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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Lets start the party

    Mess so drunk I'm u see the table

    Did u see me kat I was being very quite!

    I've got a tender and lots of booze

    Who's here!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    I'm poppin in too---been sleepy today hahaha---

    Kat what is it about shingles in u'r family, my gosh she's so young I always think of it as an old people thing. Ohhh But I'm glad to hear that a whole bunch of Drs. r going to hear about u'r dgtr's case. More minds, betterresults. Keep us up on EVERYTHING Kat. Oh and if those guys are hunky sneak some pictures for us.

    Where are u orange nder the table rolling around like an orange.?

    My surgeons app't is Aug 12---he's on vacation--so everyone be ready to travel maybe it's early 8"30ayem ick--OK no more talking about this mess.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh that's so apprapo--did I spell that right.? hahaha Good one Julie

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013


    to me

    hey chickies, I come here for a partay den you all nessapear? whaT uP with that mese askkes. sorry I have been reading but not writing. I has such issues with de windows 8, I type fast den next ting I know mese mouse at de top of de page. dat jest one issue outta 27.6 known issues (to me) ye se it jest did it. I read NM story agen as I did not quite git it cept de poe leese wuz at her work n de cop got fired. glad no one was chot. and if ye wuz dere you could gib dem shots to porvent de violance. oops,mese was still dwunk in de aye em wen mese read so eberting bin foggy in mese hed todey. but what hit mese hard wuz reading about mese Camigoil. I sawry to mention but it wayed heaby in mese fart and mese woked up tinking bout her and jest how brave n funny she be. I jest can't fathom the tings she go through. mese so tankful she has her widdle big man Yoey (dat his new nick-name, K Cam? pleeese, I like it cuz mese flirt with a cutie young boy at werk and sumtimes he flirt back and I call him Yoey. and he an iTalIan little big man too, like 28 or sumting, poyfect)....woops mese digresseded.

    becks, you made me laugh party hard but can't bremember wat hehehicCUP, ooops.

    Lara, how do dem dere goils look now? mese cant wait to have mese twins. I hope you liking dem dere goils, no make dat lub dem. dont foyget to rotate dem often, I tink tree times a day. and also sQUUUUEESE dem. I not kidding, only mese foyst dr dat died telled me that, de others foygot n mese no shirly sertain you no. k?

    Juliet, love de sister ting you posted, you and all de goils mese siou back to nursing? stas. wese de bestest sisterhood mese had in mese life with ye goils. y

    katwinkaTOES, meese met yer parents and dey look mighten young. dey come to mese house one dey and i see dem in mese puter. yep, twu dat. and yu def have de youtfull ting habbening. ya see, i saw ye twince in poyson and de second time ye lookTED younger dan de firsts time u cam to mese house. i bet ye dont brewember cuz mese twied to get ye high but it dindt werk so ye got yerself dwinked up insTED. bremembar? it wuz i tink in mae dae month or sumeting.

    reminds me goils, did ye all do yer rabbits todday for good luck for de month? i go on but have to peetinklewizzsprinklePPinmese tallet. brb

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    lorigoldiegoil, def need depends in de ufo, i bote yay. good idea becks. still tring to remember what you said dat cracked me DE hail up. cuz i remember piddling in mese dern pant. witch reminds me of depends. also remind me of dat witch who used to come here back in 1910, we tossed de broom flying lady out cuz she tail stories dat were jest so grotessssKKK! ewww, ewww and eww x infinity, aye, where dat widdle inifinty symbol, i know it i know it. i ken draw it if i want. whomeber can do de same gits a supplies of dere faborite likker until de year 2114, dat on tousand and six year from todey. plus tree months and two hrs and a partrige in a pear tree.

    where cyn and allycat? she in Mass whipping knees again? tehe, dat allie i mean. I know were cin is. she werking n portending she habing natties whilst dweaming of her vaakayshion. escuae mese spailing. i not dwunk, jest popped about 16.21 exSTACY pills, yep dere a new fountin but dis one jest does not poke widdle holes in de brain, only de real ting does that if you take dem. yep, ebery time you pop de escstacy pill, you git a pin hole. i know cuz mese popped 2897 of dem in 1954! cammy was dere as wuz kat's mother but not her father cuz he was biddy being de banker man he is. and i got more to de story of ye all, wanna know? or not? i not hurt feeling if ye say no.

    gotta pee again, gonna do it on de floor cuz mese cant get up. dont twip! and keep de scary ewwy witches de hail out of de lounge. and dat mole faced mofocker too. tank YE all, love YA ALL SO BERY much, sistas ♥ and dont forget, all ye need is lub. and likker.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Our Dork is bak in de lounge yyyaaayyy----

    I bene very very busy wid all kins of ppoinments an now the Gobenor's staff is riting me--I be dey goin tolisten and reed eberyting I do now. O mese----dey said dey goin to call me--(we'll seeee) bout my issue dat I'been riting dem about 2 yrs now--oh oh what hab I done I did warn dem I mite talk floopy cuz of my pain meds and I used dat word so I can delare insanity incase of de jailhouse, cuz i won't be rockin aroun de clock. Sometines I wonder Y I do tings, den I know I really kinda crazy --I'm no worried bout my operashun just waking up hahahah I s funny I can't stand me.

    OHHH Joey is here to cuddle ooo m baby.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Ok wait.. Meez dwunk. oh boy, I really wanted to F up my coworker. Wahine you trained killuh. We hab a Louisbill slugger don we? (can't magine why de new goil got as curd off.) yes I cried last night and had poofy bags dis ayem and he thinks he Iz a bully but tamoxifen makes me really wanna kick his ass bad. Or Iz it badliest?!

    Cami....whut u say two da gobenor?? you wan me ta kick Iz ask? August twelve fo nex poinment. Whut kinda soigun? Spayshall one?

    Doorkery, you took de extussy??? Oh my....are you raving with a black lite and some glow stix in ur cave?

    Lub Juliet! Sistah goil!

    Orange, par Tay started 6 hours ago? Ooooh no. I gotta head ache.

    Omg I'm hab in baaaaad hot flash. Gointa jump in pewl!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Can we hab some BC friendly estrogen in da HTL?


    Missing My Obarries!!!!!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Hey...if we hab depends in UFO, we don hab to stop for potty breaks like dat crazy NASA chick!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Raining here, today.  Very TGIF, although I may need to work a little while tomorrow.  Have to wait and see.  Tired this ayem.  It's been a draining week. 

    Goldie--I am trying to stay out of trouble, believe you me!  It's very nervous feeling at work right now.  & quarts of sketti sauce?  Good for you! 

    ORLA--Yeah, it was weird having the cop there all day.  Just not something we see here in Maine, but I suppose better safe than sorry.  Very weird, though. 

    Cammy--The police stayed around 'cause that's company policy to protect against an attack by a newly fired person.  Not that the girl that left would ever do anything like that, but then there is someone who says that about everyone who goes postal, I suppose.  I'm pretty sure there aren't any hidden cameras or mikes in the office, but I always work as if there is.  Some of the nursing home have cameras up all over now. 

    Wahine--how smart of you to keep a copy of all the key info in your booklet!  I bet that has saved you lots of grief!  Music Man and dinner with Maddie sounds like a lot of fun.   Yeah for NEW PROJECT!  May you come up with a great one!

    Juliet--I love the sisters pic! 

    DorKable--Yeah, I picked a good day not to go to the office first thing.  There is still a very odd, nervous feeling there.  So pour me a dwinky and help me unwind!  And pass a handful of those virtual pills, too!

    Becs--don't blame you for wanting to "have words" with the co-worker.  Seems like the boss should be doing the same! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Deep Fried Beer

    The beer is placed inside a pocket of salty, pretzel-like dough and then dunked in oil at 375 degrees for about 20 seconds, a short enough time for the confection to remain alcoholic.

     There's a video at

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Lara, at this point in time, you don’t have to worry about looking young, you ARE young!

    Cami, I did get the kitchen cleaned, but it’s a mess again!!!! And the gov is gonna call you? Did you share with us what you have been writing to them about?

    Good one Katrinka! “They don’t think you look 39 either”.  Hope you can find mom some shoes. I sure hope that board can come up with a plan for your daughter, what has them all stumped anyways? Praying for no shingles and glad you finally got rid of the Jacuzzi. I’m sure you and g’daughter had a great time last night.

    Julie, we are big group of sisters, aren’t we tho?

    Dorothy, what can I say, you cwack me up goil!

    Beckers, don’t let that co-worker get to you girl.

    NM, get rested up and I don’t think you have anything to be nervous about. Yes, did 7 quarts, and 3 prior. So I have lots. Deep fried beer……………hmmmmmm!

    Off to town, first stop to see a lawyer as we need to get our former business partner off of our will. As he was in charge of everything we own! And in charge of Darrell medically, if I was not there.

    Ta Ta, Ta Ta's

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    ha goldie idk the ig 40 coming around

    cammie yes I was under the table like an orange

    becks u didnt party

    dork yea u showed up I must of past out

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning everybody,  ok we need  several bats for becks co worker,cammi gov,anybody else. when i was doign my nursing training back in the dark ages, it was stressed if you had a disagreement wwith a colleague you took that discussion in to a closed room. lori good luck with the lawyer.kat,cont to hold dd1 in my prayers.nm -scary situation

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013
    funny pictures



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG Ride 'em Cowboy! YeeeeHaaaawww!!! You sure know where to find the hunks, Julie. Do you think he would like to be a Tender? I would volunteer to "try him out"....ummmm....I mean I would interview him. Big sacrifice of my

    NM, Oh yeah I can imagine it will be stressful around work for quite awhile. Big Sadie Hugs help when you are home, though, I am sure!!! I had a scare last night right before  going in to the muscial was very nervous for 3.5 hours till could get back in the car. Almost PM'd ya about advice, but called the nurse line when I got home and they said I could wait as long as I saw a dr within the next few days. Whew! But I do treasure your advice, as well as Julie's advice, for sure!!!

    Lori, yes it will be so good to get the jacuzzi outta here. They haven't come yet so I am hoping they really can lift it and move it. Then I get to re-finish the platform (like low deck) as I haven't done anything to it since I built it about 9 yrs ago. I am anxious to make a cute area, with wild colored seating and plants, etc.

    Lara, Lori is right, you are SO young!! Enjoy it! I still looked quite young till I hit 50 or so, and loved it. Then I let myself go after a few stressful years with bad contractors. DON'T DO WHAT I DID!!! Keep taking care of yourself like you are doing, and you will enjoy your later years much more.

    Becks, Oh I know....I miss my girlie parts too, but most of all I miss HORMOME THERAPY!!! I swear my libido decided to leave as soon as I had to get off those hormone pills when the RB reared its ugly head. Would love it if we could still take those pills, for sure. Hope you are feeling better!

    Well shoot its another page and I don't remember things on the prev page...dogs were in the kitchen before i even had a cuppa joe, so I am discombobulated right now. ANd of course Molly, I mean "muddy molly" had muddy feet and she ends up with what looks like a forest attached to her long hair every now I get to clean the kitchen floor and I am not awake yet. (DH should have put the stuff outside for the big pickup, last night....but he waited till early this ayem....I had cut down some limbs, etc, so thats why dogs had to come inside). Auwe!

    OK....omg this sure feels like Saturday to me and not Friday! Hope everyone has a good Fried-Egg-Dey! CHeers!



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    4 friends meet 30 years after school. One goes to the toilet, while the other 3 started to talk about how successful their sons became.

     No. 1 says his son studied economics became a banker and is so rich he gave his best friend a Ferrari.

     No. 2 said his son became a pilot, started his own airline, become so rich he gave his best friend a jet.

      No. 3 said his son became an engineer started his own development company, became so rich he build his best friend a castle.

     No. 4 came back from toilet and asks what the buzz is about. They told him they were talking about how successful their sons became and ask him about his son. He said his son is gay and is a stripper at a gay bar. Other 3 said he must be very disappointed with his son for not becoming successful

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    4 friends meet 30 years after school. One goes to the toilet, while the other 3 started to talk about how successful their sons became.

     No. 1 says his son studied economics became a banker and is so rich he gave his best friend a Ferrari.

     No. 2 said his son became a pilot, started his own airline, become so rich he gave his best friend a Jet.

      No. 3 said his son became an engineer started his own development company, became so rich he build his best friend a Castle.

     No. 4 came back from toilet and asks what the buzz is about. They told him they were talking about how successful their sons became and ask him about his son. He said his son is gay and is a stripper at a gay bar. Other 3 said he must be very disappointed with his son for not becoming successful.

     Oh no, said the father, he is doing good. Last week was his birthday and he got a Ferrari, a Jet and a Castle from 3 of his boyfriends.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited August 2013

    Is that Drew Barrymore?  Looks like her, beautiful!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL Bernie!

    Hi Adey!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning ladies,

    Kat I missed something what do u mean u had a big scare and u called the nurse place--what happened? How do u feel today?

    NM beieve me I would be scared no one knows what people can do--when I worked we had an armed guard walking around all the time, or maybe they were unarmed I don't remember but we had squat teams run in, FBI people State police , reg police all the time well of course para-medics it was the way we worked all the time--when things "happened" we'd be interrogated like criminals--u'd think u would get used to that, but none of us did we always got upset so I know that feeling of I don't like this at all. What would scare me the most was when someone would be so mad they would say u have to leave this bldg. sometime, and I'll be there. OMG  Nothing ever came of it Thank God but the words were enough- It's horrible to have a feeling of unsafe at work so I hope u are all setled down and good it's Fried day-

    Can u tell I just took a med hahaha

    Lori u made lots good stuff--I think we need a party so we can all have some.

    Julie again a good Hunk--where do u subscribe that u get all these pictures. How are u feeling u never really say lately.

    Becs to have someone assault u verbally is awful--u really don't know what to say and after it hits u like WTF, maybe cuz i'm older but I would let it go--I don't trust people who can fly off the andle like that insulting u for no reason while u'r working yet. But do what u'r gut tells u to do. One thing tho He's an ASS remember that. And ASSES are always cracked.

    And I always used very good lotion and now my arms look old--this no hormone sucking out is the pitts for our skin. I'm sure other things too but we notice our skin right away.

    Oh it's 2 people on the Gov. staff that finally wrote me about money I think I'm owed hahaha I know I'm stupid trying for that but i do tings I believe in and of course get carried away a bit. I'm sure they just want me to stop writing cuz u know I do once or 2x a week LOL I'm sure they'll never call, but if they do I'll tell u rigt away.

    OK I'll BBL  I libs everyone of u--u r all so special and n my prayers. (I've got alot in my prayers--my cup runneth over,

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Cami, that would be awesome if the govt DOES owe you money and you get to collect! I love all your letter writing btw. I'm good today and will see the dr next week...nothing urgent so I am fine.

    Just found out that my DD1 DOES have Shingles. Chit. She is the one with cancer that none of the drs can figure out what to do. It was her DD I was with last night, and tonight we get both grandkids. BUT this DD is in her 30's and my DD2 was just 14 when she got Shingles...but they still think it mostly  affects old people???  WTH??? Just glad she caught it so early, so maybe it won't be so bad. But it will always affect her, as DD2 still feels that pain sometimes. I still need to get that Shingles shot. Cami, are you going to get it too?

    OK, you all have a good afternoon!!!!



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Hiya all!!

    YES...Bernie..thats the its stuck in my head again.

    Loved the joke too...lmao. 

    Adey..I thought that looked like Drew Barrymore also.   

    Yup Becks...the hot flashes are horrible and my PCP wont perscribe anything to help get rid of them because she says they all dont play nice with she gave me Ambien to sleep thru them instead.  Thats horrible that you were verbally assaulted like that at work. You said people heard him and he cussed?  Did he get repremanded at all for that?  You asked what I did, I am a Travel Consultant for American Express Business other words Im a Corporate Travel Agent..but Consultant sounds more

    Lori...thats a lot of sauce.  Bet its Yummy!!  I would love to be able to try it one day.

    Cami..did I miss something?  Does the government owe you money?  How much?  Thats awesome.  I love hearing the GOVT owes you....Ha...bastards.

    Whoah Kat....Shingles?  Didnt your dad have shingles last year?  I remember something like that.  They are susposed to be very painful too.  Damn she just cant catch a break can she?  ((( Kristen))).

    Lara..enjoy your youth girl..take care of yourself . 

    NM...I love doggie hugs..Reece gives great puppy hugs too. that Drew??  Thanks for thinking of me.

    Back to work ma ladies.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OK my Theory about Shingles---They say if u have had chicken pox u have the thing in u, but I was thinking when they started the vaccine that could give u a slight case of chicken pox too so I wonder if tis affects that u get shingles. Hmmm Poor Kristen they are very painful, like she doesn't have enough going on. Now this is not contagious, is it? OOOHHH

    Well when it comes to the Gov'tment I think they owe me money and I've been writing all the time of course even tho I think it hahaha will they admit it-yaa right. U all know I live in a fools paradise, that's all I know. LOL

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    for kat and cammi,they need extra care taken of them,Laughing

    i'm fine cammi,shoulder is great ,so hope to go back to my regular job next week following the ortho appt. and i also can't rember what was on the previous page!

    cammi,if you get money out of the gov,will be so impresssed, you will overtake kat the trained killer

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013 it....where do you find all the wonderful jokes!!! DH had shingles when he was 28!!!!  I plan to get the shot in a couple years when I turn 60.....I could probably talk my pcp to give it to me sooner...she insisted that I get the pneumonia shot a couple years ago because of BC Hx....

    Time to jump in the shower....Mom is coming for shabbat dinner....I'm hot beyond hot!!!  hot it will cool me off for more than 2 minutes...

    HAve a great Friday night....BB late Saturday night....Karen

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG your memory is awesome CYndie! I totally forgot that my dad had shingles last year! He had already had the injection, so it was a mild case, and we caught it early. But now I remember how painful it was, for him. Wow, I am glad you said that, as I REALLY didn't remember that.

    And your DH got it too at a young age, is more prevalent than we think!

    I dunno, but I must be the only one that doesn't think that sexy gal pic is Drew Barymore.  It does resemble her, but I would vote that its someone else.

    WOWSA Julie, hey that IS our FriedDey guy....and we need a guy for everyday of the week. I KNOW if anyone can find them, YOU can! LOL. Awesome.

    Hope all you gals are having a good evening....sweet dreams....nightynight cap....
