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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Verrrrrry Interesting, Bernie! Never knew all of that. Never even heard of a "veil" like that, till Cami told us about her mom. Boy the things we learn here!!!

    That global terrorist warning is pretty scary. Cyn, I am glad you are back from your trip! Not planning anything yet myself, mostly cuz I want to stay close enough to help my DD's, plus now I wonder if the warning will extend into the fall. Just sure hope nothing happens!!! Well, was up again, now gonna try to sleep some more. Pleasant dreams....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Bernie u'r amazing---I did know some of that cuz my mom and I tked about it when I was younger and older it fasinated me as soon as I heard and saw it. My sister didn't pay attention til she was much older. Yhe finny part is my mm always looked at people differently than most she always looked like she could see thru them and I was very much a mommy's girl when I was little and it sometime scared me. I so remember a lot of things odd in our neighborhood with her. I realize it's justa superstitious thing but something was different about my mom in those ways. That was a great history lessen Bernie, leave it to u to know these odd thing.

    OK it's morning but a little to early for me, not as bad as yesterday, but of corse still t early, I have had the same dream for at least 5 nights now--I think it's all meds. It's about my very first best friend since 3rd grade and it's over and over again. I don't know wat happened to her--but ahe's been visiting me for a while. All happy tho. Silly me.

    Well looks like another nice day no rain and in the 70's I like that, but rai tomorrow. I don't think I have anything planned this week yet so I'm fine with that.

    Have a happy Fundday Sunday everyone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this lovely Sunday ayem?  I'm looking for my faves on the Sunday Brunch tables the Tenders have set up for us.  

    Goldie--Actually, I was looking at the sillouette girl, too, and not seeing Drew.  It wasn't till the head shot pic got posted that I started looking at the right pic!  And no, I didn't work yesterday, although I dreamed about working last night.  Very odd dream about working in a different office in a different area but one that I knew pretty well anyway, well, you know how it goes in dreams.  Very odd.  I did go see The Conjuring yesterday, pretty good scary movie!  Came home and played fetch with Sadie until a thunderstorm came through, then we watched the storm together and both fell asleep!  Unexpected company isn't always fun, is it?  Maybe the company will help with the canning? 

    Oh my goodness, I did see that video, it is ADORABLE! 

    Wahine--It amazes me that someone can have 4 or 5 children and never get chicken pox!  I vivdly remember having chicken pox when I was 15.  One of my cousins gave it to all of us grandkids on Christmas Day one year.  It was funny to the adults, not so much for me, as I recall.  Isn't it amazing what a simple wrist bp monitor can do these days?  I can remember when you had to be in ICU to get all that info.  And the workplace scariness and the world wide scariness is getting bigger and bigger.  I know I think about it more lately. 

    ORLA--it's almost blueberry season here, can't wait, it's supposed to be a bumper year due to all the rain this spring.  I'm planning to freeze  some for winter use.  Oooooh, pretty drink! 

    Cammy--I did have yesterday off, and I am taking my meds, and Sadie is a very happy pup these days.  It is funny to hear about a coroner recommending a surgeon, but who better to know the quality of the work! 

    Becs--Annie time sounds like a great refresher! 

    Wahine--sounds like you'll have a great little place when you are all done, I say go for it! 

    Mornin' Julie!!!

    ORLA--I'm on pinterest, it's lots of fun!

    Wahine--sounds like a lovely Oasis in your back yard! 

    Becs--Hopscotch, huh?  I'm not sure I could do that right anymore either!

    BBBBernie--Great info, thanks for sharing,  That kind of think is so interesting! 

    Cammy--at least it's a happy dream that you're having.  Much better than the alternative! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunday Sunrise

    2 shots Campari liqueur

    1 quart red grapefruit juice

    1 bottle dry Champagne


    Add half a shot of Campari to a champagne flute. Add a few ounces red grapefruit juice to the glass then fill the glass with Champagne to the rim and serve.

  • Mrs_Vino
    Mrs_Vino Member Posts: 779
    edited August 2013

    Happy Sunday Funday! On our way to kings island amusement park, 2 hour road trip so playing catch up. Feeling carsick after 3 pages, so jumped ahead...

    Beck, where do u work? I will bring the Louisville slugger and knock that mo fos knees in, K? And Bernie I am LMAO at the lance Armstrong. Haaaahaaa!!! Took a pic on my phone, will share on FB

    Cammie, hope you are feeling good today. Oh shoot. Ray is getting pulled over for speeding. Gotta go. MUAH!!

  • Mrs_Vino
    Mrs_Vino Member Posts: 779
    edited August 2013

    Wow, that was a close call. He got somebody else. Sheesh! I need a DOTD. That fried beer sounded good....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Lara, that poyple dwink looks so purdy and yummy, but you din’t tell  us what’s in it. I thought maybe it would pull Dorky in.

    Cami, it does sound kind of funny when you say you are seeing a doctor that the coroner recommended. Love you story about your moms veil. But until Bernie’s story, I thought you were talking about a piece of cloth! Interesting dream about your childhood friend, glad it’s a happy one.

    Thanks for the story Bernie.

    Becks, that is too funny about your parrot calling the dog. And you have a video of it? We should all play a game of hop scotch!

    Kathy, I hope you share a picture of your new deck when it’s done. That is a lot of trees! My back is hurting too, from cleaning and standing. I guess cuz I sit so much!

    LOL Julie, shopping at Target with people that shouldn’t be breeding! I thought that was Wal Mart! And I think that is Sadie dog?

    Lara, sounds like you should NOT be exercising yet. Girl, you are possibly going to cause unnecessary problems, and perhaps something that might not be fixable. You need to heal.

    NM, the Conjuring IS good, just not my cup of tea. Have you seen The Heat? Glad I wasn’t the only one looking at the wrong picture!

    Ok, I had to look up Lara’s drink. It’s a Blueberry-Lavender Mojito. A perfect Sunday cocktail, along with NM’s Sunday Sunrise.

    Good thing I refreshed Alli, or I would have knocked you bootiful self in the pewl. Kings Island......AGAIN? Have fun, and glad it wasn't Ray getting pulled over!

    Well, got my house pretty much in order, and even managed to can 7 pints of maters. Now to make my tater salad. I have zuchinni coming out of my ears! 2 plants are way too much, since I am the only one that eats it. And it's not like I have neighbors to share with!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Lori u really can move fast--Are u feeling OK> U'r telling Lara to slow down and look at u. U people are MAD I tell u MAD--u all never stop. That drink looks beautiful, but not my cup of alcohol. I hope u enjoy ur; company. See if it weren't for Bernie no one would have known what I meant LOL

    Vino u needed astronger drink if u'r DH got stopped--but he escaped.

    Lara I have SyFy on for now allbig, nuclear snakes and fish etc. They can just be fun.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh what a morning u'r having--Now I never really liked tattoos but when I see them on a man like that they look awfully good to me.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG so glad the cop was after a different speeder!! Close call, Alli. I know you will all have a blast today...and is the weather nice and mild? SO glad its not as hot as it normally would be and I think sometimes your temps are lower than ours. Although you will be in OH though. SO nice you were able to stop in for a dwink again....come back more often, y'hear!!!!!

    Lori, I bet your house is spotless! Mine sure isn't. Oh well, I kept waking up and wishing it was light so I could work on the deck, but of course 3 and 4 ayem it is quite dark. Then I finally slept and got up too Can you sneak shredded zucchini into meatloaf, muffins, etc., and maybe fool your DH into eating them? Its awesome you have so many veggies. My DH never did get a net (cause somehow he lost our other 2) over the maters and so the birds keep feasting on them. I guess the figure since we have about 5 full bird feeders for them, that ALL our yard is for their use! I know when the figs ripen they will gorge on them too. HOPE they just get the high up (20'?) ones that we can't reach and leave the others alone!!! Can't put a net over it as its too tall and as my mom pointed out, then birds will get trapped under it. So we'll just keep our fingers crossed. Enjoy your company!

    NM, Glad you saw that movie, I may  end up waiting for it to hit Redbox. Seems we rarely go into a theater anymore. That drink sounds nice! Reminds me of the Tequila Sunrise (although diff ingredients), as its neat to see the "sun" rise in a drink. And Lara's dwink sounds good too, that Lori posted the recipe of. But where in heck do we get lavendar blossoms??? lol. Enjoy your lovely, cuddly, Sadie!

    Cami, So glad you and Lara get to compare scary movies! I can't wait till the good ones come back on tv, like the Asylum series. The Dome is interesting, but not scary. I do like scary movies too, but no one else in my family does. My DD2 used to watch them with me when she was growing up, but now she is so scared of them!!!

    Julie, Cyndie, Becks, Dorkie, Sue, Beans, Adey, Unde, Karen,Lara, and EVERYONE else, have a wunnerful SunDey FunDey!!!!

    KatrinkaNeedsADwinka  (Pants! Jock!)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG Julie, I missed your pic...I was busy posting. AND Beckers, just because his name is BECKham, does not mean he is only for you!!!! (That IS Beckham, isn't it?). Such a good thing to wake up to! Surprised

  • Mrs_Vino
    Mrs_Vino Member Posts: 779
    edited August 2013

    It's an absolutely beautimous day here in Ohio. Sitting in a cabana next to the wave pool. Was so worth the extra cash. Would like to pretend I'm at the HTL, but this kid keeps screaming across the pool. Then they just closed it temporary, not sure why, but they are taking a sample of water out and testing it. Bet that screaming kid shit in the pool. Ray is riding water rides with the girls. Last time I came down a water slide, well, I won't say what happened on a public forum, but I won't go again. Thank goodness they have a bar here! And a band, playing Caribbean music. It's awesome. They just reopened the pool, so guess the screamer didn't "doo" anything, lol.

    Ok, time to lay back by the pool, and catch some rays on this beautiful Funday Sunday. MUAH!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Allison u sound so happy and having a good time--BTW u can tell us what happened--we won't tell. Bwhahahaha---Good thing the weather is on u'r side.

    Orange It's Piranha time--MEGA ONE hahaha--no nitemares from these movies. but a lot of chuckles--ooo remember chuckles I always saved the licorce for last and ate the orange one first --sorry Lara

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Bernie very interesting I love that stuff

    I had lunch with my mom and we saw the conjuring and shopped

    It was scary and it really happened

    Then we googled the warrens and read about that fill anniable freaky!

    That was in the beginning if the movie

    Goldie yup that's the drink!

    Goldie yes I know but I just have to drop this weight I'm on my fitness pal so I've been tracking

    NM how do u find someone on pintreast we could pun tgther!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Pin lol

    Oh and cammie thats freaky about your third grade friend

    I had a dream I was looking at a list if names and this name came to me

    Have no idea who this person is!

    Oh and my mom sees ghosts ! She's not crazy she has the witch vibe like me

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie u'r really going to town today. LOL

    Orange u did see that moviee?  ooooo I like the term curious vibes. hahaha Kind of superstitious (sp) just sounds calmer.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Hi. How's errybuddy? I am takin a break from housework and thought I'd pop in.

    Omg, so the veil is fo realz? First time I've heard of it too. So interesting. My sister sees things. When my dad was dying, my sister laid down and she opened her eyes in a very sleepy state and she saw green illuminated light with shadows of what looked like people coming and going from my dads room about four feet off ground when the nurse came out and said it was time. My dads eyes also turned from brown to light green before he died. Now often she wakes up to balls of light.

    Annie and I have had a nice time. Her daddy will be here tonight. Yay!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Yes Becks the veil is for real and now 100 yrs old--we never thought to bury it with my mom, that was stupid. The more we talk the crazier we sound don't we? OMG we're a bunch of spooky people. Maybe we are the only ones that admit it.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Ha. I guess we do sound a bit woo woo Cami.

    Ms Vino....did the poop drop one in da pewl?

    Goldie, you are such a good gardener. I made peach jam once. :-/

    Oh yes....I love the sound of it, "Beckers Beckham"

    NM, I missed brunch this ayem. too much fun at our beach party last peeyem

    G12345678910. That was from Annie!

    Wahine, the terrorist alert is kinda freaking me out. My DS flies to France Tues.

    Alright, Annie wants the iPad and I should wash my scrubs. See you at my work with the Louisbille slugger!!!!!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    I've been trying to play ketchup all day ......damn work kept getting in the way. 

    That is interesting stuff about the Veil..I knew there was something about it having to do with actually being born with a film over you and they called it a veil and that it had something to do with paranormal or psycic abilities...didnt know the whole story until now..thanks Bernie!

    Beckers Beckham...does sound kinda nice..rolls off the toung easily.

    I would love to see the conjuring...I dont know when I'll fit it in..but now Im going to have to look info on it up on the internet.

    Zucchini is one of my fav's ..I need to be your neighbor Lori and you can give me Mater sauce and zucchini.  I could pitch a tent in your back yard and poitend Im in an old ghost town..I promise not to light a camp fire tho. Maine blueberry  you ever get black bears where you live ?  Moose?  There was a black bear in Lewiston one day..the kids were chasing it with a stick..must have been on Bartlett st or in that area..tough kids.  Used to see them on the River road on the back way to Beans too. I would seriously like to get up there this winter for some smelting and moose watching...I'll let you know what my plans are once I have them.

    Hope you enjoyed your day Ms. Vino..sounds like fun!!  Especially the bar and the music.  Glad DH didnt get a ticket. 

    Just a couple of days until my friend gets here. 

    Happy almost Monkey dey!

    ((( Dorothy, Cami, Kat, Julie, Lara, Shannon,Chrissy,...and everyone in between))

    Till tomorree

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  It's a nice brisk 52 degrees there this ayem, just lovely for snuggling up with Silly Sadie last night! 

    Mrs. Vino--sounds like a close call!  Have fun at the amusement park!

    Goldie--I haven't seen the Heat, is that a scary movie?   Oh, wow, that is one LOVELY cocktail! 

    Cammy--SyFy can come up with some fun movies, and some really good ones, and some real crazy ones.  Gotta love 'em, though!

    Wahine--I can send you some lavender blossoms from my garden, I had some a couple years ago.  I dried them and use them for a lavender cookie recipe that I have.  You can also get lavender blossoms from health food stores.  And Sadie jumped up onto the bed and the crawled up to the head of the bed and cuddled with me last night after it cooled off.  First time in a while she's come up from the foot of the bed!  I did discover that she needs a bath, though. . . .  I've been watching Under the Dome, too, only on my Kindle Fire since it's on too late for me.  Interesting story, not scary but interesting all the same.  What's the Asylum series about?  I haven't heard about that one.  Should I check it out? 

    Mrs. Vino--oh, my, I wish I was there with you!  Except for the screaming kid it sounds heavenly!  Do you have one of those water slide stories where you and your bathing suit arrive at the bottom at different times??????

    Juliet--I've seen lots of kids being bathed in a sink, but this one is worth watching, and maybe even helping!!!!!!

    ORLA--I think you can search Pinterest by name, I'll PM you my full name so you can search it. 

    Becs--sounds like your sister has quite a gift.  It doesn't scare her, does it? 

    Hi, Annie!

    CynCyn--There are bears in this area, I haven't seen any around my house but people living within a few miles of my house have seen them.  I once woke up to a moose looking in my bedroom window.  Used to have a herd of deer in the front yard eating the cedar bushes in the winter.  Would love to meet you! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Blueberry Lavender Mojito--too good looking not to run for a couple of days!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning everyone.

    NM I forget about where everyone lives like when u talk about bears and stuff, I mean so far ILL is just a smaller animal state and not a lot of woods anymore like years ago even.

    Heat is a comedy isn't it with Sandra Bullock and someone McCarthy??? That's so cute with Sadie with u in bed.

    And Cyn Zucchini is so good, u can eat it so many different ways, of course and even raw--I mean how easy is that I like them stuffed too like boats. It my way of traveling.

    The weather is nice today I like cool nights and nice days, not to hot.

    Orange I'm watching a movie called Paintball--it's not scary but it a typical group of people going on a paintball fun thing but they are really getting killed--Kinda good so far. hahaha

    I've got to take a shower today didn't take one yesterday haha, I usually take it when Marty leaves for work, but I think I'll wait til someone is up, I'm a little not steady, not bad but just not right.

    My GF in CA is sending us those jams and jellys that are apicy and different --she has a small business and want us to try them cuz they are just gettng started in this area, as far as I know, she's another character in my life--she promised Joey she would come around Christmas this year--she usually comes 2x a yr, but this year she's been busy, 2 men in her life and 2 businesses--she's got all this energy well she my oldest DD's age and we're best Friends and Joey adores her.

    I hope everyone has a great day today.

    Lub eberyone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie--I just saw the pic. Super funny. hahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh yes NM, that dwink is nice enuf for a repeat! I have never tasted anything with lavendar blossoms, but I imagine it has a nice taste. Well I do remember a lavendar in squares and sold in a roll like lifesavers, but square. They had a foil wrapping. Did you ever have that? Ohhhh I googled it and just found it, hope the pic comes through... The color of the candy is lavendar or violet. VERY OLD FASHIONED, but we would get that sometimes when at the 20 cent movie! LOL...that movie theatre was cheap even then, a man had a quonset hut at the foot of the hill where I lived and he ran movies, and had cheap candy and would always give us free tix for the next movie, for us and our friends. He was just a nice man who wanted to do something for the kids, so it was awesome. I think regular movies at that time were 60 cents and up. GOOD OLE DAYS! ANyway, its neat that you have baked with lavendar petals! The color I did my metal table/chairs bistro set was called "grape" and I LOVE IT. Did it right before Happy Hour last night, and of course 2 birds had to "christen" the chairs right away. We have so many bird feeders near that small deck that I guess that will be their fav perching spot now! Aarrghhhhh.....  Oh and the Asylum series was part of the American Horror Stories...on fx channel (?)...apparently there is a different theme each season. Really neat and very good actors.

    Julie, Love the muddy dog pic! I think they added the ball to the pic after the fact, as it looks tooooo clean! But I love it, made me smile!

    Cyn, I bet Lori would love to have you camp out there, but she would prolly invite you INTO the house! Hope it all works out when your friend arrives. You are a BRAVE gal, to invite so many to live with you! Remember, the Natty Truck is right outside...

    Becs, how cute that Annie typed something too! She sounds like such a sweetie, and I am so glad she gets to spend some time with you every so often! And omg weird about your sister too. All this supernatural stuff makes me want to WAIT awhile to see the Conjuring. Esp since it was based on a real story. Yikes!!!!

    Alli, ya gonna share that story? HUH???? Ya know we won't let you alone now.....c'mon, its just between us! LOL...and all the lurkers! I bet you had an awesome day yesterday!!!

    Dorkie, Hope today is a good MonKey Dey for ya...and hope no one else gets laid off at work. Such scary times.

    EBBERYONE have a happy MonKeyDey....I may just work on the deck some early this ayem as it may rain later. Also might take the parental units (per Dorkies words) to lunch...we'll just see how the day goes. SO many dr appts this week, but NONE today...yay! Well, so far, at least.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Cami, I might be moving fast, but I did not just have major surgery like Lara. And you are right, had Bernie not shared the story of the veil, I would not have known what you meant. I had to Google an image of it, but won’t share!

    Kathy, I wanted to put some zucchini in the potato salad I made, but thought I better ask DH first. He looked at me like I was crazy. I did put some in some of the spaghetti sauce I made. I hope the birds only go for the high figs too. Darn critters!

    Nice way to spend the day Alli, I’m jealous.

    Interesting about your sister and dad Beckers. Hope you evening was pleasant with Annie and your DS. Good luck today at work.

    Cyn, being neighbors would be fun and I would luv to share wif you. That would be so cool if you could make it up to meet NM.

    NM, The Heat is a comedy with Sandra Bullock, very funny and I highly recommend. Great explanation on the water slide and bathing suit. LOL @ helping the dude in the sink!

    Oh my, that is one dirty doggie Julie, I wouldn’t want to have to wash him!!!

    Yep Cami, you are right about The Heat. LOL at your way of traveling, the zucchini boat. Glad you have enough sense about waiting to take your shower if you are uncertain, good goil.

    Wow, what a neat story about that man showing movies Kat, and he had candy. Oh shoot, I hope your new spot doesn’t become their favorite perching area, gheesh, can’t they just perch in the trees!! And nice that you have a free day. Do we get to see the new table and chairs?

    Well, we had a nice visit with our new friends, they were late getting here as they got lost and we had to go out and find them. And she took some of my zucchini too! Back to work Monday, almost glad as it will seem relaxing to me!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for the MonkeyDey squeeze Lori! I think I will get one from the Tenders too! Remember Chile Boy? We had forgotten about him, but I just saw the pic I took of him. Anyway, this is the color I painted them (its called Grape)....put on the edge of the deck after it dried, as I am still working on the deck. This deck (from the spa) is small, about 8x10 or will just have table/chairs, and lots of potted plants prolly.

    photo 58f19074-e9eb-4fa0-9b7a-9db445e1daea_zps0fa626d8.jpg

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hi Lori, Hmm potatoe salad, never thought of it, but I bet if it was like shredded it would be good.  When u have so many u have to think how to use them. My Shower is done, meds taken and I smell like a lavender field. Yes a whole field.

    Kat that sounds so cute about the man with the movies, those day people didn't think why is he doing this???? I love that color--u did a beautiful job.