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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Dayem Becks....when do you see the ENT? And why the MRI of your foot? What did I miss hearing about? Hope you can wean off the many little balls are you down to now? (Now now girls, minds outta da guttah)! What a job, huh. Hope you get some good sleep tonight.....nighty night.....(((((Becks)))))

    Lori, are you able to get out with all the mud????

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Whose still with me....going to pour another glass of wine....haven't had one since dinner.....made two batches of cookies....snickerdoodles didn't flatten out like they should....DS said they were still one else (me included) is stomach has been bothering me the past couple nights so no snacking.....As cool as it is out tonight, I'm hotter than hot from the kitchen!!!

    Waiting for the news to come on....the prez spoke but didn't watch it....

    Brain is shutting down, so not going to try to remember what is going on with who!!!  Won't say that "S" word, but you know what I mean!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    sleep well ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Good one Juliet.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    BBBernie that is so so true. and Julie love the cat pic.

    And 9/11 I love seeing the flag go up, that brings tears for so many who have fought for this flag. And I did watch the President last nite but there is a gag order on me so I have no freedom of speech LOL

    This is my first good morning cuz I woke up to pee, then I sneezed and thought I blew all my organs out of my side hahaha so now I hurt--this pain is beatng me down emotionally, FYI this is my insanity plea, incase they're reading--but it's true.

    Remember that crazy lady that said she lost her fiance in the towers and went around to talk shows and met the Mayor, Gov. and just was so into it for about a yr. Then they realized somehow it was all a lie--that was so sad. I was at work that morning and the place was crowded and it was in the news in our license plate room and one of the guys came out yelling wht happened and no one believed him at first, and all of a sudden there was a big thing going on , we got a phone call from Downtown _our bosses- and told us to lock the dorrs and take care of who was in there and go home--That was the first time ever that we closed the facility. like I told u, there were fights there, criminals caught, gas leaks, blizzards never closed and everyone was freaking out, my DD1 worked downtown next to the Sears Bld and they closed too. It was a day from hell and my eyes never left the TV for the longest time. Remember I told u a few yrs before the boss from the DL side got caught selling ID's for at least 1,000 for people from that country and he did it for at least 2 yrs that they knew of that's why our place was all rigged with secret cameras and mikes, often wonder if any of those were any of these people that got around. The root of all evil is the love for money==he sure found the root.

    Oh I'm sure they'll be lots on TV so sad..

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem? 

    Karen--what time do you get up in the ayem?  I have all I can do to drag my butt out of bed in the mornings to get to work, let alone take a walk! 

    ORLA--Got the recipe, thanks!  Looks great!

    Wahine--I'm sorry you've got more stuff going on, praying it sorts out soonliest!  And I hope the new Vet is a good one. 

    Goldie--Good morning!

    Wahine--good reminder about lurkers, I tend to forget that they are out there.   A migraine on top of healing is just not fair!  Your poor DD1!

    Dora--I didn't know that insulin was available over the counter ANYWHERE in the US!  That is just crazy!  Sounds like the new doc has a better idea of how to handle someone like your Dad.  And blood sugar highs and lows can cause some interesting personality changes, that's for sure.    I'm glad you are feeling better.  Infection is not normal, but it is common.  And it's actually better to have the scabs come off and the pus draining out than staying in.  Sounds like the Aunty B's are kicking in, but you still need to REST.  Don't take any energy away from your immune system or your healing right now. 

    Karen--I hear you about things changing after an appointment!

    Good morning, Take 2!  It is now Wednesday ayem, and back on the big computer. 

    Juliet--good words for Bernie. 

    Wahine--Mrs. Vino went kayaking?!?!  I bet she had a blast!  Glad she is busy and happy.  I'll open a bottle of "spare" wine, maybe even a couple!

    Karen--Hooray for an unexpected night off!  What kind of cookies are you baking? 

    Wahine--that sounds like a LOT of mangos!  And mango margaritas sound yummy!!!!!

    Cammy--if they had a concern about you they should have come to YOU.  Not your kids. They are just using your kids to pressure you into stopping  Did you keep a copy of the letter?  Are there really all that many typos in it?  Or is all this on their say-so?  Make 'em prove their case!

    Becs--I'm with you on getting out of bet at 5:15 ayem!  Not THIS loungette, especially not to exercise!  Isn't it wonderful when the professionals aren't sure?  Like, what are we paying them for????



    Cammy--Sadly I think there was more than just that one lady who took advantage of attack in the aftermath.  It was so strange in the days after knowing that every plane I heard overhead was military.  A co-worker was on her way back from Israel and got stranded in Canada, wasn't allowed to cross the border for over a week.  Crazy days. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Mango Margarita

    1 1/4 ounces silver tequila

    1-ounce triple sec

    1 1/2 ounces freshly squeezed lemon juice

    2 ounces simple syrup or sweet-and-sour mix

    3/4 cup partially frozen mango, unsweetened (prefer individual quick frozen or fresh)


    Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a hurricane-style glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning NM I't still dark here too--Tht's one thing that's depressing and when it gets dark early ugh. It's supposed to start cooling down tonight with rain--It's been so hot still, it's miserable to go out, but by the end of the week at night it's supposed to be in the lower 40's at night,

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    NM...I've been getting up between 5:15 and 5:30 .....definitely not getting enough sleep...going to bed at midnight....DD is staying up late doing homework and I don't feel right going to bed before her....told that to DH and he goes thats the stupidest reason that he's ever heard....of course, DD isn't getting enough sleep!!!!

    Remember 911 and seeing the pictures of the lights to be the twin towers just brings tears to my eyes....I so remember that morning 12 years ago....,I was getting ready to leave for work and watching the Today Show seeing the plan crash into the Twin can you ever forget!!!

    Time to go get dressed....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Cami, I am actually a bit appalled that the government contacted your daughter and is accusing you of being crazy. Whatever happened to our constitutional right of “Freedom of Speech”? Now if they read what we wrote here, YES, we would prolly ALL be commited! Have Joey read your letters and help you with corrections. This really pisses me off. I wish that sneeze would have pushed the flying organda’s where they are suppose to be, instead of causing you more misery. Just hate the pain you are in.

    Bernie, would love to come out to your quaint little cottage, but I don’t want to R&R, I want to explore!

    NM, did you watch that video? Twerking is the way they grind their bottom. I had to get my tomatoes picked, as I had to can before leaving today. Couldn’t stand to let them go to waste. Got 5 quarts.

    Julie, funny how we look at some medical problems as a blessing, considering the alternative, isn’t it. Such as Lara’s ear. Which I hope you can get bixed Lara, and also I hope that IS part of your pain, cuz it’s an easy fix.

    Kathy, I don’t see how you could possibly have time to go kayaking, with all you have on your plate girl. Good luck at the doc appts. today. Hope it’s nothing serious. What did you end up doing with the mangos?

    Wine and cookies at Karen’s, yumm.

    Becks, you have me cracking up about the great and powerful Oz not being able to get you up and Cami HOEING her garden! I am up every morning by 5 am, and that is by choice. But I go to bed fairly early too. I don’t exercise tho, I plop my EWWA on my chair, grab my laptop and a drink, and head straight to the lounge! When do you start your new job? And whatever happed to the guy that wanted the reference from you? Did you give in? Oh shoot, you have to wait even longer now for the chocolate sprinkle? Yeah, when is that appt.?

    LOL Bernie, I was actually looking at my thumb!!!! LMAO!

    NM, great advice and knowledge for our Dora the Explorer. I hope she is reading and RESTING.

    Well, the guy that has been helping us out this summer, and when we are gone has been stealing from us! Darrell has spent the last 2 days changing locks on everything. I just can’t believe it. We have known him from when we moved out here and trusted him with anything of ours, he even had passwords for some of our website accounts. He is also a friend on FB, so please don’t mention anything there. Waiting to see how he handles this before I delete him. He buys product from us and sells it on Ebay. Well he has like 3 or 4 that he has sold and wants us to ship them. I guess he is out of the ones he stole! Didn’t rain much yesterday, so should be able to head out today. Like I said, I won’t be on much, if at all. I think we return on the 23rd. Will miss you girlz!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning Loungettes! (Whenever I write that, i can picture Robin Williams saying "Good Morning VietNam")

    Oh yeah, such a sad, sad, day. Those of us that didn't know anyone that died that day, still have vivid memories of watching it happen and crying for all of those souls that died, all the people going through such pain and loss, and also not knowing what was going to happen afterwards. Very scary times. We had a vacay planned to San Luis Obispo the next day, and of course no flights were going anywhere. My Dh worked in a very sensitive high clearance defense area, so after that, his entire bldg was extra-extra secure,with guards searching under cars when they could come back from lunch, etc. I still can't get over the fact that when I called him to tell him (before the 2nd one hit), that HE was the one to notify his boss. Then when I called that the Pentagon got hit, I think his boss thought he was pulling his leg. Didn't believe him till he saw it himself, then it was extreme lock-down. And I saw the 2nd bldg being hit, as it happened. I think I saw the first one right after it happened; I don't think anyone was filming it right when it got hit? Was a few seconds afterwards, I think??? I dunno. OH CAMI how awful that one of the bosses was selling phony ID's.....I don't remember you telling us that, but I am sure you did, just don't remember. WOW, that is so horrid.

    NM, Nice to hear from you this ayem!!! Well this morning I will find out what is causing this itchy, horridly itchy, place near my waistline (well, where my waistline USED to be! lol)....for about 3 wks its been driving me crazy, but really doesn't look like much, but will see the derm and find out. Was going to ask you, but there are so many things it could be, that I also thought it would clear up by now.

    Well  I didn't start on the mangoes last night. Will take a long time peeling and cutting them, then takes over 3 hrs in a low heat oven to dry them before even making the mixture to cook them with. HOPE it works out as you can't even buy them like this anymore, and it is soooo ono. I still have some pickled mangos my dad had made a long time ago, and they are still good, but the type I want to make is sweet, and preserved, not pickled. They prolly haven't made them for sale for over 30 yrs.  Doubt it will work out though, lol.

    Anyway, HOPING everyone has a great day today....Humpity Hump Dey....where is your Hump Guy Lori,  that you usually post for Cami? Guess Cami is too busy with her cock garden to J/K CamiLegal... OH and Cami, I hate it that you have such pain, and yet you are so funny about it. Don't know how you endure all of that, you are such a trooper.

    HUGS to all youse,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OH NOOOOOOOOOO Lori.....not AGAIN! Your luck with co-workers or employees is like our luck with contractors....just BAD. I hate that. At least your Taiwanese girl has been honest, I think....hope she is still with you. That is so awful, how he was stealing from you, yet you trusted him with so much. Scary, and makes you feel so violated. I am very very sad this has happened. Glad Darrell has changed the locks!!!!! Hope your trip is wonderful and you won't be worried about all of this. Have a blast, ok? Nice to drag out your birthday for days.....for! My mom used to do that...her anniv was on the 2nd and her bday on the 4th, so she would celebrate for at least a week straight, every day.  Love your pics of the wine and cookies, and esp the wine bottle cookies! (((((Lori))))). Enjoy your trip, and don't worry about nuttin'!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Looks like Stella found her own Hump Day Hunk!

    And Cami's boy...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    I will enjoy Kat, and yes I think we can trust Taiwanese gal, at least I hope so! After we get back from this trip, I think we are only home for a week and off again. This time will be with the quad and we are going to Moab Utah.

    I don't mention on FB that we are going away, too many people that I don't trust and you can not see my place, so it would be very easy for someone to come in and help themselves, and no one would ever know. They could even take their time with it!

    Hope they can fix that itch Kathy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    ROFLMAO Lori!!! That last one is soooooo funneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....(Guess he's trying to be sexy though)......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lori that last one is hysterical soooooooooooooo funny LMAO

    I can't believe someone u gave u'r trust to would or could do something so dishonest with u--OMG I would feel so sad in my heart that I gave him trust--Glad u'r DH changed locks and u still should announce on FB u'r going away for any length of time ever--u never know who's reading something, not even u'r griends just people who can maneuver a computer. Chit I don't go anywhere and I have trouble and drama, imagine if I left my house.

    Lori have a wonderful time nd enjoy each other--u 2 work so hard--relax.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    I hate to imagine what that last dick-head contractor we had (who is in jail now for trying to kill his family) would have done with our house if I had agreed to LEAVE the house key with him while we went on a cruise a yr ago. DH wanted to trust him, I'm SO GLAD I didn't trust him with the key. Wish we had never hired him though, he almost killed us with stress and threats, let alone ruining our house. Hope you have insurance to cover your losses Lori (although sometimes deductibles aren't worth the claim), or at least can claim the losses on your taxes. have fun dearie!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat wait, wait, I don't remember anyone u had working for u killing his family.  OMG that is the worse thing I ever heard. Holy Chit let him steal just so u didn't get hurt. He was crazy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Yeah, this was last August and almost put us both in the hospital from the stress. But we paid him (even more than he originally quoted) and were just thankful to be rid of him after all his threats, etc. A month ago his ex-wife called saying he is in jail and she wanted us to file charges too, for what he did to us. She was calling all his customers and found out he stole SS#'s, emptied bank accts, etc. She wants to make sure he stays in jail, well we all know he will prolly get out someday and go after those that kept him there. We just want to leave it alone...My Dh always says "Sh_t stinks when you stir it up".

    OOPS, gotta jump in de showah and go to de doctor.....BBL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    right way to go Wahine, leave the past behind.

    One for Cammi -

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    BBBernie hahahahaWink

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    good afternoon bernie and cammi

    kat hope your doc visit went  as well as mine, gi said symtoms related to low thyroid,follow up in month,but he does not like to do colonoscopys any more frequent than 3 years unless hving issues,so it was thank you very much.

    kat i agree wiht you, as this guy know where you live etc with a hx of violence.

    becks-hows your foot and choc sprinkle today?

    have a good day ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    here's a new employee for you lori. he won't be able to steal  too much

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL there might be some things we would want him to steal...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    just got home from PS office, all is well. PS had the nurse pack two areas with gauze and saline (thanks Beckers). It was very painful and I did not take meds since I drove there. It was exhausting but I am allowed. I jest took 20 ml of percocet and gonna crash out at de HTL swimming pool (who pooped in it bdw??)! Please don't wait me up until Pau Hana. 

    A tough day through and through. 9/11 is always very hard for me. I have friends of friend who have lost loved one. I remember clients who had to provide death certificates with the cause of death being stated as "terrorism".  It hurts as much as it did when it happened. I stayed away from the memorial services on TV as I anin't got time to be doing no crying, uh uh, no way Mac, no way Jack. I wish it was just another day and can't wait to get out of this one. Juliet, I love the pic you posted. I tink you posted in de middle of de night as I did not yet refresh, oops. Crud, just got confirmation call that cable company is en route. WAHHHHH, boooo hoooooo mese wanted to lay down. My Dad and sister should be here soonly. I hope dey can deal with it and sign for me. 

    I hope eberybody is well. Mese will bbl to read, wanted to jest give you goils an update and not keep ye waiting. I tank ye all for de love, it means so much that it makes me git tears on mese face. dammit, waiting for dese pain pills to kick in, feel like my body is burning in an inferno, yikes. dat made me tink of sumting else, well you know. Makes me wealize dat ALL is good in mese world and dat dis too SHALL and WILL pass. but OUCHIES!! Send me a tender or too, will ya??

    I have to call CIGNA about getting a nurse so have to cut this short but thought I would update you all. Yippee Skippie, I am gonna be a-ok! And I gonna take NM advise and REST my ailing body. Den dwink hehe!

    Peace girls, hell yeah.

    Let dere be peace on earf and let it begin with me....take it goils...... !!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Dork u'r still in so much pain, damn, this takes along time for u--it's u'r tummy that's worse than yese boobies right? Ooohhh hope u'r sister gets there soon or u'll sign anything. U need to rest.

    Julie wow he has no pockets to steal, hmmm there are other ways u know.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    SO GLAD you are going to be A-OK, Dorkaroni! Hate all the pain you are still having, but THANK GOD that you will heal and NOT lose your boobs this time. MY GAWD I think you have the record for number of surgeries to get this done! You poor dear, I hope things settle down for you and your dad, and you can REST and RECOVER like you are supposed to. Hey, I'll dwink to that! *kachink* "Here's to your health, Dora!" *kachink again*

    Hey that guy you posted Julie, well, he stole my virginity....yuppers he did, and thats my story and I am sticking to it!!!!

    Well, this dang itch on my tummy is just some reaction to sumtin, thankfully it was not something weird, but just a normal rash. Gotta get Dove soap, use detergents with no scents, etc....NAAAAAHHHHH I doubt I will do all that, but I will get the script he called in. JUst came in from working outside on the deck stairs.....trying to rejuvenate them. When I built them a few yrs ago I thought they would be "temporary" till we got someone else to redo them, but they have held up, so I better take care of them! LOL. Dang, its HOT outside!!!!

    Oops, gotta entertain that guy now.....toodles noodles....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh Oh the nightly news mentioned over 100 people in this country on "active surveillance as potential terrorists" from the government.....anyone we should worry about???? LOL. Well, if they are watching one of "us", it isn't for terrorist activities, dats for dang sure!