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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oops I'm a bit late to the partay, but want to wish Unde the bestest Birthday ever!!! Happy, Happy!!!! I just got home tonight and just comin into the HTL. Nice partay for Shannon....woohoo more nearly nekkid guyz!!!

    Cami, I am now singing that song....."You don't know me....." remember dat one? Well cuz I am NOT skinny, gained 50lbs since I met my DH.....waaaaay waaaaay NOT skinny! lol. But thanks for thinking I might be!!! Its funny, but I don't want HIM to know how much I have gained (like he couldnt tell just by looking at me???), so I keep it hush, hush. I HATE those tiny planes where they have to ask your weight as they will place people in certain seats, to balance out the plane. These are the tiny planes....I always write it down and show them instead of saying my weight out loud! LOL.

    OooohhhhhhhLaaaaaaLaaaaa...I got to get a nice big hug from Hunk yesterday!!!! HE looks sooo good now, hair a bit longer than when Junie and I first brought him in as a Tender here. (My DH just looks the other way). ITs so awesome to get to hug a Tender in person. AND we ended up coming home with some winnings, so it was a great trip.

    Anyone want a nightcap? What sounds good? Baileys on the rocks? Nighty night girls...sleep tight!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat u crack me up hahaha--Let's have a Birthday drink celebrating 29--sounds good. In fact any drink sounds good right now. So Cheers with beers and plenty of ice and Diet Dr. Pepper--yummy

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    I want some Baileys!!! Goot idea!!

    Oooooh... Los Angeles protestors are losing their minds. Aye yaye yaye!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Another beautiful hot day shaping up here.  Hoping to get off work early enough to take Sadie swimming this peeyem.  A  bunch of us went out to dinner after work last night, it was a lot of fun.  Got yummies in the fridge for dinner tonight! 

    Cammy--You hunk hogger, you!  Yes, it's only taken a few bad apples to make things difficult for everyone else.  Go get your coffee, and take your meds!

    Goldie--some people just don't know when to stop, or when to back off, I guess.  Or just wants to win the race.  I wish I had a pool for that pool boy to come clean!   When I can get my hands on zucchini I peel it and grate it and freeze it in 2 cup batches.  Just enough to add to cookie and cake batters to up the fiber content and add some different flavor during the winter. 

    Karen--puttering is a good thing, we all need a puttering around day now and again. 

    Cammy--all pics of peoples in pools are "you've got to remember that. . ." type pics! 

    Wahine--They really know how to bring people in, don’t they?  Free or almost free food will draw all kinds of people, and once there, why not spend a little $$ on the slots or games? 

    Mornin' Becs! 

    Happy Birthday, Undy! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Happy 29th Birthday

    1 shot blue curacao

    1 shot coconut cream

    1 shot triple sec

    Pour all shots into one glass and be happy to be 29! 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    No one is gonna laff AT you Cami, we only would laff wif you my friend. And you are too funny to not talk to you. Are you and Adey getting together this week?

    Kathy, at the risk of getting yelled at (by the Dorkster) I did make some roasted zucchini the other day, but I stuffed it. Recipe from Alton Brown (Food Network) called Herb Stuffed Zucchini. I added some other stuff to it, basil, shrooms and parmesan cheese. That is funny that you write your weight down and show them, instead of saying it outloud. And such a neat story about Hunk! Just love that you get to see him on occasion.

    LOL NM, calling Cami a Hunk Hogger. And I freeze some grated zucchinis too, especially when they get to be 3’ long, I swear they do that over night. Always good to bring a doggie bag home, just hope Sadie doesn’t think it’s for her. Glad you got to have some fun with your friends.

    Becks, I ‘ll have some Baileys with you and Kachinka, but want some Crown Royal in mine to make it a Duck Fart………….YUM.

    Lara, do we really have to invite Tan Mom? YUCK!

    Ha ha ha, because we really don't know how old you are......28, 29, 40????

    I think Stella had a little too mooch to dwink!


    hAPpy BiRThdAy mY FrIEnD!

    I hope you have a special day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Today is he B day

    happy B day GF   28 forever

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Photo: Look who is in the pool!  Next is the English Channel !!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK here I am--warts and all- Remember had been in the water at least an hr--so my hair was as is and my face showed everyline and droopy Italian eyes--OMG how she could put his on FB.

    OK NM see why I hog up these hunkers, but it's Undie's day so she gets any or all she wants. I like the sparkles. And that cake is hysterical.

    Oh Joey's going to Bible school this morning, this kid is becoming goofy--When he comes in here he sometimes says I'd better not watch this I think it's inapprpiate for someone my age. Oh geeze enough is enough I'm going back to Greek mythology for the Bible msybe I'll crack him.

    OK I left u with a big laugh so now u've seen me at my almost worst--yes I've been sorse. So now I'm going to have to show u one with my best hahahaha--Oh well

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    happy birthday shannon

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    happy 21st and a bit birthday

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good morning all, joeyLaughing,   off to  the the cafe today,

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    See, I LOVE this picture, Cami! Looks like a fun day, and enough "floaties" for everyone. Where are you hiding the tendahs??? So glad you got into the pool. That water color looks almost like the Caribbean water...gawgeous color. You rock, girl!

    Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (today) Shannon!!!! Love all the hunks that Lori gave you, plus all the candles on the funny!!

    Lori, that zucchini sounds so good! Glad you freeze the grated zucc also. I like NM's idea to add to cake mix, etc. So how much Crown to how much Baileys? Don't wanna make de duck fart too loudly, but not sure of proportions. While eating dinner in the steak house, the bartender there was making some "Apple Dumpling" was his recipe though, and they sure looked yummy. We were tooooo full though to try it.

    I do hope you and Sadie get to go swimming this peeyem, NM! Are you getting that really, really not weather? On the news the other day it looked like it was coming your way. This is the mildest July we have had for a long time. Its coming though, I know it! Our fig trees are so ginormous right now, and driving past all the cornfields in MS and AL, reminded us of that song..."...the corn is as high as an elephant's eye..."... as all the corn was so tall, so green, and so healthy looking. Cotton and soybean fields were so healthy and green too.

    Well I KNOW I will think its 120 degrees when I go out and work on the deck boards again!!!! Gotta remember that chilly towel. Hope you have a wunnerful 28th+ birthday Shannon! And a good TwosDey to you all. NM's 29th Birthday Dwink of de Dey looks soooo yummy, but I wonder....if we get 2 at a time, does that make us all 58????

    Ohhhh JUST SAW the HUNK Julie posted too....yummmmmmmmmmmmmm. Nice cake too!



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2013


    I am lmao at all da cakes u been getting today.  Da one wif all da mese...u not even close to dat age ..r u?  j/k!!  Hope you have a wunnerful wunnerful DAY!!   Da hunks will hailp n make sures u hab a GR8 day K?

    Cami - YAY...u finally did it.  I am sooo pwoud mary of u!!  U r bootiful bootiful!!  And of course...always cwacking mese up wif your stories.

    Lori - Gorgeous veggies!  I am hoping someone will leave some in mese car so I can freeze in 2 cup quantities for da zucc bread.  I heard some use it in sketti too.

    Hello to Katwinka, NM, Beckers, Julie and all mese other goils....gotta full doc n tx day in vegas today so gotta git going.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll...MUAH!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sue u'r always so busy now it;s nice o see u. And Sue u can make Zucch in long shreds and use it as u'r getti with u;r sauce and it's good.

    Sorry Kat but I'd love to e 58 again. LOL

    Oh my niece came over yesterday and she downsizing to sell her home--and she brought all kinds of jackets and caps for Joey--She has 3 boys, 2 now in colege and 1 in high schoo but she has to give things away  so she brought sheets and towels etc. So there wil be more and my DD is thrilled they're all like new and she can use all of this stuff. Holy chit I just went to get more coffee and saw al the bags she brought we went thru 3 yesterday ad I thought that was it00there are 7 huge bags in the kitchen with all clothes (Joey) and even Christmas twoels (she had4 bathrooms)haha Les is busy. I've got my door closed Tehe 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Cami I love the picture! You are way too hard on yourself. Once again, rushing to go to work. BBL!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Becs u seem like u'r always working--u , Julie and NM--Oh wait a few othera to--I'm so used to not working now--it took me about 1 1/2 days to get totally used to it. I'm so effin lazy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Atta goil Cami, good goil….leebing doze boyz alone for Unde. You look like you are so enjoying yourself in the pool, and I don’t see any warts! I hope you can go over more, swimming has to be GREAT exercise! Ok, now you can bix yeself up and have Joey take a picture of you all glammed up! Speaking of “glam”, a friend of my brothers just became a grandma, but calls herself Glam-ma, I thought that was really cute. How nice to get all the goodies from your DD. You are not LAZY, you put your time in!

    Julie, I just hate that you have to work in the café, when you love and profession is nursing. I so hope you can get back into that.

    Kathy, I don’t make the Duck Farts, just get them when in Laughlin, so not sure of ratio. I also like mine on the rocks, not as a shot. LOL at KatOnAHotDeck!

    Sue, de zucc cook in your car in Vegas! Just make upa de batter and let set in the car, in the sun………….walla, zucchini bread! Neber heard of it in sketti, heard of sketty squash tho.

    Bout to make my fwozen sketti sauce, if customers would leave me be!

    Where’s our birfday goil? Oh wait, with all the hunks would be my guess Surprised

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    It is so gorgeous in Denver today.....time to go sit outside and read and enjoy the blue sky and light breeze!!!  love the few summer days that we get that aren't too HOT!!!

    Happy birthday to our birthday girl....hope you special day is everything you want it to be....I'll toast you tonight!!!

    Lori...oh I so well remember the zucchini "baseball bat" day they are too small and a couple days later they are obscene!!!  I haven't made zucchini bread in years...maybe its time to make a batch with the zucchini and yellow squash I have in the frig...DH told me last night that he really doesn't like them when I was going to put it in my stir fry!!!  never knew!!

    Cami.....loved the picture of you in the pool.....

    Wishing everyone a great day :)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    they forgot to mention you have to find them first!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    ROFLMAO Julie! Cool

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Quiet twos day round here huh? I made sketti tonight too for mom n my sis. Reminds me why I don't cook. For one, it's too hot with flames n chit going that close to me!

    Couldn't sleep so thought I'd poke my head in da HTL. I see errybuddy is passed out in here. Shhhhhh. Tip toein ober all y'all ta grab me a tender and a night cap. Shhhhhh.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem? 

    Goldie--I've heard that zucchini can go from nothing to the size of a small child overnight.  And Sadie does think that doggie bags are for her, we have to discuss that from time to time! 

    Cammy--you look like you're having fun in that pic!  Good for you!  Dear Joey, he is going to have such a time in this world if he doesn't find a good woman to keep him level!  But enjoy while he's young, and have fun with the mythology/Bible mixology!

    Juliet--all I can think of looking at this hunk is what will the tats look like in 20 years????

    Wahine--yup, Sadie and I got to go swimming after work yesterday.  Planning on another trip today if we're not getting thunderstorms.  The weather here isn't quite heat wave level, hasn't been 90 degrees for 3 days in a row yet, drops down to 88 every other day or so.  UV index is high, air quality is moderate and getting worse, makes me very glad for the window AC unit in the bedroom!  At least I can sleep well.  And if we get 2 29th birthdays at a time it makes us very happy and who cares how old!!!!!!!!

    Good Morning, Mema!

    Cammy--7 more bags of stuff to go through?  Wow, talk about downsizing!  I'd keep my door closed, too. 

    Mornin' to you, too, Becs!

    Goldie--cooking zucchine bread in the car, huh?  THAT is HOT weather!  And you can put grated zucchini in almost anything to add fiber and moisture.  And it adds a bit of fresh taste, too!

    Karen--sounds like a gorgeous day in Denver, good for you for enjoying it! 


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Duck Fart


    1/2 oz Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey

    1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur

    1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream

    Layer ingredients in order as listed above.


    1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur

    1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream

    1/2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky

    Layer ingredients in order as listed above.

    Duck Fart Coffee

    1 1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream

    1 1/2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky

    1 1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur

    1 tsp creme de cacao

    1 oz whipped cream

    6 - 10 ozfresh, brewed coffee

    In a 12 - 16 oz coffee mug or glass, add the Bailey's irish cream, Crown Royal Canadian whisky, Kahlua coffee liqueur and almost fill with brewed coffeee made less than 1 hour beforehand. Top with whipped cream; drizzle creme de cacao on top and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Things are cooling off a bit here too Karen.  

    Sue, I put some zucchini in my sketti that I made yesterday.

    Love Sheepdog bra Julie.

    You were up late Becks, hope that Tendah didn’t keep you up ALL NIGHT!

    Amazing all of the Duck Fart recipes, I like just Bailey’s and CR. Kahlua I don’t like at all. Glad that Sadie is getting to go swimming.

    Getting ready to take off tomorrow for the weekend, heading to Laughlin. I think DH got rooms for 3 nights for like $30! My only problem is my hummers will most likely run out of food! I pretty much have to fill the feeders daily! I go through over 5 pounds of sugar a week!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hope you have fun on your trip Lori! I would think they would send you food coupons, etc? As long as you use their players card. I know, I love the free rooms, etc., esp when we bring THEIR money home! Hoping you have a good $$$ trip, and fun, too! Did you try your sketti with the zucchini in it? My DH fixed vegs my fav way last night, roasting in the oven with olive oil...takes 30-45 min and I was SO hungry when they were ready after 8, well the %#@ put cornmeal on them! WTH??? Esp weird on the broccoli....didn't like them that way at all. Sometimes we have a perfect recipe, we both love, and then he always thinks he should change it. Didn't want to wait for a new batch so had to eat some. yuck! He liked it though, go figure.

    Tattoos? Tattoos? OK, NM, I had to go back a pg and look at the hunk Julie posted. Didn't notice any tattoos the first time I saw him...guess I was noticing sumtin else? lol. Glad you and Sadie are getting to swim! Had to keep Maverick and Molly off the deck again yest while I worked on it, but they enjoyed being in the shade under the humongous fig tree. SOMEHOW Mav jumped up on the coffee table on the deck after he ate yest....I had to be out there to make sure Molly would eat (otherwise he eats what she leaves)...and when I sat in a chair I forgot he didn't have a side to sit next to me. He ALWAYS has to sit right next to me! If you recall, he had such a bad hip 2 yrs ago he could barely move. So we started him on the glucosamine/chondroitin and omg it works so well, but we discouraged him from jumping up at all. He is over 60 lbs, and about 11-12 yrs old. He jumped up like a puppy..never done that before, so while he sat on the coffee table, I just sat and hugged him the entire time Molly ate. ALSO, I keep something on ea thing outside so Molly won't jump on them (she is much smaller and can jump on everything), so I had to carefully get out the grass shears from under Mav! lol. I love them sooooooo muchliest! Wow, you found some yummy Duck Farts...I should copy them. I think the Tenders made each of those dwinks so we could try them and see which is our fav. I still don't think I have tried Lori's way yet....bartenders seem stunned when I ask for that! Been having a lot of Long Island Iced Teas though....shhhhhhhhhhh.....

    OMG and another hunk brought here by Lori....all these young studs GOT TO keep us young, right??? Well I am heading to a new podiatrist to ask her about whether or not my big toenails need to come off for good. Works well on long trips now, to use the toeless compression knee his, and sandals without anything over the toe area. AND I can wear the jogging shoes that I cut the toe area out to get dress shoes with nothing over the toes also, but mainly I wear the fitflops and similar, with good arches! Oh woe is mese, whut we go thru as we get older....but mucho bettah den de alternative.

    Dorkie, Youse needs to be here MORE! And Allison too, and Sue (but it was good you popped in), and Beansie, and Cyndie, and Bernie.....COME ON BACK Y'HEAR???? Wese all missus youse wunnerful ladies!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning all---

    Juliet I love u'r pics--ALL of them==U can always make us laugh or lust--both very good things.

    Goldie nice Thrist day coming up. And there is really so much u can do with zuchinni, it's amazing-It's a non stop recipe veggy. Gold it seems like u'r wether is better right now, u get  a break-It's starting to come our way now--ick

    NM I wish I could go swimming every time with u and Sadie it would be so relaxing and I'm so glad u;r going--u need to.

    Becs I hope u got some sleep last night--those tendas really have a lot of stamina, of course they can keep up with me, but they do pretty good, but then u need rest. I was so tired last night--I went to pt but then everything got mixed up--I ended up with ER tests on my liver and I don't have a clue WTF is going on and I didn't do Pt----well of course we know about me havin yet ANOTHER bladder infection and for some reason this infection they said they didn't like LOL Gee I thought they didn't like any of them but what do I know--well a long story that's boring as hell so I see my Onc next week==something to do with my liver and ribs--and I honestly don't ubderstand any of it. So I'll wait to see my Onc. Anyway it made me so tired I could barely keep my eyes open and was in miserable pain so pain meds I took. I'm no martyr. And I know katie-Kat got mad at me cuz thru the nite she knocked things (nothing breakable) off my table--that's telling me Another brat.

    OK I'l BBL--I hope everyone has a good day.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh, Cami, chit if it isn't one thing its a million things.....but I love your humor throughout whatever you are going through. Sending nice, gentle hugs to you....hope your pain is much less today, dear friend. {{{{{Camille}}}}}    (See, I call you Camille when I am extra worried bout you).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat u are so so funny--Don't worry about me really==I'll be fine, I think ll my /drs. just like to see me. LOL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Of course we are concerned Cami, we wuv you girl. I'm glad that you let us know, will pray that it's nothing. Sawry you get so many of those darned infections, my mom gets them frequently as well. Can't blame the docs for just wanting to see you, you prolly make their day!

    Never get any food offers from Laughlin Kat, just the room discounts, but that's ok. We won't win much, cuz we don't play much, meaning we don't bet much! .50 is about the highest we go! Have to find out the schedule of our favorite waitress, so we can be sure to be over at that casino. She is quick with drinks, let me tell you, we have tipped her to GO AWAY! As she is known to come around sometimes every 10 minutes!