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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL, just realized your comment on the show I think will be scary.....not scary enuf for you  and Lara! Well, IF you had a sister like mine, who I like to refer to as the "ex-sis" since she came at me with such hate and anger, and delcared I don't even exist, well if you had one like her it would be scary enough just because it says "sister" in the title!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Really ? Your sis did that?

    Yes cammie good advice

    Ill write it down

    We should all have our numbers

    I'm not in stalker book

    I know it can b hidden

    But there r reasons

    Omg cammie the letter I love it

    DH wrote the mayor is was mad that he can't get in a public golf course when there r tournaments we have not heard back but he's right it's public can't shut the whole course down

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat OMG I have a great sister so that's why it wouldn't scare me, but how could u'r ister do that to u, my heart would be broken--my sister gets mad at me when i don't call everyday and I feel bad. Wow

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    I am so envious (and happy) about how close you are to your sister, Cami! Dotty is close to her sisters awesome. And YES, she did that and much more.

    Ok, got off the treadmill, now for Pau Hana time!!! Oh, the next "pau hana" my classmates are having (which is monthly) falls on my bday this month....and we will be there a few days later. I know they would change it to when I would be there, but we'll be way on the other side of the island, and just want to CHILL and relax and not have to fight the HI rush hour traffic, which is really horrendous. Someday I want to join them though, as they have such fun!

    *kachink*,.......the drinks are on the house, so bring a ladder.....and Dorkie I am toasting you and your amazing resilience, and how scary it was yesterday, and now your friends are showing up and helping you, etc., etc., etc.... "To you, Dotty!".....*kachink*.....and to ALL of you here....amazing gals you all are... *kachink*....hey I might get dwunk if I keep toasting everyone!!! LOL

    Hugssssssssss and Chugsssssss,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    LOL Keep on kachinkin Kat and enjoy u'rself and relax for a while.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi girls,  

    I have to be quick as my dad is in the shower and I need to get back with him. He has been so down. Between the crap going on with me and their wedding anniversary, he has not been pleasant at all. I think he feels guilty of not being able to help more. He was upset that I called 911 to go to the hospital vs waking him up. I just did not want to wake him up and have him sit with me through the night, espcially when our family had the saiabration of their 58 years of marriage last night. I went all night without sleep, why would I expect him to do the same, that would be wrong. 

    Lara, I really feel for you with all that pain. I firmly believe that my ulnar nerve damage came from all of the cutting. Most doctors said no but wouldn't it just be too ironic that I came out of surgery with half of my hand numb? I am glad I got the surgery to fix that. I often forget about that one. It is so hard with having mulpitle surgeries. Even as far as out six months, I still had so much pain in my armpits, the foobs, espeically at the bottom outside corners along with pain across my entire chest. It was hard to work through that without taking narcotics on a daily basis. The good thing about my job is that I was too busy to notice the pain. But when I got into bed at the end of the day, I always felt like crying as it hurt so bad. 

    So in a nutshell, here is what went down......

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    I got to the ER between 3-4 PM. It was empty so thankfully I was taken right back. The drew blood, took a piss test (which btw I failed cuz I peed in the toilet and forgot about the bottle so had to wait lol). I thad to drink this nasty shit then wait two hours for the CT scan. In the meantime, a doctor came into talk to me. I asked about going home and she confirmed that they was no way I would be leaving there unless I was transferred over to Philly. It seemed to be a very long wait even after the CT scan was done. They told me that they were trying to contact my PS to consult with him. I thought no way, he would be in surgery. By about 2pm, they told me that they would be transporting me to Philly. I made a few calls and found a ride but asked to come home first to feed my dog and pack a few things. My cell phone was nearly dead when I got to the hospital so I was only able to call my sister and let her know I would be admitted. I also asked her to tell my Father where I was. I was confused as the told me that I was going to the hospital in Philly and told me that my PS would be there. I called to confirm where I was going and was told I was going to the building next to the hospital where my PS was to meet him and talk then would be transferred. I ended up taking my car, not the greatest of ideas but I did not want to bother my sisters who were catching up working after one being on vaction and the other getting ready for vacation and also setting up for my parents party last night. I made sure that I was reading things right and confirmed that I WAS allowed to drive. THe narcotics were out of my system so they said. I got there easily, had my car valet parked and was wheeled up to the East Paviion of this very large building. My doctor had gone to lunch. Oops, I stopped home and took my time. So I waited around then finally was seen by a nurse. She confirmed that after an hour of trying, she got the results of the CT. I had double cellulitis. I am thinking shit, they are going to hold me hostage for a week or so and I wanted to run. But being I decided to be a good goil after this I waited. The doc comes and and looks at things and says yep, you are very infected. I cried and cried. He game me a few to pull myself togeth so that I could listen to him. Then he said matter of factly, this is quite common with DEIP patients. He wrote me a script and sent me on my way. I said "HOME????". He said yes. I got wheeled back to my car and cried. I made two quick calls (had not plugged in  my phone over there, dumb ass me). I told my people i was coming to my parents party. I took a very painful shower, got there just in time. I did not stay long. I came home, wrote to a few people then crashed out for 15 hours. (I got an RX for some kind of morphine and it knocked me out. Oh, I had my daughter and her BF move my furniture the night before so that I could actually recline in my reclining sofa and loveseat. Why oh why did I not listen to all who said I needed a recliner. 

    So today, I woke up very groggy and could not find my anti b's. I had not taken any last night either, ooopsies. FInally by 1pm, they were found. Right on the counter top where I thought I had placed my bottle of arimidex which I am temorarily off of. Chalk it up to the drugs, I swear, I have 2% of my brain when on the strong stuff. I had two former coworkers over from about 11-3 then a friend from high school came by at 4. they cleaned my room, vacummed, cleaned my pool and did a lot of laundry. I am so happy that my house is coming back together and is SANITIZED. I then ate dinner, had to serve and heat it as my Dad kept saying he was going to do it but I had not eaten all day. So I just rolled across the kitchen got it heated and served. Dad was very quiet, did not say a word. I tried to make him laugh and nothing. With that said, I have to go NOW and be with him. If I do not crash out, I will come back and talk about people other than me. I can't say how overwhelmed I am with the outpouring of love. Ok, gotta stop as I am crying again. 

    Oh, the infections look much worse today. But that is because the anti B was Lost. Damn it, I hate being so wasted on drugs. I am going to set an alarm to take one near midnight. Anyone who has my cell and home, feel free to CALL me and make sure I do. You will not bother my Dad, he takes out his hearing aids. I will pm anyone my number who asks. I love you all so much. 

    ps Karen, you r workds made me cry over and over again. I will PM you my number and mailing address if you have not gotten it already. I know you are still celebrating the Holiest Day of your Year. Happy New Year love.

    Love you all and so sorry that I have been selfishly not talking to all of you. Rounds of Dorkies for all ~ let the tears flow~. I cant thank you all enough. I do firmly believe in Karma. Ok, gotta get to my dad. Will try to log into other computer in his room. Love, it is in the air. 

    PSS, Beckers, will write you separately. Thanks for your support as well. 


    Yellow and gooey but on the mend. 

    PSSS anyone who wants to see pics, pm me. I love to share my war wounds ♥

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Dorfyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! Wake up and take yer meds!!!! Wake up wake up!!! I don have yer number or I would call you right now. You can't foiyget or they will admit you for Aunt B's by IV. Set alarm for every X hours tomorrow. Will that work and get pad of paper or clip board. That's what I had to do when I couldn't trust my brain. We need one of those boys with some nurse skills to stay with ya I think! So you can take it easy and let him do all the remembering n chit.

    Gnite errrybody else!!! Got to wake up early to get a new crown :-/


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    dorty what time do you want to be called?just pm me your number, i would be good for the night shift.   pretty please listen to the girls that have had this surgery and please take dr cammi's r and r class   Laughing becks idea is great ,making your self a record to tick off when you take the anti b's.   

    congratulations lara on the new job,   hopefully you get a reduction in stress which would pay off in less muscle  pain for inteview with vinnie on this site right now. congrats on getting an appt

    cammi- the rebel  , have been invited to celebrate  a colleagues mothers life on sat it is being held at  a italien restaurent known for good food

    kat-  when you have some "spare time"    maybe you could take dr cammi's class too and postpone your breakdown until 2015. did your mum have a good birthday?

    lori,glad your enjoying your time with your family.    my mum is going on o2 as well but just when she's walking, they will be giving her a back pack to hold the tank, and she said she found it easy to wear.  dad is stressing about how much equipment mam needs now and how it will all fit in the car, so he decided wouldn't take her wheely walker but he would get her practising on her sticks!    dad NO, we might all be down to a clean pair of knickers and socks for the 4 nights away but all her stuff will be going with her.   anywyay, hope your mum is doing as well as can be expected

    have a good night everybody

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Darling D - don't forget the meds.  Set alarms on your phone.  REST and RECLINE.

    Stupid thing here keeps opening pages and pages back so takes me ages to sort out where I need to catch up from.

    Someone mentioned windows 8.  I love it but because I don't have a touch screen, it is only user friendly with a mouse.

    After the baby was born, the panicked Japanese father went to see the obstetrician. "Doctor," he said, "I don't mind telling you, but I'm a little upset because my daughter has red hair. She can't possibly be mine."

    "Nonsense," the doctor said. "Even though you and your wife both have black hair, one of your ancestors may have contributed red hair to the gene pool."

    "It isn't possible," the man insisted. "We're pure Asian."

    "Well," said the doctor, "let me ask you this. How often do you have sex?"

    The man seemed ashamed. "I've been working very hard for the past year. We only made love once or twice a month."

    "There you have it!" the doctor said confidently. "It's just rust."

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    dork Im ready to drive to jersey

    but Im on a pain pill daily

    plus my back went out so bad I cant walk and im sideways its horrible but just took  a good pain combo

    Dork now listen get a med tray and an alarm when I was so fKED up on meds I could not remember what I took and last time

    stop moving around please shower then sit in your recliner do not look at the infection at all stop looking

    My father and DH helped me withe meds but u get so messed up u really have no idea

    I was taking 8 dilaten a day know your limit

    Juliet thanks about the good call I will be in a office have not worked in one in over 4 years so that will b hard

    IDK if im setting myself up for something I might noe b able to do

    worse case I go out on diabillty longterm or through them which is better but I do not want to do that right away not being negetive just thinking smart

    cam the movie is at red box insedious very scary Im so mad I was going to get my hair done today mybe someone can drive me and I can just sit pain pilled up

    If my back doesnt get better ill need a cortizone shot

    dork can I have your number I need to ck on u

    kk pop in later

    I really want my hair done

    you all know its the best feeling after surgery and being in pain to feel good

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning all--- I didn't get on last night as long as I knew Dorky was home I took my paine meds and relaxed so I'm here now.

    dork that was so so nice of u'r friends to come over and help you with the house and make u feel comfy--wonderful friends cuz u'r a wonderful friend--that's how it goes u know. And I'm glad u got the recliner all settled in and set u''r timer or alarm like was said for u meds, cuz they so easily get screwed up when u'r taking pain meds. Pain meds boink our thinking some and time gets all spinning out of control--and u want enough in u'r system to help u so u have to keep track of those damn pills. I feel bad for u'r dad cuz he wants to be part of taking care of u, Dork there must be something he can do for u. whatever it is thinkg of something just for him cuz u need him. And he will feel like he's taking care of u and u'r mom like he thinks he's supposed to. Dads are like that sometimes. U seem very close to your sisters  which is wonderful, if u relly need some help for something ASK THEM they are u'r sisters don't bbe so independant that u'r hurting u'rself--they love u and they are there for u, silly. Personally I think most people (even sisters) think this is not that difficult after all u've been thru, but to me after talking with u girls this operation kicks all others to the curb. This is a rough one and I never knew that. Plus complications u poor girls going thru thisaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqmjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaQ that's from my cat she apparently had something to say so that's pu*** talk which u understand, There is nothing wrong with that word but u never know.

    Well I hope 'r doing a good job of doing NOTHING today for u that's a job.

    Lara in an office. U know that all I ever did, never worked at home, knew I couldn;t cuz I'm not structured enough I live in chaos and could never concentrate long enought to work--Actually except for getting dressed and stuff it's prolly easier to work in an office, just walk by someone's desk and put some of u'r work on theirs--what kind of job is this? Remember if u'r working on a computer and other people can see it, tell them there is a terrible glare and it needs to be moved--so no one can see when u'r playing on it.

    I hope everyone has a good day and if u'r waiting for tests or whatever they come with good news. We all want good news. for Kat and her DD;s.

    OK I'll be back checking in.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL Bernie...."rust".... I think a lot of us could complain about that these days! Just can't have any babies to prove

    Lara, I hope it works out for you being in an office. AND hope you don't have to start there for awhile, till you are ALL healed! I hadn't worked in an office since I was about 20. Worked in sales mostly, decorating in-home, and called on stores with my other sales jobs, plus some furniture sales in nice specialty store, lots of driving, which I loved, as it was "thinking" time. My Dh worked in the same office for 40 yrs! I couldn't have worked day-in day-out with some of the same people! I love people, but it was better seeing them, then saying "goodbye", as then I could really enjoy them and not get tired of them! I always admired people that could work with the same people day-in and day-out. Hope it will be purrfect for you!!!

    GOOD advice for Dorkie, Dr. Cami Legal! I agree with it all. AND good idea for her to think of something her dad COULD do for her, as then he will feel needed and more important, he will feel he is taking care of her. Good point!

    Dorkie, mese tinks your mailbox will be awfully bizzy de next few dayz! *wink, wink*. Lotsa love being sent to you, and continued prayers!

    My DD2's dr is going to see if her ins will pay for artificial discs as he thinks she is a good candidate for it. He also thinks the cervical spine surgery will not be too bad. Not sure yet when it will be, as they need to get the ins approval first. I was a nervous wreck waiting to hear from her till last night....she was busy when she got home working on the Science class she is doing for the co-op home schoolers today. But it was good that he thinks she can get back to running, sports, etc., once healed. YAY!

    Lara, your pain sounds awful, and its been painful for such a long time! ((((Lara)))). Praying it will go away quickliest.

    Hugs to ALL,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013
    You've waited all year for it...I present to you THE PUMPKIN PIE MARTINI:

    2 parts RumChata
    1 part vanilla vodka
    1 part pumpkin syrup (or substitute 3 tbs pumpkin pie filling)
    Shake with ice and strain into a martini glass; sprinkle with cinnamon. Sit back and ENJOY!
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Sounds yummy Cami. and purrfect for fall which will soon be here! However, I had not heard of "RumChata" so googled it....

    RumChata is a cream liqueur that has become very popular since its release in 2009. It is made from a blend of five-time distilled Caribbean rums with Wisconsin dairy cream and flavored with cinnamon, vanilla, and other 'secret flavors.'

    Sounds like RumChata would also be its sounds sooooooo yummmmmmmy!!!!

    OK, Tenders and Wenches, please make up Cami's DOTD, and just line them up on the bar and we will try them!!!! *down the hatch*.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    I saw the recipe for that drink on FB and viala I actually copied it, I don't know if it really sounds good -BUT I COPIED IT.

    Kat good news about DD2, she'll be able to get back to her old self then. So there is some good news for u'r family, finally. I don't really know alot about that surgery, I have heard lazer things but again I don't know if that available for that. But still it's a good sign.

    Bernie I did forget --the rust was funny---well thinking about it made me think of a rusted boat like me--but did u know that a barnacle in ratio of size has the bigest penis in the sea world? WTF am I thinking about barnacles--oh it's the rust. Pain meds that's what does this LOL

    I heard a helicopter last nite--never hear one around here I swear I thought it was the government finding me cuz of my letter I emailed, short from any real threat it was pretty dicey, irreverant and down right mean. I was getting a little jumpy for a few minutes thinking who I should call LOL My brother is in Alaska, but my nephews are very close by so I figured they all know I'm the crazy aunt --then I remember when they were teenagers they would call me when they'd get in troube to pick them up and smooth it over with their fathers, cuz I was the cool aunt , now I'm the crazy one. But the helicoptor finally stopped circling and left, then I thought they were taking those heat pictures. OH I watch to many crime shows.

    Dork u'd better be rsting there is nothing u need to do thnks to u'r wonderful friends. So thankful they relieved u of such a confusing time for u, so u have no reason to be out of u'r comfortable recliner.

    Lara how are u going to work with the pain u;r in or are u starting later?

    Oh u girls--u'r to much--I worry about u guys.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Thanks Kat now it does sound good.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OMG Dr Cami, the things you teach us about! I had NO IDEA that barnacles had penises, had to google it!!!! If anyone else is curious, they actually do have the largest penises, relative to body size, in the WORLD!!!! Wanna see a pic of one??? Cover little ones eyes, its X


    And Cami, I didn't know your bro is in Alaska! So is mine.....he's been there since 1973.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat u'r so funny u actually googled it hahaaha Whatever I say is true--it might be quirky but it is true I know alot about nothing hahaha My brother is just on a cruise right now--but that's kind of funny of all places to be. small world Kat.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Kay it's the back now I'm walking crooked can't even stand up and my back is quivering its always something

    Ill be on the campus wed so hope my back is better

    If not ER tomm

    Cam yes absolutely I'm going to put all my work on other people's desk

    I would manage the High school team at the university the recruit I tell them what to do lol I'm the head honcho

    Ill b on pain pills every day for a while

    The thing I'm worried about is that treatment I had this could b a side effect? Idk DH is getting me lunch and came home early to help me

    Kat have u been hula hooping

    Cam watching cape fear

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    hi gals, quick pop in as it is nap time. I just took my anti b, so much easeir with the cel phone. I am debating on turning the ringer off while I nap. I have a call in to my onc and my PS. I am in no hurry to restart the arimidex. Not one hot flash since I went off. I thought I had one but that was just normal sweat from being outside on a very hot day. OMG< life is so much better without the hot flashes. Mine are vicous and often as in at least 50 a day, that is a good day. 

    Dr. Cam, omg, funny helicopter story. I got chills to my spine as I was leaving my PS office. It is right next to CHOP (childrens hosp of Phil) and as I was pulling out of the valet area, I saw the helicopter in the reflection of the builiding and of course heard it and felt the wind moving my car. I wanted so bad to pull over and watch it land but moved on. I prayed for the person inside of it as I do whenever I see ambulancees on the road. Chills to the bone thinking of it. Anyway, so funny that you thought they were after you. I love your pasion for bixing the government. Perhaps we should add senator to your name. Dr/Senator Camille Legal, I like it! 

    Lara, trust me I really relate. Cant believe you take up to 8 dilaudid a day. I just got an rx for them, 1 mil. I have taken 1.5 of them, I am scared of them. I might try to get my hands on more needed or not. I have a home pharmacy here, I hoard good drugs. I will give you my number but am about to take a nap. If I forget, the other girls who have it can share it with you. 

    Kat, how about that dwink that Dr. Cam posted, wow, I am impressed. I hope your day is better and your feeings are better. I want to hurt that bitchXS of yours really bad. If you think of a way, I am your girl. I am not scared. I can be oh so clever with things. Wish I would use my smarts on bigger and better things but chit, common sense is just lacking here. 

    Beckers, hi, hope today is a good one

    . Where is NM this morning, sleeping in? Or did I miss her post. I have some questions for her but cant remember. It is about wound care with the infections. I wish I could page back to see what I thought I remembers but have to realy lay down. will try my best to come back after nappy and catch up. Love you all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    wait, Lara has a new job, yipppee skippppeee!  congrats. 

    Juliet, love the love laugh and drink. 

    I have set my alarms for noon and midnight for the anti b. will move in a hour a day until I get to 10 and 10. Juliet, thanks for your offer to call!! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LMAO, Julie! Another thing we should hang on the wall in the HTL, for surely!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    good afternoon all, that drink sounds good, will have to look out for that rumchata,sound delicious. well busy time this week, made an appt with my doc because i thought my thyroid levels  were low ,tired all the time,sleeping all day i'm off, constipated. no she thinks its just transitioning back to nights but the constipation got her worried  so had a ct yesterday all those who have drunk that contrast know what i mean by aftereffects!     the only finding was slightly enlarged uterus( on tamoxifen) so now having an ultrasound on monday  plus she wants me to go back to the gi doc for another colonoscopy i did tell her i had another 8 years before i was due for one.   .   so waiting for an appt from them,  considering i was just expecting an increase in my synthroid! aaaaaaaaaaaahYell

    cammi - the fugitive!

    lara ,cammi,dorty have a painfree day

    dorty on wound care,did the doc give you any written instructions?   but the basics always wash your hands before touching the area, if your changing dressings , have a clean surface to lay things on,  i'm sure nm can give you better info has she had more experience with this surgery

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Dork that's what I was up to after surgeries

    Don't b scared to take them

    They work

    Norco ismy drug one to two a day

    For the pain

    I have no idea whybuttheyfo not make me tired

    Yes sleep

    Scary I got the chills to with the helicopter story

    I'm not sure if I def have it

    But I'm optimistic it's between me and one other

    Mmmm I should find out who that person is

    Oops what to many crazy shows

    Dork I hope I have some one king u these r major drugsu could fall please b careful

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara I'm watching Raging Cajun Redneck Alligators---yes I really am--Them big uns.

    Julie thar's so funny--It sould be hung all over the place. And since when did u think u can only be treated for one thing. Everytime we say one thing they find everything else bu  what u thought--OMG more tests for u.

    Dork I'm so glad u can let us know what's going on and so very glad u'r napping u need to heal.

    I have to tell u---my GF went to a sleep clinic for insomnia (which sh'es had since we were teens) (yes I was once one) anyway they told her that the reason she can't sleep is her brain won't let her cuz it thinks she's going to kill it. She thought he was kidding of course and he said that was the reason, now how would they ever know that--altho she is cold hearted as I told her and is probably homicidal--Oh to many crime shows--I just thought that was strange.

    And where is NM she's always first in the morning and Lori I know where she is, but NM NM CALLING NM 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    good evening all,     i know, what was i thinking!    but i did expect to have least some thyroid labs or an increase in my synthroid.   will probably have all these tests and be told  yes its your thyroid, just wanted to be awake on my vacation at least! let the jokes start, i have my us of pelvis mon,gi doc on wed then my eyes tested on thurs.

    nm where are you?  hope your having a early start on your weekend

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013