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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    nm-those that need it the most are the ones who  wait the longest. these people were not under the care of  mental health, pain management or hospice where unusual doses are not that unusual.   and thats only what they admit to taking, so many places want people to bring in their actual med containers and its scary to look at the dispence date and how many are left!  the sad fact is ,if you go to the er anywhere with a complaint of back pain, you will be very cloisely scrutinised because thats the complaint of choice for the drug seeker/addict. unless your like the lady i work with who arrived in er via ems,naked,wet and still covered in soap ,she had slipped in the shower,her complaint of back pain was taken seriously from the start.

    on a more cheerful note there's a great pic of cammi in the pool on fb, not sure where the tender is!

    great party at dorty's ,hope you will all wake up soon!

    karen, docs here wont do px refills out of office hours .  but i have known somebody who called ems because they were constipated

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Good SunDey FunDey! What a fun partay at de Dorkster's house....and I hear the partay is STILL going on, strong! Having a bit of a late start this morning (well shoot it is already afternoon)....but soon will head down for a real yummy Bloody Mary made by our fav bartender here. Still having fun in Tunica! Wish you were all here....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG so much to catch up with I read everything and remember little.

    Karen It's Becs that has poor little Annie with the black eye--how did she get it Becs??Oh and Karen it's Becs who is the young one, not me--and Ifeel bac Becs u can't get to OK for u'r DH. And I thought BJ was what u were thinking--u'r bad.

    I don't like this med thingbeing any issue with anyone who has known real pain, it's just not right.

    Undie thanks for the tendah, I'll take anyone--they are all good.

    And Ju;ie quiet about my pic. on FB--it's horrible my brat dgt did it and now u understand why I don't pics of myself anywhere.

    Goldie u'r veggies look good, u can mix them all together for a real type of gumbo. (I think)

    Sounds like everyone had a good time at the PARTAY at Dorks, leave it to Dork to have plenty of amusement.

    Kat do u ever stay home? Wow where does all this energy come from and don;t tell me Vitamin B--u'rlike what they used to call the traveling families--they just can't stay in the same place very long.

    NM u'r sounding good--and I'm glad--see u have to take u'r meds.

    Well I was at my DD's and I actually went in the pool--I couldn't do the stairs well but I got plenty of help and NM u are right--I haven't been in any water for like 7 yrs and I stayed in for over 3 hours--it felt so good and my silly DD kept on putting lotion on me--like I was a kid. But  couldn't swimm anymore my legs just couldn't get that high so I wandered around with a float thing and moved my legs alot and it was so easy for all that time. and now today I can barely walk--it didn't feel like excercise in the water but now pain is big time, my right side too much worse. I was told don't overdue it but it felt so good, finally, now I'm back to land legs not easy, but I felt like I excercies for at least 3 days. Everyso often I felt like I didn't need this floating device and I'd fall backwards and drop like a rock to the bottom and my 2 lifeguards were talking and laughing and finally realized I wasn't there and laughed harder when they "rescue me" and I'd be laughing (my cousins) 2 men who were ignoring me and my DD got mad hahaha, bit I made Joey so happy going in he was shocked but got a little scared till I showed him I could breth underwater. What a week-end the weather was gret no clouds in the sky and I didn't burn at all--Hmmm mu DD was vigilante about it, she even put it in my hair for my head. She's crazy, and I told her so. So I actually had a good week-end saw lots of family--which I love---I'm so lucky to have the family I have and everyone has a crazy sense of humor and so much fun--so that's a big plus. Now I am exhausted another word for LAZY. Bit I missed u guys like crazy---And if I missed something I'm sorry but now pain meds are being ingested hahaha 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Everyone who is on fb....if you are interested in "friending" please message me with your fb name....I have pretty "tight" security....mine is only "friends"....I know I'm friends with a few gals, so if you are interested....thats where I post pics as I haven't figured out how to do it here!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Chit o chit! Jus woke up out of der fountain to find I slept thru par Tay at dorks. This officially concludes mese pity par Tay. Been in bed all weekend. Din even watch Zimmerman trial but was all antagonizing pee pole on FB! Way too much time on hands. I also called DIL da hoe's mom and repeatedly referred to her dtr as a bitoch (and she's mormon). Made muhself get out and pick up some stuff at store. Gotta chill before I get muhself in troubles flapping my jaws. Found out Annie fell off chair and hit corner of table. Hope I have her next weekend. She will tell me if something else happened.

    Wahine, hope your jaws are ok. Glad you doin good at casino. ;-) wink wink.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    I love your picture Cami!!! Sure hope you and Adey get to meet up soonliest!

    Becks, LMAO at your comment about my sore jaw! And I do hope that story is how Annie got her black eye....glad you will have her with you soon.

    Enjoying the casinos...DH still doing really good, I am just a little down...but dats okay. Lots of good dwinks and good food, and I LOVE our room way up high, and watching the tugboats push all those barges up and down the mighty MS River.

    Toodles Noodles!

    Kat (hoping for more Cachinka)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG U saw that horrendous picture==My D (not dear) is going to get a black eye from me.

    Becs u'll talk to Annie u'rself cuz they tell all. But it probably was a fall off the chair. I've been at the fountain most of the day, so I'm still out of it.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Cami, you must want a spanking from one of the NOT put yourself down like that....*slapping your hand* look like you are having fun, and I love that picture! Shoot, none of us would look our best while in the pool, well I sure wouldn't at least! Well I won some from a $5 machine, so at least I am up some....and omg ate SO much asian food at the buffet.....yummmmm! DH just sat with me as he was still full from lunch, so I looked like a pig...*oink, oink*.

    Sure is a quiet nite here in the HTL....and I don't see any Tenders or Wenches....only can guess that everyone took their favorite person and is privately having fun! Wink But I am being a good girl...Innocent

    Dwink Up!!!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    mese [partau jest bese emding cuz Beckers said it ober. so i bid ye all ah dooo for de night, k? I try to come back. hey camille, wat up you yo yo yo?

    happy new week goils, lub lub lub in jmese fart fart fart tehehehehe! nihhty nihgts! ~hiccIPP

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    ps dere a few shade lomps missing.  KatwinKA???

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Hey....I'm searchin all ober fer da pic of Cami! Wha da hail I miss?

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    Ok,who's got my boys? They haven't come back after the rowdy weekend. Just drop them off at the pool,no questions asked. At least the hunk in the white pants,I'll trade the other two for him. Speaking of the weekend hope everyone had a good one,cheers.  

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    thank you shannon,cammi has been hogging all the pool boys.good morning all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Humid, hot and hazy here again, spent yesterday dozing in the heat, along with Sadie.  Had to run the AC in the bedroom again last night.  Looks like it's going to stay this way for a while.  There was a half marathon run not far from here yesterday, they were showing on the news how lots of the runners went straight from the finish line to the medical tent.  Just a few taken to the hospital as a precaution. 

    Karen--Oh, boy, sweats in Hawaii?  Must not have been very comfortable!  Glad your suitcase caught up with you so quickly.  And I can totally understand doc's offices not refilling meds over the weekends, and especially at 2 in the morning!  And it's an old trick, calling an on call doc and saying you are out of meds to get more.  BUT, there has to be some common sense applied, too.  If the call is coming from a Hospice nurse, not from the patient directly, then the on call doc could at least talk with the nurse.  The local answering services don't even page the on call if the word prescription is mentioned during the call.  And walking is such good exercise, and I need to follow your example and get hooked on walking again! 

    Juliet--Yup, back pain is problematic issue.  Hard to prove, hard to disprove, hard to treat.  Of course, arriving naked, wet and soapy will get you looked at differently. . .

    Wahine--keep enjoying Tunica!

    Cammy--being in the water is just wonderful, isn't it?  Yeah, it's a workout, though, and we do pay for it the day after sometimes.  Sounds like your life guards need a swift kick in the pants, they weren’t paying close enough attention!  LOL at breathing underwater, wish I could do that! 

    Becs--kids will fall and get bumps and bruises, but I'm suspicious about Annie's shiner, think it's a good idea to double check with Annie when you see her. . .

    Wahine--get pics of the barges working to post here when you get home!

    DorKable--happy new week to you, too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Pool Boy

    2 oz absolute ruby red vodka

    2 oz  grapefruit juice

    2 oz pineapple juice

    1 oz triple sec

    2 oz mango juice

    1 sweet orange for garnish

    mix all ingredients in a mixer

    squeeze and throw in orange slice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning everyone......

    NM again I like the DOTD--sounds yummy---I understand about the neds on the weekend with Dr. on call, but I lso think a few bad ones have made it worse even for nurses I bet, cuz it seems like medical staff get into things too. It's a shame cuz when u'r in pain u wnt u.r meds, but I always try to do mine during the week, not when I run out.

    Well the start of a new week and new adventures and Undie new hunks, and yes I do hog the hunks--it's called hoggin' the hunks.with lots of yes I'm guilty, and I don't care.

    I see Dork stopped by, I went to sleep kinda early for me.

    The weather will be getting hotter and hotter this week, don't like that, but ......

    I haven't even had my coffee yet, Marty is slippin not making it in the morning. Gotta get on him for that. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Karen, my garden is coming along just great. Your yard sounds beautiful too, if there are pictures on FB, you should be able to copy and paste them here. Would love to see.

    Wow Julie, what stories! How embarrassing to slip in the shower and have to go to ER, hope she was ok. Thanks for letting us know about the pic, as I did not see it.

    Cami, I will probably make up a little bit of sketti sauce to freeze. Not sure what to do with all of the zucchini! Moving around in the pool is GOOD exercise for you, it would be nice if you could do it more often. I’m just sorry you are paying for it now (or then). Maybe you are feeling better now, I hope so.

    Becks, I wuz wundering where you were, glad you dint dwown in de fountain. I will have Pants clean it out. I do indeed hope that Annie fell out of a chair, I hope she wasn’t hurt too bad hitting that table……OWIE! The picture of Cami was not posted here.

    Kachinka is up from the $5.00 wahiney machiney! YAY!!!!! And you moosta wanna spanking too, cuz you not a oink oink. And you being a “good girl” uh huh, not buying that one!

    DorKie, youse need to make more time to come an bisit us. Pweeze!

    Ooooo la la, now we can all have a boy in white pants. Thanks Shan! Funny you trading two for the one!

    NM, I sure don’t understand why people would push themselves so hard in the heat, just too dangerous. Sounds like you had a picture perfect weekend, with friends and with Sadie. Love me some Pool Boy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Oops meese bumped into you Cami and knocked you into de pewl, but mese nose you will be just fine, as that pewl boy jumpdid in after you. Tossing you a floatie too, jes in case!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Dreary looking morning out today....looks like rain....last night during the 10pm news weather forecast when they said high 70's to 80 today, my DS said to must love that!!!!  he knows me well....I don't like the heat!!!

    Lazy day yesterday....puttered in the house....paid bills and tidyed up my desk.....talked to Mom but didn't go over to her place...only 3rd time in 3 months!!!   Big "to do" list today.....a lot of little things that need to be done.  So its time to jump in the shower....bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK OK OK --if I decide to put my pic here--u have to remembber--I'd been in the pool for at least an hr by then--no makeup--hair like chit-wrkinles all over and didn't sleep well--now I wouldn't look much better but a little. And remember I'm 68==not 58 like I wish. hahaha and u can laugh as long as u keep on talking to me.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Awww Cami, no one would laff, dats a pwomise! Hope I look that good when I am 68; dat wud make mese berry berry happi!

    Unde, OMG more boys in dose white pants!! Ohhhhhhhh wowsa! Kin I habs de thoid one frum de left? I always remember that young teen who came into the store asking for "weights"....I had just moved to the deep south...after much talking, finally realized he meant "whites" as in white pants! LOL. What a strong accent he had. Your guy toys are sooooo handsome!!!!

    NM, I saw that on the news, about the runners in the half mara, but didn't realize it was near you. I worry about my SIL and DD as they run marathons all the time in this heat, plus their own long bike rides for miles, and long runs for miles. I don't worry as much about the long swims, cuz at least they are in water. Looks like a scorcher up where you are this week. Been milder than normal in the deep south so far, but I know that heavy humidity and higher temps will be coming soon. It actually felt nice walking outside this weekend, which is unusual.

    Gonna pig out on another buffet on the way bring people in, they have 99cent buffets on Mon-Wed but it has to be from your more free food, yippee! And another casino always has $1 buffets from your comps. Can't be hungry for long, here! And such a bonus when its all free PLUS to win some money. Guess I need to get back home though to get more work done. HOPE to maybe finish the main deck flooring this week.

    Any bets on the royal baby's sex? Any bets on the name? So exciting. I hate it that I missed the partay here on their wedding day....thats when our power was out for several days all across the top of the state, from deadly tornadoes. I was with you all in spirit though. Oh shucks, I woke up here with a lampshade on my head. WTF?? Oh, now I see that Dorkie is missing some.....OOPSIE! Well now I habs a gud excusie to go back to Dotty's house....gotta return it, right? And mebbe habs sum gud dwinks wid Dorkie by her pool. SO glad you had time to pop into de lounge, Dorkster! I mean, DorKathy!

    Lori, I thought you also  made zucchini bread? Your veggies sound sooo good, esp since you do make a lot from them. HOmemade sketti sauce, yummmmM! Do you ever roast zucchini in the oven? Just like you can do with green beans, broccoli, sliced swt potatoes, etc. Just toss in olive oil, and roast at 425 for about 30 min or so, till browned and they are yummmmmmmmmy!! Just slice them and roast them and eat them!

    Have a good MonKey Dey girls! Soon we will be....",,,On the road again..."....



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Gmornin! Supposta be getting ready for work. I just wanna say hi. :-)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    HAPPPPPY 40h Undieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee






  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    40th Birthday Cakes 40th Birthday Cakes

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

              For u Undie happy B day

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    Wow, he's a keeper. Thanks GF, even though you're a day early it's the thought that counts. I'll still keep the hunk and you can send me more tomorrow, lol. And I know that 40 was a typo, I know you really meant to type 28. Those darn phones and their tiny keypads ;)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK undie and he barely has any on--u lucky girl of 28 u.

    And Kat u'r always eating and u'r so thin, u make me sick. LOL Safe travels

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013