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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Funny Encouragement Ecard: Best of luck not getting murdered by the roommate you found on Craigslist.   For us cammie the scary movie watchers

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    hate the sayings on the end goils sorry

    but this one is for motivation

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Lara, I'm ready for another nap now.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Cammie did u see the murder post?

    That's for r scary movies

    Take nap

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Lara, Insurance SHOULD pay for freezing eggs when you are told you need your ovaries out, but I dunno.....maybe call them? Use the cancer card? I swear I laff everytime I picture Cyndie's mom incredulously asking her if she really had a card. She sounds so sweet!

    Thanks for all the prayers....still in a quandry. The rads onco dr put her case in front of 2 different boards, and no consensus about plan of attack.He actually hinted for her to get another opinion out of town, since all the drs know her case already here. I am HOPING and PRAYING she will go to Birmingham to the dr our surgeon recommended (the one that had tongue cancer too). Anyone that still feels like praying for her, if you could pray that she makes the right decision? THANKS SO MUCH!!!

    Time for a dwink. Had to run DH's errands today too....he is napping cuz of the strong cough med...I am TIRED!!!!

    On Bernie, loved the pics of your furbabies on "their" sofa! And Calva really watches tv? Guess he has control of the remote too, cuz hes bigger than the others! LOL. Sure miss you!

    Ok, Seagrams Diet here....a Gentleman Jack and Diet for Dorkie.....who else is imbibing tonight???/



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Ready to pour a glass or 2 or 3 of wine....have one bottle left, but not sure I want it....waiting for my new case of wine to come...its on the UPS truck....if it doesn't come by the time we sit down to dinner, I will open the bottle I have..

    Finished 2 classes today....the one I started yesterday which was great!!!  did that this morning, then took mom to lunch....this afternoon, I did another class....3 hours was torture...this class was so boring....title sounded good....SO I now have 3 out of 4 done.....7 out of 10 credits that I signed up for...listening to it stressed me out!!!!!  I hope this last class is better....not sure if I will do it tomorrow Sunday or early next week... Want to get it done before I leave with mom on the 4th.  

    It was soooo HOT on my morning walk and I walked at 8:00....drank 24oz bottle of water during the 45 min walk....

    Orange....glad that you got your pain meds....please remind what's the pain from?   because I wasn't here for awhile, I'm behind the times....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat I often see those commercials about the Cancer Treatments Center--located in different areas of the US that treat rare or adanced cancer with all kinds of Drs. working on 1 patient. I don't know anything about it personally but it seems to be respected by many?? Is that an option for u'r DD? And it's true if she's going to someone who is familiar with it then that has to be a good thing. Kat I pray for u'r DD every day and I'm not stopping--whatever decision is made I'm sure it wilk be the right one cuz she does have Drs. that wil help her find someone if they don't know enough about it themselves--they won't just leave her. U'll see there will be a way.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen u'r doing good on u'r classes --u'll finish in time don't worry----so finish the wine--more will be delivered tomorrow. YYAAYYY. I don't get to order so much anymore--but I loved my UPS guy--everybody did Bwahhahah

    It'snot as hot here, but it very humid so I did my outside wlk early today too--We're supposed to cool down this week-end--Great if it's to cool I'm not going swimming well I should say walking in the water no not on the water, in the water--I don't know how to swim very well anyway. But I did wnt to use my DD!'s pool this week-end--well for the sake of everyone I'm glad it'll cool off. I hope it will for everyone

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Opened the bottle of Dalton wine....last bottle....still waiting for UPS to deliver my case.....I always order by case from a place in Chicago....they have great prices and right now shipping is free....I order Israeli wines...they always have something on sale.....I checked the tracking order and the wine is on the truck to be delivered before the end of the day.....its almost 7:20, so the end of the day can't be far off!!!  I've already poured my 2nd glass and think a 3rd is in order as I'm stressing/anxious!!!  must be from the torture of the class this afternoon....had to listen to the whole 3 hours cuz they make you sign an affidative (sp) that you listened to the whole thing....and it was soooo boring!!!!

    I think it got to close to 100 today....didn't listen to the 6pm news so don't know for sure, but this afternoon, my car was showing 98 or 99.....and with the sun, I'm sure it was....hopefully the forecast for the 80's this week-end is accuate!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    See Karen I told u it will cool down some===U have delivery that late? Wow , well if not tonite then tomorrow for sure. OK question What are or kind of Isreali wines, would I know about them do u think?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Cami.....the same as most other countries.....I like dry red, so I order, cabernet, merlot, petit syrah as well as blends....DH loves dry white and orders charonnay......but there are also lots of other varieties....Yup....UPS delivers late...they have to deliver till the truck is empty, but I'm beginning to wonder about tonight....just checked tracking # again and its still saying on truck for delivery today....The box has to be signed for, so need to stay home till it comes....want to go for a walk with DH, but that will have to wait till wine arrives!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK karen I know all the wines then, I was brought up on wine, but reds only, but I do enjoy whites but always dry.My sister stil has her wine everyday too, as soon as she gets home from work and she stil drinks red, mostly merlot=she always orders that too. My Btothers akways drink red too, I'm the only white winer in the group. but I do like red sometimes.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Wine finally arrived a couple minutes ago.....good thing I don't need any tonight as it is quite warm from being on the UPS truck all day....its still over 90!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OMG u can take u'r walk now--Geeze it hot and late.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hola chicuz....happy thirst day!! Oh two day is mess fried day. I'm happy. MS is flared up. Pretty sure dats why I was feeling the anxiety the udder night. Hindsight is 20/20. It's all old symptoms rearing der ugliest head so I don't think it's a new attack. Gets on my nerves! Ha! Gives new meaning to getting on my last nerve....dats fo sho. I changed my avatar. My name is too close and mess face Iz recognizable. I'm not running from da law. Just wanna talk openly with you goils. Okay, ok, for the real story.....I told my PS I have 1 year smoke free. I told him BCO quit smoking thread was helpful. I got home yesterday and saw he twittered he has patient who quit and for peephole to check out site. I was like chit, oh chit what if he sees what I says bout Mr Oscar Meyer. So I hurry n change my pic!!! Ha!

    BBL when I get mess chower. I always feel like I'm closin this joint down by mess self.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited June 2013

    Hey Lori. Hey Kathy. Hey Donna. Hey... everyone else! Laughing

    Happy birthday to me! I always reflect on this day as 8 years ago I finished chemo my birthday week! I am jumping for joy at being 53 years old! (but don't tell Avery - she thinks I'm 34! hahaha...)

    I kind of count my surgeries and my rads as milestones too but the birthday one is the biggest reminder.

    Life marches on. I rarely visit here anymore simply because my life is too busy with the same old stuff: kid, house, dogs, work.....

    Lori, we will try to visit you one of these days. :) My ex-MIL is in the Phoenix area and I think I could plan something. And Kathy, is Delta still your favorite airline? lol! Please let me know if I can ever help you. Please! I will try... Tongue Out

    I had my birthday margarita <snicker> at lunch and promptly got a headache. (wtf???) I'm now winding down with some scotch. It's been a hectic week of vacaton and it's not over yet.

    Cheers to all the wonderful ladies here and cheers to all our friends who have gone on to other places. I salute you all!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    LOL I am on *hold* with Delta as I type! Flew to Paris and Prague with Delta a couple of wks ago, Vegas last monrh, and Ireland and Madeira before that! I always think of you and hope you will be on one of our flights! It was so awesome when you met our plane in NY that time! Hard typing with one hand. But I am so glad you stopped back into the lounge! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and BIG CONGRATS on this milestone! Please stop in more often, and give Avery a big hug from us, ok?

    Oh no, Becs, that sux when someone we know in the real world starts coming on bco....I have had that happen b4 too. Hate that your MS flared back up! Also hate being on hold so long with Delta...they said 42 min....yikes!



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    I'm sooooo HOT....DH and I walked and it is still too HOT out for my liking....the AC cycled off (its on power safe) in the den and I am dripping....need to turn it back on...its the only room we have AC....have fans in our bedroom....of course I spend most of my time in the den or the kitchen when I'm cooking.....A friend invited us for Shabbat dinner tomorrow night, but I haven't responed yet.....part of me want sto go and part of me wants to be home...its just DH and me....Saturday we have friends for Shabbat lunch...trying to figure out what to cook.....guess I can sleep on it....will put my challah up in the morning, then walk and go grocery shopping and then cook....maybe lots of salads!!!!

    Sweet dreams everyone.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Happy Birthday Janis and Congrats on u'r life of happiness--it's wonderful.

    Kt 42 min. LOL u do have patience--are they saying hold on u'r the next caller. hahaha

    Karen COOK? It's so hot there. Salads are u'r best bet all the way aroud, u don't want to lite an oven or maybe u can use a crockpot for something? U'r heat is way to bad for doing much--just try to relax in the meantime whenever u can.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    Long time no check in. Everyone still here? Check. Everyone still drunk? Check. Everyone have a drink? Not enough.   CHEERS ALL!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    More Ben's Photos Hairy Model from CurbwearCheers and damn!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for the dwinks and de cheesecake, Unde! Welcome back to the land of dwunks!!!

    (Took over an hour waiting for Delta last night, then turned out I didn't need to call them after all.....aaarrrgghhhh!)

    happy fried egg dey!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning--I'm learning how to do these things little by little I'll work up to something interesting, since I'm my only student I'm a slow learner so be patient.

    Kt u stayed on that stupid ohone all that time and u didn't need to ugh

    Hi Undie I'm glad u showed up and not empty handed either--nice of u.--They ALL look so good.

    NM take u'r meds. I already did my walk this morning. but it was much cooler than yesterdy so it was a little longer this time, I guess it's cooling down, I hope it is for everyone


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    See Cami, you can post pictures, and drinks too! Sex in Driveway sounds really yummy. Thank a ewe for edumacating me on de Tylenol. Good for you for walking and even trying to do more. I do hope it helps some with the pain. Keep it up, very proud of you. Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), that is where I went for my treatments. I went to the one in Tulsa. And yes, you have a team of doctors, and they all meet together with you. It is an awesome place, everything under one roof. Awesome staff, so caring and a very spiritual place too. They have a chapel and clergy there too.

    Been topping over 100 here Karen. Hope your wine made it home. Yep, I see that it did.

    Kathy, I don’t really have much to offer for advice on rads. Other than the fatigue it causes, and to rest when your body says to. It is accumulative, so if you don’t rest, it just gets worse. And that sex Cami posted is in the driveway…

    Dort, glad to see you pop in, even if only brief.

    Lara, if you don’t like bug sprays, look up Bug Band. It’s all natural and smells really good too. Call your insurance provider and ask about them covering to freeze eggs. You would think they would, as it is medically necessary for you to have your ovaries out, good luck. See, Kathy is making the same suggestion (great minds).

    Oh I remember when Cyn’s mom asked her that, that was funny.

    Oh dear Beckers, so sorry you have to hide from de doctors. But that is funny dat he “tweeted” it. So your name being close, close to first or last?

    Cheers Jaybird! Would love to have you and Avery for a visit and if that can’t happen maybe I could make a trip to Phoenix. Congrats on 8 years!

    Oh what pretty drinks Unde, and the eye candy not so bad either. What’s keeping you away?

    Town Friday for us, but you all know that. Gonna go to the movies too, not sure which movie we will see, the one with Sandra Bullock in it or there is another one the DH wants to see “White House Down”? And then tomorrow or Sunday I think we are gonna go riding again.

    I say we have Cami’s drink today “Sex in the Driveway”!

    Freaky Friday

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Becks that is so funny

    Kat,goldie I will look into that I need another pre authorixation for december for the nipples and such I am not doing my cobra its 600 a month so I need to use DH card now

    Went to the gym felt good

    cammie lost my drivers license did it all over the phone no DMV lines

    Karen I enjoy different wines as well

    sounds like u have great taste

    My mother is of Jewish decent love the challah bread and the wine

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning all, off to the gift shop today, so will see you later.all have a wonderful day , (((((kats and family))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Lara if u'r mom is Jewish aren't u Jewish too, I used to know these things.

    Becks I can't believe a Dr. would spy on people , isn't he busy enough--Geeze I have my name all over the place I wouldn't get away with anything, but I don't care--I think the government is folowing me anyway cuz I write every week to them compaining or telling them what to do. Just my way of helping. U notice it took a sharp turn when I retired. LOL

    Lori I'm so furcited that I could tell u something u didn't know --U gals know everything and I know goofy stuff and for once I said something that a few of u didn't know--I'm trying to get the fun ones on, right now tht's all I have--I'll learn--u guys motivate me--My sister and I were talking and laughing of course about IQ's not changinging well we figured ours totlly changed, I know nobdy believes this but our IQ's were of genius levels, hahaha now we figure adding both of them together we might make 1 genius level IQ--we are both in lala land all the time. I know it's not believable but that's life in my world of insanity. And Lori u did go to the CTofA wow would that be a good idea for Kat's DGTR? I never thougt of it for myself at the time and we have one not far from were I live But Kat should get the best and that sounds like the best to me--so maybe KAT think about it.--The thing is they are not in every state there's one in Chgo and I don't know if u stay around there or there or what, but u know Lori, so it's an option maybe. Just trying to think of options.

    Lara stay on u'r insurance for heaven's sake--no one can afford all this crap. Please don't overo--I hope u'rfeeling better and disaster movies are on today, kinda like those so I'll watch some.But we're supposed to get rain later and I hope it's rain then I'll go to scary. The mood is right

    This is of no interest to anyone, but i think I'm bleeding (slightly) from my navel, I notice it on my underwear, that's where my hernia is--so I'll check it out next week. soon enough.

    Supposed to be going to my other DD's house tomorrow for some water time. I love that but getting in and out is not easy for me bending is hard so I can flop in but can't flop out like a fish, of course it wil be funny for everyone cuz bathing suit is not an option for me, my scars are high and low mostly high concave, not that I care, but my DDs's get all goofy about things like that--Someone else must have brought them up while i lived in a drunken stupor working 2 jobs raising them--someone with morals, not me. They are so pruddy.

    OK my excesies are done and pain meds taken so again I'm blabbering, in a little while I'll be like senile, which is fine for me for a short time. Oh I have to tell u last night Joey and i were cuddlying and I always call him my baby and he loves it--but all of a sudden he said "U'r my baby" and kissed me and hugged really hard. see why I'm still hanging around.And of course u guys keep me on alert for fun stuff and new things that's going on so i have to have some resonable thinking happening. Thank u--u gals are just the greatest and each and everyone one of u bring a special gift to me all the time--specially the hunks.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Good morning!

    Wahine, you were on hold all that time??? After 15 min I'm afraid I would have forgot who I called.

    Hi undies. Thanks for the hunk and drinks.

    Jules, how is shoulder? You still enjoying gift shop?

    Cami, you are doing so good exercising!!!!! Sex on driveway....cracks me up. And ditto to what you said about everyone here. Stumbling into HTL has helped lift my spirits. I look forward to getting home and checking in every day. You all are da best!!! And you hab all the hunks!

    Lara, gym? Are you feeling the difference? I teach people how to exercise. Stil trying to develop the want for myself. :-/

    Goldie, Beckers being close to Rebecca. Maybe I am just paranoid. Ha! So my video I made. I have to figure out how to pause music when videos are playing. I showed him what I had and he loved it. I will see if I can put on YouTube when I'm done and you can see it. Fun to have creative project.

    Ok girls. Gotta get ready to take Mom to doc. Hab good day!! Cheers!