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how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Damon. Was trying to catch up and noticed a typo..Becks. that was furbabies not crybabies...errrrrrr. hanging in here. I wish I could rewind back to the beginning of May.

    Bed time...LOVE ya's.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning

    Dork mese fart aches for u--too much going on--when work is a big stress of loosing a job it is hard to take care of life in general and u'r poor Dad what a horrible scare.Really scary--I remember (not to long ago) taking my dgtr to the hospital with my other DD and her count was almost 600, this was the beginning o her diabetis and her fukin' husband said oh she's so dramatic and didn't even come--see why I don't like him I got so scared Les and I stayed till they got it down some and she was so so scared and we were too. It's a terrible disease-shed call me in the middle of the night and she'd be at 30 I would tell her what to do and go right over there and it would come up. and she's feel better and he never even got up--cz he had to work. I know this disease and it is very unpredictable for no reason. she's much more used to it now and gives shot to herself and takes care of it much better.But finding u'r dad passed out I'd really freak out OMG Dork and u'r mom going thru all this and u'r trying to hold on to a job and not knowing is horrible--Please somehow do relaxation excercises as well as taking aome meds--U need to stress down as much as u can--u have to worry about u'r self too. I think I'm driving God and St. Jude crazy with my prayers, there is so much scary stuff happening--I know that's life but now I really inderstand why my Joey says I don't want to be in double digits more things happen when u get older, he's having fun with his single digit of 9--see why he makes me happy. But so many of u have so much going on and I don't know how u keep it all together, especially when it's u'r family that u love.--OK I'll be right back to cheer us up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    image alt="" width="224" height="225" />

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Nice portrayal of a NURSE Julie, but all of us here KNOW what you and NM do and don’t do. You are both awesome. In my opinion, nurses and teachers just don’t earn ENOUGH. Enough money or credit.

    Cami, I swear girl, you crack me up “who the hell needs a lawyer when you’re throwing up”. Seriously, and stand up comic could get material by reading out thread, from you. And you can lump us all together in your prayers, I am CERTAIN the Big Guy upstairs can sort them out!

    Kat, glad your bench survived, now your DH doesn’t have to re-do it……lol! Sorry you missed  the Belt Ceremony. Sounds like your DH doesn’t have any answers tho L. How did YOUR doctor appt. go? You .certainly DO have a lot to deal with (((((Kat)))))

    Becks, bummer on the bronchitis, I am so sorry, is this something you get often? Praying those fires don’t turn around. And are you fecking kidding me, that guy wants a reference??? Did he ever apologize? I know you both spoke, but did you get an apology? I don’t know, rather than write about the incident, I think I would just tell him no.

    Mema, has both of her grandkids and routine check ups, but could also still be recovering from the party!

    Oh Cami, you are so wise! To tell Becks to give the reference to get the guy outta there, good idea!

    Adorkable, it’s really really goot to see you luv, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit about 1 am being your bed time! I am sorry though, that you have to deal with the ungrateful, mean, SOB’s. Funny how GMA affected your dream. When is this next big round of lay offs? OMG, your poor dad, or should I say YOU. I wish he would watch his sugar levels. I wonder if there is some kind of a monitor that he could get. NURSES? You must be stressed to the max Dorothy. You too have a lot to deal with (((((DOFEY))))). Oh dear, a farting pig? Only you Dort, only YOU, would notice dat.

    Our day was a good one! Movie “We are the Millers” was very funny, and enjoyed lunch afterwards with our friends. Wanted to put up some zucchini relish today, but needed some things at the store. Darned if I didn’t get home and forget one of them. Was so pissed off at mese self, I forgot to get a red pepper. Not like I can run to the store and pick one up, not worth a 2 hour trip.

    Can't think of a DOTD, so in reference to the movie we saw...............It's MILLER TIME!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Beautiful sunny day here, Sadie is already outside basking in the sunshine.  I'm indulging in a leisurely second cup of coffee. 

    Cammy--God will let me know where He wants me sooner or later, one way or another.  I'm still thinking about it, very carefully. 

    Goldie--It would be nice to try the job out, but I don't think that's an option.  Although I may ask the boss about that.  Hmm, I could also connect with the woman who left and ask about details of the job. 

    Juliet--I saw that on FB this ayem, was is on your board? Oooh, yummy Firemen!

    Wahine--glad DH's MRI is OK.  Not glad he's having headaches.  Not so glad you missed the belting ceremony.  Hoping the bench isn't ruined.  You had a busy day!

    Aahhhhhhhhhhhh, chocolate!   HEAVEN!

    Cammy--crazy pain pill day, huh?  Hope you got some good sleep last night. 

    Becs--That cussing guy asked you for a reference????? He has got to be NUTS!  I would tell him, sure I will be a reference, but I will tell them about the recent incident.  Hmmm, maybe better to just say "no".  Let him deal with the consequences of his actions.  Take care with the bronchitis, that can become something a whole lot worse if you don't take care of yourself.   Probably a chemical bronchitis from the smoke. 

    DorKable!!!  Good to see you!  I can imagine you being worried about more layoffs.  Change like that in the work place causes all kinds of unsettled feelings.  Sounds like your new clients are just lovely people to work for.  Oh, my, finding your Dad like that must have been terrifying.  No wonder you are dwinkin, and I'll come dwink with you!  And chocolate does fix a lot, doesn't it? 

    Cammy--I don't know about anyone else, but the Lounge is a big way I keep it all together!  Joey may have the right idea, the bigger the age the bigger the problems and responsibilities. 

    Goldie--I am blessed to have a number of people in my life who do understand what I do.  It make the few who don't have any idea easier to bear with. 

    Today, the Second Saturday in August, has been designated a day to honor Veterans.  Three's going to be a wreath laying ceremony at a local war memorial, my office Director is laying the wreath and saying a few words as part of our We Honor Vets program.  This will be the Easternmost ceremony this year.  It's going to be an annual thing, so should get bigger as time goes by.  It's nation wide, so there may be similar ceremonies across the country. 

    To any of the Loungettes who have served, my thanks. To any who have family in the service, my thanks to them, too. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the In Honor of Veterans

    1 fill with Club Soda

    0.75 oz. Grenadine

    1.5 oz. Pernod

    Add Pernod and grenadine to a mixing glass filled with ice. Shake and strain into glass filled with ice. Fill with club soda.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    NM it sounds like u'r not working today--so u and sadie can have a good day. I'm sure u have stuff to do, well try to do it today then tomorrow NOTHING. Well that's what I used to do. I used to clean on Friday nite (if I was home) and do the odd things on Sat. So Sunday it was the paper and TV and loads of coffee and my furbaby. U've got quite a bit of thinking to do, I know I said this before but please take into consideration what u want a few years down the line. See I think u are so caring in what u do that that would be spread aroubd with u taking a higher osition. But only u know if that would work or not.

    Goldie and her zucchinis (sp) U forgot one thing. MG now u can't do what u planned..Sounded like a good plan.

    The weather is so far beautiful here, it's like almost perfect. Kind of scary cuz this never happens in August. But I still love Fall te best and it's coming faster every year.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Yup, I do have the day off, do need to do a little house work, 'cause I never seem to have the energy to do it during the week.  Should mow the lawn, too.  We'll see how much I actually get done!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    just lost a post so lets try again

    nm enjoy your sadie time, glad your thinking about this found my "little stash of men"

    kat,continued prayers for your family

    (((((dorty))))))), remember the mantra-" i don't want to wear orange everyday"  call me if you need help hiding the evidenceWink    theres no meter to say if your blood sugar is low but does he check his sugar at night? plus does he eat a snack at night.  and is he taking the right dose at the right time of his diabetic meds?  i bet finding him like that scared the c@#P out of you.

    cammi, i think throwing up on a lawyer would be a good thing(personel injury vareity of course). went to the body shop today, got lots of shower gel, sale on ,so got ,olive,lemon,lemon and thyme,cocoa butter and  coconut ,so we are both going to smell joey -wants to stay in single digits.hope your having a good day

    becks-please be careful and stay safe,the smoke has got to be playing havoc with your bronchitis so please any signs of worsening respitory please go to the er,pretty please.can't believe that guy asking for a reference, did he give you any reason for his out burst,  but it would be the traditional way to get rid of somebody. unless we use the swamp route.

    lara,shannon,allie,mema,adey  maiz(come back we are really nice when you get to know us)scuby,beans,cyn ,who am i forgetting  hope you all have a good day

    well got to wear scrubs for the first time in 3 months,went in for 2 hours to get familar with the computer up grades plus do some of the needed education  and make sure i still have access to everything then went shopping!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Lmao Cami! Is that what that fireman really looks like when you wake up sober?!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    How nice about that ceremony NM! I didn't know today is to honor Vets! My heart goes out to all of them, and their families. I served, but never had to go off to war, so I don't feel that counts. Glad you are taking a long time to make this big decision!

    Dorkie, I KNOW....that sound was AWFUL on MyVEGAS! But is is a pig? I thought it was an armadillo cuz it looks like that kind of a back. BUT his snout does look like a pig...hmmmmm a "pigmadillo"???? How AWFUL finding your Dad like that. Makes me even more grateful that you opened your house up to him. Can you imagine if that happened and he was living by himself in MB? Don't even wanna tink bout dat. I wish he would take care of himself, you have sooooo much stress do deal with. AND please don't think we are being hard on ya, we know you have tooo much going on to always post here, but we just MISS YOU so muchliest. Hope your job is safe too, but all that chit you have to put up with. MF'ers.

    Becks, I hope the fire doesn't turn back towards you, or start up again near you. Could all that smoke have triggered your bronchitis? ALso hope you can get well quickliest!

    Awwww Lori, sawwwwry you foigot dat ingredient. BUT sounds like you had a fun, fun, fun day! I want to see that movie too. By the time I see the movies, they are already old! Yeah, I wish I had seen the ceremony, but DH got home late, and so tired, and I jest didn't want to drive there by meeself. I guess I was tired too, always wears me out to go to the dr. BUT I am jest fine, so was glad to get checked out. Also, finally had my "manual mammogram" that I have missed for about 2-3 yrs.

    Oh yikes, that pic, Cami! Eeeeewwwwwwwww......and he is smiling with all those missing teef. At least he looks happy. (Prolly stoned)

    Cyn, Hoping all the houseguests are not wearing you out. Kudos to you, girlfriend, for being so generous to open up your home!

    Lara, Adey, Unde, Sue, JeanBean, Alli, Julie, Chrissy, etc., etc., etc.....hope ebberyone has a good Sat-Turd-Dey!!!! Hugs!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OOPS took so long to write my post, I bumped into ya Julie....and here it goes again..."Great Minds think Alike"...we both thought of the smoke with Becks bronchitis. Good ideas for Dorkie's dad too. Glad you got to go shopping....yipppeeeee! thanks for all the prayers, too!

    Was going to have a lazy day, but DH just picked my dad up and said I should go and stay with my mom, so into the shower I go. Looks like storms are starting up again, maybe I should just stand outside and get a shower that way???

    Hugs, Kat

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    is this one of your grandkids kat?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    to all those that served,thank you

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Jules, no swamps here. Have to send him free vacation to sunny FL and you take it from there! This bronchitis is a doozy. I have doktur appt twos day. Not fond of taking ant B's and working around c-diff but may have no choice on this one. Hoping my days smoking didn't wreak havoc on my lungs. Okay, okay, years not days. Wish it were only days. Thankful for you and NM for our resident nurses in da HTL. :-)

    Dorty, I am so glad it was just a dream! I tried to read your post but I was sideways and my head hurts! Just couldn't do it. I think I gathered that I expired in a fire/flood and your daddy passed out but fo realz. Oh my! What a worry. Did he not eat? It is so hard with our elderleez. Back to day care. We have adult day care here. Do you?

    Head aches so need to get away from puter. Love n hugs to all y'alls!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Julie, Is that your grandpa's headstone? Died so young, and it says "buried near this spot"...did they bury several together? It is a BEAUTIFUL headstone. YES a BIG Thank You to all who served, and are still serving!!! LOL on your prev pics....but its my kids that are taking TaeKwonDo (sp?)....but come to think of it, 2 of the grandkids took it for awhile...hmmmmm...  

    Oh Becks I hate that you are feeling so badly. Headaches are the pits, plus your bronchitis on top of that. ((((Beckers))))

    Rainy, stormy day here, but I spent some good time with my mom. HOPING she is resting now. BTW have any of youse tried the "Outshine Fruit Bars" by Edy's? The Coconut one is AWESOME!!!! Just discovered it yesterday and am in love with it...and just 120 calories I think it said.



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Mmmmm, thanks Kat. Ice cream would feel good right now. Hugs too. :-) i have a patient who is "locked in" after a stroke. Cant talk. I always have him sit up so i can rub his back. Must feel good when you dont get any hugs or human affection. Congrats on DD's hiyah!!!!! Promotion. Nice that she is so physically fit. I would have a hard time kickin someone in the knee cap right now. Ha! (Thank God we have Ms V here.... to do our butt kickin for us.) hope your saTurdday is lovely.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Crossing fingers Kat....just sent my sister a text to hopefully find me som outshine bars! Sounds yummy!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Becks, if you are near a Target store, they give you a $5 Target Gift Card when you buy 5 of those items (few other choices too, Haagen Daz, etc). I think that promo ends today though. Hope you get to try it soon!!!! (And I hope you like it....not made with ice cream though, made with skim milk, but tastes dreamy)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Hi goils

    Ok had a major shopping day with mom and lunch

    Ok so I had my wedding box there important papers etc

    So I said to DH would that not b funny if there was money in a card from 4 and a half years ago? He goes yea right

    So I'm going through the cars and wham there it is 150 bucks one crisp 100 and one crisp 50 can't believe it! Omg I'm do excited!

    He was at the track today so he lost about that but we got it back it was the money sitting in that box the whole time!

    Dork I'm happy u posted

    Cammie ill ck out the sci go

    Hi Goldie, cyn , NM u taking in this new job?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Thats awesome, Lara! Who'd have thunk??? NOW, the big are you going to thank them for that gift??? Really neat though finding that, esp since you said that beforehand!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Kat I know how crazzzxy


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    thats great lara,hope you enjoyed spending it

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Cool story Lara. Par Tay for you!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning all==Happy Sunday-Funday

    I'm dressed for the day have a load in the washer and I'm waiting to have coffee, when Joey wakes up he can make it. LOL

    Lara lucky story, good thing it wasn't a check-see Cash is always better. I read last nite but didn't respond. It was a Joey and me night last nite. So I watched Indiana Jones and some skull thing. But when it's just him and me I never take pain or anxiety meds. I feel like I have to be alert. I watch to many scary movies hahaha

    So I'm alert with pain and a nerveous wreck so today I'll end up sleeping most of the day. My cat's not helping she never leaves my side, follows me room to room and climbs all over me and is so so gentle, she always affectionate but lately much more so. Remember she's the one who found my cancer so I feel like she's sensing something, I know I'm being dramatic but she's just been overly gentle even where she lays on me--not my bad side ever. ooooeeeeooooeee If u watched our scry movies u'r really understand. LOL

    Well today is a brunch kind of day so bring on the likker. Oh next week Sunday I'm aupposed to go to brunch and I'm having champagne--I wish it was today Oh well--my brothers and sister and their spouses and then me--it never bothers me tho so I'm fine. I hope everyone had a good day with everyone feeling good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem?  I did next to nothing yesterday and actually feel kinda energetic this ayem for a change.  I'm thinking blueberry pancakes are in order this ayem. 

    Juliet--watch out, the post stealing gremlin is back!  He's hit Juliet, whose next?????  Had great cuddles with Sadie when I went to bed last night--she'd already gone to bed and made a nest of the pillows.  I ended up laying my head on her 'cause she wouldn't move!  And this ayem she's gone back to bed again after getting me up about an hour ago.  She looks SO innocent when I go look in on her, with those big brown eyes and wagging the tip of her tail.  Isn't going to a body shop fun?  I love all the nice scents.  Do have to hit them when they've got a sale going, though.   Hooray for being back in scrubs! 

    Wahine--thank you for serving.  Going off to war isn't the criteria, it's the service that counts.  The military has a whole culture of it's own, and it affects how people react to things for the rest of their lives.  And still thinking about that position, no decision yet. 

    Juliet--that pic is disturbing on too many levels!    Aha, now I know how to feel better!   Bring on the chocolate!

    OH MY,I have GOT to start looking for Mr. Jack in the stores!

    Becs--make sure you're drinking lots of fluids, that will thin out the secretions and help them move and help clear out your lungs before the bronchitis become pneumonia.  Hope you got some quiet rest. 

    Wahine--never heard of Outshine, will have to look for it.  Sounds yummy!

    ORLA--Money in a box, What fun!  Still thinking about the job.  No decision yet. 

    Cammy--It always amazes me how our furbabies know to be gentle when we need that.  My Sadie is a bit rambunctious most of the time, but she was gentle as a lamb when we visited my aunt after her knee surgery.  She's gentle with me when I'm not feeling well, too.  And you aren't being dramatic, this is an emotional time and subject for all of us, and we all understand that here!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Gremiln

    6 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky

    3 oz Rose's® lime juice

    2 cups ice

    Into a mason jar filled with cracked ice, pour 6 oz Canadian Whisky and 3 oz Sweetened lime juice. Stir with a fork.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning all,cammi,isn;t it tomorrow you see the doc?  enjoy your day with kitty kat,animals are special in so many ways,is she "nosing at any specific area?