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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Sounds good Bernie glad u won!

    So cute Goldie

    I never knew this about soy I'm lactose so I have soy milk with cereal.

    Yes it's from tofu yum

    Dork I'm sorry

    Cammie I hate that u r in pain

    Stay on the pills pain etc make your pain cocktail you can get a scooter ! Scoot around a pink one!

    Hi Julie, kat wine is good Bernie

    Karen lived that post so true

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    YAY Bernie!!! I am so glad your DH got a job!!! WooHoo!!!! HOpe you get used to your new computer. The 2 newest ones we got are Win7, I did not want to learn Win8, and it was harder to find new Win7 computers, believe me! Hope you get used to it. Glad Sinead is doing well....funny that its not a peanut anymore but an alien!!! And double YAY (YAY YAY) for winning the disability appeal (finally...those jerks moved tooo slow!), and also for the 2 yr clear!!!! Yipppppeeeeee!

    Karen, that testerone cream DID work for me, but my gyno said they JUST got a new report from a study that shows we shouldn't use it anymore. I hadn't used it for a few yrs, but I remember it did work...was hoping to get some more. They keep coming out with new studies....we should just ignore them I guess! lol

    Hope you are doing ok Dorkie. EVERYONE is thinking of you today, hope you can feel all our arms around you hugging you in a group hug. ((((((DorkAble)))))

    Have a good night girlz!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    ORLA--I haven't heard anything about an illness related to lobsters.  Oh, wait, are you talking about the lobster shell problem?  That is still quite a mystery, and since it seems to be going away we may never figure it out. 

    Goldie--yup, God sent me a sign.  He usually does.  And don't pick on Becs wanting him to turn around, I wanted that too, and I wasn't interestd in looking at his face!  I saw a thing on TV a while back, one doc called it "Teen Texting Syndrome" when teens were having back pain and that hunched over posture.  Her treatment was limiting texts to something like 50 a day.  The reaction to that limit was funny in some cases!  I live the idea of the newspaper article, and the trip to the Celebration of Life.  Have you tried freezing shredded or grated zucchini?  I love freezing it that way, thaw and pop into a recipe and off you go! 

    Wahine--soy sauce is fermented, isn't it?  I think the  fermentation process changes the soy and it may not be estrogenic like unprocessed soy.  Worth checking anyway.  Besides, it's not worth giving up everything that makes life enjoyable just to have a longer life.  At least that's my point of view. 

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ DorKable}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}]

    Oh, my, what a performance!

    DorKable--Oh, my dear, I am so sorry to hear about Mandi's passing.  I am crying with you.  The loss of a dear pet is so hard to bear.  I do take comfort in the Rainbow Bridge, and hope it brings you some comfort, too.  Someday it will be our turn to reunite with beloved pets and cross the Rainbow Bridge together with them. 

    Cammy--the first time I read the Rainbow Bridge is when the vet sent it to me after I had to euthanize a pet.  All the staff signed the card, it was really nice.  OK, so you don't like blueberries, do you like blackberries?  I've got 10 quarts in the car that I need to get into the freezer.  Picked yesterday, don't have quart size zip lock bags to put them in, need to get some tomorrow! 

    BBBBernie--I've been hearing Windows 8 is a headache, not lookng forward to the day when I have to update.  Congrats to Dave, Horray for the all clear, and Smiles for Sinead's alien! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    We're all still thinking about u (((DORK)))

    Bernie YYAAAYYY for that 2 yr wait--that's awful to make u wait like that. And Now your DH is getting a job? And Sinead is doing well--Oh Ireland is luck today--I'm really happy for you.

    I know mothing about soy -good or bad cuz in another year they will say they took 100 women and all became well because of soy, then the following yr.--etc etc.

    Oh NM I love all kinds of berries except blue LOL--A sily story-- My mom baked alot those days everyone did, it was cheaper and my sister and I would find raisins in everything and my mom would always say I just put a handful in and of course we'd say we got the handful and litterally spit them out--that was so disgusting to my mom, but we always did it---well when she was about 70 we asked her to stop putting rainson in everything cuz no one liked them and she said I know I don't like them either, but they're  better for u than sugar and these recipes call for sugar. And during blueberry season that all she's bake were blueberry everything==she loved them and so did most just me. Anyway that's maybe the reason 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    k earli


    Haylow goils. I tank ye all for your thoughts and prayers. I tink I am in a state of shock as I do am not grasping the reality that I will never see my pupper Mandi again. I have a horrid image of her during her last few hours. I am proud of myself, I have never had to deal with a dog dying in my home. I kept calm, almost like I was in a trance of sorts. I took an important bidness call and tol the lady that "now is not a good time, I tink mese dog is dead in my kitchen and I don't know what to do". The good news is that she did not suffer except over the last 24-36 hours. I thought that she just had extreme gastritus and blamed myself for giving her too much steak this past Sundey-Fundey. I do not know why she died, I do not think that 24 hrs of vomiting and diarreah would kill her. The saddest thing was how she looked to me while she was alive. She was covered in vomit after throwing up in my bedroom and laying in it.  I wiped her gently with a wet warm towel, she seemed lifeless but was breathing. I called the vet and was getting changed to go to get her some pepcid (1/2 pill to help with the nausia). I came out of my bedroom to find her in the same position, more vomit over her widdle face but this time not breathing. I thought about digging a hole but it was very wicked weather here today. And I am not sure that I wanted her buried in my yard. So I called the vet back and was told they would cremate her for me. I drove her to the vet, swaddled in a beach towel. I talked and sang to her, I rubbed her soft ears. It was actually somewhat of a peacful experience. I know, dat weird. I came home from work, got my work clothes back on and went to work and acted as if nothing happened. Dat was until my boss instructed me to "sit". Things are so tense at work with my millionaire self centered clients stalking me and stalking my boss. He had a call from a hostile client. Dude said that had I cared, I would have called him back and showed him some love, the jerk off punk SOB. Well mese boss thought i had been ignoring the client but he had only began contacting me yesterdey when I left early for a dental appointment and did not get his email until I left. De good news is dat Stella found out todey that they want to do her surgery next week. So she happy to get time off at her dwink-fixin gig - I think I telled you all dat she now an offical dr of mixology!! hehe.  Well nuff about me. thank you all again.

    Camm, I tink you should be appointeed HTL shrink, you know yer chit. And sorry that you are not doing the surgery route, I don't wanna lose you, wese need our Doctor Camille.

    Kat, tank you for sending the rainbow bridge, made me cry tears of job fo when that day comes when I meet all my furbabies again at de bridge.

    NM, glad that the decision was made for you, hope tings stay peaceful at yer job. YOu cracked me up talking about also wanting to see the front of de hot guy and NOT to see hims face tehehe.

    BERNIE, omg, so happy that things are looking up. Dave's job, Sineads widdle martian, your win on the disabilty -  now I gots a reason to sailabrate, cheers! Nice to see you.

    Lori, sorry but mese just not habing time to come regularly. So hard with all going on. Gotta feed mese dad, make sure he checks sugar and takes his insulin. I have to make sure that he goes to PT and tell him repeatedly as he forgets. I also have to try to brainwash him to stop tinking that eberyone is out to get him. And that my MOM is NOT freaking being abused or raped.  ughh. Not to mention de work load. But dat me changing soon cuz of what mese telled you about Stella. She gonna be having surgery a week earlier and git a much needed break from mortgages/mixology ~burp woops.

    KKaren, tank ye your words of sympathy, I tank you all. Cant believe it is back to school already. chit, crazy time moves wAAy to quickliest, eh?

    Becks, hope de fires are out dere. And hope you feeling better. I tink you had bronchitius? NOPE, daint NoBOdY got time for dat.

    Cyn, hope tings getting better for ya

    k, I know I missed many of you goils but gotta hit send cuz close to losing my book.

    ** FEEL FREE TO SKIP PAST MESE StORY, it is bedtime story time though.

    I love you all and want to say how awesome you girls are. I would not stay sane without you goils. Cheers! Ears, crooked nose, bj and more cheeRs!

    piss - I jest know mese skipping berry important goils here. I suck.

    pissx2 - mese dwunk n taking de ugh, what does Becks call it? oh yeah, vitamin V baby, dont leave home without it.

    pissx3 - foygive me underscore, cant find dat one to bix it up.

    Wishing you all peace in yer farts, love and longetity.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    oops dern it, I wrote to de rest of you and it nesappeard so den mese send anudder message but de wrong one double posted. I wuz saying, Cam, I made a typo, met to say that glad you not havnig the surgery (because of de bad stats). Mese need you too much cuz you made me smile more than you eben know. Love you sista/goil.

    Lara, was tailing you that I hate you having much pain. I tink it takes so much longer for the pain to start to nessapate since you also have had multiple surgeries. I give you kudos for keeping your humor. And I said that I am glad de recruiters after you. Even dough you not ready, good to know people are inarested in ye. You will get a job but in Gods time. And like dey say, when one door open, a much prettier wide door will open. I farmly belive dis.

    Juliet, tank you too for your sympathy. It is rough but tank ye JD, I am doing good. De eye candy you posted maked me feel better. and a widdle hot too ~fanning meseself.

    I tink I still missed somebody, gotta go to bed. but gotta play for tin minutes first. good night goily goils. Wishing you peace and lots of love in exchange for what you gibing me. chEErs!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013


    Kathy...I was taking oral testosterone!!!!  I miss my libido...and my poor DH!!!

    Orange - Almond milk is also a good alternative to dairy...I don't like milk and don't like almond or soy milk to drink, but I use them in cooking.....I love tofu and refuse to give it up!!!!  I've given up enough to BC that if the best returns because I eat soy 3 - 4 times month then so be it.  I also love edamane and go thru spurts when I eat it!!!  Also refuse to give up my red wine!!!!

    Met the team at one of my new schools....the jury is out but I think it will be okay....The district regular return date is the 20th, but the school I'll be at on Mondays starts on Monday so not sure if I need to be there or not.....I've gotten so protective of my time.  I guess I have a few days to figure it out....the big dilemna is that DH has jury duty and DD starts school on the 19th....she has an abbreviated day and the school has moved longer in walking distance so need to figure that out....will keep you posted

    Lori.....that wasw sooo lovely ....thanks for sharing with me.....

    Off to walk with DH in a few minutes...been doing really good this summer, but I know I'll slack on when school start as I don't want to walk at 5:30 or 6 am....but if I don't keep up at this pace, my weight will go up....I'm right where I want to be so need to figure it out!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Dork u made this salty wet stuff come out of mese eyes. Maybe dat's tears, cuz I don't hardly eber cry. U are so brave and caring==I do hope u'r surgery goes well and u can actually get some relief for some relaxation, at least from work. (((HUGS)))

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh Dorkie, I can just picture your dear Mandi, you described everything so clearly. So horrible, having to see her like that, and taking her to the vet, with her already gone. Whenever I have had to take my furbabies to the vet to be put to sleep, I end up crying to hard in the car that I can't leave their parking lot for a long time (the vet has even come out to check on me). So you did amazingly well today, for sure. Glad she had such a good life, and was only sick for a day or so. But we all know you will miss her terribly, until the day comes when you get reunited. How is dear little Bella doing? I bet she is getting extra hugs right about now. So your soigury is moved up a week? Will it be on the 23rd? I still feel so sad for you with losing Mandi, just can't help it. Seems like all of us here were feeling your pain. Hope you can sleep well tonight, sounds like you are going to be in lala land soon, with the JD, and maybe the V...just hope you do get your much needed sleep. Wanna see if you snore....oh wait, I already know that you snore...., well just hit those Z's, ok?   NIght Night, sleep tight...


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Hi goils. I got ZPAK for dis damn bronchitis. Doktur says if she did work up I would prob have COPD. WTF! Chit, chit, chit. I quit smoking over a year ago but my O2 sat has been running lower over past visits. So, wow. She gave me Rx for 25 mg Effexor tablets so I don't have to reduce balls. I will try to drop down to 25 this weekend.

    I did go to work today Cami. Boss has yet to inform me why he gave my position away. It's ok. I don't want to be stuck and he seems to prefer to have upper hand by making me sign on as full time vs per diem. I'm thinking I should look for two days a week elsewhere so when census is low here I'm not SOL.

    Karen, are you having flooding there? Looks wild on news.

    Bernie, I came close to tossing my Windows 8 new PC out window last night. Blackberry merlot got me through it. Still can't get what's on my screen to print. :-/. Read I can't do it from google drive but still can't.

    Dorky, I'm sooooo very sorry about Mandi. It sounds like a horrible experience. Glad you were able to respond calmly. Your baby girl felt that I'm sure and helped her to have a peaceful passing. Heavy sigh.

    Goldie, I didn't even notice a mirror in dat pic with those buns in my face! Lol!!!

    Enuf of my ramblings.

    Chest bumps for everyone!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Becks, hope that works and gets rid of de broncy-eyetis. NOT FUN! I have heard so many complaints about Win8 which is why I got all our recent ones still as Win7 (Dh and I both got new laptops within the past 3-4 mo). Ya know, when I got my win7 desktop for some reason it wouldn't print from the screen either. Not sure if this would work for you, but what I realized was if I made it into a pdf, then it would print. ALSO, if I went to the start menu, right clicked on the Internet Explorer (might have to go to PRograms first), then clicked on "Run as Administrator" , and opened the windows again, that it would work. Works fine from Chrome, but from IE, I have to go thru hoops now. Also, I can't get my other puters on the network anymore, so can't print from any others, or share files, etc. Weird. Good luck, and hope you don't throw it out the window! out the window...

    Well I never did get my hair colored today, so going to get it cut tomorrow, just like it is. Oh well. Things have been too hectic around here lately, can't do it all.

    Nighty Night Gown!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Mine either!  ~B I woke up to this on FB--I had to share--my eyes are still crossed but I can see this.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    A Cwtch. 
    We have a little word here, for we who live in Wales,
    The word of which I speak is cwtch, and it never fails.
    We use it every day, and share it come what may,
    It’s such a brilliant word, what more can I say?
    A cwtch can heal your hurt or dry a baby’s tears,
    A cwtch can ease your pain or even quell your fears
    A cwtch is like a hug that holds a million kisses,
    A cwtch is what you give, to someone you’ve been missing. 
    A cwtch is what you give when someone is sad,
    A cwtch is what you give when someone is glad. 
    A cwtch is what you share with those that you love,
    A cwtch fits two people like a hand inside a glove. 
    A cwtch is better than chocolate when you’re feeling low,
    A cwtch is what we give you when it’s time to go. 
    A cwtch is more a feeling than a physical touch,
    A cwtch is something of which you can never have too much. 
    Yvonne Rhodes.


    s a hump day cwtch for everybody

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Sending lots of love and prayers to our dearest Dork, I am so very for your loss of Mandi. Glad that you were feeling at peace when driving to the vets. What is your new surgery date? One week early would be the 23, is that it? And I know your biddy, we jes miss you.

    Cami, I don’t know how you deal with so much pain, you poor dear, my heart goes out to you.

    Ya know Kat, why the heck can’t they make up their minds??? Before they were saying that they thought testosterone help prevent cancer, now they’re saying the opposite. Same thing with the soy, first it was bad, then it was not so bad, I don’t think they know SQUAT.

    Bernie, my heart goes out to you as well……..Windows 8, yuck! I did not know you were fighting for disability, congrats on the win and 2 years free from the rat basTURD, AND DH getting a job.  LOL @ where was Cami with her letters.

    NM, you a naughty goil jes like Becks….LOL. Yes, I have frozen the zucchini, I think I still have a batch from last year. Phones have taken over, that’s for sure. When we go to town on Fridays, and especially out to eat, it AMAZES me how many people are on their phones doing something.

    Good luck on keeping your weight stable Karen and you’re welcome.

    Becks, you’re anudder one wif Windows 8, glad the wine helped! I hope they come out with a new version before I need a new computer. LOL, you din’t see the mirror!

    OH MESE OH MY Cami…………..we don’t want dat one to turn around!

    A cwtch eh Julie?

    Snagging some of NM’s blackberries for a Blackberry Gin Fizz

    12 ounces blackberries, plus more for garnish
    2 tablespoons superfine sugar
    3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
    6 ounces gin 15 mint leaves, torn, plus sprigs for garnish
    1 1/2 cups seltzer

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Good Wednesday morning....wishing everyone a good day  :)

    Julie...nice poem....and please help the with the pronounciation of "cwtch" matter how hard I try I can't figure it out......thats also why I struggle with the drunglish!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Is it like witch, but with a sound like "quitch"? (Like twitch, but with the q or c or k sound)

    Gotta get going quickly before I am late, but wanted to say HI to everyone!!!! So......Hi!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Hi Kat!

    The tears are flowing reading about Mandi, Dorty.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat that's what I thought for pronunciation of the word that came from Julie's beautiful poem--it sounds magical Julie. I love it.

    I've been busy this morning I took a shower (smell like rasberries) and The neighbors next door are having a garage sale tommorow on our driveway-u can only have 2 a year so we said have it here--so Les is gathering sruff and I gather jewelry and purses (most never used) so of course I'll go cheap and hopefully get rid of these these things I don't use and forgot I had anyway. So Joey cleaned all the jewelry so it would sparkle--it all depends on the people who come I know. It's actually good costume jewelry but people won't know that so it's be cheap.

    Orange another scary movie day for me and it's nice out.

    Dork I know we are all thinking of u (((HUGS))) and lots of them.

    I'll BBL Lubs u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Karen we eat alike and think alike

    I love berries all kinds

    Dork u always make me feel better

    Brb at a workshop

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    Aging Aunt Mildred was a 93-year-old woman who was particularly despondent over the recent death of her husband. She decided that she would just kill herself and join him in death.

    Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, she took out his old Army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart, since it was badly broken in the first place. Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and a burden to someone, she called her doctor's office to inquire as to just exactly where the heart would be on a woman. The doctor said, "Your heart would be just below your left breast".

    Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her knee.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    FUNNNEEEEEE Julieeeeeeee!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    why have boob jokes taken on an entirely different Laughingmeaning now

    its pronounced "cutch" and its the  best form of hug around because it has extra love in it, so cwtching you tight today dorty and an extra one for cammi coz  she smells so nice.

    karen,the schools went back last thurs here!Laughing glad your able to exercise,not been since last wed so need to do something

    becks feel better soon

    hope everybody is having a good day

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    who needs this today?   still plenty of room in the swamp

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    congrat bernie on winning your case and i hope 2 years of back payLaughing also to dave on his job and to sinead on her alien

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oohhhh yummy cake for Bernie, Julie! And....OOPS, my face is red (literally, as I just colored my red hair!).....I thot dat was pronounced diff'rent...mese a baaaaaaaaad goil. Pants, oh do you NEED to spank me? Really??? Well.....ok.....woohoo!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG, for those of us that have watched the Bachelor shows, Gia killed herself. Remember her? She was gorgeous, and a model, and soooo nice with a big heart. Here is the article if anyone wants to see....

    Was at my parents for Happy Hour, checking my mom's blood pressure as hers was so high before, then my dad checked his and the high number was 208! OMG, my DH rushed to our house for some aspirin (they had none) and our bp monitor to double check his. Then finally it went down to 182, then 176. Still too high, but 208!!!! HE was all achy and I was starting to get worried, till I looked outside and noticed someone had done some yardwork...yup, it was him. So that explains the sore muscles! Oh its so stressful. I do hope they both are ok tomorrow! If so, then we get to go to Tunica for a little while, before my DD's have all the surgeries.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie so funny, and Kat being a little smart one. And a beautiful cake and I do hope Bernie u get 2 yrs of back pay--do they do that In Ireland? I hope so.

    OMG Kat I'd be freakin out, how did u not and u'r dad got calmer, OMG u've got so much going on--I don't know how u do it. Bless u'r heart how u take care of everyone.--U'r DH too. I'm assuming that was his top # which is entirely to high. Ohhh such worries u have now.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Yuppers, it was quite stressful Cami....esp keeping his drink out of his arms length till we knew he was ok!

    THEN during Happy Hour, we had 3 blood pressure monitors on the table. SO everyone kept checking their bp's. I even commented on the fact that we were all Senior Citizens and the highlight of Happy Hour was checking our blood pressure! Oh I am going downhill quickly.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I'm sorry--I'm laughing about the monitors--OMG drinking with BP monitors to funny. LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    My mom even joked that we could only have another drink after making sure our bp was ok! (Of course, she kept saying "Check mine", forgetting we had already checked hers THREE TIMES! lol)....I'm just so glad she has taken her meds this week, and her bp has gone down to a more tolerable level. Now to make sure my dad's is ok....

    (Glad I could make you laff Cami, cuz you make me laff everyday, you are so funny!)