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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Happy fried as hell day! What a friggen piece a chit week.

    Cami, I feel fearful of this man and I have not reported it even tho others witnessed it. I won't even look at him. I feel deflated. Very down. Maybe I'm not tightly wrapped.

    Wahine, hope you are okay. Is shingles brought on by stress? My Mom got it when I was diagnosed with the MS.

    Funny joke Bernie. Love that you make us laugh.

    Also love the cowboy one up there Julie. Losing our train of thought not that I ever have one.

    I have two odd things going on. A painful swelling on side of right foot thats been there for about a month now and then what feels like a BB inside my lip and when I decided to flip upper lip up to look, it is black. Do you think the FRB can metastasize to a lip or a

    foot? I don't wanna be callin the onc for stupid chit, ya know?

    No drinks for me....Annie duty tonight. Sorry Im such a sap tonight. XOXOXPOFRBORBITSVacationwouldbesonicerightnowLMNOPWTF!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    I vote Drew Barrymore

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OK, I lose...I am wrongo bongo...Those of you who voted it was Drew Barrymore are TOTALLY CORRECT....I googled her and found this

    OK, I give up....I surrender totally to Pants (thats my Sorry your week was so chitty Becks, you sure do need a vacay. Would be nice if you and your DH could go away somewhere for awhile. Yeah Becks, the Shingles can be caused by stress. Why I have not gotten it, I will never know!!! LOL.  I just hope my DD1 will not have a bad case of it, with all she is facing right now. I think the most stress I get nowadays is from my would be nice if he could just appreciate what we DO for them and not pick at what does not get done asap. Sheesh!!!! Ok my rant is over. Night night!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Oh Wahine. Our elderly parents can be so friggen challenging!!! It has been hard to live so close to my Mom. Love her. It's just hard. Sounds like you do quite a bit with and for them. Setting boundaries is not easy. Sleep tight!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hey guys---Oh the Barrymore profile. LOL

    Becs call about u'r inner lip u might just need some type of rinse for cleaning an infection--like some kind of peroxide concoction. U have to address these issues or they will be issues. I know we all think now what? but just call and get it taken care of. Oh it's Annie week-end and u'r lovin' it--I understand.

    Kat all this shingles stuff lately that's all I hear about, even on TV and they never talked about it a few years ago. And I remember my mom getting it a couple of times but then it seemed more rare--WTF. Kat u and u'r DH are so very good with u'r parents u do so much with them all the time. I give u loads of credit cuz there are so many things going on for u now especially. My dad use to say (in Italian) 2 parents can take care of 12 kids, but 12 kids can't take care of 2 parents. But some prove that wrong, like u and u'r DH. And now look at Dork she's wrapping herself into taking care of whatever she can too. It's a rough time.

    Well I'll be going back to sleep soon, haha I wake up all hrs. and sleep all hrs. sometimes.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    Goldie--Isn't it funny how the cleaning up never seems to stop?  It was a better day at work yesterday, things are settling down.  Well, maybe calming down is a better way to describe it. 

    ORLA--under the table like an orange?  Never heard that expression before!

    Juliet--I was taught to keep any work related stuff away from patients, too.  Seems like that kind of thing isn't being taught so much any more. 


    Juliet--train of thought?  What train of thought?  Yum!

    Wahine--not fair that your night out was ruined by a scare.  Glad you had resources to help take the worry away!  And yeah, muddy puppy feet is the "new normal" in my house, too!


    Mornin' Adey!

    Cammy--It was a better day at work yesterday.  I think I would die of fright if SWAT showed up where I was working even once.  Never mind if nothing came of it!  And I say keep writing to the guv.  It's the squeaky wheel, etc. 

    Wahine--stress can trigger shingles, and I can't imagine the stress your DD1 is having right now.  But she really does not need that on top of everything else!  Shingles is more frequent in older people, but it can occur at any age once exposed to the chicken pox virus.  Lots of people get shingles during chemo, when the immune system is depressed. 

    CynCyn--doggy hugs are the best!  And Sadie gives very enthusiastic doggy hugs. 

    Cammy--shingles are not contagious themselves, but someone who has not had chicken pox can get chicken pox from someone with active shingles.  What happens is the chicken pox virus enters the body and causes chicken pox infection, then the immune system clears the virus out of the body except for the viruses that hide in the nerve roots along the spinal cord.  The immune system keeps those viruses dormant.  When there is high stress or when the immune system is depressed, or even more so if both happen, the virus can reactivate and travel down the nerve from the root to the skin and cause the shingles rash.  The pain comes from the irritation of the nerve by the reactivated virus.  The irritation can last longer than the rash, it can last for years.  The fluid in the blisters has live chicken pox viruses it in, so anyone touching it or anything that has touched that liquid is exposed to the chicken pox virus and can get chicken pox infection.  I haven't figured out how the shingle shot is supposed to work yet.  Still reading up on it.

    Karen--Have a good Shabbat with your Mom!

    Wahine--a guy for each day of the week is a great idea!!!

    Becs--if you are afraid of this guy you really NEED to report what happened!  It doesn't matter how tightly or loosely wrapped you feel you are.  If you are afraid of him, imagine how the patients who hear the exchange feel when they see him?  Report it anonymously  if you need to just to get things started.  Get one of the witnesses to report with you.  Every employer is required to have a reporting system in place for things like this.  And if someone can go off verbally, there is a risk he can go off physically.  Please report the incident to someone in your organization.  If you don't feel comfortable going to your boss or his boss go to HR.  Or corporate compliance. But report it to someone, please.   About the foot thing, a really small injury can last a long time on our feet 'cause we don't have the option to stop using them.  It's far more likely that the foot thing is an injury than a met.  The lip thing is far more likely to be something like a blackhead, or a tiny bit of something that got caught in the skin that's getting walled off than a met.  Have your PCP check them out if you don't want to have your Onc check them out.  But there is nothing wrong with having those things checked out for your own peace of mind.  If they bother you, have them checked.  That's my mantra, and since it's our money that's running the system it's our rules that apply!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Pole Dancer

    1 shot malibu

    1 shot Apple sourz

    1 shot vodka

     cranberry juice

     orange juice

    Tip in the shots of Malibu, vodka and Apple Sourz (in any order) then top up with equal amounts of cranberry and orange juice.

    Very tropical and lethal. Watch out!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oh mese goo-ness, dat dere cowboy looks like he’s headed MY way, by the looks of the landscape….tanks Julie! SOOOO glad your shoulder is doing better and you might get to go back to the job you love. When you do, you must be on your toes, and be careful not to get hurt again.

    Katrinka, what wuz your scare, sounds like it was with you. Glad all is ok. As for the area where the Jacuzzi was, I am certain you will think of sumpting, being the decorator that you are. I hope the shingles are able to be taken care  of, she certainly doesn’t need this.

    Love the jokes Bernie!

    Cami, who would have thunked that you had that much going on at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles! Glad nothing ever got serious. LMAO at “ASSES are always CRACKED”. You are such a wise one! Would love to be able  to have you all over for some sketti.

    Cyn, I would check the threads  here with other gals on the Tammy train, to see if their docs have prescribed anything for the hot flashes. Mine eased up some after a few years, but I take something too. But during chemo was the worst, OMG.

    Oh what an igit Iam. You all are saying that girl looks like Drew, and I’m like I don’t see it, how can they see that? Well, I was looking at the silhouette one, of the girl jumping, the one Adey posted and then under it asked if that was Drew Barrymore……………LOL. Can we say DUH? Where's my ZOOM net???

    Beckers, I hope the weekend lets you unwind. You should turn him in girl, and don’t let him intimidate you like that. I’m so sorry you are afraid, all the more reason to report him. And call about your foot and your lip, there is no such thing as “stupid” when it comes to an issue with us. You could also make a dentist appointment for the lip.

    NM, are you working today? I hope not, and I hope you can have the weekend all to yourself and Sadie. I totally agree with you and that Becks should say something. That Pole Dancer looks yummy, I have everything but the peach, shoot! And “Train of Thought”……………..

    Went to the movies yesterday, saw R.I.P.D. with Jeff Bridges, was ok, a litte on the stupid side. Have unexpected company coming tomorrow, just found out yesterday. A couple that we met, that live over by the new warehouse we built in town. So now needing to do some major cleaning, and was also hoping to do some canning. Ya know you can't "choose" when you want to do that, you have to do it when the maters say so!

    Happy TURD day girls.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    I don't know how many of you saw this on my FB, but it's a video of a little girl. She is messing with her car seat, and her dad is asking her if she wants him to help, but she is persistant. Very cute, watch it. If it doesn't bring a smile to your face, then nothing will! It's less than a minute long. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL, that IS cute, Lori! I am STILL laffing!!!! Thanks! I know your house is ALWAYS neat, so hope you don't have too much to do before your company arrives. Me, on the other hand....! You see SO MANY movies, I used to keep up with all the new releases, now I don't know any of them. Except the Conjuring....still might see it even though you said how scary it was. Glad you get to see so many. A lot of times now, I wait to see them on flights. But no trips planned anytime soon. OK...mese said you all all the ingredients except the peach? I don't see a peach in todays DOTD, but maybe it was for yesterday? I dunno...can't go back to that page right now. Cute about the "Train of Thought"!

    YES, Becks, please do have BOTH checked out! I prolly worry more about the one on your lip, but both should be seen, so either you don't have to worry, or can get something to take care of it. My foot is still killing me from the tendonitis, but the dr really didn't tell me what to do about it. Sheesh. Sometimes I can hardly stand the pain and sometimes there is NO pain. Weird. AND good advice from everyone to report that guy. I know  how you feel though, it would be hard for me to report him too, as if he hasn't done that before, then he would KNOW it was you. BUT better for him to know you WILL report him, then to have him get away with it and do it again, or something worse. Scary situation.

    NM, you are SO wise...such good info about Shingles, and easy to understand! She has a friend who is pg with her 5th child and she has not had chicken pox so she already knew to be careful around her. Her DD (8 yo) has not had chicken pox, but its not in a visible area, so not sure she would get it from her. OMG there is SO MUCH going on!

    My DH is taking my parents to the farmers market then to breakfast, this ayem. I'm not going, I need the break! But knowing me I prolly will start doing some work on that "deck" the spa was on. Funny how much smaller the area looks, with it gone. Don't worry about me, from that scare the other night. I see the dr next week, and if its anything to worry about, I'll let you know. Otherwise, it should be fine. OH even though we have 2 wrist bp monitors, (my DH finally found the 1 he lost!), and they were calibrated at the drs office, so they work well, we still got a new one, that goes on the arm, but automatic. Well, surprise, surprise, this one also tells you if your heart is having an erratic beat while being tested, PLUS has software and you can hook it to the computer to get printouts for your dr, plus it analyses things, etc. That was a bonus as we weren't aware of that when we ordered it. AND it was half off so that was awesome.

    Cami, I thought it was funny too when you said "asses are always cracked" Lori mentioned it cuz I had already forgotten. You come up with the FUNNIEST things! Just like our Dorkie....who btw has not been here enough!!! DORKIE, come back more often!!!!! OK, no more talk from us till you see that dr but I already forgot when that will be. So let me know that again, ok?

    All this workplace scare, makes me SO glad to be out of that ratrace. AND the scares in schools makes me so glad my g'kids are home schooled. But of course crazies have even shot people in McDonalds, etc., so there is no escaping the weridos. I am glad that they bring security in when they let someone go, just in case. And now the gov't issued global warnings till the end of Aug, thinking the terrorists are planning something soon. I sure hope not. On that thought....gonna have a Pole Dancer DOTD courtesy of NM, and laff at the carousel pole dancer courtesy of Julie. OH and drool at the cowboy Julie brought in, too. Wow.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oooops, see dat went right fru my zoom net Kat, you do nose it has a hole in it, right? I guess peach and apple are a tad different! And I don't have any apple either!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    cute video

    yup thats drew

    cammie scary movies

    hi cyn

    good one bernie


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Orange those white things in that drinks look scary,

    NM u actually made me understand shingles for the first time, I know about them but not really--U should teach. I'm glad things are better paced at work for u and u still sound better that's why I'm not reminding u to take u'r meds anymore. I hope u'r off today all day so u and Sadie can do what u want. And the DOTD sounds good to me again with the cowboy, but Lori has hime today, she really grabbed him fast==guys go quickly around here, personally I think the single ones should have first pick but all fair in sex and war.

    Julie please be careful at work--u've had some bad luck around there so now it's time for good luck and good work days for u. And thanks for sharing u'r stock-pile of men that u have and have them pose for us.

    Kat I can't stop thinking about u'r Kristen and now shingles this is so unbelievable to me, she's so young and I hate this for u.r whole family. And how is u'r other DD? So nice of u'r DH to take u'r parents out, but he does this--he sounds like a dream.

    Lara scary movies again today, maybe I'll throw in an action one too, but it has to have loads of action and I still don't want to see the Conjured, True story not for me, cuz i believe in strange things.

    You know Like Lori's having company and I was thinking I'm sure that everyone one of u, of someone stopped over u'r home would look great--u are all go-getter and do alot all the time. Well mine would be much better now, cuz m DD does keep things pretty good, Now when someone stops over I just close my bedroom door--my room is kind of messy-I don't have enough room, that's my excuse-that was the same escuse when I lived alone. But now it's more believable

    Kat Aug 12th I see the surgeon---the one the  coronor recommended to me--I love saying that, it just sounds funny to me.

    I hope everyone has a decent day--the weather is pretty good here so that's nice--Don't overdo and I promise I won't overdo hahahaha--I told u I should teach relaxation to people it's what I do best. Even my mom told me that. LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Good morning. I feel better after some Annie time and rest.

    I think I will talk to my boss. There were others in the gym so he doesn't have to know it was me. Just sad that I would even have to deal with some nut job at my age. With all we have gone thru just don't have much left for reindeer games.

    Going to watch Goldies video in a sec so I can get my smile on.

    I agree the foot thing is prob a tendinitis or something. May have to lose some L-B's. The lip looks scary and unfortunately I used to smoke. One year smoke free. Heavy sigh.

    Parrot's in there calling my dog. Poor dog. He torments him. Wish I could post the video. Cwacks me up!

    NM, thanks for nurse advice. HTL has our own nurse hotline! Lub it.

    Can we just use UFO tonight. Let's just have a big Bonfire on a beach somewhere and get crunk.

    Cami, glad white things in Orange's blueberry drink aren't chopped onions.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh My give us toooooo much credit. Maybe the other gals homes are A-OK, but not mine! I used to keep mine spotless, raising 2 teens alone, working full time, did own yardwork, etc., and had time to date. NOW I can't keep up with the house cause DH is soooo messy. Then since we were gone more than half the time, just never can catch up. So since  he's messy I don't keep up with my stuff like I should. Give me a weeks notice, then you can "stop by". But thats why I like to do projects, cuz then I can FINISH something!!! Been scrubbing my new deck area (where spa was) and omg it is "glistening" much sweat pours down. Wish it would cause me to lose weight,but no such luck. Since I hope to paint the house yellow (looked awesome with the red its boring taupe-ish),  I am thinking of paintnig the metal bistro set a bright lime green with maybe a big purple flower on the top of the table, to go on that deck area, with tons of potted plants. Would really"pop" against the yellow. AND this is just a small deck near the fig tree and the house, not the big covered deck that is attached to the house. So wouldn't really see it unless you were in the backyard. I dunno....just starting to think about it. I love doing new things, can you tell???

    I forgot you had a parrot, Becks! YES do see about the lip, esp, and since you used to smoke, don't take any chances. AND BTW, kudos for quitting...that is very hard to do! Pat yourself on the back, ok? OR get big hugs from the Tenders, yeah, thats a better idea.

    Oh and Cami, my DH loves to do things for others, AND he likes to do little things for me, and leave love notes, etc,....BUT he doesn't like to do much work, so that is a thorn in my side!!! So I either do most of the work, or hound him to death to do one little thing. Plus, he causes all sorts of stress. So yeah, he is a good guy, with a big heart, but hard to live with! But he thinks I hung the moon, so I guess thats a good thing. OK...Aug 12th, with coroners IS funny to say. We will be there!!!!!

    Lara, is that ice in that drink? Hope you are feeling better!!

    Okey dokey, gotta go back outside in de heat and scrub-a-dub-dub some more. OH the other day DH was thanking me for ALL I do, so he does realize it, but omg I wish he would help more!!! But he does a lot for my parents, so that is a good thing. OK....gotta get my glisten on again....

    Hugs and Chugs of Mugs of Beer!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    U guys are so cute.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Lara I'm watching Spirit trap.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    becks ,nm gave excellent advice, on your lip,foot and that guy, most places have a psyche policy in place for employees needing assistance,usally accessed through hr,maybe this guy needs them.hope your enjoying your annie time,

    kat- you are too busy, this from one,oh the pest control is coming tuesday better tidy up!hoping for a mild case of shingles for your dd1

    cammi, getting a surgical reccomendation from a coroner makes sense to me, because he would know which ones to avoid!Yell

    lori,nm,cyn ,lara,shannon,dorty,allie,scuby,maiz and adey,did i forget anyone ,hope your having a lazy and fantastic weekend

    well its tax free shopping weekend so all the parents are out doing their back to school shopping.  should have known better goiing to target.full of people who should not be breeding! plus roads full of people who should not be driving, ever wanted to leave wheel marks over some people!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Cammie I'm watching chiller all day

    That was ice in the drink

    I am going to see that movie tomm and it will freak me out because I do believe in spirts and scary things ! I've had some weird things happen to me. My moms the witch I do get witch vibes a lot to

    Kat shingles jeez

    They do have a shot heard it hurts like hell

    I'm going to do those pain treatments at the hospital I exercised this week and it has flared up back on pain pills and cream

    Anyone on pintreast I love it

    Yes becks I'm getting the booze ready for the beach party

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    guess whoose furbaby this is?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie u r hysterical--I'm LOLing at u--u funny lady and some good taste too.

    Orange I watched Nigtmare Man and now Monster Arc. hahaha. OK a story---When my mom was born she was born with (what they called then) a veil and the folded it and saved it and it meant (to italians) that she was special with special not powers but like feelings and believe me she did she was a little spooky at times and she used to tell me I had some of that but my brothers and sister didn't and i know what she meant as I got older but the veil was saved and my DD1 still has it--so i told my sister to get rid of it and she won't and neither will any of us --we're all goofy and it's still put away in the same box for 100 yrs, wrapped perfectly. hahaha And it still webbed like a see thru. See why I don't like true stories--I've lived them LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG Cami, does it look like a regular veil? Sooooo interesting....never heard of that before. *twilight zone music in my head*.

    Yeah Julie, youse sooo funneeeeee! And I like the pics too, esp the firemen....

    Well been wrenching my back, but working on re-doing this deck area (I knew I would....can't wait!). But OMG it is so beautful outside today. Unusual for August to be so mild, was 78 at Happy Hour, and I was sitting there and it felt like being in an aviary...I swear so many different birds were flying from one tree to the next and to the many varieties. So its nice to be HOME for awhile, and enjoy this. When the guys picked up our spa yesterday they commented on how many tall trees we have. I think there are 25-30 in our back yard! My mom planted most of them about 15+ yrs ago when she first bought this house. So its like an oasis, and I keep adding to it! LOL.

    Hugs and Cheers and Chairs and Tables and Barstools!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Orange, Beach par Tay!!!!! Bonfire!! Den we call the boys up there!

    Cami, it was probably the thanksgiving tablecloth. Your mama just had your sense of humor is all.

    Nice firemens!!!! My ex did one thing that was very cool. Once he had a bunch of firemen sign my b'day card and shot a video of them singing me happy birthday with their lights flashin.

    My house is like an aviary Waine with the flies flyin around here right now!

    Annie's been playing hop scotch all day. I forget how to draw it tho!! (using sidewalk chalk.) she had a rock the size of an apple. Ha! I made something but I'm sure it's not correct.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Thats awesome Becks, what your DH did! Is he a fireman? Good for you, having fun with Annie! Ya know, you had me stumped too, so I just googled it and apparently there are different variations, but basically similar...



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    AWESOME!!! Thanks Wahiney!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat that's so cute I remember the last one, but the others didn't look familiar. U must have a huge back yard to have so many trees and I'm glad u got to enjoy it--the weather has been nice.

    Becs it is funny but it's wrapped in a newspaper from that date and put in an old (well now old) candy Box and u can open up the paper and see this like 4 x6 folded in half veil and no one will touch it I'm sure it will fall apart and anyway NO ONE WILL TOUCH IT It's like my mom is living with my DD--she can stay there, she liked her. hahaha

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    Hi Cami, they kkep the veil here as well.  My great grandmother had one but it was buried with her.

    Some infants are born with a hood, caul or veil over their face. This thin, filmy membrane is actually the remnants of the amniotic sac, and typically covers the newborn immediately after birth. Being born with a caul is an extremely rare situation, probably occurring in fewer than 1 in 1000 births. In addition to being a birth rarity it is usually present only in premature babies.

      There are many beliefs about what it means, and why a baby would be born with a caul.

      In medieval times it was considered good luck to be born with a caul. The silky membrane was often pressed onto a piece of paper and presented to the mother as a good luck charm.

      Later, the actual caul was saved and sold to others for the same purpose.

      In the psychic world, it is more often regarded as a "veil". And a baby born with a veil is destined for great things.

    Through many belief systems it is held that having been born with a veil is a sign of psychic abilities, good luck or a special destiny. Through some research done by various psychics as well as medical professionals, "veils" or cauls, are most often found on female infants and these females tend to be psychically gifted.

      It is best said that they seem to have psychic abilities, are able to see the past, the future - the things we cannot see. They have "different eyes" and their way of thinking is typically more open than most.

      Their nighttime dreams are different from an average individual. It seems that what they dream is what is to come. Most who are born with a veil, do not realize this ability until they are much older and can distinguish between a common dream and a premonition.

      Not all premonitions are accurate accounts of what happened or what will happen, many are simply pieces to a larger puzzle which must be openly formed in the mind.

      A baby born with a veil over its face, can usually see aura's. An aura is a colored outline, or set of outlines, allegedly emanating from the surface of an object. The aura supposedly reflects a supernatural energy field or life force that is present in all things. Human auras supposedly emerge from the chakras. A chakra is a center of energy, according to Kundalini Yoga. And they also say that there are several of these that begin at the base of the spine and end at the top of the head.

      Extremely young children seem to see auras naturally. If you consider how an infant or baby looks at a person, you will note that they are typically looking above them. If they do not like the color of the aura, or if the aura color is totally different than the parents, they will cry.

      People who can see auras say that children have much stronger and very defined auras than most of adults. The reasoning behind this, is because as we become adults, we tend to become more enslaved to materialistic items, and our world around us.

      Children who are born with a veil, typically use their eyes to see beyond what some people can naturally see. They also use their peripheral vision, because it is less damaged than in the central part. Since we use the central part of our retina constantly to see, it begins to suffer damage from artificial illuminations like television sets and computers.

      This is why very young children seem to still have the "gift". Their central vision is not damaged enough, and they are able to see clearly. The problem is, the older they get, they are taught to use their vision in a certain way. Often a young child who could see auras and other imagery, loses that with time.