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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie u'r so sweet--waert is a big conductor for lightening and if there is metal around it it's more so. But enclosed metal is not as much of a hazard but enclosed water can be---Julie I soud smart right now. LOL

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    DD got to camp this morning....she was so excited last night when I talked to her.  I won't talk to her till visiting day on July 7th.  This is her 5th year going to the same sleep away camp and her last year as a year she can apply to be junior staff....she has made some good friends over the years at camp.

    Yes, I walked this morning and at 9:00 it was already HOT....I didn't take water with me so I had to shorten the walk...only walked 1/2 why I didn't take water is beyond me as I'm one who doesn't leave home without water!!!  Instead of water, I took 2# weights....hoping to walk shortly with DH.   I did go to the pool for an hour this afternoon....swam 2 laps and gave up, but then I walkewd in the just felt good being in the water as it was sooo hot....but I got my pool fix today....not sure if I'll go much more this summer.

    I got 1/2 of one class done this morning.....I found out that my certification does not expire till the end of July, but I still hope to finish the classes over the next few days......these last 3 classes are 3 hours each....but I am actually enjoying them and learning something....If I do   1 1/2 hours (at least) each day, I can finish before I leave with Mom on the 4th.....not sure if I'll do anything tonight, but will try to do 3 hours tomorrow...finish this class and start another one tomorrow.

    Had Mom for dinner tonight....want to try to have her once/week....I still feel bad that I never had Dad for dinner the 3 weeks he was in Denver before he went in the hospital.  Mom was supposed to go to a concert in the park tomorrow evening with where she lives, but when she got home tonight, she found out it was cancelled...they said it was too hot for them to sit outside!!!  Mom was disappointed.  I could see if she wants to come for dinner again tomorrow.

    DorK....been thinking of you today.....

    Julie...thanks for you pm

    Lori, Kathy, Cami, Orange....hope all is well by you.....Sweet dreams  :)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    yah, ligthening is a funny ting. eidder ye like it er hate it. so dis night, we have wickedest storms, been hot as a bolcano here. so mese working outsideth wehn happenings and mese dad and de man in mese house. well dese come out to look at de storms cuz dey loves de noise. so whilst dey on mese deck and a biggASSS bold of lighning crashes down. so i text de man now outside on deck and say I jest shhhit mese damnSELF. and he texts back saying mese dad jest said I bet she out dere shhhitting herself. hehe, ya see great minds tink alike.

    i bin reading here on dis humpdey and looking at de hot mens dat J posts. and she nebber ebber ebbbbber share her sewket as to how she find dese hottliest boys, ya kow?

    wese had a family meeting, all good. got de new code of DNR yep. but still tinking that mese moms quality of life is werth keeping healthy, woo hooo, I dwink to dat. Mommy did goodliest with her soygaries and I git to keep her eben longer should God agrwee. keep praying for us goils. cuz I pray for yese, it only fiar fair i mean to jest dwink. and love mese goils. kk, too manny to list but love each of ye spayshall fems!  ls-ka-chEErs! aaaaj choooo scuze a mese. xo ex ohhhs for ye, all of ye, k? peace and more ChEeRszeeees. nighty night zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen u'r dgtr sounds so fun. It's wonderful to go to camp, but u won't see her til July 7th--ooo that's a while. That was good to have u'r mom over tonight and maybe tomorrow night. U've got lots of energy--good for u. and being in the wter is so soothing too.

    Well it's getting late for dese ole bones.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Ello!!! Cami, you gots thunder down under? says it is stormin but is that code for you are rockin da hammock with the new guy? That lloks way uncomfortable on dos rocks...glad you moved him to hammock!

    So..we are going to have heat wave and i am sure I wont survive. I got one of those cold towel thingies.

    Im praying for you dorky. I hope your Mom can be with you longer. I need to modify my Mom's advanced directive. Her decisions have changed now with my Pops being gone. I don't blame her. When I was in ICU I remember thinking, no friggen way do I want to ever be dependent. We all need advanced directives I suppose. Glad meeting went well.

    Imma go get whine. BRB

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    I'm putting this up tonight so you know what face to put on this morning..... Don't worry... Mark and Kristen will make you feel good♥ Karen Sharp♥♥♥

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Cami.....I won't see DD on July is visiting day, but I'm not going to be there.....she will call me on visiting day....I'll be in Toronto at DD#1....she will also call her Dad who will be home.....Camp is 9 hours from DD#1, but sure not going to drive 9  hours to spend an  hour or 2 for the kids who don't have company on visiting day, the camp has a "field trip" to Walmart and DD loves going...she has a gift card to spend!!!  I won't see her till she get home on the 29th.....The past two years when she went to camp, I went to Israel...but every year that she has gone to camp, I don't see her the whole time, but with her extended travels its longer!!!! 

    DH and I walked and it is soooo HOT and muggy hands are swollen and I can't get my rings off.....don't like it being sooo hot this time of night...

    Do I or don't I open a new bottle of wine and pour another glass of wine....enjoyed 2 glasses with dinner!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    i was going to try to have two windows open except dat I can't figure out how to minimize dis chit in Windows 8. I did get a pic up there! fanny....lmbo! goot one!

    Karen, What is certification for? I was bad and did all my con ed in one weekend last year for my license!

    Cami, speaking of conductors, I have a patient that got struck by lightening sweeping her porch during a storm.

    Oh no dorky chit herself! Oh boy, clean up on aisle 1!!!

    Oh no Lara! Why they want your ovaries out by 40? What kinda BC you hab? ER+? That's when I got mine out and I havent stopped sweating since. Well...maybe one or two times. I still grew bilat BCs with no ovs. WTH.

    Oh no Jules, I hope Tami is not messing with your shoulder pain! My doc said could mess with my MS. Maybe inflammation. Oh joy. Last thing we need is a little roid rage to go with the tamoxifen.

    Okay, enuf from my pie hole. Cheers!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Its 82 and its almost 10:30!!!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs it's storming ike rain, lightening anf looded areas--like crazy--we were going swimming today, but that got cancelled so we;ll try to do it Sat. And it humid here too not very pleasnt out. I hate this weather--I'd rather have winter niw that I don;t have to go to work and drive in winter.I like my electric throw and get all comfy, niw it's a/C and no rel releif.

    Karen I'm sorry I get so mixed up with all tge traveing everyone does, I can't keep track--But I did get the idea u'r DD loves camp so tht's important. And have 1 more glass of wine, Then u'll be done for the night. LOL

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Beckers....NCSP....School Psych national certification....

    I didn't have the glass of wine...but I'm sooooo hot, I'm getting into bed the fan blowing on me......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen see why I like Blizzards  u can easily get warm with a glas of wine.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    TOO DARN SCARY with all those storms you girls are having, and Julie, I rather have you am glad they closed the pool! ANd Dorkie, omg that was CLOSE lightning....and so funny about your dad KNOWING you would be chitting in yer The DNR is so hard though...I found it hard not to call the nurses when my stepdad stopped breathing...we kept shaking him or talking to him,bringing him back...then the nurses said we were supposed to let him go, and tell him we love him and that its ok to go. But its still hard. OMG I hope you don't have to do that with your mom for many, many more years.

    Our weather is too dry....supposed to rain every day, but nada. And in the 90's. BUT tonight we spent 4 hrs going to the ER....but my DH just has bronchitis....was a little sick a couple of days (and NO he wouldn't take the Zicam! Men!)...and then tonight his coughing was awful and his throat was raw, so although I would have rather stayed home, I am glad he let me take him in. Realized that at 8, the ER gets so crowded, cuz thats when the walk-in-clinics close. Next time I'll tell him he better get sick before 8 pee-emm! LOL. But I do hope he is better tomorrow and I sure don't want to get it...he has some strong meds though.

    Oh yes Karen, definately more wine!

    Cami, you're doing a good job keepin up wit ebberyone! AND you do it sober....hmmmm.....might that have sumtin to do wid it? Like when we dwink too much our minds are mush? NAH.....couldn't be, could it? lol

    Julie, NOT FAIR that you are having all those pains. Hope the hunky guys are taking good care of you at night....ummmmm....maybe you are being TOO vigorous at night with them.....I mean some of those positions....well....   But seriously, I do hope you can figure out what is causing it, whether the meds, or something else. Nice looking guy....

    NM, yes, would love to see a pic of your swimming hole! neat that it has a boat launch area too....

    Becks, thanks for reminding me of the cold towel thingies. I have two but they started smelling musty from putting them back in the container, and we never have used them. Then Lori told me that they can go in the washer!!! now I have to do that. Really neat how they work, yeah.

    Have a good night girlzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

    Hugs and Mugs a Beer,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Gonna be a long day of meetings and stuff in the office today.  Not really looking forward to that, but then it doesn't happen very often, so I guess I can cope.  At least I should get out of work on time!

    Wahine--Sounds like a lot of todo for something someone once said to me, but I guess that's the way things are now.  So you're a red head!  Good for you! 

    ORLA-  Boy recon can take an awfully long time!  Hard telling what's in our future.  Have you checked out egg banking?  That would give you the option of having your own child someday if it all works out in the future. 

    Juiliet--closing an INDOOR pool for lightening?  I know lightening can travel along pipes and the like but if the building is properly grounded it seems like it should be safe.  Or is it one of those regs that don't specify indoor or outdoor, just pools?  The government is too silly sometimes. 

    I want to go to THAT beach!

    Cammy--I've figured out what the woman said, but I still don't really know who she is.  And I'm not sure I really care, but the hoorah is amusing to watch. 

    Karen--sounds like DD has a good thing going there at camp!  I'm sure she'll enjoy herself.  Good for you with your classes, and good for finding out you have some extra time!  I bet your Mom enjoyed dinner with you.

    DorKable--DNR does not mean that your Mom won't get treatment for treatable thing, it only means that she won't go through the horror of having ribs broken and being hooked up to machines when her heart finally gives out.  Lots can be done to maintain quality of life without subjecting her to traumatic stuff like CPR.  It's not at all like it is on TV, and very rarely successful anyway.  I'm glad the surgeries went well, and that she is recovering nicely.  I'm praying you have a good long time with her. 

    Becs--Advance Directives do need to be reviewed from time to time. I've got mine and all my family knows just exactly what I want and don’t want.  And I have promised to haunt any one of them that doesn't follow my instructions!  That guy on the beach did look uncomfortable, didn't he?  Glad Cammy's taking care of him. 

    Karen--the answer to a new bottle of wine to open or not is always YES!  Especially around here.  The swollen hands and feet thing isn't much fun, is it?  Hoping to get a walk in after work today, if it isn't raining too hard.  Or maybe a swim, although the temp has dropped and it feel almost chilly right now. 

    Wahine--it is so hard to let a parent go, or any family member for that matter.  Praying for your DH, bronchitis is not fun.  Hoping you don't get it! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Meeting Day

    2 oz SKYY Infusions Wild Strawberry

    1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice

    1 oz Apple Juice

    ½ oz Honey Solution

    2 Medium Basil Leaves

    2 Medium Strawberries

    Muddle basil, strawberries and lemon juice. Add remaining ingredients. Shake and double strain in to coupe glass

     Anyone know what a coupe glass is??????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning ladies--OMG it took me a while to figure out it was morning or still last night and I took a nap-very confused this morning. I 'm remebering now that I stayed in Joey's room last nite while he was faling asleep--Strange feeling tho.

    Kat u had to go to ER Oh chit like u don't have enuff hospital and Dr. time--Well at least he got some meds to clear it up that's a bad infection too. Oh Kat today's Thursday--we've all been waiting for it with prayers .

    Julie Kat's right u seem to have a lot of things going on to long--I don't know much about this but u really got hurt.

    The wether here is way over limit for rain--last year it was way to dry for the farmers, this yr, it;s to wet--WTF Way to much T/L not just rain. And the Northside of Chgo was all flooded, trees down main rds closed yesterday-that, where my SIL had his rte and he said it was a mess and there is a lot of humidity with this too and rain gain today.

    How is everyone this morning? I hope OK and Moms OK too.I hate those DNR papers my mom would carry them aroud for my dad who outlived her, but she thought she'd out live hime cuz he never took care of himself, but she was funny cuz yrs ago (they didnt have alot of money-but some) she set up trusts so if she did die first no other woman would be able to just use the money that my mom saved--she had things worked out when she turned 60. I told u my parents were crazy in their own way. But I remember when my mom told my dad that about the trusts and he said I spent all of my life trying to make one woman happy, I'm not going thru that again. *he was so cute)

    Anyway it's cloudy and foreboding out--I like that word just like I like the word moross-don;t use them much but for some reason people like certain words even like marshmellow -some words are likable. My head is still fuzzy, as u can see.

    OK I'll BBL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    nm must be a nurse thing ,because i told my poa i will haunt them if they don't follow my living will!      dorty ,nm is right , dnr just means we don't do cpr ,if they stop breathing or their heart stops beating  but to complicate matters there is fat/dnr- thats full active treatment until death occurs or and- allow natural death,which means you do nothing to slow the natural death process but give pain meds etc,,, to make sure they are comfitable until they pass.   DO NOT allow anyone to suggest limited dnr to you, i have people want meds but no cpr, well  if theres no circulation those meds sit where ever the iv site is!  so totally useless, also full cpr but no breathing tube, if heart beat is re - established but no breathing still, do you want someone "bagging you" for the rest of your life. and nm is totally right on tv's portrayal of cpr , dorty but i'm so glad your mum has good quality of life and is eating so you can enjoy her longer, with my aunt whoose in pallative care,, the mantra is quality of life over quantity.                          yes nm, closing an indoor pool is crazy when the rest of the gym is still open,same building!  but its the goverment ,they are now talking of extending the range of lighting to 6 miles from the current 3 miles, so the pool is going to be closed more oftern,as you say outdoor pools this makes perfect sense  but indoors we all scratch our heads on that one, when we asked exactly why they had to close, gov reg is th eonly answer they have.  have a good day

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for the explanation on Paula Dean Kat, I din’t know what she had done eeder. Your hair looks most beautimous. Sorry your DH was sick, but that was funny about getting sick and going to ER before 8. And yes,  you can wash the towels, just no bleach or fabric softener. Will be thinking of you and your DD today, hoping and praying to get a plan in place (((((Kathy/DD)))))

    NM, would love to see some photos of your neck of the woods, even your garden. We have told my mom of the dangers of smoking with oxygen machine. I can’t say for sure that she doesn’t, since I’m not there. Paula Dean is on the Food Network, popular southern cook. I think you are right about Sadie and her trying to save you.

    Awww Lara, do you think you could adopt a child? (((((LARA)))))

    Julie, that is rather funny, closing an indoor pool. At least you got a little time in. I do believe these drugs cause us other issues. Mine is the Arimidex and rads too.

    Cami, sounds hot, humid and miserable where you are, with your weather. That is a cute story about your mom and dad, and the trust money.

    Karen, glad your DD is having a good time and that you are enjoying your mom. Sorry the concert was canceled. When I can’t get my rings off, I use window cleaner, works like a charm.

    Dorky Corky, glad that the family meeting went well and you feel good about it. No storms here, jes freaking HOT.

    Beckers, I have some of those cool towels, I even took one to bed with me last night. Mine is like 2’ long (or more) and I lay it right across the top of me! But I use them all the time in the summer, as it gets so hot here. Oh dear, you have the dreaded Windows 8? Hate it!

    Ooooo that DOTD sounds like it would look soooooo purdy! I have my coupe glass………….filler up!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Good Thursday morning.....I'm so confused this week....I started to write Wednesday....but the beginning of the week, I thought it was a day later...yesterday is the only day I've been right all week!!!

    Time to jump in the shower then for for a walk.....its already 72 at only 7:13...sure wish we would have a day or two of nice steady rain...its going to be 98 today!!!!  uhg!!!!

    Have a great day!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Hmm....we can have a "meeting" on the beach....we have Meeting Day dwinks and Sex on the Beach dwinks....awesome!

    If anyone wants to pm me any rads advice they have, from experience, or observance, I would appreciate it!

    We finally got all those storms last night too...from 2:30ayem to 6:30ayem...only know because of all the warnings I got in my email! Oh well, I needed the sleep! DH is weally, weally out of it today....the cough med has strong drugs in it, so glad he doesn't need to drive anywhere, and its a 12 hr drug, so its very long lasting. THANKS for all the prayers, esp for today....I am stressed out, but trying to chill. Speaking of chill, you sure use those chilly towels like you're supposed to Lori...thats great. I need to get my 2 out of the container and wash them so I can use them. I never think of it unless we are using the kayaks.

    Boy, I didn't realize even Casears Palace in Vegas had Paula Deen she lost that, and Walmart, and Food Network. There is also her restaurant in a large casino in Tunica. She used to cook with so much fat and sugar, then she got diabetes (last year?) and lost weight and started eating better, and cooking better. I think a lot of people felt empathy with her then, but poor dear is having it hard right now! Even though what she said was wrong, omg prolly everyone has said SOMETHING they shouldn've have said, at least once. Being the drunks that we are, we are allowed more faux pas than that, though!

    HUGS and LUBS to you ALL!!! I'm taking two of dem dere dwinks and have my sexy meeting on de beach!!!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    I hope everyone is ok with the storms

    Yes I will try freezing and egg banks

    I had 2 surgeries on cervix already I was cn 9 so I need them out

    They said would need a rubber band mybe third trimester

    So idk mybe I could not carry to term

    Becks u still got cancer cells? After ovaries out?

    Thanks cammie

    Wahine u make me laugh

    Juliet u r having pain still

    I am going to doc tdy to get my norco

    I know I did 4 miles today I received 6 bug bites

    Ill pop in later

    Cammie fear net all day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat please tell me that people who go to a casino would be that picky about where they eat. LOL They are really on her bad, and I think it's a little to much--all the people in that business I'm sure has said worse. But thst's what's happened.

    Kat most of us have had rads, I had 33 I think or 31 or somethingk very inconvenient hahaha--Finger crossed, prayers said Kat.

    Lori I forgot to answer u Tylenol 4 had double the codeinne in it, 3 had 30mgs each and 4 had 60 migs each so I usuallu take 1 and 1/2 instead of 3 tyl,3's or I take 2 full ones and it's like taking 4, 3. but it's cheaper cuz u get the same amount of pills and a little more money without using so many. They work better for me cuz I can tolerate codeinne more than the other stuff, I was told tramadol is the same but without all the codeine so I stayed with these.

    NM OK I did 10 minutes of walking today just in the yard--we have a big one, around and around--got a little dizzy, then I walked on the deck until I couldn't anymore-so I got my walk in today, now I'll do my other ones minus the one the PT said not to do cuz my hernia doubled me up the other nite so she said eliminate that one. I hurt so bad now, but I'm trying. Just thought I'd let u know I'm walking further now.NM I don't thin anything I have is curable but maybe it won't hurt as much, but they better keep on the pain meds or U'll see a headline from IL for a crazyclown going on a spree. And not shopping.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    YAY for you on all that walking, Cami! My DH takes tylenol4 for his headaches, but has had it for yrs, so gets rebound headaches from it. But his are so severe, not sure what else will help even a little. At least its a cheap drug! Codeine gave me bad effects YRS ago...almost went into shock...had to be I always say I am allergic to it, but that was like over 30 yrs ago when that happened! Might have also been because I was working 2 jobs and a single mom of little ones. Ya think? LOL. Now you are all making me feel bad, so I need to walk too...I love walking...and that treadmill keeps calling me... "wahine, wahine, wahine, come get on this machiney...", but i have not been listening!

    Lara, I was wondering about freezing eggs too, and glad the others mentioned it, cuz I was afraid to ask. Do you use bug stuff when you walk, or the electronic stuff you clip on? GOOD FOR YOU with all that walking!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat I need to lose like 2,000 lbs--and I know my little bit of excercise isn't going to do it, but I don't want to be with a walker if I can avoid it, OK not 2,000. But I feel like it--The only thing is that my back is so messed up with 4 different things that the T said since I fall for no reason I should prolly get a walker even when done with PT for safety. But as usual I live my life on the edge so I doubt very much about the walker.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Hi goils - jest checking in to say hello. Kat, sure hope your DH feels better before you know what! cuz hese gottsta be able to dwink.

    Thanks all for de kind words and prayers for mese Mom. NM, especially approrciate y input. NOw time to dWink up. cheerS mese loves ♥

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Prayers still coming u'r way Dork

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Hi dork prayers

    cammie yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh you are walking b carefule

    kat I had no bug spray yeckkkkkkkkkkkk

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    kat,lots of prayers for you and your family today. dorty prayers for you ,   hope everybody is having a good day, "working in the gift shop today

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Just came from my primary

    Got my norco

    she said that I should not have pain the middle it was sensitive and my PS is bascially an idiot

    Shes weird with pain pills IDK but feel better

    I wonder if insurance would pay for my freezing eggs