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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Wese iz partaying, partaying, Dorkie is a partay gurl fah shuah.

    Wow, they just showed a huge sailboat in IReland....was sinking off the coast of Cork, but the 18 people were ok. Was from very rough waters that slammed it into the rocks. Had to rescue with helicopters and boats. Rarely see anything about Ireland here. Bernie, did it ever rain? Hope you're not still in a drought.

    Cami, SURELY they can do an epidural if that is what you need. OH NO, don't ask the county coroner....only YOU dear, only YOU! Hope your bro comes up with the name of a good surgeon for you. I think your secret desire is to have all these weird things happen, so you can be written up in all the medical books. YUP, that must be it! I swear girl, you have had SO MUCH happen and its about time that they got you fixed up so you won't have so much pain. Did they ever say how that could have happened, with your colon getting twisted around your liver?

    A gym with pizza....awesome!

    Cheers Dears, Have No Fears, Dwink lots of Beers!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    hahaha Kat when 2 Drs. say they never saw anything like that u kniw they are young and they will give me another young un' I realize their on tops of all the new things but sometime some experience is needed, I think u people were talking about gardens so much all of a sudden my colon thought it was an ivy plant and started growing on the side of me. Now I'm just hoping he find a good one that' done this before and there is no cancer in the colon. I wonder if they can do this with lapro-??NURSES. Then I told my brother I don't want to end up on Rich's table (the coronor) and my brother says Oh he doesn't operate anymore--and I'm like Mike--He turns it around on me and say well if u didn't goof around so much with the Drs. maybe--I shut him up right then. Then he said yea, u've always been like this. So he told me he;ll call Rich tomorrow Guys I really don't want to do this, but I do't think I have a choice--I'm so tired of Drs. and feeling in the land of ickdom, I must be an awful Drag to be around and Now I will stop complaining.

    Oh a weekend is coming---Tomorrow nite Joey's going to my DD's house to sleep and the kids are ging to a new house party, so I've got the furbabies with Sox crying half the nite and Katie-Kat smirking, Then the fireworks at my cousins Sat evening--my BIL and sister are picking us up and get this Sunday there will be a block party here (on this block so meet more people. So busy weekend and I will use my chalk for my hair and match my polish and Joey did my toenails so I'll be all set. So I'll really look like a crazy old lady with all these colors walking bent over while I'm leaning to the right. Oh First impressions.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Omg Cami!!! No Y incisions!! Hey I had epidural for c-section and a 9.5# cannon ball baby taken out of me and my XDH says they had my uterus up outta me too so I hope they can take out a bit of colon and tuck it back where it outta be! They put morphine in my epidural too and it made me pain free for many hours after. It was a fabulous way to go darling! You stay hopeful! Hic. I don sound bad dwnkliest!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Becs===big baby--of course u had to have a C section, bit that's right that's an operation like crazy so why couldn't they do that with a few inches of colon. Good thinking Becs.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Aware..thanks for the offers folks but I made my bed.....Cain...etc about the colon?

    Beckers..Yes I got drunk....SURPRISE... and offered my best friend from US a place to live. are right on...I may take you up on the room..but for a visitor not a may take Goldie up to one day.

    Lara!!! I want pizza too!!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Wow..... auto correct got me on my first sentence...this isn't good..I better go to bed before I offer my house up to someone else.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Cyn, have u checked =do u still have u'r own bed????

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Raining like a son of a gun and gonna rain like this all day, and into tomorrow.  Gonna be an umbrella day for sure!

    Cammy--Google can be a good source of info IF you know how to vet the sites for how much credence to give them.  Like Wikipedia--anyone can go on there and change the info.  Your DD needs to learn to use a little common sense.  Of course, if she's a drama queen she's not going to do that. 

    Juliet--ok, well, I stole it back to Fb! 

    Goldie--I don't see why you can't use your muffin pan to freeze herbs.  The trick is to freeze in "serving" size, then you can just grab one or two or whatever out of the freezer when you want.  Good luck at the doc's!

    Karen--Walking is good exercise, isn't it?  Giving up snacking late at night would be hard for me, but I need to do that too!  I don't often walk with other people 'cause I can't keep up, I have a short stride I guess.  I wonder where DD#2 got her love of travel from????

    Wahine--Good morning to you! 

    ORLA--so glad the cream is working, even if you do have to wake up at night to put more on!

    DORKABLE!!!!!!Some one get that gal a dwinky! 

    Becs--it is miserable when the AC isn't working.  I spend a lot of time in nursing homes where it can't be set lower than 72 degrees and often is turned off b/c residents are complaining about being cold.  Sometimes I go out to my car for a few minutes to run the AC and cool off, but it is draining, isn't it?

    I see DoKable has caught up with her dwinking!

    Cammy--you are NOT the only one who has problems with anesthesia.  It terrifies me, and I wake up fighting and have been known to hurt people and myself!  I just have trouble trusting a total stranger to do that to me and take away all control. I just don't believe they really care or are really paying attention. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Rain Shower

    2 ounces vodka

    1/2 ounce lime juice

    1/2 ounce dry vermouth

    Lime peel for garnish


    Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.

    Shake well.

    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

    Garnish with the lime peel.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning NM--I assume u'r working today. we had rain last night and we weren't supposed to havve any rain so I have no idea why the weather is crazy, I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow nite--the big fireworks. I'm bringing cookies and 1 more thing but don't know what yet.

    U get up early all the time, most of the time I do but go back to sleep. LOL

    NM my problem with being put out is the difficulty they have waking me--Lat time I spent 2 days in the hosp. when I was to go home the same day cuz my oxygen level was so low cuz it took hrs. to get me out of it And the Dr. came out and told everyone they were having difficulty, of course my dram Queen DD started crying and craziness started --so that's what really scares me aand that was the 2nd time it was hard. And I know there has to be other people that have problems, like u too. So I have to work with a Dr. who can work with me. So we'll see.

    I hope everyone has a good day today---It's Friday--Scary movie day hahaha Will never watch the movie u saw Goldie--to much for me.

    Kat any news????

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    ,my friend heather died yesterday in hospice,luckily she had the uk nm ,so died peacefully and without pain.miss her so. in sept it would be 40 years since we first met.please hold her family in your prayers.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    my kind of cups, toasting heather today

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Nice cool morning still only 67....just heard on news high is mid 80's so not too awful....I think rain is in the forecast by late afternoon and same for tomorrow...should go for a walk now, but think I'll clean the bathrooms and vacuum the house then shower....with DD gone and DH travelling so much the house just oesn't get as dirty....of course most of the dirt is from the dogs....fur and dirt they bring in or drool on the floor where they sleep.....

    Have to be a "taxi" for mom today....she is going to a "schmooze" and lunch at the JCC this morning...when I asked her what time it ended, she didn't know...said it wasn't on the paper with events that she had....I'm not sure if she had to RSVP or not, but was annoyed that she had not found out the end time...I get annoyed when my DD does this to me too.....I don't mind driving, but I like planning to know, okay I need to ake mom at 9:30 and pick her up at 12:30 or 1:00 or when she is done she wants to go to Walgreens....I just like plannning my time to know what I can do.....she tells me that I can come in with her or she can call me!!!  I'm glad that she is going to the event (it is weekly) so she can meet people other than where she lives....  We went out to lunch yesterday before she went to the doctor.....her swelling is done in her legs and the weeping has stopped (for about 2+ week now)...but pcp wants her to stay on the Lasix....I think she was hoping she could stop it....He wants to see her again in 4 to 6 weeks...Mom goes 6 weeks!!! well the only day is the day I have my next onc appt (that is because it has to be a no work day for me) I'll take her to pcp and then bring her home....treat myself to lunch and then go to onc....not what I wanted to do, but all the holidays are on Th and Friday in september so not many other choices!!!! okay enough whining!!! scarey with the anesthesia....I have a gf who is an anesthesia who I would trust...but saying that, she's not done any of my surgeries as she works in a hospital across town....I don't let them give me any narcotics after surgery and I do better...otherwise I am sick to my stomach!!  but that is nothing compared to your issues....Hope you get some one who can take good care of you...

    Cyn....come visit in an extra bedroom (except when DD and SIL come to vist)....I know, I'm across the country, not a hop skip and jump

    DorK....glad to see you stopping by!!! how are your folks?

    Kathy....any news on your DD's or DH?  and your folks too?

    Okay...I've left gals out, but thats because my brain quit working....time to get busy....only have about 75 minutes till I have to pick MOm up...Have a great Friday.....bbl

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh My....I have been looking at anesthesia all wrongliest! I LOOK FORWARD to being put to the deep, deep sleep you sometimes get. BUT I want to keep sleeping and they wake me up toooooo soonliest. I hear them making noise next to me, then try to hide the fact that I woke up as I want to keep sleeping, but they are on to me. They notice the second your eyelids even flicker, I think. I guess its good I never was afraid of it. In fact, when I went in for the bilat mast and recon, I was HAPPY! Dumb me, didn't know the pain for weeks afterwards!!! So I guess I am usually a pretty good patient, as I am cheery when I go in. Like I said, DUMB ME!!! lol.

    Oh Cami, you are right, hope you get a more 'seasoned' doctor. And of course, you cwacked me de hail up(I think Dotty is the originator of that phrase) when you said your colon ended up thinking it was an ivy plant cuz of all the garden talk we were doing. And when you said they were all going to be away I read quickly and first read that Katie-Kat would be SMOKING, then reread and saw you wrote "smirking" Hope your pain will subside so you can enjoy the weekend. Lots going on there!!

    NM, We had so much rain for weeks, but now its a nice sunny day. Everything is SO green and lush. I was looking at the largest fig tree and it has to be at least 20' high and 20' wide (or more). It is humongous this year. DH usually prunes them back every other year, but it must have loved all this rain! Full of small green figs, not many have ripened yet, but it is covered up with fruit. I should take a picture! AND our temps have been nice, mostly upper 80's to low 90's. Not at ALL what July is usually like, here. I am sure enjoying it. I should freeze herbs too.....good idea...IF I can find room in the freezers. I swear, REALLY, my DH buys so much stuff that there isn't room for anything else. I used to have room (b4 we got together) to even freeze my chicken breasts on cookie sheets individually, then bag them up together. Wouldn't be able to do that now!

    OMG Becks, you had such a BIG baby!!! My DD2's last one was really big too, and really messed her up during delivery. I guess I was lucky, mine were just under 7 lbs and just over 7 lbs.

    Cyn, Yuppers you just can't type OR talk when drinking!!! When does your friend and her son move in? See, you have too big of a heart! Sooo nice to everyone. But thats one of the reasons we like you soooooo much, you are a sweetheart!

    Julie, Dorkie, Lori (good luck at drs!), Allison, Lara, Unde, Karen, Chrissy, Sue, JeanBeans, (OH I know I am missing several, so sawwwwy!), hope you all have a great FriedEggDey too. Lets Partay!!! We were supposed to go to Tunica for a few days, but DH is not feeling so great and still wearing the heart monitor, so we are staying put. So I can partay with you all this weekend!!! WooHoo!!!!

    Big Hugssssssssssssssss,

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Julie...just saw ur condolences on ur lostt

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OOPS Bumped ya into de pewl, Karen! SO now Cyn can visit with you too...Cyndie sounds like a Road Trip to me! You can visit so many breasties. No word on DD's yet, altho my DD2 finally got a neuro appt for Aug 6 or so. Thats why I was going to go along to Tunica as I don't know how much I can travel later on depending on what my DD's need me for, but I know DH has to be feeling either very bad or very anxious, to cancel the trip!

    Toodles Noodles!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OH NO, I just saw your posts too, Julie. SO very sorry about the loss of your good friend Heather. Another star in the sky, breaks my heart. YES, will keep her family and friends, and you too, in my prayers. My heart goes out to you. So sad.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Toasting Heather, and sad that we have yet another star in the sky....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Juliet sorry for your loos

    Karen um hanks for my pizza

    Becks I had some of your burger to when u were not looking

    cammie u crack me up does cyn still have her own bed

    dork I knew u were spying

    Cyn we better not go drink tgther we will have the whole bar living with u

    Kat a boat sank wow

    I have heard about these cruise lines scary going under

    I love anthesia I do remember my doc was trying to wake me last time then she disappered all I remember

    I think thats what Micheal Jackson played around with how bizzare

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    I know, Lara, I don't often get the stuff MJ had..think it was "proponol" or sumtin like dat, but when I do get that, it is a very deep sleep. Funny about if you and Cyn were drinking then the whole bar would be moving in! lol. Well the boat was a boat and not a ship, so just 18 people on it, but still scary....and on the rocks on that rough shore...esp being in Ireland, as we rarely hear news from Ireland. UNLESS one of us is visiting with our dear Bernie, that is! Gotta watch our food around you, huh? Sounds like you might still be on that diet, good for you!!! If you get too skinny I can give you some of my fat....ok?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Juliet, so very sorry for your loss. Hope she was peaceful as she journey'd on. Hugs.

    Orange, no wunder I wuz still hungry!! Ha!

    Yes Cami, I hooe you can have that. I woke up from my 12 hour DIEP surgery hallucinating and crying for 24 hours given the nurse was most certainly trying to kill me. Ha!

    Oh chit, I need to get my arse out the door.

    Happy, oh so very very happy fried day!!!!!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited July 2013

    Prayers for Heather and family and Juliet too.

    I'm  alive!  And Cami is a sweetheart as you all know.  Too much to read so will have to start from here for my chuckles!

    Peace and hugs to all.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hi Adey! When are you and Cami going to get together?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Hi adey glad your back

    Beck omg that's insane!

    I woke up the last one nasty but mostly I only remember bits and pieces I never remember the ride home

    Kat I'm off the diet today I lost like 6 pounds it was a three day

    So idk we will see

    Yes becks I wax starving myself do Karen gave me pizza and I had some of your burger! Lmao

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    going to treat myself to a mani/pedi....actually its the b'day present from DH for my b'day back in May that I have't been able to use need to vacuum quickly then off I go!!!

    Have a great Friday night!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Cammy--I can see why you would like to avoid being put out for surgery.  One thing you might discuss with the doc is "twilight sleep".  It's a deeper sedation than used for things like colonoscopies, but not completely being put out. And you don't remember anything about the surgery (important to me!). 

    Julie--prayers for Heather and her family, and for all her friends. 

    Karen--to me it's only polite to be able to tell the person giving you a ride what time things start and end!  I wouldn't expect someone to be waiting for me to call for a ride home, that's for sure. 

    Wahine--I like the deep sleep, but I really do not like the fear I feal when I'm waking up form anesthesia.  If someone isn't right next to me talking to me continuosly I can't figure out where I am or what is happening or understand why I hurt so much and get so scared.  And there there is the waking up and knowing that I didn't know what was happening to me just before I wake up, and this happens over and over again for hours, sometimes even for days.  Knowing that I'm losing time makes me feel so unsettled and worried about what is happening when I can't remember.  I guess I'm just a control freak!

    ORLA--yup, the stuff Micheal Jackson died of is propofol, used in anesthesia all the time.  It's milky white, so it's call Milk of Amnesia. Goes to work fast, wears off fast (supposedly) and makes your cholesterol numbers go totally haywire.  NEVER get your cholesterol checked within 3 months of having anesthesia with propofol!

    Becs--I am so glad I am not the only one who woke up from DIEP totally freaked out!  I was so sure they hadn't done the surgery yet and I was still in the pre-surgery holding area, and so afraid they were going to cancel the surgery at the last possible second.  Then I saw my breasts, realized surgery was over, and cried for 2 days. . .


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Julie...I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for Heathers family and those who were close to her.

    I've never known what anestheisa I've been given...maybe I should ask next time...I do remember when I was coming out of the chemical coma that I was certain that I had trapped all of the nurses in the ceiling (trap door of course) and they were all in there smoking...can you say LOONY TOON?? 

    Hi Adey!! 

    NM..isnt it funny how you can worked in a profession for many years and one of the biggest fears is being on the recieving end of said profession?? I hate to fly..scares the chit right outta me.

    Orla....I have no room left....the bar would have to crash at your house.  ..I do still have my own bed thank God.  I have a feeling it will be my only refuge. 

    Pssst...I heard that Mema Sue's DH is away and she is all alone...think we should crash her solitude and throw a lampshade partay??

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    thanks for all the prayers the boys will appreciate it, had a discussion with my coworker a very young 92 year old, her 100 year old friend kept referrign to the boys so they asked her how old these boys were-82 and 84Laughing.   i hope it will be some solace for them to see how much she was loved and how many people will miss her.  when she came home from the hospital ,it was to find friends had cleaned the house top to bottom and tidied up the garden and put a table and chairs out there for her .    i think a party at sues would be the ticket and heather in her wings would definitely join us 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Julie I'm just reading everything==I am so sorry for the loss of u'r dear friend and of course her family.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    heather had a wicked sense of humour ,so bright colours and laughs for her.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Oh my...a pedi is so decadent...don't know why I don't get them more often!!!

    Enjoy a glass of wine and chex mix before I got to my gf for Shabbat dinner....its just me...DS is working and DD#2 and DH are out of town...opposite ends of the same country...Canada!!!!  DH gets home Sunday morning and DD#1 monday morning....she is spending the week-end with a bff from camp....I called her and got to talk to the grandmother of bff....I got deli for lunch tomorrow and made cole slaw and potatoe my potatoe salad...I don't mind having lunch by myself....will read and relax....

    Need to jump in the, hot, hot frm walking to the mani/pedi....

    BB tomorrow late....Hugs