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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    that cartoon is supposed to say" we three kings in waiting"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie--love that drink---sounds yummy

    Cyn great pics, as soon as u can show us more. How much fun that is to look at vacation pictures of places u'll never be but wish u could be--I love it.

    Lara I'm so glad that cream? works--is this what he made for u? Wow I want some too. LOL

    OK the name George--like not so much--Alexander sounds strong and Kingly--George reminds me of Georgy can u come out to play. I mean when he's in all those prep schools Alex is a good short name but when he's King Alexander sound regal not George--that usually used on a comedy show.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    What P.M.S. Stands For Previous Next

    Pass My Shotgun Psychotic Mood Shift Perpetual Munching Spree Puffy Mid-Section People Make Me Sick Provide Me with Sweets Pardon My Sobbing Pimples May Surface Pass My Sweatpants Pissy Mood Syndrome Plainly, Men Suck Pack My Stuff

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie hahahahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh I didn't tell u about my Dr. app't today--well that's 2 Drs. that said what I have is really odd, one said she never saw this before (but she is younger) and my Doc today explained it and showed me the puctures.  Boy do I know alot--First I asked why am I looking at someones ear canal---I was serious then she talked slowly again. my colon is really wrapped around my liver LOL pusinging it into my ribs==then I could see it but my colon is where my liver should be and my liver way off base--I was laughing so hard it was hurting more -oh then she said I have never had a patient like u--I think that was an insult but maybe not--so I have to see a surgeon and I told her I can't be put out so she shook her head and said Oh Boy the Dr going to have a time with u. She also said the liver was clean but she could not say the colon was cuz it was all twisty and turny around that stupid liver--it looks like breakfast sausages like tied in the casing and just all wrapped around. This so stupid it's laughable--so some colon has to come out Ha maybe I'll lose 3 ozs'. So that was some of my Dr. stuff. There was more but not as funny to me--Oh the tech took my B/P  (leg) and it was 184/124-I said I'm leaving now to go to the ER. So the nurse came in and took it it was 124/55--So I stayed.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OMG Cami, I had been wondering why we had not heard about your drs appts, then FINALLY you decided to tell us! You sneaky gal, you! Well shoot if that isn't just a big mess. HOW IN DE HAIL did your colon decide to wrap all around your liver??? From you laffing too much? I have never heard of that, and I am SO glad you still find laffter in ebberytin. You are a hoot! What do you mean you can't be put out? Hope there is something they can give you that you can tolerate, cuz you HAVE to be put out for surgery. I was just thinking "OMG what if you had gone in for a colonoscopy?"...I mean they would prolly not be able to snake that probe around where it is all wrapped around your liver. I don't know bout you, girlfriend. BUT we need to get you all bixed up, and soonliest. Do you know when you might see the surgeon? (((((Camille)))))...see I have to write your real name in with your hugs, as I am worried bout ya. Hope you can get some good sleep tonight. Speaking of sleep, about time for me to hit the hay too....ZZZzzzzzzzz...

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Wow cammie..Damon...I don't even know what to say. How does something like that happen? What is the course of action for that?

    Apparently I was out of my mind last night and told my friend from 6th grade that she is welcome to live here . We have been best friends since the age of12. Guess what? She is moving in....and bringing her son .....things are about to get NUCKING FUTTS HERE. Anyone want me and a scruffy puppy?

 your PMS description..Haaaa...don't do that chit any more..going thru menopause now. Same chit but constant.

    Tis late and I'm drunk ...if I stay up any longer I may ask someone else to move in...FuK.

    Nite loves

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Ladies--

    Cyn Ok let me get this straight--u are opening a bed and breakfast for free. Right I didn't realize u'r home was so big. Wow Usually people do that when they are older and like to cook and clean and have people all around, Not when they still work FROM HOME. OMG I'd go crazy myself==well further crazy. So all these people are going to live with u--just when u thought it was safe to  go back in the water--rumrum/rum rum/ (theme song from Jaws) Bless u;r little drunken mouth. LOL

    Kat what's going on with u'r DD's???

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    ood Morning,, Loungettes!  It's a brisk 61 degrees in the living room this ayem.  Feels good, actually. 

    Juliet--I remember visiting Epcot one summer, it was great!  Loved visiting the different areas.  Had a glass of wonderful Leibfroumilch (sp?) in Germany.  Pizza and treadmill sounds like a fun day, enjoy!

    Cammy--I do like it being light out longer.  Something about still being light out that makes it easier to do stuff outside.  Now if only the skeeters would go away. . . .And drama is not needed at our appointments.  Better to leave your daughter at home, or at least in the waiting room. 

    Goldie--Have you tried freezing some of the herbs?  I used to cut, rinse and then put in an ice cube tray.  Enough water to cover, and freeze.  Then the cubes can be transferred to a ziplock bag or plastic tub, taken out and dropped in soups and things just at the end of the cooking time.  Only needs a few minutes to melt and release the herbs into the food.  It's a lot like cooking with fresh herbs.  And yes, Silly Sadie is a smart pup, but I think all dogs are smarter than we give them credit for! 

    Karen--How wonderful to have a walking buddy within walking distance!  And such a good idea to keep track like you do.  Is there more than one way to say "z"? 

    Wahine--I've never canned anything myself, but I remember my Mom doing it. I should get her recipes and try canning some stuff.  She still makes lots of pickles and jellies and jams and marmalade.  Funny how your DH hoards stuff.  Maybe if he had to keep a log of everything he brings in?  Also, he should get a Sharpie and mark the month and year he buys the stuff, on each can, so you can use the older stuff first.  It also helps you see how much of something you use in a year.  Learned that from my Mom, too. 

    OK, that is one creepy commercial! 

    ORLA-- a chalet in the Adirondacks?  How wonderful!  Do you have any pics?  Oh, no, you left after only 2 days?  So sad!  Not much of a friend if she had all that attitude. 

    Wahine--I remember that pic!  So good to see it again, thanks for re-posting! 

    And no, that guy in the fountain is NOT Tender material.  Fish bait, maybe. 

    Juliet--LOL!!!!!!!  Now I understand life!   I stole it for my Facebook page! 

    CynCyn--good grief, talk about DRAMA!  No wonder you were upset.  How much rent are you going to charge the friend from Mass? 

    Love the pics! 

    ORLA--HOORAY for the cream working!!!!

    Juliet--Aha, now the pic makes sense!

    Cammy--I have this very odd mental picture of you with a string of sausage links wound around your liver.  No wonder you hurt!  Sounds like that tech needs some more education on taking leg B/P's! 

    CynCyn--Oh, boy, talk about even MORE drama!  Maybe you should think about turning your home into a boarding house?  At least there will be one other female in the house. . .

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Juilet's  "Root-Canal Float"

    1 1/2 oz Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey

     8-10 oz root beer 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream

    1. Put Jack Daniels in cup first. 

     2. Pour Root Beer in second. 

    3. Gently put ice cream in cup (careful for expansion) 

    4. After it settles, stir to mix the ice cream with spoon and serve.

    - SimpleCountryGirl

    Stolen from Juliet

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    cartoon high glass and juice 01 vector

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    NM talk about drama with my DD--she goes on google--I told her not to--well they wanted to take me to the ER then, I just came home from the dr She says to me I don't want to scare you Mom, but this could kill u. hahaha I said Oh u'r not scaring me--I love to here this off GOOGLE- That' drama--se what I mean. She would have fainted with my first B/P? read. hahaha

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    nm, how your colon go up there i would love to know!, cyn's b+b is now open!.    nm,i stole it from fb in the first placeLaughing

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Oh Katrinka, you have me rolling on the floor, you in your disguise! And OMG how funny you found that picture when searching for the percotini fountain. Of course, who would ever search that, besides one of us???? When I can, I just the water bath method, I think I would prolly be dangerous with a pressure cooker too.

    Cami, I think the zucchini would get mushy. I do grate it, and freeze it like that. I don’t much care for the name George either, but then again that was the name of our friend/partner that screwed us over. Glad to know what is causing your pain, and why can’t you have surgery? I also think it’s funny when the doc starts talking slowly with you. Did your DD go with you? I think Google is the worst place to go look for ailments, as everything will either kill you or give you cancer.

    Lara, how long were you suppose to have the cabin? I guess you guys should have cleared that up before going. I’m sorry it ruined your trip and you had to go home. Not so sure we EVER get back to “normal”. LOL @ throwing that guy in the fountain. I hope that cream works for you and helps with the pain.

    All of that sounds logical Julie (with the animals and life).

    Cyn, it definitely  is a challenge to grow anything here, as there are NO nutrients in the soil what so ever. Oh dear, you do have a house full, but the friend doesn’t have to stay if you don’t want  him there. Does he work? Charge him rent. I know you won’t throw your boys out, but keep on them girl. Love the pictures you and D have shared. I didn’t know Stella went too. OMG, are you fricking kidding me? Just read about your friend and her son. Where in de hail are you going to put everyone? I do have a spare room.

    I too love that is lighter out, longer. It’s what I hate most about winter. NM, I have not froze herbs, but will give it a try. I’ll have to buy an ice cube tray, or maybe I could use my silicone muffin pan. I use that to freeze milk for cooking, as we don’t drink milk. Z is maybe zed?

    That Root Canal sounds really yummy, thanks Julie.

    Got my canning done, so back out to the office today, Phoenix tomorrow. Seeing another GI for second opinion, as my DH wants me to. This is my little Buddy’s doc. Appointment is at 10:15, so I prolly wont’ have time to check in in the morning, have to leave here by 6 am.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Cami...oh my....what an eventful doctor appt....keep us posted on how things go with the surgeon....and do tell what you mean that you can't be put out!!! how many people are living in your house right now?  I'm not as nice a person as you....think I would end up sleeping in my car to have some peace and quiet...

    NM....I walk with this gf a couple times a week, but not on a regular basis...Saturdays is the most regular day....I enjoy the company, but she walks much slower than me...much more of a leisure stroll.....Will make my next million steps by the end of today if I'm good with walking will be my personal best....I'm just hoping when the school year starts back up, I will still walk twice day and when its cold out too.....that means walking at 6 am on work days!!  walking is the only exercise I enjoy....and if I keep it up, I can keep my weight where I want step is to give up snacking late at night and maybe cut back on the wine.....the wine is the reason I snack!!!!

    Kathy.....any update on your DH or DD's?

    Taking Mom back to the pcp today.....the swelling in her legs is down (but not gone) and the legs stopped weeping a couple weeks ago so that is good, but Mom said her weight is up...pcp at last appt gave her grief about it so she's ready to be on the defensive.....Since Mom moved here in April, this is the first time I haven't seen her for 3 days....never gone more than a day before, but I think this might be good....I've talked to her everyday though.....Think I'll see if she wants to go to lunch before the doctor appt.  Need to also take her to run a couple errands...the Dollar Store and Walgreens....

    Its just me the next couple days...DS is working tonight and tomorrow think I might treat myself to pizza tonight...tomorrow night I'm going to a friend's for Shabbat dinner.....DH is on a business trip and DD#2 is at DD#1 till Monday.....its was  nice "talking" to her on fb last ended Tuesday and when she is at camp there is no communication....Yesterday SIL took DD#2 out to dinner (my treat) and DD#2 was so thrilled cuz she ran into her bff from camp who she is spending this coming week-end with (and the reason she went back to Toronto after camp).....SIL thinks DD picked the restaurant knowing her friend who be there, but I asked DD and she said NO.....DD now tells me she wants to go to Miami with her DAd for a family wedding in December so she can see other camp friends!!  That girl loves to travel!!!  When we talked to her on Tuesday after she got to her sisters from camp....I told her that Daddy was disappointed that she didn't call him on "visiting" day....and she worried that he was upset....but then said, I was with my friends and didn't want to talk to parents and that you know, I don't get homesick!!!!  Gotta love that self confident kid...and dad laughed when I told him....

    Got a list to "to dos" and a few have been on the list all week, so think I best make sure they get done is to finish my national certification renewal and get it in the mail before end of month....this is the reason I took those online classesd....actually is been on my 2 do list for going on 2 weeks!!!!  also need to mail some papers back to Canada regarding Dad's death...also on my list for almost 2 weeks...both since we came home on the does it sound I like procrastinate and put things off!!!! or that I spend too much time on the computer!!!

    DorK....where are you? time to jump in the shower....have a great Thursday.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Goldie....took me so long writing my post, that I missed yours....YUP...Z is ZED!!!!  good luck at the doctor tomorrow

    When I lived in OHio we had a huge garden.....never canned...also afraid of the pressure cooker...but I froze...tomatoes and more tomatoes and I forget what else..we grew zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, green peppers and ???  No veggie garden here, but I miss it.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh Cyndie, you need to STOP drinking if you are going to keep inviting people to live with you. Oh yeah, that wouldn't work out....OK you need to keep your mouth zipped up and your fingers are not allowed to be typing on the computer either, when you are drinking!!! Well dear, I do have a guest room, and would welcome you here, but Reese would have to live outside, which I am sure he would NOT like to do. Since Maverick and Molly would love to be inside (well Maverick would for sure), it would be mean to them if I let another dog have inside privileges! So if you can be without Reese inside the house for awhile, you are VERY welcome here! Looks like Lori has a guest bedroom could travel the country staying will us in all different states, sort of like Chrissy did on her US visit. (((Cyn)))

    NM, glad you did Julie's drink for today too....sounds SO yummy! I should try it, I have JD and also Seagrams which is similar, I have root beer and vanilla ice (or drink) for thought, foah shuah.

    Oh Cami, yuppers you can get really scared finding info like that on Google, but then again you CAN learn stuff too. Just gotta sift thru it all. My DH has gotten worried looking up his new drugs, but then I think the info on the prescrip was scary too. You know your DD loves you a TON, and only wants what is best for you and what will keep you around the longest and with the best quality of life. What is the proposed plan of action? I think you were supposed to see a surgeon? Can your DD come with you if she keeps quiet and just listens to you and the dr? She might be less worried if she comes along and hears what the dr says. I think she might worry that you aren't telling her everything (duh!) and prolly just wants to do the best for you. You are such a sweetie, we ALL want you well and want you here FOREVER, well at least till you are a hundred, ok? (((Camille)))

    OK, gotta get moving. Didn't get to address everyone, but I DID read all the posts. Thinking of you all and wishing for the best day possible. Can't get ThirstDey with that good drink. And I might REALLY try it today!



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Juliet great drink

    Cammie omg your colon wrapped around your liver

    pig in a blanket glad u have humor keep us updated please

    lmaooff cyn I say everything when I drink which kinda was why that girl drank

    Ill say im a millionare to have people live with me so know what u did and the damn people remember and yoyr screwed like.......................... Ah I was drunk but you do not want to say that

    Yes where the hell is Dork can someone call her

    Goldie yes the cream is working I had to wake up and put it on againn in teh middle of  the night but no big deal I pee all the time

    Drinl a lot of water

    Im on this 3 day diet this is my second day

    resdy to throw it out the window

    and get some pizzzzaaaaa

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Noooo hang in there Lara....good for YOU! The first couple of days are the worse. I speak from experience....over and over and over to know how to STAY on it! Glad the cream is working. My spine dr wanted to have some "special cream" made up for me, but the company that makes it to order never could tell me EXACTLY what was in it, so I didn't do it. Guess I should have!

    OK, putting out an APB for Dorkaroni....come in Dorkie, come into de Tenders iz missing you as well as all of us here!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    Did sumbuddy call mese name or mese hearing tings? Can I get a dwink around here??

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    YEAH.....didn't know I could yell so loud, but it WORKED!!! De Dorkster is IN de lounge. WOOHOO!!!!! Yuppers, I see Pants and Jock BOTH have brought you a nice big icy, GJ and Diet. They are gonna spoil you rotten tonight so you won't stay away so long!!!! Yipppeeeeeeeee!!!!! (I will join ya wid a Seagrams/Diet!) Or maybe we can try that DOTD.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG Finally boy Kat the Killer instinct is why u cann yell so loud. Dork actually heard u---YYYAAAYY Don't stay away so long. Dork how are u'r folks doing? ANSWER Missy  LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Omggggg dorrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    NOW I know why dorkaroni stayed away so long, to see HOW MUCH she was missed! Lookie Lookie DorCookie....ebberyone missed ya!!! What a good welcome! Dorkie taut mese a noo woid today....."virt-shirley" mese will have a "virt-shirley" dwink wid you all....den go to mese parental-units house to habs a weal one! (or two)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    I'm dreaming of pizza

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    orange....its just me for dinner tonight and the question is do I walk to the pizza place and eat it there or drive and bring it home...guess I could walk and bring it home, but I'd probably eat it while walking the 10 minutes!!!!!  going to look at the menu online to see what else I want....of course I'm munching on snacks while enjoying my 2nd glass of wine...the pizza place does not have a likker permit!!!!  I'll share my pizza with you!!!1

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    i had a slice of pepperoni pizza at the gym today!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Hello ladies.

    Mmmmmm pizza sounds good Karen!

    Cami, how did your colon get up der? Oh my lawd! Do you fer sure hab to hab surgery?? Maybe you can have epidural. When is next step? I need colonoscopy but I'm very burnt out on doctor stuff still.

    Hab fun at parental house for happy hour Wahine.

    Hi dork. Finally!!

    Saw Bernie made a showing. Yay. at gym? My kinda gym. Strap on some wrist weights and eat da pizza.

    I had a cheeseburger and I'm still hungry. Hmmm.

    So tired. Air wasn't working at work. Swear I am friggen gonna melt. I want my estrogen baaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!

    Cyn, you invited someone to move in??? Oh my. Are they really serious?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    tank ye for de warm welcome, Kat, Lara, Cam and espeshirly Karen.

    mese been in hiding, it about stella but it toppliest sewret ya hear me. you goils did not see me. you did not see stella eiddder. and if you do see dem, call de police immedeetlee. dey bout to gese arrested for being obsessded.

    did I tail ye goils dat mese, uh I mean Stella fell off de tammy train and wese now riding a whole new ballsgame. pants' balls tehehe. well kat sent me dese here boys. who knows when I will come up for airsey! but love ye goils, k? i hope you beleaves mese. peace out dwunks! chchchia=cheers! i fell. i speep on de floor. no stepping or spitooning on mese, k? i tail ye later potadoes. i like em mashed. mese like being smashed too uncase ye vondering.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Dorky we'll be quiet, but mese tinks I saw stella on Letterman's show for 3 secunds las nite in the promo,I don't no for shoah but mese tinks so. Anyone else see her???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Mese oh mice---I talked to my brother and his friend is not the chief of staff of the Hospital I go to now--He's the county corornor--Oh gettng advice from him--I don't want a big Y on my body and told mese brother that. But he knows all the Drs. and am hoping can find one that will do an epi on me--do they do that much. My brother thinks I'm nuts cuz i have to be put out and I said just ask him if a Dr. will do it. Other people have to have a problem with Anesthesia (sp) don't they--I can not be the only one right???