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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Lol! We behave.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Bringing the duct tape for our mouths....BUT will make a straw-sized hole in it so we can DWINK!!! No talking, Cami...we will let you drool over your Mr. Wonderful Doctor while we are very quiet...but we will be peeking at him, ok? Praying for you, girlfrend. You let us know what the dreamy dr says.....cuz we will be sooo dwunkliest dat wese won't be hearing so well. Very glad that your GF will be going with you!! (((((Camille)))))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    ohmesegawd, dont sit on mese face, I aint dat kinda goil!

    becks, mese flashes and night swears are insane. Have two ac, two fans and still stinky, wet and hot all night long and all dey long. last night was down in the 60 but still hot as hail whist sleeping. dere has to be a bitter way.

    kat, xtra duct tape for mese mouth love

    mese legs did not bodder mese today.

    i git in de ufo tomorree, ♥ ye Camille!.

    Lara, dis is de real willie dat comes in de lounge. Dag goil, he be de definition of ugly but he makes me happy. You should have him give you a piece tehehehehe!!

    scooobs who? dont know dat poyson

    gotta go to pee cuz mese has no mo clean panties so hailo to de rest of ye goils!

    Mugs' o hugs to all! and let dere be peace in ye farts, barmen!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Yes, we will all stand behind the changing curtain while you show him da goods Cams. No farting, no laughing, no hiccups. Promise!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Well I've been up for hrs. and I had to wash clothes at 3 am--YAASAAAAA I'm screaming I got my Diarreah I thought becuz of the strong er pain meds it stopped Now I'm thinking that rogue colon that pushing my liver into my ribs has woken up WTF is this I have no Depends cuz I haven't used them lately UGH Prolly all the different junk going on all week end. It's funny cuz I dn't let pain stop me from going out to party, but my D does-I'm really upset cuz I feel like being really upset; And I will not let this stupid colon be cancerous--it will not happen, so if u hear my voice raised alot hand me up a small drink he won't see it-all they do is look in the computer. I am so tired I slept about an hr and spent most of the time on the toilet--I do apologize for being so mad but I am--This is recockulous to have all this chit happen in one day Oh mese poor ass. I was so happy I didn't have D for all this time, the pain was fine I could still go out with my friends and I did, now it this comes back I'm stuck. I wish I could cry but for some reason I don't maybe I have clogged eyesockets. LOL I'm kidding I do cry occasionally about things with Joey only hahaha.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Orange I'm watching THE THING with Kurt Russell that I've seen umpteen time, but I don't care I can't remeber it much. So when I come home it's scary movie day for me-

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Happy Hump Day!

    ORLA--water aerobics sounds like fun, water spinning sounds kind of interesting, too.  Glad the cream is working for the nerve pain! 

    Nice pics! 

    Cammy--I know the feeling of being too tired to fall asleep, not fun.  Sounds like you got some good sleep, though!  Enjoy the coffee, drink extra today!

    Adey--those pudding shots look yummy!  What’s the intoxication efficiency? 

    Goldie--we saw Wolverine.  The garden is doing ok, needs to be weeded, though.  Gotta dodge some rain showers to get to it. 

    Wahine--I'm pretty sure Willie is a known alias for maryjane.  If not, other people pick up on the connection pretty quick, I've found!  Yeah, it was me at Pizza Hut.  Had my old standby green pepper pizza.  Haven't tried the flatbread thingies.  Hope your DH gets to feeling better quickliest! 

    Becs--Annie won't say what happened?  That doesn't sound like typical behavior for a kid.  Hmmm. 

    CynCyn--the car cost more than I would like, but then, no car, no paycheck.  So I try to convince myself that this wasn't such a big bill. . . .

    How's that old saying go?  Oh yeah:  Horses sweat, Gentlemen perspire, and Ladies feel the heat.

    Cammy--here's to Dr Blue Eyes fixing you  right up!

    DorKable--Mr. Willie is definitely happily ugly! Better do some laundry soon, girlie!

    Cammy--You have every right to be upset about the big D, the creeping colon, and the lost sleep.  So rant away, lady, and we'll cheer you on!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Happy Hump Day

    1½ oz.  Vodka

    ½ oz. Dry Vermouth

    ¼ oz. Green Charteuse

    1 Lemon Peel

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning NM--DOTD sounds prety good. I know exactly what u mean about the xar being fixed--there is no choice-- ROCK        US          HARD PLACE, there's not a lot of options when u have to have aa car for work. We're still getting rain--not alot but just wet alot here during the night a lot of rivers are overflowing and lakes--but it's still better than last yr.

    I hope u have a good day at work today--2 more days after today that's always good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    OMG Kathy, I did not remember that willie is weiner, oh that is so funny! Can you sleep in another room?

    Cyn, I’m with you and the glistening from hot flashes. I sure they hope they stop when I get off of the Arimidex in a few months. How long are you on this late shift? Is it slower?

    Becks, you should at least try a whole pill, I don’t think it would make the hot flashes worse. And I would be afraid that you are not getting the whole benefit of the pill by only taking half. Have you asked your doctor about that?

    Oh Cami, I just all that pain you have. Praying that gorgeous blue eyed hunky doc can do some magic on you. Please let us know as soon as you get home. LOL keep Dork quiet! Well shoot, you have the dreaded D too, damn it! It just doesn’t end for you girl, I’m so sorry. (((((CAMI)))))

    LOL @ Dork, “mese ain’t dat kinda goil”.

    Haven’t seen Wolverine or even ads for it, how was it? No rain here for awhile, and still in the 90’s.

    Got me enough maters to do some sketti sauce today. So happy to be able to put up some good stuff!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Oh Cami. I would have brought you some depends in da UFO. Maybe we need to stock up on some of these things in the HTL. I can't imagine how concerned you must feel right now. I hope the hunky humpnday docktuh will get you fixed up ASAP so you don't have to wait and wunder. We lubs ya and hoping for good news today.

    Happy humpnday goils.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    when we leaving in the UFO

    Becks u r funny

    Juliet wow looking good he is

    Nm yes cream is ok still take a pain pill here and there

    Im so frustrated I started my job search and the university I worked for was in Nebraska but I worked out of my house. I think employeers thought I lived in Nebraska.So I just changed everything. I know this because the recruiter called me and goes blah we have a job in Nebraska duh I do not liv there. I am just fumming because I applied to some really good ones. I tryed to re apply with new resume cant. Oh well hopefully that person was just dumb lol. I mean it has my local address on the resume.

    Cammie I love that movie ts on today

    I laugh I work out,write on here,do job search look for my scary movie plan of the day

    a spaggitoes ?????????

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

                                                                                                                      OMG This would not b funny 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hi guys I'm home --had to go with my GF to my other GF and then another came over so had a fun afternoon.

    But my Dr. GRRRR--he said I really need a specialist on this cuz of how the colon has moved and the liver to, but as soon as I get one from my Dr. at my hospital, but when I find one I like to call him and he'll talk to him about my getting put out part or something--he was so sweet but he did say how did u get to the point where u'r liver has moved, that's not that common.-But he did say he doesn't do anything with the actual colon and liver so--I;ll start again tomorrow. I'm so tired now D has stopped. Thanks for coming guys we stil have more places to gobut u guys were quiet today. I think u were sleeping.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    no cammi we were on our bestest behaviour!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh dang it Cami, I was hoping Dr. Dreamy Eyes would be able to take care of that! I do hope you find some GOOD dr you like, and soonliest, because we can't have you in this pain. Want them to get you WELL. Glad you got to have fun with the GF's though. Were we good enuf? We used the duct tape and tried our bestest to not do ennythin wrong. WIll you puleez find a dr this week???? I sure hope so.

    Well AFTER Happy Hour, we went out and had a pitcher of Yeungling(sp?) beer and steak. Yummy, but omg I am sooooo full. MY mom and I just had a simple lunch out today, along with shopping and her dr appt. BUT her top number bp was 180 and so I called her primary dr from their office, and will take her back to see them next week. This foot dr said she can't do surgery till my mom's bp is settled down. BUT she may not need surgery anyway....just has a sore area, like maybe a cyst on the joint or something. So we went to 3 stores trying to find some good casual flats for her to wear, but didn't find anything she liked. Did I say I was WORN OUT from all that, today??? My DH took my dad out all day. OH when I was filling out the paperwork at my mom's new foot dr today, she was right there next to me. The girl said "Oh no, we have a big typo". I asked what she was talking about, so she asked me my mom's birthday and when I told her, she couldn't believe it. Could NOT believe she was born in 1920....she was sure that was a mistake on their part. LOL THen they all said when they "grew up" they wanted to look like her. LOL. My DH said my dad got similar comments today...he does not look his age one can believe it.

    IS everyone having a good Hump Dey Night??? Hope so. Partay anywhere??? I think I already had enuf to dwink though.



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Oh Cami. Darn it. Ok. So. Are you better at the waiting game now that we have so much practice? I'm glad the D stopped. Can't they just colonoscopy to see dufug is goin on up der?

    Orange. Job hunt. Where do you live and what kinda job r u doin?

    Today I actually had a coworker go OFF on me. Wow. He used F word and everything. He yelled in front of coworkers and his patient. I was left wondering why a person would feel they could treat me that way. Still shaking my head. Never had something like this happen in my professional life. We have to do progress reports on our patients and he didn't do two yesterday that were on my schedule today. So...I wrote him a note to do them. I dont want to friggen do them! Well....he was pissed.

    Need vino. Brb

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Dayem Becks, how awful. (((((Becks))))). How a about a SEXY guy to serve you ALL the wine you want....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Thank you Wahine!!! Still shakin my head but the vino helps!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk
    Of a day -I-ay-I-ay
    I met a little girl and we stopped to talk
    Of a fine soft day -I-ay-I-ay
    And I ask you, friend, what's a fella to do
    'Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue
    And I knew right then I'd be takin' a whirl
    'Round the Salthill Prom with a Galway girl

    We were halfway there when the rain came down
    Of a day -I-ay-I-ay
    And she asked me up to her flat downtown
    Of a fine soft day -I-ay-I-ay
    And I ask you, friend, what's a fella to do
    'Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue
    So I took her hand and I gave her a twirl
    And I lost my heart to a Galway girl

    When I woke up I was all alone
    With a broken heart and a ticket home
    And I ask you now, tell me what would you do
    If her hair was black and her eyes were blue
    I've traveled around I've been all over this world
    Boys I ain't never seen nothin' like a Galway girl

    Steve Earle

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Bernie that was so cute----and of course what Willie Nelson said was so funny, I hope things are going well Bernie, it's great to see u posting.

    Kat u'r parents are amazing and now look amazing too--wow good genes for u. Just have to get control over the BP thing-chit. So u'r DH was out yesterday too. And then u had a great dinner good going.

    And thank u guys for all u'r care, but I'll take care of everything and let u know exactly what's going on--so no more about me--it's really stupid and I'm tired of all this chit. This will all work out for me- OK?

    Orange Scary movie day for shoah today didn't watch anything yesterday==Washed clothes yesterday so not today hahaha.

    No rain today, around 80--good but rain tom. and Sat. in the 70's fine with me. Strange summer and I Aug. 1st wow--Joey goea back to school like 3 1/2 weeks--He's looking forward to it, but now me. I'm so selfish with him

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Yesterday was an interesting day at work.  I didn't go into the office first thing in the morning, so I missed the excitement.  One of the office girls was fired yesterday morning, and, per company policy, escorted out of the office by a police officer.  Then the (armed)  officer was stationed in the office all day, again per company policy.  Regional big wigs were in the office all day, too.  And we had a speaker come in for the afternoon.  Naturally the rumor mill is running  wild.  I know there was some power play stuff going on that this girl was in the middle of, but I didn't think it was so bad that anyone would be fired.  I'm assuming there was more going on than I am aware of.  Now the challenge will be to keep myself out of the rumor mill all the while being wildly curious about all the dirty details. . . . .

    Cammy--I hear you about the rivers and lake overflowing, we get flash flood warnings every time a good rain comes through.  Better than a drought, though!

    Goldie--Wolverine was good mindless entertainment.  Lots of male and female eye candy.  Totally improbably fight scenes.  Inevitable happy ending.  Not a lot of blood, guts and gore.  Not a movie I'd choose for myself, but it wasn't bad. 

    Juliet--YES!!!!! Water = coffee = LIFE!   Oooh, I like that cup of Joe!

    Becs--good idea about stocking up on depends and the like.  The Lounge needs to be prepared. 

    ORLA--a little pain here and there is better than big pain all the time.  I'm still praying for all the pain to go away for you!  And that little trick could get someone seriously hurt!  So not right!

    Cammy--grrrr, indeed.  I know you were hoping for a more definitive, and quicker, fix from your doc.  I was hoping you could get fixed right up, too.  Glad you had a good afternoon!

    Wahine--How nice for your Mom and Dad to be considered to be so much younger!  I can imagine how worn out you were after all that shopping!  I always get totally wiped when I go shopping with my Mom.  It takes so much energy to and attention to catch the sudden stops and changes of direction so I don't bump into her or lose her entirely! 

    Becs--having someone go off on you is never fun.  And you should NOT have to do his work, and he has no right to be pissed that you aren't doing the work for him!  And to do it in front of a patient is unforgivable,  not to mention unprofessional!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD the is the Still  Shaking  My Head

    1/2 cup mango juice

    Juice of 2 limes, plus 2 lime wedges, for garnish

    1/2 cup fresh orange juice

    2 jiggers (3-ounces) rum

    2 jiggers (3-ounces) bourbon

    1 shake black pepper

    1 to 2 cups ginger ale (depending on how fizzy you like it)


    Combine the mango juice, lime juice, rum, bourbon, and black pepper in a large shaker. Shake to combine. Drop a handful of ice into each glass, divide the mixture between them. Run a slice of lime along each rim and drop the lime in the glass. Top each drink with ginger ale. Sip slowly and enjoy!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Just popping in to say hello. Camille, I am praying so much for you darling, mese fart is sad. I hope and pray that there is not RB in your colon. I love you, here some big Dorky hugs for you ((((CAMMIE)))

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Beckers, Depends might be something we should consider! Wow on the co-worker going off. I hope he gets in trouble, the idiot!

    Lara, good luck on the job hunt.

    Cami, glad you had fun with your friends, but I wonder why that doctor didn’t recommend a specialist for you? You have every right to be selfish with Joey, he is a little doll.

    Kathy, cute story about your mom and how they thought her birthday was a typo. Your folks do look good, that’s for sure. Too bad you couldn’t find any shoes for her.

    LMAO, that is a GOOD ONE Bernie from Willie.

    NM, do stay out of trouble, but DO let us know if you find out anything. But really, escorted out by the cops? DOTD sounds quite yummy with the mango in it.

    Got my sketti sauce done, 7 quarts. However, I did not clean my kitchen, so I have a big mess in there to tackle this morning. Think I’ll take some of that “Cup of Joe” to help me out.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    NM interesting armed guard posted and such all day wow mybe there was more going on! I know it's normal to escort out if the building when I managed I had to do that and watch them pack it up! So strange but policy is policy. I always felt bad. Also scarf jeez if they were going to do something yell and such it would b me!

    Cammie I knows hate this chit! Lets watch scary movies today!

    Wahine my grandparents were very young looking ! My dad looks young to hope I get that! People really never believe I'm 39

    Becks that guy can stick it god I hate crazy rude people!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Goldie just one thing then no more about me--My Dr. that I saw yesterday knows my brother and the Dr. my brother knows, and I told him he gave me a name at my new hospital. So that's when he said find him and have hime call me.

    OK Now

    NM when do u ever go in later, and u go in on a day that all this happens? Whoa I wonder why police stayed around, oh I know why retaliation maybe--OMG to have police escort them out tho. When I worked and someone was fired the State police did it all and got them out. But we were considered government probperty. I su'r place funded from the government or privately owned. Oh what a mess and u hate to ask to much--u don't know who to trust or even a hidden mike--we had them all over and cameras, but we knew where they were--mostly but who knows what any org. does anymore. Wow what a day for u.

    Goldie I hope u had loads of coffee to clean u'r kitchen--that's a bad room to wake up to to clean.

    Lara I hope u can find a job that will be interesting for u and u really like.

    OK BBL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Morning Ladiez of de Lounge!

    Wow, lots going on. NM, how scary!!! Good thing you weren't there, bad enuf to hear about it. And yeah, I get it too, that you don't want to ask tooo much or ask the wrong person but heck, curious minds wanna know!!! Neat DOTD, and I noticed the mango too, like Lori did, that would be yummy! We have had the BEST ripe mangos this summer....have 7 more on the counter right now. Love em! Yes, I do get worn out taking my mom shopping, but mostly because its hard to figure out what she really wants. With her memory, she can change her mind in an instant. And we just couldn't find ANYTHING she liked. Need to take her to the big shoe places like Shoe Carnival, Payless, or similar. She kept commenting on my new wild looking (brt pink/brt green) jogging shoes, but yet when we were in the running store and I was getting them, she didn't want to spend that much! Luckily, she can get around on her own, and when she wanders off to look at something else, we always find ea other quickly. She forgot her wallet yesterday, so THANK GOD I brought the little booklet that I keep copies of their DL's, med cards, drs cards, etc., so she was able to check in with her new dr with my copies of her stuff. That has proven very handy!!!

    Lara, Hmmmm....funny thing....but they don't think I look 39 either!!! LOL, couldn't resist, duh, I am nowhere near THAT age!!! But yeah they usually think I am younger too...I love it! Hope your pain has lessened a lot.

    Lori, our kitchen is a mess too....I guess we were gone most of the day and night yest and we just left everything...yucko. I bet your sauce tastes sooooo good! The place we went to last night had the BEST chili...didn't care for their ribeye so much, but will go back for the chili. We had a certif so had to spend a bit more, so we were full, but DH got the chili after we ate just to try it, and omg when something tastes good when you are full, then you KNOW its really good! Hope the dexilant is working for you!!! It seems to work quickly.

    Ok, Cami....SO did you call the dr today??? IF not, you better do it right now!!! Sometimes its so hard to reach them, wait for callbacks, etc., so you need to do this PRONTO. You know we will ALL get after you about this, dontcha??? I know you will miss Joey when school starts, but what a very, very, special relationship you two have. Love hearing about him! Tonight I am taking Maddy (8) to a childrens theatre production of the Music Man. Should be fun! Now to think of somewhere for dinner that we BOTH will like.

    Bernie.....that was so funny!!! Love what Willie said....and that was prolly true!

    Dorkie, You just popped in for a second???? What gives wid dat???? HOpe things are going well with you and with your parents!

    OK, got up sooo late as I was up in the middle of the night for awhile...had a headache which I rarely get. Ya think it cud be from the drinks before we went out, then the pitcher of beer??? ya think??? LOL....



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Its quiet in the lounge....*tiptoeing around the passed out peeps on de floor*....hope ebbery1 is ok. I am enjoying an Angry Orchard Hard Cider...reminds me of the cider we had in Ireland, very good. Just get to have one, as later on I am taking my g'dau to dinner and a children's muscial. We'll have a fun time!!! OH and tomorrow the church thrift store is sending out some strong guys to take our jacuzzi spa (its the real jacuzzi brand and the brochure says it weighs 530 pounds EMPTY)!!! Yippee. We haven't used it in soooo long cuz I really don't like to get that hot anymore. Its still nice, looks like new inside, works well, but needs a new cover. Anyway, I spent a long time getting all the water out, so am beat. Just will be nice to use that area for something else! I had built a platform for it and we also had to get a larger electrical outlet for the wattage it takes, but I will enjoy thinking of something fun to do there. Do I hear "new project"???? LOL

    Oh, and update on DD1...the drs in B'ham now want to put her case before THEIR board, so no decisions yet. And today she realized she may have Shingles...omg I hope not. My DD2 had it when she was 14 and STILL suffers from it when she gets stressed...the joint pain and sore areas. So she started on the meds today but will see the dr tomorrow to see if thats what she has. Its so much better if its caught early. I have an uncle who is in mid 80's and almost lost his eyesight because of shingles and still suffers from it. ANd I still haven't gotten the vaccination for it...have you gotten that, Cami? I think we are the only two "of age" here.

    Cheers Dears!
