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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Lol Juliet!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Thank you everyone, and thank you Dory, for calming me down. I still feel like a basket case right now, but she got me to stop crying and was a big help.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat I'm so happy u have Dork helping u--I don't know how u do all u do and always seem so controlled. It's impossible please let Dork soothe u and help u t go thru this--u'r so special and u'r not alone and u know u can cpunt on any and all of us to help in any way--but long distance nfortunately and that makes it much more difficult not to feel real arms around u otherwise we would be there at anytime. And I know u and dork have a special closeness and u'r so lucky to have that, please unload it might help and cry too it's a good outlet. Do whatever u need to do to help u'rself---u deserve to. (((HUGS))) BIG TIME

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Becs the other night Joey and I were cuddling and now he's about 5' and I'm shrinking so he can sit up and put him arm around me and I can put my head on his shoulder and we talk and every so often he'll say I love u so much and go one to another subject and kisses my forehead. I used to do that to him. He makes me calm and happy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!   Well, it's gotten to that time of year where it's not light out when my alarm goes off.  Makes it really, really hard for me to drag my butt out of bed, so if I miss a few ayems don't anyone panic!  Just me being me! 

    ORLA--I didn't get a message, I'll PM my phone numbers to you, the cell phone number has changed a few times recently.  I've thought about getting 3D nipple tats, but then, who would see them besides my docs?  So, no point.  And I can always change my mind later, right? 

    Becs--woops, did I get funcuscated?  Not exactly unusual here in the Lounge, right?  I'm still waiting for biopsy results on the esophagus stuff, and I think it's wearing on my nerves more than I want to admit.  Either that or my depression is cranking up again, but it doesn't feel quite like that.  And I can sleep a lot too, and it's an escape, I know.  Ah, now I'm rambling.  Annie sounds so pretty in her tutu and jewelry!

    DorKable--you are such a rock!  How are YOU feeling?  Are you resting?  Taking your pills? 

    OK Have I missed something?  Why is Wahine crying? 

     Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Long Distance Hug

    1 oz Irish cream

    1 oz creme de cacao

    1 cup hot chocolate

    1/2 oz whipped cream


    Pour the irish cream into an Irish coffee cup or glass filled 3/4 with hot chocolate. Add creme de cacao. Add whipped cream and garnish with shaved chocolate on top.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Kathy....not sure what is going on for/with you...when catching up after 3 days, couldn't find a post....other than a deleted post......sorry for whatever it is....I know you have a lot on your plate.....sending you cyber hugs....

    Poor DorK got locked out of her house last night...the thread on fb was pretty funny after it was all over..thankfully a realtor friend saw her post on fb and came to the rescue...

    NM....I don't have tatts either....PS said they probably wouldn't take on the rads who cares!!! its not that often that I stand and admire my naked body in the mirror.....and husband doesn't care..... Ben is so sweet!!! remind me how old he is!!

    Lori...are you still in Michigan?

    It seems like a few gals are MIA!!!!

    I looked on my work email addy and couldn't believe how many emails in 2 days!!!  I don't work TH and Fridays, but generally check emails every day, but because of the holiday I didn't.  As soon as I saw all the email, decided that I would wait till tonight to read them!!!!  got to learn to have some balance.....I have a 7:15 meeting in the morning so want to check them before then!!!

    In a pissy mood and have been for a couple days...not good,but what can I do......seems like everything is annoying me!!! Can't seem to do anything right by mom.....and of course DH is madder than mad at me cuz of it....No need to go into details but this too shall pass......

    Its after 8 so going to finish reading the paper and get busy for the day....bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    NM I like that DOTD sounds uber yummy. And see what happens when u miss posting everyone is scrambling. But we won't panic as long as u told us that. And u'r right, it's so dark in the morning now then when it's cloudy it's worse.

    Kat and Dork have had tough weeks but thank God they are so close to help each other out.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Yes thanks NM

    Im missing something too

    Kat prayers we r here

    Can not much on tdy

    My back is still out

    I hate this

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara is it spasms or the whole back? U'd think it would be better -by now. Are u going to the Dr. about this? Mine is just my lower back, side and down the front--but the Drs. know about mine--so I'm sure u have to know about u'r. Or did I miss something.? Like usual

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, again, Loungettes! 

    ORLA--no fair for your back to be out.  No fair for you to be in pain.  Hmm, seems like I heard somewhere that life isn't fair.  That's not fair either! 

    Karen--I've got belly skin where my breasts used to be, so the tatt would take, but I don't see the point.  I still have the sensation of tight nipps when I get cold, it's odd to look down and not see the headlights, but I'm  not complaining!  I know it's phantom sensation, but it feels pretty real to me!

    OK. Looks like the rain is letting up, so I'm headed out to the Clinton Fair to see my friend's rabbits.  And all the other animals, and to get some doughboys, and see what other trouble I can find! 

    Later, Loungetttes!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    It spazzzes cam

    it lower left

    I'm on my hydros

    yesterday I took tramodol and hydro still was an excoriating pain

    Wed is my first class for school

    see pain doc

    and have that interview

    Im going to call pain doc tomm see if I can get in tomm

    I need a shot cortisol boom in the butt

    kk fearnet has strange movies on  tdy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara u know I know nothing but are u on any steroids of ny kind> Just wondering cuz of the spasms, they're crippling to me anyway. I'm sorry u have that.

    I didn't look at Fearnet today but yesterday stupid movies for me I'll be looking soon. I DVR the real crime shows to watch during the day too.

    Kat and Dork I hope u'r doing better today.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Omg lmao u thought they were coming to get u!

    Cam we do watch to much crazy tv

    When I walk and I go on this trail I think this is how it happens

    No steroids

    U do have bad back I know


    I'm watching fear er now some clown situation

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Vodka + Valium = Victory

    I just realized that last night that scary sister movie was on (I had it set to tape earlier) appropriate!

    NM, one thing good about the 3D nip tatts....before getting them, I looked more like "Barbie" with no nips, so for me it made me feel more whole and normal. I didn't realize what a difference it would make to just my own vision of myself. But if you don't miss that, then I wouldn't worry about them. And well you know, I really DIDN'T look like Barbie, but just the part with Barbie not having nipples!

    Thanks again to ALL of you, and to PM's with Becks, and to phone calls with Dora and all ROCK!

    Hoping Dora is having a better night, and hoping Lara that your pain will go away. Wish you lived closer to Earleen, as she does the nips free for bc pts. Of course, its nice to give her a donation, but thats cheaper than what Vinnie wants! I also heard if you went to NOLA, the New Orleans surgery place, that then insurance covers the 3D tatts with an arrangement they have with a good tattoo artist there. Without insurance, he told me it was $400 I think and that was 4-5 yrs ago.

    I am still sad, and it ruined the entire weekend, but am trying to deal with it all. Thank you all, again!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat we know u'r still sad and prayers to u and u'r family--I think u know that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara I have actually walked thru the house at night when I think I hear something and say HELLO now we've watched enough movies to know u just don't do that. hahaha Thank God it was just the cat trying to get in something. Oh but I did have a hammer in my hand, I sleep with it between the cushions and yet I have no strength in either arm. I have a big dog in the house and I'm a big target so I should actually hide. STOOOOPID me

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Cami, yes, thanks for all the prayers, they are SO appreciated. BTW, do you ever loan Joey out? I think I need some good Joey hugs and cuddles! HE sure is a godsend for you, and I am SO GLAD you have him!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Hello girls, gonna make this short. I'm in Phoenix waiting on my flight to Show Low. We leave Wednesday for my 5 year celebration and then the surprise leg of the trip that my husband has planned for me. I will most likely NOT be posting, so don't don't fret. And being gone that long, I doubt I will read through to catch up. So y'all will just have to let me know if anything important has happened.

    My husband says I have lots of tomatoes, so gonna try to can before leaving Wednesday. BTW, my mom LOVED the tomatoes I brought and ate 2 pints while I was there! So I was able to bring those jars back.

    Dofey sorry luv, but I too laffed at your dad locking you out, of course it was after you were already in that I saw it, but I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.

    Kathy, you and I already talked, so I won't address it here. Great big hugs for you and Dorky.

    But mese loves everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lori do u ever stay still? Well I'm glad u'r on u'r way and then u leave Wed. so we will not worry about u, but knowing u'r having a great time with a great surprise. YYYYAAAAYYYY

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Gosh girls, reading through this and jest feeling all the love from one person to another. It is a booteful ting. I have read every work you all said in slow motion. I think it is time for a lampshade party, who is hosting and when? Mese brain is in super slow motion while moving in 20 directions at a time. I seriously do not have the ability to express my many many thoughts. I want to tell EACH of you so much about what you have said but it is just not possible. NM, what would you call this? It is not chemo brain but it sure is bwoken. Had to poop in and tell you all that I love you. I am typing with mise eyes shut, no kidding. Typing not bad for a goil whose bwain is loaded with chemicals, hate it. De high is jest not fun. It is overwhelming. It takes me FOREVER to complete the smallest of tasks. I gotta play mese game for ten minutes, have not played in a few days, jest too much. Gonna be sleeping shortly. I pray to de Gods of Sleep that we all sleep weely weely well and all have a great week. ~BIG ASS SIGH~

    Love and cheerS to all. And peace, yes sirreeze bees! ♥ 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013're sounding pretty good!!! all considering... sorry that you are in so much pain

    Kathy....still not sure what happened but hope you are doing better are too funny are one busy gal....enjoy your 5 year celebration!!! it is a milestone to be proud of....can can't wait to hear all about your surpirse tirp when you get back!!!

    DorK....lampshade party....can do my house, but it will have to be late!!! and remember I'm 2 hours earlier than east coast

    Missing lots as I can't scroll back beyond this page or I'll loose my post much rain did you get....did you get to see your friends rabbits

    Tomorrow is back to the grind....seems like its been forever since I was at work, but I'm generally off on TH and Friday but with it being Rosh Hashana, it was different....Busy week a head....need to do some cooking....catch up on errands and household stuff...and told a friend I would help with a meal...she lost her beloved grandfather yesterday......

    Toasting all the lovlies with a glass of cabernet shyrah!!!!

    Sweet dreams!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Too pooped for lampshade par Tay tonight. Whachu doing tomorrow night Karen? What time you wan us? Us girls need girl time. We can paint our toes, or each udders (hard to get them close enuf), drink likker, eat chocolate and vitamin V, drink likker, barbq, eat likker, jump on beds, drink likker. Errybuddy has had a lot to think about, cry ober, dorty almost slept in da shed, Wahine has scary sister movie, stress and more stress, lara's back is out, NM just isn't her sailf, I'm sure my life sux somehow, what more can we handle? I'm glad you are going to get some boom chicky soon on your surprise part of trip Goldie. How are you Julie? Keep the sexys and funnys comin girl!!!

    Omg...found a cockatiel bird in the middle of the road. I think he was stunned cause it was warm on his footsies so he hopped on my niece's finger and we brought him home. He is very tame.

    I better go to bed. I'm tired. Annie is an early riser!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    It's a beautiful, warm spring morning and a couple are spending the day at the zoo. She's wearing a loose-fitting, spring dress, sleeveless with straps. He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

     As they walk through the ape exhibit, they pass in front of a very large hairy gorilla. Noticing the girl, the gorilla goes mad. He jumps up on the bars, and holding on with one hand, he grunts and pounds his chest with his free hand. He is obviously excited at the pretty lady in the wavy dress.

     The husband, noticing the excitement, thinks this is funny, and suggests that his wife teases the poor creature some more. He gets her to pucker her lips, wiggle her bottom at the ape, and play along. She does, and the Gorilla gets even more excited, making noises that would wake the dead.

     Then the husband suggests that she let one of her straps fall to show a little more skin. She does, and the Gorilla is about to tear the bars down.

     "Now try lifting your dress up your thighs and sort of fan it at him," he says. This drives the gorilla absolutely crazy and he starts doing flips. With that, the husband grabs his wife by the hair, rips open the door to the cage, slings her in with the gorilla and slams the cage door shut.

     "Now, tell HIM you have a headache."

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    OMG, my Dad is making me nuts. I got up to go to the bathroom at 2:30am or so and was having horrific pain. I saw my Dad's bedroom door open and he was not in bed. I look in all the beds and all the cracks and crevices, checked the yard as his car is here. I still could not find him. Finally found him in the bathroom sitting on the toilet in the dark with only a night light. It never occured to me to look there for him. All he kept saying was bullshit and he looked like a horrible drunk with his eyes rolling all over then his head was leaning on the wall and he would close his eyes. I thought he might freaking die on me. I am just so aggitated and tired and fn sore. I made him eat a donut, a mini hershey bar then three slices of sugar toast before he began to respond some.  I finally got him to test the blood sugar and it is flipping 49. He is making me nuts. I told him his mr. dick was going to fall of if he kept it up and he pulled his pants over and said it already did then laughs like a total drunk. I called my sister to ask if I should call 911 and she told me to keep pumping sugar into him. meanwhile, I am thinking that I will just send him to the hosptial and tell them to call me when he is ready. OMG, what next? I am ready to take myself to the univ of PA hospital as my belly stuff if totally horricif. It hurts so bad.  My  the naval is horrible, the hole is biggest and the grossest thing I have ever seen. And it is on MY FN BODY. Damn it to hell mofo SOB. I do not know what we are going to do with him. I can't keep doing this. I love him but geez, I am ready to drive him to the delaware riber, open my hatchback and drag him in hthe water. well I do not have a hatchback, thankfully for him. I am kidding but it is freaking 5:11 am and I have been with him for nearly three hours and he is slowing coming back to reality. I just can't cope with one bang after another. my DD told me to scream the ef word so here it goes.........................F     *    *    K!!!!!! ok then , all of my neighbors are awake now. pray for us please girls. I am really at my whits end!!I am going to bed and will address my medical issue when I wake de fluck up. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OMG Dork u gave him all that sugar and it was 49--Holychit of course u'r freakin out, anyone would even if they felt good. And we all know u'r not well. Dork maybe u just can't take care of u'r dad right now--can one of u'r sisters take him for a few days or something u guys can work out, at least til u heal. It's going to take longer for u to heal with all this happening--In order to take care of u'r dad u have to take care of u'rself first. i know how much u love hime but u have to know this is not healthy for u. Please see if u can work something out with everybody. I know since u'r home it seems logical for him to stay with u, but at this time it;s not logical it's detrmental to you and if u'r dad knew, I mean really understood all that's happening he would never have u go thru this. U know that.I'm sure someone will have an idea for you or something that will be beneficial for the both of u. xxooxxx

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Chilly ayem here, I guess summer is winding down. 

    ORLA--back spazzes sound awful!  Hope the pain doc can get you in soonliest!

    Juliet--Yeah! Now THAT is the way to take medication!!!!!

    Wahine--Nice arithmetic! I've read from several women that the nipps was the "finishing touch" that make them feel normal.  For me it's just another procedure that I would have to go through for no particular reason, it's just not important to me.  I may change my mind someday, and then I will deal with that then, but for now I am very happy looking normal in my clothes and not having a prosthesis to worry about!  We are all different, aren't we?  What happened?  Why are you sad?  What ruined your weekend? 

    Cammy--I get up and look for funny noises, too, but I don't say HELLO or anything.  I let Sadie bark and take care of that part! 

    Goldie--have a great trip! 

    DorKable--I call that mental overload with a chemical assist.  Or antibiotic brain,  or pain med brain.  Mostly, when I have that I just babble and the people around me either ignore me or laugh at me!   No go to sleep!

    Karen--I did get to see my friend's rabbits, and the rain stopped after the deluge first thing in the morning.  Wet and muddy, but fun! 

    Becs--What are you going to do with the cockatiel?  Are you going to keep him?  Annie must be having a ball with him!

    BBBBernie--LOL!!!!  That hubby is a DEAD man!

    DorKable--Oh, my!  You need to call your Dad's doc and tell him/her what has been happing with your Dad's blood sugars.  And next time, yes, call 911 and let them take him to the ER. When the ER calls for you to pick him up, tell them you can't drive 'cause you've just had major surgery and you can't take care of him safely and that he needs to go somewhere where he can get 24 hour care.  It hasn't been 6 weeks so you should NOT be driving!  And go to the hospital if you need to.  I know the belly button hole looks like crap right now, but it will heal up and look like a belly button again. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Hairy Navel

    3/4 oz vodka

    3/4 oz peach schnapps

    5 oz orange juice

    Stir all ingredients together in a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good morning NM and that DOTD sounds really good. And I'm glad u had some time to spend with us today, cuz I know how mornings can be. I hope u have a great day.

    BBBernie I forgot, I LOLed at that one.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    DorK....NM gave you excellent did Cami....Can you get home health or an aide to come in and help with your Dad?  You need to take care of yourself right now...not be a care giver!!!!  Do what you need to do to get well!!!

    Kathy....hope things are better....don't know what happened but worried about you...

    Time to get dressed......need to leave in an hour and want to get a walk in....have an early morning meeting at work...

    Party time after 9 at my house!!!  wine is on me...that is if you like dry red or sweet extra sweet stuff wine in the basement that I don't drink!!! so more than willing to share!!!

    Have a good Monday....And DorK.....gets some help....please!!!!