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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    well we like seeing you,so i'm sure they do too,hope your feeling better miss cammi.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    U guys are so sweet.

    Goldie hahaha I can't imagine tipping someone who is serving drinks to stay away, LOL I've only been to vegas a few times, but I drink all day and nite bt 10PM I'm in bed. But it's so strange cuz I'd be the first one up of course and go downstairs and start playing and always order Kalua and cream like 8AM--then after lunch go with Baileys, then after dinner usually vodka and water--I had to hydrate myself even then LOL. I had my scedule for my drinks, nothing else in my life.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    i love the all inclusive resorts, especailly the pool bars, usally wait until after noon to start drinking but after 24hrs we start when the bars opens usually 10amLaughing have fun miss innocent

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    This just happened--I'm out of one of my meds and I need my antibiotics--so I told my DD I needed PCP--she didn't say anything to me so she told my SIL when he got home and came in here and said what are u out of and I told him. I guess I don't repeat that to a dr. My brain is really getting a smathering.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Cami, we don't even stay up THAT late! But do drink from the time we get up, until we go to bed! And my DH doesn't drink! Not sure about your last post, but are you referring to the PCP as sounding like illegal drugs, and not primary care phys........LOL.

    Never been to an all exclusive Julie.

    Working in the house today, which is why I am posting!!!!! Boss can't see me!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    nice one goldie!  love the all exclusives because everything is paid for before you arrive, so no nasty bar bills at the end of the holidayLaughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hi again everyone---Oh I was fixing my computer for hrs. hit something??? and it was acting crazier than me, now I just found a tiny little bar under the space bar and hit it and a round circle came up???Oh I better stop trying things I findly have it pretty much the way it's supposed to be---How could I just notice these things.

    So Goldie u'r going this weekend? Have a save and fun time.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Cami.....sorry that you are having so much "stuff" going on.....

    Lori.....have a fun week-end

    Several years ago I desperately needed some tiime away, so my DH found an all inclusive in Mexico...he came for a couple days, then I stayed a couple more by was wonderul!!!!  Read by the pool and enjoyed a drink whenever I was thirsty...this was before the beast when I drank more than just water, fruity herbal tea or red wine!!!!

    Took Mom to get her Colorado ID today....2 hour wait!!!!Also took one of her neighbors, but get this...they wouldn't let the woman get it cuz none of her ID's said what her middle initial "M" stood for....and what she had for proof of address was from social security!!!! geeze...I felt so bad for her...stupid bureaucrats!!!

    Tomorrow I get to meet a "sistah" that I originally met here at bco....we were Dx 2 days apart.....she is in Colorado on vacation and we are meeting for breakfast....I'm so excited!!!!  Her son is the same age as my DD#2, so I've seen him grow up on fb and emails....don't know if he coming too, but I wouldn't blame him if he skipped it....

    Watching the news and waiting for the room AC to kick back on.....I'm soooo hot....steam is coming off my head!!!!  Think I'm going to have to turn it on manually....waiting for the day when I'm cold!!!!!

    Enjoying a glass of cabernet....cheers.....and sweet dreams :)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Me again....almost 1 ayem. Wtf??? I know I'm tired. Thought I'd take a peeksey in da HTL. Don't mind me, jes lookin fer my usual....oops! Sorry...shhhhh!

    One day soon I catch up with you girlies. Been so busy! Had to do Moms pills tonight and then my sister decides I need a budget. I got heart palpatayshuns and hot flashes!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  A wild and wolly thunderstorm came through last night, lots of lightening, lots of thunder, great fun to watch.  Of course I've got a load of laundry on the line that got drenched.  Oh well. 

    Goldie--wow, you have hungry hummers!  I'm sure they'll manage to stay alive.  Can someone fill your feeders for you while you're  gone? 

    Wahine--Sounds like Maverick is doing great!  And Molly jumping on everything sounds like fun, too.  Our pups are such good company, aren't they?   Sounds like your toes are a challenge to live with, hope the podiatrist can offer a permanent fix.

    Cammy--wish you could come swimming with us, too!  Another bladder infection?  Tests on your liver?  Something with your ribs?  And you’re in pain?  This is not what I want to be hearing!  Hope the pills and rest helps.

    Juliet--any excuse to be at the pool, and a pool bar is a good one!

    Karen--that Mexico vacation sounds like a great time!  And all that wait time, and then the place wouldn't accept the lady's Social Security proof of address?  How crazy!  And be careful not to cook any eggs on your head!

    Becs--your sister decides you need a budget??? How weird is that?  No wonder you get palpatayshuns! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thunderstorm

    1/2 peach schnapps (archers)

    1/2 vodka

    1/2 malibu

    1/2 Blue Curacao

    splash pineapple juice

    drink can be served as shooter or over ice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Ladies.=NM did u take u'r meds?, I hope u go swimming with Sadie today. And the DOTD sounds good today and refreshing. It's going to be in the 90's today with high humidity, I hate to say this cuz it's like a curse, but so far the weather hasn't bothered me, I have the chills alot so I'm warpped in a blanket and my kids are yelling at me-I don't knowif this is a blessing or curse hahaha


    I can't believe they put that poor neighbor thru that like SS isn't enough proof. And who cares about her middle initial--some people don't even use it.Oh what a waste of effort. Ahh Mexico sounds relaxing the way u put it.

    Becs what's going on? heart palpatations litterally or figurtivly because of the budget thing. WTF is that all about.

    I hope weather has settled down in he hot spots--summers is 1/2 over--which I can not believe so not to much longer--kids go back to school at the end of August here so to me that means summer is almost over.

    Orange there's crazy movies on SyFy today--that's what I'm doing--I'll do some excercies but I can't do all of them anymore for now t least--I'm turning this into another of my soap operas--my cousin gets a kick out of it--she always says here we go again, I never knew anyone that has so much crap with cancer--she's had it, she's the one that lives right off the lake and we go for fireworks next weekend--our family looks so forward to that--it's so much fun.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Yes Cami, going away, leaving this morning. I have nothing under my space bar. I hope you are able to go to your cousin's for the fireworks. Summer just started, or so it seems, I don't want to think about it being over Cry.

    Karen it's always exciting to meet a breasty, ENJOY!

    Becks, are you waking up at these odd hours, or staying up until wee wee hours? You need a Tender to cuddle up to, or maybe Annie. Hope you get to see that lil cutie this weekend.

    Rain on your laundry NM, just think of it as an extra rinse cycle and how good they will smell. I think my hummers will be fine too. No one really to come over to feed them and DH doesn't like people here when we are gone. I'll have my Thunderstorm on the rocks please..............Pants!

    Just realized I was a day off with the hunk I posted yesterday, and it doesn't seem like any of you caught it either! Ha ha, we all too dwunk! Well, y'all have a good week end, I doubt I'll be on until I get home.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Be safe Goldie and Good Luck---we have some boats around here but they are not like Vegas or anything like that. Been a couple of times--bad Luck for me--My cousin goes every week and see a whole bunch of my cousins, but they are in a different world when they are there no visiting just playing. I've gone with my GF's and we have more fun cuz we;re not seriously going like they are so I never go with them. My one GF goes alot with her DH so she gets comped the dinners so we go for dinner (her husband doesn't care about that) and stay awhile--the food is great. One time we went for the buffet with crab legs (ick for me) but other good stuff but my GF got sich eating so many--she was such a pig and I told her so. So I have enjoyed some of those things.

    U know I haven't hear back from Adey about lunch or anything I'm wondering has anyone heard from her. I kniw she had 2 dr. app't this week and I hope she's doing OK. Maybe someone has on the Illinois thread. We just planned a maybe this week so I figured she wasn't really sure if she'd be up for it. So that might be it. Then I'll PM her too.

    Orang again I have SyFy on goofy movies but better than nothing. U notice all these cheapy movies are mostly outside and some kind of barnlike building thru the whole thing, LOL Oh and of course mostly at nite with lousy lighting. And Yet I still watch them--How sick am I. Oh yea I am sick LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    I do hope you hear from Adey, Cami. And that she is ok. Now, I'm not going to Vegas, just to Laughlin. MUCH smaller and full of old people! I call it OPC for Old People City. Lots of families with kids there this time of year, playing on the river with their water toys.

    Too funny Julie!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Have fun in Laughlin Goldie!!! Win big!

    Cami, I had some, well lots of doctor bills that were too overwhelming somy sister helping me get control of them, hence the budget. And yes I had palpatayshuns, yikes! Needed some libashuns for that project.

    Gotta kick my butt into a higher gear and go to work.

    Love, love

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Is that a pic of Laughlin, Lori? I didn't know it was on the water...a lake maybe? I hope you have fun, fun, fun, and win, win, win! I was playing the penny slots for awhile cuz some of the new games are a lot of fun, but since you usually need to put in at least 40cents a pull, and sometimes a dollar or two, I gravitated to the $1 and the $5 machines and won much more that way. And since DH does a lot of highstakes BJ to keep up his rating, I don't really need to play for the freebies, but I do like to keep my rating up in case someone gets to join us there sometime.....hint hint....esp as Alli has mentioned maybe getting together there. Would love to get free rooms for all of us. HAVE FUN!!! Oh, and shoot, are we supposed to notice the WORDS on the pics of any hunks??? NO sirreeeebobarella.....wese all lookin at de Hunk! Nebber noticed it said Thursday, and it was Wednesday. Is this a test? We can't have a test here, ya know! LOL....that WAS funny!

    Love the "Aunty Acid" words of wisdom, Julie!

    Yummy DOTD NM! And yes, our furbabies are such fun, I can never be without one or two. Traveling is hard as we miss them SO muchliest. They don't understand my moving things around the deck every day to work on now instead of lying on the dog trampolines or in the dog houses, Mav has been right by the door!

    Cami, I do hope you get in touch with Adey and that all is alright with her. Looking forward to you two meeting up!

    Lara, did I miss a post from you? Hope you iz ok!

    Karen, Sounds like you have been bizzy, bizzy, bizzy.....

    Dorkie, Where are YOU????

    yeah Becks, your SISTER decides you need a budget??? WTF??? HOpe your heart palpitashuns were just cuz of the WTF, and not really happening. My DH has to wear a heart monitor as he gets tackycardia a lot....but it arrived about 3 days ago and he hasn't even opened the box! Guess he is not looking forward to wearing it.

    Good ThirstDey Girls! Lori, was yest your DH's bday? Hope he had a good day, but I know you will both have fun in Laughlin! May the Gambling Gods be good to you......



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Yes, it was DH birfday yesterday. And yes that is Laughlin, it's on the Colorado River.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    lori,have fun, becks budgeting for bills is no fun but budgeting for fun stuff thats ok, cammi,did you get all your pills? ((((adey)))),  ok its poring with rain so the swimming pool was closed so no exercise today, going to have a nap first

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I jst lost my whole post. WTF did I do.

    OOOHHH---yea I hope Adey is all right I haven't heard anything.

    Goldie that's a beautiful picture of where u r going--Good Luck and hope u'r DH had a great day,

    Kat I don't understand why u'r DH has to wear that--Is it to chek for how the heartbeats--I can not think of those words I want.

    Julie I love the horse--he can tie it up by my house anytine he wants and then he can come in.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    WOWSA I keep singing "Save a horse, ride a cowboy!"....hmmmm....wonder why mese is tinking of dat? Dang, hes a HUNK!!!!!

    Cami, its to see when the rapid heartbeat (tackycardia...(sp?)) happens and for how long, etc. My DD2 had to wear one when she was soooo young...prolly about 14 or so....but it turned out she was ok. I think it was cuz her daddy died. She also got SHINGLES that year and broke BOTH her arms. She didn't grieve with the normal way with tears, but holding it all in, made it come out in those other ways.

    Sorry your pool was closed today, Julie. If you can catch the UFO and get to Dotty's house, I think she is in her pool right about now!

    I put 3 coats of stain on the last section of deck boards....hoping it dries before dark so the dogs can come back up on the deck. SOOOOO hot and humid.....was nice to get a good shower when I finished and now a nice stiff....ummmmm....oh yeah...drink!

    Pau Hana Time girlfriends....drink up!!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    some family you are born withSurprised, some you get to chooseLaughing

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    not a candidate for a tender then

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    ROFLMAO Julie......

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Ello luvs! Happy thirsty day! Mese so tired! Been up for two nights playing with tendahs til wee hours!

    How tall do you suppose that der cowboy is?

    Love the Family cartoon Jules! How's the shoulder?

    My Mom wore the heart monitor Wahine. Is it the one you have to call and transmit episodes by phone? I think meeting up for a weekend trip in Laughlin or somewhere would be fun.

    You got distracted by that horsey Cami and lost you post!

    Ok, imma go for now. On ice! Heavy lift went wrong and I was left standing there holding my patient! :-( so ice ice and more likker!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh shoot Becks, you gotta ice yerself down...but leave enuf ice cubes for your dwinks! Hope you will feel better quickliest. Well if you or anyone wants to laff, look at this video of this baby laffing....its contagious.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG these patients are tougher than u gals--lots of ice becks and dribks and rest--u need to sleep,

    Everyone is splashin' pictures around, I'll just take u'r cuz I don't have any.

    Kat I thibk I was thinking of Afib--I think that's the name, so u'r DH's is different. OK. Well tell him to wear it so he can find out any problems to fix.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hmmmm....Cami I looked up atrial fibrillation and maybe thats it....symptoms sure seem like it. SEE you are a nurse too an didn't even know it! Ok I'll tell him you said to wear it....its still in the box on the

    Becks, Hope you will feel much better tonight after applying ice...and drinking  a drink with ice too....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat u guys are so smart--I never ever think to look things up hahaha--no wonder I don't know much hahaha