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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good afternoon Ladies--I just can't catch up here---

    Bernie u'r furbaby looks wonderful and I'm glad u feel good about it and u'r DH really is working with very important projects there. Wow.

    Kat u'r DH brought all that camping hahahaha-that's so funny.

    Lara I DVR'd abunch of my true crime shows so I'm watching everyone killing everyone for real. LOL

    NM u've really been busy did u relax at all--u'r all set for the winter if u get a blizzard that's for sure.

    Lori u sound a little stressed I hope u'r feeling OK--I know visiting u'r mom isn't a fun fun visit this time but I hope u'r OK.

    Dork RELAX--don't cause problems when they shouldn't be there.

    Becs u are so excited and I'm happy for u.

    Karen IDK I didn't realize being Jewish would have u cooking all the time--Geeze I would be bad at that. It's worse than being Italian which at this point no one thinks I am. LOL

    I'm glad U had extra time off this week-end for whoever did---Hi Julie

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    here's one for you lara! good luck with the inteview

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara that will bring u great luck.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Ahhhh, it wasn’t until I read Katrinka’s post when I realized where the DOTD came from “The Ladies Gentleman”. At least I think I caught that one in my zoom net, but maybe not. Because of Bernie and her hubby’s lack of being looked after and cooked for while he is away? I pretty much do the same, unless he wants frozen dinner to eat, then he is capable of putting it in the micro wave! But don’t get me wrong, he takes care of me too, just in different ways! And NO not that way, well he would, but darned hormone blockers, I could give a rats patuty.

    Kat, I remember when you were doing the coconut oil or something for dieting, did that not work?? We did a lot of tent camping when I was with my ex, and much younger. I did enjoy it, but wouldn’t so much now. Just as happy to maybe take the quad out somewhere and have a picnic lunch, hike, ride and go home. Otherwise, it’s the Hilton!

    Alright Lara, is it Glam Ping, or Glam Ing? LOL, jes playin wif ya, it really doesn’t matter, we get it now. You are another one that needs a good spanking. You too just had major surgery and are doing too much. Gonna get you and Dork lined up wif de Tenders. So AZ is out? Good luck with the new interview and don’t lose a crown (off your toof, that is).

    NM, wish I could come there and can with you. Wouldn’t that be fun? You do much more than I do, but I used to do a lot more when I lived in MI and had a much bigger garden.

    Cami, I am not stressed at all. But for the other gals, Cami and I have messaged, I am not able to go visit Cami, as I had hoped. My mom’s nurse didn’t think that she was up to it, and I agree.

    Julie, I don’t ever wanna be old enough to know better! How is your shoulder feeling, now that you are ,  back to work?

    I’ll bet you girls are surprised to see me on so late? Hopefully will get my mom to go out tomorrow and I get my hair done, can’t wait, it’s driving me nuts. I came to my brothers house tonight, pretty much ascared to stay at my moms. She has this friend that stays there, and she just falls asleep in a second. She used to do it when she was standing and they would find her on the floor. Well anyways she smokes, and I can’t tell you how many times she has fallen asleep with a cigarette in her hand! Burned the floor the other night, my mom’s iPad case has all kinds of holes in it, AND……………..there’s an oxygen tank sitting about 4’ from her! I told my mom I was not comfortable staying there!

    Doubt I’ll be on in the morning, hope y’all had a great weekend! Got’s to go find me that “gentleman”.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2013

    I heard Beckers screaming my name and came runnin.....!!  I was like 6 pages behind ...yowza.  I think Im the only one "laboring" today...well, I did have a couple days off...I had an abcessed tooth ya know..hurt like hell...had to have an emergency route canal on Saturday...yep.......I had a surprise visitor knocking on my door Fried Egg Day...And all my troubles went which story do you believe?? 

    Julie Girl...thank you for thinking of me..dont think I didnt see the little surprises you left for me here and there.  You are very thoughtful.  Flowers and chocolate sweet for your Auntie...That bottle....hmm..recipe for NyQuil? are a riot !!!   I hate to hear about your dad and I , as everyone else hope that you arent over doing it...Great news tho that you are ok and you have a flat belly and pretty boobies. Im glad they gave you a refund at My Vegas..wheww..What kind of phone did you get?

    Oh Bernie....Im so glad that Ben is ok with his new home.  You did what had to be done and tho you miss him you have a Ben who you can visit..who is alive and two other dogs who are not only living peacefully but also arent guilty of doggy homicide. 

    Cami...I love your sauce story....makes me think that our society today is paranoid..also makes me think they were really good at canning 25 years ago. Knocked up??  The friend who moved in here gets sick in the AM's....she keeps saying that she hopes she isnt preggers...REALLY??? couldnt possibly be all the physical ailments you have going on???

    Lori...I'll take 35 too....not 25.  You look fabulous.

    NM...I love the Chocolate Cow DOTD...yummmm....I hope you are feeling better .... I think the Murder Mystery weekend sounds good...I went on one of those years and years ago...your dream was quite intense.  Wow....I agree...a bit of summer in the winter is marvey.

    Lara..prayers to your aunt...what is this about a vanishing university?  Im funkused.

    Haaaaaa BECKERS!!   The tooth crown had me roflmfao....sounds like you composed yourself well..congrats on the job offer. 

    Julie....back to you hun...when do  you leave??  Are you Welsh? 

    Wahine....I think about your DD daily and all that you have to endure...why do we all have so much shit to deal with??  God must really put a lot of faith in us , that we can make it thru it. 

    Hugz girls..latah

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Lori and Cami, sure wish you two could have had some face time. BUT yes, Lori's place is with her mom right now, and I know her visit will be just too short. Maybe you both can get together another time, I sure hope so! And Lori, the coconut oil is supposed to be healthy for us, and help our memory, etc. Prob is, we FORGET to use it!!! LOL. I had even thought about it earlier today....gotta make it a habit I guess.

    Room Service!!! Room Service!!! Julie, now I just have this urge to order Room Service...hmmmm...wonder why? lol

    Cyndie, Duh....mese tinks it was NOT a bad toof dis weekend! You were so lucky to have such a nice surprise from your sweetie!!!! That's awesome.

    So much going on with all of us here. Hoping Dorkie is resting and NOT doing too much, and that her Daddie is able to do his "job"...I love that! So glad he gets to sit with your mom every day, Dotty! OH last night my DH grilled some amazing Lobstah Tails, and Filet Mignon.....ohhhhh it was a yummy dinnah for shure. Hope you all had a good weekend!

    Cheers! Chairs! Tables!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Didn't get a walk in today.....not even 1 when I generally try for 2....just finished the last batch of cookies and its 9:50!!!  got up early and baked a batch of cookies before we went out to breakfast (DD, me and mom), then did some retail therapy at a 50% off sale at my favorite 2nd hand store....found a cute jean skirt and cute apple green skirt...$2 each!!!  found mom a pair of sandles for $3...retail for over $100 and were in excellent shape.....After we got home, it was time to get serious about cooking and baking.   I think I got every done that I needed to today.....between yesterday and today I baked 4 batches of challahs, apple bread, honey cake, nut cake, 2 batches of mandel bread cookies and 1 batch of orange poppy cookies.  Baked 4 pans of chicken ( 2 new recipes), yams and silver tip roast.  I still need to cook a couple things tomorrow night and Wednesday when I get home.  There are 7 meals over the Rosh Hashana and Shabbat coming up....WEdnesday night, Thursday lunch, Thursday dinner, Friday lunch and Shabbat dinner and then lunch.  Thursday night will be leftovers as will be Shabbt lunch.  We have company Th and F for lunch...2 people on Th so there are 7 of us and 3 people on Friday lunch so 8 of us....Trying so hard not to go over board with the food....A lot of the food I cooked will last for the next round of holidays....The reason I cooked so much chicken is that I bought it on Thursday and forgot to freeze it so it was still in the frig....felt it best to cook then freeze.....

    Lori...that is so scarey with your mom smoking and falling asleep and the must worry so....

    DorK....are you being a good girl and lounging?   Please message me your addy....not sure I still have it...don't know if I'll get to the post office this week...but if not, then the following week..... is your DD?

    Bernie...loved seeing all the pics of Ben and the other dogs on fb

    Cyndie....hows the mouth? 

    Julie...not matter how old I am, I'm never old enough to know better.....I'm not the oldest here, but in the top 3 or 4!!!   But I still haven't figured out what I want to be ewhen I grow up!!!

    Cami, Orange, NM....hope all is well with you.....

    I'm tired and my feet hurt....need to package up the cookies and put them in the freezer....then make my lunch and some R and R before bed.....Want to get up early so I get a walk in before work.....

    Sweet dreams...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    damn the guy in the windowsil tickles my do you spell windowsillllllll?????!!!@#$@%$@#

    How did Monkey day go for all y'alls? I worked and then barbq at Mom's.

    I confess....i did it again! Dang it! I got attached to another patient who is now in her last day(s). I can't hailp it! I sat at her bedside today and held her hand and told her I was there and she got excited and put her right hand on top of mine. I am thankful we got to connect again. heavy sigh...

    Cough medicine please Jules!!!

    Bernie, so happy to hear big guy seems content in his new place. What a relief! My brother in law works for oil company in Oman. Sounds like an important job your hubby has.

    NM, I LOVE blueberry any and everything!!!

    Thanks for checking out the NOBUTTS Wahine! Well....if anyone needs them I will pretend I need them. :o)

    Goldie, must be frustrating for you with your Mom. I think my family thought that would be me when I didnt quit in the beginning. It is a wicked addiction fo sho!

    Cyndieeeeeee (running and knocking you over) glad to see you!! Damn you are gonna end up with a preggo roommate for life. Just know it.

    Im tired. takes a lot of work to walk in here to my PC vs. laying on my bed with ipad!!! (cant paste pics with ipad) Goldie, how do you know so much about computers? And where da hail is my back button on windows 8??! Im so lost with dis ting!

    Adios for now....hugs ORLA, DR C Legal, Karen, et al.  luv luv luv XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOZIPFILE

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Karen knocked me into pewl again!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Wahine, forgot to address the nips question...mine was a first and even made it into the medical journals. They took mine completely off and put on ice during 12 hour surgery and sewed back on. So....they are acting like nipples somewhat but no sensation. :-/

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    *grabbing Becks outta da wattah before she goes over de Falls*.... Hey Becks, da pewl is da ting dat is not as big as de ting you are going into....careful girl! Can't have you go over de Falls....but you can fall for one of de Tenders though! Yeah I remembered your nips were written up in de journal, and I figgered dey wouldn't have feelings anymore, but it would have been awesome if they could have connected up all the nerve ending somehow. Thats sweet though, getting close to your pts. At least you can bring them some love and comfort in their last days. Will you see any of these pts at your new job?

    Lotsa cooking Karen! Bet you're tired.

    Nighty nighty girlzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Every day a 4th grade boy walks home from school past a 4th grade girl's house. One day he he stops to taunt the little girl. He holds up the football and says "See this football? Football is a boys game and girls can't have one!"

    The little girl runs in the house crying and tells her mother about the encounter. She runs out and buys the girl a football. The next day the boy is riding home on his bike, and the girl shows him the football, yelling "Nah na nah na nah".
    The little boy gets mad and points to his bike. "See this bike? This is a boys bike, and girls can't have them!"
    Next day, the boy comes by and the little girl is riding a new boys bike. Now he is really mad. So he drops his pants, points at his private parts, and says "You see THIS? Only BOYS have these and your mother can't go buy you one!"
    The next day as he passes the house he asks the little girl "Well, what do you have to say NOW?"
    So she pulls up her dress, points to her private part and says "My mother told me that as long as I have one of these, I can have as many of THOSE as I want!"

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    good morning bernieLaughing, loved the photo of ben on the surf board, don't envy dave on call 24/7 .

    cammi, wish i had a magic potion that would take away all your pain, and nm is right, that pain scale is a pain.    over the years i've found i spend half my time persuading people to take pain meds regularly and the other half thinking the only difference between me and the local drug dealer is the pay scaleYell

    nm,hope sadie giving you extra loving today as i know your anxeity leval is high over the remainder of your results

    becks- i think your the person that pts start smiling as soon as they see you,hope you are able to continue to have pt contact in your new job

    kat-prayers continuing ,ps i agree with dh version of camping!

    lara-thinking of you today ,


    karen i hope you enjoy all your company and all that delicious food you cooked,then you need a rest or at least a mani

    cyn,i hope you are not havin another houseguest in 9 months. going back home to wales the end of the month

    miss innocent enjoy your time with your mother

    have a good day everybody,mema sue  hope your car is behaving

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Got lots of rain yesterday, but no thunderstorms, what a disappointment!  Did get some housework done before my mom came over to visit, though, so that's a good thing. 

    Karen--um, don't make too much of me, I forgot the blueberry syrup was on the stove and boiled it dry!  I'm sure your DH will be fine with company for one dinner, at least I hope so. 

    Wahine--I used to go tent camping when I was younger and more energetic.  I had a much smaller dog, too.  Tent, sleeping bag, cooler, stuff to cook over a fire with, lots of snack foods.  Can be a lot of fun!

    ORLA--More canning to be done later in the year, when better apples are available, thanks!

    Cammy-I actually did relax, getting some of the house work done makes me feel more in control and more relaxed, now to keep it up during the work week!

    Juliet--I'm not sure old enough to know better EVER kicks in!  And I bet that cough syrup worked VERY well!  The cough may not have stopped but who cared??????

    Goldie--It would be fun to have you come out and can with me!  I don't blame you for not staying with your Mom and her friend, that is just plain dangerous.  Hope you can get your hair done!

    CynCyn--OK, I'm voting for the surprise visitor and all your troubles going away!  I've looked for some Murder Mystery weekends in New England, so far I've only found one that assumes everyone attending is half of a couple.  And is probably sold out, anyway.  But I'm still looking.  I'll find something! 

    Wahine--lobstah tails and filet mignon--WOW!!!

    Karen--Wow, that's a lot of cooking!  I think you are right about cooking and then freezing the chicken, most likely the safest way. 

    Becs--Yeah, I hear you about the laptop vs. PC.  MUCH easier to sit with the laptop!


    Juliet-Sadie has been especially cuddly this weekend, mostly when she's especially muddy!  But she's been a lot of fun. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Ruby Relaxer

    1 shot peach schnapps

    1 shot vodka

    1 shot Malibu® coconut rum

    pineapple juice

    cranberry juice

    Combine peach schnapps, vodka and malibu rum in a cocktail glass. Almost fill with pineapple juice, add a splash of cranberry juice, and serve.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    WAs just about ready to say Good Monday morning and then realized its Tuesday!!  so I guess its good Tuesday morning.....

    Kathy....yup I'm tired this morning....but I think some of it has to do with getting up before 5:30!!  I woke up at 5...not sure if it was my alarm or DH's...but stayed in bed for awhile till I needed to jump into the shower.  DD finally decided that she would just sacrifice time in the morning and get up at 6 instead of 5:30....that only gives her 50 minutes to shower etc, but she isn't as tired!!!

    Its going to be another HOT week...but Thursday its going to be in the mid 90's!!!

    Lets hope this is a better week for everyone....last week was a hard much going on in everyone's lives....

    Off to get ready for work....Hugs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning all u beautiful ladies--

    I feel so bad about not meeting Lori, but I so understand really. She needs to stay with her mom and son--I wouldn't like the o2 thing with the smoking tho. Lori at least u have a place to sleep so u can recharge

    Bernie didn't expect that but funny. LOL

    Cyn she's pregnant--Oh another addition-Wow and it was a good surprise right?

    NM u had a busy weekend but u sound good and I like the DOTD

    Julie I thought u were from Britain --I didn't know u were welsh I love that accent too. How long are u staying there? I'm so excited for u.

    Becs remember to tell us exactly what u'r new job entails.

    Lara, Dork---ARE U RESTING UP. The secret to surgery is u don't do u undo and the healing will jump start--It's really not easy being lazy, it's an art that I have finely tuned, didn't take me long tho--but u can do it--u make lists of what u want to do when u really up to it--whether u do it or not who cares--it's for the moment.

    Kat I know this is all a tough time for all of u, but I'll tell u u handle it so well because u love u'r family so so much--u'r just a plain wonderful person.

    And Karen don't get me started how much u cook---it's unbelieveable to, but everything sounds yummy

    OK today starts the week--kind of so I'll be all mixed up, nothing new so I'll try to keep it straight. Meaning results will start coming in and Drs. will be talking. so keep us informed.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OOPS gotta get my head back down to normal size....CamiLegal you always make us feel SO good about ourselves, and give too many compliments! BUT I am not complaining, keep em coming! LOL. I hope and pray your pain will just go away, and will NOT come again another day!

    NM, Let us know when you hear the results, ok? Praying for all B9, for sure!

    OH I didn't mention...but on that infamous camping trip when we were dating (and it was Mothers Day), we took a hike....early in the day. Well, stooooopid me listened to my future DH and when we got lost and I knew that was the trail just below where we were, future DH said "Oh no, its this way". So he led the way. Needless to say, after walking in circles forever, it was getting dark and starting to rain and had gotten cold....I pictured us dying of hypothermia! FINALLY I took charge and got us out of the woods....then a hike down the road and found my truck. YUPPERS....I actually kissed my truck I was so happy to see it! SO, we get to camp and it gets very dark and all the wood is wet, so DH leaves in my truck to find a town to buy firewood....leaving me alone. He was gone for a long time, and of course I pictured all sorts of scary scenarios. This was back before we had cell phones. I was SO scared, but someone had to stay with all our camping stuff. That sorta 'splains why I haven't been camping again with him, yet.

    Bernie, that was funny....I didn't picture the punchline either! Hope DH has his work permit, or will have it this week at least!!

    Julie, Funny comment about feeling like the diff betwn you and a drug dealer is the pay scale! How long of a trip will you get to have?

    So glad your trip is going well Lori, just wish you could convince your mom to live healthier. And she doesn't even want to walk in the house at all? Thats sad, as she is still quite young. SO glad your son lives there with her and can help her with things!

    Dorkie, Hope that pain will subside soon, but it was such a big surgery, and a long healing process. GLAD you got to use a wheelchair and got to see your mom!!! That was sweet that the aides helped you, there.

    CyndieLouWhoHasAFullHouse, Hope your "boarders" paid you this month!!! AND that they are all behaving and not smoking on your balcony anymore. Have you been enjoying your beautiful beach lately?

    Speaking of beaches, Julie, how far are you from the beach? Do you get to enjoy it a lot?

    OK, need to get some things done...didn't address everyone, but I lubs you all!!!!!

    Happy TwosDey, lets have 2 of those "Ruby Relaxers" that NM posted! Ya know, I have most of those ingredients (all the likker anyway!), so might try to make that one of these days. Sounds good!



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Good story kat

    Cyn good to see u post

    Becks u crack me up interesting about the nips

    Juliet they RS last minute Thursday at 3

    I have the pain treatment tomm

    I hate taking hydro for pain makes me sick

    Hope this works

    I did have patches but they r 350 no ins coverage


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara I don't understand, why is there still so much pain.? Shouldn't it be gone by now--this is terrible for u--what is the pain treatment that u go to? I've just been missing to much I read things then it like leaks out some how.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Yeah, inquiring (nosy!) minds wanna know, Lara....why are you still in such pain? I kept meaning to ask too, so am glad Dr. CamiLegal asked!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Just lost a longish post.  Sigh. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OH NOOOOOOOO NM, that sux. IF you feel up to it, would love for you to retype it so we can read it. ((((NM))))

    Having Pau Hana now, then heading out for a quick meal. Tomorrow is my mom's 93rd birthday so we'll go to a neat Japanese restaurant tomorrow night!

    Ciao for Niao,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    93 Wow Kat u come from wonderful genes--Happy Birthday to u'r Mom.

    Oh NM I hate that when it happens to me.


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Quiet day in the HTL. Happy twos day!!

    Cami, sorry took me a bit to answer, but I will be working in the rehab department of a skilled nursing facility. The old rehab therapists will me moving out as our company is taking over. I feel kinda bad but there are tons of job openings out here. So....I will be doing same as now. I really love patient care.

    Your Mom is 93 Kat?! Wow! Some good genes! My parents started breaking down their 80th year. Happy birthday to her!

    Lara, hope pain is well controlled. What does treatment consist of? I have nerve damage on left but pain has lessened with time. Thank goodness! Don't know if it was caused by arms being strapped down but if so, they need to have someone take a few mins to range them during surgery. Chit! Or is it from scooping boobs off? Dunno.

    Where's errybuddy???

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Thanks Cami! And Becks too. My dad will be 97 in December, and he is the one that does most of the cooking, grilling, etc. Uses his email every day too, takes care of finances. SO far they do their own housework, etc., but I do some when I can, when I don't think it will offend them, as it isn't as good as it should be. And they still dress well, and start the day dressed (unlike me!). I've been so stressed lately I haven't done as much with them, but taking them to all their dr appts, etc, keeps us busy too. I know my mom wants to paint again, but wants to do it with ME, so I hope to make time for that.

    If we can have a birthday party in the HTL tomorrow for her, can someone bring the Chippendales? She would enjoy them!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh, oh, be on the lookout for this virus...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Wahine, are you an artist??? Can you take a pic and post? Would love to see!!! We could have art show day in HTL. Do some dwunkardb art pieces! Would be fun. Your mom is artist as well. Nice! Haha! On the WORK virus.