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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    News says winds are going East (our house would be north) and my brother will come get my dogs. I'm going to go to work I guess. Will check in when I get home.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Haha, I found us a cute bellhop to help with the luggage!

    Becks, so glad you checked in. We will certainly be anxious to hear from you later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OK Becs be careful and I'm glad u'r brother is getting u'r furbabies. But the winds sound like they are helping u--I hope. Right heck back later.

    Nice bellhop Goldie--He's waiting for us Becs.

    I haven't kept u up on my showers today my aroma is freesia see I don't always use lavender, altho it is one of my favs.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    you do smell purdy cammiLaughing. becks stay safe

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh Becks, that is tooooo close. Glad your sis took your parrot to work and your bro has gotten the dogs. Praying they can contain this fire and PUT IT OUT. So awful, hoping no other houses are lost and no lives are lost (I haven't seen the news yet, so I hope it has not gotten worse). OMG I read an interview from Hannah's friend (Hannah is the missing girl they have the amber alert out on), and she said Hannah had gotten creepy vibes from that family friend that apparently killed her mom and brother and set his cabin on fire. So Hannah had not responded to his texts and he was angry about that. HOW WEIRD IS HE??? I cannot believe he would kill people and then kidnap her just for his twisted pleasure. AWFUL.

    Just got home from eye dr, so still not seeing good yet! DH has to see a retina specialist (never knew there was such a thing) tomorrow, so am hoping it is nothing to worry about. Scary, though. We both saw the eye dr today so it took FOREVER. Anyhow, trying to catchup, so just saw the posts from Becks, and wow, that is such a big worry. ((((Becks)))).

    Cyn, I wonder if our sake is still good? Does it last like likker lasts? You need to come help me drink it....get away from your house full of guests. Is that working out? Does your GF or your DS's or friends, smoke? Sounds like you might have a balcony smoker? ((((Cyn))))

    Cami, WOW, you made the entire HTL smell like freesia. How do you do it??? Magical powers, I tell ya. OH, you took another shower, now I get it...LOL. J/K

    Good ThirstDey to all, and Praying those fires get under control.....


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Kat I know this guy is creepy! Killed the whole family! Wtf that little boy omg breaks my heart

    Becks jeez b careful

    Goldie u pin pics and make boards u like its fun addicting

    Anyone else pin?

    Cammie sci ft yes unvasion of Roswell on

    Goldie I love sauce and zucchini bread

    Ill have sum please

    K hoils here's a round of tequila



    Want more

    Double tu tos ha idk being silly


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Oh and I love sake!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    kat can you see him now?

    ps send him becks way when your done

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    lara have they found that guy yet? nothing on the major news sites about it,that poor family, prayers for them

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Julie, Thank You! Yes, finally my eyes are not dilated anymore...can see the hunky fireman poifectly! In the process of sending him over to Beck's area now. AND he's bringing lots of his fellow firemen to help wth that fire. (I tried to restrain myself and not get him TOO worn out!)

    Gonna have some sockie...oops sahkey....omg I mean sake! (Not really....need to hit the bed, was up since 3:30 ayem and so hope to get more shut-eye tonite). BUT I will cyberly dwink some sahkee wid youse.....

    Hugs and No Night Bugs,


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Hi girlies. Happy to report fire is East toward Palm Springs now. Whew, that was close! I will still take the fireman when you are done Wahine. Last night I was sandwiched between two truckfulls of 'em. They are just so cute! And squishy, and warm. And swarming all over my neck of the woods. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm!

    Better get a load of clothes washed. I'm outta scrub bottoms. Can you believe I'm still doing the wear black undies under the black pants so the rip in crotch isn't obvious?!! I don't know about me sometimes.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Got a bit of a thunderstorm going on, so Sadie tried to climb into my lap periodically, so if the typing gets crazy it's Sadie's contribution!

    ORLA--I 'll check pintrest when I get a minute.  I got another person asking me if I'm going to take the Clinical Manager position yesterday, still thinking about it. 

    Goldie--I use Pinterest to collect pics I like mostly.  Some gardening stuff, some sewing stuff, cooking, and funny stuff that I just like.  It's fun to browse around on there, you find some great stuff!  The advantage is the link back to the original site, so you can see a pic of an entrée and get the recipe!  I've thought about trying the position for while, not sure that's an option.  Will have to talk to the Office Director about that.  I haven't actually applied, so right now there is no time limit, unless someone else applies and gets accepted.  That I will take as a sign from God that I'm not meant for that position. 

    Wahine--Thanks for the Sake info, I had it once a long time ago, didn't remember much about the taste. 

    Cammy--I'm thinking along the lines of this being an opportunity to keep going a great work environment.  Different jobs or not that is an element that I'm considering and applies! 

    Becs--Stay safe, and take your dog to work if you need to!  Sadie is the one thing I would be sure to take with me in a similar situation.  Our furbabies are important. 

    CynCyn--Good morning!

    Becs--so glad the fire moved away!  And I hear you about the scrub pants and the black panties.  Sometimes I'm just so lazy! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thunderstorm Martini

    1 oz Absolut® vodka

    1/2 oz sweet and sour mix

    1/2 oz Sierra Mist® soda

    1/2 oz pineapple juice

    1/2 oz grenadine syrup

    1 splash Curacao orange liqueur

    Mix all contents in a martini shaker. Shake well then just pour. No garnish.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning ladies.

    Becs glad u'r in a safe place now--that has to be so scary--Goldie has had fires too. Oh yea lazy, ahem sexy maybe not lazy hahaa.

    NM I like that drink, sounds yummy to me and I see how hard you are really thinking about this change I hope u come up with the right answer.

    Damn I missed the news last night completely, so I have to catch up this morning about the family so as of now I don't know anything. except I think that was the little boy killed. right? OMG Some people are animal--no animals are nicer.

    Weather is good here, my DD1 is taking Joey to Great America toda, which I'm not crazy about cuz it's so crowded, I know it'll be fine I watch to many goofy stories.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for the ‘splanation of the sake Kat. I hope you eye appointments turn out ok.

    Cami, I could run around naked! It’s been hot enough, that’s for sure. The other afternoon it was like 80 in the house and my DH is on the couch with a blanket!!!

    Ha ha, love the 4 food groups Julie, we got them all here!

    Pinterest sounds fun Lara, I guess I just don’t have time, AND it is on the puter. I do too much on here as it is!

    Glad the fire moved AWAY from you Becks! Funny about the black undies.

    Cyn, looks like you and your friend are having a good time. I believe that is who you been posting pics with. Did she bring her son?

    NM, that would be nice if they would let you get your feet wet, and then decide.

    Off to town, DH has doctor appointment and we are meeting up with the couple that was here last weekend, seeing a movie and then lunch. Gotta leave here by 7:30, so I gotta fly.

    CheerZ ma DeerZ

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Julie that exactly right and kinda funny. Nurses work so very hard and I don't think alot of people know it--we do have nurses in my family so I know--no Drs. tho--all lawyers who the hell needs a lawyer when u'r throwing up.

    Orange SyFy on today---I told u I was supposed to take it easy hahaha like telling a snail to go slower.

    Hi everybody--Hope it's a good Fried Day

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    happy fried day cammi,hope you are taking it easy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Thank you Julie--don't worry I can take it slowly. Bwhahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG 26 homes destroyed in that fire near Becks. Very, very sad. I hope no lives were lost.  I heard that 6 were injured, 5 of them firefighters. Praying they can contain this fire. Is the smoke really bad where you live, Becks? So far over 16,000 acres burned, prolly more since I last heard though.

    What a day! DH had a very early appt with retina specialist and has to be monitored often, now. Then his headache dr wanted an MRI asap as his headaches got worse the past 2 cat & mouse trying to reach him and the imaging center, etc, which almost made me late for MY dr appt. His MRI turned out ok, but he got home so late that we didn't get to go to the Belt Ceremony where my DD1 and her DH were getting their red belts for TaeKwonDo. In fact, at this very moment, prolly. ANd those on FB, the bench is fine...weathered the storms yest. I just checked it. FOr the others, stoooopid me sprayed a protective clear finish on a new bench and put it out on the outside small deck. It is mostly heavy metal, but some wood. THEN IT POURED RAIN, and storms, a few min after I sprayed it to "protect" it. LOL. I pictured it totally ruined. SO a few min ago I "air-layered" my guava tree...will take 2-3 mo to root it I guess. Forgot how easy it is to make a new tree or shrub. Now its PAU HANA time....yipppppeeeeeeeee!!!! ANyone joining me? OR do I get the Tenders all to meese-self???

    Loved the thing about the nurses, Julie....prolly quite true, too! ANd those firemen....ooh lah after we drooled all over them, can we send them to CA to fight that fire???

    And a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lori's DD!!!! Hope she had a great day in paradise!

    Bring a Ladder....Dwinks are on the House.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    I have a taste for chocolate

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Becs those fires are still going? do they helicopter water in them too. Bec I saw the pics how close it is to u. Please be careful---I know u will.

    Kat I'm glad the rain didn't ruin u'r chair, but what a day u had---OK the Mri for u'r DH was all right, but I didn't understand about the eye Dr.--what did he say. All these Drs. We spend so much time with Drs. sometimes u forget who said what. I'm sorry if u have to reexplain it but I don't understand why u.r DH has such awful headaches--is it from his eyes?

    This has been a crazy day today--just confusing to me, prolly my pain meds--no I didn't take to many but I didn't sleep at all like usual.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OhOh my sweet tooth is going into overdrive now.....CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATe, CHOCOLAte, CHOCOLate, CHOCOlate, CHOColate, CHOcolate, CHocolate, Chocolate, chocolate....ok I think I will survive now.... (thanks Cami!). Oh and don't even try to keep up with all the dr chit we all go thru. For some reason my DH, and both DD's have had an abundance of health probs lately. I just keep praying, and keep trying to keep MY health ok, so I can deal with all of that. No, his eye probs do not cause the headaches but he is on SO many heart meds now, and his eye probs have to be monitored now too. I am glad YOU are taking it e-z....keep it up, you need to not do too much till your next dr appt.

    OMG I think I need chocolate again....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I know there is way to much going on with u'r family now and I am so sorry, my prayers are getting al confused so I just lump u all together.

    Though chocolate would help u and Becs.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    choolate-my favourite dessert      

    kat,i think thats an understatement

    lori hope you had a good day

    becks stay safe

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Chocolate is good medicine isn't it?? Wish I didn't gain weight just looking at it. Chocolate boy has such purdy eyes.

    Cami, when do you see spayshallist? Are you still in bad pain?

    Wahine, you are getting slammed with family stuff. It's more stressful when it's them. What did they find is wrong with hubby's heart?

    Mema hasn't been back since that lampshade par tay few weeks ago.

    Who the crap is that dude that posted pic of dead wife as his status update on FB?

    I didn't see any smoke on way home from work. Winds are changing direction this weekend so I hope it doesn't flare up again. They are afraid it will come back through where it just left. Yikes. A few other fires have started up in other places. Mountains unfortunately.

    Crazy guy at work asked me if he could use me for a reference for a job he's trying to get. Should I leave out the part about him cussing at me in front of coworkers and patients? :-/

    Well, I've managed to get bronchitis. Just bam! Here's some bronchitis! Chit! Maybe that fireman gave it to me.

    What's everyone drinking? I have some blackberry merlot calling me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Becs keep alert for that stupid fire stuff. And give that guy a good reference so he gets the hell out of there. And now u have bronchittus (sp) could it be from smoke in the area??? U got it so fast.

    I see my guy Monday morning and yep the pain is always there especially when I move. hahaha

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    I'm sorry you are hurting Cams. Is it under your ribs? Horrible. I hope they have a good solution to this and for surgery if you need to go that route.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

     Hiya girls!US

    Sorry mese been MIA. De yob taking de life outta me again. But tonight, I sailabrating not working.

    I woke up late dis morning with the TV on GMA and mese got all kinds O
    freaked out hearing all of the craziness going on in the US. It painful.
    I drifted back to sleep, hadda be after 7 since the new portion of GMA
    was long over. I had a short dream/hallucination of sorts that Beckers
    was in a fire and then drowned on a bridge. There was news on the
    flooding so I think I heard that and the news of the CAL wildfires which
    got into mese brain. I have not gotten to bed before 1am every night
    this week. Please dont scold me cuz @1 mese need de money so bad and
    &2 - mese gotta really step it up to portect me job. I am honestly
    skeered about my job after what went down last week. I had a town hall
    meeting with our douche bag president and he said there will be anudder
    round of layoffs. I wouldnt be skeered cept that mese old boss got fired
    which I can not figure out. In my opinion, she was a great asset to our
    company, so knowledgable and so good at tinking outside de box. And my current
    clients have been ripping me a new ass hole. Super rich peeple suck,
    most of them are miserable ungrateful FN  ES-Oh_bees! anyway...nuf bout
    mese. I really bin missing you goils someting awful. I tink about all ye
    ebery day, I really do. I tink" how is Lara's big foobs doing, R dey
    happy"? and I tink where is mese Allison aka Mrs. Vino. Den mese gits
    tears wen reading about my love Cams. Camille, really, you are such a
    brave one. But I hate when you say LOL after ye talk about de pain you
    habing. Oops,  i take dat back, I do not hate it. I hate de RB for it. I
    tink about WahineySunshiney's DH whomwhom mese has met and dat hese
    habing fart issues. and eye issues. hate dat cuz mese met de boy n he
    super awesomely fanfuckingtastic. And mese hating dat Kat going true
    chit. And mese Lori dealing with her belly tissues, errr i mean issues.
    ya see, goils, notting but issues. I miss Mema, I miss Chrissy B, I miss
    all ye! I hate de RB too. a sweet young gal on mese new team at werk
    sed to me dat her mudder is her bff. den her mother got de FNRB and mese
    go-worker could not cope so went on stress leave. She sed she could not
    eben see her mom through the treatment cuz it hurt too muchliest. and
    ya see, she hurt, mese hurt n tink of all ye. I tink of becks, de native
    mainer whom skeered of kneedles and anti-steesha. And I tink of Mema
    whom de rb trying to kick er ass. but hail no, he wont cuz mese goil,
    mrs vino kick de rb away. i pray he, de emEFFER goes de hail away. so in
    short, mese miss ye all so much. but mese gotta keep on pluggin cuz de
    count down is on. jest two weeks and tree deys of work, den a dey off
    den de big soygoury, my last chance. n i beating de hail outta meself
    burning candle from wick to wick to bitchmofoRICHFN people. I not tink I
    tail ye all but after de big layoff last friedey, i got moved at work.
    uh, I mean stella got moved. she werkng morgan stlanlee home loans for
    rich fn pee-pul. i got a client named VAR-CASE aka versace, big hot chot
    in NY. I got anudder client whom blew mese ass outta de office cuz he
    pissed at FN me for neglect. oh, did not tail ye all dat despite packing
    mese lunch todey, mese ran away and came home. to find mese daddy
    passed out on his bedroom floor. he nebber woke up dis morning or woke
    up and blacked out. i came home n knew sumting wrong cuz de newspaper in
    de driveway and mese dad wuz supposed to be at PT. he a punk with de
    diabetes, his glueCOZE dropped to 26. WDF? So mese dwinked. and mese
    dwinked and it his fault. n de morgan standlee wealthy people dat suck
    monkey COCK. I need chocolate. brb hicccc

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    ahh, choclatte hailp, tank ye juliaski. so whose partaying? I am not. i am stone cold n sobber. but stella, sheze dwunk like a fnskunk! tehehehee, de lush! and she sawry if she did not menshion all ye goils. she high on alcamahol, de bithc she! k, i go now, de aC on in mese room n mese go bed. and stella too. oh boy, i skeered mese gay now. oh nooo, how could dat be? Dat CynWhoLougoil a bad inflewence tehehehe burp fart and burp.

    bdw, speaking of fart, do enny of you play a vegas game on fb? cuz I tink mese crazy but de new game had a farting pig. yep, fer jest one dey den it oinked now instad n acting like de fart nebber happedened. kk, i go gow. Luv each of you as does stailla. she said WEBK to all tehehezzzzeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzoajg9ahrg[oiaghf;iaoghpoafh;afionfgahp oghiamp zm[aertjg9g]h0t876e5rseftyu0-rtsghn-765redfghcjaks[pdguzsygvy chAIRs!