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how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Just composed my post and lost it. Chit!

    Happy to hear DD1 is doing well Wahine!!!!!! Relief!

    Group hugs to all. XOXO

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Love that group hug! And all the birthday wishes for Loweeee! Hope you had a good birthday, Ms. Innocent!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Kathy....thanks for the update on your DD....wishing her a continued easy recovery.. what did you do for your b'day besides pick up your will?

    What makes a "school" good?  well for me, it the team I work with.....the SW I work with on Tuesday...I just can't decide...she has a authoritarian tone to her she is my boss (she's not) tell people what to do....the nurse (a friend of mine) and the family liaison fell the same way I the jury is out....for me (or should I say my job) its the special ed team that I work with that makes or breaks it....and the team includes me, SW, OT/PT, special ed teacher(s), nurse and speech therapist....The team I work with on Monday is Wednesday team has a lot of changes so too soon to say....haven't met the speech therapist and there is a spec ed opening...the SW is brand new but is nice.....

    I forgot to walk tonight...well when I remembered I already had my jammies on and didn't want to get dressed again....It was too hot to walk when I got home from work....had to leave a little after 6 for Back to School and got home around 9...needed to make when I got in the house, I took my skirt and top off and put my jammie pants on with a tank top and put something up to eat...then I realized that I wasn't dressed to walk!!!!  by then it was after 9:30 so said forget it!!!! DH wasn't up for walking as he was getting ready for bed....he has to get up before the crack of dawn to leave the house at 4:30 for a 6 am maybe I'll go up and down the basement stairs a few times.....

    A gf invited me for shabbat dinner...I said yes, then she told me that it was a small group and that the "friend" I told you about after my dad died would be there.....not sure this friend knows what happened.  Well I thought about it and decided that I can't do it...don't want to have to deal with this "friend" or should I say former friend!!!!   When my gf called she caught me off guard cuz caller id said "texas" so I was expecting a phone sales call....should have told her I would get back to tomorrow I need to call and tell her I'm backing out....Do I tell her the real reason or say that DD is tired and we are just going to stay home???  DH will be out of town.  I haven't heard from this "friend" (former friend) since her last email in June when she told me all about what I did wrong at the funeral to rebuff her!!!!

    It is too hot....was in the high 90's today....too hot to be outside int he middle of the day....I have to leave early tomorrow as I have a 7:30 meeting so need to be sure to get my walk in early.....then will walk at night...slacking off, but not slacking off on eating so weight is creeping up....Thursday its going to be 97!!!  Enough already!!  I want fall!!!!

    DorK...thinking of you......

    Going to go this great book...its on a 90+ year old woman who was a nanny for 60 or 70 years in England....interesting and easy read......Sweet dreams...see you tomorrow!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Love the group hug Cami! I have been laying here with my iPad catching up reading here. You n Joey bonded when he was a newborn. No wonder. Why did DD have to stay in hospital so long. I too had to fill in for Annie's mom. I had her as a newborn with my little ice chest with formula bootle. I would warm it under hot water in my bathroom and rock her. They are special.

    Wahine, how is the pain for DD? Hope it's well controlled. You have your GKids?

    Dorky, goot felt no bueno in Calif for pie and ice cream for the chicken said cockadoodledoo! Lol! Bbl...JK! (just messin with dorty when she's on a goot one at the per Perco fountain!!!)....." Whuddahail she say? "

    I'm pretty much my mom too orange...and the under $10! Drinking some under $10 now in fact!

    Oh, going to see onc about chocolate sprinkle in my lip and talk about switching to AI. Down to 25 mg of Effexor!! Woot woot! Getting there.

    Ok goils. I give...getting sleepy. Nighty night.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Becs that' exxefor is still gooing on? And If u eat to much chocolate it grows on u'r face. OMG that would be awful for me it it were true. Is it hurting u? And everyone heard about my DD is a long boring story--but it was a total of a yr. that I really took care of him so bonding big time, that's why we're so connected. Dork should put a bed right next to the fountain, u'r right,I'm glad she's home.

    Karen say anything that sounds reasonable to say and do it today and u just lost track of the date and u'r sorry but u can do it another time with them. And if she's smart and knows why about the other "friend" tell her the truth that u'r not comfortable around her andmore and u wouldn't want to ruin anything for her. Personally I would tell her the later but I'm not known for my tact. Good Luck

    D O R K Y I miss u.

    BTW the reason why I picked a picture of wolves is because they are known in the animal world to be very loyal, not only to their mates but to the pack--Of course they might have to kill another one for the leader but that just means he is the weakest. The word LOYAL was my reason.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh chit I'm awake so I'm going to tell u a story about canning or mason jars. A Story---- My aunt and my mom did it ever year especially when we were young. After we moved to a suburb the did get PT jobs together and of course we still lived a block from each other. My aunt and my mom were super close (thank God) so anyway moving years along it was the lat 1970's and we were having a beautiful Christmas eve dinner with all the fish gravy (sauce) and all the food of course, well as usual we ate like crazy-And after my aunt said I was hoping u'd like the gravy and we said it was great and she said I found it in the bak of the cans in the basement we made that in 1954-We all paniced--it was 25 yrs old--We were hysterical telling my aunt she just wiped out a whole family, we figured air had to get into that, she was so Oh u kids worry about everything--Those days we all spend the night toghter and we were really say good-bye to each other--should we go to the hospital?? No one thought of that. All we did was stay up and use our last hrs together the best way we knew how. Well obviously it was all right and it never bother our parents at all. We actually were hugging our kids and thought this is it. Bad Christmas eve. After that all she made for those dinners was Italian beef Sandwiches, (which one of us went shopping for) and her peppers and homemade buns which we even bought all the ingredients for. The end. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Lara, don’t think I would want to be 25 though, 35 or 45 would be ok, I’ll take either of those!

    Love the wine descriptions Julie. I don’t drink it much, but when I do “I’m turning into my mother”!

    What a cute group hug Cami! Love the wolves and your meaning behind it. Love your canning story, but that WAS scary!

    Karen, my husband had some friends meet us for dinner in town, I did not know they were there, so it was a little surprise. Gosh, the teams you work with, the job field they are in, I would expect them to be caring and compassionate people….guess not, eh? I don’t really quite know what I would do in your situation with the GF’s. Good luck.

    Becks, when are you seeing your onc? Glad to hear this, and hope it’s soon. Funny, you messin with Dork.

    Kathy, still praying that all is good for your daughter. I hope she is not in much pain.

    Dork, how you doin girl? Did your phone survive?

    Well I have lots to do today and heading out tomorrow. Even gonna do some canning today, I can’t let my maters go to waste! Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Ugh I'm up---Lori isn't it hot in AZ? Especially to do kitchen work---well today I'm expecially lazy so I guess it sounds like alot to me.

    Kat prayers stil coming, I truly pray that u'r DD1 has pain in control.

    And Dork now that u'r home--I hope u have good pain meds too. Too bad the "fountain" doesn't reach as far as we woud like.

    Lara I'm watching a crazy movie (like usually) about 4,000. people just got killed but so did a cat I hate that about the cat. Always upsets me when a furbaby gets killed in these movies.

    OKI'll be back later--I'm so knocked out--I wish it was knocked up I'd feel so much better and I'd be so much younger LOL 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good evening all

    hope dd1 and dorty are "very" comfiteble tonight

    lara and cammi enjoy the movies

    karen-you out walking tonight? made it to the gym today for the first time since starting nights

    becks and nm ,how was your day?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie everyone is quiet--I hope Kat and Dork pop in to just tell us the latest. But Understand if they don't

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Hey, gang, I had a long post going this ayem, then the power went out.  And that was just the beginning of all the little things that decided to go sideways, or upside down, or backwards.  It's 8 pm and I'm just getting the computer work done, then I am going to have a second, serious adult beverage and then tell Sadie all the details and get her to sic 'em for me. 

    Grump, grump, grump.  Just in case any missed that I'm grumpy tonight. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh NM U don't sound very happy, obviously u had a ad day--see I can read clues. Well u and  Sadie relax and u have that serious drink and tomorrow is Friday Eve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Hi girls!

    It has been a long time since I have posted. So much going on. A handful of my friends know what has been happening but do not have the most recent update. I am so very sad. I had to make an emergency doctor appt today as my gut is on fire. I went to my primary since there is no way that I would have my dad drive me into philly. What the doc told me is so very disturbing. and this is before he got to check me out. Ya see, my Dad is using the same primary care doctor as I am. He had his initial appointment last month with follow up in October. Since I am on record as being allowed to discuss my Dad's care with the dr, he told me point blank that my Dad has severe dimensia. He needs to get into assisted living ASAP. I just can't cope with hearing these words. It all makes sense. My BIL had sad that he was going senile months ago but my sisters and I have been in de nile swimming happily. I have not yet told them this as my oldest sis is taking a vacation in a few weeks. I was only able to talk to Steve about it. Steve started his rads today so not a good time to share the burden. The dr said that it is what it is no problem to wait to talk to my sisers about this. I am sitting here feeling as if my world was turned upside down.

    Oh, how are you all doing? Me, drowing my sorrows in some alkamahol. I think JD foygot to add de main ingredient cuz it not hailping. Beckers saw me over at de percotini fountain but I passsed out for a few hours. you were not hallucinating Beckers! tehehe!

    so enough about me, lets talk about what you all think of me tehe he he hehehehe ~fake laugh~. I know we will get through this as we are a very strong family and m sisters and I work wonders. so more about me. I have a fever and maybe an infucktion already. the incision across my gut has an area that is black and the shape of a triangle. about 1.5 "  long and about 3/4" high. I am about sick over this. The good news is that the worst that can come out of this is that I end up with an ulcer thingy on my belly. So I not gonna stress as much as I should. I am so happy with my results overall. My boobies are so dern cute and shaped perfectly. My belly is flatter dan 99.2 poy cent of 52 year young girls excluding the gym whores who work out, sorta like a goil we used to know here. will mention no names cuz mese alreay bin in trouble with the HTL. I will let somebody else explain that but do not note the date, winky wink wink!

    Sooo, five days in the hospital was holy hell. Did not sleep, only hallucinated. Got myself in trouble with the computer, with the staff and oh mese oh mise let me tail ya there was some big trouble in dorkville. any of de goils that know my stories (cuz I talk to some of de goils outside de lounge) can tail ye anyting they know. well cept the spaceship challenjar incident. I ken tail you dat all of de staff at dis hospital were between 9 and 14 years old. doogie housers all around me making me nuts. I am still suffering from the effects of the morphine. surgery was between 12 and 13 hrs. that part went by berry fast.

    I tink I gonna take a freaking shower cuz mese told i has to ebery dey. others tail me they were not allowed to for months, crazy how de doogies have such diiflient opinions. oh, i dropped mese cell phone in to mese swimming pool jest hours before surgery. lovely week it has been. don't bese feeling too sawry for me. mese so resillient and will get where i need to be fisically and emoshionally too. it is jest the shock of all the news today. I did not eben tail mese bwesties anything bout this til now. I jest laying here staring at de ceiling at de fountain. which by the way, no chit....I can see through my  eyelids STILL. another wonder effect of mr morphine. it is soooo weird. I have spayshall powers but wish I could see under hot boys undershorts instead, dat bese more funn right?

    I will try so hard to catch up with all ofyou. I heard you all calling so I runned as fast as I could to git here (reminds me our mese dahling Chirssy B, has she been around). God I love you goils. sorry to keep some in suspense. it was that I was briefly banned from bco, dat is very true but cant talk much about it cept I said tings that i did not think were so bad. but that was PERHAPS whilst under de influence. perhaps not.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh Dotty, (((((Dotty))))) you need some BIG GENTLE HUGS. YOu are in all that pain and may end up with an ulcer on your tummy, and then to find out your dad needs to get into assisted living asap. You poor baby. I am so sorry (I know, not usually allowed to say that, but in this case I am excused) about ALL of this. It really, really sux. The place your dad was on the wait-list for, was that an independant living place? I guess it wasn't an assisted living place, right? Geez. I wonder how he will take this news. Hope you can find the right words to break it to him gently. And here he has been driving over to see your mom, and doing so many things on his own. Breaks my heart. Glad you will be able to share this with your sisters soon, and be able to support each other. AND now Steve has started tx too.....omg girlfriend, I hope the JD kicks in quickliest or your pain meds kick in. LOTS of continued prayers for ALL of you.

    My DD is doing remarkably well. The incision is uncovered now, and he really did get it in a sorta area that would crease, about midway up the neck but its just so darn long. So after I spent all morning with her, came home, and we took her kids to see her. That helped her AND them too. NOt sure yet when she is coming home. I had so much I wanted to do with the kids, but being at the hospital so much, and trying to fit in a bit of schoolwork, errands, etc., just takes up all the time. Not sure when we get the path report. DH took them to the pool today, and they had it to themselves since school is in session!!!!

    Becks, SUre praying that your lip is ok. Wouldn't you just cwack de hail up if the dr actually pulled out a chocolate sprinkle! That was such a funny story you posted earlier....I was laffing and laffing, but now tonight I forgot what it was about. Will reread it later.

    Lorikins, have a GREAT vacay!!!! I hope your mom is out of the hospital now, and doing better. So glad you will get to spend time with her. Enjoy seeing your son, and other relatives, and friends! Get online when you can and let us know how things are going, you double nickel you! LOL.

    OK, I am verrrrrrry tired....but the kids ARE being super good, its just I am not used to it, and add the stress into the mix, and it is wearing me out. Didn't even realize it is the holiday weekend coming up, does anyone have big plans besides Lori on her trip?

    Dorkie, if you want to talk, please call. Or write more, just vent all you need to, we love you, and sure hate all this chit you are being given. You always have a positive outlook though, but this is just sooooooo much.

    NM, I am glad you are venting too, hope you are feeling better soon!

    Hugs to ALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Dork I'm so so happy to read a post from u, but my heart is breaking about the news for u'r father---I know u were helping him but he didn't sound that bad to me so I just figured he missed u'r mom and wanted to be home like things used to be, which is so natural but dementia did seem like it to me. But i'm sure the Drs. know more than we do maybe. I'm sure he's all right ffor now so maybe u can just put the thoughts away and heal much more and then talk about all of this. As long as u'r dad is safe he's fine. Oh Dorky too much going on for u too. Things seem to hit the fan all at once sometimes and it's awful. But Please don't hurry u'r healing so much take it easy and let u'rself get together. Then u can start making decisions. Morphine + decisions = chaos I know---I am glad u have a tummy u can bounce a dine off of and bweasties u can put in someones face, so things will be fine---Mom and Dad situations can be heartbreaking, but u know they would want u first to take care of u'rself--they really would, so know that. LUB LUB LUB u Dorky

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Dory's in da house!!! I am in the middle of a goot pity party and the news of your Dad makes me so sad. I am so very sorry. Can he stay with your mom in the same facility? Does he realize anything? Omg, it is so hard. My dad had moderate dementia before he died. He would get embarrassed when he had brain farts, some more extreme than others. Heavy sigh. I wish you didn't hab to deal with this news as yet. I want you to heal foist. And tummy in fucshun?????!!!!! I'm so glad the twins are so purdy? What did you name them? I'm jealous of flat tummy. Mine is not so much, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Fist bumps only for you girly. Love ya! And cracks me up about the youngsters in the hospital!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Omg, Wahine n Cami ganged up and hip checked me in da pewl!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Cami, that is really good advice for Dorkie. Did not think about how maybe she could work on healing FIRST and then deal with her dad's situation.

    But Dorkie even if you might be able to delay making any decisions, we know it still is weighing heavy on your heart. But please do take her advice and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!! YOU need to heal, and get rid of that infection....gotta make sure nothing goes wrong with this soigery fer sure!!!

    Oh that was sad about your dad, Becks. How is your mom doing??? She was sick not too long ago, is she ok now?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Wahine, my Dad was much like Dorty's driving, still going bowling and what not. One time he didn't recognize his own reflection and we all witnessed it. (He had hat on which may have influenced that.) he was so distraught and embarrassed. My Mom and brother told him he couldn't drive any more so I think he was still mad at them when he died. It is a tight rope to walk because we don't want to strip them of their dignity any more than we have to. I am passionate given where I work. It's easy to treat them as less thans but I think of them all as my parents and how I would want them treated. I must make 5 trips for blankets daily. Old people get cold! But they will park them at nurses station or lay them down with no blanket. WTF? I couldn't agree more that while it is heart wrenching Dork, is there nothing you need to change right away. If it's working for you n Pop's right now, give yourself some more time to heal. Dr. Cami medicine woman is soooo effin smart! Or is it wizdum Cami?

    Cami....I'm sad and getting my drink on. Annie chose Grandma Carole over me. This pity party feeling is why I want my Zoloft back.

    I go to onc next thoisday. I really hope I'm making the right decision to go on AI. This pity party is a good reminder. Oh and the choc sprinkle. Dang thing! Chit oh chit! It's just in there. No pain, no change. Think it may pop right out if I squeeze hard enuf. Worry becuz I smoked quite a bit. Hmmmmm. I try to be there for peeps on the quit smoking thread and one time I posted over there thinking I was here. Hahaha! "Dufug she say?!"

    Love you girls. More vino and hittin the sack.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    ((((((((((dorty))))))))))),   what a day you;ve had.   .    hope that infections heals fast.    can your dad  live in the same room/facillity as your mum?  was it you banned or stella? or both.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Having trouble dragging my butt out of bed the mornings this week.  I do not like getting up before it's full light outside! 

    Karen--hope the first day of school was a good one! 

    Cammy---yup, good food all winter is the ultimate goal!

    Goldie--ALL of my seals are tight, I am so surprised!  I expected at least one seal failure.  It was great to talk with you.  Oooh, yummy Monkey Drink! 

    Wahine--Junk and a Po sounds interesting and funny.  Isn't it fascinating how language morphs over time?  You are a busy, buys lady, aren't you?

    Hooray for hearing from DorKable! 

    Wahine--praying for your DD, that's ticklish surgery.  And praying for you and the rest of the family, too. 

    Good morning, Lord, it's me again.  I want to talk to You about Wahine's DD, whose having surgery on her neck.  I know You know who she is and all the details.  Please make sure nothing bad happens.  Please guide the surgeon's hands.  Please keep the anesthesia people alert and ahead of any pain.  Please keep Wahine's DD from having much pain afterward.  And mostly, please arrange for there to be no more cancer so DD can recover quickly physically and emotionally.  And please give her family Your strength and grace through this tough time.  Thanks, Lord. 

    Happy Birthday, Goldie!

    Juliet--I don't mind being a babbling idiot, so long as I'm breathing and not hurting! 

    Yeah Aunty Acid!

    DorKy's Home!  DorKy's Home! DorKy's Home!   HOORAY!  HOORAY!  (one for each foob)!

    CynCyn--nothing like opening a little bit of summer in the middle of the winter!  I've been wondering how Sinead's doggy will handle the new baby, too.  Or maybe the baby coming is the cause of the aggression?  If/what to add to scrambled eggs is a topic of lively conversation in my family too!  I don't care either way, but my brother is passionate about the difference between scrambled eggs (nothing added) and messed up eggs (milk or water added)! 

    Cammy--Raquel sounds like a very special kitty!  I bet she 's just waiting for you to be re-uinited someday.  There must be a kitty version of the Rainbow Bridge. . .

    Karen--that is hot for walking, that's for sure!  Sounds like time to find a mall to walk in.  Around here the malls open their doors around 6 or 7 ayem for people to just walk in the hallways.  Cooler in the summers, warmer in the winters. 


    OK, a good night's sleep and the world looks much better.  The idea of a 3 day weekend coming up is a good thing, too.  I definitely need some kind of vacay, got to start looking into what kind of inexpensive get-a-way I arrange for myself. 

    DORKABLE!!!! Welcome back!  Oh, so sad about your Dad.  And the timing, holy cow!  Well, nothing much can be done right now, just concentrate on healing and recovery, then deal with Dad.  I've been through the belly thing opening up, it's a pain in the anatomy but not the end of the world.  The perfect new boobs are worth the care of the belly wound!  I know the morphine effects are very weird, the hallucinations/dreams/whatever can be freaky.  If you have some ativan or xanax take one and get a really good nap!  Didn't realize you were banned from BCO, after my DIEP I couldn't focus enough to get on the computer for a couple of weeks!  You're doing fantastick!!!

    Wahine--So good to hear that DD's surgery is over and she did well, and even better that the incision won't be quite so Frankenstienish.  Still praying for negative nodes for DD. 

    Cammy--good advice for DorKable!

    Becs--why the pity party?  Was there something in the air yesterday?  Maybe we need to get together and drown our sorrows and start over!   OK, I see why.  Not having Annie is a good reason for a pity party, in my book!

    OK, time to get this posted before another power failure comes along and fries everything. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Chocolate Cow

    1 shot chocolate liqueur

    1 shot Kahlua® coffee liqueur


    Pour all ingredients over ice (add cream to taste) in cocktail glass.

    Serve in: Cocktail Glass

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning ladies.

    Oh NM if anyone doesn't like the DOTD they are really depressed. Sounds really yummy. And u sound better today, but it sounds like u need a few days away  just relaxing-I hope u find the time.


    (((Kat)))  U 2 know how I feel and praying for both of u.

    OK Becs let's talk---why would u think Annie like her other Grandma more then u??? That's plain silly---she loves u so much or she would not wat to spend the night kids love to play and be with fun people but when it's time to sleep they don't easily stay, especially when they are alone. So don't think like that. Does Annie see her more/ don't feel like u'r in a competition cuz it's really at this age who they see most---it's who they are used to--u show Annie so much fun and love she loves u like crazy. I'm so glad just to have one grandson--Jodie never had any and Les was really not supposed ro have any--that's why there was so much trouble after but that's why I treat Joey like a spoiled kid not in money but just in attention.I know what u mean--OK the truth after Joey spends a night at his grandma (very seldom) I do ask. LOL So maybe cuz we only have one we feel different. hahaha

    Was Dork or Stell really asked not to be on BCO??? If so leave it to Dork


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    After reading the 2 pages of posts since yesterday, I forgot who said what.....

    I think it was Kathy who asked who had Labor Day week-end plans...I do....but not what you would call a vacation!!!!  DH is out of town till Sunday so no get-a-ways.....I had wanted to go with him, but he reminded me this was not the week-end to be its right before Rosh I will spend a good amount of time in the kitchen cooking and also need to clean the house.....lots of baking to be done....I have hardly baked since last spring....I have several things I always make for Rosh Hashanna that I need to do....honey cake, nut cake...not much company....just company the 2nd day for lunch....the other meals are just us.....

    My DS told me early yesterday morning that he was going to be home for Shabbat dinner.....I won't accept an invitation if he is home as he prefers to be home that go out to people that he doesn't know or doesn't I told the truth that DS was home....didn't have to go there with the other "friend"....I'm sure it will rear its ugly head another time, but for now, I don't have to deal with it.....Glad DS is home as DD is sooooo tired that we will make it an early night and DD can try to catch up on sleep....She is getting up at 5:30 and last night she went to bed early at 10:30....some nights she's been up to 11:30 or 12 doing homework....the 2 AP classes are kicking her behind!!!!

    Beckers....when are you seeing the doc about your lip? glad to see you pop in here....sorry to hear about your Dad....I hear your are such a wonderful daughter to your parents.....You need to be sure to take care of yourself.....wish I was close by to help....cook a meal...give you a real hug.....lend an ear to listen.....

    Cami....was it your story about the 25 year old gravy!!!  too funny!!!

    Kathy.....your plate is so sure to take some "me time".....sounds like the grandkids had a fun day yesterday.....hope your DD is not in too much pain and her recovery goes well....

    Lori....remind me where you are off to? 

    I walked last night at 9pm at it was still hot....and humid!!!  there is still a bit of "coolness" in the air this morning, so going to go for a walk shortly, then jump in the shower.....I don't like walking in the mail...two reasons...I have to get in the car to drive there....and I rather  be outside.....I do walk in the mall when the weather is not fit to be outside...mostly in the winter if it is too icey outside....on work days, I don't have the time to drive the 10 mintues to the mall to walk .....thats why I don't go to a gym....don't like the extra time it takes to get don't enjoy the equipment or noise or crowds......

    Going to a survivor luncheon this afternoon...the invite said could bring a guest, so taking mom....sure hope the guest didn't have to be a real annoyed with mom last night....she got annoyed with me......she told me that I yelled at her or whatever....but it really was the reverse.....she wasn't having a good day walking (and I didn't know it till later) and she then is all upset....hard to explain the situation....When she is having good days physically she is great, but the bad days and she gets so angry....I don't blame her, but its hard to know what she will be like!!!  She told me that she was having time walking yesterday and she didn't know why!!!!  DUH!!! the neurologist told her last week that there would be good days and bad days!!!  Some times the denial just amazes me!!!!  She does know why!!!  I never know what to say to her.....and she told me last night all I do is "snap" at her.....She was kind of cold to me when I took her home last night.....oh yeah she came for dinner....and she didn't like it....of course it wasn't my food....I took stuff out of the freeze that was left overs from when dad died....DD and I liked it.....think it was Mom's today, I know she will forget about yesterday, but I'm still annoyed!!!  Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing about moving my parents here, especially with dad dying so soon after the move.....Okay the pity party is over....Thanks for letting me vent!!!   Better get walking before its gets too hot!!!  Temp is going to be in mid 90's again ready for fall weather!!!

    BBL and will catch up with everyone else

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Karen Sorry about u'r mom, it's not easy living close sometimes but u know she needs u so there's just a feeling of acceptance with personalities that has to be adjusted. Just know u will be fine with u'r mom, I think u know that.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Happy thirstdey girls!

    I gotta tell you, of all de goils here, I tink de wisest of all is our own dear Dr Camille. What she said to me is spot on. I know people who are PHD's and not nearly as brialliant as our Dr. Cam. From today going forward, unless somebody tings of someting else, she bese Dr. Cammie to mese. And her words for Beckers regarding Annie where phenonimal as well. That Dr Cam jest way too humble though, gotta change that, right goils??

    I had a good night sleep, the best in well over a week. I had my shower last night then crashed from 11-8 and slept straight through. What a differnece a good night sleep makes.

    I did four pages of reading and will do my best to get back to all of you. I am trying to take mental notes and wish I had time to write. But I have to get the stitches out of mese tooth this morning so must get moving. I thank all from the depths of my sould for your kind words, laughs and support. We are gonna be alright. I jest know it.

    Have a good day, will try to visit for pau hana tonight! CheerS. and +SMILES+

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Dork u are so drugged up LOL The only reason why u could say I'm brillian, and u have to remember I think I'm the oldest one here. Meaning I say things that seem to make sense without saying anything really. LOL That's the trick u silly goose. But I'm so so glad u got a good night sleep finally. Sleep is such a key to having a better day, for some reason u can even take pain better??? Wow I just assumed u had disolving stiches, they use that on me cuz at one point u always think there is a hair in u'r mouth that u can't get rid of till if finally falls out. I hope u'r not driving yet, but knowing u, u might be. Ohhhh

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Lara I've got SyFy on all day--all animal things--not scary but at least the animals are killing people and the usual no one believes it. And the one that thinks u'r absolutely nuts will be killed toward the end, when he sees it for himself--it's always a man I've noticed. And u'r happy he got killed. Oh boy am I a monster.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    Sorry I haven’t been supportive to those who need it.  Returned home from shopping on Wednesday to see, yet again, another dog fight.

    Cutting a very long story short ( 2 vets and 3 animal behaviourists advice and recommendations ) the only way to resolve this issue is for Ben to go to an animal sanctuary (owned and run by my friend’s friend) where he will be cared for and I can visit anytime I like. 

    This is going to break my heart but I know I have no other choice because if he continues (and he did again today) to attack the other dogs then they will kill him.  It is no one’s fault just the way it is with dogs.

    What also hurts – Sinead is being very hard hearted and saying that I should get rid of the other dogs because it is Ben that has been injured.  I do understand where she is coming from and I tried to explain that Ben causes all the friction.  The vet and everyone else agree.  I paid 100 euro just to get professional advice.  What else could I do?

    Sorry to go on because I know that some of you are going through major issues but right now, during the day he is alone in the bottom yard and at night sleeping in my bedroom (we only have a small cottage) so I am sleeping in the dining room with the other two to keep the peace. Obviously this is not a fair solution.

    Bye for now, lots of love