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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Bernie we who love our furbabies---our hearts are hurting--I don't like all of that that's going on --I would hate to make a decision like that.  U love them and whatever the reason it's all hard to take. I'm so sorry that there has to be a decision to make. It stinks.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Dork gym whores really?

    Glad u r doing good this is the one very jealous over the flat tummy

    Saw my PS we talked about nip and aerole she doesn't know how to do a 3 -D nipple is I refuse to b cut again

    I'm going next week for the lytacane treatment

    I'm getting a second opioion on my boob placement

    And I'm scheduled for for nips

    If I stick with her I'm going to look at docs in Boston

    I will not take lyrica so I hope this treatment works

    The burning and stinging is so bad sometimes I feel like I'm going to puke

    Cam watching it to rented evidence that was really good

    Hi becks drink the bottle

    A lot of drama here to much to go into with me

    But please pray my aunt Jo was given until October cancer through out her whole body 81 just never went to the doctor she is so sweet she's such a cool easy to talk to women I'm very:(

    Off to walk its very humid here

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Lara I'm so sorry for u and u'r aunt--what a terrible thing. She has my prayers too.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    (((((((((bernie)))))))))),ben is a member of your family,so you need our support tooLaughing,

    dr cammi i like it, and it is true, you got me beat at the 25 year old gravy,at my parents house we tend to check expiration dates on stuff they don't eat too often as they served out 2 year out of date crackers.

    to those dealing with the parents,   i'm a long distance child but my sister and bil and their kids are brillient to them, checking on them and taking them to appointments and shopping etc, dad had to give his license up when he had a seizure 3 years ago, in one way it made it easier because a doctor told him he could not drive  until he had 1 year free of any seizure activity, he knew that as a guy he worked with was under the same rules. so although he had a big loss of independence ,it was "doctors orders" .  feel a bit guilty because so far away and my sister and family do so much for them, its funny my parents will often say to me  they don't know what they would do without sue and alan, but they never say it to them. so to you hands on carers ,they are probably singing your praises to everybody else  bu forgetting to tell you.

    nm- enjoy your weekend

    kat-hope your dd is doing well.

    dorty-cwtchs and jd coming your way

    lara- your aunt jo added to the prayer list,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie when u don't live close there is nothing u can do, it's good u have a sister so u know what's going on. All of us lived within 10 mins. of each other, I was the only one upstairs so I was close--but my parents never said to anyone--what would we do without Camille--I'm laughing cuz it's so true--I was there everyday for 2 yrs after work and took care of them and they figured well u live upstairs so it's up to u. Then I took 3 mos of FMLA at the end for my Mom and again nothing and on top of it I told her I can't live without getting paid and she said have u'r brothers pay u. hahaha So my brothers told me just to write the checks from my mom's account and I did and here she was laying down barely moving looking at her statement saying why am I paying u.  I'm sorry I'm laughing so hard now cuz we all laughed but my mom--the Dr. gave her just a few months to live and she worried about this. That's a true Italian Mother. and we just laugh and continue on. She was so funny. Except she never thought so.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    i know its crazy,sometimes when there driving my sister crazy, she'll say they never appreciate what  i do for them but if i or our sister do soemthing they go on and on about it. so i hav,e to remind her they tell me everytime we talk how much you do for them.  my parents are the reverse,they don't have much to spend their money on so are constantly trying to give us stuff,         and will say how so and so doesn't see their kids from one month to the next but then moan how big their food bills are from feeding the family,you can't win.      my aunt,she's special needs has endstage heart disease in addition to frb, well the decision was made for her to go to pallitive care last year, luckily no pain/no nausea/vomiting just a lack of appetite at times, well she lost 5lbs in a week a couple of months ago, so decision give her extra treats ,i sent her food hampers ,my mother took out cream cakes,the staff give her fries at every meal, she's now putting on weight again(surprise)  but she now looks for her treats ,she just having a course of pallative radiation ,once a week to try to shrink the breast lump as it was bothering her, the staff took her out to lunch post treatment so now everyweek she wants to know where she's going for lunch this weekLaughingluckily there's no time limit on pallative care. \

    my sister makes christmas cakes everyyear,and she normally makes them in sept so the alcamahol has time to soak in, chris was born on christmas day so she always makes her a birthday christmas cake, my sis said last year she was getting teary eyed making her cake ,thinking it would be the last time she would make her one, now she's planning this years.   according to my dad chris will outlive us all.  to look at her she's 70 but looks a lot younger even though on paper she's atrain wreck. family can't live with them and the law won't let you kill them.

    how;s joey liking school this year?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  Well, another frustrating day that started out with another meeting telling us we're doing all the documentation wrong.  Even worse, I can't follow what she was saying 'cause she kept comparing it to a documentation system I've never used.  I am so totally frustrated, but at least I'm not the only one I found out.  I so need some time away from this.  On the other hand, I got a letter today with the colonoscopy results.  Some of the polyps removed were adenomatous, some were hyperplasia.  Next colonoscopy in 5 years.  Ir eally was expecting it to be 3 years!  Now to find out about the biopsies done in the Barrett's esophagus. . . . And I think this waiting for results is what's really eroding my nerves right now.  And here I am stewing about some minor test results while Wahine's DD is waiting for life altering biopsy results, DorKable's Dad has been handed a devestating diagnosis of dementia, and Cammy's in pain all the time.  I am such a wimpette this week. 

    Cammy--I'm going to TAkE the time.  The AAA office sign was advertisng a trip to New York City in October, I'm going to check that out, if it isn't too much $$$ I may do that.  Or I'll look for a murder mystery weekend, that's always sounded like a lot of fun.  Wish I could affort a cruise, but that will have to wait for another, less endebted time. 

    Karen--how good of your DS to come home and rescue you from Shabbat with your freind and "freind"!  I can imagine how upsetting your Mom's behavior can be.  Lots of people get snappy when they don't feel good (I'm one) and people often accuse the people around them of doing what they did.  Hope you got a good walk in. 

    DorKable!!!!!!   Isn't it amazing what a good night's sleep can do for someone.  Don't worry about getting back to us on past postings, just jump in and play!  STitches in your tooth???? Me is confusticated. 

    BBBBernie--oh, no, does Ben really have to go away?  That is so sad!  But like you say, the current situation isn't fair, and you did pay good money for professional advice, it probably should be taken seriously.  ASmuch as it hurts to let Ben go, he probably will be happier, and safer, in another situation.  At least you can be sure he's well cared for and loved. 

    ORLA--If you are getting a second opinion about boob placement maybe you should hold off on the nips until after that appointment.  If the boob gets moved the nip might end up in an odd place.  Oh, such sad news about your Aunt Jo!  So not fair!!!

    Juliet--I need to make this weekend something special, at least a little bit.  It must be nice to have such dependable family to help take care of your parents. 

    OK, I'm going to go have another drink and see if I can hav ea good cry and then a good night's sleep and get through Friday without crying at work. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    Sarcasm. Because beating the hell out of people is illegal. :c(

    The sex talk

    A family is at the dinner table.The son asks his father, 'Dad, how many Kinds of boobs are there?' The father, surprised, answers, 'Well, son, a woman goes through three Phases. In her 20s, a woman's boobs are like melons, round and firm. In Her 30s to 40s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit.. After 50, they are like onions'. 'Onions?' Yes, you see them and they make you cry. This infuriated his wife and daughter, so the daughter said, 'Mom, how Many kinds of 'willies' are there?' The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, 'Well dear, a man goes through Three phases also. In his 20s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and Hard. In his 30s and 40s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it is like a Christmas tree. 'A Christmas tree?' 'Yes --- dead from the roots up and the balls are just for decoration'! ha ha

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Ha good one Juliet

    I love that story cammie

    NM waiting for results is awful

    Dork hope u r in la land now

    Idk tomm is a holiday

    When you are not working u never know what day it's us

    I'm carrying a planner with me

    Like I would for work

    Here's a round for everyone

    Happy u got back to the gym Juliet


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Hi girls! Was another long day, DD had a bad night, panic attacks, upchucking, crying on night nurses shoulder. SO when her DH got there this ayem and told me this, but he had to get to work, I went the hosp asap and stayed all day. THEN they took her drain out and let her go home late today! I got her all settled and waited till her DH got there with her meds, then got home around 6:30 pee-yem. MY DH took the kids to the pool again and kept them all day plus put the turkey breast in the oven, so it is ALMOST ready...yummmm. I am SO TIRED. We will have to be with her tomorrow, plus take g'son to a lesson about 30 mi away plus somehow get my dad to his dr for another B12 shot. I am so thankful she is home as she really needed to be in her own environment. The initial results are good on the lymph nodes, but they do more testing.

    Lara, can you search for a good 3D tattoo artist? You can write to Earleen Bennett in Asheville NC and ask for recommendations. She does it at NC for BC pts. I am so glad I did the 3D tattoos instead of nips that would stick out. They really look real.

    Bernie, I was wondering if you were up to giving Ben to a good home. Sometimes that is the best solution, and since your friend has a place for Ben, I think that is very lucky. You spent a lot of money and did all you could. I think that is a wise decision you are making. I know it will be hard for you, but it is nice you can still visit him. HOPE things will settle down for you!!!!

    NM, Julie, Becks, Dorkie, Lori, Sue, Cyndie, Karen, Alli, Cami, (OH I might be missing someone important, but I have a very tired brain right now, so please understand!)....anyway, I hope you are all doing well. I did read the posts and thought of comments, and now am brain dead. Please understand! Thanks so much for all your prayers!!!! I will read back and see who else needs prayers, I know one of your relatives has not been given much time, so I will read back and see who it is....I am so sorry....if I don't hit submit I will lose this. Hugs to all! Kat

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    aww, Lara, sorry you are going through so much. I would highly recommend the 3D tats. I saw Kathy's and I swear, I had to touch them to believe that they were not real. She had hers done in NC. They do it for free for cancer patients, you would just have to find a way to get to her.

    Oh dear Bernie, I was heart broken in reading about the dog fights. But to be honest with you, I could tell you that it was Ben that was the issue. I know it will hurt badly but he really has to go. You NEVER had such friction before he came, right? And for him to be attacking your beautiful fur babies Calva and the gang who from whatI have heard from Cyn and Kathy is not acceptable. Of course you do not want an issue with Sinead. You have to stand firm on it my dear. Please, I know you will miss Ben but as you said you can visit him anytime. I have witnessed a few weiner dogs fights over food and it upset me very badly to see my little ones go at each other. But omg, I have never seen even a drop of blood. Please, come and talk to us, this is big for you. It is drama and it is your drama. Speaking for the others, we all love you so very much and want you to be happy. You will not be able to relax in that house until he is out. Just do it, please. the sooner the better. I feel terrible for you. I love you so much Bernie. If you want to talk, I am here.

    Dr. Cam, shut de fluck up, you ARE a genious when it comes to giving advise. I think you are better than douche-bag Dr. Phil (I just call him that, I like him).

    Ok, gotta move it. I had to get a new phone. Don't ya know that one week after the accident, my phone took another chit. I have to program it and such. My dear Jessica went to the apple store for me. I lost so much, especilly pics of my mom. Thankfully, I emailed them to some people so I can get them back. I lost all of my vegas pics too but hopefully some of my goils will help me with any of me and of course other good ones of them. My contacts are in the new phone, no idea how but that is a good thing.  will be back, I promise.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    oops, did not refresh before my last post. is this a partay? I gotta have ice cream with mese Dad but will be back. hopefully de partay is still going on!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Gooolllly lots happening.

    Kat u'r DD's home already? Wow, I know it's better to be home for a few reasons but it always seems to fast for me--She'll be well taken care of and pain meds for sure.

    Bernie I'm sorry about this whole thing for u but I know u'r wise and will do whatever u know is right.

    NM I'm so glad u'r really going to go someplace and relax and have a good time and get u'r mind off of work. U'll figure out what they are talking about just don't listen to the goofy bad stuff--u know selective hearing , I have whatever hearing--whatever I want to hear--it works wonders for stress, remember about a month ago work was really getring u down and u guiltiy called in sick and u felt so much better just being home.

    Julie I'm so sorry hearing about u'r aunt but she sounds like she's got a good thing going,Ok cakes made in Sept so alcohol can soak in--sounds yummy---that will perk anyone up. of course u'r joke was so cute.

    Orange isn't there specialist that does the 3d nips--I remember a name Vinnie does anyone know that name around the SW I think???

    And Dork u sound so good--but how are u feeling? U can't feel to well, not yet I know better so take it easy Missy and don't let the pain meds fool u--just g o s l o w l y--like I do all my life.

    Becs should be popping in and Lori left right? on her way to MI now.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh Lara, it is your Aunt Jo....I am so very sorry....she is so young. Sounds like she is a wonderful person, and that is awful that she was given such limited time. I hope your pain goes away too, so sorry about all that. Earleen can give you names of others that might be near you that are good tattoo artists for the 3D nipple tatts.

    Oh no, anuudder new fone for DorkaRoni....hope this one survives! And I hope you learn it, I would take forever to learn the new fones.

    Lori, Safe travels to you, and hope your mom is doing a lot better, and you have a nice vacay! Hugs!

    I am so tired. Last g'kid in the bath, and then I get to wash all their clothes so can send them home with clean clothes. I think my DD could have stayed longer in the hosp, but after her panic attacks last night, they were smart to let her go home. She looked SO happy to be back at home. That long incision still hits me....omg. Tomorrow will be so hectic, just hope we can be everywhere we need to be and get everyone taken care of.

    Dorkie, you better be taking it E-Z! I mean it!!!! Hope things are looking better and healing.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I'm sure u'll fall into bed and hope u have u'r much needed rest, u'll have a super busy day tomorrow and I pray everything goes well for everyone, and hope u'r DD is doing OK.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Hey girls!

    Glad I was able to start a pity partay. HOpefully dis holidey weekend turns tings around for all of us dwunks. I feel a book coming tonight. Ready girls? Once upon a time.....

    Beckers, where de hail you? I been waiting at de percotini fountain for ye all dey. I napped from noon until five today, ahhhh such sweeet and vibid dreams. I dreamed that I bought a new home. It was newly constructed but de prior owner was having money issues so I bought it from her. It was bootiful cept one big problem. When we opened de doors, dirt was flying ebberywhere. It was a weird location, like in de middle of a township lot with dirt piles, concrete trucks and such. But I did not care, it was bootiful. I remember sliding across de hardwood floors and doing nancy kerrigan why me spins. I could jump so high and spin and was sliding like crazy. Ya see, if real life, I did this when we moved into a new home that we built when i was twelve. Cept I could not jump to de ceiling and spin. It was so real. My Dad was with me, my sister brought me lovely trashcans. and mese and mese sister laughed at my dad trying to find de bathroom cuz de place had so many doors. dere was a kitchen and lots of iving space but oops, did not have bedrooms lol. Anyway Becks, it was much better dan hallucinting. Looking forward to dis nights sleep.  Do you have little Annie dis weekend?

    You have a right to be on edge waiting on your results. they are YOUR results. I hope you enjoyed de cry and wake up to a sunshiney day outside and in your fart.

    I gonna hit send cuz mese jest almost lost dis twice. gonna grab a dwinky too....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Karen, uh ohh, you caught Kathy using her DD's real name. you a great detective. I am always amuzed at how you ref your DH and DD's on facebook. I guess people know what you mean. I prefer to use real names of people. I do not mind saying by DD's name. Jessica is so much prettier than DD. Hey, I tink I dreamed you said you has cookies for mese?? mese, de cookie munster???grubble snarf yumyumyum cookie munster like. Glad you got out of seeing the XF.

    Orla, how old is your Aunt? I hate that you are going through this. so sad for everyone. Is there an issue with your foobs? I guess you are looking at a revision. My suggestion is if they are not too bad, leave them be. i had two revisions and the final one is what did me in with losing the implants. I would HATE to see that happen. And if you go for it, please wait a good six months or longer if you can. If I knew what I knew now, I would have left ms lefty in my armpit a bit and just wore a bra to get her in position. You will love 3D nips, dey bootiful.

    Wonder Woman, awesome news that your DD is home, yipppee. So glad that the prelim reports are good. I tail ya, I believe that she is going to get trhough this and be a strong person because of this. The scars will be gone quick. I had the surgery on my elbow for the ulnar nerve 18 months ago and the scar is not visible. It was about an 8" cut. And she is as bootiful as ever. I can't believe how much you do in a day girl. You are simply amazing. Funny that your DH took the kids to de pool. Ya see goils, dat means to me taking a chit. When I take a big dump, I say took my fat ass kids and dropped them off in de pool meaning de toilet (DUH). When I drop a few hard rocks, I say I dropped 2 of my berry little kids off at de pool. I was laughing so hard over that. I hope tomorree is an even better day for your DD. the kids sound adorable. I am sure they are happy that Mommy is home too. There is no place like home and boy do I know that.

    Juliet, what a heart wrenching post. But thanks for sharing that. what we are going through is all part of the circle of life. It is never fun seeing our ailing parents. How is work?

    NM, foygot to mention that I hope tings get better at work, it does sound SO stressful. I thank you, Beckers and Juliet for what you girls do. It takes one hell of a person. I can tell that you all have such pasion in what you do. I could in a million years EVER be a nurse.

    Dr. Camille, what you said above about your mother is YOU. You ARE your mother. I LOVE YOUR family stories.

    Ok, gonna hit send and perhaps come back to tail ye another bedtime story. But for now, we all libs happily ever after. with likker, yippeee!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Ohhhhh your house-in-de-dweam sounds like such fun, Dorkie!!!! But no bedrooms??? LOL. Oh and BTW, It wasn't me that mentioned my DD's name that day, but when it got mentioned, thats why I had to mention to just use DD. Cuz I had mentioned her name along time ago, I tink when we got her cancer dx might have been the last time....but then I remembered she would not want me to mention her name anywhere, except on FB. So I take full responsiblity, cuz if I hadn't mentioned her name, den it would nebber habs been mentioned!!! But for all the prayers you all sent out to her, it was definately worth it!!!! Oh wese is a funny buncha coconuts. Yeah, the kids are glad their mommy is home, but THEY aren't there yet, so I know they will be happy when they get back home tomorrow. We did take them to see her once in the hospital though. Can you find a deserted island somewhere...I might need some R&R all by mese self...

    Please don't do too much Dorkie, really....I know you get restless, but you need to REST more not less (hmmm a widdle pun)....dats cuz mese kin bese punny sometimes. And OMG I wish I had neber told my DH about your "Dropping the kids off at the pewl"....I swear now he uses that line ALL THE TIME!!! Its funny, but not when he says it so muchliest.

    Ebbberyone, lets have annuder group hug as that wolf picture that Cami posted earlier......."GROUP HUG"....oh that feels better!!!!

    Hugsssssssssssssss, Kat

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    ok, will stop avoiding de question how I feel cuz mese tink it is obvious. I feel like I am being stabbed repeatedly in the gut from the incision area. the drains feel like flipping bowling bowls, had 4 down to 3. boobs feel pretty darn good. bdw, they are now boobs, not foobs, yipppe! they do not have names. my back is on fire from bending over so much. I can get straight easily but by the end of the day, I am hunched over like de bitch of notre dame. the rest of my belly feels like someone punched me for six hours aday for a month. this chit hurts, no hiding it. was trying to hid it but you willl all keep asking. my chest wall is very sore too but not like a toothach.  bdw, I love you goils. when i read you talking so much about me in spite of not coming to de lounge often, mese had tears of happiness.

    my boobs are so very pretty. I put on a bra today for the first time. They are flattish but they are so pronounced and the cleavage is bootiful too. I can't squish them in a push up yet but when the time comes, mese gonna be de hottest bitch in town. the best ting is they can not reject. I tink I am over de hump as far as the arteries taking. but since it is my own tissue etc, they will not reject. NM, correct me if I am wrong. bdw NM, you asked about my toof. I had to have a tooth extracted last week, three days before surgery. i had lost a cap and went to get a temp when they discovered that the tooth could not be saved. it is tooth 3 so does not show.

    I still need to tail you the stories of de hospital. omg, what a horrid experience. I did get in trouble with BCO. I wrote sumting that was not too bad but de modds did not tink de way I did. I wrote about dogs tearing up people with moles on dere faces. I also wrote sumting that I will not metnion cuz de mods are likely watching my hurting ass. I did other bad tings too, oh boy. I could have gone to jail. Ya see, I tried to lock nurse ratchett into mese bathroom. I kept runnig away, up de hall. I had de most gorgoue private room, it was like a fancy hotel. yep, five stars. bootiful furniture and desk, nice cushy chairs too. mese company liketh.

    So when I came into recovery, of course I wanted ice. well they give dese tink tings with sponges but when de nurse not looking, mese just took all de ice out with mese hand and eated it. yummy it was. I swore to the nurse that I could eat a cookie. cuz mese de cookie munster. bdw, herman waz mese brodder hehehe! So dis nurse really loved me. In mese brain, she was holding me and rocking me like a baby. she was like a mommy to me, I really felt de love. and she was DE only grownup I saw de whole five dayss. she was rubbing my arm and tailing me that I did good. she showed me DE morph button. well my brain was chit so I kept forgetting. i tink they will never push it, dey make me do it. I kept losing de button. or it changed into a white button which was actually the nurse call button. i got demb bixed up de whole time. de TV, kept getting dat button bixed up with a tingy hooked to my leg. dey had to keep an eye on me cuz I was changing e channels on de wrong gadg! tehehe. I was reallly a naughty one. but not my fault, all de morph man. by day three I was getting really ansty. I put my foot down and tailed them I am going back to oz, where I came from. dey laughed and said I was funny. i said no, mese name is dorothy. do not laugh, go get dr howzer cuz mese needs to talk to him. well he came and we talked about de willie and he tailed me they cant give it back cuz mese was trying to do bad tings. I promised I jest wanted to smoke.

    so I tink on dey three or four is when I commited the spending crime. ya see, I play a vegas game on facebook. I spent four hundred real dollars on chips. omg, crazy. I did get that refunded todey, tank god cuz mese not a rich goil. I do remember thinking I wanted to me on an island so I googled islands for sale. I nearly bought one but seeing it was in a kitchen thought hmmm, would this island make me happy?  i said YES. so I tried to buy but mese paypal acct would not work cuze mese no remmber the pass word after having it earlier for facebook. chit, i was mad.

    Dey waked me up every ONE hour on de HOUR to do doplar radar on mese boobs. I asked if was raining and dey sey not that kind o doplar. mese wuz soooo funcused about everything dere.

    i had lots of company but do not remember. cept when mese dad and mese sister came in and i had willie nelson in de room with me. dat is when all hail broke lose. sister says I smell sumting. uh ohhh. i brought him but foygot about him. i tink i a widdle teeny tiny bit crazy. ~SIGH! oh mese oh mise. it gits worse. but at least i was starting to have fun. after family left, nurse ratchet who was 8 years old and had a squeezy goil voice said you know you could have blown this place to bits. blown de hospital to NJ like de challenger blew out of de sky. I asked her whats it to her, you not even born when dat happened, you silly widdle goil. I tailed her to get out and leave me alone but first put on de tv. dey hid the other on some other area of mese leg. I tink I was hooked up to like 207 gadgets so mese ws so funcused. i did not like these kids doing all these tings to me. my legs are so bruised, I really look like a battered woman. i tink it was lupron shots or something. i asked for jello shots too, dey said no. I asked for JD and dey said I was not old enough. I said FU-K you, YOU are not old enuff.

    goils, dey minutes felt like weeks, it was so horrible. I wanted to get out so bad. My room had a lock on it after a while. yep. i kept sneaking to the bathroom and scmeming ways to push de little people in de toylet. no kidding. I am just remembering about having my room moved. they would not shut de curtain either. but i AM started than a fifth grader cuz dey kept going away from de desk and I woud tip toe into the bathroom. I tailed dr doogie that I wanted some crack. den I asked him if he wanted to see my butt crack. I am laughing now at what I remember. And I really only got out of bed a few times but I was berry onery. Oh, on de last day when I was expectin my dr to see me, in came a resident. he was a cute widdle boy. his voice evan crackled. I looked him straight in the eye and said in a sexy voice, you really enjoy playing with my tits dontcha? he was humbarrared. I asked him if he would git in bed cuz he was a cute one. I could tell her was horny too. HE wAnteD me then and there. In mese mind, we had our way, rock and roll huchie cooo.  I did escape that day when they brought my lunch. My discharge nurse was very nice, she even had wrinkles. she loved me so, she hugged me and said I was a good goil even after i ran out of the place. i did. she brought me my lunch outside and joined me while waiting for mese ride.I tink she liked me cuz she got to come outside and play blocks lol.  My driver Steve, oh boy, dat another story. I made him nugging futs too. that is because it was a teaching hopsital and every day I could see kids outside my window. i thought it was the school yard but did not see any swings, that funcused me to.  I really did have a great view and the courtyard was beautiful. I might try to find a pic. So den I came home. I know dere was more strange tings happeneding. oh, the OR was de neatest ting I had ever seen. the residents where smoking hot. ashame they got younger on me. cept for the dr houzer with a hard one. fist that is tehehehe! he WAS hot. And mese lib happily eber after once de pain stops. and it WILL. ~bow~

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Read earlier tonight and now I can't remember all that everyone wrote, but I'll do my best.... sorry about the dogs...and Ben....but I think you've been given good hard though....hugs....

    Kathy....glad that your DD is has been a long week for you....your DH has made the week fun for the grand kids.....continued wishes for an easy recovery for your DD

    DorK....I was going to tell you that I would party with you, but tonight my wine just made me sooooo tired!!!!  so more of a party pooper here!!!

    Lori....have a good vacation.... the 'story"....copied it for my DH!!!    Sorry about your aunt....

    It is sooooo HOT here....tomorrow some schools are having a "heat" day (like a snow day but for heat) and are either cancelling school for the day or closing school at noon!!!  I am sooooo ready for fall was HOT when I walked at 8:30 tonight!!!

    Poor DD is sooo tired...she just got into bed at 10:45....she decided that getting up at 5:30 is too early so she is going to get up at 6 like she has for several years and just deal with less time in the morning.....

    Going to get into bed and read....its hot in the bedroom so hoping the fan will help.. the family room is the only room with AC, but too tired to stay up....

    Sweet dreams...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    After I wrote my post I see a couple from DorK and Kathy so I need to go back and read them...not sure why they didn't show up first as I didn't take that long to write!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    I'm here I'm here!!!! Gotta get some vino and den I will tell about how the crown fell off my tooth in the middle of my job interview! Hahaha ababa haha

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Oh, so I was two feet from guy interviewing me and I was chewing gum and felt my crown fall off my friggen tooth!!! I continued talking to him with this white tooth sitting on my tongue and then I was trying to push it in my cheek with my tongue and it fell back down like two times! Chit! So of course I could feel the sweat start to bead up on my forehead. I was like please go the flock away dam hot flash! Whew, but I got the job offer. I'm excited to take it. Sad to leave other job but with troubles I've had in recent weeks I'm ready....I think.

    Everyone is having trials. I have read your posts and feel your pain. Wahine, can't imagine DD vomiting and struggling. Glad she is home. Bernie, so very sorry about giving your dog away. I'm glad you will get to see him. Karen, don't beat yourself up. I get frustrated as all hail with my mom at times. Orange, I'm so sorry about your aunt. It is not easy walking someone thru the death process. NM, we do need to get together for a good dwunken cry I think. Hope you feel better. Dr. Camille Legal, so grateful for you to keep us on track. Jules, thank god for your sexy pics n jokes. Luv n hugs to all and any I missed. Oh Cyn!!!! Wheredehail are you? Lubs to you too!!! I'm very grateful for youz guys!! Gnite!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Omg, I am here with tears running down my cheeks reading about yer hostable stay dorty!!!!!!!!! You locked nurse ratchet up! Hahaha...oh chit!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    congrats on the new job becks

    oh dorty,roflmao,   i would have been worse than nurse ratchet, you would have been sat in a chair at the nurses sattion so we could keep an eye on you!

    karen wish i could share my ac with you!,couldn't live in florida without it

    kat,glad your dd is home, hope she rests.     

    nm-glad the results so far are all good and hooray for a 5 year gap

    dr cammi hows yours night going?

    wiht my aunt,cancer is just a word,   she's got us all well trained. i send her flowers every so often,well it happened that 2 of the bouquets came with chocolates ,well sent her the next one,yellow roses and iris'   the message i got back,i had this big box and all that was in it was flowers!  so now make sure she gets chocolates everytime, when i see her next month,she will let me have it for forgetting the choccy'sLaughing

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    you know who this is for

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good morning ladies and Dork.

    dorky I just read u'r posts I love them--they had to love u in there--they prolly put a request into u'r Dr. to let u gp home, cept for the young Dr.=he wanted u to stay---hmmm no guessing here what was going on. I was LMAO with u'r antics--u so silly--even in pain-I bet that floor had a blast with u there. I thought u'r tummy would be the worst pain, but of course I don't know. And now u have BOOBS oh I wanna see--u can't possibly put a bra on yet-Oh please I hurt thinking about it SEE, see my concave is hurting now OMG I hurt for u so take care of the new boobs and don't go flashin' all over the neighborhood like u want to cuz they'll really like u in jail--oh yea so be good and REST u little biotch--u have false energy now--don't use it yet Please--Please just relax for a while den u can show u'r girls off. But for now keep them quiet. Don't even talk loud in fron of dem so they could rest. And a house with no bedrooms--doesn't sound like u Dork---I would have thought u would dream a house with one HUGE bedroom--with all the mirrors, bells, and whistles--yes whistles. And we need to fill up the bedroom hahahahahahaha that sounds like u'r dreams. See even u'r dreams are funny.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie so sweet to send u'r aunt flowers with candy--what a beautiful thought, but then again u'r just like that.

    Becs new job??? Oh this sounds good--u need a change and it sounds like u want this --I'm so happy for u-how far is it and whendo u start and all the details?

    Kat I pray today brings u'r DD1 some good feelings and good news too. U've got plenty to do but I hope u get a chance to keep us up on all this cuz we all care but know u'r body and mind is going 100 miles an hr. So please take care of u'rself too.

    OK BBL