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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    ...NOOOOOOOOO I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination! My mom is the artist, but I dabble on silly stuff and now she only wants to paint if I am doing something too. Prob is, she has forgotten a lot of her techniques so it gets frustrating for her. Isn't your grandpa an artist too? (OR am I getting funcused with whose g'pa it is). But yeah we can do some drunk painting in the HTL....some of us did that in Vegas....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat everything u'r parents do is amazing and all u do for them I love it. U'r a great DD and they have a wonder SIL --u'r a beautiful family.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh I love the Virus. and the antidotes especially.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi Girls, sorry for being absent for a few days. I have been busy having meltdowns. De old courageous and funny Dorky is MIA. Tings been so bad. I feel like my front has been run over by a tractor trailed, den the drive backed up and did it again. 

    where do I sign off for Dr. Cammi-legal lazy class? Cam, you make it sound so easy. I just can't hailp it, I can't be lazy. TOo much to do and not enough help. 

    I had such a terrible meltdown again tonight. I can't take the pain. My boobies hurt but my belly incision and mese navel have been jest throbbing with pain. THe simplist movement puts me into tears. the drain was killing me as well. I started with four, now down to one. I finally taped it in place so that when I forget and pull down mese pants to pee, I do not knock it and scream n shout and cry. I am berry skeered about the way ALL of my incisions look. I tink I effed up in pulling off the surgi strips too soon. Ya see, my post op instructions say one thing to me then they counter dem salves and say sumting else. I was told to shower and let the tape fall off. well I took that to mean when it fell of, to pull of the rest. I hate to say it but I tink meses all kinds of infuckted. I have an appt with the PS in de morning. I have never been so down as I am today. I freaked at my DD when she was trying to help. Mese dad is in a foul mood, todey is their 58th wedding anniversary. We are habing a partay at MOm's tomorrow for dem, hoping that he is in better spirits. I hope I am able to go, mese skeered dey make mese go to hospital. Well I smarter than dem, I already have Stella on stand by for another runaway. Me and hospitals do not get along.

    Sorry not to comment to all, mese back hurts from sitting in a chair for more dan a few minutes. I got mese a wheelchair today and will run over anyone who gits in my way.

    Bernie, so happy that all ended well. Praying for your DH and that he gets to work asap and is safe. Very funny joke you made, I laughed and trust me, only laughed 4.5 times todey.

    Beckers, I hate windows 8 more den anyone. It is said to be better, whoemver said is a fn crack head. One good ting todey, early aye em in mese insomnia, mese bixed my old laptop with windows 7. I was so determined and just used toogle and was running it in safe mode and doing diagnositcs. Figured out that the last program I installed jacked it up. It was Comcast (cable company) anti virus program. Mese been on dis windows 8 for about five months and it makes me nuts. My biggest complaint is how the windows jest shrink n expand wheneber de fluck dey want to. Hugs to you, I feel yer pain.

    Karen, will PM my address. You are so sweet. Thanks for your support. I know you will git eberyting done. Happy Rosh Hosanna (mese googled de correct spelling go me). Oh, tanks for affrming what I thought, that it was de holiest dey of de year and de new year. Like I said, I got mese ass ripped by a client for making a business call to dem whilst dey was habing dere sabbath or what ever it is called. 

    Kat, praying for your DD. And goil, you are an artist. I happen to own two of yer finest. I love the pic you did of my Mocha. 

    Lara, yeah, why so much pain? nebermind, I know. hate i hate it it. FURB, mofo FURB ^%^$*$%. Gentle hugs

     Lori, good god, sleeping smoking and oxygen? Hmm, I tried that recently, not good. lol. I hope yer mommy feels better. You poor ting. How does it feel to be on green terrain? And dank you so much for you know what, you made my day! I jest lovve ya.

    Cyn, sorry about de impacted tooth, always sumting, eh? Well at least no one died hehehe. and omg, a pregger roomie? De B&B gonna need a new wing. 

    Juliet, yummmy, mese taking that boy to bed with me tonight and he gonna make mese ebery pain go away. I might be scearming MOMMY MOMMMY OMG but it will not be from pain, winky wink.

    NM, praying that you hear sumting soon and all good. Funny that sadie likes to play when it is muddy. Mese dogs try to sleep with me when dere be mud. bese mese a mean mom and make dem wash dere feety paws hehe. oops, I said dogs, I mean dog :(

    Well I know mese missed sumbuddy berry vip, not you Dr. CamLegal, would not miss you. Please send info on de school of do nothing, I need to enroll. oh heck, who mese kidding, i will cut ebery class and do sumting, even is jest dwinking and dwugging. Mese gots some heavy duty narcotics around. dey just make me fart. day 3 no poop, just farts. mese pooped dis week but I tink on sundeydundey. cant remember what dey it is. 

    love you all. sleep well and dwink some for me. de chit making me nausiated. I cant git de image of mese naval outta mese mind. it is ME, on my body, so ickyflucking gross. I'd rather see maggots on mese body den mese wounds. ~sigh~ dis too shall pass right goils? love you all. nighty night, mese gotta go cuz mese gotta be in FILThadelphia by 11am. pray for me to gome back home. or rehab. or enywhere but de hospital. i prolly ok and not even realize it but de yellow and black chit making me so skeered. and grossed out too. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Dork I'm so sorry for u--I knew u'r tummy would be awful that the movement of u'r whole body. The the Fobby things have to hyrt with pressure and pain. U HAVE TO TAKE IT EASY, I know that sounds hard but i's not ---Have the computer by u, the TV so u can see, anything u want to drink what ever u need and then udon't get up unles u have to go to the bathroom and take some fiber stuff for u'r poop. Just think of the days u work so hard and how u want to rest then think haha I can rest for as long as I want then do what I want. If the pain wasn't so bad it's easier I think. Just try Dork and if u are in pain please don't go tomorrow--u'll make it worse. I know it's important but it is what it is and u have to keep in a comfortable position. Please try. Love u

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Hey gals....I know DorK will probably see this, but I'm doing it here instead of pming everyone....what can we all do for DorK....can we get her a cleaning lady?  what about meals?  I really want to do something for her to help her with her recovery.....she's been working and doing way too much!!!  Any ideas....we can do it as a group or do what we can individually!!  I know we would all be at her beck and call in an instant if we lived near her!!!

    No cooking will be behind tomorrow...not a whole lot left to do, but needs to get done....I was hoping to get a manicure tomorrow, but don't think there is time....maybe if I leave work 1/2 hour early I might get lucky!!!  I need to put up quoinoa in the rice cooker for lunch Thursday....then cook some beats, carrots and gefilte remember to take the food out of the freezer.....DD will help clean...vacuum and do the floors and wipe down the bathrooms....I swept the floors tonight and dusted the sofas and the coffee tables...there is dog fur everywhere!!!!! and non stop!!!!  Candle lighting is just after 7, so at that point it all comes to a hault(sp) more worrying about the cleaning etc.....BUT tonight I was stressing so had to have a couple glasses of wine.....Mom wasn't having a good day at all today....She could barely walk!!! She just was not doing well at all....I drove her to a grief support group and was so worried that I would get a call that she fell...she wouldn't take her walker just the can....her feet and legs just wouldn;t move...So sad!!!!

    Do I or don't I pour a 3rd glass of wine!!!!  eating gummy candy!!! an it will make me feel like yuk!!!

    Heat is on again...going to be in mid to high 90's through the rest of the week!!!!

    Well...another glass of wine won out...just a small one.....then will get into bed....sweet dreams and see everyone in the morning!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    I'm in Karen..... Dorky I agree you are overdoing and I am relieved you will see your PS tomorrow! Even if you have to take taxi. Please make sure you let us know. Oh, wish we could hire Chippendales cleaning service! Let us know game plan Karen ok?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    So kind to think of getting help for Dork, wish I could do something.

    Wahine, happy birthday to mum.

    Warm thoughts to all.

    I was so wrapped up with Ben last week, forgot to say DH went out to work last friday - back home beginning of Oct.

    Forgot to water the garden so four dead plants - just to make me feel guilty.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    A woman calls her husband into the bedroom. "Now Mike, I want you to take off my blouse!"


    "Now I also want you to take off my Bra."


    "Now can you take off my panties."

    "Very Good! Now, don't let me catch you wearing them again!"

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes! 

    Karen--could your DD get up 5 minutes earlier each week and gradually adjust to an earlier wake up time?  It is better to have a little less time in the ayem and not be tired, though!

    Cammy--it was a good weekend, I enjoyed it!

    Wahine--no results yet, still waiting.  Let you know when I do hear something!  No wonder you don't like to go camping, that was a horrible experience! 

    ORLA--praying the new pain treatment works!

    Wahine--Happy Birthday to your Mom!

    Becs--thank goodness for all the rehab therapists in the world!  They do so much for the quality of life of people.

    Oh, oh, I think I've caught the WORK virus!

    DorKable--I remember well the meltdown phase of DIEP recovery.  Please be careful in the wheelchair, and check your restrictions.  For the first 6 weeks I couldn't push or pull with my arms, or lift anything more than 5 pounds, or reach above shoulder high.  No vacuuming, no wheelchair pushing.  Take the pain pills, take whatever anxiety meds you have and sleep.  I know your back hurts, and your front hurts, and everything looks yucky.  IT WILL GET BETTER.  I promise.  Cry when you need to, and let the housework go.  Plan to stay home from the anniversary party, it will show everyone that you are suffering and in need of help.  I know it's hard to miss the party, but you will just get exhausted and you won't enjoy it for the pain.  It's ok to feel unhappy, miserable and in pain, it's ok to take the pills.  It's ok to sleep.  IT WILL GET BETTER.  My belly button went totally black, took a while but eventually it healed.  It happens, it's not unusual.  I'm sure they won't send you back to the hospital! 

    Karen--I'll support anything we can do for DorKy, I know what it feels like!  And I'm glad the 3rd glass of wine won out, that was going to be my vote.  So hard to see your Mom struggling. 


    Princess Glitter Sizzle DOTD is the Meltdown

    1/2 oz gin

    1/2 oz white rum

    1/2 oz vodka

    1/2 oz white tequila

    1/2 oz melon liqueur

    1/2 oz sweet and sour mix

    5 oz lemon-lime soda

    Shake all ingredients except soda in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a double old-fashioned glass over ice and fill with soda.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Just saw on fb that DorK is in the hospital....infection.....please G-d let it be simple and easy to heal with no major complications...enough already....wish I could wrap my arms around DorK....

    Got up early, well not really....but decided to finish my cooking this morning so I can get a manicure after work.....of course that meant giving up my walk as well....almost done, but only have 1/2 hour till I need to leave and still have to clean up and finish dressing....maybe I can sneak in a walk at work....that means I take a "real lunch" instead of working through lunch!!!!

    Today is my 36th anniversary......we've had our good and our bad and some very bad and very good times (even found a card that said this) but I wouldn't trade him in for anyone else....hope we can continue to grow older together....and maybe one day he'll get lucky!!! (catch my drift)!!!

    Rosh Hashana starts tonight...hopefully, I'll have some time to stop by before candle lighting....but then I won't be back till Saturday night...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    someone pm me Dork's addy or send it to me in an email.....I can't get to the post office till Monday (no time today), but I'm going to send her some cookies and I may try to find something in her area....maybe a cleaning coompany or a gift card to a restaurant or starbucks or something......maybe we can all do something small for her....don't have much time today to check it all out as I can't go on fb at if you have her addy, send it to my email...I know some of you have it....not sure I want to post it here cuz too public!!!!  Hugs....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning all----

    I just read FB and I usually don't til later for some reason I went there forst and I saw too Dork's in the hospital with an infection, I'm assuming it's from her tummy, why does she have so much trouble with this, I feel so sad for Dork. What can we do??? It sounds like people might be going there Sat to help with her house and laundry--her friends living around her, and Karen that's so nice to send her cookies, but I don't have a clue what else we could do to actually help her in this situation. And having pain all the time is so exhausting and it's easy to understand having a meltdown it weighs so heavily mentally too. My heart is just hurting for her, she has been going thru this stuff for so long, so many surgeries and now this. And infections always scare me cuz eve tho they can treat them, it seems it shouldn't happen so often. All I can think of is the cancer Society --in Ill they do so much volunteer, cleaning and shopping (groceries) and rides etc, I'm sure they must have something like that there. All I do is say prayers, I don't know what else to do.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    And Lara u'r another one with so much pain that I don't understand, it puzzles me and I feel so bad for u--I would think u would be on the way to being pain free now but in u'r case too u feeling terrible. I wish I could at least understand the logistics of why and go from there--OK u'r being treated for pain management does that mean this will go on longer than anyone thought cuz they don't exatly know why u have this pain.? I just never knew that this could be so devasting to u;r body---So now I really want to punch someone if I ever hear well she got a boob job out of this. I don't mean this to be about me , but at least I know why I'm in this pain and there is concrete reasons for it. So mentally I have that edge of understanding it. But I don't see why u gals have to go thru all this, it doesn't make sense to me.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    If you get her address info, can someone contact the cancer society to see what services they can provide for her when she gets home so we can run it by dorty?? I have to work today or I would call. :-( so worried about her!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh my God, I just got up and even my DH already knew that Dotty is in the hospital (from FB is how he knew). I talked to her on the phone last night till about 10:30 pm, and was able to get her in a happier frame of mind, although the pain was still intense. She accidentally dialed Allison in the middle of the night (THANK GOD) as she thought she was calling her sister, but thats how Allison knew she was going to the hospital. Several of us have her address, so anyone that wants it, just send a PM. I am going to look at FB now, and also see if her DD posted anything.

    Dorothy, PRAYERS going out to you, girlfriend. I hate that you are going through so much pain, but glad you are in the hospital where they can care for you and get you better. My heart just sank when my DH told me this as soon as I got up. I am not awake yet, but going to see what I can find out. Lord, please heal our dear Dorothy, she has been through so much pain, please take this infection away and let her be well. I know she is in your loving care Lord, and I know you will guide the nurses and doctors to do their very best. Please wrap your loving arms around her and give her comfort and let her know that love is being sent to her from all over the world. Thank you Lord.

    Once I find out more, I want to call my mom and wish her a Happy Birthday, and will get together with her later on today. I also hope you have a nice anniversary, Karen. This is just SO SAD, I hate it that our Dorkie who is always so upbeat for everyone, and brings happiness to us all, is in this hurting condition right now. This is SO NOT FAIR!!!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh I had to get that out cuz I feel so helpless.

    OK NM DOTD I like everything in it but the Gin LOL so I'll pass on this one, and I'm so glad u had a relaxing week-end--I worry about u with stress, more than anything.

    Julie let's all go with u and just hide and relax.

    And Kat I don't ask about u'r DD cuz I know u'll tell us when u have something to tell--but always in my prayers.

    On a happy note I talked to my GF from3rd grade my bestest FF and she lives in KY, but she might come visit in a month--hopefully. And I still see our friends from HS and we decided we will have one long slumber party (4 of us) My one GF lives alone and nearby so we'll do it at her home--she doesn' know yet. So I hope that happens. We talk on the phone quite often still.She was the one that when we were "cheerleaders" in 8th grade and our priest walked in on us dressing and he said it was all right cuz he was a priest we laughed the whole time never hearing the word pedophile those days, we believed him, until we were older and realized why he did that. Helping us get dressed, yea right.

    OK I'll chek back later. Lubs u guys.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    The Tenders and Wenches are loading up the UFO with likker, and also the Chippendale guys, cause they want to visit Dorothy too. We will all be picked up ASAP and whisked up to PA to be with our Dorkie. So get ready to be picked up girls, you know how fast our UFO travels! We'll be there soon Dotty......meanwhile I hope you feel all our love around you...

    (Cami I loved your post as I needed something happy to read, and omg if you all have a slumber party that would be such fun!!)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Haven't had anything to update yet. Dotty, we ALL send our love to you, and lots of prayers, and gentle hugs!!! Get well quickliest!!!! Kiss

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    I'm here checking in--nothing about Dorky---maybe it's good for her to be in the hospitl, thy'll limit her movement???

    Lara didn't u go to that pain thingy today???

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    I think Dotty is just mad because I took the Chippendale Dancers to my mom today for her birthday....jest saying..... LOL

    BUT PULEEZ Dotty, check in with us, ok? We need to know you are ok!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    My pic--didn't print---but I just noticed

    why did they have to hange hospitals for Dork???

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    this is mr better

    for dorty, feel better soon

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Had my treatment I'm loopy

    From being cut open multiple times I have nerve damage

    Lyrica is a popular med

    I'm not going on that plus it stops working

    Dork had it

    Karen did

    It's very common when mine will go away no clue

    The middle of my boobs gets very swollen the bone sticks out and swells

    My sides have major stiniging

    That's nerve pain

    I'm so pissed about dork wtf she wanted this so bad

    I pray she's ok

    Keep us updated

    Becks that was sweet

    There was a little girl Gracie getting treatment I called her a princess when I left

    She was so brave and so cute

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Had my treatment I'm loopy

    From being cut open multiple times I have nerve damage

    Lyrica is a popular med

    I'm not going on that plus it stops working

    Dork had it

    Karen did

    It's very common when mine will go away no clue

    The middle of my boobs gets very swollen the bone sticks out and swells

    My sides have major stiniging

    That's nerve pain

    I'm so pissed about dork wtf she wanted this so bad

    I pray she's ok

    Keep us updated

    Becks that was sweet

    There was a little girl Gracie getting treatment I called her a princess when I left

    She was so brave and so cute

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    My uncle has it knee surgery

    He takes a per co CRT every day

    And gets the shot

    They can't shoot my boob


    Any who I'm more worried about dork

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara, so how are they going to help u manage this and it could be for any length of time? WTF

    I've been checking FB too for Dork--nothing really. I'm going to heck now but I saw u'r name and wanted to know WTF is going on with u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013