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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    LAst night my uncle turned off his modem so didn't get to get on the computer at bed time...tonight if was off and he turned it back on so I'm getting to play on my computer when I should be going to bed!!!  Need to get up at 5:00am as we are leaving for the airport at 5:45.  Mom and I have an 8:05 am in Denver by 10:15....I'm ready to be home....its been a nice trip...last night my cousin and her husband came over....Its been 25 years since I've seen her!!!  We've chatted a lot over the past couple months since her mom passed away then my dad (they were brother and sister) so we are getting annoyed with mom today....jsut cuz of a comment she made...and I think she knew I was annoyed but can't really tell for sure....overall its been a good trip....yesterday we found the house I lived in in the mid 60's before we left Montreal....and saw my elementary school!!!  Today we drove around downtown and other haunts!!!  I wish we would have gone by my grandparents house...would have liked to see that...oh well....another time.....I'm ready to be home.....Night....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Good Friday the airport waiting to board flight ready!!! 

    I  will be tired tonight with the time up at 4:45....flight gets in at 10:15, so should be home by 11:30 or noon....will need to take Mom home first.  Then home to unpack and run errands to get the necesary things for Shabbat dinner....don't know if son is home or if its just me and DH.....

    Need to get in a loooong walk when I get walk this morning and the airport is smallish so no real walking here....

    Wishing everyone a good Friday.....Hope to bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good morning all,safe travels karen,   lara hope your feeling better and not doing to much!  i had a tendon inflammation and it took  7 weeks to get back to proper exercising, you had major surgery!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    becks u crack me up my fingers r chubby to I crack them a lot due to my anxiety

    karen hate time change

    wahine the flower is that tall wow

    I knw juliet major surgery I just got used to so many I do not think of it that way

    When I got home from masectomy with imm.recon I was in the hospital a day ot two and I came home with the drains blah and god knows why tryed washing my hair wtf

    Then when I was doing  things later on I said wtf was I thinking

    cammie movie day

    I saw temptationa tyler perry movie about an affair very good makes u think I wold trell u gils what it was about but u should watch it

    Lets see what else


    pop in latah

    hugs all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    oops mese oh so drunk I did not hit spelll ck

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

                                                                                                                    Mybe tan mom will bring dork back 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG I thought I was looking at a picture from a scary movie Lara--whoa

    And of course Julie is right take it easy silly and I've got some movies on now but I have to take a shower and get ready for PT and then go to my oldest DD's house, if it was up to me I wouldn't do anything OH well.

    Karen time change is horrible to me-hope u adjust better.

    Julie did u make that little piece of "jewelry" nice job. ahem

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK done with PT and waiting to go to my DD's home.  We'll leave about 1/2 hr. and I won't be back ti ??? they'll probabl just leave me there---oh wait I'm with Joey they won't do that. Or will they? Well I won't be partaying here tonite (sob) :(---but I hope I can stay awake at my DD's house --I'm tired--to much excercise today hahahaha me to much hahahaha yea right. But I do do them--she's given me easy ones tho and Lara she did say if anything hurts when I do something stop immediately--LARA just saying...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    It's good your exercising

    See I feel it afterwards

    If your tired go to sleep

    Have fun

    I'm tired to


    U crack me up cammie just saying

    I'm at the perco fountain it's fried egg day

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Oh my....just sat down and I'm tired!!!!  And DH won't be home from synagogue for 1/2 hour so thats when Shabbat dinner will be.....better go for a walk after dinner or I'll fall asleep on the sofa as soon as I sit down.

    Had a good flight home...they made mom check her bag...we managed to say it was carry on on the way north and had to gate check it, but no such luck coming home....and guess what!!!  the suitcase did not arrive with us!!! and this was a direct flight.  Sure hope it comes tomorrow..the airline needs to deliver it to us.

    Off to go jump in the shower and then set the table....dinner is all cooked...just nee to cut up some veggies and cook the green beans.....Have a great night and Satureday and be back late tomorrow night...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Hi goils. Crying dwunkurd 2nite. Imma go stick my head in da perco fountain. I may not go to Oklahoma. I'm not hap pee at all and dwowning mese sorrowZ!!! Habint got to the patron yet but all signs point to soon!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    I'm on I ported Irish shneeeeem. Hic!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Awww Becks, what happened? So sorry it doesn't seem to be working out for you to go to OK right now. Good idea to get dwunk....hope you are feeling better soon, ok?

    We're gone Tunica...I had some good drinks tonight....Lemon Drop Martini, 2 glasses of White Zin, then Korbel champagne with peach schnapps. For some reason nothing tasted good to me tonight or I would have had more! Had a great buffet though with nice Mongolian beef station, etc....they remodeled the buffet to the tune of 8.5M...wowsa. DH won a drawing tonight and did good at slots, I am doing ok so far. The vip room had some good food too.....and tomorrow night we'll eat at the steakhouse at another casino. So far, so good........DH comes back here in 2 wks for a big BJ tournament, but this may be the last time I get to come here for awhile, just depends on how my DD does, and if she needs us to help with the kids, etc.
    Temps were nice today, upper 80's with unlike summer in MS!!! I think anything feels cool to me after the 117 temps in Vegas a few days ago.

    Quiet night in the lounge tonight. Where is Dorkie? And everyone else??? No partay??? Take care girls! Glad you got home safely, Karen. I took a heating pad over to my mom on our way out today, as her back is really bothering her but she didn't want to see a dr. HOPE she did not do some damage with that bad fall she had.

    Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, and more hugs!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    BJ tournament.....woah. Back in da fountain!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    It's a money issue wahinethetunicaheeney. I can't seem to find work in OK and can't afford not to. It sux and imma habit big ol' pity par Tay tonite. Heavy sigh. I din make it to the patron. Still contemplating. You had good variety two nite!

    DIL da ho posts on FB: " Annie got her first black eye..." WTF!! Is this a milestone in her white trash world???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so upset. I am 47 and still haven't had my first black eye!!!!!!!!!!!! Blub blub blub (me with my head back in perc fountain)

    Where de hail is err buddy??

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    Hello girls-Love to catch up but not able to tonight. Just wanted to drop by with a few of my friends. CHEERS! Pinned Image Man oh man... #Man 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good sunny Saturday Morning, Loungettees!  Gonna be a beautiful day here, and I'm going to a BBQ at a friend's this evening.  Looking forward to some fun there with them and their little girls. 

    Cammy--Yes, I've taken my meds!  Don't want you mad at me!  I don't think that history paper story is silly, I think it's hilarious!  Too true, and too bad Jodie got an F, but very representative of the times.  And it's great fun to grow your own herbs to cook with.  I need to get back into that in a bigger way, just got a couple of herbs going this summer.  I like to dry them and use them all year long. 

    ORLA--the war on drug abuse has turned another corner and is targeting abuse of prescription drugs, which means the feds crack down on the docs and NPs and PA s who prescribe the drugs and make them jump through hoops to explain why the office prescribes more than x number of pills of norco, and y number of pills of oxycodone, etc, etc.  Very effectively cuts down on how much pain meds get prescribed, but it leaves people with real pain $hit out of luck.  The newest trend is to treat every patient like a drug seeker, make every patient sign a narcotics contract, and make people with real pain who doesn't fit the mold of the expected pain experiencer  out to be a abuser.  So despite pain control being a patient's right, it's next to impossible to get pain medication after a certain point.  It's been making a huge impact on hospice care recently. 

    Woops, didn't intend to get on my soap box this ayem.  Good luck finding a doc who gets it, ORLA. 

    Goldie--Watching the birds eat your maters is probably not fun at all. 

    Juliet--good advice for ORLA.  Maybe a personal trainer to help with the progression? 

    Wahine--contractors who don't do what you want suck.  How annoying to pay for something and not get it?  My Mom and her partner also stock up on food and stuff.  The do liver further away from a store than walking would allow, but they practically have a store in their basement!  It's so funny to hear Mom talk about picking up something on sale and then finding  3 or 4 more when she goes to put the new ones away.  Fortunately she dates everything so they can use the older up first.  I'm gonna have to check out the sublingual B12, I'm probably low and do NOT want B12 shots.  Unless maybe I can give them to myself, that might work. . .   Having a breakable laptop is a great idea for traveling! 

    Interesting FURB image.   The nipple piercings look painful, though. 

    ORLA--good for you for calling everyone back.  They need to know what kind of suffering they are causing.  

    Becs--here's praying you can go on pretending the MS is not there for many, many more years!

    Karen--hope you had a good flight!  And it sounds like you had a great trip.  So glad for you!

    Cammy--have fun at DD's house, and don't do too much exercise at once!

    Wahine--I'm jealous of you getting to be in the VIP room! Hope your Mom's back gets better soon.  Mine's been hurting for a couple of weeks, have a chiropractor appointment Monday, should fix it right up.  I did something wrestling with the rototiller a few weeks back.  My rice pack has been my best friend for a while now!

    Becs--why would DIL advertise Annie's first black eye?  Doesn't that set her up for investigation by Child Protective Services?  Sounds like it's needed, unless there's a really good story behind that shiner. 

    Undy--now there is some very nice eye candy for a Saturday Morning! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Saturday Hunk Fest

    50 ml Absolut® Vanilia vodka

    10 ml gomme syrup

    10 mlfresh lime juice

    1 splash pineapple juice

    Pour the Absolut Vanilia vodka over ice cubes in a cocktail shaker. Add the gomme syrup, fresh lime juice and a splash of pineapple juice. Shake or stir well. Strain into a chilled martini glass, garnish with a lime wedge, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    thank you undyLaughing,   cammi,my nephews and nieces ask my dad on history, they always get the version written when the victors wrote it not the current pc versionSurprised, becks  is your dil crazy?      hope annie is ok and how did she get the black eye?      nm- prescription drug abuse is a big problem in this area, the er's   made it known they would no longer give out narcotic prescriptions if you went there for a refill.  plus they have shut down a lot of the pills mills here and pulled md's licenses, so these pts then have to find another md who will take them on , obviously the new one is not willing to prescribe the drugs at previously ordered levels . bear in mind some of those levals include xanax 3-7mg! and no thats not a typo!  plus oxi,methadione and dilaudid .. anyway off to the cafe today

    went shopping first,the christmas ornaments came out today, so got all mine,now need to work on getting the kids their's

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Beckers, sorry you have not only the RB to deal with, but the MS as well. So you are looking for a job in OK for the 2 months that you will be there? What does your DH do, can he move to CA? Uh oh, just saw that you might not get to go L. I have heard about girls taking the Effexor apart removing like one a day, I think. My onc asked me if I wanted to try it, I said no way. Some people are ignorant when it comes to FB, did she say how Annie got the black eye?

    LMAO, Lara posting the tan mom to bring Dork back!! Good one!

    Hope your mom got her luggage, I have had that happen to me once, not fun.

    Kathy, can’t you keep your butt home???? Gheesh woman! Well I hope you both win! Also hope nothing serious with your moms back. You might need to MAKE her go see a doctor.

    Good to see you Sha nay nay, at least if you can’t stay, you bring friends who can!

    NM, I like to dry herbs too. They are hard to grow, cuz we got so hot, so fast and they bolt, same with lettuces and greens. The B12 shots once a week, sub lingual every day. I prefer the sub lingual, plus they are yummy. Wally World sells them here for $4.88, 60 pills. Those rototillers can be brutal, I don’t think I have enough strength to use one.

    OH NO JULIE, Christmas stuff already?

    Well, had everyone over yesterday, wasn’t too terribly bad, but those poor kids….they are so bad and disrespectful (but not their fault), I am so glad they weren’t spending the night at my house! I was pretty tired last night, but stayed up until after 10, and didn’t get up until after 6 this morning (that is sleeping in for me)! Yippee, more wodka!

    Happy Turd Day

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hi girls! Yeah, so far doing good at the casinos, but as we all know, that can change any second! We get a shopping spree this morn (thanx to DH being a big player, not anything from MY play!)...and all the rooms, great food, and vip drinks FREE. So, if we don't give them too much moola, then its a win-win.

    LOL is a "BlackJack" tournament.....did you think another type of "bj" that what sent you back to the perco fountain??? I don't think anyone else caught your comment about that! You are a riot! BUT, I am so sorry you can't find work in OK...duh...of course you need to work, you are still so young! I was your age when I stopped working, because thats when my current DH and I got married and we traveled too much (at the time he traveled with his job and I would tag along), so I couldn't work and be gone ALL the time. I am not "retired" as I never worked long enough for that, but I did quit working many moons ago.  YEAH, WTH with Annie getting a black eye??? AND for her mom to post it???? HUH???? I am like you, never had one myself, my kids never had one, and I sure don't want my g'kids to get one either. You must be livid over that. I am so sorry, hope she is doing ok. THat really sux.

    Unde, sending us those guys....wowsa....can I take the one in the white pants...I mean can I take his white pants off???? LOL.

    Lori, my DH got the B12 sublingual at B1G1 half off or sumtin, at Walgreens the other day, but I am glad to know the WallyWorld price so we can compare. Hard to find at CVS here sometimes. Yeah, I need to stay home "almost" half the main deck done, but that is a big job. When I am home it is work, work, work, to "try" to catchup...never quite get caught up before we leave again. But my DD sees 2 more drs on the 22nd, so I knew nothing would be done before that, and figured we might as well travel while we can.  DH hasn't done much at home, and is STILL sick...he feels awful here, that bronchitis is lingering on I guess. Glad the g'kids didn't have to spend the hard when they are not well-behaved, as things can break, etc. Mine are getting older now, so not as much of a worry.

    OH SHOOT was going to comment more, but it ended up posting before I finished. Guess I am too long-winded today. Interesting info from NM and Julie, about how hard it is to get pain meds now....I didn't know that. Yikes! Always the innocent ones that end up suffering for what the criminals do. And with hospice care too...that is awful. They really need to strong drugs, and those of us having surgery, recovering, ,etc. Glad you are taking your meds NM, now make sure to still have "your" time when you get home from work, ok?

    Well, gotta run.....ciao for niao brown ciao,


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013


    Hello goils!! Mese bin too dwunk to tawk of lately but mese gonna twy mese best. Ya see, I saw de plea for mese to come in, oh tank ye Orla for bringing de tan mom to call me in here, you so sweetliest.

    Kat, go figure, you are away from home. why am i surplized? hehe.

    Lori, tanks for saying mese name, ya see, I like when others say my name and being nice too, dat a twue miracle.

    Unde'Cove', nice to see you. and i jest love de boys you bring. hot hot HOT, schmoking hot!

    Beckers, you crack me up but sorry you hitting de perco fountain ((((BECKERS)))). You are such a sweetie, sorry about the crap you are dealing with. And to find out that your sweet Annie has a freaking black eye on facebook? Dat ashame. Wish you could take that widdle innocent goil away from her mom but know that will not happen easily. You tail me where to find de bitoch that hurting her and I send mese people, kk? Love you girl.

    Hello to NM, and de rest of you girls. I is having a pool partay todey, ye all invited ok? I love and miss you all so berry muchliest, i really twuly do.

    Happy SaTURDey chickies!! burp, hiccup and cheerS!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    WooHoo de Dorkster is IN DE HOUSE, well in de HTL dat iz! Sooooo nice ta see ya! Jest fer dat, mese IS gonna git teeny-tiny and bwing EBBERYONE here dat wants ta come, to yer partay!!! Wese gonna git dat UFO to pick ebbery1 up.....who wants ta come wid mese? Gonna git de tendahs and de wenches to fill de UFO up wid likker, wine, beer, etc., plus lots of gooooood munchies! Yummmmmm....Partay, Partay, Partay Heartay!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Party at Dorkies House......Come One, Come All, Short and Tall, We need you all (Just try not to fall)!....


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Party at dorks!

    Come on dork lets get drunk

    That's very interesting about the pain pills now I get it

    Wow hospice patients need medicine

    Pain management docs will give it to u and exercise

    Crack down on pill abuse I see that's why I felt like they made me like drug addict very interesting

    Becks here's a shot if tequila

    Just move get a job anywhere for now

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Wow, that was some party. EVERYONE was there, and no one was here at The HTL!

    Kathy, when at home we work too, which is why we take off on occasion. Leaving Thursday for Laughlin.

    Looks like everyone is passed out around the pool. I'm trying beery hard not to step on anyone. Might wake up a few of the Tenders and have them roll a few of you into de pewl!!!!! Naaaaa, that wouldn't be nice.

    HEY! WHO DAT????

    Ahhh, the Tenders have cocktails waiting for us!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Beautiful day here yesterday, gonna be another one today. 

    Juliet--Most doctor's offices here won't give refill prescriptions on weekends or holiday here.  In fact, most won't even give a first prescription over the weekend, even after referring a patient to hospice for a weekend admission.  It's absolutely crazy sometimes.  3 to 7 mg of xanax?  That sounds like a lot, but I can picture some situations where it would be necessary. . . .

    Goldie--at least your Mom's luggage got lost on the way home.  It must be a real pain to lose it on the way to a vacation.  I've had luggage lost a few times but always on the way home when I could cope with it pretty well.  Rototiller can be brutal, that's why I got a small electric one, thinking it wouldn't be so bad to wrestle with.  Guess I was wrong!  It can be hard to stay ahead of bolting herbs once they start.  I'm lucky that it doesn't get that hot here.  I'm going to look for some of that B12 sublingual stuff.  Anything to increase the energy level! 

    Wahine--Glad your DH is doing well at the casino.  Must be fun to get all those perks while on vacay!  I had a great time with friends yesterday, looking forward to taking Sadie swimming later today.   And I've taken my meds this ayem!

    DorKable--POOL PARTAY, YEAH!!!!!!! 

    ORLA--Yup, folks with real pain who are using the meds correctly are the ones who will be hurt by all the roadblocks being put up.  And the powers that be wonder why there is such a black market for this stuff. 

    Pretty Cocktails by the pool! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Pool  Partay

    2 oz Leblon Cachaça

    .75 oz Guava puree

    1.5 oz Rose syrup

    .75 oz Lime juice

    1.5 scoops Ice

    Garnish: Rose petal

    Glass: Coupe

    Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend for about 30 seconds. Serve in a coupe glass. Garnish with a rose petal.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Good Sunday morning...its a beautiful morning here in Denver...we had lots and lots of rain late yesterday afternoon and evening....lucikly I didn't get caught in it walking to/from Mom's  both times, I arrived just before the down pour.....I don't complain about the rain as we are sooo dry here.....more rain called for this afternoon.....Mom's suitcase arrived Friday around 8:30 pm, so not that bad really....and yes so much easier to have "lost" luggage arriving home than on start of vacation....One brutally cold winter, DH and I had a business trip to HI in February...I was 7 months pregnant with DS and my luggage did not arrive with me.....I was wearing sweats on the plane due to the cold weather here and needless to say spent the first day in HI in them...luckily suitcase arrived that other time I skis did not arrive home with us after ski trip.....

    Not sure what is on the agenda for today....guess I need to sort through mail, phone messages etc and see whats on the calendar for the next week or so....already double booked one appt that I need to change....Need to also see what errands Mom needs to do today....Oh yeah....get some nice walking in today....I"m hooked....

    Kathy...How is your DH feeling? 

    NM...funny story about Rx of our good friend is a pcp....and he covers for other docs on call on the week-end....he has gotten annoyed when people call him at 2 am to say they are out of their meds and need a refill.....he said he has called the pharmacy and only refilled 1 pill!!!  He says let the people call their regular doc....Now, I need to add, that this doc is one of the most caring docs that I have ever met....He goes out of his way to provide the best care for his patients...and when my Dad was in the hospital, he checked on him everyday and he wasn't even Dads doctor....BUT he says to be called at 2 am for a refill is nuts!!!!

    Cami....ur just a young one!!!!  hope your little Annie is okay?   my oldest DD got a black eye when she was 2....or should I say 2 black eyes....she fell on a table and hit her nose and instantly a large knot and 2 black eyes....she was very petite and we still hiked with hr in the backpack carrier....every time someone looked at us, we wondered if they were going to call human services cuz of the black eyes!!!  And then we went to visit my MIL and she wanted a pic with her and all the we tried and tried to talk her out of her but she lots of eye cover make up to hide the black eyes....Never saw the picture cuz MIL didn't like how she looked in the picture...and btw, this was 25 years ago....

    Is it Orange or Beckers with the chronic pain? (sorry for not remembering)....can you find a pallative care doctor?  when I was having horrid joint pain on the AI's and was taking 12 ibuprofen/day, I met a pallative care doc at a breast cancer conference and she told me that you are not a drug addict unless you sell you Rx on the street corner...she was a big advocate of taking care of patients (and not just end of life that most people think of pallative care) to have the best QOL...she like the pure pain meds like dilauded that didn't have ibuprofen or acetamenaphin in them....Trouble is for me, that the narcotics make me sick and bind me ibuprofen is my choice or naproxen sodium....I stopped the AI's because of all the side effects!!!! are your folks?  and how are you doing?'s the garden?   My flowers are doing better this year than most cuz of the attention we have been giving them and feeding them year I'm going to do a small veggie garden, but then again I need to be in denver...should have planted one this year......we paid someone to re do our rock garden and put in a "waterfall" DH loves the sound of it...and luckily the dogs are staying out of it...also some nice perennials and shrubbery around it.....this had been my flower and veggie garden but the dogs like to lay there and dig  but so far they are not messing with this.....I should post a pic on fb....the guy who did the work put pics on fb...

    Wishng everyone a great its already 9:00....I guess its time to shower and get moving!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013