the shore!  I mean, really, it was only knee deep where I was, just enough for Sadie to swim and not walk, she must have wandered out of the water and then come back and thought I was drowning or something!  It was kind of funny, actually. 

    OK, so Paula Deen said a bad word.  She must have been on TV when she said it?  Otherwise there wouldn't be any scandal, I'm thinking. 

    Wahine--what color are you going?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    NM, Found one article on what happened...might be biased, I didn't really read it all, but I do feel badly for her, as she seems very sweet and family-oriented. After living in the south, what I first perceived as "phony, too sugar-sweet" is really how a lot of people were raised, and THEY are genuine, not sure about Paula Dean, but I am hoping she is genuine.

    Oh, I just went red again....started with my DH's birthday about a yr and a half a joke really, but he likes it, and so do others I have asked, so for now...I will keep doing it. Its much harder on my hair though than brown was....but at least the WHITE is covered up....for now....LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Wahine love red must look great

    Becks love rain thunder

    Hi cammie, Juliet, Karen


    I just found out the nips and areole not being done until December this chit never ends

    I have to make the design about ovaries soon doc wants them out by 40

    I'm just having those out

    I still want a baby but with who I'm in this crazy situation

    Hugs did I forget something

    Oh yes I'm seeing primary for norco only if needed of course

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Awwww Lara, come and have a dwink wid mese.....*handing a nice cold strong drink to you*.....we can dwown our twoubles, ok? What kind of design are you going to have on your ovaries....just kidding...I couldn't resist it (dang spellcheck)! But shoot, that is hard, to know you have to have them taken out so young. I think we need to get drunk, what'dya say???

    Okole Maluna Haoles~! Dwink up.....


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    cammi ,of course joey is giftedLaughing,    lara glad your getting some pain relief, now don't forget the bowel relief too!welldone nm on the lunch break. you deserve it.   lori-glad your mum is not smoking while wearing her o2.  with stubborn a@# relatives you can take them to water but you can't make them drink! it took m onths to get mam to accept the stairlift , now we are worrking on getting her to use the walker round the house so she don't lurch from furniture to furniture.        kat-red! pictures needed. karen ,you been out walking today?  finished work then went swimming , swam  for 5 minutes before they shut the pool due to lightening, its an indoor pool!Foot in Mouth a goverment reg makes them close the pool if lightening within 3 miles!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    just trying to research wether tamox making my shoulder worse, does it target damaged joints with the joint pain? it gave me pain in the knees from the start  but now continuing shoulder pain making me wonder about that?  typing it in bing , also popped up a site to buy tamox and steroids!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Lara u made me said when u said about u ovaries--Most women do have them out I know but sometimes u don't want that.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    how about this design for your ovaries? ps is freezing your eggs a viable option or too many  hormones involved?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM that is so cute with Sadie, I love our pets

    Kat u hair is striking as a redhead, I wouldn't change it at all. I love red hair--like firery.

    Julie good thing they close the pool in or out--respect lightening-- and I'm not understanding u'r tami question, I thought all the meds disrupted our bones in some way, it's supposed to stop more cancer growth but in the meantime our bones, joints can be attacked, that's why we're supposed to take some stupid supliments that realy don't work We are the pharmacy dream people.

    OK thanks Kat I get it now--finally,everyone one is talking about it and I don;t have a clue what she said. Well the media love things like this. I saw her apology and she seemed sincere????

    This weather is sucking, just thought I'd tell u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wow Julie I picture u have al these men to do u'r bidding--WTF they can get my bones moving.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    cammi, the whole gym is in a metal building , plus metal pillars in the workout area plus all the electrical cables but thats not shut down!