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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    Hiya goils, I am popping in for a night crap. Dwink with me, ya hear?

    Beckers, I had to move to the AI since I am now officially post-menupausal. De tammy put me in MNO-Paws. I hope you are seeing your onc, I would tink he would put you on de AI too. Well maybe not, I had to be two full years years post-biotch (period). Mine stopped when I started the tammy in oct 2010.

    NM, sawry to hear yer car's steering took a chit, damn it. I hope that it is not too much to bix it up. And I also tink that HIPPA laws do more harm den good. When mese client's have medical collections going back as much as 7 years, I am not able to get info from the credit bureau for dem to pay dem off. It sucks. So many privacy laws jack tings up in so many ways.

    Lori, I have decided to bese a good goil here and not write naughty tings, at least when mese sober which is NEBBER EBBER hehehe! I hope you start feeling better soonliest.

    Lara, hi back atcha chickaDEEDEE. I liked de photo of de funky clouds. But it would feel better for me to bese inside dat cloud. yep, looking down at all of ye. oops, nebber mind, dat morbid! how are your squisshies?

    Kat, you need to twy de medical Willie, yep, mese twied it but foygot what happened. I do tink it involved hot sex in a hot tub hehehehehe, get it? and for de record, I WISH IT HAPPENED!

    Cam, you need to get some willie. I tink you would make a mighten fine pot head like me! love you goil!

    Allie oop, ye a bad influence on dese here goils tailing dem to bese a pot head like ye! hehehehe!

    Cyn, take on any new roomies todey? MAKE DEM PAY! or buy ya beer, better yet!

    Suz, where you be? YOu playing whilst yer DH away? Did u see de GJ tingy in mese shackaroonie? I posted it for ye!

    Juliet, sorry you gonna have some difficult days. FURB, hate it. And wowza, you posting some hot men and woman. I take de goils are for CYndieLouWhoster??

    whale, chit almost lost dis, gonna hit send and twy to get back to writing more of mese infamous nobels here. but if I do not get back and if I did not mention you, you git free dwinks and massages for de week!

    where is dat new goil? did we skeer her away????????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    He's the only one I can do dancin.--Like do a little dance, make alittle love--get down tonite--I think.

    I had a great time , My DD got mad at me cuz I could barely walk but I went out--she's like i don;t believe u u'r making u'rself worse hahaha I was laughing at her. I felt liken a kid sneakin out. Blah

    I see my surgeon Wed. so decisions will be made---I love him-So this time I don't need anyone with me cuz I get to look at him alone. Bwahahahahaha

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    ufo party at cammi's

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Cami, Will definately be thinking of you on Wednesday, and hope and pray for a good appt! Glad you had a good time tonight.

    OH YEAH Dorkster, mese knoz whut youse talkin bout....*wink, wink*. You night owl, you!

    Yeah Alli, you twying to git us all to be potheads????? LOL. How many vices can we handle?

    Cyn, I hope your B&B guests are QUIET during the day so you can sleep, since you working such awful night hours right now. They BETTER respect the fact that you need some rest! Hope it is working out, and that the Natty's hold up. I think I will send over the Natural Light wll be parked right out front, on the road. You get all you want, and it will be parked there, fully stocked, as long as you need it. We used to send one over to Junie when she had all the tons of company she would end up with...the truck and the ML's were her refuge from the chaos. She had a B&B too....but cuz her Dh used to invite everyone, plus their combined families lived elsewhere, so when they visited it was a LOT of people.

    NM, Did your car get bixed up? Hope so!!

    I swear, the weather has been SO mild this summer. TOday felt like fall....unfricken believable for July, but I am not complaining. LOVE IT! EVen had a nice cool breeze.

    Night caps for all!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Okey dokey Julie, count me in!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    So happy to have DD I have a new task....we want to upgrade our phones and get my favor is....What phone do you have?  and who is your cell phone provider...DD really wants an iPhone...I'm leaning towards a Galaxy, but don't know why!!!  I really don't know anything about any of please chime in what you have....TIA

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Karen..I have a Samsung Galaxy Rush and I had a Galaxy Prevaile prior to that..I love them.  Androids can do everything an I product can do and you dont have to have a "plan".  I have Boost Mobile...45.00 per month with unlimited everything. 

    There is my

    Hope everyone had a good night...Kat....everyone isnt here yet but when they do they will be told the LAW...Thanks for the Natty need it...

    ((((( Dorothy)))) how I love you...not in a gay way ..but ya know...I just loves to all my breasties!!  Wish I could stay and chat and dwink ..but I need to get my EWWA out of dis chair and plant it in another without a computer near it...




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Karen I'm glad u'r DD is home but I can't help u with the phone, remember I'm the one that talked on mine holding it upside down and didn't know. So I have nothing to say.

    Oh as far as Wed. goes it's just an app't so stay home I lubs dis guy and I wannabe lone wid him--Dr. Blue eyes and we hug too--so I'll tell u as much as I'm allowed to say woopwoop.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Whut da hail? Mufriggen piece a %#^*€!\? Bachelorette damn butt hole cho!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited July 2013

    Please ladies - do you know what Willie means here.  and you keep going on about smoking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited July 2013

    A chicken farmer went to a local bar.... Sat next to a woman and ordered a glass of champagne.

     The woman perks up and says, 'How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne too!'

     'What a coincidence' the farmer says. 'This is a special day for me.... I am celebrating'

      'This is a special day for me too, I am also celebrating!' says the woman.

     'What a coincidence!' says the farmer! As they clinked glasses the man asked, 'What are you celebrating?'

     'My husband and I have been trying to have a child and today my gynaecologist told me that I am pregnant!'

     'What a coincidence,' says the man. 'I'm a chicken farmer and for years all of my hens were infertile, but today they are all laying fertilized eggs.'

     'That's great!' says the woman. 'How did your chickens become fertile?'

     'I used a different cock,' he replied.

     The woman smiled and said, 'What a coincidence

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited July 2013

    Bernie..its great! Guess it's about 10am there hi?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hi Cyn, You still up? I can't sleep....darn monitor DH has to wear lights up at night everytime he moves and I finally just got up for awhile. Glad you will lay down the LAW, but you are tooooo nice and I just hope they abide by your rules. I love how you told Dotty you love her...that was really sweet!

    Shoot Becks, I know....killed me watching Bachelorette....would love it if he would come to his senses and they would have a happy ending (well not like the "happy ending" in the massage sense, but ya know).

    Bernie, LOL, forgot about dat....but yeah, smoking willie there would be, well.....WEIRD!!!!! Love the joke!

    Karen, Good luck with the phone decision. I need to update mine soon, and need to find one for my dad. Not sure what to get him as he would mostly use it for emerg, but would "maybe" want it for email when he visits Hawaii again. I have such an amazing grandfathered plan that I won't update mine to an Iphone as then I would need a new plan, so prolly will just get a regular phone again that is easy to surf and email with. Some gals here have fancy phones, so I know they can give you good input.

    OK, will try to hit some Zzzzzzzz's again.....nighty night to the rest of yese....but Good Day to Bernie!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Got the go buggy back, the alternator seized up which broke a belt.  Wow, that looks like I have a clue what happened, doesn't it?  I don't, really.  Anyway, back to work for me today.

    Goldie--How could I have forgotten Pwoud Mary and The Innocent One?  Thanks for reminding me.   The car cost me $544 this time.  Much better than last time!

    DorKable--I've read the book about moving cheese, it does make a good point!  I didn't realize your Dad was moving in with you, that's exciting!  At least both parents are in the same zip code! 

    Wahine--Free food is always good! 

    Juliet--Sadie did love having me home 3 days in a row. Now she's tired and so am I! 

    Now THAT cup of Joe will wake me up fast!

    ORLA--Great pic!

    Cammy--yeah, at least I was still at home and could be comfortable.  And play fetch with Sadie while waiting for the tow truck.  Could have been a lot worse. 

    Becs--I got lucky, it sounded (and smelled) badder than it really was. 

    DorKable--Got the car back yesterday in time to go to Pizza Hut and see a movie with a friend.  And privacy laws are a royal pain in the anatomy, if you ask me.

    Cammy--How 'bout if we all wear blindfolds?  Then you get support but get your doc all to your own eyes!

    Karen--Hooray for DD2 being home again!

    BBBBernie--LOL!!!!!  Um, does willie mean what I think it means over there??????

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Ruby Tuesday

    2 oz gin

    5 oz cranberry juice

    2 splashes grenadine syrup

    Pour gin and cranberry juice into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Add grenadine, stir and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Glad the car is working NM I just needed new brakes

    Cammie I'm with u in the UFO I will bring some scary movies

    cyn lol u crack me up

    Hi bernie good one

    Juliet still going to the water aerobics they have spinning in the water now

    Karen I have the I phone love it. I am I addicted. The only thing I hate is the auto correct which a lot of times I am on the I phone posting on here. Galaxy is better I think it has some options that are easier.

    Wahine that means women in Hawaiian..Im reading a book I never knew that Kat

    Dork the squisheys are squishy still have nerve pain the cream seems to work.What r u going to do? Is there a surgery scheduled.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

                 Heres willy girls

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Funny Drinking Ecard: I'm concerned your choice in alcoholic beverages is now based on calorie count rather than intoxication efficiency.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013




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      carnival ride photo: Carnival Ride 205-1.jpg


      Carnival Ride


    • Orange73
      Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
      edited July 2013

      aurora borealis photo: aurora borealis Aurora_Borealis.jpg

    • camillegal
      camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
      edited July 2013

      Good Morning Ladies

      Oh Ornge Nature can be so cruel, yet the beauty of it all. They having spinning underwater or in it--Oh I'd like that.

      Bernie it'sson nice to see u'r jokes in the morning. And I never thought a Willie could mean something different there---Isn't it pot here???

      Oh I hate when I can't sleep, I slept so hard last nite (after 3 xanax and a pain pill--My channel on the TV never changed, I usually change it in my sleep--I was over tired and couldn't fall asleep then after all I sure went to sleep. Oh my coffee just got delivered to me by Joey.

      NM I'm glad u'r car got fixed, we're lost without our cars. I hope u have a good day.

      Hi Kat.

      OK I have to wake up here.   COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Adey
      Adey Member Posts: 2,413
      edited July 2013

      Good morning all!

      Boo Cami I was hoping to snag you on Wednesday.  Do you have a free day?  I'm off to a bone scan and wound check today, blah.  This past weekend I had something new and yummy........ pudding shots!

    • goldie0827
      goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
      edited July 2013

      I like your idea Becks, of that cloud picture that Lara posted, to be the UFO coming down to pick us up. Did Annie ever tell you that she fell into the table?

      Kathy, those blooming onions are good! And your summer so pleasant, no time for much glistening!

      Dort, you can’t stop writing naughty, dwinking or not, it’s who you iz.

      LOL Cami, wanting to look at her surgeon alone. Wus his name, maybe dere is a picture of him on the internet. How is walking making your worse? I would think it’s good for you. Is it painful to walk, is that the issue? Glad you had a nice time.

      Karen, I have an iPhone, and it is way easier than I thought. Verizon is the provider.

      BBBB, what does Willie mean there? Mese foygot.

      Yikes NM, that’s a pretty good chunk o change on the car. Big bummer for sure, but glad you got it bixed. What movie did you see and how is your garden doing? We saw RIPD, with Bruce Willis over the weekend, was good.

      Adey, maybe you could snag Cami before or after her appointment. What’s up with wound care? I had some pudding shots last year at my brothers.

      Sue n Alli, you need to get you butts back in here.

      And I need to git mine in de shower! Toodles noodles.

    • wahine
      wahine Member Posts: 7,590
      edited July 2013

      Mornin Ladiez!

      Remember when BBBernie told us awhile ago that in Ireland, "willy" means......ummm...."weiner", if ya get my drift. Didn't us goils here name merryjuanna "willy" after Willie Nelson.....or is that a known slang for it? I dunno, we have called it that so long here! Can just see Bernie cwackin de hail up when we talk about smoking or eating da willie!!! lol

      Yeah Lara, thats why I used it as my screen name. Men are called "Kane" which is pronounced as "connie", which I always thought was funny. And locals (like I was) are kaamainas and newcomers are malihinis.

      Lori, you would think I wouldn't glisten outside with these temps, but there must be a lot of humidity that I don't notice TILL I am working outside. So many times I think it is starting to rain, then realize its the SWEAT dripping off my forehead! So I just do 30 min to an hr at a time, as I get soooo hot. But just walking outside is heavenly. Usually at this time of the summer when you open the door you are hit with the heat and humidity so heavy you can hardly breathe. But right now it is amazingly mild. Hope the dexilant is working! The dr just changed DH's med this a lesser strength blood thinner....such a learning process and he feels like crap and just wants to lie around. HOPE they get some meds that will work for him or he will get outta de funk, or whatevah. AND I need my sleep!!!!

      Oh I can't go back a page now...was it you NM that went to Pizza Hut? I saw a commercial for their new get several varieties and it looked so good. But our Pizza Huts get bad ratings, so I haven't been there. Did you try that? Good name for our dwinks, "Ruby Tuesday", and I guess we should have TWO each Pants, Jock, puleez make a ton of those dwinks so we kin each habs two for TwosDey, okay???

      Hugs and Mugs of dwinks,


    • Beckers
      Beckers Member Posts: 979
      edited July 2013

      Goldie, Annie wouldn't tell me how the black eye happened! I thought she would, but no such luck. She did say the words "coffee table."

      Wahine, that darn show!! Even if she picks one of the others, they will watch the show and know they are second best.

      Oh whoops! We been smoken da wiener?!!!

      Should get butt outta bed now. Have a good two-day

    • Cyndielou
      Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
      edited July 2013

      Beckers..I was a lazy ass today too and didnt get out of bed until about 1230pm...but then again I did work until 1230am and watched tv after work so I guess its ok to sleep then.  TGIT...tonight is my early night getting off work at 1045pm...whoopie and then my weekend...yippie kayak I A. you know that song Gallway Girl???  They blasted that song thru our coach everytime we were getting close to a stop and I cant get it out of my head. 

      Those pudding shots look yummy but just cant wrap my head around booze in pudding.

      Good luck Adey with your scan.

      cool pics Laura.

      Cami..isnt Joey the sweetest for brinking you coffee.

      Kathy...glistening sounds so much better than sweating..I glisten my ass off constantly all day with these damn hot flashes...will be glad when Im on the other side of this Tammy Crapoli. are the legs feeling today??

      Jeeze NM..that is expensive to me...really right now everything is expensive to me..trying to play catch up from the summer...its harder than I thought. Glad its running again car problems are no sirree Kim :)

      Happy Twoe's Dey everyone

    • Beckers
      Beckers Member Posts: 979
      edited July 2013

      Cyndielou, do you hot flash too? I HATE them. So much. Did I mention I hate them?!!!!!!!!!!@&$$&@ Why dafug is it we must have to go thru dis chit for so long? You are two months ahead of me. Only four years, three months to go. Ugh! I'm such a cheater....I only take 1/2 tami because I feel like I will most certainly spontaneously combust if I take a full one. What do u do for work?

      Wahine, cracking da hail up with you thinking it's raining and it's just sweat drippin off! I wonder how many of my patients have thought it was rainin!

      Lara, hope you n Cami had fun scary movie day!


    • camillegal
      camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
      edited July 2013

      Hellllooooo it'sme, I haven't==forget it i forgot the words.

      Adey I swear u and I are like pssing chits in the nite we'll get there--I hope u scan is good.

      Lori walking is good for my back but not my liver which is going deeper into my ribs and hurts like hell when I walk. Altho I admit my body is awful that doesn't mean my organs have to decide to move all over the place--the colon is creeping up the side moving my liver in my ribs, so my ribs are loving upward. How dare it, well I guess I havent' been super kind to it and if my colon has cancer I will not stand for it. Well I'll probably have to sit down for it.

      OH those pudding shots--there is likker in there? I've never seen that=== a that and jello shot good summer pretending not to have a drink time. Just right for me.

      My GF is driving me to the Dr tomorrow (surgeon) so I'll find out what's going on maybe he can manipulate all my organs with his magic hands and blue eyes.

    • Beckers
      Beckers Member Posts: 979
      edited July 2013

      Fire up da UFO....we are coming with you Cami!!!

    • camillegal
      camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
      edited July 2013

      OK OK just keep Dork quiet, sit on her face if u have to. LOL