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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Today is overcast and the color looks darker, I love it. Looked at the pic and it looks like I missed a lot of areas, but that is just cuz the sun was shining so it looks lighter in some areas, but only in the picture. Came in for a minute. DARN RAIN started right when I was using the belt sander. Aarrggghhhh....maybe it was just a sprinkle...I have lots to do so am hoping the real rain waits till later. I am just trying to do so much in case the health issues of my family make it where I can't do anything for awhile.  YEAH, you got your shower Cami! You are ahead of me, I gotta wait till I am finished working outside or else I would need annudder one. Lavender fields, cute!


  • Mrs_Vino
    Mrs_Vino Member Posts: 779
    edited August 2013

    Lori, are you on Pinterest?? I made some zuchini crisps the other night, they were awesome! Slice them in rounds, dunk in egg white, then in a mix of bread crumbs, parm cheese, garlic powder salt and pepper, then put on foil lined baking sheet sprayed with pam. bake at 425 for 30 minutes, awesome! you can dip in marinara or ranch.

    OK, the park was great. But have to say riding roller coasters at age 40 is a whole lot different than when I was 18, lol. Feel like I was beaten up. Got home around 12:30 am. Slept til 10:00 :-)

    The water park story? OK, you know how the rush of water when you go down those slides can act as a freaking enima?? Well, I was about 19, had a taqmpon in, and went down the slide and the water pressure lodged that thing so far in, had to go to the Dr to have it removed. There's your story. YUCK! The things we talk about on here. Happy Monkey Day!! And you asked!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.

    The man at the counter asked the older boy, "Son, how old are you?"

    "Eight," the boy replied.

    The man continued, "Do you know what these are used for?"

    The boy replied, "Not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him. He's my brother. He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do either one."

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL Julie, that is cute!

    Alli, You made those and you didn't bring them into the lounge to share? Shame on you!!!! LOL. That does sound good, I copied it and may try it. AND omg how horrid what happened to you from that water slide. Wow! Haven't been on one in forever and I really can't even remember what it was like. Oh the joys of getting old....NOT. Ok, watching the final show of the Bachelorette....wondering what Des is gonna do. When does the American Horror Story series start again? In Sept or Oct maybe?

    Cheers! Chairs~!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good evening all, had my mammogram today,got see you in 6monthsLaughing

    i will be able to see my friends funeral via skype, when they told me i was a bit taken back but it makes so much sense for the house bound, and its church sanctioned, the vicar iniates the contact also will be able to see the cremation service too.

    lmao alli!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OMG Julie to watch it on Skype is amazing--I wouldnever think about that-so u can bee their in spirit, how nice.

    Ms. Vino tht's a great recipe, I forgot al about doing that, Now I want some LOL and BTW hahahaha Tampon hahaha )sorry)

    Julie that was a good one too. Have u seen the commercial where the woman get up in the morning and is all draggy and tired and is making her tea and she finally lifts the teabag out and the string is attached to a tampon and shelooks down and sees a tea bag string hanging down. Well I thought it was funny but maybe not for TV

    OK I'm into the Dome on Monday nites==9PM Cenral--Interestng--I like that in the summer they put new shows on all over te place--cept I do watch alot of older shows. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Hi all. Did you hab a good day?

    Lmbo Ms. V and Juliet on the tampon story/joke. Good thing you remembered you had one in.

    Omg Cami!!! Lmao!!! Where did you see that one?

    Oh Wahine, don't tell me what happens!!! Bachelorette finale night.

    Ok...Annie says she needs the iPad. BBL!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    cammi ,i never saw that one but i would like to!Laughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    My sister and I have both seen it, it's on later at nite, we thought it was hysterical

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    A little girl asked her mother, how did the human race begin?

     The mother answered, God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so all mankind was made.

     Two days later the girl asked her father the same question, how did the human race begin?

     The father answered; many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.

     The confused girl returned to her mother and said, Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?.

     The mother answered. Well dear, it is very simple

     I told you about MY side of the family and your father told you about his.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning bernieLaughing

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Another cool ayem, but going to warm up over the day. 

    Juliet--Where did you find a pic of Silly Sadie???????   That pic made me LOL! 

    Cammy--Don't discount the ability of the animals to find new places to live, or to make out well in new environments.  Your GF has WAY too much energy, think she'll share?  Good idea to wait until someone is nearby before getting in the shower.  Don't need you slipping and getting caught waiting for hours for help! 

    Wahine--I don't remember those candies, but I do remember candied violets, and round tins of little round candies with violet and other flower tastes. Really, really good, and I think they may still be around somewhere.  Pastilles, that's what they were called.  The birdies christened the Bistro chairs already, huh?  Didn't take them long!

    Goldie--I 'll have to check out that movie.  Wow, that is a pretty color!  Good job!

    Mrs. Vino--OUCH!!!!  I don't know if I'd ever have the courage to ride a roller coaster, they scare me!   And that recipe sounds great, I'm gonna steal it! 


    Wahine--I did see one season of American Horror Story, now I've got to check out the second season.  Got to ketchup!

    Juliet--it does make sense to use technology to let shut ins and people who are not well see funerals and such.  I can see that becoming a pretty normal occurrence. 

    Cammy--I like the Dome too, but can't stay up late enough to watch it on TV,  I catch it later on Amazon Prime. 

    Becs--Hi to you and Annie!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Orange Cream Mimosa

    2 1/2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice (5 to 6 oranges)

    1 orange, zested

    1 cup half-and-half

    1 cup superfine sugar

    1 bottle sparkling wine or Champagne*

    Strawberries, for garnish

    Put orange juice, zest, half-and-half, and sugar into a blender and process until the sugar has dissolved, about 30 seconds. Pour this mixture into a shallow pan and freeze until hard, 4 hours or overnight.

    Remove the frozen orange mixture from the freezer and let it sit to soften slightly, about 10 minutes. With a scoop or tablespoon, scrape out a small scoop and put it into a Champagne glass. Slowly fill the glass with Champagne and serve garnished with strawberries.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    well the service was beautiful,drew on her family and friends for the homily,so very personalCry but at the crematorium she went off to the strains of "monty pythons look at the bright side of life"Laughing

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    I don’t know Cami, shredded potato salad? Sounds to me like it would end up as smashed potato salad. And indeed you smell delightful!

    Kathy, I don’t see where you missed anything, the set is adorable. Ok, it’s just the sun. I knew you would not have missed anything!

    Alli in the house! I have seen that recipe with the zucchini, just haven’t tried it yet. OMG, your water slide story!!!!!! I was thinking more like a wedgie.

    Cami, that is a commercial on tv????? The tampon and tea bag? OMG! Is this the one?

    LOL, very cute joke Julie! And a clean mammo to boot…………….Clink Clink! And how interesting to use Skype to view a funeral. Again, so sorry for the loss. Glad you enjoyed the service and how touching it was.

    LOL Bernie, great response from the mother.

    How long do you have Annie for Becks?

    NM, if you can, def. go see The Heat. Red 2 was good also, with Bruce Willis.

    And since it’s 2’s day, let’s have another DOTD, another Lavender Cocktail:

    Lavender Cocktail

    1 8oz. glass filled with ice
    1 1 1/2 ounce of vodka
    Tonic Water
    1/2 ounce of Lavender Simple Syrup(recipe below)

    In  Cocktail shaker mix the above ingredients and shake well! Shake it baby, shake it!
    Pour the drink back into the glass with the ice and garnish with a lavender sprig. Enjoy on the terrace, a balcony, in your garden or home. Most enjoyed with friends and family.

    Lavender Simple Syrup:
    1 cup of water
    1 cup of sugar
    1/2 cup of finely minced lavender leaves and flowers (I suggest a food processor and mincing with all of the sugar)
    In a small saucepan, bring the water and lavender sugar combination to a boil, simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool completely. The syrup can be refrigerated for up to a month.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    DorK, is one of your bottles missing?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie I',m glad u got to share u'r friends funeral-- (that's sounds so stupid) but I hope u know what I mean.

    Bernie a good one.

    NM it's cool this morning, but supposed to be hotter later which is great cuz sleeping is good, I love having windows open.

    Goldie that picture is beautiful and I am so stupid I can't stand my brain. I didn't see the commercial on that u-tube but it did remind e my sister sent it to me in an email--a commercial in amother contry hahaha. I really thought I saw it on TV then looking at u tube I remember her e-mailing me say how funny she thought it was. OH my brain.
    Sorry hahaha but it was funny

    OK Busy Bees what's on u'r agenda today---Me? I'm supposed to take it easy--hahaha can u imagine me being told that ==it's hysterical My first operation my Dr. told me not to vacuum, 2 yrs later I had another operation and he told me not to vacuum, I told him I hadn't vacuumed since the first one. I overdue taking it easy.

    Julie u'r back at reg. work now right? How is it going--I hope u'r being extra careful.

    OK I'll BBL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL, Love that pic of Alfie and Dorkie's bottle of JD! OH and what beautifoooool pics you! Nice to have TWO DOTD's for TWOSDEY! Poifect.

    Julie, So glad it went so well and what a choice of music to go off to. She left on a good note, for sure. So sad though. And glad you had a good mammogram!!! YAY!

    Hmmmm, NM, I have heard the word pastilles, but never seen them. Sounds yummy. Molly came on the deck yest and I swear she looks like she has an entire cypress tree on her. EVERYTHING sticks to her fine hair...yet Maverick always looks clean. I was just hoping she would NOT shake her head as she walked by the small deck with the wet stain on it. Pretty much finished that deck except for the sides, but still haven't finished all of the main deck. SOOOO hot.

    Just got a call from our contractor-from-hell's now ex-wife...he is in jail. She is calling all his former customers trying to get everyone to press charges to keep him there. Threatened her and their kids, said he would kill them all, had guns to them, etc. Also took customers SS numbers and cleared out their accts (one was 40k, life savngs). THATS WHY we didn't press charges, he was very threatening...not sure if you all remember the bad things he did and how he waaaaay overcharged us and also called us when we were on our way to the cruise ship in Maryland, and almost caused my DH to have a heart attack. He was so horrid, we just wanted to be through with him, but it really affected our health too. Guess we got out lucky, as compared to his other customers. And window world finally fired him, so now we can tell them what all he did to us (I kept notes and info). Aarrghhhh. But more important, is waiting to hear about my DD's appt at the spine institute....she is there right now. Thanks for all your prayers for my kids and my DH!

    Gotta go, hope everyone will have a GOOD TWOSDEY....such good dwinks today, thanks to NM and Lori!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Cami you are sooo funneee! Haven't vacuumed since the first surgery! You better take it easy though!!! Did they ever decide what to do? Now I am going to see the youtube video Lori posted....

    LMFAO...that is a riot, Cami and Lori!!!! OMG....Surprised

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    There is something seriously wrong with my version of this thread...I chit you not...i just read about 15 posts that were all old and it said it was the last page..gotta say seeing some of that eye candy Julie posted was a nice re visit. SPEAKING of wich....tomorrow is the day my friend from Boston please wish me luck...Im a little skerd.

    Im not really sure what to comment on because I dont know if i would be responding to something old or something will just say....TGIT!!!  and WEBK to all and to all a good night, AMEN, Barmen and women.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow Cyn.....hope it works out really well with your friend living with you! Weird that you weren't getting the current pages on the thread. I thought maybe the thread nesappeared as NO ONE was on here for hours!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good night!!!! HELLOOOOOoooooooooooo *hearing an echo*......

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Quiet night. Thinking of y'all. Can't believe 2 kids got killed. By a python! I'm so tired. I. Will figure out what's funny tomorrow. So tired. Oh, made up with my butt hole co worker. I'm such a pushover! I was never speaking to him again for the rest of my life!!! Night all!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    WHAT??? Didn't know about that Becks, will have to search for it. How awful. ON a brighter note, I am glad you were able to talk to your a$$hole are the BETTER person, for sure! Nighty Nightgown...

    oh Becks I just saw that about the python....horrid, just horrid, and the boys were so young.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    I love this....


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  So far this week the Account Executive and the Clinical Manager have announced their resignations.  The AE is going back to direct patient care (she's a social worker) and has nothing to do with the ruckus that ended up with one of the office staff being fired.  The Clinical Manager is leaving for a job that will give her more time with her children as the official reason, but she is leaving because of some aspect of the recent ruckus.  I know that I will be asked about taking the Clinical Manager's position, I've been asked if I would be interested when we grow enough to need two Clinical Mangers.  It's an office based position, lots of computer work (I like working with computers), some scheduling, lots of phone work (I'm not crazy about phone work), a very little bit of direct patient care.  I'm really happy where I am right now, but that position is critical to the running of the office and had a big impact on my day to day work.  There would be a huge advantage to having someone already working in the office move into that position, and I don't think anyone else will be interested.  So I'm debating with myself, do I stay put and pray the person that takes that position is as good as the person leaving, or do I step up and make sure things stay running smoothly for my co-workers?  Thanks for listening to me talk this out! 

    Goldie--that video is disturbing on a number of levels!   Great lavender drink recipe, can't wait to try it! 

    Cammie--having windows open at night is great, isn't it? Now if only Sadie wouldn't hear or smell critters out in the back yard at night and bark at them it would be perfect! 

    Wahine--Wow, scary guy!  I hope he does stay behind bars for a long time.  I feel for his family.  Here's praying for good news from the spinal institute!

    CynCyn--Good luck with your Friend's visit!  I'm sure you'll have a grand time.  And I hope your computer sorts itself out quickliest. 

    Becs--Yesterday ayem I was hearing that the python escaped from an exotic pet store below the apartment, later I was hearing the python was being kept in the apartment and got out of it's enclosure AND the guy didn't have a license to keep it.  The snake has been destroyed, apparently it was really big.  So scary.  I'm glad you could talk to your idiot co-worker, but make sure you do NOT trust him.

    Wahine--love, love, love the pic! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Blueberry Tea

    1 oz amaretto almond liqueur

    1 oz Grand Marnier® orange liqueur

    Orange Pekoe® tea

    Mix amaretto and grand marnier in a brandy snifter or glass. Add hot tea to taste.

    Read more: Blueberry Tea recipe

    Not sure why this is called "Blueberry" Tea.  It caught my eye as blueberry season is starting here in Maine. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh NM I know u love what u do, but I hope u consider the new position as a feeling of promoting better care and knowing exactly what is needed. U would be a great asset in that area of caring for patients, of course this needs a lot of thought cuz u'r always happy taking care of people, but physically wouldn't it be easier as time goes by? I like the DOTD, but sounds good on a chilly night with the fire going.

    Personally Becks I feel better u made up with u'r co-worker bt just stay out of his way and just

    always be polite, and never trust him again.

    I don't think I was on last nite, I was with my GS alot just talking about nothing and everything 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Cammy--yeah, I am thinking very carefully.  I could have a big impact on lots of patients, but would not have much direct patient contact.  The hours would be more regular, less driving.  I've got to check on the pay, it may be a bit more pay.  BUT, I keep coming back to direct patient care.  There is some supervision in that position that I'm not sure I would like.  I've got to do a LOT of thinking about this. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    NM Of curse it's just my own feeling but I think u would make a big difference in charge of what is going on with everyone and in time it would be easier on u'r body, when u might not have the choice to do it.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    nm,i think you would be brillient for that job because  you are passionate about delivering exicellent patient care plus maintaing good working conditions.

    cyn,hugs for your friends arrival.

    dorty,alf'sSurprised got your bottle

    have a good day everybody

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Cami, that is hilarious about your surgeries and not vacuuming, you really took them seriously. And yes “oh your brain” I just love how twisted it is and how it makes you think!!!!! I mean that in a good way, just so you know. Stupid? NO WAY! And as for taking a night off to spend with Joey, well…..that is a no brainer!

    Kathy, I have lavender and could actually make the drink I posted, however it is done blooming now. I should print the recipe and save it for next year, but would most likely forget about it by then.

    Cyn, maybe somehow your page was not refreshed? Do you leave your computer on? Just a thought. I think today will be just fine, with the “arrival” of your friend. It will be fun and exciting, it’s what the future brings! So wishing you ALL good luck, and hoping everyone can cohabitate without any issues!

    Becks, that is nice that you are the bigger persona and made up with your co-worker, it does make life easier. I sure hope he apologized to you!!!! Did not see anything about a python, not sure I want to either.

    NM, very tough decision to make for sure. DARN, cuz you are so good at what you do now, and I know your patients and families appreciate you. All I can do, and I know you are doing as well, is asking God to guide you into making the right decision. I guess you have to weigh the pros and cons of both positions. Put it on paper to look at, might help a teeny tiny bit.  Is there a pay raise? ( I see you aren’t sure of this) That might be a little bit of incentive. Would you be able to fill in for those who call in sick or take a day off, or go on vacation? Hmmmm, I knew you posted the Blueberry Tea, as tis the season there, but I wonder why there are none in it???

    As for the video, while searching for it, I found one (watched it cuz I thought it might have been the one Cami was talking about) but it was totally disgusting and gross, I will not try to explain.

    Julie, don’t you see your doc today?

    Just for NM, THE GOOD LUCK COCKTAIL (it's for real, but I don't know what sake is)

    good luck 300.jpg

    The Good Luck Cocktail is made with their Futsuu sake--an unpasteurized variety that is rich and fragrant, full of florals and sweet vanilla. Starting with this lovely base, Moto-i adds fresh berry puree (on this day it was strawberry), mint, and lemon to create a cocktail reminescent of a mojito, but ending on a bright sake note.

    This drink got better as it sat, the ice-melt combining with the mint and infusing the drink with a deeper flavor. Another perfect summer treat.

    Don't forget to Hump your Hunk today!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Hi Ladies!

    Lori, we have so much sake we need to drink...its not our fav drink though, so it sits in the cupboard! We used to buy an $$$ one and leave it at the Japanese restaurant we went to often, and it was one that could be chilled (usually they are served warm) they had our name on it and would bring it out when we went there. It was a very good, mild one. Didn't think about MIXING the sake with things....hmmmmmmm. I had lavendar once upon a time, but it died after the first year, didn't reseed, and that was at my prev house....haven't planted it here. But everything seems to grow really well here, so I should try it again. I just bought more Autumn Joy Sedum to replace what Molly dug up and what the invasive bamboo took over. Now to get rid of the bamboo (low variety) that is taking over everything....I think (well I am sure) it has also gotten into my neighbors yard. Funny how the wood fence didn't keep that out! LOL.

    NM, I agree with EVERYONE.. they all said what I was going to say. You are SO GOOD at what you do, but maybe in that position you can continue to make sure the patient care is the best it can be. AND might be easier on your body as the years go on (I think Cami said that?). Will also be praying that you will make the right decision for YOU. Nice to have that choice, though. Much better than the alternative! (((((NM)))))

    Maybe we should also have some ice cold Natty's for Cyn....since her friend is moving in today. But I did send that Natty truck to her home....its right out front, disguised so only she can see it. OH, and BTW, Cyn invited Becks and I to move in too...must've been dwinking last night! lol

    DD2 does need surgery...2 areas....might be able to postpone till Nov or Dec...she has so much volunteer work she is in charge of, and actively working on, that she doesn't want to let anyone down. Esp the shoeboxes for the kids overseas for Christmas....they fill thousands at her church, that she is in charge of doing. But she does awanas, etc. too. I keep telling her that HER health is the most important thing, and I know she won't compromise that, but she does want to do all her commitments.

    Well, gotta do SSS....(do NOT want to 'splain that acronym!)....taking my mom to her dr to see about her high bp. HOpe you all have a good HUMP DEY....hey where is our HumpDay Guy, Lori??? Julie???

