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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Waiting to hear from Goldie bout yesterday....Come In, Come In, Come into de HTL, GoldieLocks!!! Hoping and Praying you are A-OK! (((Lori)))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    Good dwunkan saturdey goils! sawry mese got so dwunk on yese last night tehe! It was Stella posting just o'case you were wondering.

    Bernie dahling, so happy dat dear Sinead hit de tree month mark with de baby in de cooker, wooo hoo! I lift mese glass to you both and say burp~ oops, not what I met to say, cheerS and blessings. I will be praying for de happy healthly baby and can't wait to see purdier pics! De pic is bootonimous but uh, could be a widdle purdier hehe! Does she know if it a boy or a goil? Mese fabor widdle goils!

    A big welcome to Maize! So sawry ye had to join us but you will love it hear. Do as Katwinka sez and grab a stool. De boys will put you in next for a massage and git you yer faborite dwinkies all night long! And wese all will pray for you to get through treatment. Wese will get teeny tiny and git in de HTL UFO and be with you through it all, okey? Wishing you peace at this difficult time. Love your spirit, onward and upward you go sista!

    AlliOOP, Mrs Vino, I tank ye for oblaging mese and bisiting here. You coming to de partay? I know it a lampshade partay but not sure of de locaseeation but will shirley find out.

    Kat, glad ye liked mese word voy-shirley or howebber I spelled it. How is your DH? Ugh, I can't find him in Vegas or he not wanna be mese fwend anymore, what up with dat woman? hehe, I know you love me but not sure about him. wahhhh!

    I saying prayers for Goldie/Lori and also hope she checks in soonliest.

    Hey Beckers! Hey CyndieLouWho! NM and hail, all of ye. sawry mese not talk to all ye but hell I gonna hit send cuz mese jest nearly lost all dis typing and mese gottzta go out to dinner with mese Dad. Wese going back to a bar we found. It a hole in de wall but wese love de food.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Here I am Dorkaroni! Enjoy your dinner in the dive....sometimes those are the BEST places, and it sounds like you already love the food there! I think my DH's FB acct got hacked, he is trying like heck to get back in. He had over 4MILLION chips to play with, just kept accumulating them. Guess someone is having fun with them...his pic (of Molly) is gone too.

    Actually gonna try this dwink tonight....I think Julie found it and posted it(?) and then NM made it the DOTD cuz it looked so gud. SO I will do a report on it after I twy it....a TWO PAGE report, double spaced eben! Down de Hatch...

    OK I'm gonna turn in my written report now....on this drink....yea or nay....




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    welcome maiz, sorry you had to join us but this is a fun group,you got your nickname,now you just need a lampshadeLaughingand if you need a bed,cyn will let you stay with her.   alli,where's the malt vinegar to go with those fries

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Ok...where the hail is everyone??  HELLO??!!?? sighhh....

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Thought since there was nothing else to do I would see if bco would allow me to copy and paste more pics that I promised.

     Jodi Making friends at BBBBernies.

    argghhh.....toopid thing..wont let me put any more pics up...


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Ahhhhh nice pic of Bernie, Ash, and your lovely DD. She wouldn't come to our side of the pasture when I was there, plus it was COLD.  Isn't she beautful!

    Didn't get to play in the Lounge tonight, as I have been going through my SHOES. So far, have over 15 prs I am giving away. Really need to purge more, but I seem to only be able to give up a few things at a time. So many are brand new, so am hoping my mom can use the jogging shoes at least (since I got fitted as a size larger than I was buying!). Hope to do more later.

    Chug a few Mugs for me, ok???

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for stopping by...I purge now and then..just dropped off two bags of clothes the other day..of course in anticipation of a promised thrift store shopping spree with my mom soon.  You have enough shoes to get rid of 15 pair???  Wow...LOL.....tell me your mom isnt going to jog in those jogging shoes??

    Yes, Ash is beautiful..Jodi fed him a carrot...her goat came up to say hi and turkey too..and got to see some baby chicks...and the cows accross the street...I think Jodi took a video of them. 

    I think Im the only one to venture in here tonight...

    Allie..gonna have to try that monster drink..but I dont really get hung over..unless of course Im with one of you girls ...then I get a headache that lasts two worth the pain I must say...

    Lubbbbssss you gueises....WEBK!

    Oh yeah...It will let me do another one...Buckingham palace..well I guess thats it...only one at a time..then I forget what I posted...grr

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Looks like I missed quite the party last night!!!! 

    Bernie....congrat on is this your first grandbaby to be?

    Allie...glad to see you  here...hope all is is your summer going?  and DD?

    Welcome Maize....

    Had a relexing day today....after shul at lunch with my DS...was nice just the 2 of us.....then sat outside reading....wasn't too hot...went to MOm's  went back to synagogue for a class then walked home in the rain...really just a light drizzle...but shortly after I got home it started to pour!!!!

    Wanted something sweet after I ate dinner.....and there isn't a cookie in the I guess I know what I need to do this week!!! bake cookies!!!!  and of course a few things that I did not do from my "to do" list last week....shame on me!!!  they need to be done before the end of the month, so hopefully that will light a fire under me!!!!

    Sweet dreams!!!

    Meeting a gf for breakfast tomorrow morning and for some reason, I'm worried that I'll forget!!!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    As promised,cheers.Ivano Marino Shirtless for Q Magazine  Zack Dudley Shirtless by Michael A 4   Leo Rico Shirtless by Tiago Prisco 2

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited July 2013

    Hi all. Welcome Maiz.  Red wine would be my tipple.

    I will be a grand aunty - Granty.  Baby due in Feb.

    Love the pic of Ash.

    Now not sure about this one - hope no one is offended.

    The story of a Veteran.


    The Navy found they had too many officers and decided to offer an early retirement bonus. They promised any officer who volunteered for Retirement a bonus of $1,000 for every inch measured in a straight line between any two points in his body. The officer got to choose what those two points would be.

     The first officer who accepted asked that he be measured from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. He was measured at six feet and walked out with a bonus of $72,000.

    The second officer who accepted was a little smarter and asked to be measured from the tip of his outstretched hands to his toes. He walked Out with $96,000.

     The third one was a non-commissioned officer, a grizzly old Chief who, when asked where he would like to be measured replied,

     'From the tip of my weenie to my testicles.'

     It was suggested by the pension man that he might want to reconsider, explaining about the nice big checks the previous two Officers had received.   But the old Chief insisted and they decided to go along with him providing the measurement was taken by a Medical Officer.

     The Medical Officer arrived and instructed the Chief to 'drop 'em,' which he did. The medical officer placed the tape measure on the tip of the Chief's weenie and began to work back. "Dear Lord!" he suddenly exclaimed,

     ''Where are your testicles?''

     The old Chief calmly replied, '' Vietnam ''

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Hellooooooo? Any buddy in heeeeeere??? Ok, gettin mese a tender. Shhhhhh. Dwunked too much wine at friends house and had to keep my eyes closed the whole ride home so didn't get sick. Good ting I wasn't dribin da car. I feels better I tink. Need tender to help me sleep. Gnite.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I had a lovely day of doing nothing, need to get off my keister and get some stuff done today.  So at 9 ayem, the computer goes off! 

    Cammy--Loved the sound of Lillet Rose, and the description of the Liquor sounds yummy!  The Alzhiemer's Walk is a fund raiser, mostly people without the disease, a few people with it.  It's sponsored by a local nursing home that has a lot of residents with AD.  And yeah, I had to work up to 3 miles before, need to do it again. 

    Wahine--Oh, boy, some pics!!!!!!!

    Becs--the staff working in OR s sometimes forget that the person lying there IS a human being.  I know it's stressful work, but people REMEMBER what is said when they are under, subconsciously.  Some even remember consciously some of the things they heard.  I remember talking with one lady who was so upset after surgery, kept insisting something was  broken, and that the surgeon was lying to her when he said she was fine.  When the anesthesiologist made a follow up visit she told the patient that a piece of equipment broke and had to be replaced during her surgery.  The woman heard that and misunderstood it.  She didn't remember actually hearing what was said, but boy it affected her.  Anesthesia is a lot like hypnosis in some regards, that's why the earphones and suggestions tapes work so well.  I wonder why they wouldn't give you a pillow for you knees, that's a pretty easy thing to do. . .

    CynCyn--Yeah, I am definitely a case of knowing enough to be dangerous.  And I need to shut up before I spread my fears to everyone else!

    MRS VINO!!!!!!!!!!!!  Mr. Bigger has been so depressed by not seeing you!  Glad you're back! 

    Welcome, Maziel58!  Glad you found us.  Our Tenders are unloading a truckload of Riunite right now so that you will never run out.  BTW, that's probably the last time you'll see your full screen name, everyone gets nicknames, here!   Oops, you've already got yours, I see!  That didn't take long. 

    I was keeping a score card a while back, just found it.  Let's see if it's still any help:

    Goldie is Lori

    Wahine is Kathy and about 100 other variations on the names. Kawtwinkadinka

    AStorm is Gail.  Haven't heard from her in some time, come to think of it. 

    Karen1956 is Karen.  She's our spiritual anchor. 

    Mrs. Vino is Allison, AKA Allieoop, Alleioopsie. 

    Beanie is Jean.  Beanie is the author of Beanglish, and visits once in a great while. 

    Scuba Duchess is Lisa.  She hasn't posted here for some time, but I see her on some other threads.  She's a scuba diver.

    Hunky Dory  is still a mystery to me as far as her real name.  Haven't seen her in a while, either. 

    Chrissy is Chrissy.  She's in New Zealand, made a US visit last year, met lots of the Loungettes. She pops in once in a while.  She's currently busy with her daughter's wedding plans. 

    Undercover is Shannon, AKA Undy

    Juliet62 is Juliet. She's one of the Lounge nurses. 

    Cyndielou is Cindy, AKA CynCyn, Cyndylou, CindyLooWho

    Beckers AKA Becs, still figuring out her real first name

    Cammillegal is Camille, AKA Cammy, Cami

    DorK is Dorothy, AKA DorKable, DorKy, DorKster.  DorKarooni.  DorKy speaks a blend of Beanglish and HTL Drunkeneese. 

    MemaSue56 is , I think, Sue.  AKA Mema

    BernieEllen is, well, BernieEllen.  AKA BBBBernie, for Beautiful Biker Babe Bernie, 'cause she's a hot biker babe over there in Ireland.  She tells really good jokes.  Some of the traveling loungettes have visited her, and her neice is newly pregnant, hooray! 

    NativeMainer, that's me, Kim, AKA NM.  I'm the other Lounge nurse.  AKA Princess Glitter Sizzle (from a What's your hooker name? game). 

     OK, Gang, How did I do? 

    CynCyn--you are such and inviting lady! 

    DorKable--Good to see you, that was some partay, aren't they????  Waiting for the report on the Root Beer Float drinky!

    CynCyn--nice pic, nice new friend! 

    Karen--hard to get motivated this time of year, isn't it? 


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is

    The Calm Sunny Day:


    2 oz. filtered, aged rum (El Dorado 3 yr. old)

    1/2 oz. ginger liqueur, or more to taste (Creme de Gigembre)

    1/2 oz. fresh lime juice

    Dash of simple syrup (optional)

    Dash of Bittermen’s Burlesque Bitters (optional, sub Angostura)

    Lime wheel, for garnish


    Combine all the liquid ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake until well-chilled and double strain into a chilled cocktail glass, flute or coupé. Garnish with the lime wheel. Serve.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh how nice, a Calm Sunny Day DOTD (thats Drink of the Day for any Newbies)...thanks NM! It actually IS sunny here today and no rain expected. Yippeeeeeeee! OH and I DID do a review of that dwink wid JD and Rootbeer and IceCream, right under the pic I posted of it....well lets just say I won't be dwinking dat again any time soon. NOT good for my tastes anyway. I like rootbeer and icecream (van or choc) but NOT with likker....didn't taste right to me. But it was fun really trying a DOTD (even tho a few days late)! Hope you get a lot done today!!!

    Cyn, I need to go thru clothes too....good for you for getting together two bags to drop off! I ended up with getting rid of 18 prs of shoes before I got tired of doing that! Hoping my DD2 will like 2 of the new dressy ones. And YEAH my mom will just WALK in the jogging shoes!

    Yes, that was  GOOD joke, Bern! LOL, totally unexpected punch line. And I LOVE "Granty"....cute name.

    Glad you got home safely Becks!! Must have had a lot of fun......

    Oh and NM, you did the names really, really I know your write them down! LOL. Sorta scary what is done when people are "under"....I don't recall remembering anything that was said though. Maybe thats lucky that I don't remember?? One thing I remember they stressed in nursing school was to refer to the pt as their NAME and not "the colonoscopy", etc.

    Unde and Julie....OHH LAAAA LAAAA!!! Good eyecandy to wake up to foah shuah!!

    Maziel, did we scare you away? I hope not! Come on in and join the fun! Actually I wrote something a bit risque yesterday, then edited it out as I didn't want to offend. Sometimes we get really crazy and risque but its all in fun and pretend!

    Dorkaroni, Hope you had a nice dinner out with your dad. How long do you think it will be till his other place will have room for him? You are a SAINT! Oh, and that word you made up that I liked, is "virt-Shirley" Like how we virt-shirley dwink togethah.

    OK, Alli, you can't just pop in and pop back out unless you come back soonliest ya know!

    Still waiting to hear from Lori....hope all is well.

    Karen, yuppers ya need to get baking, girl! Can't run out of sweets, no sirreeeebobarelllaaaaaa. I should make some more candied walnuts to take to my mom today, she sure loved them.

    Gawgeous day today!!!! Yest I started a brick walkway...I know, I know....dumb, dumb me... I did take some Alleve first, but it did wrench my back, plus it was DOGGONE HOT as HECK. But it is SO NICE being home, I am sure enjoying having a bit of time to get some things done. The walkway will take awhile, but right now just digging it out and laying the bricks how I want them. Will have to do it better, and use sand under and between them, etc., but this is just a START. Also  need to go thru soooooo many things at home, clothes I am glad my DH cancelled the trip. But he is so concerned about blood clots that he is hesitant to do ANYTHING right now.

    Hoping you all will have a lovely day....let the Tenders and Wenches spoil ya's. I am taking my plate full of yummy food from their elegant buffet, and Pants is following with a Baileys and Coffee (to start)....then will try NM's DODT! Come and join me by the pewl!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    OMG, I’m  4 pages behind! Any of my replies, I will have to ‘splain what I’m replying to, as y’all prolly won’t know whate mese talking about.

    Lara, what is a 3 day diet? And glad that cream is helping your pain.

    Kathy, I’m like Cami and still laffing bout you being de trained killer. You are no more closer to dat, den de man in de moon. Glad you gave that shout out for Dork, an she came.

    Git yer butt outta hiding girl (dat be de Dorkster), we will keep you safe. Hope to see more of you in the next few pages.

    Cami, I am laffing my arse off at you seeing Stell a on Letterman!!!! And OMG, talking about gardening and your colon thinking it’s ivy. Lordy girl, I just love you to pieces. You should write a book, it would be a best seller foa shoa! And you don’t really “complain”, at least I don’t think so. And I don’t blame you about being sick of seeing doctors, you have every right to be sick of that. Oh I hope someone gets a picture of you from the party.

    Julie, so sorry for the loss of your friend Heather, holding her family and friends in prayer, may she rest in peace. Glad she was able to go peacefully. (((((Julie)))))

    Well, I was only able to read to the end of 1174. Saw the new GI, had trouble getting reports from the last one, so he wasn’t able to elaborate totally. He will call me after he looks at the one test he didn’t get the report on, in the mean time I am to take Dexilant for a month. Went to a Hummingbird festival yesterday, really cool, they were banding the little cuties. But I have more hummers than they did. This is one of the breeds that I have, it’s called a Calliope, this picture is from the internet, as I don’t have time to post mine.

    Cheerz ma Deerz, and I’ll see y’all in de morning! Gotz too much to do to try and ketchup.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    kat google three day military dirt

    I cant copy and paste this lap top is icky

    Gives u the food you need

    and tells you what to eat every day

    1st day should be breakfast

    half a grapefruit

    and I think a piece of toast

    Look for that one Let me knoe u found it

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OH MY Lara, when I was in the military, they made me GAIN weight!!! Fed us crap, full of calories, then as soon as you got your tray and sat down, the drill sargent would yell "You're Done!" and you would have to get up. SO we learned to cram the food in, quickly! lol. Will check out your diet though.

    Lori,YAY you are back! OMG that hummie is sooooo gawgeous, never seen that type. Most of ours are the ruby-throats, but have some others too. I am not suprised you have more hummies than at the festival, as you have TONS! Have you tried Dexilant before? I take the 30mg and DH takes the 60mg. If you haven't done so, search for the dexilant discount card online. Let me know if you don't find it, but even though we have scrip ins this helps a lot and we pay about $49 for 3 mo worth. (They say it is almost $600 for 3 mo). Hope it works for you, it works for us!

    Still haven't done anything yet today....gotta get off dis butt and get in gear......

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OMG I found it Lara, how in heck did you survive doing that? Did the weight stay off???

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    I know I do not recommend it

    I was very weak

    Did not exercise

    So far yes it's off I do see a difference even took bloating down

    That's why I was dreaming of pizza

    I'm just going to cut calories and work out

    I do not like these diets

    I went to a wedding so I did it plus my father did it ! He dropped ten pounds

    I wonder why they call it the military diet strange

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG I missed so much, WTF u guys never stop and I can't remember msh that I read--I'm not handy u know that but I';; Try.

    Welcome Maizie--don't let these sillies scare u off It took me a while to come in and we are abou the same age, and as far as drinking I don't haha but I do in de Lounge and these gals are wonderful--some nurses which help out alot and everyone is so so nice, except me so they wikl be kind to you always.

    Lori what's going on now u have to wait for another month, but Kat is familiar with that med, what does it do? Kat it must help u ad u'r DH. Lori u love nature I always notice that--that means a kind heart.

    Kat u poor DH I think he's nerveous with all this chit going on, I would be when it's u'r heart it scary I hope they find it's something very fixable.

    Ms. Vino I'm glad u visited the lounge, u'r missed alot

    Julie I think u posted the pics of some new tedahs OH nice choices.

    NM all these stories of people getting put out geeze I didn;t realize all that happens. It is funny for many years it was not a problem with me waking up and when I woke my BIL was always there kissing my hand and telling me everything was fine. And they would all be telling him u'r not upposed to be here--he's say he was a Dr, nurse my primary,  anything sneak in but e was at everyoperation I ever had and he'sd get in one way oranother. And he's kiss my hand and I knew I was fine. But the last one oh he was there holding my hand but didn't kiss it and his face was white and he was shaking and he said I was fine vut I kbew something was wrong. He could never lie to me--we are very close. He took me to every chemo I had and picked me up and that went on every week for almost 2 yrs. Took me to every test and waited, my colonoscopy--everyone thought he was my husband for so slong. Hes so worried about me now I feel bad for him he's wonderful but a PITA I don't know how my sister can live with him but he's better to me so I love him.

    Last nite was so nice---chilly tho we watched the fireworks--beautiful my BIL and I stay on the porch close enough and 2 buffets Oh my one all deserts and the other all kinds of food. And my GF drank a bittle of wine herself, and m sister most of a bottle My sister anf GF help my cousin clean up so that was good and Joey had a great time and came in every so often to check on me to see if I wanted anything and if I felt all right, and he carmed the older women like mad he made them homemade hot Chocolate with whipped cream and waited on them-- s the were kissing him and hugging him-so it was great then I went into so much pain I thought I was going to pass out, my sister got me my meds and we left, but everything was don and my cousine got m to the car and I was feeling better. But most of the time my pain was managed OK so I had a good time along with Joey. Now I'm going out to dinner with my GF's Monay night for dinner. So we can just relax and talk. We're going to a Greek restaurant that we all like so it will be good.

    I know I forgot alot that was said here but u know I lubs u all and u know i just took a pain pill hahaha and I love this weather snny but not hot.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Cami, that sounds so awesome sitting on porch watching fireworks! My BIL's never liked me much. Was that brat lil sis I suppose. You are so lucky to have someone so supportive there for you. Maybe your wake up from last surgery was just a one time fluke. I'm sure you will be fine next time. Sorry you in awful pain at times. :-(

    I too can't keep up. I don't drink too often but did this weekend and I'm not 21 any more das fo sho! I could sleep all day today I think.

    I got to see my GF's from high school last night and we had such fun but got me missing DH. :-( had a good cry this ayem. Life is screwy sometimes.

    NM, nice for the info on who's who HTL hall of famers. Takes a hailuvallotta time to figure out on our own. Ha! Need to explain days of week too. :-)

    Cyn, I don't remember much bout par Tay at Cami's but dwinkin lots of coffee and ibuprofen two-day! She spiked the fountain with purscripshuns fo sho!

    Lub errybuddyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    omg Allieson aka ms vino, if I ate dose dere white castle boygers, mese wood be A-farting for six deys and six nights!

    mese biddy right now, peeple are freaking rearranging mese entire house and mese letting em do it. all outta lub for mese daddy!! i gotta fly but foyst tail ye all in secret dat mese dwinknig beer whcih mese not tcouhed in several DECADES. omg. hailp me goils!

    i jest lub ye all so berry barry muchliest! big fn CHEERs to all mese goils! yeee haaaaa!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    HA! You tink youse farts de mostest Dorkie? NOT!!! Believe it or NOT out of ALL creatures the TERMITE farts more den us hoomans. AND dey put out methane gazillion of dose termites puttin out tons of gas...dat was on de Doctors Show I jest watched. Funny huh! The scientist said the termites could also be responsible for global warming...but mebbe he wuz kiddin bout dat? There were several creatures that fart more often den wese do....I tink hooman bee-ings wuz number 7 on da list. if you are dwunk, den mebbe dis will make cents! Or mebbe not....LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OK, to further weird out my post, here is the list of the fartiest creatures! Just think how interesting that would be to mention while you are out BTW those comments below are NOT mine, I just copied it)....

    1.  Termites – These little insects not only chew away your house, but they release more methane than cows do.  Holy Farts!

    2.  Camels - They do more than spit.  They are obnoxious from the other end too.

    3.  Zebras- Good thing they don’t wear underwear, they may have stripes there too.

    4.  Sheep- Baaaaahhh….   phhhhbbblllllllllllbbbbbbpppppp.

    5.  Cows- What else are they gonna do.  They eat, fart, and sleep.

    6.  Elephants- Don’t ever stand behind an elephant in line.  Their butts are at our face level.

    7.  Labradors/Retrievers- Yeah dog farts are the worst.  But also the funniest ones to laugh at.

    8.  Vegetarian Humans- Congratulations on not eating meat for 5 years, and your butt stinks.

    9.  Non Vegetarian Humans- Ok, well maybe stink just a tad more than me.

    10.  Gerbils. There’s a Richard Gere joke in there somewhere.   Let’s not go there.  Like the Gerbil did.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    eww , katwina, dose dere aminals are gross! I mean really, used to love me a pet kanGAR00oo! ick!

    beckars, mese also to odwunk to make cents of it all.

    cam, where are ya? you flocking de tendars agen? 'NM, oh mese oh mise!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    Lori/Goldie, yer post jest showed up. it was playing hide n seek. de hummingbird is gorgeous but mese shirly certain dat yer own are moe impwessive.

    mese dwunk. surPLYS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    dis mese new fridge in mese cave. but de inside of de frige mo impwessive. mese too dwunk to show ye. mese people inside mese house, dey still tearing de fn place apart. hailp hailp, mese need mo kikker likker. sumbody enny BODYYYY!!

    bdw, de purdy Gent Jack tingy was a gift from mese bwest fwend SUZeQTpie. mese lub lub lubs it! hope ye all do do too too!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Good to see everyone posted

    Hi dork ! Watt ha ya drinking

    Vino wow a long time!

    Welcome in I'm darn I forgot the name!

    A writer in the group sounds interesting

    Kat I just ate 2 slices if pizza!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Happy Sundey Fundey!

    Cami , your evening sounds really nice.  What were the fire works for?  Buffets sound great too..wish someone would come and bring me some food while I work all these hours.  Im glad you were able to keep your pain in check so you could have a good time.  Thats quite a relationship you have with your BIL.  I never had a BIL..I have had SIL's tho. and a few of them.  You relationship sounds very spashail. 

    AWE ..Bec's ...sometimes life is very are right. 

    Allieoop..I saw those Monster dwinks at Big Lots today and almost picked one up to try..but I dont get hung over so im not sure how I would put it to the test.

    DorK....Lots goings on at your place in joisey...are you serious about not drinking beer in decades??  Wow....well, guess its not for everyone.  Have fun mobin your house all around.

    Kath..Im glad Glenn decided not to go away...sounds like staying home a while and resting is a good idea.

    NM..awesome job with all the names.  Its not easy to remember everyone's alias's. eye candy for me?? :(  Or are you thinking I had a whole summer of eye candy and I dont need anymore?? 

    Lara...I will have to look up that diet.  It doesnt sound like fun tho..but then I think..I can do 3 days..right? 

    Nice to see you too Lori..when do you see dr again?  Thats really expensive should look up those discounts Kathy mentioned.

    BBL xo