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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Oh, we have our cardiac nurse too who will tell you bout Afib. My Mom has it and can you believe now she is in it pretty constantly. I didnt know it was progressive. She had a couple good years after pacemaker. They say many are not symptomatic but she is and maybe cause she was more active. I do get palpatayshuns tho for realz. Likker helps. and Camilla, are getting good at diagnosing girl!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Holy chit I know what those letters mean--I have to stop this INSANITY.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh Becs, I hate that you get all those palpytashuns for real. AND your mom has them almost all the time? Chit that must be awful for her. I'm not even going to try to guess at what all those letters stand for~ BUT Cami got it quickly!

    Boy I am just a tangle of nerves right now. First, concerned about my DD1's dr appts on Mon, for 2nd, 3rd opinions, to see if they can figure our a plan of action for the RB. Glad she is going out of town for this. Then my DD2 called, and from her MRI yest, it appears she may be facing spine surgery at her neck. AND she has worked for a couple of yrs to get in shape and runs 8 miles, bikes for miles, swims...wanted to do more races, BUT now they tell her not to do ANYTHING. So that really sux. Hope she can see a neurosurgeon soon and get it all figured out.

    I'm gonna take Pants and go off with him.....I need some pampering and he gives the BEST massages! Don't worry if you don't see me for awhile.....*wink, wink*


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Kat, I know it seems I have everything, but I did have cervical spine surgery and will be happy to answer any questions. I know as mammas it is such a worry when it's our children! Try not to worry and just enjoy Mr. Pants!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Becs, I may PM you when I know more of what to ask. But dang, you REALLY have had a ton of chit, with all the surgeries! So glad you made it through all of them, and you have a good attitude too! OOPS, Pants is pulling me towards the back room.....SYL

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Kathy....I'm so sorry that your DD's are having to go through all this stuff.....Will keep them in my thoughts.....

    I check work emails during the summer in case anything important comes through...yesterday I got an email from one of my schools that one of the paras DH died suddenly over the week-end of a heart attack...he was only 54 and their 2 boys are only 8 and heart breaks for them...

    Today was a ME day!!!  Met a bco sistah for breakfast...we have been cyber friends for 7 years...then had a picnic lunch with a work friend, then went to a meeting for the Komen RFTC to help with offering  support for teams and fundraising....HAven't had a just ME day in a long time and it sure felt good.....

    Now I'm eating too much and enjoying a favorite cabernet......

    Sweet dreams...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh Karen, that is so sad about that fellow suddenly dying, and leaving such young children. I really feel sorry for those boys, as well as his other loved ones, but the boys will never get to be raised by their dad. Glad you had a good day though, and got to meet a bco friend!

    Lori, Hope you are having fun in Laughlin...

    Oops, that Pants will not leave me alone....I keep coming here to see who has posted, and he keeps pulling me back into that room.....

    NightyNight Girls....Don't do anything I wouldn't do (well that gives you a LOT of leeway!)...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh great Kat if we act like u we will probably end up with an ankle bracelet.

    OK let me get this straight--Kar we know about Kristen, right? Now u'r other DD is facing spine surgery --and she's so active--what happened.? OMG And Becs u've had this surgery on u'r spine> Again OMG This is awful.

    Wait a minute Kat u'r in Alabama--Oh can Kristen go to the Cancer Treatment of America---They advertise all about how they treat every different type of cancer and they have a whole meds team working on 1 patient and they do have a wonderful rep. Or did we talk bout this? Oh this is so much.

    Karen and he was only early 50's with 2 little babies OMG what is going on now. I'm so sorry for his whoe family and friends.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Cami, its after 3:30, am hoping to fall asleep soon! Those Cancer Centers of America are too far away, and she doesn't travel well. BUT thanks for mentioning that. I wish I could have gone to one also, as they seem to really take care of their patients. I always wondered how the girls do that, when they have to fly there, then have the surgery esp like the diep or lat, and don't really get to recover enough till they have to fly (or drive) back home. I couldn't have gotten on a plane for at least 1-2 wks after surgery, if that soon. Hope to go to a place in the morning that spends at least 30 min on you, to fit your feet to the right shoe...the dr wants me to try that first, before considering surgery. They don't charge for fitting you, but I am sure their shoes are high (but should be worth it).

    Well shoot, no sleep, and Pants keeps pulling me BACK there......oh well....if I am really tired in the ayem I can blame it on him!

    Hugs, Hugs, Hugs and Hopefully some ZZzzzzzzzzzz's

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat I can't sleep tonite, but I know there is a center in Chicago and Phoenix but I know there are others just don't know where. I'm so stymied about u'r dgtr it just upsets me so and zi wish I could think of somepkace that knew more about this. And now u'r other dgtr. U've got to be going goofy.

    Pants behave u'rself or maybe not LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Just read all the posts!

    Cammie u r just how I puctured you! U r way to hard on your self great smile I saw your purple nails my feet I did purple

    I'm away at the lake in my chalet

    Ill post pics through someone

    We did paddle boating and then swimming it was fun I hate the lake though icky things on the bottom I feel like

    We r at lake flower and sarnac in New York

    My beastie is asleep I'm awake so thought I would say hiiii

    Saw my PS before I left yesterday she said my boobs r in my sides and my bone is raised in the middle because the implants r big wtf! Why did u put them on my body!

    So see pain management when I get back

    Only could swim on my back hurts my boobs

    I get very discouraged from my weight gain and how hard it is for me to work out!

    I a certified diver I can't even even swim in a lake!

    Becks u crack me up

    Kat I'm here see

    Goldie hummers ?

    Juliet tenders hot!

    Hat I really hope DD is ok both

    Buffets sound great in Vegas yum

    R heat index is 100

    Here though its cooler and have the water at least


    Oh cammie what did all those letters mean from beck can't figure them out lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes!  TGIF!   TGIF! 

    Cammy--yes, I'm taking my meds.  Sadie and I  didn't go swimming yesterday, there was a thunderstorm rumbling around  so we stayed home and sat out on the deck and watched the clouds and lightening until the rain started.  There's a pic on the news of a big building that was leveled by "severe weather" with speculation there was a tornado.  Love this lively weather! Fireworks on the lake sound like a great time, hope you can enjoy it.  Hard to think about summer being half over, seems like it just got started! 

    Goldie--Yup, rain on the clothes is additional fabric softener, too!  And I did managed to get the clothes in before the rain started last night, for which I am grateful.  A day off on the hunk?  Oh, you mean the comments.  Who notices the comments?????   Have a good trip! 

    Juliet--I love Aunty Acid, almost as much as I love Maxine!  And I am not sure if life is passing me by or running me over, either!

    Becs--welcome to the world of medical bill he##.  I'm still digging out of that hole.  I've heard that you are better off to have no insurance and get cancer than to have insurance.  The copays and coinsurances and such wiped me out financially.  Not sure I'll ever get back where I was before. 

    Whahine--sounds like Maverick has appointment himself project supervisor!  Nothing like being supervised by a fur baby. 

    Juliet--I have always wondered about the logic of closing a pool during a rain storm.  Wet is wet, after all!

    LOL at the little weenies!

    Becs--hope you didn't do yourself any damage during the lift gone wrong, at least any more than some soreness that the ice will fix PDQ. 

    Oh, my that baby laughing is so funny! 

    Wahine--wow, talk about bad news coming in waves.  After working so hard to get into shape to be told not to do anything--just not fair, not right.  Sounds like you really need to get yourself some pampering, so go and enjoy! 

    Karen--sounds like you had a great day, good for you!  Too sad about the fellow dying so young and leaving such young children behind 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Life Ain't Fair

    2 ounces cognac

    1 ounce white rum

    1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice

    1/2 teaspoon grenadine

    Shake the rum* and other ingredients well with cracked ice, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Hi NM I bumped u

    We paddle boat ha in the rain

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013


    Rain is called for today.....need to decide if I clean the kitchen and bathroom, then shower or shower then figure out what I'm going to do....need to take care of all the cleaning today as DH is coming back from a business trip and then has something work related as soon as he gets home...usually he takes care of the floors, but no time today....but last week he did it all since I only got home at lunch time, so I can't complain....but I think its time to find someone to clean the house.....Need to also go over to MOm's and do some things for the attorney as far as settling Dad's estate...its amazing how much work it is for someone who had nothing!!!!  Can't believe its 2 months!!

    Have a good Friday....bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good morning all,  becks, hope your doing ok and not too badly hurt.RICE.     lara,enjoy your vacation, don't like the fact your still hurting so much ,hope pain management can help you.   ((((((((((kat and fAMILY))))))))),  nm-have apeaceful day.     cammi-what do those letters mean? karen,glad you had a me day, you deserved one, wish there was an easy way to deal with a persons estate. so sorry about that man, prayers for his family.     lori enjoy your vacation,hope the boss gives you a good timeWink

    afib or atrial fibrillation  is when the the atrium or top 2 chambers of the heart  just sit and quiver like a bowl of jelly instead of pumping blood into the lower chambers, because they are not completely emptying with each beat,there's a higher risk of blood clots forming from the blood pooling there which can break off and travel to other parts of the body,so a pt is usually on someform of anticoagulents unless theres a history of bleeding . the lower chamber is still uaually working ok.    ometime the rate is too high so niether chamber is pumping well and pt is uusally tired ,palpitations,weak,dizzy. then it is afib with rvr( rapid ventricular response) so keeping the rate controlled is important . to control a rate its usaully iv meds first to get it under control and then switch to po meds, a person can switch from normal sinus rhythm to afib and back,. glad to hear your mums is under control becks,my aunt has been in afib for decades!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hi Y'all--I'm doing a southern accent today. Can u tell?Lara I love that u've gotten away and on a lake, sounds so calming, but please don't overdo, u know u tend to. And if it storming STAY OUR OF THE WATER-Silly one of the worst places to be.

    My Dad had AFIB--many years ago, but he was working and had the electricity off and someone turned it on and he flew across the room and his heart totally returned to normal, n doubt from the electric shock part cuz of so much electricity in our bodies it react well instead of the other way. Well my dad and I thought that, the Dr.s at the time were hmmm u don't have it anymore. LOL

    U silly guys I think becs was saying the title of Drs. u know, DO, PHD, DDS etc. LOL

    NM Good u've been taking u meds really well, now I hope u feel good this weekend and have a good one.

    Goldie is away and where is Dork????? Brat

    Julie hiw is u'r arm? u don't still have it wrapped or anything?

    Karen u sound like u have a nice DH. Do u watch for the sunset on Fridays--of course in summer it's not any big deal.

    Kat so many (((HUGS)))

    Becs there are no end to Dr. bills--I can't keep up with any, but I'm of the belief that sometimes they should take what the insurances pay out, I mean a test might cost 2,090.00 and 2,050. is paid they didn't get that 40.00, I know i don't understand it but when u add all of that up in a month for the patient it can be hundreds and then meds. So it's just all overwelming.

    OK I'll BBL

    Lubs eberyone to bits.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Cami...thanks...I do have a good guy....going on 36 years!!!   don't watch the sunset...but thats mostly cuz I don't think to...or I'm in the kitchen finising up dinner....or enjoying a glass of wine at the computer!!!!  Today its sunny, blue sky and HOT....felt like I was cooking with the sun beating down on me while least we don' have the humidity that the midwest and east coast are dealing with along with the high heat...

    Going to pour a glass of cabernet while eating too much chex mix....then need to get the chicken up for dinner......

    Have a great Friday night and Saturday....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Dang it the ER visits always take sooooo long. Its about 20-30 min away, BUT  it took 5 1/2 hours to get there and to get back home. But my mom is fine, will just hurt for awhile. Her b/p was very high though, 195 top number. She is always so happy and pleasant but OMG she hated being there so much she was not a happy camper....kept wondering what was taking so long. Was complaining to me every second, and wanting to go home. I was talking to a tech about how she was missing Happy Hour and how she and my dad have a couple of drinks every night. She thought my mom was I said OMG she is now my sister. SO, she asked how old I was, and I told her, then she said she thought I was 40. I told her to NEVER change her  Then my dad sent an email asking what was taking so long and didn't they know it was past Happy Hour? SO the tech got a kick out of that. Oh my, this Seagrams and Diet Coke tastes sooooo good! NIce to be home, but I sure didn't get anything done at home today.

    Big Hugssssssssssssssssssss,


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    THANK GOD IT'S FRIED DAY!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! And....I got my Annie!!!! When I arrived she came running out the front door and down sidewalk and jumped in my arms. Nothing better!!! Now she's zonked out so we are either going to be up around midnight or before the sun rises.

    Cami, you n Wahiney were pullin an all nighter in da HTL without me. You were just afraid I was goin to get my pick of tenders like the other nights!

    Jules you are sooooo smart! I do feel better after icing my body last night. Thank God. I am never going to attempt dat chit again! Let the rehab aid get them out of bed. I am not Superwoman anymore. Dam nit!!!!

    Wahine, you parents sound pretty sharp! And the happy hour cwacks me up!

    Dorkus!! Gitchyer booty in here!!!!!!

    Karen, my brother said Colorado is getting hammered. Heard on news some farmers got struck by lightening.

    We are on fire. I saw about 5 hot shot fire crews at a park by my work all laying on the grass under the shade trees. It's crazy. I can see from my house and I can see the other side of mountain from my work. It's a bit close for comfort if embers get flying but still a bit away from us. I think I may get Walter in travel cage to be safe.

    Ok. Imma go potty. Cheers!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    That fire stuff is sooooo scary, Becks! Hope they can contain it and it doesn't come any closer to you. Awwww and your Annie is with you this weekend, you will have such fun. How sweet that she is SO furcited to see you. Well you can get first choice of the Tendahs tonight....mese gonna twy to hit de sack eurly...sooooo tired from being up most of the night last night, then spending all afternoon in the ER with my mom. SLEEP NEEDED BADLY!!!

    OH, did I tell you my dad got summoned for jury duty? Can you imagine having a 96 yo on the jury? He has such a hard time hearing, too. My DH has to wear that heart monitor for 6 wks, hope he WILL wear it that long!

    ITs so good seeing Stella in de HTL tonight. Looks like she is the center of attention, and throwing back those jello shots like there is no tomorrow. ANYONE wanting their favorite Tender or Wench, better come and get 'em before they all are taken by Stella.




  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    why de heck is that "Emotions" thing below my name???? Tried to edit it out but it doesn't show up in the edit box. Oh well, nighty night.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    I saw that too Wahine. Thought maybe you are being emotionally dwunk twonite and wrote us a Goodnight poem about .... "Emotions."

    Lordy Annie still asleep. Think I besta call it an early night too. Tenders are all yours Cami!

    Sleep tight!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Morning===This is my first wake-up--kinda of cuddled up last nite, took my pain meds and just shut down. It was really storming here too.

    Becs I'm so happy it's Annie week-end--but what with these fires--I know u'll be vigilant about it but they don't stop. It is scary they sound close to u. We're really getting rain and u guys arent' getting enough.

    Kat I thought u were promoting a book about Emotions.???

    NM take u'r meds and r u working today==I hope not.

    Julie I hope u'r off too--u guys still have strange hrs.

    OK I might as well take my morning pills then go back to relaxing---Scary movie day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Would you believe there was a heat advisory in central Maine yesterday?  I'm not sure this has ever happened before!  Today is supposed to be another brutal day but a cold front is coming through later today that will supposedly bring some strong thunderstorms and then the temps will drop to the 70's-80's with much lower humidity.  So I'm going to veg today, drink lots and maybe go swimming.  Housework will wait until tomorrow.  A pretty big thunderstorm went by a bit north and east of me last evening, it was great sitting on the deck and watching the clouds lighting up.  Well, it was until the mosquitos started eating me alive. 

    ORLA--bumpsies!  Hope I didn't knock you into the pool, unless that's where you wanted to be anyway!  I go swimming in the rain, kayaking in the rain.  Rain, but not thunderstorms.  I may be crazy but I'm not stupid!

    Karen--You can always do what I do and shower in the ayem, work or whatever, and take another shower after.  And a third if necessary right before bed.  Settling an estate sounds like a lot of work, not looking forward to that experience. 

    Juliet--Great description of a-fib!  My mom has a-fib, she hates being on coumadin.  She goes into RVR once in a great while, ends up in the hospital.  Last time her heart converted out of RVR by itself before they could do cardioversion (she went in the hospital on Friday, they couldn’t schedule until Monday).  Apparently cardioversion is not a very pleasant procedure.  But she's had it for decades and it doesn't slow her down any. 

    Cammy--I'm looking forward to a nice weekend, have taken my meds and filled my pill minder box.  Need more coffee this ayem, though.  And yes, the bills are overwhelming. I keep thinking I should declare bankruptcy and start over.  The I think I'll work on things a few more months and see what happens. . .

    Karen--glad you got such a good guy, they seem rare!

    Wahine--Glad your mom is OK, what happened?  Did she fall?  It amazes me how long it takes to get anything done in an ER.  The Happy Hour thing is too funny!  Lucky they didn't test your Mom for alcoholism!

    Becs--Hooray for having Annie!  Too bad about the being up at some unholy hour, but I bet it's a small sacrifice.  Sounds like the fires are way to close for comfort if the hot shots are staged where you can see them.  Stay safe!

    Wahine--I can just picture your Dad showing up for jury duty.  No judge or lawyer will accept him on the basis of his hearing alone!  Hope you got some sleep.  I think that emotions thingy is the same thing that is underlining and turning some words into links.  I did check one, it's spam.  Best we can do is just ignore it, I think.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Cooler Offer

    Pour your favorite likker over ice and sip while vegging out on the deck in the shade.

    Alternate with glasses of ice water or gatorade or ice tea.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Happy Sat-TURD-Dey Girlies!

    NM, This is from the fall my mom had in HI, from standing on a chair and falling on her back onto the ceramic tile (that is on concrete) floor. Her b/p was up to 195 but the dr acted like that was NORMAL for her age???? She does have bp meds, but I am never sure she takes them every day. I know, it WAS funny...she not only was very antsy to go home, but also antsy for missing Happy Hour. Luckily she has never smoked, and only has 2 drinks max per day. She is actually ok missing the likker, its just a habit for her, but my dad NEEDS his 2 drinks a day!

    OK, so many of your moms have the a-fib....but when it happens to my DH he thinks he is going to die I think, because he has had a heart attack yrs ago and has a valve problem. So he lies down and tries to sleep. How do they cope with having it? I never realized how common it is!

    I was worried about those of you in the NE with that hot weather and humidity, but looks like at least by today or Monday, it should cool down. YAY!

    Becks, how is the fire situayshun? I jest got up so haven't seen the newsies.

    Hahaha, just read your DOTD, NM! Good one! BUT can we alternate with glasses of Long Island Ice Tea?? Prolly not a good idea, lol.

    That "emotions" thing is showed up when I first went in to edit a misspelling....then I tried to "edit" again to get rid of it, but no go. Twilight Zone weird..   Maybe its cuz of all the scary movies Cami and Lara watch all the time???? j/k

    Haven't heard from Lori yet, I'm hoping her vacay is lots of fun! So hard to get away from work, when you work from home, so its good to get away.

    OH, I found another nice pool and nice lounging area in the pool to add to the HTL. It is actually in Phuket, Thailand, but I am sure they won't mind. I love the ocean view too......

    Baba Nest, Phuket, Thailand

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat u had me at the name of that pool, but when I saw it--it really cinched it. Oh u'r poor Mom, So much u have to worry about. But I love the have to have cocktail time--I don't blame them. And no wonder u'r DH just goes to bed---if u sllep u don't worry.

    NM I see u did a lot of research for the DOTD and it's one of the best. LOL Right about this heat, just stay away til it cools down. We're still under a weather warning for big thunderstorms later--so I don't like that--I could be wrong on that one-oohhh but it will be cooler tomorrow, so the kids went swimming again today.

    Becs I know u'r having a good time with Annie--so enjoy.

    And lots of peeps are gone for a few days, I think--so I' staying by the fountain again.

    Julie are u around today?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good evening all,  becks hope you and annie are safe,  kat,i'm glad the er doc saw sense and let your mum go home, her bp was high because of being in er probably,nm love the dotd instructions,  worked the cafe and the gift shop to a buffalo chicjken wrap and time for bed.dod go swimming before work

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie u seem like u'r working so much, when are u off? U need to relax too u know.

    It's quiet here--I can't drink again but I've been visiting the fountain plenty of times--good stuff--Nest week is the big fireworks party and I'd better be feeling good, well I'm going anyway and I am going to drink something--well I have to decide to drink my beer with Dr. diet Pepper ooorrr My Hard Mike's Black Cherry. Hmmm decisions, Decisions--But I won't visit the fountain that day and I will not take anti-that day---I'll be with my sister, cousins and my oldest DD, Les and Marty don't go???? So that's one of my favorites of the year and Joey goes with me--he loves it. So I have some great fun to look forward to.