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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Good Friday morning.....Another near record breaking day in Denver....95 is predicted!!!  going to try to get all my cooking done early this morning....Shabbat dinner is just me and DS and DD.....but with Rosh Hashanna next week I will need to spend most of Sunday and Monday cooking....We only have company for 1 day lunch after synagogue, but need to cook for several measl inluding next Shabbat....But first have to figure out a menu....the only knowns so far are lot of 3 batches (or 4), honey cake, my grandmother's nut cake (it has 1# walnuts), mandel bread and then who knows.....need some new ideas....maybe I should open up one of my cookbooks!!!  I bought lots of chickens and a silver tip roast, but tired of the same old, same old!!!

    Beckers...too funny (not for you though) about the interview, but CONGRATS on the new job... are so sweet to your aunt....I forget, does she live near you?  Sounds like all she's a favorite for all the family.... is your DD doing?  hope she was able to sleep last night...

    DorK....did you sleep last be sure to be a good "patient" and continue to take care of yourself duirng your recovery.....or we'll send nurse rachett to take care of you!!! are the fur babies?

    We are dog sitting this week-end.....for friends lab....the dog gets along well with our 2 dogs....and Charlie (the dog) makes himself quite a home...the first time he did this, he slept on our bed!!! and believe it or not, neither DH or I kicked him off!!!  He should be here mid morning till sometime on Sunday (I think)

    DD is leaving for that means I should get busy......BBL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Good Fried-Egg Mornin to all of YESE!!!

    OMG Dotty, I knew you were up to no good, but WOW it IS lucky you didn't have Julie, as you would have been tied to a chair at the nurses station. And she would have kept a good eye (well, 2 good eyes) on your arse!!!! Julie, that was so funny when you said you would have been WORSE than Nurse Ratchet!! I hate that your pain is so intense in your tummy, but glad your new boobs look amazing and will not reject! YAY!!! What an ordeal you had, thanks for 'splainin it to us all. SO glad you are at home, and sure hope you are not over-doing it, but knowing you I am afraid you are doing too much. Funny about de willie at de hospital....omg just so glad you didn't get in serious twouble!!! Twouble, twouble, twouble, mese tinks its spelled "DorK" Love ya girlfriend, and so glad FINALLY this is a good soigury!!!!

    Becks, you had me ROFLMAO!!! And the first thing that came to mind? Why de heck were youse chewing gum at an INTERVIEW???? LOL. BUt too bad de crown came off, sure hope it can be put back on. Weird that Dotty's crown came out not too long ago too. But hers was infected underneath so toof had ta come out. Hope you have a better outcome. OH and verrrrrrry glad you gots de job!! YAY!!!!

    Karen, hope all your cooking goes well. I was so glad my DH had finally roasted the Turkey Breast and it was soooooo juicy and good. I had envisioned being HERE with the g'kids and doing a lot with them, but was needed more at the hospital. So its good that DH was able to take over. Hope we can both get where we need to be today. He actually was going to be in TUnica for 3 nites this weekend, but we have to cancel...guess they will be glad to free up our room for the holiday weekend.

    Julie, that is a riot about the chocolates and your aunt. She sounds like such fun, it must be sad for you.

    I'm not awake yet, so didn't remember all the posts (again!). But I do think of you all, and really feel the pain and also the funniness and the happiness as well as the sadness in all our lives right now. Nice that we are here for each other!

    Big Hugsssssssssssssssss,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Cami, it is hot here in AZ, even in northern AZ, but we have a swamp cooler, which is much like an air conditioner. But even if I didn’t have that, I would still do mese maters!

    LOL @ Beckers being hip checked into the pewl by Dork and Kat!!!! Do you do your work at a nursing home? Awww, maybe lil Annie chose her other g’ma cuz she got to see you last weekend. ((((BECKS)))) Ha ha, I have made a post on the hair thread that was meant for here, glad I’m not alone.

    NM, I had one of mine, that when I was checking the tops made a sound, so put it right in the fridge and then took it to my neighbor before I left. I told her what happened and to use it right away or freeze it. Pretty soon it will be dark forever in the mornings and come way too soon in the evenings. I think I hate that most about winter. I’m a little late, but AMEN to your prayer for Kat’s DD.

    Sounds like you will be busy in the kitchen Karen. Glad your DS is home and solved your dilemma! Wow, those are not very good hours for your DD. Too much homework, and not enough sleep can not be good. And it’s good to come here and vent, that is one of the nice things about our group here and I’m sure MANY others.

    Dork, nothing I can say that hasn’t been said by someone else. Just hate that you have an infection already! But I gots to say, I’m glad it’s not in the foobs. Cheers for a good nights sleep.

    Oh dear Bernie, I didn’t think it was YOUR dog that was the problem. I’m so sorry ((((BBBB)))) I hope it solves the problem and maybe you can get Ben back later?

    Good grief, drama in your life too Lara? Sorry to hear about your aunt, I hope she doesn’t have to suffer.

    Julie, that was nice to have the doc do the dirty work, in telling your dad that he can’t drive. How often do you get to see your folks? And prayers to your aunt as well.

    Dr. Cami, you are JUST LIKE YOUR MOM! You are funny and you don’t think so, just like her!

    You’re not a wimp NM.

    Sitting at the airport, waiting for our time to leave. I’M GOING TO MICHIGAN!!!! I better send this, I think we will start boarding soon, not all caught up.

    Hugs and Prayers to everyone!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Safe travels, Lori! Bet you can't wait to see everyone!!! And thanks for reminding me that NM did that wonderful prayer for my DD. I read it and loved it, then had brain freeze again!

    I am still with g'kids but now at their house, so can watch over DD too. Her neck and that side of her face are so swollen. Dorkie, I shared some of your hospital shenanigans with her....she got a good laff outa dat. BUt now is resting so I am trying to keep the kids quiet.

    And Becks, Lori is right...Annie was JUST WITH YOU, so now she wants to be with her other grandma!

    SO glad my DH was able to take our g'son way out of town to his lesson, then bring him back here, go back to where we live, get my dad, and bring HIM into town for his dr. Sheesh.....its been hectic. Funny cuz he and gson went out to eat while me and gdau went out to eat, but several miles away. Well shoot that didn't sound funny after all. Sawwwwwry not much humor dese days....will let Dorkie's humor cover for me too, ok????



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Dork u r so funny

    I'm so happy u live them

    No revision I'm not doing it

    But I contacted my old PS they do have someone from jersey who comes in and does the nip and areole tat

    I need to see a pic of one

    So idk

    Oh that one stupid university vanished got another call though

    Cammie not much on today

    I need to read through the post

    Mom wanted I phone we got her one now she facetimes me omggggg

    K lost my thought

    Here's a round

    Juliet nice pics

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Oh the drama of being a teenager!!!  DD#2 who is 15 got her hair cut today...she got 4" or so cut off and she is devasted!!!  tears, crying!!! she looks  ugly!!!  i told her that her hair looked nice, but there was nothing I could say to make her feel bette!!!  Finally after a period of time, she admitted that it didn't look that bad!!!  Oh, I so remember those days, even though it is over 40 years ago!!!!  

    Got my cooming done and was cleaning/.tidying up the bathrooms....was almost done and thinking I need to run the vacuum...go to get the vacuum and see son with it....first thought is okay, I'll wait till he is done...then it was like DUH!!!  DS is going to vacuum and do the floors...of course I could do a better job, but would never criticize his job as even though its not as good as me, I don't have to do it!!!!  he didn't move the dog kennel and there was a big fur ball there, so I just picked it up!!!!  DS does surprise me every now and again...he really is a fine young man....he's 24!!!  Dinner tonight is just DS, DD and me....I said to DS that I was going to take grandma some chicken wings that I made and he asked, did you tell her I could take her home?  But mom decided that she wants to eat dinner where she lives....She introduced me to her neighbor who gives her rides...and she made a point of saying "he's not a boyfriend"!!!!  The guy is very nice...lives on her floor and is 90!!!  doesn't look it at all....if mom enjoys his company good for her!!!!!

    DH is out of town in San Juan....everyone says...oh get to go to Puerto much fun....but he has been busting his hind end...early morning meetings and late day meetings...he left the house at 4:30 on Wednesday for an 6 am flight and has been going non stop.....he gets home Sunday afternoon....its a long flight as he flies to Atlanta and then connects to San Juan...all day affair....

    Well enough about me.....DorK...are you being a good patient?  do we need to get nurse ratchett on you...or one of our HTL resident nurses to tie you up so you behave? is your DD doing? is  your mom?  how long are you in Michigan for?

    Orange...too funny about your mom face timing you!!! how old is  your mom?   probably not much older than me!!!  DD#2 wants an iPhone...debating for me between the iPhone and a Galaxy....of course DD#2 knows much more about the phones that I ever will...she is waiting till the new iPhone comes out so the 5 won't be as expensive!!! she is willing to pay for the phone and the extra the bill will cost monthly...I figure its time for me to get with the times and have data!!!!

    NM....job is too short for work drama...I love what I do, but there are days I wish I could afford to loose 1/2 my salary and be retired!!!  but not to be....hope this settle down for you at work

    Beckers...when do you start your new job?

    Leaving several gals out, but need to jump in the shower...then need to cut up veggies, cook some veggies....everything else is done but needs to be warmed up...tried a new challah recipe... hope its good....made meatballs, chicken wings, roast potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes (son's request), spaghetti squash.......

    Have a great Friday back late tomorrow night....cheers!!! and sweet dreams ya all!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Fried-Dey Nite in de HTL.....lets par-tay heart-tay!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat Looks so good and refreshing---how are u?????? I hope u'r DD1 is resting comfortably--u'r Dh is a sweetheart--and u all need to rest well tonight.

    Dork u toooooooo.

    And very safe travels Lori.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    ↔ Sheriff Tom ↔

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Happy fried day! Are we all too pooped to par Tay? I gave my notice and start new job on Sept. 16th. I'm excited. Realize I feel kinda like the Bachelorette when she kicks out one and is crying but then goes back in mansion all, "Wooohoooo!" about all the fun they're gonna have next week.

    Yes, I got butt hurt over the Annie incident. But, I don't like feeling that way and these pity parties are what's makin me want to get off tami so I can go back on Zoloft. I just handled life better I think.

    Cami, what a cute dude you posted. I like his smile.

    Jules, that kitty praying to keep dorty out a hot water....priceless! She's naughty on morphonine.

    This elderly patient was trying to get one of the therapists to go to bed with her today. Ha! Love the spunky ones!

    Karen, DH is outta town...know the feelin!

    Orange, my oldest (Annie's daddy) facetimes with me and I never know what kind of face he will be pulling when it connects. My Mom could never figure out how to FaceTime. Pretty sure she'd be calling China!

    Friggen hot flash.

    Wahine, how's your daughter? Is the pain horrible? Hurts me like chit just to bite my lip.

    Goldie, does swamp cooler work good? I hate this heat. Really do. Dreaming of Alaska. I hope you have a nice trip. Are you from Minnesota?

    Need wine.

    NM, are you better? So glad you don't have to do the bootie scope for 5 years!!

    Goldie, din I already talk to you about your trip? Yup! I did.

    Imma sign off for now.


    Adios mooooochachuz!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Finally dragged by butt out of bed this morning and am working on cuo of coffee #1.  TGIF!!!!!

    Juile--LOL!!!!!  The things that get discussed around the dinner table! 

    ORLA--actually, Monday is the holiday.  I need to carry a planner, too, I think. 

    Wahine--I'm so glad DD is back home, that is a much better place to be.  I can relate to the panic attacks and upchucking all night.  Miserable, miserable.  And Hooray for good initial results!  And yes, we understand the brain dead feeling, understandable with all that's going on in your life right now. 

    DorKable--Good advice for Bernie.  Hope the new phone isn't too hard to figure out.  And you sound so much clearer headed!  Ice cream is good, enjoy!

    Cammy--Good point, I do have selective hearing at times.  And I do need a break and am going to set  one up for myself this weekend.  It's just so hard to be trying to do things the right way and trying to hit a moving target.  I know things will settle down once every one is settled into their new positions.  It's just going to be a rough road for a while. 

    Wahine--I know today will be hectic for you, but don't forget to prioritize.  As long as DD is taken care of the rest is OK.  One or both of the grandkids missing something or getting somewhere late won't be the end of the world.  It will only seem like it.  Hmmm, same could be said about all the stuff going on at the office right now!  DD's long incision must be hard to see. 

    DoprKable--drug dreams are entertaining, aren’t  they?   And yes, things will get better at work, I just need to hold on a bit and try not to take things so personally.  It is so good to see you hear in the lounge an feeling pretty good, keep taking those pain pills, keep taking naps, talk to you again later!   I had forgotten about the tooth thing!  Talk about trouble coming in waves! 

    PART 2

    Good Saturday Morning, Loungettes!  3 day weekend!  3 day weekend!  YEAH!  Except for the weird dream I had last night. 

    WARNING--this could be disturbing, go ahead and skip over if you want.  I dreamed that I was dying of cancer.  OK, so nothing new for any of us here, but this was a new cancer.  Not breast cancer.  The dream never really identified the location.  I was on a lake, like in a house boat but it was more like a tree house.  I was having a lot of fun visiting with friends and swimming and stuff.  Then I started getting weaker, and the friends got bored and took off, and my Mom and her partner came and were visiting me.  I had to tell Mom I was dying, and I was afraid how she would take it.  She actually took it pretty well and started taking care of me as much as I would let her.  At the end of the dream I was so weak I could barely move, and I was telling Mom it was time to go home.  Mom asked me if I meant home my house, home her place, or home back to the camp on the edge of the lake.  I woke up crying and trying to tell her that home meant heaven.  The last time I had a dream about cancer that was so intense and I remembered so clearly was just before getting the bc diagnosis.  So now I'm scared that my unconscious knows something I don't and don’t want to know. . . .That dream woke me up at 2 ayem.  I didn't think I'd go back to sleep but I did, and had the dream again.  And, of course, it's a holiday weekend and no way to get the rest of the biopsy results until Tuesday at the earliest. . . I'm just worrying, right? 

    Karen--Wow, it must be hot if the schools are having a "heat day"!  Please be careful when you are out walking, make sure you stay hydrated.

    Becs--Oh my goodness!  Hooray for getting the new job!  Crazy about the crown coming off in the middle of the interview, though.  Is the new job the same kind of work you've been doing?  Hooray to new  starts! 

    Juliiet--never mind the flowers, just send the chocolate!  Your aunt sound like quite the character. 

    Karen--Funny how some dogs will make themselves right at home, isn't it?  Glad they all get along, that makes things easier. 

    Wahine--glad to hear everyone can get where they need to be, things will calm down soon, I hope. 

    Goldie--yeah, I can see signs of summer ending, dark earlier, dark later, going to be getting up in the dark and getting home in the dark before much longer.  Not crazy about that time of year, but I guess there's no way to prevent it.  I remember my Mom saying that one top not sealing is a good success rate, and we need some to eat now anyway!  Glad your neighbor can use it before it goes bad.  Have fun in Michigan!!!!

    ORLA--the nice thing about the nips and areole tats is that it can be done any time so you can take your time researching artists. 

    Karen--the stuff at work WILL settle out, it's just that we have 3 people in new positions, one of them out of vacation, and the higher ups FINALLY figured out that all of us hired around  a year ago STILL haven't gotten all of our orientation.  In a month the new folks will be trained and that will drop the stress level a lot.   And, of course, they are changing how almost everything is being done so EVERYONE is confused and frustrated.  Changes sucks, sometimes. . . .

    Becs--Yeah, I'm better.  Gonna relax this weekend.  Put up some apple pie filling, maybe some applesauce. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Dream Catcher

    1 1/2 oz Absolut® vodka

    1/2 oz Gordon's® gin

    2 oz Bols® Blue Curacao liqueur

    2 splashes Rose's® lime juice

    2 splashes lime juice

    1/2 oz Rose's® grenadine syrup

    1 - 2 oz 7-Up® soda

    Build over ice, pour the shot of vodka in first and then layer the shooter of blue curacao on top of that. Splash the gin over the curaco and add the lime cordial, after this fill the glass up with 7-up and squeeze some lime juice in there. Drop the grenadine in last, to keep it deep purple at the bottom just don't stir it, this makes for a stronger drink.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

     For NM

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning ladies---

    OK NM u'r dream--u hve this on u'r mind (I wonder why) with always some fear of something, plus we talk about all kinds of things but ancer is why we are here. That a natural dream under the cirumstances. So please don't let it unsettle u--imagine if all our dreams come true--well let me tell u I'd be flying all over like Superman cuz I always dream I can fly.U know better than most our minds never sleep so whatever is tucked in there pops up in a dream, usually way off base but still it's all cluttered. And I'm glad u'r not going to take work personally, never do that it's u'r everyday life and when people change everything changes and u know that--I lways hated change in work but u end up doing it and take it for grnted then something else changes, but it's not u--u do u'r job so passionately with u'r heart, that's all u need to do and whatever else happens, hppens. U remind me of a Virgo, u can't help but give it u'r all with perfection. I'm so glad u have a long week-end.

    Kat of ourse how is u'r DD and how are u doing with u'r GCren--it's not easy I know, but I'm so glad u'r DH is so supportive wit everything u do-u'r blessed that way. I just hope u DD has minimal pain and good news soon--praying everyday.

    And Dork u sound to alert, U have to be in pain--DON'T OVER DO ANYTHING--u don't want to jeopordize any of this surgery in any way---REMEMBER THIS--cuz we all know u. I know u love u'r new boobs but keep them to u'rself for now.

    Becs u sound so excited I'm so glad for u--now u gave u'r resignation, but will u have a little time off in between? I hope so--Tell us a little more about it cuz I'm not sure if it's the exact same thing.

    Lara i watched Fearnet yesterday, nothing really scary--just violent which is fine with me and someone actually came out alive. I tried watching this one movie but it was in documentary form and I don't like that so I didn't even finish it.

    I hope everyone has a day that was brighter than yesterday.

    Julie waiting for some really good pictures. LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Ooh lah lah CamiKins....yu found a REAL HUNK....was he in YOUR shower???/ Hope so!!! LOL. Oops I actually looked past his bod (that was hard to do) and looks like he is outside, so I figger he is right outside your window, right??? Thanks for the eyecandy! LOL, I used to fly all the time in my dreams too, but just when I was a kid. It was fun though!

    NM, Just like Cami said, it isn't often that our dreams end up happening. Whatever was on your mind can show up in your dream and not always in the same way. Like you might be dreaming of being in a car that is going to crash and is out of control and that might mean you just feel there are things in your life that are out of control. Your job is in upheaveal (sp) right now, so your dream was about cancer which is also something out of our control. AND I know you are concerned about getting your results too. PULEEZ don't stress over it, yeah I know, much easier to say than to do! That had to be such a scary dream, and then to fall back asleep and dream it again. Yikes! Its so weird, but I guess I should worry about cancer more than I do, but I really don't worry about it. I feel like well, they took it out, so that is that. LOL...but it works for me! I was very lucky though as it was caught amazingly early, so thats prolly why I don't think of it all the time. The only reason I am still on this thread is because of ALL OF YOU! Just love all of you girls here! Hope the job will settle down soon, and that you receive your B9 results soon!!!

    Cami, yeah, my DH is supportive and will help out anyone, esp family members, BUT he does cause a chit load of stress too, and I end up doing most of the work in and out of the house. He mows but doesn't really trim bushes, trees, etc. Or paint, or repair things. He's a real good guy, don't get me wrong, just very stressful.

    I am looking forward to HOPEFULLY staying home today and MAYBE organizing my kitchen or sumtin. I have waaaaay too much stuff that we never use. Easier to get rid of things (esp nice things) when someone in the family wants them, otherwise its hard to part with things. My late Dh's father used to tell him as soon as you get rid of something you will need it, and that has happened a lot in the past, so I always think of it. BUT I would rather have everything have a place and have things neater. Someone give me inspiration to do this, puleez!!!!!!!

    Hope you all will have a good weekend. OH, Becks, I think I wrongly put "MN" instead of "MI" for Lori's destination. My bad! So glad you got that new job (gum chewing and tooth coming uncapped, even!)....sounds like you are SO happy about it, and that makes me happy!

    Hugs and Chugs of Holiday Beer!!!! OH and that yummy DOTD, the Dream Catcher, from NM!!! Oh NM, once on a cruise we heard a speaker that wrote a book about what dreams mean, and we got her book too, but I guess I should read it, huh? It was interesting to hear her.

    OK, Hugsssssssssssssssssssssssssss,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I think even good husbands give some stress, they can't be perfect. Like we are.

    I'm laughing cuz during the time between husband --I had 2 jobs, but I took night classes in accounting (helpfil), SS laws (helpful) and dream (???) of course I remember nada but I remember it was the most interesting. See at one time I did have alot of energy--Those days way way gone LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    I know Cami, WHO could be as purrfect as we are???? LOL. But my late DH and I had such a perfect marriage it is hard not to compare.....

    BTW, you mention your low energy, and I wondered if B12 could help at all? I would be lost without that, at my age. And now my dad is getting weekly B12 injections (4 wks) and taking the 2k supplements. I forget if you can take it, or not. BUT if you can and don't want shots, the other way to go is with SUBLINGUAL (just dissolve in mouth or under tongue) and I use the 2500mg size. Sometimes its hard to find the sublingual, but they work much quicker and much better. I used to do the 6k, and my levels were off the chart, they are still very high, but it gets eliminated, so no true verdict on whether or not it is bad to have too much. My drs say its ok for me. Would LOVE for you to get some energy back!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013


    NM, big hug! I do think you are having anxiety waiting for these results and it's manifesting. I think BC gave us PTSD. ( It crossed my mind that maybe Annie is pulling away because she senses something too.)We are so blessed to have each other to sound off to. It takes ALOT to go for tests and scans in the first place because we don't want bad news again, can't imagine going through "it" again. Keep sharing and putting it out there and we will help you sift thru it.

    Dr. Cami Legal I wish you were Superman cause you could lift me up and we could fly to see errybuddy. I'm bored.

    Dork, I'm worried about ur belly okay. Hope they din readmit you. Poor nurse ratchet. You B have if they did. No naked 5k Run down the corridors! You spent how much on Vegas chips online?!!! I thought it was $3.99! Lmao.

    That boy looks sweaty up there.

    Must have coffee....BBL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  Well, I caught up on the boards, had a second cup of coffee, and then took a nap!  Ah, the pleasure of waking up ever so slowly and feeling perfectly relaxed.  Until I needed to pee, that is. . . .

    Cammy--Good point about where that dream stuff came from.  No doubt it's just my unconscious just dumping out the day's trash and I happen to remember it well this one time.  And I do get very passionate about work, and I also need a more active social life.  So, now I need to know what I need to be doing more of--playing! 

    Wahine--Now that I've had a nap and don't feel so tired I'm not so creeped out about that dream.  There is a lot that is out of my control just at the moment, but much more that is, and I need to focus more on that.  I'm with you on getting rid of things. Really hard for me to do, but it really is rare that I get rid of something and then need it again, more often I can't find something I know I have and have to go get one again!  But a place for everything is a good way to go.  I'm getting there very, very slowly! 

    Becs--I know bc treatment gave me PTSD, and waiting for results does not help.  BUT, they said at the time of the test that everything looked B9, so I should be relaxing a bit, right.  And if I haven’t gotten a phone call from the doc's office it's probably nothing to worry about, right?  I just hope I don't wear you guys out obsessing about it all in here!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    NM stop we are here for u

    It's in your sub conscience

    Whatever it is we r here ok?

    Cam super women

    Becks hate being bored

    Dork please take it easy u r up and about lay down please

    Do u know this tat artist in jersey?

    Karen my mom is 65

    What does your DH do ? Sounds interesting if u do not mind me asking

    Omg my friend I took glam ping

    She calls me out of the blue with drama have not spoke to her since that fight I left remember ? Payed for everything she stayed ! On my dime omg that is so rude I needed that break she ruined it she felt entitled to stay I'm never talking to her again

    Class less

    I remember freaking out Zbout my hair I would cry to my mom and pull I my hair to make it longer jeez my mom said I was very dramatic

    Kat , Juliet hiiii

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Roll Tide, Roll! Big game starting soon.....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    How's sa turd day night going? Found Smirnoff Apple drinks. They are good. Orange, why did that bioch call you? Hope you told her to kick rox! Quiet in dis place. How's undies?? She is your BFF? I never met her yet. How's the nerve pain?

    How's everyone else? Hello? Hello? Anyone in here. Tenders are all mine!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi girls, 

    Just caught up reading and realize how much I need you all. I put in a call to my PS yesterday. When the nurse finally called back, I felt better after speaking to her. It was my primary doc that said the incision in the tummy looked infected and with the fever, he told to to get to my PS. Well i told her that I was not really up for the long drive there. She was so nice. She asked alot of questions. She had asked if the incision was hot to the touch and also asked if the redness is "growing" outside the incision line. It was hard to say as when I looked at it yesterday, it looked so much better than the day before. Yet I was in my room with blinds up so the lighting was so much different. I did make it a point to compare tooday vs yesterday and the redness does not seemt to be growing. as for the fever, she said it is normal and as long as it does not get to 101, I should be fine. whew! 

    It is sooo hard for me to just lay down but I am taking it so easy. I was using my rolling desk chair in my kitchen to roll around. the chair is really comfy and plush and has handles. I can now straighten up so much easier with rolling around. I am trying to walk less as that gets my back sore from hunching so bad. I have a long road to go but I am trying hard to be good. I say outside today with my Dad, brother and SIL. I did not move for two hours and sat on a nice reclining chair which was so comfie vs sitting in a straight chair. I am going to try to borrow a wheel chair

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Its Saturday night!!!  and the end of August!!!  Where has the time gone!!! DH is a manufacturer sales rep...he sales fine art supplies.....and this year his territory has expanded to an unreal amount of the country!!!  talked to him last night and he was been working his hind end off....early morning meetings and goes all day past dinner....and friends say...oh he's in Puerto Rico...lucky guy!!!!  Thankfully he comes home tomorrow and will need the rest of the day and MOnday to catch up and rest up....of course he has lots of paper work to do and work to do to get ahead since then Rosh Hashanna is this week and he won't be working TH or Friday.....

    DorK...don't see a post from you since are you doing is DD today?  are you still at her house? is Michigahn? hot and muggy!!!!

    NM...what a scarey dream....I have very weird dreams...remember them when I wake up (if I dream) but then a while later don't remember.....don't want to even think what they mean!!!!

    Beckers...sorry you are hurting about old is Annie?  is she the one that you raised when she was little?  (I think it was you that raised a gd)..

    Cami...husbands...can't live with them but can't live without them!!!!  This week is my 36th anniversary!!! I love my DH but over the past several years, since BC Dx, our relationship has changed.....he is probably my bff but then again I'm not sure what that means it because we are so tight or because I'm not that close with seems like that past couple years I've pulled back from people...I have no desire to be with anyone else but him...I'm confident that we will keep growing old together but I need to do a lot to do to get back on track!!!  oh my TMI!!!!

    Time to pour a glass of wine!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Beckers and DorK....I see you posted while I was writing.....DorK glad you got to talk to the PS con't to be a good patient...hugs.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    hit send as my computer was doing crazy things and I knew I was ready to lose what I typed. So yes, a wheel chair will help tremendously in moving without exurting myself to much. I am so antsy, was stuck in the house for three days. took a short ride out with my Dad to buy ice cream tonight. he said sad today as my mom was crying and told dad that was because she misses him. I told him that is a good thing, it means that she is aware of who he is. My poor pappa. 

    Dr. Cammy Legal, I knew we'd eventally find a good name for you and this is it! Great advise to NM too. 

    NM, my take on your dream is a little different from the others. Might you have taken more zanax that usual? that chit plays with my dreams quite a bit. what a horrid dream you had. Glad your mom was nice and did not bash your doggies lol. Hang tough. This weekend is JUST what the dr ordered (dr cammie that is). 

    Becks, I keep thinking of going to the DIEP 2013 thread but those girls are strangers. and strange. As you said for the 2012 thread, they are just not fun ~yawn~. funny about your tooth. I sure hope it can be bixed up. I was shocked to find out that mine was infected down to the root and bone and not savable. I am bummed out but it is what it is. I am missing my first tooth. And the damned tooth fairy did not even care enough about me to bisit. damn bitch! 

    Kathy, glad your team came out on top tonight. ROLL TIDE baby! I am still praying so hard for your DD. I hope you were able to relax some today and just run from life's issues. 

    Juliet, are you trying to tell us sumting with those hot goiis you posting pics of? hmmm. Or are they for CyndieLouWhoISInLovewithherLady? 

    NM, i have had a few very twisted dreams. Last night, I dreamed that I went to a male strip club in Myrtle Beach. I wanted to get out but could not find the underground parking garage where my car was. I as walking on the street and noticed rte 17 but had no idea which way to go. I was going to give up and walk home before my dad realized I was not home. And omg, the guys were hot. I did a few naughty and fun things to them. they were swarming little old me. They were high class like chippendales. I had another dream two night ago about stealing a train. I had put things in there from work and was trying to hid them. I also was storing a lot of old clothes, shoes and jewelry there. I ended up setting up tables on the riverline to sell all this stuff but was so afraid my employer would find out. So weird. Oh, had the same fear of my dad knowing I stole that train. the funniest part is that the guy on the train bridge winked at me as if to say it is ok for me to take the train for a joy ride. Anyway, I really think the extra drugs cause the dreams to be more vivid as well as coming from our inter fears. Glad you got over the horror of it all. 

    Lori, tell you DB I said hello and have fun with the family. HOpe to see some fun pics of your visit to home sweet home. 

    Karen, teenagers ARE going to be dramatic.  Hey did you see my request for some of your homemade cookies? that is if you have time to whip up a batch. They were so good last time and just what Dr. Cam Legal would order if she had them before. b

    Lara, the tatoo place here in NJ is called Beau's or something like that. It is a teaching school so who knows how good they are. I can find the website if you want to check it. If you came there, we could have lunch. It is very close by, same town I work in. well when I work that is lol.\

    Beckers, I would love having Dr. Cam fly us everywhere. Much more exciting that the UFO lol. 

    Well I am going to get in bed soon. HATE sleeping on my back. I do wish I had rented the recliner but it would not fit in my room. Even my lawn furniture is more comfy that my bed in that it reclines so nicely. Of course the bed is cushier and I would miss it. I love my bed, just having a hard time not sliding down and ending up flat on my back. Tonight I am going to put pain pills and water by my bed so that I do not suffer as I did today with getting up and having zero pain kill stuff in mese body. 

    Cheers girls. hope you all having a greatliest weekend. Sorry if I missed someone. Love you al, thanks for all of the support and love. You are all jest priceless! 

    Titz up if you got em ( I DO I DO)!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    sorry Karen,I bumped ya twice. Hope taht did not hurt. Your DH's job does sound interesting. Also very tiring. Happy rosh josanah (sorry cant spell that). I do know it is one of the biggest holidays in the Jewish religion. I remember being scolded by Jewish clients when calling them on Jewish holidays. How am I supposed to know?? 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013