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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Sorry I missed you all but happy I got to sneak some tenders out B4 y'all came in. So nice to see you were here dork. Sorry I missed ya. I think you are doing well in spite of being run ober by that train you hijacked! Good idea about having pain pills on bedside with glass of water. Hard to get a handle on pain when it gets away from you. Glad you got out with your dad tonight and got to visit with family. Boy, I remember that back ache from being hunched over. Hang in there!

    Karen, glad u n hubs are good friends. It's nice that you enjoy each other's company. You will really appreciate that when it's just the two of you! Happy anniversary. My anniversary was Thurs. 13 years!

    How are you holding up Wahine?

    Hi Juliet! How's patient care. Glad to be back?


    Night night!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    This is still opening on pge 118.  Any ideas ladies?

    Dave finally at work, he went to algeria friday.  Won't be home until the beginning of october.

    Ben was rehomed yesterday (didn't go to the sanctuary).  He is now living with the most amazing family.  They already have three small rescue dogs and there are three children.  He loved it from the minute he arrived.  Such a hard thing to do but I had no other choice.  I know he will be happy and safe and I can visit him anytime.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    good morning bernie,isn;t it amazing how god's plans work out, so glad ben is happy in his new home,hope it helps with the pain of him going.

    nm, hope your dreams and sweet and steamyLaughing

    dorty-hope your b having.

    lara,and cammi hope your both having a pain free night

    becks- congrats  on your new job and i had a full moon night lastnight (fri) back in again sunday, taking in chocolate only be cause they won't let me drink

    kat-  wishing you a stress free weekend,  hope dd is resting

    karen -happy rosh hashanah.  your menu sounded so scrummy

    when i'm in cornwall,there's a wine,beer and cyder festival on at the eden project

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Raining and foggy, and the satellite TV is stuck on downloading some interactive application that I don't care about. Need to be sure that I get out of my jammies by a reasonable hour, say 9 ayem.  Got to go apple shopping, need to find some honey crisp apples to make apple pie filling with, maybe some others to make applesauce with.  Probably need to get some more jars, too.  Need to wash the kitchen and living room floors, but Sadie's feet are already muddy so that will be a losing battle today.  Maybe tomorrow! 

     ORLA--Your "friend" needs a swift kick in the pants.  Or a whack up side the head.  Anything to get her to think about someone besides herself!  I read once that if you want to get off  the phone with someone and don't want to appear rude you can hang up while you are talking--then not answer the phone when the person calls back.  People assume that something happened with the phone (battery died, lost connection) and never think they were hung up on.  After all that person would NEVER hang up whilst talking, so no one else would, right?  I've only used that trick a couple of times but it DOES work! 

    Wahine--I know you are referring to some sort of sporting event, but when I see "TIDE" in red, all I can think of is Red Tide and all the shellfish harvesting having to stop. . .

    Pretty purple hat and coat! 

    Becs--don't wear your self out with all the Tenders! 

    DorKable--Sounds like your PS's nurse is a great help!  Take pics of your tummy, too, to help you compare from day to day, and to e-mail to the PS if you need to.  That's what I did with my belly incision unzipping situation.  You need to spend more time in a recliner!  That's the only way I could get comfortable for several weeks after my DIEP.  Not moving for a couple hours at a time is a good thing, too.  Laying down flat won't work for a while, trust me.  If you can use pillows and such to prop up the head of the bed it will be more comfy, but just sleep in a recliner for a while, that works best.  Yes, your back will get sore if you are on your feet too much.  Let that be a good guide.  You don't need to get up on your feet except to pee, shower, and fix a meal.  The rest of the time you should be DOWN!  You will find that it gets easier to be up after a few weeks, then gradually you naturally are up more and can take more time on your feet.  DON’T' TRY TO DO TOO MUCH TOO SOON!!!!!

    Karen--I don't really think dreams mean anything, but I find it amusing, mostly, to try to figure out where certain elements of a dream come from.  In this last dream, I got to thinking, the cancer bit came from waiting for biopsy results and  having a few more patients with cancer on my case load than usual.  The getting weak and wanting to go home is from one of my patients who is declining rapidly and who has been saying she wants to go home (meaning heaven).  The getting weak also probably comes from my feeling pretty tired the last couple of weeks.  The friends coming to visit and then leaving is from the fact that it's summer and it's harder for me and my friends to get together this time of year and I've been feeling a bit lonely.  So all logical and no hidden messages, really.  I much prefer the totally illogical and vastly more entertaining dreams I usually have!  Happy 36th anniversary! 

    DorKable--I think doing nothing would be better than using a wheelchair for the next few weeks.  Use the wheelchair later, if you need to.  YOU ARE OVERDOING!  Hmm, maybe the dream was a left over effect of the Xanax I took for the heiny scope day.  Haven't taken any since, but I did have a nice stiff adult beverage the night before that dream, maybe I should stop mixing so much alcamahols!  Wow, you had some weirdly fun dreams!  In your case I'd say it was definitely the drugs and anesthesia that's playing with your mind!  But WHY would you want to leave the male strip club???????  I know, no logic to a dream.  If you are sliding down in bed, try putting a pillow under your upper legs--not under your knees, but closer to your butt.  It helps stop the sliding. 

    Oh, my, wouldn’t I like to wake up to HIM rather than Sadie's butt end!

    Becs--Happy 13th anniversary last week! 

    BBBBernie---not sure what's going on with you opening up on page 118.  I am glad that Ben is in a good place, I am so unhappy that you have to give him up.  Being able to visit him will be a goo thing.  I am crying for you right now. . . .

    Juliet--I did dream last night but don't remember any details, and don't feel uneasy or upset, just amused.  They must have been good ones!  I'm thinking I may have over-reacted to waking up in the middle of the night after an uncomfortable dream.  And there's a drinking festival when you are in Cornwall??  How lucky is that!!!!!!!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Crimson Tide

    1/4 oz Absolut® vodka

    1/4 oz Malibu® coconut rum

    1/4 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur

    1/4 oz Maui® Blue Hawaiian schnapps

    1/4 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur

    1/4 oz Bacardi® 151 rum

    1/4 oz cranberry juice

    1/4 oz Sprite® soda

    Combine all ingrediants, chill over ice, strain.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Karen I knew it was sales sounds interesting

    Its ok to feel hat way I am the same way I really just want to b home and with family

    DORRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K? Listen stop doing what u r doing u just has major surgery stop I swear Ill come and kick your butt

    Is that place where u r getting your 3-D nips? A traning place IDK if I trust that

    Cammie whats on today

    NM u r right about her and some other people in my life

    Juliet u have goodpics that was lavender I love that color

    Becks yup U need to whoop ass her. Good luck on the new job?

    Whats u doing today shan aka undie says there is lots to do in cali

    U should meet for lunch that would b fun I see her shoes she buys high ones and shes tall lol

    kk ill pop in latah


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Good morning girls! 

    NM, such great advise from you as always. Damn, did not realize just how much I was overdoing things. It IS impossible to keep me down but I really will try to stop getting up and down so much. I do have reclining furniture in my family room but have a hard time getting it up and down. I had my dad push the button to recline me this morning. He was so cute this morning. I had him make my coffee. He brought it in and asked if it was ok and I said it needed more creamer. He took it back and added some and still not enough. He then told me that I am a terrible patient and he is going to his next patient, meaning my mom. He said she does not complain nearly as much as I do. I cracked up and so did he. He has since taken off to be by my Mom. He calls it a job. He is just adorable. When any one tells him to be careful, he says "I have to be, I have a very important job". He takes his "mom sitting" very seriously. He told me that I made him late for his job, he told Mom he would be there at 8am. Love him to pieces. 

    Juliet, love the dark side pic, I might just go there for the willie. How are you feeling these days? I got myself so behind here. I really hope to start coming in everyday. No reason not to report daily, should be several times a day since typing does not hurt me. I miss the hell outta you and all of the goils. Nice eye candy too, yummmmy.

    NM, I had to leave the strip club in my dream as I had snuck out of my Dad's house and needed to get home before he realized I had snuck off. Another funny thing about that dream is that I ran into a group of my bff's. It was like a vegas type of place, HUGE which was why I could not find the parking garage. Everyone else was dressed nicely, I looked like a pig. I think I dreamed that after posting a pic of chip, dale, me, Lori, Chip, Mrs VIno and Dale on my facebook page. Dreams are so funny. I can share more but borrrrring. The train one was so crazy. Everyone was selling my stuff at tables and I was hurling items off the train into the river. I just had to get that train back and get my chit out of it then get to work.

    Beckers! Sorry I missed you too. I wuz wondering where all de tenders were, tish tisk tisk. I am so happy for you with the new job. A big congrats toast to ya!

    Karen, it is really sweet that you and your DH and BF's. Can you tell me the meaning of ROsh Hosana (sorry for the spelling) in a nutshell? IS that your new year? I do believe it is a big holiday for you. Enjoy. Hope your DD now likes her hair. She is bootiful. 

    Bernie, so proud of you for doing the right thing. I hope and pray that things are ok with you and Sinead. As for the page thing, I had that problem for awhile too while I was inactive. Just keep cominig back and it will bix itself. Hugs to you, so proud of you for taking action. I am praying for your DH's safety and that you get by well without him. God Bless both of you. 

    Orla, loved NM's advise about hanging up and not answering the phone. that is just awesome. I will have to try that one in the future should I get an annoying person on the line. How are you feeling? I sure hope that pain stops soon. I know how bad it feels, been there, done that. I asked my PS if I could have my implant back to use as a stress ball and he said no. MF'er. 

    Kat, I am praying that today is a good day for your DD. Is she yet able to start with that stuff they rub on for scarring and to take the redness out? I forget the name of it but it worked wonders with my ulnar nerve surgery scar. She is such a sweeet girl, I wish she would learn to just scream "FURB FURB FURB". Nah, you brought up a lovely young lady. Seriously though, I am praying for her to accept what is happening and to know that the scars will fade off so nicely. And if not, they are fixable using PS. Technology is wonderful these days. I hope all of the other goils are joining me in praying for NED and a great prognosis. (((((KATHY))))) ((((((KAT"S DD)))))))))). I just love you both so much. I have not met your DD but feel like i know her. Please give her a soft kiss on the cheek from me and tell her that she is so loved by so many. 

    Well my screen is doing weird things, gonna hit send and finish up. (Ya'lll like Dork ain't finished yet? WDF????)!

    Love you girls!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Where is Dr. Cammy dis morning? PAGING DR. CAMILLE LEGAL, please report to the HTL ASAP. I am here, you are not, bad goil. haha, just kidding. I love your new name and hope you do too. It took a while to give you a fun name but I think we got this one right. Who came up with the Legal part? Ooh, maybe we can add congresswoman or senator to the name somehow? Cam, I love your passion with everything, I think it is so cool how you write to politicians. I had three Hard Mikes for you and only two are liquid.  LOVE YOU girl! 

    who am I kidding, I love all of you. And I do not say that lightly. When I think of the love I have received here, my eyes well up..


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    DorK.....I came up with legal as I thought her screen name was cami legal (not camille gal)!!!  Rosh Hashanna is the new of the holiest days of the year.  It is Thursda and behind and not movitated like I am usually am....haven't done any cooking....really need to do it today and tomorrow....need to cook for 3 days....TH, F and Shabbat....we don't have company except for Friday lunch, and we weren't invited out for any meals so I need to cook for us....Tired of the same old, same old, but too lazy to open up my cookbooks!!!!  Feeling kind of blue....don't want to go into today I will do some cooking and some tomorrow....whatever gets done gets done!!!  Also need to get fruits and veggies but have most everything else...also need to do some baking....and YES, I saw your request.....since the cupboard is empty of cookies it will take me a bit to stock up......just haven't baked much this summer!!!

    Bernie....glad that you found a home for Ben...which one of your furbabies is he?  the little one?  Remind me what your DH does that he will be one for a month in Algeria?

    NM....wish we would get a bit of rain...its cloudy this morning here and not going to be so hot today, only in the mid 80's but its heating back up to the 90's by mid week.... all the pics!!!

    Beckers...when do you start the new job?

    Orange, Lori, Cami, Kathy and all the other sweet gals (my mind just went blank)...time to get off the computer....bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    good mornin peeps

    I'm trying tocatch up, am still at my DD's house using another computer and it's at a wrong angle for me so whatever I say try to firgure it out.

    Everybodies talking and I don't remember much of what I read so if I'm leaving anyone out, I don't mean to. This is a noisy house ick. I mght be going to my SIL mom's house later--we'll see.

    It's the most wonderful world to have u'r DH as u'r best friend, as yrs go by things change but BFF never changes and that's what's so wonderful---Bec it's funny my DD just had 13 yrs the other day too. And she too Karen has her husband as her BFF andthey enjoy each others company so much, and I'm glad for her especially.

    D O R K u'd better listen not to over do. It's so easy for YOU to do that. But that's sounds so cute with u'r dad but geeze couldn't u just take the effin coffee LOL

    Julie I live u'r pics. always

    oh shit I can't remember shit here---Ill catch us at home--too much going on here.-It's possed to rain today later. We're talking about Syria, Oh yes I did write--I had an obligation to--and nobody reads my chit anyway, Oh well I did hear from the Gov. office personal her nAme is Cammie--so I have a little thing going on there.  Oh Oh who said a B shot --i see my Dr. in about a week and I'm certainly going to bring it up and I wn't forget that--Oh Kat I think and u know I'm praying for u'r family--I have to pray for Dork but differently. I pray she'll stay quiet to heal. Oh these crazy people here, I have to stop right noe--blah blah blah from them not u. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Wow, 36 yrs, that is awesome, Karen! Sounds like he has a fascinating, but very demanding, job. My mom used to buy hi-end painting supplies when she painted a lot. Her paintings are amazing, so professional. Hope you get your cooking done!

    Dorkie, I LOVE your, so strange too....and its kewl that you remembered them when you woke up. OR are you still asleep? Sleep walking, sleep computering? LOL. Anyway, you said how comfy your outdoor lounge chair was, can you bring THAT into the house? Sounds like you could sleep better on it, and get in/out of it easier than your recliner. I do hope you start to take it easy, take everyone's advice here, even Dr. Cami Legal's advice!

    Bernie, I know it broke your heart to give Ben away, but it sounds like he has the perfect new home! And if you get to visit him when you miss him, all the better. HE looked happy in the pic on your FB page!

    NM, you are doing so much cooking/canning lately! Hope you find those apples today. I have been trying some new recipes, mostly from FB posts that people put online. BUT I want to start the Digest Diet in a few days, so gotta get rid of all the "tempting" food in the house...and my DH buys so much chit! My first plan was to do 30 min on the treadmill most days, and I have done that now, but the diet part will be the hardest! Its neat when you make your own stuff, like esp the applesauce, and then you KNOW what is put in it, and its healthier than what they put in commercially.

    Julie, WHEN are you going to be in the UK? Mese foiget. Neat that they will have that festival! We have an oktoberfest that starts on the Arsenal next week. SO many Germans here, because of the space scientists that came over in the 60's to start the space program here. So lots of german food, and german beer! The BEST Oktoberfest we had though was in Munich when my DH was there for business, and the big-wigs there reserved a table for all of us in the most popular bier tent....lots of drinking and singing german and dutch drinking songs! IT was fun.

    Well Cyn is BIZZY this weekend with special company, but hope she gets to pop in here by Tues at least! Lori, glad you got to MI safely, and hope you enjoy your time there and don't have to do too much work! AlliKins, we know you are so busy, but puleez pop in when you can! Lara, are you thinking of them forming the nips too, or just having the 3D tattoos?

    Don't Labor too much this holiday, girlz! OK? LOL on what NM said about the Crimson Tide~~!!! Yeah, the team is MUCHO bettah than that  horrid red tide that invades the ocean! They won like 35-10 I think....e-z peasy.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OOPS didn't meant to bump you Dr. Cami Legal....I just was writing soooo long! Yes, it was mese that mentioned the B12 injections, and also the supplements (sublingual)....I hope you DO ask your dr about them!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Forming them?


    What's that kat?

    It's very hot here

    DH and I are driving back from a fair here

    He won me a stuffed smiley hand

    K b back

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Lara, they do an incision and make some sort of flap, then do like an origami thing and make it look like a nipple. Then the tattoo after its healed puts the color on the nip and aerola. The 3D tatts are just tattooed on flat skin, but make it LOOK like a raised nipple. Ahhh hope your smiley hand doesn't have a pointed finger like smiley miley had!!! LOL. Hope you had fun!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Dort, you are such a nutty Dort. I love reading your posts. Girl, you have some wild arse dreams das foa shoa! A new house and no bedrooms? I hope Beckers was able to make to funtain (new name for the “fountain”). And if you are hunched over by the end of day, YOU ARE DOING TOO MUCH! STOP IT! And you are putting a bra on already? So glad you got your money back from My Vegas. I had a morphine pump after I got a staff infukshun from my hysterectomy, refused to push it, I just wanted all of those drugs outta mese body. They make me sick, and then I could not eat, could not walk cuz I couldn’t eat and would get dizzy, and I know you have to walk to get better. I wuz fighting a losing battle. Oh MY, too funny that you asked for jello shots. Really enjoyed you hospital stay story.

    LOL @ your DH Wahiney and dropping the kids off at the pool and wearing it out. The saying that is, not the pool!

    Becks, congrats on the new job offer, and glad you didn’t choke on your crown. The one on your toof, not de one on you pwetty lil head. I am from Michigan, not mini soda! Swamp coolers work very good in dry areas, will not work in humid areas. And do not use near the electricity as an air conditioner. LOL @ Dork running 5K down the corridors nekkid! And dat boy is GLISTENING, not sweating!

    OMG Julie, I am LMAO at you if you were Dorky’s nurse and making her sit at the nurses station! Love the little kitty, praying to be kept outta twouble, and YES we know who dat is for!

    LMAO at you too Cami, telling Dork not to be loud in front of new girls. And when you said “I’ll bet that floor had a blast with you”, of course I was thinking “the floor” the floor that you walk on, cuz you always saying you are on the floor.

    Karen, I would rather have the heat, hate to see winter come. I welcome fall, it is the best season for where I live. How come your DD got so much hair cut off, was it her decision? Oh, I see she likes it now….good deal. Funny about your mom making the point that the new friend is NOT her boyfriend…cute. I am in Michigan until the 8th, go and then leave again on the 11th for Tulsa. Mom is about the same, just always declining a little more with her health, but that is to be expected. And YES, hot and muggy in MI and mom has no AC, except in her bedroom and my son has one too. But I will be ok, so glad to be with my mom and son, and to see my brothers. Happy Anniversay!

    Kathy, glad you were able to give your DD a little chuckle with Dort’s shenanigans stories. And it’s ok that you didn’t get to do as much with the kids like you wanted, you were where you were needed most….with your daughter.

    Oh NM, what a horrible dream you had. YES, you are just worrying. I wish I could give you are real hug. Dang, and then to have it a second time? (((((NM)))))) On canning and tops not sealing, I have got to say, I don’t believe I’ve ever had one not seal. I could be wrong, jes saying. You know how our memories are! I brought mom 2 pints and 2 half pints of maters, she had part of a pint and then I took her friend out for some shopping with my son, and darned if she didn’t gobble up the rest of it while we were gone! Such sweet kind words from Cami to you.

    Kathy, I too am here for the same reason as you. Because of all the great friendships that we have here. Makes me teary. Can you donate some of the things you are having trouble parting with, maybe somewhere where you might be able to visit them???? I know silly, but just a thought. Or maybe a family in need that perhaps one of DD’s might know of?

    Lara, a “glam ping”? Did you mean you went for Glamour Shots of yourselves? If so, we wanna see! Hope you are doing ok, and not much pain.

    Dort, sorry your dad is sad cuz your mom says she misses him, but you are so right about it being good as she is aware.

    Mom is up and I have been reading and typing for hours! But all caught up. First night, stayed up past midnight with my brother, last night, my son and I took his moose of a shepard for a walk, I had the dog while son was picking apples, and dog wanted to get to my son and dragged me to him. Back hurts now today! Wish I could give the apples to you NM. I am whooped today! And just got done cleaning the kitchen too. Love you ladies………..gotta run. Sorry for the book and any bumps.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Ohhhh so good to hear from you Lori! At least your mom ate something healthy when she finished off that pint of maters! Thats funny though. And you ARE becoming a night owl there, but wish you could sleep late too. LOL....I thought Lara meant "camping"???? OR maybe I misread the "glam ping"? Lara, 'splain for us, puleez! Wese is all funcused over dat. Anyway, so glad you have a nice long visit there. I couldn't sleep w/out ac so I am glad you are handling it ok. In fact our downstairs ac was freezing up outside, so the a/c guy came over yest (Sat) and put in more freon, but said there must be a leak somewhere, so he will come back this week. At least we can run it again though...and the 2 days it was out it was not as hot as it could have been. OK, jest got off de treadmill and now to get cleaned up to go and visit with my parents. HUGS!!!!! Kat

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Kat lol on the smiley hand

    Glam ping is camping but we were in a chalet not a tent

    I see I need to investigate this nipple thing more thatS what my PS does she would cut skin make a nipple then the aerole she has zero clue about the 3D

    I want that dorrrrkkk is that where u r getting yours done?

    Please stop wheeling around

    I need to c a pic

    Oh my PS was bitchy itchy I told her about the nerve pain she got snippy well even without boobs u would still have from the multiple surgeries

    I love to paint

    My grandfather has paintings in galleries

    Dork U had this pain?

    Nerve pain?

    What did u do?

    Please let me know

    Kat I wish I could see your nipple



    B back

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Awesome about your g'pas you have pics of some you can send in a pm? (or post here)? I LOVE my 3D nip tatts....esp because they look real and I don't need to wear a headlights. Search for Earleen Bennett of Asheville Permanent Makeup (I think thats it)....she did my nips and my eyes (but the eye pics look a little stark till a couple of months later). I love Ashevile, so its an excuse for a trip there. Gotta go now.....almost pau parents start at 4:30 now....


    edit: Here is a link, Lara...and remember it starts out dark, but then is a very natural color....look at the video too, I just love Earleen she is so caring. She started this because she lost her mother to breast cancer, so she has a special place in her heart for bc pts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hi gals, I'm home---how the ef do u guys do this go away, and use the computer and come home and continue---I'm exhausted, like a Zombie and so glad to be home and it's only been about 24 hrs. Chit

    Oh Lara camping in a CHALET I love it, that the way to do it.

    Goldie I'm glad u'r mom got her appetite going see u being there must be cheering her up too. But u'r used to going to bed early, how are u holding up. I hope good.

    Dork until u stop getting antsy pantsy u'r not going to heal. And did I comment on u'r dream? The room u NEED most was not in u'r dreams-LOL

    I don't remember much here or there--I feel like I've gotten punched in the side and kneed in my back-oh that's a good decription instead of this 1-10 thing (which I hate) I mean the word pain prety much describes a 9 or 10, then there's throbbing, hurts. aggrevating and as adults we can pretty much describe that--Ok nurses back down, I know just spouting off.LOL

    It's been so cloudy but warm and I didn't go swimming---next week-end it's supposed to be hot again but I don't know when her pool is closing up, she doesn't either so we'll see---I'm sorry I'm hazy so I'm not addressing everyone but u all know how I feel about all of u. I have to catch up --well my brain does, that's what I meant.

    And Kat u'r DD is always in my prayers that's all I can do for u.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Hi goils. How was ur sunday fun day? I went to my niece's bday lunch and pigged out. Gotta get back on it....I had lost 8 el bees!!! Only 50 bazillions ta go!

    Cami, haha! I've not seen sucker punched, kneed in back or any other wrestling/karate moves pics on pain scale chart!!!

    Watching Sister Wives and pretty sure I couldn't do that!!!

    Goldie, don know why I thought you went to mini soda. Knew it was "M" word. Glad visit is goin well. Is mom better? She set on continuing to smoke? 1800NOBUTTS gives free patches, which hailped me and also ecig was my "binky."

    I wish I had flat nips wahine n orange. They saved my own but he left one headlight slightly on. My boobs jiggle when I walk. They are loosening up fo Sho.

    Karen, I start new job on 9/16. Kinda sad but mostly excited! Feels right and that's nice.

    No second guessing.

    Guess I better get ready for bed. Gnite peeps!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Popping in to say night, night!!!!

    Been fairly productive tonight with baking....4 batches of challah, apple braid, honey cake and nut cake......tomorrow morning early, I need to bake cookies that I promised for someone (and extra for us)....and figure out what main courses to cook and freeze....of course the freezers are full, the fridges are full....and this is mostly raw/uncooked foods....not sure where to put cooked food.....I have a menu sort of planned out for 6 meals, but not enough to be really organized or know exactly what to cook when....I can do some cooking on holidays, but not on shabbat!!!  Trying a couple new chicken dishes....Rosh hashanna starts Wednesday evening and I work till 4, so don't want to have too much too do...would love to have time to do my nails...or go get a mani....

    Well, the nut cake is almost done...time to clean up the kitchen and climb into bed.....DD and I and mom are going out for breakfast at 9:30, so need to  be up and baking early so I'm done in time to leave on time....

    Sweet dreams.....

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Good morning Babes.  I am feeling much better about Ben today.  Margaret (his new mummy) sent me pictures of his day at the beach yesterday.  He looked so happy.  He slept in the car all the way home, curled up with one of her other furbabies.  Usually he was a nightmare in the car, jumping about and getting all excited.

    Saturday, Sinead come over to say goodbye to him.  Broke my heart, she was in bits over him going.  I didn’t realise how much she loved him.  She does know I did the right thing but it was just too upsetting for her.

    Spoke to DH yesterday (skype) and sent him the pics of Ben and his new exciting life.

    Hi Karen, you asked about DH’s work. He is a Security/Logistics Consultant in the oil fields.  His main position is Base Control, so he oversees the total setting up and running of the main base and liaises with the Algerian army and the expat oil men.  When the men travel (anywhere) they have to be accompanied by an Army escort.  He normally works a 28 day rotation but this time the guy he rotates with (back to back) can’t go in until the beginning of October.  So DH can’t leave until he arrives.  It is quite intense and he would be on call 24/7.  He really does enjoy his work and the military side of it suits him very well as he is ex military.

    Always funny when he first gets home, he forgets that he does not have a cleaner and a maid to look after him. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    I guess the glam ping went through my zoom net, just like peep pole. That is how I would go camping. I think I would fire that bitchy PS Lara, we don’t have to put up with that.

    Cami, mom doesn’t have a problem with her appetite, it’s the wrong choices that she makes. LOL, “nurses back off”! But I hate all the pain you are in.

    Becks NO, she won’t quit. Had the patch and e-cigs. She will not get any better health wise or physical wise, only continue to decline.

    Too funny about your DH when he gets home to no maid or cook Bernie.

    Kathy, I got some sleep last night, went to bed at 9:30. Not sure what time I finally went to sleep, it was so hot, but then finally cooled down, got up around 8.

    No time to look for a DOTD, so I have some of what everyone else is having!

    CheerZ ma DearZ

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes!  Happy Labor Day!  It's raining, here, going to rain all day with intermittent thunderstorms. A good day for catching up on housework.  I went apple shopping yesterday, it's too early to get any real choice, so I abandoned that idea and bought 3 quarts of blueberries.  Got blueberry syrup simmering down to can for later.  One quart of blueberries canned, the second can didn't seal, so I need to make some blueberry stuff later today.  Maybe a blueberry coffee cake.  Have to rummage through my recipes later today. 

    ORLA--some people just are not worth the energy they drain from us, are they?

    DorKable--Your Dad DOES have a very important job, in fact he has TWO of them, taking care of Mom and taking care of YOU!  Good for you for letting him!  If it's hard for you to get out of the recliner than you shouldn't be getting out very much.  Just to pee, shower and maybe get a drink, no more often than every 4 hours!  Take your pills and sleep.  The body does it's best healing while sleeping!  So DorKable snuck out of the house to go to a strip club, huh?  Figures you'd do something like that!

    Karen--I thought Cammy's name was Cami Legal for a while, too!  I wish I could send you some of this rain, it's getting boring and soggy here.   Not to mention I'm getting tired of Sadie being muddy! 

    Cammy--don't worry about ketchuping with all of us--just check in so we know you are good!  Enjoy the company, and you'll catch up on the peace and quiet when you get home. 

    Wahine--I did 't find the apples yesterday, but it's just the beginning of the season, and an early beginning at that. It's fun puttering in the kitchen and nice to have stuff you know is good in the winter.  And having healthier stuff in the house does make it easier to eat healthier, doesn't it?  What is the Digest Diet? 

    Goldie--Sometimes I just have to shake my head at people.  Experiencing pain is a huge stressor on the body and mind.  Taking pain medication eases that stress and allows for FASTER healing.  People who take pain meds when they first notice pain have better pain control and end up taking LESS pain medication than people who wait and try to tough it out.  People who take pain meds when they first notice pain recover from surgery FASTER than people who try to tough it out.  People who try to tough it out are MORE likely to get addicted to pain medications than people who use it right.  But try and tell people that!!!  Yeah, that dream was bad enough the first time around, the second wasn't much fun either, but now that I've had some more sleep and some good advice it's just an annoying memory.  I guess I just needed to admit that I'm a bit worried about the pending biopsy results and just let it go for now.  Can't do anything about anything until tomorrow, and tomorrow I'll be too busy to think about it.  As far as jars not sealing, it happens.  I remember my Mom actually being disappointed that there wasn't at least one jar that didn't seal on occasion.  She hated to open a canned anything before there was snow on the ground! 

    Cammy--We nurses aren't crazy about the 0 to 10 thing for pain, either, it was imposed on us.  Try getting someone with dementia to do that! 

    Becs--Starting a new job is always a bit of a trip, isn't it?  It's hard moving away from something you know and starting something new.  But exciting, too.  No second guessing is right!

    Karen--Wow, you are being productive in the kitchen! Good for you!

    BBBBernie--I'm glad you get to see Ben happy in his new setting, and that you can send pics to DH.  He's probably hurting, too.  Poor Sinead, what a hard time for her, too.  So DH gets a maid to look after him while working, huh?  Well, if he's working or on call 24/7 for a month at a time I suppose that's only fair.  Sounds like intense work. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Last Gentleman

    8 oz Bulleit Bourbon

    4 oz Dubonnet

    2 oz Thyme-Infused Simple Syrup*

    10 oz Fresh watermelon juice

    16 oz Ice water

    Glass: Punch


    Stir together all the ingredients in a large punchbowl or other container. Refrigerate until cold. Just before serving, add a few large ice blocks. Serve in punch cups. (This recipe serves 10.)

    *Thyme-Infused Simple Syrup


    1 cup Sugar

    8 oz Water

    2 tbsp Fresh thyme leaves


    Add all the ingredients to a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Remove from the heat and let cool completely. Strain, and store in the refrigerator.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Good Monday morning....stayed up too late last night and then woke up at 6:30 and tired....but no time to laze around...WE got invited out for the 1st day of Rosh Hashanna lunch sort of last minute...but DH likes staying I invited the people to come here..its just another couple.....but they often invite this one woman who makes my DH now not sure what to do...I can put up with her depending on my mood....I was planning on making salmon and bought just enough for the 5 of us (including) now either I buy more, or switch up my menu....I guess first I need to tell DH what I did!!!!

    ...wishing everyone a great day!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013 are amazing with all the canning, sauces, jams etc!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Let's not Labor today, Ladiez! I think we need one of Bernie's DH's maids for the day! SO funny that he forgets he doesn't have a maid and a cook when he returns home. WAIT....don't you wait on him and do everything at the house anyway???? LOL. j/k. He was such a gentleman and did a lot for us when we were there, so I hope he also helps you out when no one is visiting! I LOVE seeing the pics of Ben with his new family....omg they do so much with him I wish they could adopt ME too! He looks like the happiest "chappie".

    NM, The Digest Diet (which I haven't read yet) is a diet with healthy eating, plus the healthy oils (olive oil and olives, peanut butter, chocolate, yumm), etc. The editor of Readers Digest used to be the editor of Prevention mag, and then she put out the "Flat Belly Diet", so I think there may be similarites. I did the Flat Belly Diet a couple of yrs ago and it really did jumpstart my diet, but was toooo hard to stick with, so I am hoping this one will be better. When I get started on it, i'll let you know if it works for me or not. Need to get some birthdays behind me first (my mom's is on Wed). Funny how your mom always wanted a can to not seal so she could use it! We need a "Last Gentleman" to make us the DOTD as it has sooooo many steps!!! Pants, Jock, come on guys, make some of those up so we can try them!!!!

    Becks, do they really give free patches with that number? Will pass it on to my StepDau if that works. (edit: I looked it up and its just for CA citizens). Since you had the nipple sparing surgery, do you still have sensation in your nips? I do miss that. But I like them flat!

    Lori, yeah the "glam ping" was a new phrase for me too! BUT I used to enjoy camping, well about 18 yrs ago DH wanted to go camping on Mothers Day. I didn't realize he had never camped before, and we were dating. SO we bought a big tent and supplies, took my dogs with us too. BUT he took electric skillet, fresh oj, fresh strawberries, champagne, flutes, steaks, veggies, a fan, chairs, shoot I forget all he took, but it felt like he brought "home" with us which to me is not the idea of camping. I mean it FILLED my truck, so was tooooo much work. Since then, we have not been camping again. I would enjoy it if he could go much more simpler. and not feel like he had to have all the comforts of home with us. IF we were not going tent camping, then yes, I would enjoy a chalet or "glam ping" too! But here, for tent camping there is just a short window of time when it is cool enuf at night but not too cold or hot during the day, and we are usually traveling elsewhere.

    OK, need anudder cuppa joe....HUNK! Will you get it for me, puleez??? AND please one of you Tenders or Wenches, puleez take care of our Dorkie....she is supposed to REST and RECUPERATE but is doing tooooo much!!!!

    Big Hugssssssssssssssss,

    Katheee Wahineee

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Kat and Goldie u two crack me up

    Glam Ing

    Yes yup that's the word

    Bernie your DH has a very important position wowzer

    Good canning NM

    Yes I'm over exhausting peeps

    Kat that was an amazing website thank u for that!

    There is a guy in Baltimore bunny something he's supposed to b the best I did email him idk

    Dork? Where u at

    Cammie hello u are supposed to b watching movies with me

    I have a phone interview tomm for this other university

    Becks what's going on today

    Juliet we need pics

    Karen sounds like u did a lot if cooking

    Hm who else
