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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    oh chit, mese popped back too late. I caught mese Dad testing the cookies and ooops, he did not mean to eat dem all. 

    So Chef Karan (mese added variation to de spelling of yer name, me like it), I tink I know who gonna be hiding dose dere cookies in her room, yep. 

    Julia, you are a funny one, neber had leftober wine tehehehe. I hope you do git your energy back. 

    Kat, mese apologize to Molly, I know her name of course. Can I blame auto correct too? 

    Lara, hope you feeling better.

    NM, Cam et al, tanks for de great suggestions. Mese gots to finger some tings out. 

    well dis here sofa looks might en comfy. I jest gonna crash for a while. No stepping on mese, mese gotta purdy banged up body dese deys. and when I say purdy, I mean purdy ugly as hail. Mese berry cocnerned. Speaking of which, mese got de muncies, I hear cop porn popping in de kitchen. I gonna stick mese tongue in it and make funny faces. Den go back to the sofa like a good widdle goil. Good night goils, until ch chit, oops, cheeRs! 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    No baking....too tired....hopefully tomorrow night.....just managed to take the leftover chicken thighs and legs off the bones along with potatoes and green beans in a pie pan....cooked carrots and forgot about them so they ran out of water!!!  still put some in the pan....still needs a crust but wasn't up to making it!!! put it in the freezer covered with foil for another time....have another one in the freezer so maybe when my DD and SIL get her next week, will make them....Stomach is bothering tonight....finishing this glass of wine and then going to watch on he side lines....Kathy, I'll holler at you to taste test when I finally bake!!!

    for some reason getting up at 5:15 instead of 5:45 is a much more tired...don't think its the half hour, but that its dark!!!  but going to keep trying to get up then so I have enough time for to relax in the morning and get a walk, I didn't have enough time to fully relax as I had to leave at 6:50...Tuesdays and Wednesdays I don't have to leave till 7:30 so its not as bad...some Wednesdays 7:15 but thats still later than 6:50!!!!

    Thursday is my 6 month check up with onc....don't like going...feel like its a waste of time, but I'm a good girl and go...,onc is the only doc that I see anymore....I stopped going to BS and PS a few years ago as it seemed pointless as at the time I was still seeing onc every 3 months....even though I say its a waste of  time to see onc, I always worry before my appt.....its like I was fine before my mammo when I was Dx, and so its in the back of my mind, that may this visit will be the one that things will change again!!!!

    DD is still up doing homework, so as the party winds down, she will keep me company!!!!   Where is the partay tomorrow night!!! 

    Sweet dreams....

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Morning my beautiful Babes.

    Something for you to consider.

    I cared for my parents for 5 years, dad was bedridden, mum had the onset of forgetfullness).  The last year Dave was only home every 28 days, Sinead moved over on her 16th birthday in the May (with serious issues that had to be dealt with. 

    Anyway to cut a long story short - I thought I could do it all - end result - July, I ended up MIA for three days was found in a garden 50 miles from here.  Car had been abandoned and I had walked 30 miles.  Spent 3 weeks in high security mental facility then 2 weeks in mental rehab.  They only released me because my father was in hospital dying.  I got to see him once before he went into a coma and he died the next day.  I have no memories of his funeral and no memories as to what happened when I was missing.  I don't think I will ever get fully over this and the guilt of not being there when I was needed the most.

    The moral of this tale my friends, we cannot cope alone.  Do whatever it takes to get help and use it. I spoke to no one about the stress I was under, I just drank myself to sleep every night.

    Our mental health is vital. We need proper sleep, good food but the most important of all Peace of Mind.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Thank you Bernie for sharing that((( BERNIE ))))). I love you. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    bernie going to add wise to your bbbb tag

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Bernie thank u ( hugs) u r so right

    I've been there

    This is why I'm not sure if I'm ready for work

    The demons will resurface

    I just interview tomm

    My back yes is still out

    Nothing helps its the lower left know feels like a pain u get when u have the flu

    Kat u have birds

    Dork glad your ok

    Great news about your dad

    Now listen plexzzzz stop looking at it

    I was at the party but I was under the desk sticking my tongue out like Miley Cyrus

    You see I had a whole bottle of scotch and ate cookies

    Passed out

    My lampshade I used as my pillow

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013


    Orange....sure wish you could get some relief for your back...

    I have the clarify....the "leftover wine" is not really leftover...its bottles of wine that people gave us...but they are UNOPENED!!!  so really not leftover but to be regifted!!!  so the partay is here again tonight til everyone helps themselves to one of the bottles....okay, Orange...more scotch and cookies for you, but you still have to take a bottle!!!

    Another day, another dollar...time to get moving!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    they just called my ultrasound  results ,simple cyst on ovary, slightly enlarged uterus but no evidence of frbLaughing 

    now want a short and sweet onc visit for karen

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2013

    Yay for a day without crying Kathy. You are going through too much stress girl. Glad to hear your daughter is doing a little better. It’s times like these that we want time to fly!

    LMAO at your garden Cami, you sure have a green thumb!!!!

    Julie, praying for good results on the MRI. Remind me of where it was. I believe I read that you have lots of tests and doctor appts. this week? What is “simple cist”, will they have to remove it?

    LOL on lots of puss and things being pussy. I wondered the same thing DorK, maybe pussie? Glad you are feeling better and getting better help for your daddy. Funny, him wanting a big boobed 30 year old.

    LOL @ Karen for trying to push all of your wine that you don’t like on us. Very smart moove. Good luck with your onc visit, let us know how it goes. After my next one (in Dec) I go on yearly check ups. Thanks for the bottle of wine, do you have any white?

    Becks, sounds like you had a great weekend wif Annie, and I’m sure you are her favorite! I looked at the “how to pronounce coke”. Good grief!

    Wow Bernie, what a story and the courage to share it. Please don’t blame yourself, you were in place that you did not choose to go to. You needed help too. (((((BBBB)))))

    Lara, I hope your back is at least feeling a little bit better and good luck on the interview.

    Glad to be able to poop in for a bit. Here are a couple of videos from FB. The first on is of a 21 month old singing to Elvis. It’s a little long, but so very cute. The second one is funny, but also rather scary, as a lot more could have happened.

    Well, today is the 3rd day in a row that it is raining. We are suppose to leave tomorrow for Tulsa, but not sure we can get out. I might have to miss the celebration at CTCA L But we will still leave for the rest of whatever my DH has planned, just leave a few days later. It’s just way to muddy to try and get out of here. Was out picking tomatoes in the rain yesterday, gonna try and get them canned today.

    Ha ha, guess we’re having wine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OMG I missed a PARTAY last nite--My garden keeps me busy ya know.

    BBBernie sharing that means alot and I hope everyone pays attention, sometimes we think we can do everything, but we have to face just the priorities and need help with others.

    Karen give everybody any wine, they drink anything.

    Julie good news, don't cysts sometimes burst and then just go away or do u have to have it out?

    Oh pussy, pussie---u say tamato, I say tomato, it's interchangeable as I see it---Oops I don't want to see it.

    I was actually sleeping good last nite--LARA, u'll appreciate this--my back was to my door while I was sleeping but I immediately woke up hearing a slow creaking door and I thought I'm ready getting my hammer in my hand---It was Joey trying NOT to scare me--he had a bad dream and he slept with me so I was mostly awake for a couple of hrs. But u know he's worth it to me. Today is picture day--I swear he's worse than a girl, he tried on tops last nite and changed twice this morning--they're T-shirts for heaven sakes, but he wanted to wear something that doesn't wrinkle easily. To much me  ooohhh I get in troouuuble here.

    Dork I remember exactly about my DD1 when her level were like 30 during the night she'd call me scared to death--it seemed to happen during the night before she got all her insulin in place. I was so scared and I'd go there and give her something and it would settle down, and I would tell her??? that's why she woke up her body needed sugar we lways did the OJ thing and that worked fastest for her, candy took longer and she talked all over the place--now it's pretty much under control but the difference is she's younger and basically her mind is younger so now she knows what to do. Where as u'r dad isn't used to this in his state of mind.

    Kat u sound pretty good, I'm hoping u'r sdness is lifting so u can be more u'rself so you can handle things that u have to handle. It is all so difficult for you.

    My DDs both have separate diseases --both from their father---and I remember my mom saying oh so long ago remember u'r not just marrying a man, u'r marrying his family and his history. Like at that age u'r going to think about this. Well too much about my kids everyone knows all this, but I know how it is to worry so deeply about u'r kids and what it does to you.

    It is so hot here like almost 100 with humidity, this is so not right.I have a feeling it's going to stay warmish and then be 25 with wind chills ??? and snow. Fall will be cancelled this year. (I hope not)

    I hope everyone has a pleasant day with less pain and more happiness and energy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh Bernie, you WERE there so much that you gave up your own health to take care of everyone. The fact that you were "not there" at the end was no fault of yours, like the other girls said, you gave up EVERYTHING. And OMG thank GOD they found you and you were able to get help. I feel so badly all this happened to you, and you did not reach out to someone, that might have been able to be of some help. I know a little of that feeling, as when I was so down and was prolly starting to have a breakdown, I didn't want to talk to anyone, but when Dora called, she was a LIFESAVER and helped me tremendously. PLEASE try not to feel guilt over this, you did so much MORE than most people would have done, you nearly gave your own life to be of so much help to everyone else. Your body can only do so much, and you did for everyone else till your own body fell apart. It is horrible what stress can do to our body, mind, spirit. (((((Bernie))))). Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Oh Julie, a "simple cyst" sounds a lot better than what it could have been. THANK GOD no evidence of the RB!!!!!

    Karen, OH I thought you had a lot of half gone bottles of wine too! LOL. We have a lot to go through too, my DH was on a wine kick for years, so bought a lot, then he was on a Patron kick, and bought a lot, now he is on a craft beer kick. *sigh*. I am determined to go thru the wine and the sake at least.....just open a bottle and if I like it drink it, and if not, well down the drain it goes. Some are prolly waaaaay past their prime!

    Lara, I really hate what you are going through. (((Lara))). Really sucks. No, I don't have birds anymore....used to hand raise cockatiels when we had a small wooded farm on the mountain, with my late DH. With the horses, etc., we couldn't really travel unless we had someone come over to take care of things, so we basically didn't go many places. It takes a lot of time to hand raise babies esp, as you have to feed several times a day and make up the formula, etc. They were adorable. We had kept 5 adults at one time (just 2 were the ones we would let breed,the others were their offspring,so we had a lot of large cages). Then we got a blue front Amazon parrot, he talked, and was fun, but would also bite! Lots of mess though. I love birds, but haven't had any now for a few years.

    Lori, sheesh that mud must be awful. Sure hope you are able to get out!!! Would hate for you to miss that 5 yr celebration. But at least you might be able to enjoy the other part of that trip??? Hope so!

    Dora, How are you doing today??? And hope your dad is much better, and doing what he is supposed to do!!!

    Cyn, miss you girlfriend, come back to the HTL....we will dwown our sorrows together....whatever they may be....I hope things are working out with all your "boarders" and that they are doing their part.

    Hi to EVERYONE!!!!!

    OK, need to have my cuppa joe and see what today will bring....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OOPSIES didn't mean to bump into ya, Cami Legal! Hey wait a minute, I accidentally bumped ya, and then Pants caught you and sheesh girlfriend your smile is HUGE!!! lol....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Camm u crack me up

    get the hammer

    get the pain pills

    drinking the left over wine

    today finally getting my hair done had to cancel last apt

    Thank goodness for it being just a cyst Juliet

    thats on my next to do list

    well ill tell u this one time i was not walking straight fainting in the car and I have major anxiety it was a mes

    so I had cat scam MS check everything happens I have a ear disorder end if it fills up they have to move around the calicium deposit so im not off balence but it sure scaRED ME

    I like birds the birds the scary movie lmao

    crows stay away from bad luck

    k ill b in the perco fountain

    with my scotch left over wine and cookies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    News Flash---U know how I write to the governor and state people.--well my oldest DD got a messge from them that they are concerned about me and my mental state, well I did quesrion why some higher ups got away with things so Leslie told me not to write anyone cuz they are checking me out--they seem to think I should be in a looney bin---right now I'm filled with anxiety and I can't understand why when I'm fighting for a right they're going to announce I am crazy. I am not allowed to write to any officials anymore. OMG and this is public---which I never thought of to prove my insanity. OOOHHHH mese ohhhhhmice. Since I'm in the pain I'm in I'll just take my pain meds and not think of this anymore.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    OMG Cami....did you tell them you are a legal dr, as in Dr. Cami Legal???? That is scary chit! But you know I think we ALL were so proud of you for standing up for what you believe in, and for taking all that time to write to the higher-ups. But yeah, if your DD says they are worried about you, I wouldn't write anymore either. Just vent to us, ok? AND you know we will vouch for your sanity, for what its worth. If they read this thread though, they will think we are ALL crazy!!!! Awwww sweetie, hope your pain meds will work.....just watch those scary movies...on 2nd thought maybe some FUNNY movies would be better???? LOL, just kidding. Ya know WE love you!!!!! Bunches and bunches!!!!

    Lara, wow, I didn't know the ear unbalance would do all that. When I get real dizzy I go to my ENT and they do that positioning thing to get the "crystals" (also called "ear rocks"...but I think thats funny, like getting your rocks off!) in the right places. I have been a bit dizzy for a few days, but hoping it won't get worse. Geez, be careful, ok! I see you hogging that perco fountain though, but thats ok!!!! I am sending a Tender over to care for you, ok???

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Thank you all for your kind words.  Good old Catholic guilt and fear, hey Cammi.

    My concern now is for all of you that are going through difficult times.  You need to look after yourselves first.

    Cammi write to me if you need to rant.

    Where is Cyn, I hope she is is not buried under all the housemates.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Forgot to say, you are all welcome for R&R at the home of Bernie the Bewildered

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    I'm booking my trip right now to see you...... *i wish*!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Bernie what a wonderful trip that would be,especially if all of us could go. Wow Oh and please no one here vouch for me--especially if they've read about HTL and all the things we think we do. LOL Oh especially if they looked for Stella.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good evening, Loungette!  Looks like I started a post this ayem and didn't git it done or didn't git it posted.  I'll no doubt find it on the big computer tomorrow and finish it up.  For now I'm using the work laptop, too tired to get up to the big computer! 

    BBBBernie--Oh my Lord, how frightening!  I am so glad you were found safe, and are with us now.  Not remembering is a very uncomfortable feeling.  We definately cannot cope alone, and NEED to admit that when necessary. 

    ORLA--a lampshade pillow?  Sound like fun!  The demons do tend to resurface at the oddest times, and are very annoying when they do. 

    Karen--Aha, I was wondering what left over wine was! 


    Goldie--Good Lord what was that girl trying to do?  What is Twerking anyway?  Picking tomatoes in the rain, huh?  Sounds like fun! 

    Cammy--the weather guy is saying it's going to get hot and humid tomorrow, "feel like 90 degrees" he says.  Yuck.  You do have AC, right?  I've got one in the bedroom, so at least I'll be able to sleep! 

    Wahine--birds, horses, wow, you had a regular ranch!

    Cammy--calling someone crazy is a favorite tactic of government people when someone is trying to make them toe the line!  Don't let them intimidate you.  All politicians think anyone who doesn't agree with them are crazy.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    cammi, i'm with nm, its a trick because they know your on to them, .  so no hopping in the ufo with the tenders to vouch for your sanity,ok, but they might give us adjacent rooms at the facility and then we can party. on second thoughts would rather have a party at bernies

    lori-hope you make your trip and have a wonderful time

    orlando lara,how sad is it ,when an ear problem is a good thing~     hope your back is better today,if your ear is getting you off balence might be contributing to your pain as your standing and walking  would be off your norm.good luck for tomorrow

    kat-  your in my prayers

    bernie-you showed your strength and courage  when you had to find ben a new home ,and don't forget you got back up and continued the fight. your an amazing woman bbbb,do we have to had another b for the bewildered part. 

    no they leave the cyst alone,unless it causes problems,  of course gyn might say something different but don't see him until next monthLaughing.ok time to find karens spare wine 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL Julie, I like it better, how you called it Karen's "spare wine" rather than her "leftover wine"! MIght be something we each would like.

    Oh yes, another "b" added to Bernie's name. Wasn't there a movie yrs ago called "Breakfast at Bernie's"? I think we should just all show up on her doorstep one day....

    Well our dear Mrs. Vino (Allison) got to go kayaking today....wish she had time to stop in at the HTL, but those of you who know her, know how very busy she is. Glad she got to do that! I want to take ours out so badly as we haven't even had them out this year, but there is SO much to do. I took my parents on errands today and everyone found what they wanted. Then had Happy Hour there with them, and all was well. Tomorrow both my Dh and I get to go to the dr (diff ones), then on Thurs, we take my dad to the dr.

    Who else wants to start opening Karen's "spare" wine??? Lots of wine openers to pass around....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Rain and more rain this afternoon, couldn't be happier...loving the rain and the cooler weather....finally out of the 90's!!!

    Unexpected surprise of no chaufeering going to go bake cookies.....time to partay!!!  everyone is invited to my kitchen starting in about 10 and more wine and whatever else your heart desires!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    karen is cooking,yee haw. pass that wine

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Anyone want to peel and slice mangos? I bought a LOT of green ones, to try to make preserved of the treats I grew up with in HI. Its a long process and I have never done it, so might start on it tonight. Since I don't do canning, I may see if they will keep in the fridge. But we got TWENTY mangos! Hmmmmm....maybe we can have some mango margaritas with the riper go along with Karen's wine, and Karen's cookies.....

    Hope everyone is having a good night! Cheers Dears!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat--hahaha Breakfast at Tiffanys and Weekend at Bernies'--I think that how it goes.

    Karen I don't thik u have enought extra wine for me tonight--so bring on the good stuff.

    Julie they said I'd better stop.. maybe we got the phone conversation wrong. They also said my typing so so bad I don't make sense so it must be mental--my typig has been horibe for all my life what's with that? But my kids are actually upset with me, cuz I don't back down when I should, this time it got my dgt involved and I thought how did they get her haha they can get anyone.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Omg Bernie, thank you for sharing that. I often wonder just how much one can take. I don't want to find out. I think a lot of us have had some stressors and this is a good reminder that we may not always be able to wonder woman our way thru things. (big hug)

    Orlando Lara, I worry about you too my friend. Just take one step at a time and remember you can decline a job offer if it is not the right time.

    Chef Karon, it would take an act of The Great and Powerful Oz to get my behind out of bed at 5:15 ayem. Jest not any where remotely close to being in my nature.....ever....never...

    Cami, are you out hoeing your garden? Lol on the Feds having their eye on you! They work for YOU!!! keep em guessing! You prolly on the no fly list goil!

    Julie, congrats on the good report from gyno....woot woot!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Oh wow.... I jus got Funcused! I was on page 1213 and wrote my post so I could scroll up becuz if I go to next page and go back I lose my post so I hit submit and went to last page and my chit was right der dati just posted and I was was like oh chit for a minute but den figured it out. Woah. Imma get likker.....brb

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    ROFLMAO at MYSELF!!! Oh Cami, thank you....I thought it sounded wrong, but couldn't figure out why! You are sooo right, its "Weekend at Bernie's". Even better, now we can show up in the Emerald Isle for the entire weekend at our dear BBBernie's!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Went to the oncomologist today. He never seems sure. Maybe imma difficult case. Anyways... ENT for chocolate sprinkle, MRI of foot and ortho, stop Tami and I have 6 weeks to get off the rest of Effexor so we can try AI and Zoloft.

    I'm tired out. Better chower and get some sleep. Been super sleepy past few days. Like...just lay down right here and go to sleep sleepy.

    Night all!!!!!!!!$